THE OSHAWA TIMES, Theredey, Februety 17, 1965 BRIDGE == a er ae By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) pe MR, DITHERS, IF l HAVE TO ( WoRK TONIGHT Ry I DEMANG me JovRL 2a i Re ert, is i BOY, ANS ¢ GET IT ++-Now |! |. Go BACK ToT- 7 YOUR pes rian F asim os fl Ri 1 CONT Luke [ HEV? WHAT ARE Aninay, \\ / AND we GOT Te HOUR SLT Lp 8 ena om AIT AG WOSE STREAKS We FOUND THE PICTURES 9 Paid HE aa -- COMING UPAT US, L THE PLANES We WANTED! tp ae -- Lin (la tr South dealer. Neither side vulnerable; BUZ SAWYER con @ Xn, F $i K1088 3843 AQi06 East 42 63 AT74 Siorss OU --- W. L. Mackenzie King ATs OST. BUT KING Ay) AN ELECTION JC CALLED, we AND. IN MANY A FURIOUS LA, 4S PROPOSING Ae, ¥ DISPUTE J = WITH THE U.S. EIN AFEW MINUTES, V'LL. BE YOUR NEW TICE . oped Ser DAD, MY BOY." 4 NEARBY? /, WILF) "eID LAUR PROM. THE DRIVER}! A CABINET POST. MADE, 'ta OF ME!! Openng lead--king of spades, Generally speaking, when 4 player makes a bid, of a series of bids, his primary purpose _ = : : aor puter to pater 4 eng, fogs Teer) MESSAGE OF PLOT 70 as he can the type of han e ee -- E , 1 However, in doing so, he can- Z i } ' not avoid revealing this in- formation to the opponents at the same time. After all, the opponents also have ears, and cannot help listening in on what is basically intended as a pri- vate conversation. As a result, both the declarer and the defenders are frequent- ly able to take adyantage of the knowledge they glean from the adverse bidding. Thus, in this case, South knows a great deal about West's hand from his four spade bid, and he can put this knowledge to use to help him make the contract. Let's say that West eads the king of spades and shifts to a club. Since South is bound to lose a heart in any case, his sole concern at this point is to avoid losing a trump trick. If he plays normally, that is, if he cashes the A-K of dia- monds, he makes the contract if he finds the diamonds divided 2-2 or either player with a singleton queen. However, with West very likely to have seven or eight pad the odds are greatly against his also 'having two dia- monds, West is far more likely to have one diamond than two. South should therefore base his trump plays on this as sumption and should reason that, if West has a sifigleton, there is twice as good a chance of its being the ten or nine as the queen. Accordingly, he should win the club with the queen and lead the jack of diamonds, planning to finesse if East follows low. If East covers the jack with the queen and West produces the ten or nine, South should plan to return to dummy and take a diamond finesse. TELEVISION LOG ke) Sa method of play succeeds and South loses only a spade and a heart. The percentage play works. TONTO RESPECT YOUR INTELLIGENCE,\ BUGG' MR. FLING -- THERES NO THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY WELL, DON'T JUST. STAND "THERE: BO GOMETHING // SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK I'M NOT SURE....UNL WHAT 90 I FOUND TWO OMe ner Tide A f ENO, 5 HIS LEG...0LO Blte a8 ae we've Sor, A NEW. YOU ON io AK OUN? MEAN? TE one BUT TRESS PARTS. WASN'T A CROSSWORD ACROSS 43. Parasitic 15. Pale- . Peaceful plant red DOWN 18. Moist Biblical and name humid Town in 19, Decem- Ethiopia ber 31 Girl's 21. Freight- Aickname boats Show Me 22. Risk State: abbr. 23. Un- . Stall tanned Yesterday's Answer Fortify skin of 80. Proton and Cut of meat cattle ion Hunting 24. Sothern or 31. Jots dogs Blyth 82. Cereai Where the 25. A calling grains bitter half -- 87. Bind 27. Performs 38. Unkind 29. Indians, 39, Aegean originally Island of Canada 41, Roman 950 4 YOU FIND OUT WHAT 4 SED THAT VAQUERO YO JUST LL OVER AND DIE THE WAY HE DID? ELLING,...50 IT na RATTLESNAKE OR COPPERHEAD. nt ah i ~ 10:00 P.M, 12:00 NOON 1l---The Merv Griffin Show! 9--Toronto Today *42--Dean Martin Show | 8-2--Jeopardy 7--The Long, Hot Summer}; 7--Money Movie 6A Man Calied 6--Luncheon Date Shenandoah +---News end Wi 3---Man From UNCLE 10:30 P.M. é--The Serial 11:00 P.M. 119-4-7-4-43-3--News, Sports Channe! 2--~--Buttalo Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffalo Channel. 6~Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo Channel &--Rochester Channel .9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton (Scere eee een THURSOAY GvVE, 5:00 P.M, ~ Pigeon 4 . A chatter rt 4 box POLICE HAD SURPRISE NAPANEE, Ont. (CP) -- The 12:15 P.M. ban on overnight parking here 4-tpeeker of the Mewes jis strictly enforced by order of 12:30 PLM, the town council. Councillor ee Donald Reid, who usually, walks [eerters Play to council meetings, drove to | aren For Tomorrow jonce and had a message from dibsovce the police pound two days after he walked home. "I forgot all about the car. I thought it was in the garage at home all the time.' SALLY'S SALLIES . Bay window . Jewish month . City in India . Fresh . Fido, for one . Metric measure: abbr. . 0. T. book . High priest . Pienic 11. insect . Birds asa 13. class . Grouch + S je {7 . Top of a 4 6:30 P.M. | wave ie ea go Mg | ag St tne Word Tun . Skein of and Sports | 4-Cantain Kengerse | 2:00 P.M, yarn @--Huntley-Brinkley | 9:00 A.M, | %--Kids is Peopie - Mail: India News %&Playtime With Uncle} 7--The Gator Bow! . Arista T--Maverick Bobby | &4--Password Pirate ship é--Across Conade I--Dha! fer Deters | 3--Proflle obs 7:00 P.M, Ori Tok 2--Days of Our Lives -ivew Enge Vi--Farmers' Daughter | 4-Mike's Carnivel 2:15 P.M. ered state: 9--The Munsters 9:30 A.M. | pDeer Charlotte r, . Type of IF SHE THINKS SHE'S + SHE'LL BE EXTRA GENEROUS tape FOOLED US, ITLL MAKE WHEN WE GO OVER TO HER . Plaything HER SO HAPPY... . Metropo- Ww lises . Memoran- dum . Roman magistrate - Belonging to a city in Ohio and Peru . Smorgas- bord treat 3--Popeye and Pete A--Famity Theetre 9--Movie 4 Superman 6--Passport To Adventure 3--Atom Ant BLleyd Thaxton 5:30 P.M. Beever W:15 P.M. Final 12:45 PLM, +--Nignt N--News | 64--Gulding Light 1:00 P.M, --Theatre %--Morning Star 7--Ben Casey +| 6--Luncheon Date 12:3 A.M, 4--Meet The Millers ll--News - Weather - Movie 2--Mike Douglas Show Minnidav 1:30 P.M. © SAA w w eave it Te 7--Rocketship 7 é=Music Hop &Maverick 6:00 P.M. | 7--Twilight Theatre | é--McHales Navy 4--News, Sports Chick "Heety 6:20 P.M, 8 11--News THEY'LL HELP ME VISLALIZE |\1--The Saint THINGS BETTER! | 11:40 PLM, ° %--Plerre Berton ., MICKEY MOUSE | $---Meta | 4--Gypsy Rose Li |-2--Doble Gillis 2:0 P.M, 9%--People in Conflict | | #e--TRe Doctors | 10:00 A.M, 7--A Time For Us |11--Topper 6--Zane Grey Theatre | 9--Playtime With Uncle | 4--Linkletter's Party Bi | Movie obby $-2--Fractured Phrases 6-3--Ivanhoe | 4-1 Love Lucy 10:30 A.M, 11--Ed Allen |8-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 4---The McCoys 6-3--Friendly Giant? 9--Bingo 4--Forest Rangers 3--Green Acres 2--Huntley-Brinkley 7:30 P.M, 1l--Donna Reed 9--Holiywood Palace $2--Daniel Boone 7--Shinding 6--Hogan's Heroes 4--The Munsters 3--The Adams Family 8:00 P.M, 1I--OHA Jr A. Hockey 7--Donna Reed shew 6-3--Seaway | 4-Gilligan's Island 8:30 P.M, HERE COMES GRANDMA] DON'T LETON You IN A DISGUISE FROM) | RECOGNIZE HER / A WER kipcie yieit 7 | \ HER KIDDIE SPY we | 3:00 P.M, |II=-Donna Reed %--Fractured Phrases nother Werld "Now I know why they say 'you can't take it with you.' It's too heavy." SKATE X-CHANGE New and Used 7--General Heepitel +43--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M, 1--Funny Company %--Ite Your Meve $4--Yeou Don" Sey | 10:45 A.M, 7--Superman Show |63--Chez Helene +3--Take 30 | M, 4--fidge of Night . &--Kartoon Karnival 4:00 P.M. Mickey Mouse CludD O--The Match Game FmEarly Show &3--Bonnie Prudden Show 4--Seoret --Recky And Mie Prieads 4:30 PLM, 'l--Super Cer %--Sea Hunt %--Barly Show 63--Razzie Dazzie 4--The «Thirty Club 2--Sting Ray 9--its Your Move +2--Laredo 7--Okay Crackerby | 4--My Three Sons | 9:00 P.M, | %-Branded 7-~-Bewltched 63--! Dream of Jeannie +--Movie | 11:00 A }11--Mike Douglas | 9---Mr. And Mrs. 8-2--Morning Star | 7--Supermarket Sweep 63--Butternut Square | 4-Andy of Mayberry | 11:20 AM, Quarter Back Club | OS-Across Canada 9:30 PM. | 11:30. A.M. o--Let's Sing Out | @---Abracadabra 4 8-2--Mona McCluskey |8-2--Paradise Bay 1--Peyton Place | Musical Interiude &3--Telescope 4--Dick Van Dyke Show Lot YOUR HEALTH Bellandonna Helpful a Relieving Distress By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD You Con Exchange Skates That Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. : f © King Peatarme Syatiare fen, Mik Wert digits emsorved I at night if he has to get up, he opening in women. This gland | WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF ' refuses to strap it on. He goes|is often subject to becoming | THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. Dear Dr. Molner: Is bella-jequally to a particular drug jhopping to the bathroom. Isn't| plugged (a cyst). DITION. donna harmful over a long!Fifteen drops may be too much this expecting too much of his! It rarely becomes malignant.| period--15 drops twice a day/for one person, while another heart He is 50 and healthy and The size pain or discomfort of | before meals This seems to be| may tolerate it easily I want to keep him that way.-- such a cyst is rather adequate | helpful in preventing cramps) If too much is being taken, it| Mrs. L. B. indication of whether it ought to' and frequent bowel movements|is manifested -- by symptoms} ff y > : ; ' ; : ou want to go easy on his | be removed; on occasion it following a severe attack of|such as dryness of the mouth, ' 8g y on it can COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY (A FAMILY PRIVILEGE, DEAR GIRL, WELL, EVE, READY TO MEET THE TRENIERS HEAD ON? HERE SHE 1S,..WHITNEY'S FIANCEE! AND | PROMISE YOU... YOU'LL BE CHARMED OUT OF ALL YOUR PRECIOUS TRENIER RESERVE BY 7 THIS YOUNG LADY! diverticulitis. The doctor says/blurring of vision, and flushing now to take it only when there/of the skin. Thus if a patient is discomfort.--H. A. R. tolerates a certain dose without Diverticulitis (inflammation of| such symptoms, and gets relief, a diverticulum, or out-pouching| prolonged use of the medication of the bowel) can cause spasm is not harmful. (However, drugs and cramps, and belladonna (or/of the. belladonna type should some similar-acting drug) is|not be taken by a person with effective in relieving the dis-|glaucoma; the drugs do not tress. cause the eye disease but they After the irritation has sub-|make it worse.) sided, continuous use of the! Proper diet, medication may not be needed habits, and correct bowel ample intake of --which, of course, is just what|water are also important in your physician indicated. Why diverticulitis take it if you don't need it 'The point to keep in mind is} Dear Dr. Molner: My hus- that all meanle don't respond! band wears an artificial leg. but! heart, let him travel the way|be exquisitely Lees. el , im, Sometimes wondered whether! uaabes for hin. Let him exquisite should be applied to decide whether. it's easier tO nain, but the dictionary says hop twice as much on one leg, one mieaning of the word is keen or half as much on two. In short, or intense.) don't fret about this. Having a Cysts just don't go away. crutch handy would be another Sometimes they become ab- solution for him. cessed, and rupture, and there Dear Dr. Molner: What is a|/8 Sudden relief when the pres-| Bartholin cyst Is there danger /Sure is thus reduced. But a cyst! of it becoming malignant eventually will seal over or be- Should it be removed surgically come infected again. or will it sometimes go away Thus in general my reply is oh. its own--Mrs. M. W. that if a Bartholin cyst becomes A Bartholin gland is located|painful, have it removed and} on each side of the genital|be done with the problem, EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S 223 King St. W. 723-3224