Low Rental WHITBY (Staff) -- Two pro- posed locations for the erection of low cost rental homes were revealed at Monday's town Scaaetancah Meee NeaaEhanicetcaeeeet, ae are planned. The project was intreduced by W. M. Goverde Investment and Development Corporation Ltd. The plan 'vould involve 42 homes to be constructed in the Annes and Harriet st. area. It was further suggested the project could be equally divided semitet Crirtrs) Housing with some homes erected on the. east side of Ash st, The devel- oper's request for a meeting with council was turned over to the bylewe and subdivicinn cam. |mittee for further study and re- jcommendation. The proposed builders were the only firm interested in con- structing low cost rental homes in the town. Continued requests ifor submissions from builders produced no results until the Ipresent time. PUC Plans Improved Lighting The Whitby Public Utilities | Commission estimates its street lighting program for 1966 will The capital expenditure wil! also provide for installation of 125 new 250-watt lamps continu- | WHITBY (Staff) -- More than /600 children benefited from su- pervised swimming classes in the Whitby Community pool, driving the past summer, town eouncil was advised _Mandav evening. The information was revealed whon the annual re- port submitted by Dave David- son, swimming instructor and supervisaor, was read out. The proposed budget for 1966 included a reqest for a grant of $1,000 which would help pro- vide $150 to purchase canvas to serve as a windbreak around the pool. In addition, an esti- mated $500 will be required to purchase lights for use during adult swimming instruction and swim heater units. It was explained a new tank of propane gas is required approximately every two or three days. The super- visor suggested an appreciable saving could be obtained for the months of July and August. The supervisor further stated that should the number of swim- mers continue to rise, it would be necessary to construct a new and larger pool or, limit the number of children desirous of taking swimming lessons. crea since se in pool interest 1962. nota wim C 'chool Board Vetoes lasses At the end of the 1962 season receipis 'in the amount of $4,318.48 were noted as opposed to disbursements of $4,210.76. | The year produced a balance of $133.41. These figures were com- |pared favorably with last year when receipts totaled $4,962.52 and disbursements were $4,- 515,95. The balance on hand last year was $980.77. In submitting the budget for |1966, the Swimming Pool Board) -- lestimated there would be total|hire a person who i WHITBY (Staff)--The Whitby Public School system will not be hiring an art consultant this year, Whitby Public School Board, decided at its meeting Monday night. The motion that would have empowered Superin- tendent of Public Schools How- ard Hempstead io nire ine con- sultant was defeated three to two, ° | Mr. Hempstead, speaking ony behalf of the motion, said he felt it would be desirable to is skilled in _ disbursements totalling $5,-|school system got bigger, the Ratepayers Charge | program of the consultant could grow with it. | We have a physical educa- tion consultant and two music en re rr aay Town Council to authorize a de- benture issue of $896,000 for the purpose of building a new sen- jor public school was passed by the board. SAFETY LECTURES Constable Ernie Stoneman of tha Whithy Polica Danartment will be making visits to Whitby schools lecturing on safety, Trustee Hempstead informed the board. "This is the first visits by police to the schools in 1966, and | feel, even though we still The report showed the in-|receipts of $5,880.77 as opposed|this field so that, before the|have guards at the schools, we | still have to keep after the chil-| dren about safety,"' he said. The board's two music con- sultants, Mrs. Marian Williams and Mrs, Joyce Bain, gave a bith Geismnr a timed, tueaday, February 44, 1700 5 |the period e 'Win Series | WHITBY (Staff) Otten- |brite's Men's Wear Slipped past jArena Sunoco in the second jgame of a semi-final series in the Whitby Mercantile Hockey League, Sunday afternoon. The clothiers won the series in two straight games to meet the Royal Hotel lads in a best of five final series, beginning Sun- day, Feb. 27. The game, which was close most of the way, ended in a 4-2 win for Ottenbrites. The first |period was scoreless with both teams forechecking like profes- sionals. Opening the second period with a push at 1.13 John Vesters nding 2-1 in favor of % Herb Fr 2 ust tor Sunoco 7.09 oF frame but Ottenbrites for the game. Lloyd Seymour | bagged two fast goals with John Vesters in on both counters. No more scoring but plenty of hard forechecking by Ottenbrites spelled 'game over' for this year on the oil boys. | DASEDALY S1An Dino | §T, LOUIS (AP)--Marty Mes Manus, 65, a star infielder with the old St. Louis Browns of baseball's American League and a playing manager for Bos- ton Red Sox in the 1930s, died Friday in hospital here. Me- Manus hit .309 and .333 for the Browns in 1928 and 1924. WE PAY regular swimming meets. Other requirements for the 1966 season were also cited in the report. Cracks in the pool require filling to prevent loss of excessive quantity of water daily. This project is expected to cut down cost of. the water and also keep the pool warmer. A much smaller amount of, consultants and I feel we are|demonstration, through the use equally warranted in hiring an|of a tape recorder, of part of art consultant," he said. their program in the public |McFARLANE OPPOSED school system. Trustee Leslie McFarlane said| The board will ask town coun-| jhe would like to back the super-|cil that the crossing guard at intendent in all his requests but|the Brock Street School be re- felt a little frightened now that|installed. budget time was approaching. | ST think when we see our|/ RENOVATIONS APPROVED budget our eyebrows will shoot) The architectural firm of up. Therefore, I can't see us|CTaig and Yamazaki will bd picked off a goal for the win- ners, followed closely by Doug McLean moments later. Brian Fletcher answered for Sunoco, cost an estimated $32,000. Ofjing the program of better light- this amount capital expenditure|ing within the town, The addi- 2 4 = 2 is expected to total $79,000. jtional cost of improved lighting 1g Cc 10n av ng WHITBY (Staff) -- A com-|The ratepayers stated they had plaint of lack of action was lev-|received a letter from the town elled at town council Monday|clerk cn Oct. 20 stating the sit- evening by the Blair Park Vista|uation would be rectified after Ratepayers' Association. Thejthe highway had been widened Pi complaint dealt with an earlier|to four lanes. They further ex-} water ag 7 cinyivesn to KeeP | suggestion immediate ste psjplained they had read an article sa dbo dg evel up to the requir) vould be taken to obtain approv-|in The Oshawa Times stating the : lal of stop lights at the Highway jengineer had. been authorized) | ye + hi rations a] Pipes to and from the pooljy -- pilin Dr. intersection. |to take necessary action to berg tig ourselves this nic Bek pling sed pctoghacys. |should be checked to ascertain|Council turned the matter over|tain appioval for installation of Y©2" 2° said. lalso gave approval 'der ¥onown.! water leakage due to deterior-|to the Fire and Community Ser-|stop lights from the department| Trustee Norman Edmondson | tions th the Dutdas -Atrest ation of the piping system. The yices Committee for recommen-|of highways. |said that as a taxpayer he had) ¢onool to start in 1967 r pool also requires an annual! gation. The safety of neighborhood|n0 desire to see the tax bill : _ {coat of paint. Ratepayers complained, in a|childrer was stressed in the let-| tise, but as a parent he wanted The heating systems at the and local members of Parlia-| Another suggestion for thejletter to council, setting out a/ter to council especially with the|the best for his children, and|E. A. Fairman School and Dun- ment. |new season was a changeover|request for action before the fu-|proposal for a four-lane high-|Was in full favor of the motion./das Street School will be con-| Several municipalities have|from propane heaters to gas'ture widening of the highway.' way. | A request asking Whitby! verted to oil during the summer. | 4% On Regular CLOTHES Tailored to Measure by House of Hobberlin, Tip Top Toilors Savings Accounts Freemans Formal Rentals Chequing Privileges No Service Charges -- ot -- USS EEVE MEN"S SHOP 129 Brock St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-2091 WHITBY i INSURANCE. DID YOU KNOW THAT THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT HAS A BRAND NEW PLAN FOR PAYING BiLisZ r MY DOC'S A GREAT GUY... BUT HE CANT DO FOR NOTHING / The PUC proposes to removelis expected to be $5,099 per lamps from Dundas st. e., re-| In addition to the lighting ex- watt Mercury Vapor lamps. The mitted its estimates for hy- lights being removed will be re-|drants in the amount of $19,000. changes are expected to im-jinstallation of four additional prove the lighting on the east/hydrants on Dundas st. e. Im- standard of lighting in line with|quested so the work can be requirements for the proposed|cémpleted prior to the new road . . . Council Backs Goderich Resolution Protection of Ontario's water tional shot in the arm Monday) evening when town |completed or are in the process| ~ tion submitted by the town of of completing such preventive Goderich. th jworks have contributed to the incial : t ot rl of raw Sewage being Provinces BOVORUMIEN! DAY ie discharged into the watershed the cost of sewage projects) ing discharged into the Great | has been classed as heavy with Lakes and tributary streams |the request now submitted that Watershed. jshare 50 per cent of the cost Copies of the resolution are|All points within the province palities having a population|from the plans now underway greater than 2,500; to the/it was further suggested by the . Council Welcomes Schoo! Students Encouragement in civic af-,principal, Sister Anna Clare. Monday council meeting when |87 students into two groups a group of Denis O'Connor High |with one representation attend- to the meeting. The 'students|ond group will attend council were in attendance by special /March 21 The program of student at-|described as an educational ex- tendance at council meetings|perience by the school princi-| ' a . Ratepayers' Group Seeks Inform*tion The newly formed Northern,ment had been revealed. The er's Association was officially|the area was also mentioned recognized by town council Mon-| with open ditches being in vogue ed a request for information.| Traffic signs at the intersec- Park development storm sewers|tion of Palmerston avenue and objects of discussion. ithe letter The ratepayers' letter suggest-| The request for a council rep- been purchased in the neighbor-| NHNRA meeting was submitted hood but no date for develop-'in the letter Miss Elspeth Walker, Toronto,| party was held on Saturday with niece of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ed-|the following guests: Kevin and ing at their home, 529 Euclid st. | 5 iShepstone and also the moth- Mr. and Mrs. Saco Eekma and! ers of the young guests and Mrs, Sgouke Siersma re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs, 23 +400-watt Mercury Vapor|annum in 1967. placing them with 55 new 400-| penditure budget, the PUC sub- installed on Dundas st. w. Such|Permission was requested for side of the town, bringing the|mediate installation was re- four-lane highway. {program being finalized resources was given an addi- council | unanimously endorsed a resolu-| jplants, it was stated. Such The resolution requests lewbenise which prevent raw sewage be-| The expense of such plants anywhere in the Great Lakes/|the provincial government being forwarded to all munici-|and country will reap benefits Mavors and Reeves Association! Goderich town council. fairs was introduced at the|The principal divided a class of School students were a siocmkea (lag Monday evening. The sec- arrangement. The program of visitation was was instigated by the school! pal. Heights Neighborhood Ratepay-jquestion of storm sewers for day evening when they submitt-/at the present time. and traffic lights were the main| Walton bivd. were requested in ed it was known parkland had | resentative to attend the Mar. 9 WHITBY PERSONALS wards, spent last weekend Visit-| Angela Labanovich and Debbie two children, Ellert and Jane, Citroen at John Spyksma of Wayne Fleet BUDGET DRY CLEANING } $2.00 for 8 Ibs. NO SELF SERVICE -- Attendants On Hand To Operate Machines Frigidaire Coin Laundry Pork Pleza -- Whitby Sunday guests at the home of} Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elliott, 519 Palace st., were Mr. and| Mrs. Bud Barker, Bowmanville Danny and Debbie, twin chil- en of Mr. and Mrs. Louis El- liott RR 1, Whitby, celebrated their second birthdays last Sun- day Robin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Chilton, is cele-) brating her first birthday today, | To celebrate the occasion a TALKS GARS A WORD ON USED CAR PRICES It is a common practice of salesmen to drive a new automobile one or two years, putting from 30,000 to -65,000 highway miles on the speedometer 1f it has been driven carefully with clean oil, as is usually the case, the engine of such a car is often in better condition then an identical model driven for half that mileage in town. "WHEN THE ONTARIO GOVERNMENT DREW LIP THIS PLAN, THEY MALE ITSO CAN HAVE AROTECTICN NO MATTER HOW LITTLE MONEY THEY HAVE «cco oo K& WE SOIN, WE CAN ICOSEANY LPOTOR WE Llikts, AND WE CAN GET CUR DOTORS' GILLS fH DP FOl2 TUE ENTIRE PANLY/ I DONT EVEN WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT...-I JUST WANT TO FORGET ABOUT MY DOCTORS BILLS/ Blair There ore some "'ifs'"' in this comparison though that o wise used cor buyer. must bear in mind if he wants to buy trons- portation that will be trouble-free for the length of time he has o right to expect. ITS CALLED THE ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE. Though the engine of a high mileage car may be sound, the shocks, generator, front end, springs and fuel pump -- to cite a few examples -- need reconditioning or replacement before the cor it ready for resale. FOR INDIVIDUALS AND THEN PAWULIES ONLY. FOR SILL LS7 COVERAGE BE SURE OLENA BY MAY IST; (956 A deoler interested in a quick profit instead of customer sat isfaction con 'take such @ car, turn the milage back, and sell it as is. He will naturally make more profit than an ethical dealer who reconditioned it Gnd charged o litt! ore for it. The loser is the borgain-hunting customer who will have to spend much more than he "saved" on such a deal in future repoir bills. There is one simple rule to get your used car purchase, That is to buy from o dealer who js interest ed in your satisfaction and future business. He will be cor cerned how you like your cor AFTER the sale, ond in serving you twelve months o year er money th ing OMSIP ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN h / ne NORTHSIDE R DODRE - CHRYSLE Ww