MES, Soturdey, 13, 1986 -° Hor presentation ta a -spublie| Feb, f at the Scarboro General, Re appiied mouth-to-mouth res-, "tee the terms of the Munt- ,, lic school board, elected at Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, sia : meeting. | Hospital Mr. Taidiaw fad been | pirat on and restored normal! ipa ERE cipal Act no vote of the pen: the next vote oF residents 6f Giobe and Maii Copy editor! breathing. ee | an ple- on- the--measure-is---re--- the-township will serve for a c-i re rc Subject to the approval of the for more than 30 years. } . quired. The council and pub- two 5 } ¥GRT ; ay | Ontario Munieipal- Beard,-Pick-| tt we eraidean-> > Phe annual dimer; henor- The annual meeting « <= ering _ ~ | sedlsal from Page 6) his premises. The charge was) | proved the raising of $100,000) meeting of the Ontario County se Meco the eveni it will c laid under the Industrial Safety| for the construction of an addi-/Beef Improvement Association| door letter carrier delivery of} Kinsmen Club of Oshawa, was a Mf " 5 sharcain' taal Highway 35, $100 and costs injact. . tion of four classrooms to|were--Pickering: Edgar Ward,|mail will be extended to 148| held Thursday night at Kins: joxy meeting at the hotel nos cares, care. 'The defendant, who pleaded Greenwood -- songractincen' oe ye Sg points of call locatea on the fol-| men Hall. President J, D. ' | DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH e. his own case, threatened to ap-|cil also approve e construc , : ' ppilowing streets in Oshawa:| Fleming welcomed the past KR, Coetl Hint and R, P, Aker $5. 00 PER DAY PLUS LOW . Eby admitted sideswiping &)\0.. said Magistrate R, B.|addition to Claremont Public|2, Oshawa; Reach: Norman) AP! : MILEAGE CHARGE | ame 00 Mavens 2. vert tg oP Baxter, 'we'll make the fine|School at a cost. of $100,000;|McLeod, RR 2, Blackwater;|Oriole st., Harcourt, Florell,| toast to the Kinsmen Inter direetora of the Ontario Mort 725-6553 manville. He a gg he ei i large enough to make your ap-jtiree classrooms at Green|Scugog, Peter Hart, RR 3, Port/Dianne si., Karen st., Denise] national organization Gordon BAe Fr OK ef e Agnociation | panicked and fled; but ope peal worthwhile." River, Public Schoo! at a cost of} Perry; Uxbridge: Hugh Shilling- st, Carolyn st, Roniea st.,| Garrison pointed out the Hernard Gershman of Torente | R U H H E R FE @] R _D' Ss hours later telephoned the i s $75,000; $80,000 for the purchase| law, RR 3, Mount Albert; Scott:| ages ay ax tint 4 eisaeh _ wae elected president | office and reported the acci-/ poonce of a township bylawjof three school sites; $368,000/Carman Boadway, RR 3, Mount/"tandview ave, and Keewatin) ideals and reviewed the sery CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS A $100,000 offer was made by|Township where house trailers) room school at Fairport Beach; |Sunderland; Thorah: Clarence| when $0 per cent of the patrons} local organization in partion helding Of bleniial elections | 725 6553 14 ALBERT ST, * of the Oshawa Motel Highway|14 classrooms, a home eco-|Mara: John Speedie, RR 1,|, : » : , WHIEBY Township Couneil ee ee a 2, was fined $10 and costs for|nomics room, an industrial arts|Breachin, Hector McKinnon, RR facilities, pt pant eG rg "tt sical i contravention of the law inj/room and a library at French-|6, Orillia; dipectors at large: PAGER SO aye : | Lake, immediate past pres Aifred Brisebois, Legion man- A Whitty rink skipped by! Gent 'and wax plied WW by A CAREER IN THE CANADIAN 'COAST GUARD | Township Counc}! ap-| Directors elected at a recent) 1... Cote announced: door-to-| ing the past presidents of the eld at the Genoxha Hotet in | driving, was withdrawn. " i r classroom] Whitby: August Geisberger, RR : 4 ~ peal | the decision. lia 7 onl ht ; . : . Applegrove ave., Oriole court,| presidents and in proposing a of Oshawa have been elected dent. there is no place in Darlington|for the construction of a nine-| Albert; Brock; Clare Bagshaw, st. The service. will commence! jces to the community of the A bylaw to provide for the city council to Branch 43, Royal/may be stored, William Zegil,|$560,000 for the construc tipn of/ Hewitt, RR 3, Beaverton; |ingtalt proper mail receiving] lar, A toast®was proposed to WA® Hansed, Feb 10, hy Mant | Oshawa ager, said after the meeting the |magistrate's court at Bowman-|man's Bay Public School; $45,-|Gus Lask, Sunderland; Harvey Harvey Winter will represent Bruce Mackey on hehall of the i 000 fo an addition to Vaughan|Blackburn, Uxbridge and Wal- offer was less than what the|ville, ; F ; the district in the finals of On Legion is asking. He said the FEB 9 Willard Public School and $255,-|ter Beath, Oshawa. tario Curling Association Sen-| past presidente' graup offer would be considered by a te pg gee rear FEB. 10 iors' competition, The rink lost special Legion committee which The Drama Club of the R. S. Pabile Sch a ; . its first game at Port Perry.) The feglonal aupervianra has been negotiating with coun-|mopaughlin Collegiate and Vo-|) 2° °°" Sales of General Motors] but won !!s last two in a best-of) and menhers of the Oshawa This: Bepariment of Transport. ls:new accepting epplicctions from ymune men who eil's parks, property and recrea-| cational Institute, Oshawa, pre-| During the week ending Feb.|North American type cars and) three playdown. Other members) Hoard of The Vielanian (rier | B® interested in w caveer in Havigation oF marine engineering for enrolment ot the new tion committee for about One| cented "The Merchant of Ven-|5 348 patient dmitted|trucks set their 12th monthlyjare Art Crawford, Sam Burns) of Nurses wailed on Rast , ; 6 : at C Techni a eae ee ee ne ai ; vith shortreed | Whithy 'Tawnahip Counel) anallian Coan Guard College at Sydney, N.S. Forty Cadets ore ti be chosen for training year. 1 ice" at Central Technical High) and 351 discharged at the Osh-|Tecord in a row in January with and Neil Shortree |" Y t The Legion hopes work es School, Toronto's largest sec-|,wa General: Hospital, There|® total of 27,004 units, This com | Feb. 10, regarding he exien start on its new Simcoe st., ondary school. Ali Grade 9 stu-|were 43 births, | There|Pares with 23,323 vehicles inj Sales and profita for Hou) sion Af he VON Wark tli the pony mtd lores by the March dents attended. James Dean.) were 99 major and 114 minor,| January 1965. daille Industries Tid, Inc, in} TAWHSHIP, NA Heels Was : Ge warn 'a Mr. Bri bois. assistant principal of Centrall a. well as 66 eye, ear, nose and| . Passenger car sales reached|1965 were the highest in his:| MAN Hy Pounet Ae) Guard and Gn enmpletion ef the college course will he appointed to Canadian Coast beat high Begg SP ya Tech, adjudicated the play in)throat operations. Two hundred| 22,232 while truck sales set an ' as) Closing date of the offer is Nov. |Oshawa, Jan, 29. He said: "I and thirty three treatments and| all-time record for the month of Ory: Bocoreing i6 Gere Raat = WhIKY Tawnehip iil vig = Pg inge he! very impressed It was as examinations were given.| January with 4,772 units sold y= tity by July 1 aie Pie high capy plete g Forty-two casts were applied.|Comparable figures in January) man He aald net earnings fF) eating Wal tutiding nermnile CADETS selected will he pravided with free board and lodging at the College and ms bess | as I have seen in 12 years"', There were 601 physiotherapy|1965 were: 20,240 passenger|1965 rose to $7,150,070 Bales! teoynd tn the tahehin daring will he i 'Sa manth while training, Travel expenses from home to the College and ; A bgt ogyersoice| "t Seventy-eight building _ per- es 'ty 490 Nap i cars and 3,083 trucks segs Bor te ge "1 anHaey welt value Aoal ap HEE-A-VERF FelUFA expenses hame, in excess Of $25, will be paid. Codets will receive else ng at vehicular speeds in| . : qj occupationa verapy depar inew high far i@ fourth e@0:| ppaetniabaly BONE ca iegulas GPA Gals nla ee Sl Oiiee school zones be restricted to 15 mits, representing an estimate d) ment 'handled 167 cases | Divisional. Officer Jolin Vin-|secutive year, Sales were 8 | Guard Officers miles per hour was not en-|value of $1,108,200 were issued) 7. Ontario Gazette reports) Set, of the No, 425 Whitby Com:/ percent Higher than in 1084, |. Ane wt the loadin Heine 1h dorsed by city council. by Pickering Township during|three district companies have| bined Division of the St. John] | the Nay whe Barly Ald. John Brady, chairman of| January. Included were 76 per-|received letters patent of incor-|Ambulance -- Association, has) General Motors of Canada) Hayid bate, | will he ihe council's traffic committee, said) mits for dwellings with an aver- |poration. They were: Mildale been awarded a Meritorious) Lid. announced. it will install) guesi speaker al. the annual the 15 mph limit could not be! age value of $14,500. lInvestments Limited of Picker-|Certifieate (No Risk) for sav-jcollapsible steering columns) Meelng and Hawwiel Ab the enforced without additional ling Township, Sunrow Buildings|iM& the life of an cightyearold/and dual brake systems 8) Oshawa ehamher Ah OA policemen being hired; it would) Pickering Township Council); imited of Oshawa and Vaned-|b0y at Sibbald Point, Lake/standard safety equipment af) meree Pek 9a MP ty is THREE YEAR COURSE, oppliconts rmust have reached their 16th. birthday slow down and back-up traffic; | endorsed in principle a proposal! ward Investments Limited, Port] Simcoe, last August ith Its7-model passenger cars.) soheduled (A Sarak AH | Man + Ret their 22nd birthday on Beptember 1, 1966; have completed secordery school iGeeie and that the Ontario 'Traffic|for a combination arena and/ perry | Mr. Visser rushed inte the) The announcement made HA) agement and fahar Bela Conference, a group of traffic)|community hall for the town-) . jwater of the lake in full uni-imention of possible price) tiene.' He is ihe member at experts who have studied the/ship. The property committee! Arthur Laidlaw, 57, a former/form and brought Michaelichanges because of the extra! parliament far Vark Sauih reduced speed limit, have not j will investigate costs and plans! Oshawa Times reporter, diediSmith, of Downsview, to shore,/safety features | atid is the NUP hniee leaner recommended it eu ep aamicumenRKe gs, "Speed has not been a partic- If you meet the above requirements and if you are interested in this unique opportun- ular cause of accidents in| ity, fill out the form below and mail it BEFORE FEBRUARY 28 to the DIRECTOR, PERSONNEL school rones in Oshawa," said SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT, OTTAWA, ONTARIO, The written examination Ald. Brady. oviiciusalediaainiaaiabili ininneeiahc will he held on or about April 16, 1966 sinsling Sepleinher 1844 CADETS will be trained as either navigating ar engineer officers in the Conodion Aller the pequiled sea experience, they will be qualified to write oppropriate Y for Centitivates af Carpetency as Masters, Mates or Engineers Saltarelli, president and ehAN) Oaunnil jawened al ile Beh, 16 oy the FOUR YEAR COURSE, applicants must have reached dist hitthday on September |, 1946 and have completed heel (Grade 11 ar 12 aecording ta previncial educe incial educational standards); have at least one years' training et stully passed the Coast Guard College examination for admission A $3,000 grant request for| tourist and convention promo- tion will be considered by ciy Director, Personnel Services, a nor Department of Transport, Russell Humphreys, president Room 980, Hunter Building, of the Chamber of Commerce, Ottawe, Ontario, said in a letter to council, the "<--~ Chamber in 1965 spent $3,162 on F pond | Sear Se tourist and convention promo- 'ie | Slosis Kelaid eck eS i 5 plete information in [] English or [1 French regarding officer Sar Dar aecus colnttoealy by the training in the Canadian Coost Guard. : businessman as it benefits to #4 : : some extent everyone in the} 4 4% | NAME community. The Chamber outlined a pro- | posed $6,000 promotion budget for 1966 -- to be split 50-50 by | the Chamber and the city. ADDRESS.... A special-bus service to Bon- niebrae Point and the lake- | front area, costing about $300} per week, was approved by | council. The service will be required when the existing bridge on Simcoe st. s., over the Oshawa Creek ts removed for construc- tion of a new $108,000 bridge. The service will mean 16 trips per day Monday to Friday and 15 trips on Saturdays by way of Valley dr., and Wentworth st. | The cost will be charged to | the cost of constructing the new | bridge. City buses now are too heavy te cross the existing bridge | which has a reduced weight | limit of four tons. A temporary | service to the lakefront area is being provided at a cost of, about $90 a week. The special | service was proposed by the} Public Utilities Commission, | which operates the city bus department. The council dispute about which committee should study | and report on a brief protesting | mandatory prepaid services and charges has been resolved Despite negative votes Cast | by the public works committee, the Oshawa Development Asso- | ciation brief was referred to | that committee. After the association present- ed its brief at a January coun- cil-in-committee meeting, coun- ceil argued for 30 minutes about what should be done with it. No action was taken. F. M. Sissons, proprietor of Motor City Auto Parts, was! fined $500 and costs in magis- trate's court at Bowmanville when convicted on a charge of failing to provide a means of) exit from the second floor of | (FREE PARKING | where Broodway meets Times Squore NEW YORK CITY FREE PARKING avoitoble in the heort of the theatrical emd entertainment district e+ Close to shopping, ing and busi eppointments. You'll enjoy the convenience and h, pitality of the Poramount ov» 700 newly refurbished fooms, al! with private bath, TV, and oir condi- fioning. SPECIAL FAMILY PLAN RATES His life insurance is something he didn't have to buy. each time he thinks back on that he feels a little proud of himself. He ehh adcatel getthe good feeling that We CHSUTANCE . gives You MMC cIFG HrouUNnAIUS Ui 3ut did. For his family> And rAINICS TIV UAINADA, -- POWER Canente Fists Gade GREANERY | T oc" BLT ER: 59, LYNN VALLEY /érealee " sade S TiN AYiMeR FQ@MAT"S esave 4¢e 10: 02. COLE TIN ID. sey PANEAPPLE =| powtn 22x24. instant SUICE COFFEE ® SAVE ae Tae Power //:/cRAIN-FED BEEF uc. GUBE i: q - MONDAY & TUESDAY -