3S---Somls MRS. MABEL V. BROADBENT Tender Notice B | N G 0 : } ' Following a sickness of four months the death occurred, Feb. 21, at the Oshawa General Hos- : : : ' pital of Mrs, Mabel Viola Broad- Royal Canadian $] 450.00 bent, 25 Mill st. She was in her ; : 48th . enue 'ONTARIO IN PRIZES ) 4 Snghlee of the late Amos : é and Annie Bowerman, the de- Sealed tenders, addressed te Oshawa Lions Club} '~ 4 Pirate ener Se srw st Paden bast ace ar 5 Mildait, Cnt. She teceivea ork as ieoe ak EE: a, 7 sept Bory Moy Ontorio, will be received by 4 JQACKpoIs ; ma | Deci a resident of Oshawa for the Architects, John B, Parkin t more than 30 years. She was a Associates, Architects and En- Nos. 54 and 58 : member of Grace Lutheran gineers, ot 1500 Don Mills ; , y é ; ' Church. Road, Don Mills, Ontario, un- | $300-in 52 Nos. or Less S , j Mrs. Broadbent is survived by til 4:00 pim. $200 in announced Nos, f i 'i tie a daughter, Mrs. William Bel- : ; ; ; 4 chos (Bette) of Willowdale and ( THURSDAY, $25 ea Prize ps j 4 two sons, John and James, of MARCH 17th, 1966 | $10 per line both games aren a a for the construction of a | ¢441, Bird Game 7:45 Sharp : Mrs. Clarence Hansel (Edna) of new Legion Hall Guaranteed Minimum $5.00 w. § 4 Oshawa and Mrs. Maud Wal- Per Line $25.00 Full Card, : : ae at hg Stanley; three bro- es thers, Carl Bowerman of New ee owe $150.00 Jackpot Game : F a. | Jersey, Clarence and Roy Bow- shall be deposited with Osh- 20 Regular Games at $20.00 erman, of Oshawa and four owa ond District Construction Double in 15 Nos, or Less, j grandchildren. i Exchange, before 3:00 p.m. Last 5 Games $30. per gome. ; ; : ee The funeral service will be Tuesdoy, March 15th, 1966. 4 ' " i OL held at the MclIntosh-Anderson Plans, specifications, instruc- ADMISSION 50¢ , : Funeral Home ety p.m. Feb. . ' 4 | : . ' "~ te 23. Interment will be in Osh- tions to bidders, and form of | BL. sewice leaving King and } os é * . hi ie awa Union Cumimany: athe: Phil tender moy be obtgined on | f apetication by Ganerol Con Simcoe Streets at 7:15 p.m. ip Feiss, pastor of Grace La- tractor ofter 4:00 p.m. Fri- | The biggest prize money meg : me oo ae on SS theran Church, will conduct the from the office of the Arch. |i the area for a 50c od-| Kia ee . : ais INQUIRY HEAD tects, Toronto. A' certified |mission charge. 'i s - a r oss Gans $50'00 is required co a de. | EVERY WEDNESDAY FIELD TRIP TO CENTRE OF ACTIVITY MS. ARTHUR TEAMING | C."Conetinn Sapreme Gaile, the Idty Oat oie | : death occurred this morn- posit on plans. NIGHT , : ' ; ' hool at 13 to h he will have a lot to say in |; The Court justice, has been ap- cern Mr. Justice Landre- he Wisse Aatrota Ca Veh Jean Pierre Cote (right), and J. E. R. Perrier during leave school at 13 to help v ot to say in |ing at the Oshawa General Hos- patuted ta cocry tt ik oo ville's acceptance of NONG Canada's new postmaster- a tour of the Ottawa post support his family when his the cabinet on the war on pital of Mrs. Arthur Leaming,| . to reject ony or all tenders. JUBILEE PAVILION general, talks with postal office. Mr. Cote, who had to postman father fell ill, says poverty. : 970 Cadillac ave, #'The decban prot age gt yg perio Pagel et ge 3 was mayor of employees A. J. Lavigne --CP Photo |ed, who was in her 63rd year, : Mein JOHN B. PARKIN ASSOCIATES had been sick since Christmas. P Architects and Engineers. | BIRTHS STOCK MARKET The former Ruby Toms, the seein diiitasscsibadatiaiarcesicasaiaisss) deceased was a daughter of the a mpg gl A , _ . . a > TORONTO 10:40 A.M. STOCKS Patino 150 $114 11% | Con Paper 110 $39% 39% 39% -- % Moore $794 79-79% + | WE ; , 3 q G 1 $16% 16) 1 | 's y 4 ee ee Oe ee eee cS a A BS TT Het 18 Hes By Beh kingston vf, Whitey Tome] EQUITABLE LIFE GAINS The undersigned auctioneer | rival of thelr son, done Cougs ae | Toronte Steck Gxchange--Fed. 2% scl shee a4 57% Cm fe oo ee ey , ae | Oct. 23, 1903, and received her will sell by public auction ot |$ Sie on Sunday, February 20, 1966. at | tions in cents unless marked 8.| Placer ; Crain RL $0 $33" 33% 3344+ Y2| Nat Drug 15% 15' 15'2-- vleducation in Oshawa. Shirtiverts Auction tell, 33 (Seem ee oer) Soe Preston | run taf 265 1g TD Ha) Non - Mrs. Leaming was married in REPORTED FOR 1965 all, for Deborah. 1--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-} 5 ao 5000 1 vl yonus A $10 $5 5 5 Noranda , ; Mrs. & g m Hall St. the househol Net change is all St. the household con- Laing cnstnaegpetoelde a iets eagh Que Man 250 | Cygnus B 260 $7%4 1% 7% Nor Ctl G '2 22% 32%--%|St. John's Anglican Church, tents of: from previews Soerdigt Ceing * | Que Sturg 0 : ; Distt Seag 240 $38% 3834 384 -- V4) Nor van Is atte Oh y| Loronto, Sept. 7, 1922 and had Quonto 00 7 2| Dofasco 484 $26% 26% 267e-- Ve icean m 1 1 fala: . MR. J. SHERIDAN | MINES | Radiore 5000 Dom Glass 100 $l4va 14'e 14's Ogilvie 25 $15 15. 15 jlived in Oshawa since her mar- 1965 1964 229 Burns St. Whitby | vce wot | Reve 1 1 Dom Lime 100 310 310 310 = 15) Oshawa ia 2 + Miriage. She was a member of Reavers ae On Thurs, Feb. 24 at 6:30 p.m. DEATHS pateee ae es a ee ee ge ave "J 24" lst. Matthew's Anglican Church.| + $ 55,128,651 § 51,409 High Low a.m. Ch'ge Athy 0 3 | t y ye Park 475475 st. 8 . ssets. 909 G.E. Television, chesterfield | as ek tk a | eee Banter p Sook 20% 20v% | | Pembina =) $10 40% 104" | Besides her husband, Mrs. ea Geis $55,138, ainsi suite, bedroom suite, china 'Advocate 1 495 490-490 «+ «8| -Ryanor 450¢ Dom Text z10 $38 38) 38 Brg tan live aa Leaming is survived by a son,| Income........0% 10,292,330 9,092,289 i BROADBENT, Mabel Viola Agnico 00 137 «137 Salem Du Pont 50 $444 444 44% $ 0% 04--% cabinets, coffee table, dres- : ' ae aitche a2 @ | San Ant 100 1 Falcon 102¥4 101% 1022 + Vy 340 134% 13% |Donald, of Oshawa; a sister, P sears, dishes mony more ar- | Fusruary 2), 196s, Mabel Viole Broad:| AAM Moly 400 165 165 Sherritt es $98. S90 S lfaeus 2 ge Ege 8 |Mrs. Donald Smith (Helen) of /ayments to ticles too numerous to men- [bent (nee Bowerman)» in her 49th year;| ANd Ay bi Sigma 5 5 Ford Cds 1 Revelstk 26 3 %| Oshawa and a brother, William Policyholders,% 4,351,154 8,801,874 tion. | Seer. mother, of Mrs. Wm. ss (Getta) yee i : | Silvrfids 300 3 3 15) FPE-Pion ve 1 D Reveistk p c Toms, of Bournemouth, Eng- | of Willowdale, John and James Broad-| it k ; Rock " fy ibe 141A | ' ' ca fit TERMS CASH jbent of Oshawa; sister of Mrs. Clarence; Are' : | Si miler 0 1 ey gc ' Romfleld ig land. Su lus Funds..¢e e 8,880,589 8,343,640 MYLES KING ; | Hansel (Edna), Clarence and Roy, all of} Atmore i d Roth , . ft l i ill b auctioneer |oshawa, Mrs. Maud Waldeck of Port Stan-| A Arcadia 15 2 $i Stan fee | G Bahama 3000 2 : | Bova dk $26 26, 2 %4| The funeral service wi e r . > ley, and Carl Bowerman of New Jersey.| Bankeno 1600 & Starratt Sh Sh + %! Greynnee" oO Sis 1 '| St Maurice = Z\held at the McIntosh-Anderson New Business...... 52,745,289 48,221,039 -- Resting at Mcintosh-Anderson Funeral Les > 1 0 G 25 $1 12 2 Salad 10 $10% 10 4 + Val E i 38--Coming Events Home, 152 King. Street East, Oshawa,| Baska : } nF + fard cin \ at Shell Can *|Funeral Home at 2 p.m. Feb. 24 Business in Force... 628,060,367* 500,372,585* ALLAN -- Douglas and Carolyn (nee Service in the chapel on Wednesday' af) Belcher ' ck Ce 3 c Hookers $61 Ty aha tg 1 3| Temporary entombment will be 3 eclock. Interment Union cemetery. | Sein +, 3) Hawker pr Shop Save, a 5) , |in the Oshawa Union Cemetery * Includes increases in existing Groups 1 | Big Nama 1S: ss Sy gptigeae: Et | epee: focgul | Mausoleum. Rev. R. Sharp, rec- Hi A 1 Shuilly's ; -- 10 § . . * ST. GEORGE'S HALL | onopackt, anthony a a tl Hur Erie 2 | Silverwa \tor of St. Miathew's Church, will| Net Interest Earned 5.88% 5.76% | Entered int t In the R. ial HBC 1 Ve impsons 2 | B | N G O [Hospital Lindsay, Ontario, oh Somaay, on tin 13 U Asbestos Imp Oil 3 3 SKD Mfg +. | conduct the service. U_Buffadn imp Tob h Slater Sti ¥ Ye Brunswk ' ' y " Bounty Ex % haghlnnrse fog Arcee Be By oe Mg Dividends paid ALBERT & JACKSON STS. | id br t Mrs, Codarnet " Un Mactie 0 Ing! 10% | Stuart Hee Vs ' KENNETH KWAN * | (christina) of Cahews, fen P. Kowesko/ Camp Chie 44 200 «(235 Upp can 500 ¢ Injand Gas a | Tamblyn 0 1a 27 "| The funeral service for Ken- policyholders in 1965 were $709,975 | -f ¢ Tung As | EVERY WEDNESDAY | (stella) of Toronto, Mrs, PB. Masciniew! & Jamies 155 155 Urban @ Inland Gw y " | Texaco 1 5 | (Pearl) of Kirkfield, Mrs, William Wod- j4. (13% 14 Violam 0 | Thom NP "a } neth Kwan, 405 Athol st., : 7:45 risky (Mary) and Alex Kenopack! of O8-| CSngore'" am 13 13, 13 || W ; TorDm Bk % 62 4-8 Whitby, who died, Feb. 20, in eenpared Wk NE awa, in is in year, esting a ey 3! ly ' --- i nd . |Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with) Centre oats dies | White Ste 9 ; e 5 T FinAp q va\the Oshawa General Hospital, Provision has been made for 1966 18 GAMES AT $10 ¢ funeral service in St. George's Ukrainian) b $14% 14%. 14%-- | Wilco PL Transair 7 75 as the result of a motor acci- '4 Greek Catholic Ghurch, Wednesday, Feb-| Willroy 3 7 Tr Can PL P ~ wi? res . 2 GAM'* AT $20 | ruary a at 9.30 i infermao? Resur- Ue agi | Windfall 14% + Trans Mt 174 4 dent, will be held at 3 p.m., dividend payments of $835,000; SHARE & ./EALTH [rection Cemetery. (Prayers at the funeral/ ¢-., 190 Young HG James Stl M y Trans PPL 1 1 Feb. 23, at the W. C. Town $180. Jackpot 55 Nos. sag ll Zenmec 1000 36 366 Jet Bw 4| Turnbull ' 7 Funeral Chapel, Whitby, $5 each Horizontal Line Comb Met Jockey € 2100 | $5) | Aurabl Ap ers 81 1 Rev. J. Smith, minister of St. ; ». $10. Consolation lesen, om of a car accident <n hen 6 | GAS, Cabett ne : 7 y Unac ss ; 2 5 us 15| Mark's United Church, Whitby, The Equitable iso mutual has Bei $15 DOOR PRIZES |Af the_ Oshawa Genera! Hospital on an Cc Bellek All Rox 1000 # s ' 4 | Ps oe 37° a "| will conduct the service. Inter- day, February 20, 1966, Kenneth Kwan| G Marcus 'Alminex 200 0 46 pied aed BRL : ' $6 $14% 14% 14% --~veiment will be in Groveside 0 a an heey geeeven) G : Saawut Am Ledue 20000 va 20 | Caura See 210 7 17 | Vulcan 200 320 2 5| Cemetery, Brooklin, a json of Mr, and Mrs, Chester Kwan of} C. Morrisn 220 1000 . ' } 7 i 0 q Re EE: |Fredericton, N.B., dear brother of Jean| Con Negus vost Lau Fin 12M 12Ve 121 } 0 25 §| Mr, Kwan, who was in his ri =" PROILG ION eh ROWE TOURS and Peter et home; in his 23rd year,| C Rambler 260 2 | Bees yD ea 2 sal ae Rr : a a & label want w f : ™ Florida 'Special escorted 20 Resting at the W. C. Town Funerail ¢ Red Pop CS. Pete : : ES 2 Mao lA : ,,~ 4|23rd year, was a son of Mr. P \Chapel, Whitby, for service In the chapel| Conwest "6 | Deni sont 0 3 . say : ; and Mrs, Chester Kwan, of days $199. March 12-31. No |on Wednesday, February 23, at 3 p.m. In- Rog Fee 0 y Y | . West | ind 00 270 270 + 10] ps eaderic: N B oi mieke travel Sermant Grovediae Coneiety, Brondin | Gen Fi is Ae ; * vy 100 $10%4 10% 10% -- %| Weste'st ,--\%|Fredericton, New Brunswick. ti Minister the Rev. J. Smith. (The easkel| Co Atal € Mince 88 2 oe 2} Lee : 4 al Wate, Ss 3S 1 Born in Halifax, N.B,, he had ee Fical Will rernainy Cloteg.) ou! o , C Homesia ) 10 - 1G } 26 2-- Y2| Weston B 50 $2446 2 4; been in Ontario for five years Bermuda actly am tea 1 - 1 | 2 5 $16 Woodwd A 2 | and was employed as a butcher. motorcoach to New York then | LEAMING, Ruby 2 00 1 Abeba NB 43 000. Besides his parents, he is M. G. Sowten, CLU, Branch Manoger via Queen of Bermuda, No- |in Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday, Y | 1616 : : | i $38% 38% 325% + % 12 1 1 survived by a sister, Jean and night travel. |February 22, 1966, Ruby Toms, in her , S 25 ! 3 ? i 4 Osh 9 EASTER TOUR |$3rd year, Deloved wite of Arthur Leam-| Bicknsn, me 0030 ; ; egue* pa a brother, Peter, both of Fred-| Suite 308, Times Bidg., 86 King St., &., Oshawe jing, @ lear mother of Donald, sister " Fargo 1 s A Vv he 1 9 ri New York April 7-10. Hote! |°% Donald Smith (Helen) of Oshawa} Donalda x --!4) French Pt 200 Mont Loco 100 280 280 280 --10 'ericton. eA 6 ie lew York April 7-10. Hotel | ang william Toms of Bournemouth, En-| Duvan 7 --l | Gr Plains 1025 $1 ee ond tour arranged. gland. Resting at Mcintosh ~ Anderson ay is hd 19| Gt ¢ Oilsds 240 i Funeral Home, 152 King Street East, with -¢ Phe Tae Tee + int Hellum For information toabove tours eee in' the chapel on Thursday' af a| Frncoeur 0 14 11% N+ Yl pigeon Phone or write: o'clock, Temporary entombment Oshawa| Genex ee Oe aa ML ny. ROWE TRAVEL AGENCY _| Union Cemetery. pet ed oe | fh eet N Americn = | Gortdrm 10 310 3) J Perr errraee | WATSON, Louis Ross 1 Abad : - perme Of Beaverton, at Soldier's Memorial Hos- Granary. 9 n Place G pital, Orillia, on February 16 1966. Be-| Green Pot a erovo one |loved husband of Margaret Debereli and| guich D cae |dear father of Joan (Mrs. S. Pringle) of} guit L 000 10 Scurry Ra | Georgetown, Verna (Mrs. R. Bellamy) of] Headway 16300 , ee 0 4 Orillia and Carl of Beaverton, and broth-| 44, 150073 | Trad Ol te TUES. FEB. 22nd jer of Earls (Mrs. &. Moth) of Oshawa) Hollinger 2100 tel oll =n 18 . . n |and James of Avonmore; in his 62nd| Huds Bay 214 $81" Unispher ud 10 |year. Funeral services were held Satur- 800 7 Vandoo 0s 475 7:30 P.M. day, February 19 from the Bullock and| js, 200 ( Wstates os |Pinkham Funeral Chapel, Beaverton. in- 46000 W Decalta 0 © | 5 home Tuesday, 8 p.m.) 1s| Yukeno Jefferson Y A} Tru-Wall 2 20 regular games $8 and $10 1 ; 56 Nos. $20. CONSOLATION Funeral arrangements and $13% 13% 13% Ackind 100 S54" 5% occasions. in 1 18 Alta Nat 15 ™% 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Marchant 100 235 235 235 553. $364 36% 728- 24 Mc Adam 7-6 «7s + 2] 27\4 9 ° 9 SHARE THE WEALTH Kerr Add 905 Sil 11 N= va] INDISTRIALS % 16 Alta Gas 200 A 37% FREE ADMISSION 38 OSHAWA SHOPPING Macassa 260 260 260 -- 2) Alg Cen 200 $1 u Corner Bloor and Edith '_ ae 8 ' i 28-6555 Marcon 84 8h 8 215 43 : . 13 § d d i M " Va 10) la \ 2 Mattom! sien Vee ia -- Ve ped o 2 t j ee ea ers within reach of all, McKen Bank ee s t a4 4 ) é 4 12 . B | N G 0 GERROW piel : ; fe ah ag RI gg : ; printers |terment Stone Church Cemetery, Thorah. 2000 W Decit w 2 m8 $150 JACKPOT LOCKE'S FLORIST $324 3214. 32% Abitibi 75 $12 11% ; 16 floral arrangements for all L $23% 23% 23% Alta Gasw 450 10% n Macdon 500 4 «648 O48 | Algoma 60 4% DNIPRO HALL CENTRE Madsen 208 208 208 -- 9| Alliance A 200 300 300 Kindness beyond Price, yet igri Cd ae a 1400 $13%-- 13% Bartaco 100 ©6200 KINSMEN CENTRE FUNERAL CHAPEL | tea 'nin 22 'Tihs Senet | : : 390 KING STREET WEST | Widtim ° n| Bow Verw es St ie in FURRY 245.) CO eet eee ee ee Tl contractors' equipment suppliers : Nat Exp! 1500 17 1 | Br Tnk 110 ee asia } FREE ADMISSION New Cal 2300 68 BA Oil 34 31% 31% 0 "4 . eens Reece Ti oft oA oth | BE Rey EE de By ul i 10 machine shops... and just about Children under 16 not allowed | N Hoses 257 251 | BC Phone Mu 75% : Special 7:30 bus from | IN MEMORIAM New Jaton $0 TH 7 T+ 1A] BCEn seb mA 10aVA 1034 --Wal | ; '. 4 Corners. | vlan on a ee BCPh 1956 , & h iy ama ig ig " } 8tFinanc Pens any Ss op or service ; he g & or Burns | N Que Ragl 275 490 48s 490 CAE ind | HOCKIN -- In loving memory of @ dear 5 2 'a+ A) Daughters of tsabetla |ntcctiNa drleria,memery of © dear] Eenater oe dul oe ae Ml 8 ; 5 Mockin, Whe passed away fFebruary 5, Nish fs 4 ; 4 is nl eee ' \ 2 : Fs ; n | Bridge and Euchre | 1962 Also a dear father and grandfather | Noriex 3 a 2 ean inet 1. 2 5 * " fs] Henry Hockin, Whe passed away Febru-| f) Coldstm 9 8 € Pack B t : : ary 22, 1962 N Rank % Can Perm Thurs., Feb. 24 --Ever remembered by daughter Marie,| N Rock 4 | son-in-law Jack and grandchildren Ann, Northeal 3 at 8 p.m | Betty and Jim. North Can , | Northgat St. Gregory's Auditorium { | Opaske --_--_--_--_----"| GAY -- In toving memory of a dear| O'Leary jfether and grandfather, Russell, who| Opemska PANCAKE SUPPER [passes sway February 22, 1968. | Orehan Hig memory is as dear today | Pamour 5 19S Christ Memorial Church As in the hour he passed away Pararnagq 13% 1% 134-1 Comer Mary and Hillcroft | Ever remembered by daughters Velma, 1 Woo $13 : 5 ; Our locality has a lot to offer. TUES., FEB. 22nd Good shops. Good services. Good people. 4:30 P.M 6:30 P.M SPEIRS fn loving memory of my : ° ree en, iets a'erereeatecs CARD OF THANKS] fh: iP | | acer 4g 82,100 first to home for your needs. erie Retry 3, hr sso my sear | 04 3 Let your fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages SOCIAL Speirs, wno passed February 28, 1951. DERVENT -- | would like to take this| chemeell : to find the above people. . . and many others. BINGO at Stonehouse, Lanarkshire, Sedt-' gpportunity fo -thank friends and rela ciniiine 7 ka . § 2 tives for Cards, flowers and visits during | er t -¢ | ; ds d takes our dear ones from our|my recent stay in Oshawa General Hos-| So! Se ; ve 8 here ST. JOHN'S HALL be yah abe pital, A special thanks to Dr, Sanderson, |_cO" 5 sca crebin q eooll town ! (Corner Simcoe and Bloor) vast ever from our hearts. nurses and staff on 2D. = - ¥ missed and lovingly remembered | MA: it | . "aT Wed., Feb. 23rd 8 p.m. [by daughter Anne Collison, also grandehil ts Walter Dervent.| EAGLE GUARDS HOME Everyone weleome--lunchiserved |*'0" 44 families EMSWORTH, England (CP)-- SMITH Sincere, thanks fe all our e pasate | reiatives, friends. and neighbors, for their| A burglar working on a garage lostin norial jmany acts of kindness and help in the|lock in this Hampshire com- RUMMAGE' SALE Everlasting Memorialization {Zany eds of Kindness. and help in the a - r B sponsored by the |, 18 almost possible with the Simon A. Smith, Special thanks to| Unity was petrified when a Margoret Hamilton Group MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER | Msgr P. Dwyer, Father Markle of $t golden eagle swooped out of the Mit vata aati nakalt regory's Parish, General Motors, United ' 4 -- : SIMCOE HALI that we supply and install; {autenebile Workers, Oshawe Fire Deer, | went and ripped a sleeve from ne Sete ten ces semaste manatee waseetten oe teal te gi sk EMENT HOUSE Please call nurses and staff of Oshawa General Hos his coat. Gerald Summers says SETTLEM Us MOUNT LAWN al, Dr. C. W. Ferrier, Or. Wm. Grant, | his pet Random is far better 387 Simcoe South MEMORIAL PARK ad ited panelled ""'\than a dog and far more Wed., Feb 23rd 1:15 p.m. 723-2639 ~The delta Remy, frightening, NT A AEE Raa meE CE ere"