Dear Ann Landers: This is ain the glee club knew why I dropped out and I wanted to die of shame: : two-girl office and we have had it. Sue (for pseudonym) and I work for top-level executives whose incomes are way up there. We don't mind doubling as waitresses (we make coffee every morning at 10 a.m. and again at 3 p.m.) nor do we ob- ject to washing the cups and saucers and bringing fresh cream every day, but when we ask the tycoons for $1 each on the first day of every month to pay for the coffee, sugar and cream we get dirty looks. Sue and I ante up $1 each to pay for the coffee we drink. We don't resent the expenditure, so why do they? Any sugges- tions?--Sad Secs Dear Secs: March in two strong and tell the bosses that| you refuse to pass a tin cup) like beggars every month. Ask for $12 from each of them now as their annual coffee assess- ment. If they refuse, close up the kitchen and take your break at the joint downstairs or next door. ti Dear Ann Landers: I am a 15-year-old girl who needs a job. Here is why: I live in a house with 12 other people. Right now there are 19 people under this roof because my sister and her husband and their four children moved in: My brother-in-law sitting because my older sisters get first call on the jobs, The last time I got to sit was New Year's Eve, school counsellor because I am for me. What I need is a part- time job.--Desperate to suggest that you see the school counsellor and I hope you take my advice, worry about sorry for you. If you don't feel sorry for yourself, people will admire your dignity and your willingness to earn your way in- stead of looking for handouts. Chin up--and get moving. and his wife both work. June goes to her job at 7:30 a.m, and gets home at 4:30 p.m. Jim works from 5 p.m. until mid- jnight, Their little boy is not |quite three years old. /youngster gets up about 8 a.m. He's a good little boy and stays in his bed until his dad comes and gets him, the child in the morning and take him to my place until his mother comes home. He is no Please don't suggest baby- Don't tell me to talk to my red of having people feel sorry Dear Desperate: I am going Don't anyone feeling Dear Ann Landers: My son Jim sleeps until noon, but the I would be happy to pick up 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, February 17, 1966 trouble and I enjoy him. Would homes are replacing foster homes in the Metropolitan Tor- onto area as a means of provid- ing a steadying influence for wards of the Children's Aid So- ciety. The Kurt Huebners in subur- ban Scarborough are among this siswiy growing company of group families where six or seven "adopted" children are '}accepted into the home. The only oddity about the Huebners is that their brood consists entirely of teenige boys many of pvhom still recall bit- ter experiences of foster homes where they were treated with) scorn. | "We like the outdoors, camp-| ing, fishing, sports, and we felt that the relationship with boys was, for us, better," said Mrs.| Huebner. 'Because of our inter-! est, we thought we could give| the interest and encouragement! that boys need." | The Huebners, both in their) mid-sts, have two children of | their own--Achim 12, and Auria} 9. Other members of their group family include Mark, Tom CAS Sponsored Group Homes In Lieu of Toronto Foster Homes. TORONTO (CP) -- Group| surprise that Auria's "brothers" | were not actually related to her. But with all the relative prob- lems, the Huebners have ad- justed from a family of four to one of 11 smoothly with the aid of the Metropolitan Toronto Children's Aid Society. i Westminster UCW Stidi Pa Brazil At February Meeting At the regular meeting of Westminster United Church Women held recently in the lower hall of the church, mem- bers and guests present heard Mrs, George Lofthouse and Mrs, Leonard Carrington dis- cuss Brazil. Mrs. Carrington cava tha ste- tistics of the country, while Mrs, Lofthouse told the mem- bers of the many problems fac- ing the people of this country. 'Brazil', said Mrs. Lofthouse, "has inany extremes -- ex- tremes of wealth* poverty, heat and cold, culture and illiteracy". The first missionary was sent to Brazil from the southern United States in 1876 by the Methodist Church. At present there are 95 missionaries sup- ported by the U.S.A. in Brazil. In 1960 the American Metho- dists invited the United Church of Canada to send missionaries to Brazil. At present $45,000 has been sent annually to the church in Brazil. After a short business meet: ing presided over by the presi- dent. Mrs Carrington mam- bers' were reminded that tea towels had been purchased and that each member's contri- bution of 75 cents would defray the cost of same, Mrs. Clarence Scott conduct- ed an impressive candle light- ing service. Mrs. Hugh Scott, accompanied on the piano by Mrs, Chesley Burton, sang as all members lighted their can- dies and formed a circle to sing "Lead Kindly Light'. Refreshments were served by iMrs, Hedley McKinley. , Mra. Tatineuss aude Mre an S, Sut |aara. Pupils Entertain At Hillsdale Manor, The residents of Hillsdale Manor were entertained by the penis and staff of T. R. Mc- wen Senior School. The pro- gram, under the direction of Mr. H. E. Knox. was ona of variety, consisting of choir se- lections, vocal solos and duets, dances and different instrumen- _ tal. selections, . This was one, of the semi- monthly programs brought to. the residents on behalf of the Kinsmen Club of Oshawa. CANADA SCORED FIRST The first electrically-cooked meal on record was served in 1892 in the Windsor Hotel, Ot- lawa. PARKWAY TELEVISION Proudly Presents Quality Controll PLECTROHOME With the new Electrohome Centurian Color Chassis, color TV has achieved perfection. Colors are 50% brighter oie was laid off and they were heed David, all 15; Greg, 16, and 17-) year-old John, who joined the | Canadian Army six months ago.| FIRM BUT GENTLE Both trained in child-care work in their native Germany.) Mrs. Huebner worked with slow learners for several years and among her qualifications is a I be an interfering grandma if victed. I have three older sisters so/I suggested it?--Gram ond surpassingly realistic, Moreover, black and white ore os crisp ond detailed as the finest Electrohome black end white sets. And, with this superb performance, you will enjoy unequalled reliability too. This chassis, coupled with Electrohome's superbly styled Deilcraft cabinetry, offers you the finest In television viewing and decor pleasure, Parkway hos them now .. « for immediate delivery. Select yours for the week-end, and years of color pleasure! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LISBON 25" COLOR Ceaturion chassis reliability and performance in lovely Deilcraft Mediterranean styling; available in walnut or classic ook, Twin-speaker system. Carey, Mrs. R. Booth, and Miss|Gordon Riehl, Mrs. J. Seat Bowmanville and Larry at CALCUTTA 25" COLOR Sixspeaker system coupled with Famous Centurian chassis TALISMAN 25" COLOR Twin-speaker system; colormatie tyning; Centurian pers formance chassis combined with Deilcraft cabinetry in -- styling. Available in wainut, Swedish walnut or eak, for moximum reception viewing pleasure. Superb Deilcraft modern cabinetry styling, available in walnut or Swedish walnut, INTERIOR DECORATOR 15 KING ST. EAST - DOWNTOWN OSHAWA MARRIED 25 YEARS I get hand-me-downs worn by| Dear Gram: I certainly feel --Oshawa Times Photo three other people before they/sorry for the little guy from 8 Di A D dress in so long I forgot what/ever, to be able to spend sev- inner nd ance Honors it feels like. jeral hours a day with his dad. | | Last spring I needed a blue|Why not offer to come and get M A d M Go d Ki ] | sweater for glee club. My dadjyour grandson and bring him| Le n TS. T on mmer y| money so I had to drop out. He|would not be interfering, It; Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Kim-jpair of wool blankets, a table|/course in psychology which felt bad about it but there was|would be a generous offer and/merly were honored with a din-| arrangement of pink and white/places her in good standing! nothing he could do, All the kidsjan excellent solution. ner and dance held at the UAW|chrysanthemums and 25 silver} ----------|Hall on the occasion of their|dollars from the family. But the ability to make a M My . : : bow home for adolescent boys is Bridge, Cribbage; Euchre Prizes. M's. Kimmeriy is the former | plied by Lloyd Pearson and his| more than academic. Temper- | » Gaughter of Mrs. /Melody Aires. ment is a vital quality and Mrs. | ¥ ' Alexander Blair, Brooklin and Guests were present. from Add Pleasure To H & S Evening 1 Bg mal ger g Pl Rochester, N.Y.; Bridgenorth, | nal _ gap Posner satiny lies A her children affectionately yet Under the convenership of)Meraw, Mrs. Ross Jeffry, PRE po agecmiad Wenge gg Moen manville, Brooklin, Whitby, Osh- clearly | define the limits to Mrs. John G. Wright, the Ade-|K. F. Arbuckle, Mrs. J. Ben-|The couple were united in mar-|2¥@, and Frenchmen's Bay. which they may go. School Association recently held|Raike, Lorrane Jameson, Mrs.|p. ],, Full, in Brooklin in 1941. ' much quieter than his energetic a successful night of cards. Re-|G. Jackson, Mrs. J. A. Schell,| Attendants at the vvaddine wate St. Gregory s CPTA wife, he is the head of the fam- ceiving with the convener were|Mrs. J, Dyer, Mrs. J. McIntosh, | Mr. Harry Campbell, Oshawa, | g i " | ily and' his pword is law. Mr, Harold Pascoe, principal|Eleanor Howes, Harold Wilson,!and the late Helen Sullivan, 'Studies Family Life! Achim accepts the succession Pha \of pating ih planning the party|Mrs. Barbara Heagle, Mrs. A.| ourse. And Auria, who resents were Mrs. N. L. Vaillancourt,|F. Hubert, Mrs. John Cs Mig pe Rie Meats Parent Teacher Association thelr teasing, readily accepts social convener; Mrs, William|Mrs. William Browning, Mrs Gordon Zh, and Rdward both took part in a discussion on| them as brothers. n : family life at the February) yt was only recently that a Ann Edwards, ticket sales;|Mrs. C. M. McLean, Mrs. E. L. meeting. home, and two grandsons, ' Edward and Raymond Kim- Mrs. J. A. Yanch divided the | Zwicker, and Mrs. Douglas|J. W. Wise, Mrs. G. Bates, Mrs. pe members into tables of six, to Marr, candy sales. Gleischman, Mrs. F. Hickey, vs discuss two questions onjclass count was won by Mrs. The most popular attraction/Mrs. Keith Taggart, Mrs. Lewis Mrs. Kimmerly received in &@/ «Christian Family Living," (a)|Cole's Grade 2 class. Mts. me ec ee ate corsage of pink carna {what Mrs. Milo Pults led a discus- |Mrs. K. Pamment, Mrs. R. Sen-|3! "poe od "|their children before they start ive euchre room, under the' nett, Mrs. John Huband, cag gr Miss Evelyn Kimmerly|+, school and how they Pvsae show. "Springorama," at which capable supervision of Mr. and/jorie Ferries, Mrs. E. M. Cross,| 78% charge -of the guest|. taught; (b) by what means|farily fashions will be shown.| leaawitoh Mrs. G. X M Ae The date of the show will be n nm, Mrs. G. Kane, Ree, i i . . esses for the bridge rooms, | n° unrhte. Met. *. versary cake, flanked by {Uy ap and how can you in-|Wednesday, March 16 at 8:00) which were filled to capacity : y silver candles centered the|'Tease it? I : r were Mrs. William: Roth, Mrs.[Qo Nora Fomald Giths,|fable. 'The hot dinner was| Ten minutes were ellowed for|ium. Tickets will be adults $1.00 i " Pt ee Ane ee Woe d by the members of the|discussion followed by the/and children 7. gg endl y |UAW Auxiliary, No. 27. Grace|group veers. are rs; ee Mrs. J. White. The game rooms |5r aise oe" H. a on we Gh Ades Blair, |from the groups. Many answers|Adams, 725-1779 or Mrs. Patrick were made up of bridge, crib-/ | ening came to a close|Brooklin, brother of the bride,|were given such as: teach the bage and euchre. Draws for the 8 |Mr. Thomas Kimmerly, Roches-|child iove, kindness and res- a pongo a = i for these rooms were read by Mrs. Stuart Malloy. Dies were ments by the hostesses. Decor-| groom, was the master of cere-|and the sacraments together|The 50-50 draw was won by Mr. jations for the evening had been| monies. jand many others. Ernest Marks. Refreshments Neil Morton, Mrs. M. Youke- | made by the pupils of Mrs. Mc-| Among the many gifts re-| The Reverend L. T. McGough Doulas dakar, eee Bore es Grade 6, lceived were a pole lamp, a summerized the 'topics, The|Victor Comeau. During the evening the presi- comed the guests. Winners in the progressive euchre room were: High lady, Mrs. Julian Cheski; high man, Bryans; lone man, Mr. V. Hart- wig; men's consolation, Mrs. A. Henry; ladies' consolation, Mrs. Vv. Pettit; mystery prize, Mr. S. Prize winners in the other rooms were: Patricia Howell, Eileen Lounsberry, Ruth Del- yea, Fred Watson, Shirley Bow- Bryans, Doris Hartwig, Edith McKee, Winnie Thorne, E. Moth,-Goldie Ellis, Carol Haw- key, Mary Howard, Edris Lee, Mrs. E. Closs, Mrs. F. Gazely, Mrs. Lorne Goodman, Mrs. Robert Suddard, Mrs. Lloyd Sturch, Miss Marilyn Martin, | get to me. I haven't had a new/a.m. until noon. How nice, how- said he couldn't spare the|back to his father at noon? This | with the CAS. /25th wedding anniversary. Music for dancing was sup- Huebner has that certain pater- |merly is the son of Mr. Thomas Busenhank Newrastie. Bows laide McLaughlin Home andjson, Mrs. Miles Smith, Mrs. R./riage by the late Reverend And while Kurt Huebner is) and Mrs. Pascoe. Those partici-| Rosalie Gray, Mrs. Fred Nash, ; sat brothers as a matter of | Mr, and Mrs. Kimmerly have Members of St. Gregory's Mrs. John Powell, Mrs. Gilbert) Armstrong, M. N. Michael, Mrs. close school chum expressed) of the evening was the progress-| blue dress with lace trim| should parents teach sion of the coming fashion Mrs. Donald Shanahan. Host-|Mrs. G. A. Mathews, Mr. J. L. |? three-tiered anniversary|#"® You living a christian fam- p:m, in St. Gregory's Auditor-| | . i]. | serve Cc. R. Dayman, Mrs. R. Wilson, | Helen Cruwys,: Mrs. E. J. Wil lesdane ddving voverts Judhe, 728-1013. with the serving of refresh-|ter, N.Y., brother of the bride-|pects' pray and attend church made by the hostesses, Mrs. served by the convener, Mrs dent, Mrs. J. G. McCarnan wel- Mr. V. Hartwig; lone lady, Mrs. m Cruwys. man, Esther Ross, Sully June McLean, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs, Blincoe, Mrs. Gwen ANNUAL Clearance Sale ¢ FURNITURE ¢ LAMPS ¢ OIL PAINTINGS ¢ ACCESSORIES GREATLY REDUCED ONE WEEK ONLY OPEN 9-6 DAILY: -- WED. 'TIL 12 NOON -- FRI. 'TIL 9 NEED WOMAN'S TOUCH -- GRETNA GREEN, Scotland) (CP)--Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary plans to appoint a} policewoman to the six~- man force in this border village to| deal with "increasing numbers of teen-age runaway couples" who elope here from England, where marriage regulations are stricter and slower. 5% oe = FRONTENAC 25" COLOR Lovely French Provincial styling by Deilcraft in walnut, classic fruitwood or Burgundy fruitwood. Superb performs ance Centurian chassis; twin speaker system. CAMBRIDGE 21" COLOR Famous Centurian chassis; twin speaker system; and lovely contemporary Deilcraft cabinetry styling make this one of the more popular models. Walnut finish. WE DO OUR OWN COLOR TV SERVICING ONE FULL YEAR PARTS - SERVICE WARRANTY c. Ad "Your Color TV Store" PARKWAY TELEVISION t POR ALL YOUR Bridal Shoes TINTED PREE CHOOSE DANCEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA oe Phone 723-3043 918 Simcoe St: North cee