Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Feb 1966, p. 7

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SRR NTT eT aaa THIS WEEK'S NEWS: By BORIS MISKEW : Canadian Press Staff Writer President Johnson held a three-day mid-Paciic confer: ence with South Vietnamese Premier Nguyen Cao Ky this week as the southeast Asian erisis continued to dominate the world scene. : Johnson and Ky ended their discussions in Honolulu Tues- day with a 'declaration of Honolulu' asserting their de- termination to defeat the pro- Communist rebels in South Viet Nam and to build a better life fer the country's people. Johnson flew to Honolulu a week after the resumption of United States bombing raids against North Vietnamese tar- ts and the placing of the nited Nations Security Coun- ell in an attempt to bring 'ghout peace talks. Shortly before Johnson left Honolulu for Los Angeles, he announced that Vice-President Hubert Humphrey. would visit the South Viet Nam capital, and five other countries in the area. Humphrey met Johnson on his arrival at Los Angeles Airport Tuesday night and, after a briefing, left immedi- ately for Hawaii and a flight with Ky to Saigon. eeeorenseneanitt i 1 wn DISTRICT NEWS Brougham Rededication Service Well Attended Friday, Humphrey toured the war - torn outskirts of Saigon by helicopter, escorted by two rocket-firing helicop- ters and heavily guarded by security agents. An apparent lull in ground action continued Friday United States and South Viet- namese troops who have been combing the An Lao Valley, 280 miles from Saigon, still found no trace of a rebel Viet Cong force believed to have taken refuge there. AGAINST ESCALATION Prime Minister Wilson told the Commons in London that he has informed Johnson that Britain's support for U.S. pol- icy in Viet Nam would not ex- tend to bombing of the North Vietnamese cities of Hanoi, the capital, and Haiphong. Speaking in a debate on Asia, Wilson said the British government "deprecates pres- sures for a wider war" and expressed fear that the war in Viet Nam could explode into a bigger conflict. APPEALS TO CANADA President Ho Chi Minh of North Viet Nam has appealed to Canada to "fulfil its obliga- tions under the 1954 Geneva aoa BROUGHAM (TC) -- A large;Malcolm and Mrs, number of members and former | cott. members attended the rededica- Program committee, tion. service Sunday afternoon|Connell, Mrs. ' at St. John's United Church. A|Mrs. | ; social gathering was held fol jthe Community: lowing the service. Visiting Committee, Mrs E Rev. A. E. Cresswell gave the Wright; press, Mrs. A Ellico t; call to worship and Rev. Harold|flowers, Mrs. R. Ellicott; sup- Lackey, of Warkworth, read the|Ply_and sotial assistance Mrs lessons. Rev. N. T. Holmes, of|% Perry | Oshawa, chairman of Oshawa) ares Presbytery, conducted the serv teeare recs eos jee of rededication. Rev. A. C aie icin la _-- Forest preached the sermon Mrs. i. Bs. Ashn nee ' honored at a gathering of the Assisting in the service were | members of St. John's Anglican| Grant nis ele . Malcolm) church. Canon Ashmore recent-| eh Pe wean Cores oun Reseed resigned after serving the} ee ae rely | Parish for nearly six years.) Ser aec teeciitnes" wen sung\ Ciel prays? "4 the a in-} " c s Sueeicumbent, Rev. R. C. Rose, aj by Mrs. 5. cone SPecial| program of musical selections) music was pg Me 7 jand readings was presented. | choir, directed by Mrs. J-| 'The affection of the Sunday) Waite, iSchool was evidenced by MEMBERS [presentation by Janice Craw-| Members of the 1966 building|ford, of @ corsage to Mrs. Ash-| eommittee were: Grant John-|more and a boutonniere by, Mrs. J | Laughlin; |Mrs |ment of family relations (pre- Wonnop and Group; J. White; representative to| Dorcas Group and Mrs. Arnold Friendship and Taylor, the Esther Group. agreements" as a member of the three-nation International Truce Supervisory Commis- sion on Indochina. In a letter to Prime Minister Pearson dated jan, 24 and tabled in the Commons in Ottawa Wednesday, Ho ac- cused the U.S. of violating the Geneva accords that ended the war between France and the Communist Viet Minh, CALLS FOR RECOGNITION Ho also sent to Algerian Premier Houari Boumedienne a message in which he called on the U.S. to recognize the Viet Cong guerrillas as an in- dependent body and to enter into peace negotiations with them. However, Washington is seeking to put diplomatic pres- sure on North Viet Nam to modify its demand that the Viet Cong's political arm, the National Liberation Front, must represent South Viet Nam in any peace talks. Johnson has sent word to in- terested foreign governments that Ho's demand is wholly unacceptable and has created an obstacle to efforts to ar- range a peace conference China Friday accused the Dorcas secretary, John Hamilton; depart- school), Mrs, J. Rahm. St. John's Church will be the) host for the World Day of Pray- ler Service Feb. 25, It is expect- | ed the speaker will be Mrs. J.} D. Paterson, of Toronto, Plans were drafted for the coming year at the meetings of | | R. T. Flli-|the units of the United Church Women. Mrs, Harry VanCamp) was hostess for the Candace Mrs. Leith Byers, the SHABBY GUYS FINISH FIRST BODOE, Norway (AP) Never judge people from their | appearance. Those old work clothes may have plenty of money in the pockets. A young man in a sweater, overalls and rubber boots en- tered a car dealer's shop.in this city just north of the Are- | tic Circle "Have hand?"' "Sure we have," the sales- | you got cars on | the| Man answered, "I want 16 cars, if I like | the model." | 'T have no time for jokes-- | ston, George Willson, Allan Fili-| Diane Hamilton to Canon Ash-| Duzz off, the salesman said. eott, Ross Knox, Robert Miller and R. Kimura, Members of the| decorating commitiee _ were: Mrs. G. Johnston, Mrs. K. Fal- lis, H. Malcolm Jr., and Ross Knox Officers elected at the annual of St. John's United Church)" were: superintendent, Howard| The guests of honor expressed | Malcolm Jr.: assistant superin-|thetr thanks and voiced appre- tendent, Grant Johnston; secre-\ciation of the assistance re- tary, Ted Hicks; treasurer, ceived from members of the Manson Ellicott; pianists, Miss|Parish. They extended an invita- Janet Ellicott and Bruce Will-|tion to visit them in Peterbor- son ough Herbert Honey and Miss The teachers are: Mrs. H : Blackman, Mrs. Howard Mat-|Mable VanCamp spoke ex colm, Allan Ellicott, H, Mal-|>ressing the influence for 'good colm. Mrs. Beryl Donaldson exerted by Canon and Mrs..Ash- Mrs. M. Annis, Mrs, J. White, | ore in the community. W Miller eee > Refreshments were served by Mrs. H. Miller and Mrs. Ken, wa Pascoe The vice-president, Mrs J. A Officers for the ensuing year|MecArthur, presided at the an- were elected at the meeting of|nyal meeting of the WA of St the Afternoon Group of the Unit-| John's Anglican Church. It was ed Church Women. Mrs. J./noted that a trust fund for White conducted the meeting at)major repairs had been set up the home of Mrs, Allan Ellicott.| Officers elected were: honor- Mrs. E. Wright, of Green River, ary president, Mrs. J, Forder; | conducted the worship period) president, Mrs. J. K. Lawrence; and sang a solo vice-president, Mrs. J. A, Me- The new officers are: Leader, | Arthur; secretary, Mrs. J Mrs. J. White; assistant, Mrs.|Scott; treasurer, Mrs. F. Stani E. Wright; secretary, Mrs. |land; Sunshine secretary, Mrs more. | George Wolfe, the rector's! warden, voiced appreciation of| the work done by the guests of| honor in the parish and present-| ed a gift of money from the con-| gregation, the Women's Auxil-| The man did--right across | the street to another car dealer, selling a different | make of cars. He made similar inquiries | and got full service. The man | in overalls really wanted 16 _| new cars and paid in cash-- | 500,000 Norwegian kroner ($77,000). He belonged to a if-man crew of a Norwegian trawler that caught record quantities of herring last season. Each fisherman netted 70,000 kroner during the season. They de- cided to buy new cars and to * buy all 16 at once, to get the highest possible discount on res ays ta oF JONSON VISIW £10 Trinidad Welcomes Queen a Seviet Union of joining the U.S,, India and Japan in forg- ing a "ring of encirclement" around China, "The policy of the new lead- ers of the Communist party of the Soviet Union is to unite with U.S. imperialism and the reactionaries of various coun- tries in forming a counter-rév- olutionary ring . . . against China," said an article in Red Flag, the organ of the Chinese Communist Party. WELCOME QUEEN The Queen and Prince Philip received the warmest welcome of their Caribbean four Wednesday when they visited San Fernando, the most fun-loving town in Trini- dad, San Fernando's population of 55,000 turned out by the thousands to give the royal visitors their wildest reception of the tour. White-helmeted mounted police had to keep the crowd back as it lined the narrow and hilly streets, BLOOD FLOWS The Dominican capital of Santo Domingo was paralyzed Friday by a general strike as inhabitants took stock of two days of bloody street fighting. A self-appointed strike com- mittee called for a country- wide stoppage as a protest against ugly clashes between police and demonstrators which caused the death of at least nine persons and left 60 injured. The strike committee de- manded that President. Hector Garcia-Godoy force all right- wing military leaders to leave the country as had been done by left wing leaders who obeyed his orders and took up diplomatic posts abroad ACCEPTS RESIGNATION King, Baudouin Friday ac- cepted the resignation of the | coalition government of Bel- | gian Premier Pierre Harmel, | He asked Harmel and his six- month-old cabinet to remain in office on a caretaker basis | until a new government can be formed. ONTARIO TAXES UP The Ontario provincial gov- ernment jolted taxpayers Wed- | | nesday with sweeping tax ine | creases, including a jump in | the retail sales tax to five per cent from three per cent. Gas- oline tax was increased a cent a gallon to 16 cents and there Ps, ee HMVULUL orm were increases in the cost of liquor and cigarettes, Provincial Treasurer James Allan told the legislature in Toronto in his budget address that the new, taxes will be- eame effective April 1. SMITH HITS BACK Rhodesia's breakaway Pre- mier Ian Smith said Thursday in Salisbury that Prime Minis- ter Wilson was a Communist sympathizer. He accused Wil- son of allowing British ships to supply Viet Cong with provi- sions, thus assisting them in their war against Americans, Australians and New Zealand- ers. ; CANADA ACTS The Canadian cabinet, meanwhile, passed an order- in-council in Ottawa virtually ending all trade with Rhodesia except for exports of a human- ifarian or vital nature. The act places all goods of Rhodesian origin under import control immediately. World Briefs: Australian banks closed the doors on pounds, shillings and pence Wednesday and when they re- open Monday they will be dealing in dollars and cents. . Master showman Billy Rose, 66, died Thursday in Jamaica of Jobar pneumonia, . Sophie, Tucker, 78, "the | Jast of the' red-hot mamas," died Wednesday night in her Manhattan apartment of a chronic lung ailment, THE WEEK IN ONTARIO Striking members of the Oshawa unit of the Toronto Newspaper Guild (CLC) Thursday ratified an agree- ment reached by union and management negotiators, end- ing a strike that has pre- vented publication of the Oshawa Times since Jan. 27. The agreement, reached after 28 hours of negotiation, sit Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S granted #15 -<9 - week raises across-the-board to the 46- member auild unit bargaining Times, Oshawa's only daily. for 50 employees at The However, there were indica- tions' Friday that the Oshawa Labor Council, with a mem- bership of 23,000 who sup- ported pieketing at The Times, would offer help to other striking unions protest- ing the use of court injunc- tiens by management. Two striking members of the independent Teamsters Union were arrested Friday in Toronto after a trailer unit slipped off a truck that was Faton, 25, of Moose Jaw, Sask.; Harold Dankwarat, 20, ef Kitchener, ad Thomas Brydges, Zi, of Himira, Gnt., erashed out of Collins Bay | Penitentiary near Kingsten Wednesday. Police say Mrs. Eveline -Forsyth, 40, was forced off the road shertly before neon and two men carrying rifles ordered her into a car. Police found the woman in a motel at Thern- ill, north of Terente, and brought her back to Toronte, Eaton was serving six years, Brydges four and Dankwardt 30 months. pulling it. Police said a con- necting pin had been re- moved. The arresis followed a wave of damage Thursday at Tor- onto trucking companies, with police reports of smashed windows and an arson at- tempt, Union spokesmen said there was no union connection with the outbreaks and officials of the Motor Transport Indus: | trial Relations Bureau, which has ordered its 55 companies to close during a dispute with SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE Dance to 'RUDY VELTRI the union, said none of the companies involved are bu- reau members. Police, armed with shot- guns, continued a search Fri- day for three escaped convicts wanted for the kidnapping | Thursday of a Toronto | woman. The men, John | HERE COMES THE S ALBERT R BROCOOL! wn HARRY SALTZMAN pn rato KEV WoCLORY AND HIS RED BARN NEW TORNADOS Toronto's Most Versetile Group Recommende ADULT ENTERTAIN SEAN CONNERY "THUNDERBALL" PAYSON" QOS se UTED ARTISTS PHONE 725-284" NOW PLAYING ! TIMES -- 1:40 - 4:20 - SALES & SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN WERNER'S SERVICE CENTRE MANCHESTER end Highway Ne, 12 George Gray; treasurer, Mrs.|C. Smith; Living Message and R. Ellicott; pianists, Mrs. H.|Bulletin secretary, Mrs. H. Me-! 985-7162 | Feature At KIDNEY & BLADDER Piil STARTS SUNDAY ALL COLOR SHOW "THE THIRD DAY" -- PLUS -- "None But The Brave" FRANK SINATRA ~~~ TODAY ONLY ---- "THAT FUNNY FEELING" "THE ART OF LOVE" BILTMORE ALL COLOR SHOW Sat. Shows continuous from 1:30.) Last Complete Show at 10 FRANCOISE DORLEAG THE SULTRY NEW FRENCH SENSATION Filled with tingling suspense, @ let of fun, end @ liberal 1:30 « 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:35 The Mutual Life of Canada sets new records in 1965...sales of $601 million... dividends to policyholders increased again 96th Annual Report Highlights 1965 1964 © New ordinary life insurance sold $400,554,000 $365,999,000 New group life insurance sold 200,946,000 90,170,000 Total new life insurance sold 601,500,000 456,169,000 Life insutance in force 4,772,823,000 4,333,733,000 Total income 152,600,000 139,071,000 Total payments to policyholders and beneficiaries 88,159,000 73,667,000 Surplus earnings for the year 24,634,000 23,126,000 Dividends to policyholders 19,744,000 Assets Net rate of interest earned 948,722,000 17,910,000 889,277,000 5.64% 5.55% The Mutual Life | ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE: WATRRLOO, ONTARIO/ ESTABLISHED 1009 GOLD 7:08 - 9:30, LCS. 9:15 RUSH Lounge and Dining Lounge Central dotel KING ST. W. OSHAWA FRANK 'Dual Trumpeter' MOTLEY & His Quintet The World's Most Fabulous Trumpet Player Oshawa's Finest Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M, & THREE WEEKS! FEB. 14--MAR. S LILLIAN ROTH ANTHONY GEORGE MARILYN MICHAELS FUNNY GIRL A SWEETHEART OF A MUSICAL EVENINGS 8:30 -- MATINEES 2 P.M. MON. TO THURS. EVES. $5.50, $4.25, $3.25, $2.50 & SAT, EVES, $6.50, $5.00, $4.00, $3.00 WEDNESDAY MATS, $4.00, $3.00, $2.25, $1.75 SATURDAY MATS, $4.50, $3.50, $2.75, $2.00 BOX OFFICE OPE N11 A.M. - 9 P.M, ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY! SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20 8:30 P .M, BRITAIN'S LEADING FOLK SINGER DONOVAN $4.50. $3.50, $2.75, $2.00 THIS WEEK - AS USUAL Feetwriet THE FABULOUS FUGITIVES 50c Members @ 75c Non-Members DRESS: -- Shirt and Tie pat NT AOR AEE aes EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT! TWO DAYS ONLY FEB. 16,17 WITH TWO PERFORMANCES EACH DAY TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT BOX-OFFICE a AN EVENINGS 8 P.M. ACTUAL PERFORMANCE ALL SEATS $2, OF THE MATINEES 2 P.M, NATIONAL THEATRE ADULTS $1.50 OF GREAT BRITAIN STUDENTS $1,00 The greatest Othello ever by the greatest actor of our time. AB,H.E PRODUCTION HASSE SHIH ERED an FRANK AA TECHWICOLOR® PANAVISION® FROM WARNER BROS, A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE STAGE DOOR Lounge and Dining Lounge AT THE WHITBY HOTEL 207 Dundes St. West, Whitby | The Finest in Nightly Entertainment PRESENTS - BY POPULAR DEMAND THE CHEERY-O'S . "TOPS IN COMEDY" Whitby's Finest APPEARING NIGHTLY AT 9 P.M. / Matinee Saturdey 3 p.m. te § p.m. ~) James Maher -- Manager. é aid BOX OFFICE OPEN 11 A.M. ~ 9 P.M. MONDAY, _ FEBRUARY 14° Travelogue Series "THE GRAND TETONS" Julian Gromer Sponsored by the Oshawa KIWANIS CLUB CENTRAL COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM 8:15 P.M. Tickets At Door

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