MICKEY MOUSE FOOL KIN AH'D IFAH HAD MAH DRUTH! i! MOURN TEN YEARS!" IT'S HIM WHAT'S IN TH' iG RUSH" ~-& ANY PLAINLY SEE 7 ITS ENOUGH TO KEEP A GIRL IN RATE COMFORT, AND YOU \ CAN EASILY 6EE I AM THE Y THANKS ---- Dieta Fling Fecveree Spo tienen, ten, 1066. a A +. THE BRUSH SEEN RATTLE-- iF THIS VAQUERO, ARMANDO PEREZ, DIED OF A SNAKE BITE....1T WAP A MIGHTY PECULIAR SNAKE, THEY CAN STRIKE ABOVE THE KNEE JF THEY WANT TO.,... BUT, SELVOM Do, POSSIBLE: PURSUIT PLANE, CASEY. "WE'DON'T WANT-TO | BE TAKEN BY SURPRISE. » Be <e s 2 RR ae KEEP A LOOKOUT FOR ANY jE 1 SEE ONE, 6UZ! HE'S AFTER US/ rhe = ad @ King! Fearurce Syadivare, ima. 1966. We Spe, Y / THIS 1S GOING TO BE LKE SGOT } DUCKS INAPOND. 4 res/N THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 IN MY ROOM. BE RIGHT WITH You! BA <2 sla ay DONALD DUCK pre y _ eh) a a ONE THOLISAND J AND...OH, DRAT, L} I GIVE uP! CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Coconut DOWN 1, Goblet 2. Lubricate 3. Silly 4. Plexus 5. Tree 6, Club or porter- house 7. Kind of soup 8. Distances between 9. Prepared 10, Pencil of a kind 12, Roof of mouth 13. In this place 14, Man's r'/S "Tor * BUT You oT wile, We SECRET, JS 17 TM MAKI! ld TELL yee ie YES, FOR THE QUEEN THRONE FOR OF MORTY'S ANT COLONY oo. WHEN A BOWL OF JOE6 RED-j HOT CHILI GURE DOES TASTE Rigas gq GOOD/ . GUESS I'LL GET DOWN THE SPECIAL FUND I'VE SAVED FORA RAINY bay / 1... AH, .. ENJOYED ' MISS JONES THOROUGHLY, WHITNEY, REFRESHING... UTTERLY REFRESHING! Me WHAT'S KEEPING THEM SO BLAMED LATE? | THOUGHT YOU TWO WOULD GET ALONG, FATHER, 11, Finest 16, Highway charges 19. Large cask 21, Letter 16. Tidy 17, Roman money 18, Quote 20. Judge's WHEN THE STAGE PASSES THAT AN UNUSUAL OVERSIGHT FOR THE USUALLY FORESIGHTED MISS DURAND! TREE GUT LOOSES LIT MY YOU WERE (1'D BE GLAD TO TELL YOU] TRIP..I DION'T OREAM SHOPPING INTERESTED! Z-Z-2- Zee (a Yesterday's Answer 35. Conscious tators of a sort . Scoffs . Burst forth . "In the 39, Uncommon bucket" item 42. Carry with . Traveler difficulty of a sort 44, Youth concern #2. Shield Y, 44' a" 23. Ernie of mZZu 6 17 MeO 4 '4 1% 4 Y "YY sign 32, Biblical city 33, Dealer in . 16 2i 22 YW, 20 a3 24+ 87, Rank 38. Certain 40. Music note 41, Elliptical 43. Paleness 45. Liama uid 38 country 46. Cares for eh V7; GY 45 Y V7, Y Y playets 2-19 COURTENAY, B.C. (CP)--In a quiet cedar and spruce forest, eight men are attempting to re- create a way of religious life unknown in the Western church for centuries. They are the Hermits of St. John the Baptist, a Roman Catholic order, and the eight spend much of their time avoid- ing each other. Their elected Holy Father is James Winandy, 58, a grey- bearded scholar who spent 10 years as abbot of the Abbey of Clervaux, in Luxembourg. Their life is largely prescribed by a book A Manual for Her- mits. "We are a group of solitaries, with each member of the group wishing to remain as solitary as if he had no neighbor at all," it says. "We have settled in a group to defend us against ourselves-- against our instability, our weaknesses and our self-will-- as well as to defend us against intrusions of the outside world." Four of the hermits are priests, and four laymen. The laymen are not encouraged to Hermits In B.C. Try To Recreate Religious Life Lost For Centuries become priests for a desire for Holy Orders is considered a sign of pride. BACKED BY BISHOP The priests have a church Stipend, but the four laymen must earn their livelihoods. One is a bookbinder, one an artist, one keeps livestock and the fouth has not yet decided. Most are . principally vege- tarians, and each has a small vegetable patch, Wholewheat bread is baked to add protein to the diet. Bishop Remi de Roo of Vic- toia, under whose authbdrity the experiment is being carried out,| Says the eight are 'unique in) 1) the Western church." "T am not aware of any other authentic hermitage of this kind in the Western world, although there may have been some experiments tried and aban- doned."' | During a visit to the 105-acre| hermitage, the bishop said in an| interview the eight hermits are }not a community "Each hermit has his living, and only rarely has con- tact with the others. owr ' TELEVISION LOG Channe: Channei Channe! Channel Channei Channei Channe} 2-Bult 7--Butti SATURDAY 6:00 P.M, 3--T.B.A. Vi--Flipper 9--Voyage To The Bottom 6--This Land of Of The Sea $3--This Land of Ours 2-Shindig 3--Checkmate 4---Wrestiing 6:30 PLM. 11-7--Shindig 3--Musicai Show 6:45 PM. I-4-43--News) Weather) Sports 7:00 P.M. %--Jackie Gleaso Peter Gunn 7--Blg Show of the Week 63--Beverly Hill 4---Facing the Financial 3--Heve Gun Wit Travel! 7:30 P.M, N--Candid Camer 62--F iipper 6--Danger Man 4--Jackie Gleason 2--Barrie 4--Buftato 6~--Toronte &--Rochester 9--Toronte Channe! 11--Hamilton ene angrier a ale } &4--Church Service 2---Fronters Of Faith 11:30 A.M. %Fiying Fisherman $--The Christophers 7--Discovery '66 12:00 NOON 9--Itallan Album TV 4--Tween Set 7---Personal Dimension 12:15 P.M, @--Felix The Cat 4 Kong ene 3-Sillence Please 12:30 P.M, 1]--Spectrum &My Hero é--Tennessee Tuxede 4--Living Word 3--Herald of Truth | 3--Famiiy Pleynewse | 1:00 P.M, \1}--Cenfinentel Mintatere cae jalo Ours 9--Spectrum 8--Meet The Prese ¢6--French For Love 4--Ted Mack 3~Sir Francis Drake 1:30 P.M. 1}--Spotlight 9--Dougias Fisher My Little Margie 7--Sunday Playhouse 63--Country Calendar 2:00 P.M. 1l--This Space Age 2 9--Jr. "A Hockey 6-3--Special Music 4---NFL. Game fn piliies | McHale's Navy S100 PM. 1--Jamboree 9--Academy Performance | @2--i Dream of a--Lets 8:30 P.M, N--Ciub 11 Danci 7--Lawrence Welk | 63---NHL Hockey Chicago at Toronto 4--Secret Agent 9:00 P.M. 66--Mevis 9:30 P.M, 1i--Great Music 7--Holiywood Palace 4--The Loner 10:00 P.M 9--Run For Your 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 &3--Juilette 7--The King Family 11:00 P.M. WO4)-4-4-3-3-- Newey Weether: Sports O-4--balurday Night of The AMevies 11:20 PLM, 1-43--Late Show b--Bperts 11:30 PLM, 6--Feature Showcase 3~--Movie 11:48 PM, %--Movie SUNDAY 9:00 A.M, N--Cathedral Chimes 9--Tides and Trails 7--Shenanigans 8--B'wens Dow 7--Peeter. Potamu: a--The Anewer 10:00 A.M, N--Caraselic S--Hersid of Trum 7-8--Rocketship 6~--Sunday Schoo! 4--Lamp Unto My Feet Cry invitation rch 6--Extension 2--This is The Life 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 11:00 A.M H--OHA Jr. A Tis Sing Ovt P.M, | is The Le | 7~--Bullwinkie Show Ly DARE frone | S-AFL Footbal! Jeannie | 7---Dialogue | 4---NFL Game | 4:00 P.M, |,2--Sports_ in Action jU--Top Cat | & Movie @ Party | 4:30 P.M, |:%--Crosby Golf Tourna- } ment |'--Tiny Talent Tyne | 9--Bilko | 63--Sight and Cast | 4--Cadabout Gaddis | 5:00 P.M, | ll--Family Theetre | Canadian Talent Showcase | 7--Wrestling | &3--Nature of Things | 4--Gadabout Gaddis | 2--Wild Kingdom 5:30 P.M. %--Peter Potamus 7--Big of the Week | 6--Hymn Sing 3--Lost in Space 2--G.E. Fantasy Hour | &--College Bow! Life | 6:00 P.M. %--Walt Disney Presents 6--Perry Mason 4--Twentieth Century | 7--Golf Tournament 1 6:30 P.M, | '1--Lost In Space | 2--Filpper | Bell Telephone Mour | 7:00 P.M, | &-Please Don't Bat The | Daisies | FVoyage To The | Bottom of The Sea 6-3--Hank +A nese 7:30 P.M, 11--A.H.L. Hockey 9--Amos Burke $-2--Disney's Color | 6-3--Flasnback | +My Favorite Martien | 8:00 P.M. | ¥--The FBI | 648--8d Svilives Ghew | 8:30 P.M, \--Specte! Mevie 9--Peyton Place +3--Branded | 9:00 P.M, |8-6-3--Bonanza T--Movie | 4--Perry Mason 9:30 P.M, yton Place 10:00 P.M, jl l--Movie 1 9--Dr. Kildare World of | 9--Pe Hockey 82--Wackles? Ship in The Army @3--This Hour Mae Seven Days is Comers 10:38 P.M, ay Lee 11:00 P.M, ' Weather, Bperte 11:20 P.M, 1l--This Space Age 1-+0--Lete Show t-Awaere Theetwe 1:30 P.M, 4@--international Cinema 11:40 P.M, l--Wrestling %--Dougias Fisher CARD AY $00 Am Captain Kengeren 8:38 AM, N--Albert J. Steed %--Romoer Room 9:08 A.M. §---Pisytime with Unele 4--Gypsy Rose L 2--Doble Gillis 10:00 AM 1l--News §-2--Fractured Phrases e Lucy 4! Lov 10188 AM, li--Ed Allen ¥--BINgo 8-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 53--Friendly Giant | 4-The McCoys 60 AM, li--Mike Douglas Show Mrs, 9--Mr. and 8-2--Morning Star 63--Butternut Squere 4--Andy of Mayberry 2--Abracadaban 00 NOOR 9--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 12:18 P.M, or af the 12:38 Om %--i Love Lucy 8-2--Play Post Office 64--Seach for | Hi--Racing Forum 64--Guiding Light 1:60 Pia, 1--Theatre 9--Morning Star &--Matinee 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date party The Millers je Mov Mike Oevgles thew 130 Pm. 9--James Beard Show &4--As Tho World Turne 2:00 Pa, 9--Kids ie People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:18 P.M, %--Dear Charlotte 2:38 Pm. %--People in Confilel ot--Ine Desters 7--A Time For Us 6--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkietter's Party 3--Movie oe Pm 11--Donna Reed ¢-8--Another world %--Fractured Phrases | 7--@enerai 63--To Tell The Truth 6:33 Pm li--Funny Company 9--It'e Your Meve BRIDGE Sy 8. SAY BECKER - (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Chempionship Play) East dealer. North-South vulnerable, WEST 62 38543 7642 " SOUTH @K109754 e7 OAs 11083 'The bidding: East South West North 1¢ 16 Pass 46 Opening lead -- two of dia- monds. Bridge is not an ideal game for the lazy thinker. It takes a certain amount of hard work and clear thinking to come up with right answers to the many problems of bidding and play that periodically arise. Instinct alone won't do the job; you have to be willing to expend some effort to figure out what everybody at the table has, and what to do about it after you do figure it out. " For example, consider this hand where East is defending against four spades. West leads a diamond, South taking it with the ace. Declarer then plays a heart to the ace, followed by the king, on which he discards a dia- mond, He then leads the eight of spades from dummy. East's play at this point is vital, and, if he puts on his thinking bonnet, he can defeat the contract. He should go up with the ace, play a club to West's king, win the club re turn with the ace, and then give partner a club ruff. It is easy enough to make these plays if you see all 53 cards, but the questions is whe- ther East should be clever enough to figure them out, see- ing only 26 cards. The answer is yes -- provided East is will ing to take the trouble to inter+ pret the clues at hand. East knows from the previous plays that declarer started with precisely two diamonds and one heart. It is reasonable for him te conclude that South's remain+ ing cards consist of six spades and four clubs, and it is also reasonable to suppose that the contract cannot be defeated un-: less West has the king of clubs, East therefore acts on these assumptions by going up with the ace of spades and returning a club. A lazy player might not» be welling to go to all this both-' er and might automatically play low on the eight of spades, but he would later have cause to regret his indolence. BOXING BANNED PRAGUE (Reuters) -- Boxe ing was banned in Czechoslo- vakia Thursday following the death of a young featherweight injured in a bout Sunday. The Czechoslovak news agency Ce teka said the ban will not apply. to scheduled international con-, tests in Czechoslovakia. Ceteka added that the ban would be lifted after measures had been. taken to prevent fatal accidents in the ring. The decision follows the death in a Prague hospital Thursday of Frantisek Mara- cek, 19. : SALLY'S SALLIES You Can Exchange Skates Thet Are Too Smell For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224