Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Feb 1966, p. 17

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18--Male Help Wanted 20--Real Estate for Sale '20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Reol Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, February 28, 1966 17 HERE'S YOUR KEY TO A a hm Abt Bia INCOME = MAIL TODAY THE W. T. RAWLEIGH OLD. Dept. B-310-HY, . 4005 pisheeu, Montreal, Gentlemen: | om interested in the world fomous Rowleigh Line on a ( _) part-time basis {Silene Gaels ( ) Please send me FREE Cook Book and cotalog with full details. NAME -- Guy ks ; PROV. FULL TIME CAREER POSITION OPEN If you are considering making @ move to improve your in- come don't miss discussing this. To arronge o time for @ personal confidential inter- view phone Jack Coughtrey (Ontorio Automobile Asso- ciation), GENOSHA HOTEL TUES., MARCH 1st 10 a.m. to Noon or 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. URGENT! URGENT!| 3 young men, 17-19 for cir- | culation training programme. No experience necessary, ap plicants must be neat, ag gressive, free to travel and able to start immediately. This is on exceptional op portunity. Guoranteed $220 monthly with advancement For interview Mr. Wilson, Tues, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. only GENOSHA HOTEL 19--Male and Female Help Wanted - PART TIME HELP MALE OR FEMALE EVENINGS ~~ SATURDAYS Large Metropolitian "News paper requires men or. women to assist carriers in increas- ing their routes, Basic guaran- tee plus commission. Car helpful but not essential. In- terested parties coll 728 5117 TAXI DRIVERS Part or Full Time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAX! 725-4771 TIME FOR A CHANGE? Was last year really a successful year? Does your pres ent job offer you all the opportunity you want? Adequate income? Advancement potential? If your answer is no, write Box 13198, Oshawa Times. | SALESMEN and Married oF] single, Earn up to $150 weekly. Show- ng our top quality desk and door name- plates. Age no barrier. Must have nest appearance. Apply in writing to Master! Name Plate Limited P.O, Box 126 Osh-| awa. / EXPERIENCED shirt pressers, pressers| and counter girls. One Hour Martinizing, 96 Harwood South, Ajax 942-2212. ee | 20--Real Estate for Sale | Metca REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E, AT THE GATES OF BEAU VALLEY 1% yeors old, brick bunga low with garage and paved drive, newly decorated, beau tiful kitchen, patio 'doors off dining room -- it's nice, MUST BE SOLD 1% storey home in good con dition, 3 bedrooms, handy location,. Asking $11,900 with $2:000. down INCOME 1 tri plex; 1 yeor old, elec- tric heated, contains 3, 2- bedroom apartments, all ten- nated, good income SIMCOE COMMERCIAL Good location for smal! bus iness, must be sold LEASE ONLY * Factory or Warehouse. Centra! downtown location, 3,300 sq ft. Heated. Immediate posses- ion, CELINA ST These 2 porperties could tie in together, making a very at tractive location os they are adjoining properties. Front on Simcoe St. also Celina $ LOT FOR 14 SUITES of apartments, in Whitby, tc be sold ot a yery reasonable price. Are you interested? If so call now and make on ap- pointment to see IF YOU HAVE © horne for sale,! would ap- appreciate hearing from you as our listing are seling fast | am in need of a nice 2 bedroom brick bungalow north of King St., Cadillac, Centro! Park area. What hove you? | have a client with all eash OPEN EVENINGS TILL Dial 728-4678 NINE Jack Osborne 728-5836 Bob Johnston 725-9365 728-1554 725-9191 Gord Hawkshaw 723-1861 Ken Honn 723-7963 MEMBER O.D:R.E.B We list exclusive ond M.L5 NORTH AJAX LOCATION} Immediate possession could be hod for this. attractive 2 bedroom bungalow situated on © lovely corner lot. The full price is only $8,500 $2 000 would hondle the down poyment. Full carrying charges only $90 monthly Terry Skeicher, 942- Griffin Real Estate Limited ' huntine Let's go hnouse--hur with GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd, 155 Simcoe St. S., Members ODREB SUMMER COTTAGE Sina _into 'spring by purchas- winterized ing ne = cottage at Boncro t. The price is right only $3500 with $1000 down. 200' of water frontage. Call 723-4645. $1150 FULL DOWN Climb no more my lady! This lovely bungalow puts every- thing on one level. A better centre hall plan offers o large attractive and covered side verandah, A convenient. closet at this side entrance helps keep your front entrance com- pany clean and tidy, There are six rooms, Let us show you this home. Call 723- 4645, $1500 DOWN Could provide you with the key to a lifetime of hap- piness and low maintenance. 2 Bedroom bungalow situated neor G.M. on a nice lot 60 x 120', New furnace, Oil heat- ing. Call 723-4645. $2500 DOWN Are you a sidewalk Apprai- ser? Like to drive by? See if the outside appeals to you? Thot's: not fair to this lovely Oshawa home, 5 clean rooms, broadloom. Driveway. Priced ot $12,500. Call 723-4645 NEIGHBOURS TALKING? They hope some nice family will gét the best buy on the Sleeping beauty on the é, but o real fairytale inside. 3 Bedrooms, large liv- ing room with dining area, extra large kitchen, recrea- tion room for the fomily and a work shop for father. Fully treed and hedged in lot, with paved drive. Petted-and pam- pered by particular owners Only $16,900. Coll 723- 4645 LARGE LOT? Father knows best and he { be pleased with this 3 om home on a large lot x 95' 8'. In addition is a 2 storey barn. The price $14,500, The down pay- ment is open. What con you monage? Call. 723-4645. REALTOR OSHAWA N.W. | Executive area home. Real value with all the extras. 3 years old and in immaculete condition. Large split level design. 2 washrooms, finish- ed rec. room. Looking for something special, call on this one. OSHAWA NORTH One block off Rosslond Road West. Exceptional 2 storey old brick home. New kit- Older home atmosphere restored by the owners bringing back the na- tural chestnut wood grain on trim. Finished rec. room Want comfort? give us a call, CALL ANYTIME 725-1109 ¢ nstalled THE BEST ALWAYS BY SIZE MEASURED BUT BY QUALITY FER YOUR PROPERTY THROUGH ISHAWA'S SMALL OFFICE" 4 ET AEE TBE NICE, fae raur WistOw "L1G. REALTOR 728-9474 Trade Building STREET EAST Financie! 187 KING LARGE SELECTION New Homes down payments PHONE ne 725-3557 J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker PICKERING AREA Compact 2-bedroom bungalow with lovely stone front, Paved Large lot is hicely e owner is very : nepect ond moke on offer. For appe Dorothy Corlies Griffin Real acai Limited we $1,000 DOWN Builders Trade-in 3 to choose from Practico new, 3 bedroom bungalows, in well dev eloped area. close to drive and garage 76' x 160 londacopen Tk which onxiow ntment gall 942-3310 ools rigoge ke rent | | F cau ee Wess | ( GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 VALUABLE PROPERTY 1 @ ond going business on No 2 Highway at Welcome. Ap- proximately. fifteen acres of land with 844 foot frontage and corrugated metal building with 16 foot ceiling on. property. Also two offices and stock room. Ideal for farm iriplement dea! ership or construction business e HOME SITE li @ We have acquired an ex- cellent: building lot on North) Street in Brooklin, amongst] several prestige homes. This lot | will sell quickly so call us now. e WHITBY lll @ Reasonable down pay ment required, Five room brick bungalow with attached garage in quiet residential area. Attrac tive kitchen with built in clock, fan. Valance boxes in the main living areas add to the decor of the rooms. Large bay win dow in the comfortable living room makes this one of the most attractive homes listed. Future recreation facilities in the full dry ment, Call now for full ticulars we have e FARM LAND IV @ Eastern outskirts tonville on N | Approximately 120 good workable land for farm crop or morket garden ing. Reasonably priced for im- mediate sale f New Highway acres of APARTMENT BUILDING V @ We hove a five plex apart ment building for sale, close t South General Motors plont Five stoves and fridges included of $45,-| in the purchase price 500. Reasonable down payment required SUB-DIVIDER'S SPECIAL interested in| situated Perry | Lake! This|~ property has on existing house, | Dougah Vi @ Are you purchasing 200 acres, mid-way between Port ond Oshowa, overlooking Seugog and Loke Ontario barn and driving shed. Ten per ¢ent down and ten per cent per nnum at a reasonable interest rote. For further informatio call GUIDE REALTY LIMITED ¢ SIMCOE STREET PROPERTY Vil @ Are you interested in approximately 1% acres, ideally situated for opartment suites Close to shopping, bus and schools. e HOLLYWOOD KITCHEN Vill @ We have listed a home in one of the prestige areas of Oshowe. Three good sized bed-| rooms, exhaust fon in the holly- wood kitchen, T.V. tower with] rotor and controls to perfection. A modest down poyment with an end price of $16,800. Only those should call to-dey for an ap pointment to inspect ° GO MODERN WITH ELECTRIC HEAT IX @ This lovely three bedroom brick bungalow in the East end of the city will give pleasant hours of good living that is laid out just a little dif ferently C.M.H.C you many er. Call to irispect ot your cor venience e RURAL LIVING AT BEST X @ Have you or wil retiring in the near ITS something t spare time? We } for sole with appr acre of ground: s theo. 2 bi who likes gard: the answer to 4r dreorr your inspection and appr call GUIDE REALTY LIMITE now S CLOSE TO GENERAL MOTORS NORTH PLAN X!1 @ You can ers pay for two store hove your on Colborne gc je w v come nilities diffic match. Coll us for an appoint ment e Call 723-5281 Open daily from 9 on 9 p.m After hours call Jack Graham El, Ann Thompson Doug Trivett Wolter Ed th Gifford Roy Flintoff Leon Manitius Evelyn Casse Len Bissell lta rtoluss Mittler Eleanor deJong 9 Ernest. Mueller Steve Englert Jean Peacock Nymeyer George Lloyd Corso Lucas Peace rs ck ¥ M.L.S, Member of O | GUIDE REALTY | LIMITED REALTORS HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 323 King St. West 728-6286 GLIDDON AVENUE This is a new bungalow with a sunken living room, The bathroom has a vanity, col- ored fixtures and ceramic tile. This house is still under Winter Works affd is a real buy. Call for an appointment to see today. Directions: North to Annapolis then west to Waverly. OPEN DAILY Monday thru' Thursday 2 p.m. till 5 p.m. BRAEMOR GARDENS Stevenson Telephone 723-8981 Road Excellent] Landscaped nterested | approved loan at 614% to the right buy-} BRAND NEW bungalow with electric heat. Has a nice large Hollywood kitchen, built-in stove and oven for your con- venience, a carport and many extras, Call to see this one today TOWNLINE ROAD This split level has electric hest, broadioom in_ living room with corlon in the kit- chen and foyer. This home is in immaculate condition and the grounds are professionally lane ned; Make an ap- poir nt to see this one today 3 be droom other OPEN 9A.M. -- 9 P.M, After Hours Call: Munro Smith 723-3533 Dick Bariage 725-6243 Jack Sheriff 723-3775 Glen MacKinnon 728-6750 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Les Hall 728-5513 Frank Smith 723-3533 Bob Stevenson 728-1903 ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED "ACTION OFFICE"'| APARTMENT BUILDING Imost new , close to downtown . . . selected ten- ants, Vendor will take a low down payment. Let the rent- als pay for this prime. prop- erty and assure your future. e suites. Call us at 728- 57 for more information, SHOPPING AREA Only a few months old but all those little things done that A love- bungalow. kitchen, decorated, stove wired for dry- $19,750. Call take time and money ly red clay brick , door chimes, hood fan, er g 792.5157 "HARMONY VILLA" 90. Winter Works Bonus $16,800. to $17,400. for these except! onally fine three bedroom bungalows. Quiet, afe streets. All schools close, sus service. Still available at % financing. Low down ay we tell you us at. 728-5157, ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe St. § 728-5157 re? Call EXCELLENT Whitby Location ous square plan, 2 storey arge living room, sep- dining room, will com~ dir ring suite, Three averaged pce. bath handle. The should see - hall eo) ntment. 942-3310 GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd VISIT Sais "gardens Stevenson Rd. N Annopolis Oshawa's Most Convenient Community WHITBY EAST hree bedroom bungalow only $1,500 down, Full price $13, 5 6% $8,400 for $92 Rus for this monthly in Mez Tele 759-5627. Murray Warsh Realty Ltd. phone Toronto Vo eee HOWE REALTOR 515 Brock St. South WHITBY 668-5853 NORTH WEST WHITBY Close to schools, this lorge split level home features pay- ed arivewoy, gorage, carport, excellent condition, large landscaped lot, 2 bright kit- chens, 2 complete bathrooms, notural fireplace, ideal home for you if your mother or sister is living with you or os a single family four bedroom split level. This home has too many extras to mention so for further information and an appointment to inspect coll and ask for Pauline Hobbs, 728-5886, 668-5853 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES) 5 Plex brick apartment build- ing 2% years old. All two bedroom suites, balconies, stoves arid refrigerators, gas hot water heating | suites leased, annua! income $7, 200. For and to arrange for appoint ments call Audrey. Moore 668-4088 or 668-5853 further information electrically heated building, 1 year refrigerators, ter- 6 Plex apartment old, stoves razo halls, 5 twe suites, i one bedroom suite, all leased, located in Whitby, owner will con- sider any reasonable offer. Call Audrey Moore 668- 4088 or 668-5853 for furth er information bedroom centrally FIRST TIME LISTED Lovely three bedroom Colon- jal Bungalow, attached gar- age, paved drive, broadioom, panelled entrance hall, van- ty bathroom, fully decorated, landscaped, well located to schools and shopping. For further information and to arrange appointment call Aud- rey Moore, 668-4088 or 668-5853, EVENINGS Audrey Moore 668-4088 Pauline Hobbs 728-5886 Beartice McFarlane 668-5125 Barbara Brockman 725-7968 CALL Just for You!! Designed for you!! Armstrong Homes Were built with "You" in mind. Drive out to Southwood Park Ajax VYa% NHA Mortgages Down payments from $1,495. We are ot your GRIFFIN Real Estote Ltd, 942-3310 f busy 723 service 4645 WHITBY 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW ONLY $2.500 Down Situated on well lot. Convenient and schools. 4 piece style kitchen with of cupboards for $90 per month »ffers caped Carries pen to List Price . $12,500 more particulars call TIM VIPOND or BILL LUNDMARK 668-6201 ~| J. B. McMULLAN REALTOR AFTER FOURTEEN YEARS We've learned people like to ar sole of their scninite ess "Qshawa's Small . Offic Maybe it's the quiet woy we without o lot of After all ordinary people trained to do one job well sell pror ne thing nge for the work trumpets we're just blowing erty ot a fair price Paul Ristow Ltd. REALTOR 8-9474 Financial Trace Building 187 KING STREET EAST SCHO we | Winter Works Bonus. LIMITED 723-2265 Over A Quarter Century of Service OPEN DAILY "SUBURBAN: RANCHER" Truly a pleasure to show you this home with spoce to spare. Three lorge size 'bedrooms and plenty of closets. Dining area with poss-through from kitchen which is all finished in mohogany. Recreation room is professionally finished with bar and natural fireploce, Lot size 105' x 160'. Owner will- ing to hold mortgoge. Only $6000 down, so call now, $13,900.00 One of the neatest, older type homes in the City with com pletely new ktichen, recrea- tion room etc. Reasonable down poyment required. $2,500.00 DOWN Brick three bedroom bungalow in North Whitby, close to school, yet low in price. Home eight hurry, "if you want this one, you con buy it for only $13,- 500.00 is onl years old, so | 988 OSHAWA BLVD. N $28,950.00 level with two car gor heat, finished with fireplace, parquet ing, behind garage. Coloured fixtures in both bathrooms ond house is completely de- corated. Trodes will be con- sidered. Call now for an ap pointment $12,900.00 FULL PRICE We hove only one at this price and this includes 50' x 150' lot; solid brick three bedroom bungalow in North Whitby All it needs is to be redecorat- ed and you will have a real buy Split age, electric family room sliding doors, floor- LOTS & LOTS 3 good building lots on the outskirts 'of Oshawa. Only $700.00 down will buy ony one of them. Spring is com ing --- so don't deloy, Buy now ATTRACTIVE New Bungalows and 2 storeys priced from $17,500.00, down poyments from Built by KASSINGER. N.H.A mortgages. 64% % $500.00 Phone us now for further details, -- 723-2265 -- Having A New Home Built This Year ? Desire the North End? Wont a prestige location? Then Beau Valley is for you! May we sug- gest you contact our salesmen now Homesites are getting scarce in this one of Oshawo"s finest development. See us, pick out your location and let us help you with your plans NOW- For full particulars call 723-2265 Bill Johnston 728 Don Howe Ed Drumm Moaible Boudreau Irwin Cruikshanks George Koornneet Irene Brown Marg Hall Allan Thompson Reg Aker Bill McFeeters 8-2870° 0201 1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE & M.L.S. 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking QUALITY BUILT HOME ONLY 1 LEFT $1,100 FULL DOWN (If You Qualify) WALTON BLVD. WHITBY 6%% N.H.A. mortgage Featuring 3 bedrooms, storms and screens on all windows, built- furniture finished cupboards and many other exciting features, DIRECTIONS: aluminum storm doors, in stove and oven Drive West on Rossland Road to Brock Street, Wh then two short blocks furti west to Walton Blvd, Open daily and week ends L. N. BIRD Real Estate Ltd CALL 668-6061 BILL HORNER Can sell your home for cash ACTIVE REALTY LTD 728-5157 FIELD-AKER $2,450.00. | | EIT. iNigt st © ETERS REALTY LTD., 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST 2 STOREY BRICK HOME Lovely 6 room home with gar- age ond paved drive, modern kitchen, dining room, living room with fireploce, 4 piece bath with vanity and.3 bed- rooms, basement portly fin- ished. Asking $16,300. A HOME TO BE PROUD OF Attractive 5 room home with gaordge, large recreation room with sink and- built-in cup- boards, glassed in porch, potio, RAVINE LOT. Full price of 15,3000, and carries for $85. per month principal ond interest, 4 BEDROOMS Bowmanville Spotless 6 room brick home, garage, lot 60 x 120', Asking only $13,- 900 TROUT STREAM 2 acres with cedar tress, build 2) ttage at this retreat H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 9 Bagot Street 728-1678 NIPIGON Tri-level h carport, ideal family home 3 bedrooms, Basement ideally set up for rec room or 4th bedroom. Close to schools and shopping. Price $19,900. with 64%% mort- goge BRAEMOR COURT A cosy with a corner firéplace and a 4th bedroom or den. On the main floor, there ore 3 large bedrooms ond a fam- ily sized kitchen, living' room, dining room and 4 pc. bath- room with vanity, All this plus attached garage. Full price $23,900 WAVERLY ST. 3 bedroom brick bungalow with split level entrance. Large family kitchen, walk- out basement and ideally set up for rec room. Priced at $19,250. with 614% mort- gage NORTHEAST AREA New home, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with carport in Downsview Park area. This ome has large family sized r bathroom and Ik-out basement Th s 614% Winter good sized kitchen finished recreation roor chen, 4 pc subject to mortgage plus $500 Works bonus. Tunney Morison 668-2624 John Kitchen 723-2788 Larry Cond 668-8558 Phyllis Jubb 723-3240 Loreen Kellett 723-3770 Syd Goodfeliow 723-7335 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE PRICE REDUCED MUST BE SOLD 5 room, 3 bedroom. brick bun w with extra bedroom in basement. Large double garage. Handy te school. South-east area BEST MOVE this one no at 728-0483 WHITBY. $12,900 Look, only $90. a mr cluding taxes for this very clean 8 year old 3 bedroom semi-bungalow. Located close to shoping and schools, Priced for fast sale with 'ow down payment. See it now. Just ask for Ro 728-5123 or 725-2217 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 1601. Simcows Street Noms Member of O.D.R.E.B. onth in- Yeo at INDUSTRIAL BUILDING DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 30,000 square feet --- 3 storeys, hot water heated ---- lot 138 x 101', Reasonably priced with low down pay- ment. Must be sold. Call JACK APPLEBY 728-5123 723-3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED OPEN HOUSE DAILY HARMONY VILLAGE Harmony Road South, East of Donevan Collegiate, Floreli Drive ond Wolnut Court. "Luxury Living Homes' by K, R. BELL & SONS LTD. 5 exciting 3, 4 and-5 -ber models featuring 1 One Week * this economical home is stove, GORDON ~ OSBORNE REALTOR Watch for the Signs That Sell.and Call "The Hot Line" 668-8826 MARLOW HANCOCK PETER HEILER ROGER MORRISON CLARE SHANK GEORGE SULLIVAN NICK VAN DEN BROEK LUPIN DRIVE BEAUTIES WITH GARAGES We have just listed three twin homes with garages separating on this increasingly popular street with shopping only a few steps away, These solidly built 3 bedroom homes have much larger than average floor areas with low heating costs ond beautiful kitchens. The prices range from $13,950. to $14,500, You will be delighted with the decoration and cleanliness of these econom- ical homes 28142 ACRES BUSH, CREEK, NEAR WHITBY A real hideaway for the busy executive and so reloxing watching the spring fed creek meandering through the cedar filled bush, You will have several interesting locations to place your dream home on this choice property. Asking price $700. per acre, BEDROOM BRICK IN WHITBY -- $14,500. A good average home for the price you con afford, near school, Some broadioom, painted basement, steel beam construction, Neat and tidy with landscaping finished, Inspect and buy for early possession, "HIGHWAY 12" Just north of Whitby -- 5 acres with fruit trees, large gerage and barn plus 175 foot frontage mokes o good investment. The 2 bedroom house with forced air heating is just the place for the retired couple or small family to relax and anticipate the spring and the joys of puttering on this lovely little farm. Full price only $18,500, EQUIPPED 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY -- $19,900, A fine Whitby home that shows loving care with neat stone fireplace, paved drive and not too much gorden to look after. Close-in location in older part of town with many built-in features including stove, oven, refrigerator, etc. Broadloom in living room and hall plus drapes will save you some of the extra money ofter buying. Completely finished recreation room, finished laundry room, 1¥% baths, A prestige home for those who don't like sub- divisions. COMMERCIAL---OSHAWA----302 FOOT FRONTAGE On King St. E., with approximately 330 feet depth. Small Plaza possibility. 2 houses on property renting for $200, monthly. Asking price $88,000, OSHAWA -- 6 PLEX -- $52,000. This neat money maker is close to Oshowa Shopping Centre assuring good occupancy and good rents. Retire here and hove your investment where you con see it. Would consider @ property in trade as port poyment, AJAX EXECUTIVE 3 BEDROOM Split-level home on 65 feet frontoge lot with comparable homes surrounding. This: better built brick has dining room and family room with natural stone fireploce. Features galore here with built-in oven and range, glass patio doors, 2 baths, built-in cup- boards, ete. Reasonable taxes here too ond all this for $23,300. BE FIRST TO WEAR THE PAINT OFF HERE--$17,900 This is not a subdivision home but a fine stone fron bungolow on 60 x 136 feet lot in the more settled section of Whitby, Fine workmanship on this mew 3 bedroom home with the built-in vanity bath, double sink kitchen, and roughed-in for extra wash.room. Near separate and public schools and walking distance to centre of town. $96.00 MONTHLY IS ALL YOU PAY After your down poyment on this 3 badroom brick home In Whitby. Approximately 1,000 square feet of living area with broadloom in living room, Pointed basement insures dust free floors, Inspect today and move in next month. Full price $14,500. CLARENCE DRIVE, WHITBY $14,950. If you can wait until August Ist for possession you many have a good house buy here in the 3 bedroom brick near schools and churches. Extras here too with tine ploy oreo tor children, shade trees, clean decoration, Out of town owner says sell for $2, 500. down BETWEEN WHITBY AND PICKERING, BUNGALOW $15,200 5 year old modern brick home on 100 x 200 feet lot with spacious garage, paved drive, fenced yard and close to all schools. If you like to be out of town and want larger than average rooms in a popular priced home you should see this one. Taxes are reasonable here too, NO. 2 HIGHWAY WEST WHITBY $25,000. This friendly, older home, built of fine clay brick has a cozy open fireplace, stained oak trim, modern spacious kitchen and 3 large bedrooms, Living room and full dining room make this 0 desiroble haven for o large family. You can't go far wrong on investing on No. 2 Highway with 130 x 260 feet ether. For further particulars and appointment to see, call us today. 3 BEDROOM IN WHITBY ONLY $12,900. 7 year old semi-detached brick with neot decorating. Paved street neor shopping and school. Only $2,500. down payment. Inspect and moke your offer while it lasts, THICKSON RD. S., STUCCO $13,500. With large lot and low taxes for a small family. Extras here in refrigerator and broadioom. Full dining room and large bedrooms in this 5 room bungalow. Need a good down payment here OSHAWA HANDYMAN'S OPPORTUNITY $7,900, This | storey frame home with 66 x 210 foot lot needs some revitalizing. If you con't fix it'up, you may wont to clear it away for a new duplex, Inspect and make offer, OSHAWA 3 BEDROOM STUCCO $12,500. 7 room with fireplace, extra 2 roém apartment rents for $50. monthly and helps pay expenses: Low taxes and spacious 80 foot frontage lot make this a must to see. Call now for appointment, RURAL E. OSHAWA MODERN BRICK & STONE designed for 2 families with 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms family home with 4 bedrooms. This well built home leaves little to be desired with 85 x 200 foot lot, hot water heating, attached gorage, 2 patios, breezeway, etc. Owner moving into Oshawa needs quick sale, Full price $20,500. Split-level or one

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