Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Feb 1966, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TABS, Seturdey, Februery 26, 1966 Turn Your "Don't Wants" Into Dollars -With Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. " 8--Articles for Sale 14--Business Opportunities 18--Male Help Wanted $9500 FULL ASKING PRICE for neat - ByR J. SCOTT Senerert cima, i e"St| RLISINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | "tunimmmmncaadme damon; | sHow ssace (fae =| CAREER R : <7 ee : vue Cb bee a a nt ft --_-- i _--_ ~~ = 3 . H VIG WRECKING BUSINESS -- inclu £ ing 80 good acres of farm jand and poten- Canadiana tial pond on ever-flowing creek; included is 175 older cars, approximately $5,000 Opportunities new stock, parts etc.; good six-room Motor Hotel bungalow, "barns, workshop, garage and i f combined storeage and showroom, 81x24'. Accountants Barristers instruction Rug-Upholstery Service : Kennedy acs Hwy. 401 Excellent for home "building, 30 miles at the New Oshawa bigs ane i ie RR [pd diese) Sarthe PO AE, chen iohidand a ( ' h i ty KINS ond HUMPHREYS, _ BOYCHYN, and HILL- TUITION in Latin, French or ~ Mathe- RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts Estabilsh- pe s W. 0. M i] oe rms. DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36/2 King|matics by J. C. Luck, BA. 668-3866. [ed 17 years. Workmanship guaranteed a}: ¥ MARCH 10 and 11 SMALL. prosperous hi Hines Chartered accountants: 9. i! ctreet East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey, eo T LESSONS Grad. Free estimates. Credit terms, Mattresses r , | pr rous handiman's bus Riehl, CA, RIA, B. R. Waters, CA, own S hover QC; W. A. Hillman PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad. re-built, furniture refinished. Oshawa Up- WH GLASS for sale: '59 GMC truck and aluminum e Shopping Centre, 728-7527. wt "ft D. Martencers BA, LLOB Office eee oe ca loaned holstering 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311 THREAD - i uae A 4 3 11 A.M. seed 10 P.M. Het ge hr Will consider trade for Pac ses tn "4 ' , instrument one z : Si Sor OE S$ GIVING ? # i jate model c Selling for health rea- ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account- 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, -- en ee ae MINERAL GARMENT $e j 12-5616, i Strest, Suite 4, Oshawe, | 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133, NHA and) ENGINEERING or high school training % : ; ; Pry xT ~~ See eonens. F018. other first mortgage funds available, |at home, No salesman will call. Free Sales and § Servi eae : ie Admission .75c WAYSIDE snack and service sta- SUPERMARKET NS BEADLE AND €0., C Charter- Guidance Manual, C.1.5.T., Suite 63, j OF» 7 j tion for lease, fully aelvaed and stock- worLenan Finance! Trade Bule:|Building Trades wrens thea ane SND APPLIANCE ~ i Fn iC cial C i treet East, Oshawa, On: _ PEt SMALL VARIETY STORE with two bed- iti 10 Se sso), are Hopkins, CA; H. E- Janitor Service REPAIRS ai -- Market | Ba: ket ___}rooms,_tWving auarters on ith two bed) Career Opportunities are Te WY? oo L a kitch i oll, i ° Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA CELLARS CLEANED trash removed.| Expert repairs to all makes ' KOTHE WALLS NO. 1 NAD NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. Free ealer heared, baie ga Gi Mec By pd a Lk being offered to re YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., WINTER RATES Bousshold "repairs done: "Telephone 721) oF washers, dryers, ronges, OF SHRINES IM : i Gelivery. Telephone 725-1906 oF 7220015. trace, iiinees forces sale. AK | feos in Bankrustcy, si gy cshong sireei wit ob ete aici: abe AME me e 4 APPLES, 3 Mgintosh 'Spy, Delicious, $13,500 Including building and equipment, sponsible persons, seek- $ a CLEAN YOUR BACKYA and base- ; 5 ; wv) AMM AHEY Hi A Courtland, $1.25 per bushel and up. Bring| Easy terms. W. ©. Martin Realtor, 728- i H North, Oshawa, 728-737) AW aN tO. Till March 21st ment. Also scrap taken away, Call Joe| @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ A pe HF lawn contaliera: Aleom Ofehatee 'Thine isite aii as tk ing meee ths in the HALL, PERKIN, MacMILL - TION and Son, 723-2368. DISEASES , son Road North, Whitby arya --| new Steinberg Supermar- Chartered Accountants, 362, King, Sireet @ ADDITIONS . cae atees ALCAN ; wien AFFLIA CLEMENT Poultry, Roadting Chickens, 15--Employment Wanted si hake East, Oshawa, vid ¢. Perkin, cA;| @ BATHROOMS Money To Loon deine as amines A mins KEM. : 22 Ibs. = 4 Ibs., 40c. per Ib. Capons $5¢. |------ ket. J. Graham MacMillan, CA @ KITCHENS, ETC. V WILL LOAN ved up Je 3000 at a] Se sa ia KA ingen anes | aha as fue PA Sat he ae Saag | ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE eth 2 "4 : ae D LEGS : : , GORDON R. DAY, Certified General ALL TRADES reasonable rate of interest to consolidate} 452 Simcoe S. Oshowa STRAIGHTEN Out | TEMPERATURE AT THE, 4 ' P.E.|. potatoes, 10. 2675 Ibs. 'oar, & with speed typing, shorthand FOR FURTHER INFORMATION our bill thwhil our bills or for any other worthwhile LIGHTED EMD OF A Accountant, Suite 206W, Oshawa Shop Y _ Telephone 723¢ 0011 COMPLETELY : , ( YR A T [ ) purpose providing you -are steadily em ' at attractive prices. Free delivery, Osh- M in ping Centre, 725-9953 CO- DI N _ ployed and have good credit, Telephone Sobcercaaee ------| WHEN IT JUMPS» | CIGARETTE D 3 awa, Whitby, Ajax, 655-4983, nuh bly Wil, a aay needs SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENT ON FROM PHOTO re a position ill consider any BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service 723-4631 ' _ cite Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe REMODELLERS -- Before You Buy A TAKEN AT 30,0008 W375 DEGREES ; | 10--Farmer's Column responsible offer. Reliable re- PAGE 9 South, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. FREE ESTIMATES Mortgages _ OF A SECOND. FAMREMHE, | a f : oe - Piano or Organ, See peupers |DEAD and crippled farm_ stock mate ' - i] picked, e © is Dial 723-5219 cet! acealllienl <i : eee is aM eer es | | 723-0966 mere Sg arm | an E HEINTZMAN Looe AGdce ae |RELIABLE driver, age 26 yrs., has 1966 723-4833. | it, Telephone 72 | Sponsoring Member of H.0.P.E 7 'i KAORTGAGE & Company Ltd. |3--Sportsman's Column _|8--Articles for Sale Wo) ALES asi ally ay Telos Manta teh" at, HY Barristers He wd abies : se daa Oe | SKATE XCHA' _ RP £ 'ort Perry 985 7495 --- 79 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Fake H' ah hog 4 Passport bad pod -- |GENTLEMAN -- early torties, bilingual, bondabie, holds medallion and one label JOSEPH P. MANOAN, (QC, Solicitor NELLIS' LOANS TELEPHONE 728-2921 |Valley. Sreek, 16 Bond West, 728-4401 SKATES 11--Pets and Livestock Lin FIPCAIL 16 veaty Sollee circle: Bacteriologist v Money to loan "4p , Oshawa, 728-823 3 Ne = seeks position of trust, Oshawa area, has aes |5--Trailers AMERTOY FOX TERRIERS, good qual Pree pill le Rgds JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB.) HOME Moneys available for first |GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer ; ty and small, Telephone 728-8038 Tian . Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- : . washers and ranges. Free estimates, Call! 1966 ROCKET and Holiday travel trailers B Skating 0 " --jawa Times. 2 lig, The Commercial Building. 286, King and second mortgages. Open 728-1742 or 723-0011 Free bunks if ordered in. February a Bovibes ore skating Out- | PACHPRUN DS urea -- tate, IWS SECRETARY -- Cepatie, efficient Wine or 1ecnno OgIs Oshawa, Ontario. client parking} |AAPROVEMENTS mortgages. No bonus. First jgampoo DRAPE - - "can.|Wilde Rental service and Sales. 1415] fits for the whole family dur- |5,monins old, had all needles. Telephone) yess experience in indusiry and real es 725-4716 or 725-4717. 4 0 APES, venetian blinds, Can-|nundas Street East, Whitby. Telephone B iT] | 43-6173 tate. Neat, accurate ¢ t ctaphone, cai mortgages, second mortgages |vas awnings. Complete service, tree esti-! y ing our Big Fall Sale nahets eae vi ccurate typist, dictaphone,| . s 5 » ree | 668-3226 COZY-J RANCH KENNELS. jan|knowledge of shorthand and accounts} DIFCO LABS, leading manu- TON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and na ; | r- | mates, Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 vei inciia is a8 : Notaries, and GENERAL and agreements for sale pu --__--- |AIRSTREAMS factory authorized dealer. from $7.25 pr. Shepherds, trained | grown legge gi to Telepuane wen Position, hours 94.) facturer of laboratory re- CRE VICTOR, Barristers, ae. é $I hased Se ee Palominos, Pintos, foals, ponies Bank of Commerce Building, imcoe enes ' H Ontario Trailers Ltd., 1577 The Queens- ' yin edie . J 0 t Septic Service 655-4662 evenings CONSTRUCTION' superintendent Proven| °9@NtS, requires Bacteriologist Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K. {ways Toronto 18 Ont ra sh residences: |G. K REPAIRS | M. F. SWARTZ POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW record in commercial and industrial) Of Technologist to contact [pcs oman' Si i ea SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt ice | Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. Murdoch, 26V2 King St. Eost Gr cit Winey Wark. ahi Crectuh ocn| (6 Marine: 'Equipment femmsless ? fronthe old, registered. Apply buildings. Telephone Lindsey 705-324-2067 aboratories in Ontario, Sal- } RIF hone 725-4585, Simcoe South oF! ROOM AND BOARD for one child, Day| Ory, expenses, cor and bene- fc. Victor, "985-7118 | Martosges errenged 29 | Oshawa, Ontario cme fer reee |ALUMINUM car tops, 12 ff. $179.00 telephone 725-4585, 728-2061 z 4 "i =r ee ee | i care also available. Telephone 668-6976 fits Outstanding opportunity GEER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- 14 ft. $267.00, 1966 Chrysler outboard "s " 2 a abi ' i etc., 114 King 'Street East Pad 723-4697 Surveyors motors, now. on aleplay a} Wilde none Known for its accuracy and [Painiee talkin cheat" mtienn ite s kbs jy tt Meng hp by, the dey for man age 23-35. lence Phones: J, W. Geer, C jService an ales, jundas ree ere 4 ; 2 * ""| preferably in Grierson area. Good ref. Be ews, Terence V, Kally, BA BCI. Evenings 723-8987 ue : | PONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario| East, Whitby. Phone 668-3226 reliability, this rugged gun |Btoad, 114 Elgin East i erence if required. Phone 723-9978 Coll for interview or inform- jla urveyor. Commercial blue prints, will deliver yeors of satis- | HORSES WANTED fo board, box stalis, ation. Telephone H. C. Nel- 728-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB : | BUY NOW and save. "Starcraft" 725-266 4 sce 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. arcraft'"', b nt |"Grew", "Traveler" boats. "Evinrude" factory shooting agg Pela J bagi cet 17--Female Help Wanted son, collect, person-to-person, caTHONY @D | H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| mot For further Information. : r | Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., | fl a) ANTHONY BOWARD CASKOWSKY, 6A Mortgage Loans eae, 113 Elgin Street East Phone | Brooklin $55 3641 ' vial $24 95 |LOVELY GERMAN SHEPHERD pups, Inn On The Park, Toronto pee ee ee: en Looking for a price? , sui [1965 EVINRUDE seleciric shit 40 HP [mate $7., females $5. Phone 263-2450, (416) 444-2561, Feb. 23-25; Evening appointment. Dial 723-1661 72 % Tet a -----------weemmemer= Iwith jong shaft, generator, electric start, |BOSTON TERRIER puppies, excellent or mail resume to this news- / TV--Radio Repairs | push-button gear shift. Complete with con- (est Good blood lines and reason- poper, Box 15592M, Oshawa : Remodelling kitchens, bath- BAIS acerbic ----_-- |trols. Only 40 hours of running time. still able. 48 Brock East, Oshawa. 725-1215 Ti Classified Rates 75% OF VALUE junger warrenty, 7206185, a SNOW TIRES | DACHSHUND puppies for sale, red, regi ies rooms, rec-rooms, Stered. Telephone 728-1875. WORD ADS : CALL TV TOWERS '7--Swap and Barter | 2All aylon construction, full | Dookie' bases ter fen ie Rew eee, Opportunities Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, $} 08 CALL | NEW IN OSHAWA -- White Elna Sewing depth traction tread. A brand | horses or ponies. Reasonable rates. Tele 38. |phone 723-0112 additional words, 414¢. each; 3 ¢ | 728-1653 : Centre, 38 Bond West jal! rtions of 24 act ie ~ a es '| new winter tire priced almost | . We secutive ince PHELAN ECONOMY AND Zig-Zag i hal MED, Trade) iow as 6 tetread |POODLE, miniature, female, for sale; at the new Oshawa INSURANCE additional words 12¢. each, 6 | ns accepted rtions of 24 words, $8. 04; ' DELUXE i lapricot strain; four years old, perfect Waidiensl poms dic. each. Construction Co. GUARANTY TRUST DOUMATIC washer dryer, Splece bath from $17 56 up house pet. Excellent with children. Tele } | | C <M d Priced to suit your budget sets $55. stainless steel sinks $9.95, pres- . 2 30. M ' ompany onada : sure systems, sump pumps, laundry tubs, | ; re Man, age 25 to 35 for : sure 'sy aur }250 HEAD choice Hereford and Durham STEINBERG ek ee 32 King St. E TERMS ARRANGED Lela od cuttings. H. Chinn, Phone 723. lyear-old and two-year-old stocker steers Claims and Soles Supervisory : 70 and heifers. Private sale. Wednesday, work. At least Grade 12 ed- Oshawa, Ontario Po : oe DOMINION March 2. George A. McGowan, Telephone initial, figure or abbreviction counts a eta ie OSHAWA TV 8 -Articles for Sale a 8-2213 Havelock. . SUPERMARK ET ond highe Vieni ar cae Se one wore; hone umber counts |--------__-- SUPPLY LIMITED |12--Articles Wanted onal ee words, | MOTORCYCLES cles ante ' sonal integrity. Previous ine FEBRUARY | FIRST and SECOND TAUNTON RD. E. $195. UP TIRE STORE | BAND-SAW, mail or medium. Telephone| Career Opportunities are | surance Goo ating: sees | Charge--10 per sént additional chorge| of cca emia | 668-6032 Method ef Counting --- Less thon 24 words counts es 24 words; each word BIRTHS--DEATHS-- MORTGAGES J aa IAL NOTICES ust East of Ritson see ee a) | 655-44 $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents addi- SPECIALS - All Classes -- Z aidtoticn: Dee 145 King St. W. HUMAN HAIR -- a minimu of @" in| TOW Being offeced to 1: po Pa eet pes a rs Manas, ones, "¢ }iength. Cash or credit at shop, Heidi's i repiies treated contidential. -- City, Rural, Vocation -- 723-8] 3] ete: Resale all mokes. Telephone 725-6511 | Modern Hair Styling, 367 Wilson Road, § | SPONSible persons, seek Please write to: District Mane tional charges if not paid within 8 dayt.| Sove up to 20% during Feb- ruary on Rec. Rooms, . Kit- SUMMERLAND arts. - Accessories Windgor Plaza) 723-5631 sc} ing employment in the oger, IN MEMORIAMS * ve * chens, Bath R A PO. hake Pee ete ' Welle, Co Tiles and at PECURITIES LIMITED j ------| _.. HONDA SHOP ------ a wee Articles. For 'Rent new Steinberg Supermar- 1 each thereafter plus 12c¢. per King W 728-4242 et Saito charge sige AB seh bees 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 TELEVISION -- RADIO i : wet "65 Oldsmobile F-85. '64 | ket. CO-OPERATORS Sala ae sibisaly PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for 24 HOUR SERVICE FREE--24-hour burner service Chevrolet 2 ton pick-up. RENTALS INSURANCE ARPENTERI R Iterati mortgages Mortgages and agree. 7 $2.00 for the first 35 words ond Se./cre elite LEB sg picarns , elterations. at) m of sale purchased, Creighton, TEXACO -- Fuel and Stove | '64 Dumont television. each thereafter with 25¢. additional| Port Perry 985-2802 | Beynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See "Bar HOLMES ' Blue Coal", stove, nut, '64 General Electric OF ALL KINDS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ASSOCIATION charge if not pald within 8 days. PORTABLE weidin : -- | risters stoker coals @ Slab Wood asstiahte ton re a |FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avail- @ Conne! Coal @ Building stereo, Must be sold, moy- SEE OUR ADVERTISEMENT ON 286 King St. West, COMING EVENTS ve 7 = WwW. Pole nding. ; , ; ¢ S $2:10 per Inch (ciapley); $1.50 for the|iancté,.(" repair and structural Phone] ble. hae tne ealtor, 114 Brock ELECTRONICS Supplies. 668-3524 ing to California SANDING MACHINES Oshowa d is SAWDONS' (Whitby) LTD. 378 King West or Oscillating sanders, disc sand- PAGE ? i first 20 words and Sc. each thereafter |-------- -- -- (Ward Ads\. ROOFING, concrete foors, fia) "Footing, | FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale 244 Brock st : ers, belt sanders,- floor sand- our speciality. New work and repairs.| agreements purchased and sold. Hennick for prompt service "eo Pt - ~ -- 723-9525 ln $ ers, s AUCTION SALES Large and small lobs. L. and H. Roofing)and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street | ee CARDENTRY. Reireiaing nea ra | paivare in Q arr | wy dare QUEEN Sales and Service PLUMBER'S FOOLS Soe ee DRAFTSMAN ir v 01 ii. | rvici DEADLINES Pree acleretare henentea tale ana: | hia Aor Ae eorloané. Nie. Goaete pitas Whitby-- 668- 9679 For Washers, Stoves ond | Repairs to all makes vacuums, Free esti-| Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise WAITRESSES WORD ADS 5 p.m. 728-315 Write Box 16142, Oshawa Times Dryers mates. 323 King West, 728-7552 tripod, pipe imine aig Required Design draftsman with exe AY PREV! iLL T" Pa " lea oh a easiest . 35" RCBCTRIC RANGE -- very good cutters, pipe threading dies, erience in light machi Spm. DAY PREVIOUS Ax TYeEs SUICOIRS, REFN --iusicel Services HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED Repoit ond Exchange, fag, euarate" Remco" AB8y| toilet cuge 4pm. to 1] p.m. | Shop ond metal fabrication LOST AND FOUND places, masonry. Gord May, WhitbylgmacL DANCE WAND avalie -- Rep xchar Sliddon Avenue. A , " ' . ENB Raucarion -- (a ast pace, no. wae] TV TOWERS | osHAWA"APPLIANCE |rime arc" -ranries---fewnny| ,PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT |, 1)" || TM | Noi fuied by rapa ex BIRTHS AND DEATHS ALL TYPES. building, roofing repairs| Ted. Taylor, Alax 947-1663. ARE THE BEST 186 Simcoe $ 728-7535 _ |Priced. Wide variely. For viewing, tele] Steplodders, ogee <9 are GHA On h Alea i ys nd or corenenctemaensicninsetls i Pend . 7 ° ond 9 @m, DAY OF PUBLICATION and remodelling; chimneys, new and re FOR YOUR WATKINS (quailty) producis|© : Se ee __Genosha _ Hotel _ ge paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs [Optometrist : Téleoh 728-2383 ti BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap steel scaffolding, compres- Scher electrical engineers. Whitby 668-2774, Gord May j WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! itdnhied robb Rabi pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2291 sors, spray guns, 'wallpaper Must hove technical school A-\ CARPENTRY, brick and block work.|F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe CUSTOM MADE furniture -- Coffee tab-| or 263-2995 steamers, tarpaulins, blow WOMAN background or equivalent. ' fr rth, St n tables, chests, ri Free estimates. Phone 668-8014 st * North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone ae R | () wt cain i chests, rec-room bars GUNS -- Bovght, sold, traded, repaired totches, propane torches ; icing i Some _ experience preferred. MR. W. F. WEIR CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 eelumn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col umns or larger--10 a.m. day previous. La 9 - : - 2 sons piste --|at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco wi bsied 2 FLOOR COVERING Clear-outs. at | 728-9731. WELDING EQUIPMENT for CANCELLATIONS AND sidewalks, remodelling, rec-rooms. Free a cae " CORRECTIONS lestimates. A.C. Woods, 728-3420 or Painting and Decorating TELEVISION sands of yérd¥ of lacontinued patterns| sigue suprees, rocking alr) bed,| Acetylene welding outfits, 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION | 798-4717, a - ood Corner Bond and: Division Pen) ah Pee fete: nae Pere miscellaneous items. Frigidaire stove,| 200 | Id Any advertisement cancelled before ----- - | Uren Street, " |large in A-! condition, Reasonable. Tele amp, electric welders. FISH ETERI narew ntenna publication will be charged one day's Dentistry PAINTING AND 728-5143 | USED AUTO PARTS -- Anything. Chos-| phone 723-1693 after 530 pm BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT insertion. 2 DE |kavich Auto. Wreckers, 6 miles' east - = - : 231 KING ST. WEST |CAREFOOT, OR. JOHN M, Dental ECORATING ---- Oshawa Nook iy, Tie eos | TYPEWRITER, portable, $30.) Standard,|. Cement mixers, _ finishing Apply in person Oo t BOX NUMBER RENTAL--S0c | Surgeon 172 King Street East, Oshawa INTEF ons |$35. Electric adding machine, $40. Elec trowels, wheel barrows, elec- - ° int 12 NTERIOR and EXTERIOR REPAIRS to all Cole Product: i r : 4 While every endeavor will be made] F° fe fete Ay OSHAWA AND WHITBY a gods' id: resis. santana ee eee her, electric cash register, $85 tric virator, air compressor, deg dal eee ent ee Ph 668-3348 to forward replies to box numbers Broadioom, Custom Draperies NIGHT SE RVICE 1103. Byron.» Whitby (block west. of 3: jock: borneners, Chond tails Soon working © ne ons. App Y, n pe son. | one ns the advertisers os soon as posable, Dressmaking FREE ESTIMATES | Four Corners |CANADIAN COINS -- for sale or trade nee eldi's Modern Hairstyling, 367 Wilson| we accept no liability in respect of BRESsMAKING -- Suits, conte, dresses . | Jor will trade for other coins and Cana-| 'water pumps, portable heat- |South. (Windsor Plaza). 723-563). loss or damoge alleged to alterations, slip covers, drape Fitting « DODD and SOUTER 725-8541 or 668-5830 TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, desks, |gian ~ Austrian and Yugoslavian, stamps ers, steel scaffolding, electric |PRACTICAL. NURSE for nursing home through either foilure or delay r . - 7 gPritrphosin | chair \ Yr I, ' ice, | After evenings telephone 728-0194 0} t s fe required, Write Box 16186, Oshawa Times, * ' ' warding such replies however caused Specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 668-5862 , trade. New, used. Bill Hamilton, Raglan TWOWAY RADIOS CE GUC T ACE generator, romset, power roll 86 King East, Oshawa Big-Paying Business whether by negligence or otherwise.|ALTERATION, pant cuffing, zippers. - OE '. 3, : ers, electric hammers, mason- leh y negligence se | OIL PAINTINGS--Landscapes, portraits, | trios complete 110 volt or 12 volt. A-l 1 EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted The Times will not be responsible for|mending. Agent for North American Al : |figure work, custom picture framing.|condition, manual tuning and 'S' meter ory saw, building jocks, | Telephone 728-0761. '| For a Man Over 40 replies uncotied fer. in 20 Gove (pores Frocks. 728-1873. ____| PAINTING and RADIO & TELEVISION [Clark Studio. | Telephone, 668-4497, 325) Also two new Hallicratters CB-7, model.| mortar mixers, mortar boxes, |WAiRDRESSER experienced with clien: REGULATIONS |DRESSMAKING | "y ip x seats " DECORATING Rae gab Pash ith meee', ml ae er Charles Brignall, 985-7365, chain hoist, miter saws, elec- tele. per. cent _cammissian.. Ales axper. We want a man for the Osh- a nor alterations. phone 72 ie ne WINTERTIME |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture |Port Perry. trie "plane," tarpaulins, 14° ienced shampoo girl, part-time. Apply in| awa orea. The right man whe The Oshowo Times will {not be re-| DRESSMAKING -- "Suits, coats, dresses nterior,. exterior... Reasangble. TV" TIME jana" appliances. One location only. Pretty (PIANOS -- New, by Willis. Established bead A" join sond person The Mayfair Salon, 27 Celina qualifies is worth as much as maker ae naga ¥/ airereiions; vip' covers, orapes. Fitting 8) "rates, All work guaranteed aye : |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | 1871. $550.00 up. Guaranteed tuned, de. ra sow, : joiner, bi Street submitted otherwis n writin ot .' 237 i ee c up.| aster, power mper wer -- ---- for more than one wan in w igs lid specialty. Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372, | - Free estimates, Service Anytime FULLER BRUSH Products. cepecigs-of- | ivered., Reconditioned pianos. $162.00 Up mt hole See FLORAL DESIGNER with extensive e| $12,000 In a Year advertisement nor beyond price IG oF Pi and $ lies M L 2 S T R | fea oe er one daytimes 723-0444; Far ROU Wi, ee, W) =P is} perience for retail downtown flower shop. FREE TRIP TO NASSAU charge for a single insertion in which| SArGening upp , oopie on Be | ' Steady employment, good future, good E os erree tele, - 668- 2418 |rv TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower | HONEST CAL'S WAREHOUSE -- going S a) A N S wages for 40-hour week. PS! available.| bonus for producers, We pay TELEVISION |structure all-channel antenna installed, | 9Ut of business at 205 Johr et, Whitby. | Apply in person to R. B. Reed and Sons earnings in advance and re- The Oshawa Times reserves the right| $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton | Bargains on all stock. 668-636 SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD Florists at 28 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa. 2 9 |HAVE your Interior | painting done now. 728- 5143 | KR t eo ------ quire no investment. If you to €lassify advertising according to} rae ectimaies." Bll' woe 0! rom Road East, just east of Ritson Road. TYPEWRITERS, new and rebuilt, rene START THE NEW YEAR as a beauty "us its proper classification. "Enjoy ourse ai 9876. Lloyd. Sineeio. Papin. ps sma DEW WORMS -- minnows, Best quality,|@"ds, portables, electrics. The ideal gift 233 King St. West, Oshawa counselor, Products also available. Tele} are Over 40, have selling ex- ie Wk aces GF dupley Gdarhuamenté Decorating FAST TV. SERVICE [avaliable n Cahewe, 843 Ritson -Shutn,| Ril sumenis. Larus stock #0: choose trom, PHONE 723-3224 Pee TI | peneice, and are oO cor, The Times will not be held respon |SUNFLOWER SEED EXPERIENCED painter. and decorator < eer a ene | nti; as 7TR-1112, Oshawa Live Bait | Jenkins hinineak Machines, AA bell : LADIES' nylon hosiery. Make extra} write me a personal note. sible for more space than that which | WILD BIRD MIX | Free estimates. Telephone 723-5956 service Call only $2.90 ieee re -----| Service, 728-7783. Open evenings Nee testy i ger ge ctl busi-| Vice Pres., Dept. OJ, P.O. the actual error occupies, The pub-| -- : MS of furniture, $298.50, Tables, Ch Li Dish gg ndj Box 70, Station R, Toront lish a A RN down payment, $15 nthly, at H nei GUARANTEED Used wringer washers, ables, airs, Linens, 4 matched qu and price $3, doz. and é ¢ STGTION KS, ronto shers endeavor to reproduce all ad-|C RACKED CO |Plumbing and Heating DOMINION " money ones! television, refrigerator etc. $34.30 and up. es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee more. Write now for free literature and 17, Ontario. vertising matter correctly, but assume Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. no Aiahility of advertisement. if ace MILLET TELEVISION al Bide azature | AIC' Furniture and Appliances 452 Sim-| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal |WN0lesale catalogue. Resion, 10383 Hebert] |ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture! th 1 t., Montreal North, Quebi Pca In ony form are contained | WHEAT Sterk Ltd Ha placid teal ei * 728-5154 9.a.m, to 9 p.m and appliances. "Goold's Furniture 115] Sibaaonice tak rt Wear, Men's Formals, White cae ial a me = kk nd Star , Plumbing, Heating and En: . 4 Dundas East, Whitb 5 c » take over payments C requires bookkeeper 2 au. BIRD. FEEDING STATIONS |neering, 255 simcoe Street State ~ All_work guaranteed panty BAERS o y ee. a a Must sell. Telepr 728-2711 Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, receptionist. Please reply in handwriting, SY TO PLACE +s Se wravilse, size 10) ma: greta stating age, marital "tatu |: SALES CLERK Eo EM A WATER SOFT SALT BEFORE YOU BUY give us a try Gas ternity dresses, sizes 14-16, Very clean,|FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free.| SARGEANT'S RENTALS {lating age, marital, status and exper ES ACTION WANT AD ICE SALT and oll heating installations Klilingbeck Ty good condition, Apply 23 Drew Street. Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you i Whit : : S Heating Phone 723-9079 ERVI E - -- -- purchase from Western Oil Co, 725-1212 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 _ | Whitby F L | Coll Clossified Direct SAND ADDING MACHINES, cash registers, : HOUSEKEEPER WANTED jo live in and at Nd 723 3492 > ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling DAY OR EVENING typewriters, new and used. $35 up, AlljDINETTE SUITE -- table, four chairs--|LIFT TRUCK -- capacity 6,000 Ibs--iift MOUSERELRER WANTED to live in and BUILDING inches. Cost $115~--/ 16, to rent by week or month, Apply | ¢ ¢ new and used materials. Reasonable : machines guarahteed. Expert service.|table extends to 59 2 SNOW SHOVELS 728-5286 Oshawa Business Machines. 728-3664, | Sell for $30, Telephone 723-1263 after 4. _|Mackie's Van and. Storage. phone. 'Own room. Telephone. 725-6709 STRAW rates. Estimateg free. 723-1191, J. Foley. ines: | R ---- Evenings 725-9748. LARGE SIZE, refrigerator, Generai| CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church|BABY SITTER, three pre-school chil- SUPPLY FIRM ' bs ¢ Ru -U holste 'Service ; ; : ----| Elect R bie, 720-4925. ; aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412|9ren, live in or out. Whitby 668-4615 INDEX TO PET SUPPLIES ig-Upr ry oe OSHAWA FENDER' four-pedal, steel guitar and Mireles dian Simeve Street North, Call 723-2414, YOUNG WOMAN required for food plant ; case. Like new, $300. Telephone 723-5370.1CLEARANCE, new and used" skates | S ae U . ~ we ° ot H steady emplo t, - CLASSIFICATIONS mi ELECTRONICS _ GAS STOVE, nearly new, glass window,|Cycle Centre) 204 Bond Street East, 725-| ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred|Some Typing experience. Brock Farms, eauy amp pyrent Ail com 1--Women's Colum Ooper- | -|light in oven, $55; electric heavy duty,|6344 peopie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- Brock "North, 668-82 i pony benefits available. Write Son UPHOLSTERING CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs.| $40, (both apartment size). Gas chininey|16EOOT METAL BRAKE Fair shape.| wets: Parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen,/GIRL OR WOMAN for light housework} stating age and salary ex- 3--Sportsman's Column COMPANY All work guaranteed, $11 Dean Avenue.|$50. Apply 109 Celina Street Apply Gannon's Auto Body 325 Bloor |PArkiN@-_723:2140 mornings. _--__--t and babysitting, two school-age children,! pected to: Sat rales Telephone 725-0500 WE BUY, sell and. exchange used furml:|West, Oshawa |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, |Mours 6 to 4, live-in preferred, weekends 6--Marine Equipment 16 CELINA ST. AT ITS : ~ --|, Si Hees Phe "clk lreducing machines, sick room' supplies,|{ree. Lake Vista area. After 4 telephone 7--Swap ond Barter We Deliver Well Drilling--Diggin Trading 'Post. Store, 446. Si a" strect|KROEHLER sectional chesterfield, two-|aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 725-0198 BOX 16029 &--Articles for Sole 723-1139 "723-2312 BEST FOR LESS _ gging athe 723-1671. nt MMe Simcoe Street) piece, with matching dark brown chair -------- | WANTED middieaged woman to care for ~ 4 / 3] 7 SED at f $ ith 25-1057, CR eine adler 723-1 WELL DIGGING by machine specializing| rapuL ay New _Soneition, "Telephone /725-105 |14--Business_ Opportuni are acy, Live Ceivale. repr ane Bath.) Oar AVA TIMES 10--Farmer's Column © FREE ESTIMATES in 30-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut |© tod whee tee genie = now on POLAROID camera Model 100. Price $75 Char lady kept, Write Box M16042 Osh --Pet Livestoe Cali $i fe Ne SEE ED r j 9 son Furnitur ve 1 r n imes : Heit A sie k Bch Ee. id iced ce ai oe f a (Gey oF Evanina) Street West, Whi thy, 668 256 or 668 3809 inom $20). chesterfield guite, $68) chrome re 623-7365 between 10 a.m. a: a petit anda enn ees ea '8 ' 728 : : aaa | 2 chairs, $2.99; bedroom suites, $119, Wil: want lelaide - a ng 13--Articles for Ren arid : ; : 2--Personal son Furn 20. Church Street BEST QUALITY ALUMINUM windows area. Working mother. Phone 728-9693 14--Business Opportunities @ EASY CREDIT TERMS 3 ----C. doors, awnings, railings, etc. Low, | eee 15--Employment Wanted Instruction TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40+. loricest Call Sob-S3BS en 23-9602 > tow BABYSITTER wanted for four children, PART-TIME 16--Agents Wanted Removal of. superfluous ha | Structure, hot dipped galvanized 1 tower -- 2 while mother works during days only, in i f USED -- vacuunis, polishers. Re Man and woman. to operate Brocklin. Three are school age. Tele- 17--Female Help Wonted A R ncluded, single all-channel antenna com-| NEW, : H is fe] r tf i i ' yi or ' 1 . "1 H W O O D Marie Murduff will be plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed| Pairs to all makes. New hoses. Phone] jicensed restaurant beside | Phone _ 655-4575 Retail Furniture 18--Male Help Wonted Ost F 28th, A 19--Male or Fema \ WHAT'S AHEAD R YOU? shawa, Feb h, Mar f $50. il towers at TRIO|Jack Lees, 728-6956 ate Help Wanted WH > AHE, YOU " ", a ee bg 3 RELIABLE woman for fish and chip res 2e-cSummer i hE A better job with re pa Custom Upholstering and 2, Phone Genosha Hot yess sorner: Bond: 600 DIVIEOWDiseLae, CANES wail anc counter| Beaver Motor Hotel on Bea~ jit re 4 to. 9 p.m. Experienc Phy sf C on these dates for appoint type. Suitable fer jewelry, confectioners verton By-pass. Some capital preferred. Top wages paid for right per- 21--Farms for Sale n y 5 ir INiCG~ PI } AUT! $6 r 9 > J ate OMATIC WASHERS $85, dryers $65,|0r any type of store. Apply 78 Simcoe son. Apply 1220. Sir Street Nortt Zeta tor 'Sie = 4ONE 942-1500 ment AUTOMATIC WALKERS. sie. cryars Stag) 7) 72" ude tat ae v tad, Blonde "Street "No ont / earr > ' $36 up. Ail rebuilt and refinished. Guaran | SECRETARY WANTED -- part-time for 24--Stores Offices and Storage ELECTROLYSIS roads thantine ig N|GENERAL ELECTRIC dishwasher, por t s sie 3 e eed or elivered. Call Chester's|+a,, ' } small office. Call for appointment at piecheaiees for Bare . wel c ' 2 pen tas, ver a table demonstrator mode!.. Original cost| H H tee Required. Experience re- 26--Apartments for Rent $ Ov e NOW OPEN * | bine Cacsares, 986-4906. over $300, Must sell, $195, 723-1411, call| oOwa rd ancock 668-2991 Whitby hy 9 rss P oF... Racwa for Rev Oe seus AGSHEAL. chica Serving Oshawa, Bowmonville 723 464] NEW IN OSHAWA -- White ina Sew-|before 4 pit } Sunderland, Ont. RELIABLE heusekeeper required for] ferred, but not essential, r : 9 ' ; West. 725-7181. Spe-|REERIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12: | f motherless home with five girls. Must 38---Room ond Board 29--Woanted to Rent r t hoose from and area WOULD ANYONE witnessing having | Slat! portable complete $69.50.! new smooth t tress 1 1 n L F qo . ne - top mattres $ TELEPHONE live in, Telephone Whitby 668-3237 o: 30--Automobiles for Sele shy get sintiens necdie DARLINGTON any information regarding accident be-| 'rade accepted. 725-7181 stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; TV's, $29.9 668-4701 TELEPHONE 31~--Compact Cort for Sole Pi ' tween 1964 Oldsmobile and Motor City| VACUUM 7 e's % Wr 'or tr 0 j - Hi a y A repairs, ail makes, "hoses, space savers, $54.95; dressers, chrome 32--Trucks for Sale Write for ee 40 poge : UPHOLSTERY Cab at 12.30 a.m., Jan. 30, on King Street|brushes, ete' Ploicus. dalek, veeea aoe cette. Bonar new and need. Volley 330 LADIES -- Sell Watkin's Mary King Cos 33--~Automobiles Wonted ok "Career in Electronics", 102 King W., Bowmanville East at Varcoe's Road, please contact/Fieming Vacuum Service, Main Street,;Creek, 16 Bond Street West. 728-440) ra ee LR add as tas 725-351 9 34--~Automobile Repair | 23 7 Ron Mills at 262 Oshawa Blvd. South or| Pickering -- and up. Call 728-2383 on Monday. We train 35--Lost ond Found RADIO COLLEGE OF 6 34] phone 725-069 rd [PROMISING ski resort needs . capitall yo 36 gc ANAL - FURNITURE rooms, new quality! WANT ADS reach thousanas of interestee | for fut ure expansion Modern -facilities, ~ ----_-- ---- RB ne : jcuee greene re Upholstered and re-i|LADIES ONLY! If you think aiccho' { ! y $299., ir complete bed-| prospects every da Fane: eavantane oft? on north:-wes Shares, RELIABLE BABY-SITTER, Dundas Street PAINTER wanted for aute-body then. 38---Coming Events 461 King St. W r for recovering. ete eraser, material (problem to you, we can help. For more a room. kitchen ensembles Aad tage Of available now for skiers or partners. If|West. (Spruce Villa area) for shifts, two Experienced, Good wages, steady. emt 39--Notices Ontarie jtor, fee creat mk Upholstering, 78 ea ion call 668-8103 or 725-8533, All|Pay only $3. weekly. Unbeatable valuei|!he vast audience by teleononing 723-3492/interested write Box 16225, Oshawalweeks 4.15 5.15 p.m. two weeks, 4,15|ployment. Apply Harwood Aute Body, replies in strictest confidence! 'Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $,'and piece your ad before them now. | Times. to: 11.30 bine 468-8993, Columbus 655-36!

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