Ee ee 24° THE _-- TIM, Thursdey, Fevrwary "Sell the Old and Bring In the New ... With Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale Lame t Basket 15--Employment Wented with ontari. or or [LADY will look afier child in her home SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Ed peimoes, Todor 3 ibs. So ogs ive Gays weekly, Appie Hill area, trans- * S SERVICE DIRECTORY | : Vo PRICE |r at, Sh aa mer a 10--Farmer's Column. efnichency and. Ciesnliness easeanat es pti dy \, ANTEN NA » |DEAD.and crippied farm stock picked bln tat bats up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone.|OUTCH LADY. \ rants housework by the Telephone Collect Hampton ' 263-2721. |9@¥. Call 723-88. "SALE Licence 4-C-66. 'LADY is or = ovsework by t the , day. T elephone 72 T1--Pets and Livestock __ YOUNG MOTHER a one would like to Accountents Barristers Gardening and Supplies {Mortgages BORDON RK. DAY, Corlified General antHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, 7 RAGE @ Oniv<2 10 Element RMS igh gy Age Nene eeu ae ee Wie berate work" Lieelien Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop-|Bci, Barrister and Solicitor, 73 Céntre FIRST and SECOND One aN ene Travelling wave type Chan- [Oster poodle clippers, like new, $25.|2@S! end of city. Phone 728-5567, 725-9953. : + 5:3 p.m.| 47 A di Pine Ee co, Boorlig aepeician: bi i Tosei6sl. a Enjoy Yourself MORTGAGES Anais sin nels, Reg. 59,00. Bowmanville 623-3495, WOMAN wishes housework, one full day YALE, FRIEDLANDER " ' AUSTRALIAN KELPIES, smooth-haired, |¢ve'y two Weeks. s. Telephone 723-8885 Ehartered Accountants, Lienesed Trus:| @REER'AND KELLY, Barrisprs, Soc. -- All Classes -- ' \ fey Sony alana SALE 29.50. |medium sized, chitaren's' petty alse nice fees in Bankruptcy, 52% Simcoe Streetitory, etc, 114 King treet East. SUNFLOWER SEED a City, Rutel, Vocetion j ME SPECIES 1 iature Collies, $35 to $80 delivered, Port |17--Female H Halp ° Wanted North, Oshawa, 728-7371, 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. W. G WILD BIRD MIX ' 4 * : On! 7 Eh RMS [Perry 985-2645 Snellen enebifter Mein Seen eek BEADLE AND CO. Char-| QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL SUMMERLAND if 4 3 Only -- ae HOPKINS, BEADL 726-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB CRACKED CORN , WEIMARANER PUPPIES, Champion} Build- / X I Ww Chan- It Ring ae a Oshawa, On| 7282662 ieges SECURITIES LIMITED 3 nals, Reg. 49.00. Feiiered 'Goo hunting ooh and howe feria, 725- $. T. Hopkins, CA; H. E. Building wrades 112 Simcoe St. N.--725-3568 ' Y Y vce, SALE 24.50 pets. Telephone 839-3 A & W CA; e. Lukow, CA WHEAT : peace ; : : PUPPIES -- Hall-Samoved, 4 week Ol RKIN, MacMILLAN AND CO., i ; ; 3 Sarid 'Accountants, 36' King Street BIRD FEEDING STATIONS al Services a' P & Only 0S Element RMS heey " female, lack 'and black with , 72 Willlam C. Hall, , SMALL DANCE BAND avaliabie, 5 ae ; . Stine; 'ana' gr renin: <x;| NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL' | WATER SOFT SALT [SAA RARER SAND, sraiabe, cr via Trovelling Wave type Chon- | ier : FREE Hy dt Ted Taylor, Ajax 942-1663. i bees cs te GALE 19.50 ghey OF, aaigired, same GORDON R._ DF A ; % : | " WHA PE : nels, Brooklin, ' * Sane Accountant, ute SMW, Ostewe SOO] 91" PORTABLE T.V, | SNOW SHOVELS Optometrist _ Seah, 4 Pyeng | SRAUTIPUL 'baby buaiee seeds Wr mit} ch th Bled to Ist 25 Customers STRAW F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe ~! " HOME OCCUR IK 8 Only -- Wineguard LD4 training, talking "train: Apply "Mea. °Y DELOITT Tour came, A ? k ; ae em Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone Ans AME KITCHEN Channels. Reg. 39.00, Broad, 114 Elgin East i SELLS. Chartered, accountant: - 6-6 J (no gimmicks or contests PET SUPPLIES . Ars LIVES KA 9 SALE 19.50 COZY.) RANCH KENNELS, Seman 1327 Simcoe North eee Paani Sere HOME IMPROVEMENTS it Pain nting ng and Decorating | Sk snack HOUSE. : : : ' ee . ag Palominos, Pints, toss pons: g Pompe: » 299 Simcoe} @ Rec Rooms (with every & a gare - ! ' Rs 18 PERCENT, ay ineguord Tele- 655-4 ° ; Compinns beckheneine, sir ice: Sim ta Gobat cuir $1500 Hee ooper-om! PAINTING AND ONE ROCK. (ADEN, ARABIA) tron T4 gold anodized Chan- |@A8¥ SUDOIES all colors Te0dy~ fer ave Hi-Fi Co. DECORATING "4 nels Reg 45.00 Dole Pie at. Foon Apply 15 Scott io MANN, Chartered Account : TV, : ae en ne sere) vga INTERIOR and EXTERIOR SALE 22.50 sii ALBERT NORMAR, Ch © Remodellin 16 CELINA ST Broadlom, Custom Draperies | POMERANIAN CHOW CHOW and. both MORE armen ares ale oien, dations. : FREE ESTIMATES females, 9 months old, registered. Apply ALB @ Additions TV--Radio Repairs |8---Articles For Sale S Only -- Stocked 'aper [Ooeee Aken OF Gee Gee 7 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshaw! | Sotaro. Telephone 723-1221. @ Garages We Deliver DODD'& SOUTER hay Pala cea oe " | © Carports, ete. : 668-5862 : - ALE 22 cORG! DOG, male, 10 months cid, Reg- S ett =| | Bhoahs amie eee SALE 22.50 jit tay uaamer Sates CAR ~HOSTESSE This month Special Tl i _ahlieniibnsnennie am | EXPERIENCED pai painter and decorator i 4 CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and California Redwood |TREE TO TRIMP Cali Slim. Or Il cut|Free estimates, Telephone 723-5956. | igs | 1 Only -- Stacked Antefer- | 723-6306. VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries)! ai Werkmanshi ranteed |them down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or | PAINTING BD | once Ranger Chonnel. Re WANTED TO BUY -- Female puppies. iding, 4 Simcoe ° Pp guorante: | | 9 7 a. ' ian % K for over 5 years. Suitable | 728-0610 |HAVE your interior painting done now ECONOMY ANwu | Big savings on Skating Out- 20.00. Been ae any. for house pets, Phone Earn extra money for ereightons 6 j t meg ts ee estimates, all work guaranteed tn | ans. . | | ie ; ene s acat Sreighton, Oe esse; sence acind | terms or financing available, |inetruetion 9876. Lloyd Simpson Painting and DELUXE fits for the whole family dur- SALE 10.00 |LOVELY SIAMESE Seaipoint kitten for i! becthner QC; 723-4768; J.C. Victor, 9905-7115, NO PAYMENTS TILL . -- - {Becoratiog Priced to suit your budget ing our Big Fall Sale leale: "Taleahone Paani Oppertunity. Kor: eeaming Mortgages ar arranged. > Nae e JULY 1966 janes Solicitor and Notary Pub-| Please call us anytime for. lic, The Commercial Buliding, 286 King} free estimate and expert -od- West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking) vice available. 725-4716 or 725-4717. Ace. -- ~ | 4 Only -- Stacked WCD |D0G TRAINING CLASSES -- sponsored and day work Pipers: en. esses Plumbing and Heating TERMS ARRANGED | from $7.25 pr. Chennels Reg. 18.00 by Oshawa Obedience Association, En Free uniforms supplied better job with more poy we i . quiries invited for Classes commencing AL L N : : can. be yours in Communica- [ALL PLUMBING nsa80, Herold OSHAWA TV SALE 9.00 |Aprit s Telephone 723-9708. Private transportation to tions Automation, Colour Stark Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engi- | STANDING AT STUD, registered Appa- your home after midnight TV. It's fun to learn Elec- neering, 255 Simcoe Street South, SUPPLY LIMITED 3 Only Stacked Quinte |!oosa, son of Ontario's 'Halter and Per. bald, vételiens nia tea Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. on HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and sad WiLL | SHEFFIELD MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 364 King) Construction Co. Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphrey| QC; G. §. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, 103 King E. Oshawa |. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office: | a and oil heating installations Kitlingbeck lege home study way. Over | feating Phone 123-9079 just East of Ritson Known for its accuracy end SALE 9.00 Ranch. Phone Pat Miine 839-3779 Dun- reliability, this rugged gun barton, No experience required 2° easy-to-follow courses and ALL TYPES of repairs and remodellin . eB plans to choose from. No high Ee and used materials. Riasonabie 123- 813] will deliver years of satis- 15 Only Radess Special 12--Articles Wanted ene training provid- school diploma necessary. | rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley factory shooting Trapper Channels. Reg. 15.00 . Write for free 40 page book ny pee | ios, TV's. Vall 16 B Personal ond congenial "Career in Electronics'. | Rug- Upholstery Servi e oe he FAST T. Vv. SERVICE $24.95 SALE 7.50 728-4401. clei, west working conditions RADIO COLLEGE OF The above prices are for the |WANTED -- Oid Winchesler rifles. Te Married women preferrea CANADA Service Call only $2.50 B prices paid. Phone 728-5574. 9b eg St tinea: | POLST ROMS | Spe cal ot 8 SNOW TIRES | Starch ends noe oe Pine RE TT) © bat ot ct clude delivery or installation. 13--Articles For Rent be pleasant and : Lowest Prices Classified Rates Ontario AT ITS TELEVISION All nylon construction, full courteous | Residence; 725-4604; Whitby, - 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and| other first mortgage funds avaliable. j | | | JOSEPH MANGAN, @C, Solicitor. 723-0781 | tronics the proven Radio Col- |BEFORE YOU BUY give us a» try Gas TAUNTON RD. E. | Special Channels, Reg. 18.00 Handcock', Standing at Diamond M year j | | | WORD Ans Ever On... jxiahtcriarsreier site! BEST FOR LESS | 7285134 9.0m.t9em | aenihiacentees Abend | OSHAWA TV RENTALS ae Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 wordé,, $1.08, | | All werk eucrenteed new tire price Ow re le @ FREE ESTIMATES nettle SUPPLY LIMITED Telephone | jinstrument. Phone 728-3909. | . SS | ee winrerime | from $17.56 up 723-8131 OF ALL KINDS 728-573] tive insertions of 24 words, $2. additional words 12¢, each, 6 con-| @ KITCHENS matics by J. C. Luck, BA. 668-3866. secutive insertions of 24 words, $3. 04;' @ BATHROOMS Janitor Service additional words 21c, each. additional words, 4¥¢. ea: nF (FUTURAMA) TUITION in Latin, French or 1 @ EASY CREDIT TERMS T.V. TIME ' | @ REC. ROOMS CELLARS . CLEANED move | TAUNT « a l eh "trash rem T.V. Service Anytime | ON ROAD E. : Parl kaart Sen) ove oes ee eee HAR WOO D| p16... | DOMINION Uust sont of Ritson Ra) | REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- | for appointment 2997 room completely built for only | f R | O massaging belts, rowing ma- ieseiuacls Method of Counting -- Less then 24 CLEAN YOUR BACKYARD and gar ' ree . ee $2.25 per sq. ft. chines, bike exercises -- all words counts as 24 words; each word, ' x ment. Also scrap taken away. Call Joe Custom Upholstering TELEVISION | initial, figur bbreviation counts! f fi e and Son, 723-2368 | : | $6. per month. shore vera: phone rumber SU] we hove. staff of qualified |ATTENTION ROUIEWIVERIFanras| PHONE 942-1500 | 728-5143 | TIRE STORE CHRYSLER OUTBOARDS | PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe HOUSEWIVES two words, nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done | 5 Plumbers, Electricians, Car- i g by x | ': cleaning rods, pipe vise OFFIC E OR S umbers, ic 1a ar modern machine. Free estimates, Work | NOW OPEN € | | 145 King St. W. & CHRY SLER LONE STAR fpeds, pipe Hi aie es, = ipe wi KER BIRTHS---DEATHS-- : penters, Plasterers, Painters 28-7736 peppy lew with 25 cents eddi+| Serving Oshawa, Bowmanville | TV SERVICE | Telephone 725-6511 BOATS cutters, pipe threading dies, and students, to do pleas. tional charges if not paid within 8 days fost service at lowest cost, . A ond oreo DAY OR EVENING toilet auger, ant telephone appoint- oan te | CO-ORDINATED | EXCH poe ie 7205286" PRE HomaRE --rms| 2H, oui mee | PANIEES EQUPMENT | ment work No perene $2.00 for the first 33 words end Se, A N G a .. . UPHOLSTERY OSHAWA td, Specializing In new shoes. Ledies'| powerful outboard 105 0.B.C. -- tai yf Se necesiany. sChaliek ied men's, children's. irs, p i bd ie - bon . each thereaft sa saodl fe Fh + gd a A ' f Y @) U R 102 King W., Bow lita {sons Stuth, Tas4a71, certified brake HP. Shattered y' verse; 25¢. "" spray guns, wallpaper steam- 25 world endurance record Jack- ' own hours, $1 to $1.50 - gecteaae inane REMODELLERS | OUTSTANDING 623-7341 ELECTRONICS _ [ott raiwrinas candscapes, perral.| Srvie"Fla Chaysler leader in | ot ae ee ae Recre CARDS OF THANKS jClark Studio, telephone 668-4497. 325) warranty protection with 930,- BUILDER 1S Ee EQUIPMENT a 2 $2.00 for the first 38 words and Sc For a 'free estimate call BrEets CHESTERFIELDS reuphoistered and re|Well Drilling--Digaing |Brock North, Whitby. 000,000 HP engine exper: eoch thereofter with 25¢. additiono! 23 0966 styled. Free estimate. See our material |\HARDWOOD, dry mixed, col one year. rs cement mixers, _ finishing charge if not paid within 8 days. i . for one easy for recovering, Dalton Upholstering, 75 WELL DIGGING by (machine specializing} Single cord, $10.; double, $18. Telephone) '@"C® ond ee skill, trowels, wheel barrows, elec- CALL MR. DOVE COMING EVENTS monthly poyment! pc nn at Meda Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809, |Cec Smith, 786-7282 Join the Chrysler crew! tric vibrator, air compressor ni risiiiausacobccaais s | re Ny " a: Halted Pot vl SM CCR t f ' S50 oar inch easiest 41.50 for the You con RENT the MONEY ag UPHOLSTERY Bat paris eer i . 21" TELEVISION set for sale. New pic jock hammers, hand trowels, pe UBD you need from CRESCENT years. Workmanship guarante 2--Personal ture tube, Telephone 728-7909. NITED RENTAL 723-5051 first 29, words ond 5c, each thereafter NELLIS' Sint £50 oe isd Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses | area mere water pumps, portable heat- (Word is). A 2} or farger amounts to rebuilt, furniture refinished. Oshawa Up-} BEST QUAI aluminum windows, . ; AUCTION SALES AUP seed blegee, Maree) *. week, |holstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311 | Removal of superfluous hoir oe Se ere, Sees es wer ee AND SALES Sidon yee t NI year, or longer, Renting |------ in eis v up ) if |prices! Call 728-5385 3-3692. , . $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, HOME WOU a6 places and Ger tn, eee Sales end Service Marie Murduff will be in | ew, USED -- vacuums pollahers; Re-| 352 Wilson Rd. South at Olive lers, electric hammers, mas- i Oe Pieces Sn eC Mg OO aes : -| Oshawa, Feb. 28th, Mar. 1. |pairs to all makes, New hoses. Phone onary saw, building jacks, DEADLINES IMPROVEMENTS pun Cee ee il and 2, Phone Genosha Hotel [Jack Lees, 728-6956 728-5565 miGHae Piers, Incorter bares, Order desk requires lady WORD ADS friends recommend, so y APPLIANCE on these dotes for appoint- | GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired chain hoist, miter saw, elec- to do pleasant teleph LOST AND FOU! and GENERAL what you wont to do now. Call | 728-9731. ss tric plane, tarpaulins, sand 5 ephone 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS sure of fast, friendly REPAIRS nant lat Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, sae ND beast hn es ' ESS oe ines AEN ae aaa 9 om. DAY OF PUBLICATION Wand 'rent the money you Expert repairs to all makes ELECTROLYSIS |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture PARTS blaster, amet post Poly contact work. $1 to $1.50 | FS MONEY RENTAL PLAN of washers, dryers, ranges, }and appliances. One location only. Pretty For Washers, Stoves and auger, ascillating sanders, BIRTHS AND DEATH REPAIRS te , gy fot etc 723-4641 |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271, Onan disc sanders, actylene welding per hour. 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION ' ' hice is rr | TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40ft tfit: i : M Gniy | @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE@_| cores-onicyiir you Thine Bicenol-is sieeve hot dipped galvanized 1" tower ELECTRIC MOTOR outfits, 200 amp electric CLASSIFIED DISPLAY xs : nage "welders. - t $ 2 mont 5.00 problem to you, we can help. For more|inciuded, single all-channel antenna com- 1 eolumn--4 p.m. day previous; 2 eo! 728 2061 5 1 ' 7, ALCAN information call 668-8103 or 725-8533. Alllplete, installed, tax included, guaranteed Beha yee and Exchange A umns or larger--10 @.m. day previous 3 7 mon 1 FURN - replies in strictest confidence! one year, $50. See all towers at TRIO HAWA APPLIANCE MBER 27 ~ URNITUR PPLIANCES n isi he . ANCELLATIONN AND Evenings 723-8987 5 nths 450 § RE & A He ES | @RONCHIAL COUGH bothering vou, Moone oo ee ne PI TBE Sinchs & © 72R78a6 CORRECTIONS an t i leshone 723 OTT _[annving your, family? Use Meggezones a 233 King St. W., Oshawa a "+ lhssseencdelinaeiiieeesibecilioniipicbi u 42.06 ele one - the tried and true British Pastille. Helps | WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni TS Oy se SVOLICATION sia Re |to clear the Chest, Throat and Head. 6c. |ture or 'anything you have. The City| SPALDING golf clubs, complete sel, bag,| Sharpening & Rantale Ltd. od ae oh Pit gps Pe cing i ' hs JTPOs lat druggists anywhere Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street|cart, clubs etc. Shoes, size 8. Lane cedar - pu icati 1 e r one y's > r ' + ¢ a " 5 3 71. . 7 *. insertion. nd 7% be . av iS Before You Buy A JAUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada,| SOU 723-167). cleat ane Same TeaimOOe TEPUIEE PHONE 723-3224 Looking for qo prices . Pian or Or an See Florida, California. Bonded drivers. To-| VACUUM repairs, all makes os BOX NUMBER RENTAL--S0¢ be) gan, .ee ronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Yonge|brushes, .etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213.|BEAVER 9" table saw with all allach rege : er 3) ry rary: Street. Telephone 225-7754 Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,;ments, 3 months old. Call 223-6045 after |----------- a nierincaihinanianinniiaions While every endeovor will he made Remodelling kitchens, bath- res t, YOU " HEI NTZMAN esi cela panera n 5 p.m. to forward replies to box numbers fo reDey Sie Bal Pickering. aE |. ee z}~ Tobles, Chairs, Linens, Dish- WAITRESSES the advertisers os soon as possible,| rooms, rec-rooms. iehie| ign cs & Company Ltd 3--Sporisman's Column THREE ROOMS of furniture, $798.50. No| HOUSEHOLD furniivre -- Kelvinator Te) ~ es Cutlery, Glasses, 'Coffee c i Credit insurene ¢ - -- , sl ly, at H t} frigerator, stove, 21" tor All , , * re Oo dareae alectd even '? eels st 79_ Simcoe N., Oshawa ree yee cen UA RCERING Cal's, En eng West, Tay, goad condition. Many other articles, Tele Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Required , " ockey i ' wade on oe ee CAL CRESCEN T FINANCE TELEPHONE 728-2921 |Valley "Ereek, 6. Bond West, 7284401, |BUY AND SELL -- Good used turniture| Phone 728-2430. : Wear, Men's Formals, White 7 AM. to 4 P.M. warding such replies, however caused CIN . ADDING MACHINES, cash registers, Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. 3 P.M. to 11 P.M, Alt etc., co-ordinated to give you onan [Money To Loan _ | mt | oa GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer -- ---- and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 hether b [ th JADA Cc INS IDERAT f } shatter (by regligerce or otherwise. PHELAN % E washers and ranges. Free estimates Gali] 5--Trailers fede ca AG) Bl taal ERR PEL AR tallied geri po a SARGEANT'S. RENTALS 11 P.M, to 7 A.M. replies uncolled for in 20 days. meoe 'St fe 728-7311 {728-1742 or 723-0011 PARTY DRESS, Turquoise, size 10; M&-/Oshawa 'Business Machines 728-3664 Apply Mr. Campbell Construction Co. és Whitby -- 668-6803|BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can-| pre, ROCKET and Holiday travel trailers [fern dresses, ery cl Evenings 725-9748. 463 Ritson Rd. § 725.3338 =~ ; Abe REGULATIONS ' Bose ee renee Wi delnok service, fra {Wide 'Rental Service and Sales. 14181 NEW baby carriage, Estonia, $35) Wring| : Genosha Hotel The Oshawa Times will not be re 1 WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a K, 726-1993. | Dundas Street East, Whitby. Telephone naval portable $30. Standard] o, washer, 'Easy', A-] condition, $100./LIFT TRUCK -- capacity 6,000 Ibs--lift bi A 668 6032 reasonable rate of interest to consolidate | 668-3226. $35, Electric adding machine $40. Elec-| Teiephone 723-8376 a se * ee sponsible for errors in advertisements ~ . its -- Af ek Se tic Sawice tric. typewrither, electric cash register]. } io ren y week or month. Apply soars ase submitted otherwise thon in. writing not |Your bills or jfor any other worthwhile P AIRSTREAMS factory authorized dealer.|cp0 Yor via, GUARANTEED used wringer washers,| Mackie's Van and i Storage. SALE LADIES 'or more ian one insertion of any pr 9 ng YO e SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned Prompt service|Ontario Trailers Ltd., 1577 The Queens television, refrigerator etc. $34.50 and up.| ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to o 'one hundred S advertisement nor beyond the price| [ployed and have good credit. Telephone! or cals. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street|way, Toronto 18, Ont WRINGER WASHER, Viking Deluxe, Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Sim-|people? Oshawa Tennis" Club 'tor ban. M charge for a single insertion in which : _ | West, Whitby, 668-2563 ---- | used 15 months, excellent condition, § coe South, 723-0011 quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, ust be experienced, " | After 5 p.m. telephone 723-3704 resis ae seas : error occurs, FEBRUARY Mortgages § ng 6--Marine 'Equipment _ a" coat * bee "gaits Tram Tat | THISTLE baby carriage, fwo-tone brown, |Parking. 723-2140 _mornings ; j | -- ~ j _ on men's Ws '4 The Oshawa Times reserves the right | urveyors : ' BS ALUMINUM car tops, 12 ft. $179.00 lyear's stock, a tow of these suits were Ee Gh el lel eatin bed, bine WheeL CHAIRS: | hospital beds, "walkers, Fox s Ladies Wear to classify advertising according to| SPECIALS | DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario,'4 ff. $267.00. 1966 | Chrysler outboard! garments sold but not picked up by cUs-|Teleplume mGiautg - Aid Rentals, 105 B fie eee ts proper classification. Sse Land Surveyor. Commercial blue prints, | motors, now on display at Wilde Rental/tomers, All suits 100 per cent English ~ oper nas : : sided 7 Si S Save up to 20% during Feb- 1) Ontario Street, 725-5632 |Service and Sales, 1415 Dundas Street worsted in good.3-bulton styling. Sizes 36|TWELVE TRAY 5 x 8 Cardex, cash reg-|CHAIRS, card and banquel tables, church imcoe St. S. In the cases of display advertisements fuer! oa Rac Kaan Kite 2 ss -. -------- | East, Whitby, Phone 668 to 44, Regular price $65. Sale price $35. {ister $20, chord organ, four hole coffeejaisie runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 The Times will not be held respon-| 5°" A Rose 4 MH. FLIM AND. TROLLOPE, Ontario Land] nasa Mercantile Department Store, Whitby|stove, electric meat slicer, steel shelv-| Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414, : 725-151 ] sible for more space than that which rens, © OF 0 Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East, Phone 7--Swap and Barter 2 ing. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. - the actual error occupies, The pub- Walls, Ceiling T les. and: all 25-6881 rT aL eSB a lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad-| General Repairs LOANS ----~ | NEW IN OSHAWA -- White Eina Sewi a | TELEVISION Zi-inch. Very good condi-/STORE FIXTURES, variety line type; 14--Business 0 Opportunities GENERAL TYPIST with knowledge of ertising matter correctly, but assume H McKOY 725 8576 TV--Radio Repairs Centre, 38 Bond West, 725-7181. Special! |tian. Telephone 728-1742 SEE see Osawa i Athol Street SMALL PROSPEROUS HANDIMANS'| Shorthand, familiar with receptionia" de no liability of odvertisement if any ~--| Zig-Zag Portable, complete $69.50. Trade-\ BLACK FOX FUR collar can be worn business for sale: '39 G.M.C. truck and|ties. Must be experienced. Apply 66 Rus- inaccuracies in any form are contained |-- : ins accepted. 725-718) 'with dress suit or coat. Brand new, Tele- |USED: PLUMBING, healing, electrical) aluminum ladders, Cash. Will consider| sett Avenue. therein. ALL TYPES butiding, roofing repairs Moneys available for first TELEVISION, -- RADIO DOUMATIC wash er, piece bath! Phone 723-6306 Med building supplies for sale at allltrade for late model car. Selling for| HOUSEKEEPER to care for two schoole nd remodelling; chimneys, new and re 4 pate Hf ee ,wesner dry: piece ba' -------._-~-----Itimes, Reasonable prices. Telephone 725-|health reasons. Ajax 947-5616 Raglan ' € iG ys an ia) mortgages 24 HOUR SERVICE sets $55. stainiess steel sinks $9.95, pres-| REPAIRS to all Col in Products: Fish- age children, in motherless home. Live IT'S EASY TO PLACE A paired; - sidewalk and concrete repairs pol ; 9 all Coleman Produ SM) 4171 anytime. Allied Wreck ing Co., Brock -- ------ Tel TIMES ACTION WANT AD Whitby 668-2774, Gord tay. Open ages, No bonus sure SYR ER, SOE umps, laundry tubs,!ing rods and reels. Sportsman's Corner, and Dunlop Streets, Whitb: WILL SELL patent rights and equip- tas. S00 lephone after 6 p.m. Port Perry, , Go i hin e 723 en : CiapENTEAT ha -- A First mortgages, second mort- et ea cuttings. H, Chinn, Phone 723-/103 Byron §., Whitby (block west of 2" PHILCO "console vlegalak poe man} Ng mare actirws or form partner. Call Classified Direct Gh Prue S Pane cull 4 Don goges ond agreements for HOLMES | Four Corners.) control. Automatic tuning, Good 'condition: |racititios ira vie RACER imicad te EXPERIENCE jelephone solicitors to c.. Free estimates one collect 'Don' ages r r ae " -- tine incnaresoermcenrasinet ' . G 1 i wired, e pr 723-34 Port Perry 985-2802 : c chas 8-- icles for Sal HONDA 90 touring model, rear view mir-|Forced' sale. Also want' to. buy. seven jobber. Excellent' investment and re|Nork,,tom Your home. Call 942-4134, x Pentiaglis : sale purchased Articles for Sale rors and luggage carrier, Adull owned andldrawer student desk. Whitby 668-2501. |turns. Ideal for retired "person No per: cho kn isi PORTABLE welding equipment and man aE EST ERS driver xcellent condition, 1900 miles S ; a y "babysilting and A) house. fenced in repair" and' structural. 'Phone Aap sg ag Es ELECTRONICS | tree --24-nourt Eilat TYPRWRITARS, peg ond rebut, atend.[4anel, "ine, involved. SUMS. 6 laee: s0-/ SONA ne oe, ae eee jenced in repair and structural. Phone He xf «4-hour burner service | -- ----jards, portables, electrics. The ideal gift 3 5 ve + INDEX TO 668-4585. 26% King St East TEXACO -- Fuel and Stove |CLEARANCE! Congole Tugs, scatter for students. Large stock to choose from.|CORNER LOCATION -- li-yearold brick for couple Lihat until advertiser finds mats, pictures, lamps, florals, occasional | o, ear full arantee, Low prices h suitable employment. Steady work, live CLASSIFICATIONS | R00 ING. concrer Roar val rooting Cohaws, Oniere las are oil, "Blue Coal" stove, nut, | hnirs."drapery_ ands: Remsonably. priced [Grey fle UaACIe COM, Pres two-storey house attache 'are: Excel n na 190 ania 1--Women's Column eau Reno ant eae 723-4697 oo stoker cools @ Slab Wood | Reliable Furniture Interiors, 9% King St.| service, 728-7783. Open. evenings 1168 : os BABYSITTER To care for child @ --Wo ' f ast, Oshawa. = in, r ! 4 2--Persona! and Construction, 'RR 3, 725-6937 Call @ Cannel Coal @ Building <Fuil Tengihy dark | FURNITURE --"3 'rooms, new qualily|SMALL prosperous handiman's business [ua pees tive dt, one Finest be ite 3--Sportsmon's Celumn HUNGORNS Ga te -- SaaS Whi 7 Supplies, 668-3524 MUSKRAT COAT, lady's fu ena , dar furniture, only $299., inc. complete bed-|for sale: '59 GMC truck and aluminum| East Oshawa. 5--Troilers plying rita Ble bela ole) itby -- 668-5679 SAWDONS' (Whitby) LTD, |DioWa:, size 1416, good condition.' Price |room, living room, kitchen ensembles.|iadders. Cash, Will consider, trade. for RE 6--Marine Equipment 3151 . ¥ ' m nis nccosmil ao Dad Brock St Whisky ede Telephone 728-8105 from 10 a.m. f0/pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable value! |tate model car. Selling for health rea-|START THE NEW "YEAR as a beauty 7--Swop ond Barter Mortgage Loans : roc a. Whitby 16 Bm ie ee | Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S.|¢ons. Alax, 942-5616 counselor. Products also available, Tele 8--Articies fer Sale tte ne eadyeeiacn SOEAIRS HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED 5 2 THPRWRITERE, adders, cashiers' desks,/ FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service.|GENTLEMEN with experience in' Sales,|Phone 723-9349 Bod Bye url ume Wee Goa a ' 3 chairs. Terms, We buy, sell, rent, service, Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free estl- | Accounting and Mana 'ke | Ri i to live | ° ' laces, _masonr r thy counting gement would Ike; RESPECTABLE LADY fo live in fo care 1O---Farmers Column : a masonry. Gord May, Whitby 7\ fy Yo of TV TOWERS TONIA'S VARIETY trade. New, used. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. | mates, 323 King West, 728-7552. to invest in a Sales Organization or small! for motherless child, in exchange for roam iz-anicles Wantea rw rd COFFEE SHOP SALE -- 5 only men's English wool sport |FREET Furnaces ed, adjusted free.|tyPe manufacturing. Business must be in/and board and small remuneration. One 5 eine? re iar nae NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco s Foye Uk tyl coats from last year's stock. Regular! Guaranteed trouble-free winter if you} Position to provide good financial state-| child. welcome, Telephone Barrie collect, 14 Pf nod Oppert nities sidewalks, re rode ng, rec-rooms. Free 75% OF VALUE ARE THE BEST aim te 7 rT FSIHION SYIG" lovich $35, Sale price' $1750. Mercantile) purchase from Western Oi! Co, 725-1212. | ment by auditor. Write Box 15462 Oshawa} 728.8028, -- Busi ut estimates. Woods, 728-3420" or o% cabboge rolls. Take out or - + t Store, Whitby Pi cate ie Prorat Times sine asso 1S--Employment Wanted 728-4717 7 S cai Po 1 a0 doe Cee we Oey Ce ce POEAS SPECIAL <C Daee Nome LADIES' nylon hosiery. Make extra 16--Agents Wanted Se Ene ence enn WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! ars ae |TELEVISION, 21", RCA Victor, cabinet structure all-channe! antenna instalied,|VARIETY STORE with living quarters, | money selling slockings. Your own b-si- 17----Female Help Wanted Dentist CALL 205 Bond St. W. 725-3772 model, reasonable price, Call 728-5524, $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton|just listed! Newly decorated, features|nes* Easy sales, tremendous profits. 18----Male Help Wonted ry (Open Sundays) |RADIO. AND TELEVISION servicing| Road East, just east of Ritson Road |front store with rear living quarters. of |matched quality and price $3. doz. and 19---Maole or Female Help Wanted CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN Mm ot 728- 3 ie R. & O. , -- -- Aba. large. livingroom, two family-sized bed- more. Wrife now for free literature © 1d EFOOT, OR. JOHW 1 Denta 728-1653 pment. Testers, tubes, parts, smalll HONEST CALS Furniture and Appl |rooms, large-kitchen and bathroom, all|Wholesale catalogue. Reslon, 10383 Heert 20--Real Estate for Sole Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshaw: - --- c 3 \- + s 200---Summer Properties For appointment, 728-517 : GUARANTY. TRU TELEVISION MOFFAT baking stove and three dish.| 100s etc. Apply 321 LaSalle Avenue, Osh ay Od Kine Gireet ost Oshawa [on first floor, full basement, Iliness'St, Montreal North, Quebec i 21.--Forms for Sale { R washers, ideal for restaurants, motels or! ** cane | qualit i! . pee . }forces sale. Asking only $13,500, 'nclud- aa ag Seo BIALEK, DR. E. P., Denia ST Corner Bond and Division summer camp? etc. See at industrial Dis-| FOR SALE -- 24 inch Finlay stove, $50; | 728-9191 ". ing property and equipment. Call 728-5103, /\G,Rt '0 work in snack bar, day shift, 22--Lots for Sale J 112 Simcoe Street North Oshawa fr r >f yy - . 23---Real Estate Wonted wa. f npany Conada Y posal, Harmony Road North. 725-9202 jAdmiral. fridge, $60. Telephone after 5) REERIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, $12;|W. O Martin Realtor - -- --~ 24---Stores Offices ond Storage appointment, 728-S842 or Res. 728-844 728-5143 - BUYING OR SELLING 7 p.m. Whitby, 668-3167. new smooth - top mattresses, $19 ~~ | PRACTICAL NURSE for nursing home oh 29 urniture or "ap-| és eabalhsarE sh Bi he is . SNACK BAR business and equipment, + 9 rT 25---Houses for age Dressmekin dejenctod Pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294) MOFFAT stove, 24" model, . excellent Stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; Ma $29.- also service station equipment for sale. Plog gar eee Oshaws Tinies, Es bik ala go ee | Sikswa Oaicns OSHAWA AND WHITBY |or 263-2995 condition. Telephone 723-3846, cre aot, Yadles, Gone naw' and" used. | Lelepnene 726-0545 FULL TIME gine xin 8 ALTERATIONS -- repairs, pant culfing.| ' F Yo il perenne Is ps. Gt ; 2 girl wanted, Apply Scott's 28---Room and Board ® c } on UR "WATKINS (quality) products! PIANO, « upright, in cellent eondition. Vv reek, 16 Bond Street West, m 39-~Wonted to Rent wear. Dial Tamaats es' and children's) N IGHT SERVICE 383 any time. | Telephone 725-8301. ee oer oe vom Bem Wey 15--Employment Went fae oe Whitby. 7 , 30--Automobiles for tole, = ivehnewas PRIVATE AND CORPORA tor} 725-8541 or 668-5830 aa furniture -- Coffee tab-|1968 SNOW CRUISER, good condition, |9----Market Basket GENTLEMAN -- early forties, bllinguals|sive product 'call' Torrorane" telephie 31--Compact Cors for Sale ESSMAKING of Ladies' Wi ar, ~ also | aii mortgages. Mortgages ind agree les, night tables, chests, ret-room bars|$575. Telephone United Renta' BS | eeeeemnenemomenvnsrercemreemt bondable, holds medallion and one label | cca sans 32---Truaks tor Sale herent nto anno ee toad ments of sale purchased. Creighton ' 723-5862 1988 SN is? wide ti j|NO. 1 AND NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. 'Eres in First Aid, 15 years police experience, 33--Automobilas Wonted | DRESSMAI ino -- § Drynan,- Murdoch and Victor. (See "Bar.| RAE S ~. |1966 SNOW Cruiser, 15" wide tr delivery. Telephone 728-1306 or 723-0615.) oaks position of trust, Oshawa area, has RELIABLE woman to look after two chil 34--Auitomobile Repair ailaration haute, teaane riste FULLER ae. eee 18. Spec SB Metra Ss Nadal NO. 1 WINTER o-latoes, 75-lb. bag, 52.85 |own transportation. Write. Bax (4492 Osh- Gre and)? years. Telephone 723-0939 35--Lost and Found * Tspecialty. h by -- -- PAN S raha ehingy! ppnone daytimes 725-0444; | ea BULOUS JANUARY SALE -- now on o. cat rim : after -6 : 54-4 anal . erety : FIRST AND SECOND gae|__RADIO & TEL EVISION evenings 669-6583, Jat Wilson Furniture, Double mattresses| relenhone 723-9439, . piel HOUSEKEEPER Jo livein and take care 37--Auctions |ALTERATION, pant cutting, me agreements fd and. sold. Hennick | CITY TV TOWER, antennas, algo repairs (CHROME aa, arey, four maiching|trom $20; chesterfield suite, $99; chrome|CLEMENT Pouliry, Roasting chickens| EXPERIENCED typisi desires pari time I tires chiro' aoes te hence 38--Coming Events ast, accurate service! Gitt items. made| and Hennic \sters, 31 King Street)All_ work guaranteed, §11 Dean Avenue.|chairs, brown, telephone bench, good con-|chairs, $2.99; bedroom suites, $119, Wil-|2'4 Ibs. - 4 Ibs. 40c per |b, Capons Sic|work at home, for particulars call 623- jo ree ci mn age * and 4, 9--Notices fe order, Telephone 728-1823 Gest, 723-7232. Telephone 725-0500, idition, reasonable, Whitby 668-8402, son Furniture, 20 Church Street, per ib, Calf collect 987-4353, 2438, Private room, After 4 telephone 725-7547, )