Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Feb 1966, p. 18

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~honeie neminnenhe (eCALEESTNTNTNEGS 8 fl ewe owes os LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY ne NO. fh4 BORD +++ e AB nn ide A ST i OLD CLOTHES ATALL £ Lam | [HAVE You iMiNnUTeS SEA So SPARES te as) Seni, SEM cc ntmmanameaneg me IE ee pore oF PICK OUT A NICE GIRL MARRY HER AND THEN 1 FaTicata, Jon 1966. Werk THE LONE RANGER King Pentures HE LIKES THAT PROGRAM, DOESN'T HEF HEF Tn AND TOSSES AND TUR DISTURBING DREAMS mn 7 1 GET BEHIND US AGAIN, WELL HEAD FOR A CANYON, . i. Maekenzie King AiR S oe TEEN os 1» HE BUI GROTESQUE SCOTTISH RUIN, AND HIS TORTURED SOUL FINDS T IN THE DARKNESS WEIRD SHADOWS . OF ITS EXCELLENT, MI66 PURAND/ START BY VE Gor INTERVIEWING MY FILM, | COLONEL! ff G-- / F READY TO fi CC Vee CRANK BEFORE WE RELEASE | THEM. YOUR INTERVIEW 4 MUST SHOW THEY ARE A» CAPTIVES | AGAINST U.S. ON SURFACE SHE (S LOYAL JOURNALIST BUT STILL SHE IS AN IGHTING, y--~ GREAT _ ] " PROPAGANDA i i ame, THE OSHAWA. TIMES, Eabkevae 32 1088 By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Ploy) East deaier. jagger yng ps one NORTH West Worth 1@ Dble Pass 36 Opening lead -- five of dia monds. Play in haste and repent at leisure is merely a paraphrase of a well-known saying concern: ing the institution of marriage, but the admonition as applied to bridge is worth its gveight in aces and kings to every serious bridge player. West led a diamond and South won-with the queen. De- clarer then played a club to the queen and another one back to the ace, West showing out. At this point South discovered that a hand where he thought he would easily make four no- trump had suddenly changed in complexion drastically and that he was now destined to go down at least one. He could establish his long clubs if he wanted to, but he would have no entry back to his hand to cash them. Granting that he was unlucky to encounter a 4-1 club division, the fact remains that the failure OCCIDENTAL / Si to make the contract was snipes | | South's own fault. Instead of blithely assuming that. the clubs would be divided 3-2 -- the nor- mal expectancy--South should have given serious considera- tion to the possibility of a 4-1 break. Had he done this, he would have come up with a sure-fire answer to the problem. He would have won the opening diamond lead with the ace, in- stead of playing low from dum- my and winning with the queen. Then, having taken two rounds of clubs and learned of the 4-1 division, he would have played a low club and discard- ed a spade from dummy, East would win the club, but, regard- less of which suit he elected to return, he would be unable to prevent South. from eventually reaching his hand with a dia- mond to cash the. remaining OW ad : Fre clubs, Ree een ea Sat | RY keeping the QF ot ai J HAVE HAD My SNAKES TOOTH SALINDA FROM ME AGAIN, monds intact on the opening ZONING IN THE ANGEL OF DEAT '|, lead, South would have made EW ALL PA : =. iy / | CROSSWORD TELEVISION LOG the hand with a normal 3-2 club ACROSS 1.A great 9:30 P.M, } | Peyton Place division, while protecting him- amount: 4--Buttale 6-3--Dick Van Dyke |63--Across Canada self at the same time against a 4-1 split. Moreover, by taking slang &--Toronte | 4--Petticoat Junction 4--Dick Van Dyke Show | . Cloak 7--Buttalo 10:00 P.M 12:00 NOON his time at trick one, South M. | would have had no subsequent , Settled Channel &--Rochester | 11--The Merv Griffm Shew| %--Toronto Today routine Channel 9%--Toronto | @4 Spy 4-2--Jeopardy opportunity to tepent at leisure. a. Channel 1]--Hamilton § | &63_News Magazine | 7--Money Movie eee . Chicle ee =| The Fugitive 4--Luncheon Sate . Common 4--CBC Reports 4---News and Weather verb 10:30 P.M. . Something #3--The Public Eye lost in more 4--Chopin Singing Society| rays 11:00 P.M. Bae -- N99-7443-2--News on. ' | Weather and Sperte . Constellation . Tellurium: @ King Foorarse Spedicnt. tn SECRET AGENT X9 NOW, I PRESUME, YOU'D LIKE A SET OF GOLF CLUBSP Le YOU PLEASE WRITE THE WORD *SCARED' ON THE BOARD, HENRY ! A 000 CHOICE, SIR! } a ar aati ONE OF THOSE.. THE LONG-HANDLED TLL TAKE THIS ONE! DONALD DUCK SS -- 'A GOIN' TO WALK OVER "TO DOC tosses... ote IF HES LEARNED YMORE WHAT KIND OF. 50.Plant again 19. A fish 1:30 A.M. | %~Abracadabra Channe: Channel Channel Channel Channel 2--Buttalo 3--Barrie DOWN . Like a giantin fairy tales - Something unrefined 3. Attend to 4.-- SPEEDSKATERS MEET TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario speedskating coaches will hold a seminar in Peterborough Sat- urday and Sunday. William Plauntz of Kitchener will con- duct the clinic on training and coaching and Harold Kostin of Ottawa will assist in lecturing. SALLY'S SALLIES JANE ARDEN tymsuay | 5:00 P.M. | Family Theatre 9--Five O'clock Movie @-- Superman 4--Passport To Adventure 3--Stingray S--Lleyd Thextes | 5:30 P.M, | @-Leave «| Te Beaver 7--Rocketship 7 é--Music Hop | | 8--Rawnide | | 4:08 Pm. 7--Twilight Theatre Generation a News. Sports wit Chuck Healy | 6:20 P.M, | --News Judah V7 " 6:30 P.M, %--Plerre Berton : Oriental n--femily wineatre | 6--Nightcap | dwelling 14 pate aad 12:30 P.M, . Gesture of | sts ioe Sports indifference | sstoek gaceen 4--Acrese Coneda bhp weld olant ~ | 200 A.M. Ms 7:00 P.M. | -Knave of | 11--Daniel_ Boone clubs 9--The Littlest Mobe . Type of witienlai o 8--Biography Eee WE CAN ALWAYS GWITCH TO SELLING cooKies/ ) world +News, Weather, . Roman -- -- . FI _ tasers aN. 2 garment eee eS . Except that INI EY oo ae . Sacred bull he . Inlet 1) COOKIES Fors, . Bone . Easily suede . Storage place . Purchase . Finish Not level . King pneumonia . Leveled . Tennis term 7. Once more . Explode . Central Am, timber tree . Legendary giant . Greek letter . Rodent 29.Insecure Yesterday's Answer 30. Dirty 32. Type of opossum 34, Ticket 35, Think 36, Dizzy 38. Base- ball teams 5-2--Let's Play | @4--Searc For Tomorrow | §--Neon-day Revert 39. East of Miss, 44. Prickly seed coat 45. A little hum bug 48.4 con- traction p | 12:4. P.M. | @4--Guiding Light +--Viewpoint | 1:00 P.M, : |1]--Theatre had nl aged | 9--Morning Star | I-4--Late Show 4--Andy ef ddeyborry +--diight =Metre t--Matinee | 7--Ben Casey | é---Luncheon Date | 4--Meet The Millers 3--Summer Carousel t-Mike Doughes thew | 1:30 PLM, | %-James Beard Show @4--As The World Turne 2:00 P.M, %-- Kids. Is People | 7---Nurses | &4--Password | 2--Days of Our Lives 2:18 PLM, --Capiain Kangeree Y--Dear Cnarione 9:00 A.M, | 2:30" P.M. | 9--Playtime With Uncie) %--Peopie in Conflict The Doct NO; JUST. HOW APPLESAUCE! }: * attention . Stone in biblical breastplate . Poker stake 4 15 7 [8 . King of 11:30 PLM, ~The Saint $2--Tenight Show 4--Sports Movie | 11:40 P.M, MICKEY MOUSE Huntley Brinkley 7--Maverick PT LESS | I MADE THIS ) BOOTH FOR THE LADIES' CLUB \ BAZAAR...7 IF AUNTY JORDAN AND T DON'T HAVE ANY LUCK WITH IT THE WAY IT !S\.. Pie | Bobby + | 7--Dialing For Dollars | 7--A | With Girl Talk é--Zane Grey Theatre | 4--Mike's Carnival 4--Linkletter's Party 9:30 A.M, | ar o--Meta | 3:00 P.M. | 6--Extension il--Donna Reed | 4--Gypsy Rose Lee | 9--Fractured Phrases 2--Dobie Gillis | @8--Another Werte 10:00 A.M. | 7--General Hoepite! 11--Whiplash |+43--To Tell The Truth 9--Playtime With Uncle | 3:30 P.M, Bobby |}}--Funny Company 8-2--Fractured Phrases | 9--Ite Your Move 6-3---Ivankoe &---You Don't Say | 4-1 Love Lucy | 7--Superman Show 10:30 A.M. j+3--Take 30 \l--Ed Allen 4--Bdge of Night 2--Kartoon Karnival | 4:00 PLN. | %--Mickey Mouse Ciub 9--Bingo | @--The Match New and Used 4--Cer 1 Where Are Your? 2--Gilligan's isiand 2--Huntley- Brinkley Report 7:30 P.M, 9--Musical Showcase 8 2--My Mother The Car 7--Combat ¢--On The Seene 4--Rawhide 3--Hogan's Heroes 4:00 Pom. 1i--Movie 9--Gomer Pyle | -2--Please Don't Eat The : | Daisies iy F : | 63--Red Skelton Hour YOUR HEALTH 1s se See Sh "But, Madam, you must have site for zee foundation, and my sight tells me zag need more terrain." 7--Donna Reed 63--Friendly Giant 4--The McCoys 10:45 A.M. &3--Chez Helene 11:00 A.M. 5-2--Paradise ,Bay |l--Mike Douglas Mr, And Mrs §-2--Morning Star 7~Supermarket Sweep 163--Butternut Square 8-2--Concentration | Grace | 7--Early Show |4&-3--Bonnie Prudden Show US wuar's so rree ABOUT TEN CENTS AN HOUR ? WHY ? WHAT'S WITH YOU ? ARE YOU AGAI FREEDOM OF SPEECH, OR SOMETHING? " y re eS Nope! IM THE QUIET PE! i TEN CENTS AN we, vou, Wave OH, COME Now! Wour N' THATS | f° TO RENT IT To ) YOU MUST HAVE. 7--McHale's Navy DIRT CHEAP! SOMEONE ELSE... STRONG FEELINGS y IVE GOT NOTHING 4-Red Skelton ABOUT SOMETHING | 9:00 P.M, 0--The Wackiest Ship In The Army: 8-2--Movie 63--Front Page Challenge 1--F Troop | 9--Movie | 7--Early Show 63--Razzie Dazzle 4--The 4-Thirty Show To Regard Measles As Harmless, Foolish By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD You Can Exchange Skates That Are Too Smell For A New or Used Pair. | tities, and will prevent the se-,I should keep them indoors for rious harm which otherwise it|a week. At his suggestion I also! can cause, called the health department,| topic we,every two or 2% years. Other) German measles, however, | and the director said. he had Measles.| than that, there is no particular| usually is a mild disease except|never heard of such a_ thing, season. It can come at any when it infects a woman in/but that I should be glad to time of year. jearly pregnancy {in the first/have the measles over with. questions that deserve answers Don't wait for an epidemic. three or four months, The dan-| would just like some reas- meee Dear Dr. Molner: I have read Have your children vaccinated| se? in that case is that the baby) cuiance. -- Mrs. R. 0. I GUESS,..T WANTED that measles can be a serious| immediately, so their immunity| quite often will be harmed, even! 'Phere are three or four types | TO THANK YOU,.S0.. disease, something like 500) will be firmly established, Ideal/though the mother is not of measles vaccine in use, all | I KISSED YOU, AM deaths a year from it and its\age for vaccination is six) German measles vaccine is good. Some have a greater risk I FORGIVEN? alfereffects months, or at least by one year,|not yet available, but it will be| of causing rash and fever -- but Is there a definite season for| but measles vaccine is still rea-| ultimately it is still what we call modified it? Should I vaccinate my chil-lsonably new, and 'if an older} Dear Doctor; My baby re-| measles and not a case of true dren now or wait until there's! child hasn't had the disease,| ceived two shots of measles vac-/ measles with its possible risks. an imminent epidemic? lright now is the best time for! cine from our family doctor and| Other vaccines minimize the What is the recommended age! the vaccination suffered absolutely no ill effects:| chance of such reactions but do for vaccination? -- Mrs, R. A. Dear Doctor: What about the} I wanted my daughter, 3, and/not give full protection unless a Yes, measles is as deadly as| vaccine for measles and Ger-| son, 5, to have the vaccine, and/ second or booster shot is given you have read. But it damages}man measles? -- Mrs, R. T. I] took them 'to,the city health) I am not ready to say that many times more than it kills,;) Get this straight Measles| department. About 10 days aft-| any particular type is best, but S50 anyone who regards measles) (rubeola) and German measies| erward they both broke out with! all have their individual advan- as a "harmless" disease i (rubella) are two separate' dis-| spots and had quite a tempera-|tages. With further experience is} eases | ture I presume that we may settle Measles, for reasons we don't Regular measles vaccine now! Our family doctor said they |Onpone as the most satisfactory 'know, habitually recurs: aboutiis available in adequate quan-| had developed har measles, and|for all-round use. | WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. DITION, Let discussed me. finish the yesterday: COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224 Some sther readers have asked MUGGS AND SKEETER DON'T SAY ANYTHING, WHIT, JUST TAKE ME HOME. ) T'M SORRY, EVE, TRUE ed DON'T KNOW WHAT JULIET JONES fool a

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