Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Feb 1966, p. 15

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stalled, he says they should be|daytime. When anyone rings thehome alone much of the time - > j iyi : 6, j 7-3 used at ail iimes, even whenjdoorbeii, uniock the door. hntishowis install @ peepholé and Summary of reports.cf mectings and sctivitics of | Locks The Buralars Ont tne family is at home in the'keep the chain on. A person|use it. we Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports By ELEANOR ROSS |to perfect burglar-proof locking submitted by their secretaries. Many home robberies are|devices through the use of new "inside jobs"'-~in fact, most of |high-strength steels. | SILVER CROSS MOTHERS |ice. Mrs. Roy Terwillegar and|them are. And the accomplice,| The security officer feels that The Remembrance Associa-|Mrs, Frank Michael volunteer-|U"Wittingly enough, is generally |the burglar's best friend is the tion of the Oshawa Silver Cross|ed as delegates to the Presby./the lady of the house! jcareless, falsely economical |Chapter held its meeting recent-|terial meeting in St. Andrew's| That's the opinion of the chief | housewife. ly at the home of Mrs. Gordon United Church. jof security operations for one| after 3} years of working Annis, Witson road: Mrs. Allistair" Fulton 'intto-|0! 'He country's ieading 10Ck | with joeks and locksmiths, he Mrs. Herbert Brately openediduced a film on Trinidad,|™manufacturing concerns. /n€\has concluded that it is disas- the meeting with two minutes'|shown by the Reverend N., gia einai is constanuy SPenns |trous to economize on safety, silence and the motto. Mrs.|Holmes, which was much en-| |There is-no such thing as a | Jack Hogan and Mrs. Charles|joyed. During the social time, | Philip's and Holy Cross councils | good cheap lock" is his battle- \ |Gibbs gave their report. Mrs. a Valentine contest. was con- | participating. 'cry in his unrelenting war on ; q | yy ye "Arid & |Edward, Holland gave the year-! ducted by the social commit-| Convening a bake sale to be|thieves. He cannot see the point 4 i bY Ld N K i ly financial report on parcels|tee. Refreshments were. served 'held this Sunday, after 10.30\of purchasing a door or window § / we oe y y DISTAFF DIARY [Key To House-Security ------{g"sgisi hv gf} ru wa ra, ment ston ta sent to Sunnybrook Hospital. 1 by Unit 1. ja.m, arp Mrs. James Mc-|lock that can't do the job ef- Mrs. Jessie Tooley reporte : i |Keever and Mrs. H. J. Tenhaaf. | fectively. doe hg ood gnghdey sraith oF Ter' os Go esl? ee pee reigged A locking device of hardened | members gai id ' davantinnal | B . |Steel that will ensure the safety [bers in the hospital. A donation ject chosen for the devotional March 3, 19 and 17. There willlof home, family and possessions |will be given toward the build- [period of = ig cia ae j|be prizes given: each eveninglegsts but a few dollars extra { ij- (9 in otree nite nure j j j | . i . ' on : ' laren. eee meer Ce Os tee ane Ne tist|the 'highest total score. for tho te S895: Moreover the better one of the finest Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted we ; +. f ' |devices are aiso more stylish, | The president read letters in|time since fire destroyed the three evenings. Convener for| ilhey's regards to the convention which |church buildings. Taking partlthis event is Mrs, James|VISIT SUGGESTED by Gilbey's wit be held at London during caliente tg suadand Mre | Hughes. ' The lock expert suggests a | May. ; ae : | Draws were donated and won|Kenneth Calder, Mrs. William iby Mrs. H. Fallon, Mrs. Her-|Edwards and Mrs. William bert Brately, Mrs. Jack Hogan|Eddie, Mrs. Ivan Morrison ac- * and Mrs. Frank Foote. companied at the piano for the R Refreshments were served by hymn time ; e the hostess ' The meeting was held in the} tA | The next meeting will be held) home of Mrs. Kenneth Suddard, at the home of Mrs. Thomas/Central Park boulevard south, Loreno, 183 Oshawa boulevard | with 24 members and one guest south, March 17 |present. Mrs, Frank Ball open- | jed the meeting with a prayer- WESTMOUNT UCW poem and reports were given! On Tuesday evening the ak by Mrs. Hugh Hutcheson . and JONAGENAR J lar meeting of the Westmount/Mrs. Suddard. Mrs. Jack Perry ssh clercebirusar cic United Church Women was heldirenorted on the revised plans | jin the Sunday school auditor-|fo, the Annual Snowflake | 1 ium. The president, Mrs. Percy|pridge which will be held in Friends From Far And Near Neti, welcomed' the memscrs[pocee, 20h, SP be, tld ta and visitors. Auditorium on Wednesday, | Mrs. M. E. Chase chose for|March 2 Honor Brooklin Resident the theme of her devotional! jt was pointed out that all service "But seek ye the king-|nhases of the church life of Miss Alice Olver who hasianne Tink and Mrs. Vernon dom of God, and His righteous-| king Street United Church were | 1 been a widely-known life-long) Wilson ness , assisted by Mrs. Miles|continuing as other religious resident of Brooklin recently An orchid corsage as well Stoughton and Mrs. Athol Rob-|oroups within the city had gen- celebrated her 90th birthday at|as a number of floral arrange- erts : : coe erously offered their facilities. Pe an open house celebration at;ments were among the many Miss Kendra Smith pla te The two catering assignments the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex'gifts she received two accordion solos. Mrs. \for weddings will proceed with _ : ; red Fursey and Mrs. J. E e reception being held in r, Winchester road, Brook-. Miss Olver was member. of Alfred on | ry ine the former Presbyterian Church|Kirby put on a skit entitled|Northminster and one in Har-| & B er friends rooklin United.Church for|'"How Long. Is_ Everafter',/mony United. Church' halls. | ie one coe ye and has in the past |after which Mrs. George Saun-/Other group projects were dis- ville, Whitby and Brooklin call:|taken a very active part ir/ders led in. a discussion period. |cyssed in some detail and ft ed to extend their best wishes/church and community affairs.| Mrs. Neal presided for the was tentatively decided to hold for her continued health and} Until recent years she had|business. Friday, March. 25,|the spring rummage sale in happiness. Mrs. W. A. Ormis-|spent most of her summers at Was pg yg oe = seg March ton, Mrs. John Medland and|Leisure Lodge, Olver Island, date for the Girl Guides and) wy,< John Coleman, convener Miss Chrissie Simpson poured|Georgian Bay their mottiers, and volunteers ,¢ the Christmas Merry-go- | tea and serving were Mrs. Or-| Her friends sincerely wish her were called for to cater. round Bazaar spoke to. the ing! Wonder- . val Jackson, Mrs. Bruce Tink,|many years of continued happi- The Cedardale UCW. invited group on the revised: plans for "3 is in full swing . cA members to the April 7 ' : . a e | Mrs. Bruce Ormiston, Miss Di-'ness. the bazaar which would not be r pring . d {S = -- : a meeting at 2.00 p.m. held at the UAW Hall in No- | he Singe r Singer pro uC . st of SUpe b The members were reminded vember » ' ' : « h H And S Assoc For Rate a. eTs the World Day of Prayer to The social time which follow- S on a O Now e held at Northminster United| Ft pai ibe opie u savin . Church on Friday, February 25, Sele ea "Maseuret Grandview Charter Meeting Told at 2.00 p.m. and at 7.30 p.m. Mountenay and members of NT-NEEDLE, The mig bine +A oer tg their group. Mrs. Jack Perry AUTOMATIC, a rogram of hairstyling on Mon- j 4 "The Grandview Home andjvice-president of the Oshawa Lg March 98, at the Sunday sad pal ig ata ss ZIG-ZAG SEWIN sn 'auehine "eek School Association is not for|District Council of Home and) .hool, Mrs. Harry Bennett re-|° arge 0 I . Slant-o-Matic' _ sewing sou yetlgents parents only, but for all tax-|School Associations, spoke of | ported on the membership ST. PHILIP'S CWL Singer. Chainstitch feature rat eres ine Shes 90 Soe Cm fuaction ANG purpose. Oe ait We KE. Mews Special guests at the Febru- a firm seam, then pull it out | dorset terested in seeing where their/the association and outlined 4/liams reported 40 calls made to ary meeting of St. Philip's! Perfect for basting -- and experimenting! tax money is being used andjfew- of the accomplishments} inh members. |Catholic Women's League were | 1 itch chart and di you can switc! how it benefits the children,"'|through the combined efforts of} ithe wiiners Uf the CHL public | With sti! ther plain or fancy stitches, stated Mr. John Francom, prin-jall associations. Mrs. Carl) HARMONY UCW Ispeaking contest from St. Phil-| to numerous 0! tically Model 411: cipal of Grandview School, injCreamer, president of th e| February meeting of Har- lip's School, Miss Sandra John-| sew them automati . his opening remarks at the char-|council, explained the structure;mony United Church Women} oon spoke on "The Life of Sister | special sale offer in- OFF ter meeting of the association.|of Home and School organiza-|was held in the church parlor Kenney" and Mr. Peter Tenhaat| cludes cabinet (Model $ "Tt is not just a school group, |tion from a local association with 20 members present spoke "on "Television Commer- 386) or carrying case but the school offers a conven-|Tight to the International Coun The président, Mrs. C. E. als." 'The | speukers wal (Model 547). Pr tlay tent meeting place in the area,"|Cil leve Twining, presided __|thanked by Mrs. James Sabyan gig gar ants he continued Mrs, Moss presided for the, 2he devotional a ees and presented with trophies. He announced that the official). : : taken by Unit 1 with Mrs. R. J : ad that the ~.|passing of the bylaws and in Luke in charge, taking the) It was announc a opening of the school would take| : : pres i : hin Gen CWL regional meeting would be place March 9, and would hej sealed the . charter. €xecutive/theme "Workers With es hele on Sunday February 27 at followed by open house at the/as follows: president, Mrs. Ger-| Members were asked to re- on riadatiee Ghaveh, Mine | school. lald Hudson; ist vice president,member | the hansen Panis: 2.30 p.m. re. oD: Moss, area vine. |Mrs. 7. B. Smith: | and vice-/95 in Northminster United Unit-| A day of recollection is to be president of Home and Rage president, Mrs. Eberhardjed Church, with Harmony UCW/held on Sunday, March 6, at ae She te eyomhoce the thoi Harm; recording secreta ry, taking part in the evening serv- Holy Cross Church with St. association and presented it}Mrs. Glenn Richards; corre- neemeneeenaeennneneetemenene with a chart containing the|sponding secretary, Mrs, John "Objects of Home and School".|Strachan; treasurer, Mrs, J. P j She read the creed in honor of|! abowitz; membership chair '66 BRIDAL FASHIONS BLACK S Founder's Month, pointing out}man, Mrs. L. B. Scott; program c how appropriate it was that the|chairman, Mrs. Robert Brandt NOW ON DISPLAY AT Ladies' Wear Grandview Association should|principal, Mr. John Franeom be chartered at this time.| Mrs. Hudson spoke briefly, Mrs. R. H. Donald, executive thanking everyone for their sup ae port, and. complimenting the 'A ; nominating committee for their fe if 5 3 = pegeeoneeeNe selection of the executive which PS a $ i ' ae 3 GS FOR SALE would be making history as they j ee | : SP eta ND PANT LE 88 oe) Pet ae MEND SLEEVES. A 4, Portable HG. were the charter executive. Im: ; f . pas Tas . i mediate plans include catering eS RS YOUNG BUDGET BAR Slant-o-Matic® "Free-Arm" Con @ OFF \for the official opening. Mrs ry i ) * COMPLETE WITH § vertible Model 631, fully ante a : Reg, $69.95 {Hudson announced that the fe ! matic Zig-Zag sewme } rc : i A o Fi » m. : Create or_repair anything from =, sy ag s Handsome As low 28 Ontario Convention for Home : ef "3 _ itching, mending, slip covers to the latest fashions: 12a month, y included i $6 a month, jand School was being held j ef aes d in reverse. Model Reg. $149.95 Chain stitches, too, for basting, $128 ee Model T-4P)- [April 5, 6 and 7 at the Inn on f So axle price mendes COMO" RAVE $59 Srocial. sale. offer, includes --" the Park in Toronto. Refresh- ; j i ' t " ie A rying case (Model 7 ments were provided by the ' ef » Ke am staff. Alberta Changes Adoption Act EDMONTON (CP) -- Alberta sishould have a new Adoptions Act by the end of the forthcom- ing session of the legislature |; which opens today ed . | Premier Manning told a press ; f : j We = oe ' conference the government in , eee d SPEAKER tends to enact legislation based j | | . 7 TRANSISTORIZED PORTABLE Miss Shirley McKee, Dea- on recommendations of a spe- ; ' { } Wee ' LOWEST PRICE EVER 88 coness of Northminster (cial committee set up by the 4} 4 i 4 ¥ CLEANER # bly A e United Church, is to be the |government last year ; J DELUXE yi Singer 23°, Coioct eneen with 2 88 ; nic speaker for the Women's The committee recommended gf 4 FLOOR POLISHE 88 automatic chenne er ees turn' splay i Reg. $59.95 World Day of Prayer-serv- (a mother giving up her child ; ( P-20 *"5-purpose" model rene " automatic ears eatin as Reg. $279.95. here -- weil SAVE $16. ices, Friday, February 25, | for adoption should be able to ' hl' Ee scrubs ot gd eliminates need ts alter, One | . : 3 'wax, ushes 4 59! rogra at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. |say she has no preference as ae j d fe Bh gave gs ng ne ox Reg. $59.95. ye ee all tubes, in Northminster United |to the religion of adopting par- / shampoo dispenser, and com- SAVE $10. service, Church. lents, f : et : plete accessories. a OIE ae EAGT ENE ne 5 As Illustrated a8 oe VV: 79.95 : ton . ae dit. No down payment FOR THE FINEST ing machine. Use your cre ble service. ASHIONS FOR THE na sewing m : nd dependa ENTIRE BRIDAL | ee ne backed by Singer guarantees a -- sham- Custom and ENTIRE BRIDAL PARTY... Liberal trade-in allowance Ready Made Be re Via ob bikie, halt Ghigo wil le purchases over $50. Every pr only too: pleased to help you select gowns and accessories. for. your entire bridal party wed ding gowns, bridesmnids' attire, fashions for Mother» fashions. All bridal arrangements carried out in com in the lotest Shades ond plete privacy Fobrics.. . see... Mé 16 SIMCOE ST.N. thts 11BL ACK'S = For an appointment call -- 725-1912 QXPERTLY INSTALLED 74 Celina Street 723-7827 72. Simcoe. North Open FH. till @ PM

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