Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Feb 1966, p. 3

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ee ed us. 1-- jn Be annem -- eye Femreery hardware dealers will attend the 61st annual Canadian Hard- ware Show at Toronto Feb, 7-10. JAN. 31 DISTRICT NE' | fleck said drinking at Saturday re ~] is entitled to watch hockey games and does not have to put up with 'the antics of drunks." Crown Attorney Bruce Af- night hockey games has become DIARY with the vehicle driven by his| wife. Both drivers were hos-| pitalited following the crash. | A bylaw passed by Pickering] Township Council authorized the! (Editor's Note: The follow- |the Holstein breeder in 1975 ing city and district news would be like at. the annual Holstein Breeders Club in} late January -- are listed | Uxbridge. under separate dates.) the Holstein-Friesian Associa- tion, announced the winners of City Treasurer Frank Mark-|ficates to 25 Ontario County son said today- that the city's | breeders and 25 Star Brood " breeders. ----" The election of directors for Commerce luncheon - meeting, | p m2 : .,2)| Raines, RR 2, Blackwater; John Mr. Markson said the capital 7 pask, RR 2, Seagrave; Leslie cil Feb. 7 and the current|)( (don RR 1, Cannin ' | 5 ' gton; Rob- budget March 21. ert Flett, RR 2, Oshawa; Ralph Rosmere ave., Oshawa, has|Smith, Blackwater; Mac Chris- qualified for membership in the|tie, RR 4, Port Perry; Grant Great-West Life Assurance Co, Frank Barkey, RR 3, Clare- Membership iri the club is the mont. company to its underwriters. Brooklin Junior Farmers, who Recipients distinguish them-|presented the play "Comes of high standards in the con-|the first Ontario County Junior duct of their business, said a|Farmer Drama Festival held City Council's three-member standing committees may meet alone and in the daytime more often this year. For about five years the standing committees have met jjointly ---with the Parks, Prop- jerty and Finance committees meeting together and the Pub- lic Works and Traffic committee meeting together. Regular committee meetings have been held the second and fourth Monday nights each month, but there was general agreement during the Council-in committee meetings Jan. 31 that if a committee work-load jwas heavy that committee could arrange its own meeting. 'Rotten' was how Mayor Lyman Gifford summed up his views on an amendment to the Plant Diseases act which per- mits manufacturers to cut down jdiseased elm trees on private | construction of a water and| sewer system at Frenchman's "epidemic" and that Oshawa police were being swamped pith complaints. A fine of $250 and costs was levied in Bowmanville upon Raymond Paret, of. Kendal, here Jan. 25 by Magistrate R. B. Baxter on a charge of dan- gerous driving. The accused was prohibited from driving any- where in Canada for three} years. | The charge was laid following a fatal accident July 6, 1965, on Highway 35, south of Pontypool. Magistrate Baxter said a pre- sentence report was good and that Paret's knowledge that his actions had cost the life of a man was far more penalty than any which could be meted out by the court. Speeding to work at 95 miles an hour, . after spending too m VJoill VV Fi, items -- accumulated since meeting of the Ontario County Gerry Nelson, fieldman for JAN. 27 147 long time production certi- mill rate will be "realistic and|Cow certificates to 16 county Speaking at 2 Chamber of|1966 resulted as follows: Neil budget will be passed by Coun-/cmith' RR 3, Port Perry; Jim Gordon J. Dignem of 613)Honey, RR 2, Seagrave; R. J. 1966 President's Club of the Carson, RR 2, Claremont and highest award offered by the selves through the maintenance|Romance," won top place in company spokesman. |much time watching a hockey Jan. 29 in Uxbridge. Members| property. : | game on television cost George of the winning cast were: Shir-| A bylaw under the act was! Dr. Claude Vipond told the ley Jones, Ken Stickwood, Dave | approved at the special Council| Oshawa branch of the Canadian/Hawthorne, Doreen Jfnes, Jan| meeting Jan. 31. | Red Cross Society that the or- Hoskins and Carl Wilson. | "T think the act is rotten -- dinary peasant the miner,| The adjudicator, Charles Jol-|in no uncertain terms," said the| the rickshaw puller -- is better |liffe, complimented the winners|/Mayor. He said citizens should| off today in Red China and in| and the members of the Beaver-|cut down diseased elm trees on| Russia than he was before the ton and Port Perry Junior Farm |their® property themselves "'in| Communist revolution in those Clubs who also competed. |the public interest'? and not at countries. ithe public's expense. He said that many small; The current issue of The On- | countries thought that once/|tario Gazette reports letters} Three bylaws, introduced but they got rid of the colonial patent of incorporation have|tabled at the special Council powers they would he "All|been granted to two Oshawa | meeting Jan. 24 were passed right," but they are now district companies. They are| Jan. 31 by City Council -- at "cruelly disappointed." McLaurin Animal Care Limited, another special meeting. The bylaws were tabled after| = Douglas Noden, Mill st., New- castle, a fine of $25 and costs Jan, 25 in Bowmanville magis- trate's court. A charge in Bowmanville of careless driving against Bert) Bay. A water and sewer system will also be installed on Okla- homa dr., Fairport Beach. | Pickering Township Council for a third time tabled a bylaw providing for the taking over of streets in Bay Ridges. Some of the council feel the streets are not satisfactory and will seek an opinion on the subdivision agreement. The streets have| been completed since 1962. Pickering 'Township Counctl has given its approval to an) expansion of the Royal Cana- dian Legion Hall at Brougham. The building has been uncom-' pleted for 12 years. | An order from the Board of) Transport Commissioners for) Canada advised that the ap-| plication of the CPR to elose the station at Locust Hill has been dismissed. Commuters and local! residents opposed the railway's' proposal. (Continued on Page 6) Sparrow, RR 3, Bowmanville, | was dismissed Jan. 25 in Bow-| manville magistrate's court. ~ | Evidence showed the accused) was eastbound on Highway 2 when he saw a car ahead of him! slow almost to a stop. Sparrow] was unable to avoid a collision! Good Names To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker---President Bill MeFeetere--Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 Oshawa and Wilaw Holdings) JAN. 28 Limited, Pickering Village. one alderman objected to spe cial meetings of Council unless Drastic changes in the struc-) puyring the week ending Jan.jemergency business. was dealt ture of local government were|o9 351 patients were admitted | with. forecast at a meeting in Ux-\anq 320 discharged at the Osh-| No one objected to the bylaws bridge by Dr. Eric Beecroft,|,wa General Hospital. There|at the Jan. 31 meeting and both professor of PolNical Science at) wore 49 births. There were 111|were passed. The first bylaw the University of Western On-| major and 104 minor operations |dealt with the regulation and tario. as well as 87 eye, ear, nose and |control of Dutch Elm disease-- Dr. Beecroft, referring tO throat operations: Two hundred|the other two, an amendment to regional government studies be-'and twenty treatments andjthe zoning bylaw and a Site} ing made by the Ontario De-|examinations were given. Forty-|Plan agreement, provided that partment of Municipal Affairs, nine casts were applied. The|a parcel of land on the north said: physiotherapy department gave | side of Malaga rd. could be used "There will be more|616 treatments and made 486/as a parking lot. changes in the- structure andivisits. One hundred and sixty-; ,, i Roxon re of local govern-| eight occupational therapy treat- A Rotary Club must remain ment over the next 10 years|ments were given. Nine speech representative of the business naw iy . "therapy cases were handled. and professional life of the area er EE ERAT Over "we " in which it is located," Tibor All the Central Ontario Joint| Gregor, of Willowdale, past dis- BOOKMOBILE February, Power Store ---- Tues. 1 and Simeoe Plata ---- Fri. 4 and 18 Eastview Park --~ Fri. 4 and 18 Rosslynn Plaza -- Set. 5 end 1 Hormony Church ~ Wilson Plaza -- Wed. 9 and 2 Dr. C, F. Cannon School -- Thu Braemor Plaza -- Mon. 14 and A&P North Oshawe) -- Thurs, 3 and 17... ---- Tues. 8 end 22 Loke Viste Plaza --- Thurs, 10 end 24 SCHEDULE 1966. 18 2:00-- 5:00 2:30--- 5:00 5:30-- 8:00 8:00 9 3 rs. 10 end 24 28 trict governor of District 707, told a large gathering of Rotar- | ians at Hotel Genosha Jan. 31. Dr. Matthew. B. Dymond,|Planning Board needs is some} Provincial Health Minister, said|shapely legs, conference table at Uxbridge that it was up to/legs. individual citizens and not sen-| The regional planning board More than 150 members of the| "i i {Rotary Clubs in Cobourg, Port jor levels of government to \has moved from its temporary | t 4 meet "change" and added: location in a Simcoe st office |AOP®: Bowmanville and. Osh- : ; : ee 'awa heard the speaker empha- "Every generation is faced |to permanent headquarters at|.i., the importance of increas- with change at some degree|the Oshawa Shopping Centre. ling membership. He aaa but the impact of the changes| William McAdams, Planning| Rotary in the United States and facing this generation are Director, says delivery of the| Canada is not keeping pace with greater, more dramatic, never- jegs. for the conference table| clubs in other parts of the theless they are upon--us:" 'has been delayed because of a| world. He/was speaking at a meet-|Teamsters' union strile. Rotary must continue to grow | ing /alled to discuss the pro-' [f the legs.do not arrive by|as its ideals and principles ap-| ed Central Ontario Regional feb, 17, the 15-member board,|peal to people in other 'lands. evelopment Association. jrepresenting six municipalities,|The health of local clubs is es- ' will again meet in the Oshawa|sential because of the growth of G. B. Mallion, past-president City Hall for its regular month- | Rotary abroad and the emphasis 6% 1 to 5 year G.1.C.'s Savings eceounts Paid and compounded querterly 4% * Investment Funds * Estate Planning * Executors & Trustees of the Ontario Regional De- velopment Council, said at Ux- bridge that development asso- ciations were vehicles for mem- bers to use to "obtain some- thing." |\this places on the international | |friendship aspect of its work. A brief urging the location of |The lack of growth in North a community college in or near| America means Rotary's ability Oshawa will be submitted to aj|to play a part in the community board of regents for the col-|and the world is weakened. The | ly meeting. soutien OF senvica Open Friday All Day Saturday The organization is not to\leges before the end of Feb. give anything particular, he A Central Ontario Regional added, but is a vehicle to be|College Council subcommittee, used by members to obtain|now compiling statistics and "something."' He spoke at alsupporting resolutions from var- meeting held to discuss the pro-jious city and district organiza- posed Central Ontario Regional'tions, is drafting the brief Development Association. Also' The board of regents appoint in attendance were 50 munici-jed by the Ontario Department securing of new members is the | collective duty of all members, Rotarian Gregor said. FEB. 1 . Eleven hockey fans were each fined $100 for drunkeness in the Civic Auditorium Jan, 29 Magistrate Harry Jermyn said 19 Simeone Street North 23 King Street West Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Bowmanville pal representatives and interest-jof Education as an advisory ed citizens from many of the 19 committee to recommend sites, | municipalities in Ontario has received about 200 requests County 'for colleges from community groups in Ontario, including The burned-out shell of the about 50 detailed briefs King Street United Church may, The regents held their first be demolished by next Monday, meeting recently to establish Rey..L. Wesley Herbert, the | general policy. Alderman Rich- minister, said today. He is/ard Donald of Oshawa, a mem- awaiting word from tie Ontario ber. of the subcommittee, said Fire Marshall's office and fromihe contacted Norman Sisco, insurance officials completing|former principal of Donevan separate Investigations. Collegiate here who is now director of The Technological! Thirty firefighters and pieces of equipment were used the Department of Education yesterday when flames did anjand learned that the regional estimated damage of $35,000 at council brief should be sub an apartment building under) mitted within three weeks. construction in the Apple Hill) 'Our position is not being | section of the city. weakened by not having the Firefighters said a work- >rief in now," said Mr. Donald man's torch accidentally ignit- ed wood and tar paper struc-| Albert Hockley, of RR No. 1, ture in the Chaucer ave. build-|Clarernont, was elected presi- eee ing. dent of the Ontario County X y Growers' Association at the an- We Mayor Lyman Gifford yester- "al meeting in Uxbridge. ye day criticized the Ontario Water Resources Commission for a re-|_ Anne Dryden of RR No. 1, cent report in which it warned Brooklin, was elected president the city and 12 other Lake On-,0f the Ontario Junior Farmers tario municipalities to remove @t the agnual meeting in sources of industrial and civic | Uxbridge. pollution. Mr. Gifford said it had never been necessary for| Thirty, Oshawa and_ district the Ontario Water Resources| ~~~ PL ENC Commission to "'press" the city to expand and improve its sew age treatment plant facilities. Mr. Gifford noted that it took the OWRC until the end of 1965 to draw up. a report for the} years, 1962, 1963, 1964. He said} that Oshawa's "co-operation"| should have been noted in the report. JAN. 29 | Dr. J. C. Rennie, head of the} Animal Hushandry. department, OAC, University of Guelph, gave a talk on what he thought GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Neon te 2 P.M, DINNER 5:30 to B P.M, Fully Licensed Dining Room Luple Parking BIT ITT, 728-6277 HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Ochewe in court Jan. $1 that the public! Nights and 723-3221 623-2527 Oshawe SURGICAL Se eee BIG 30" Westinghouse 30" WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC RANGE AUTOMATIC TIMING CENTRE LIFT-OFF OVEN DOOR WITH OVEN WINDOW LIFT-UP SURFACE UNITS FOR EASIER CLEANING @ FAMILY-SIZE, PORCELAIN ENAMELLED OVEN WITH ROUNDED CORNERS aS ELECTRIC RANGE (With Trade) 2-DOOR, FROST-FREE Refrigerator-Freezer Completely Frost-Free REFRIGERATOR | ee ROE SRE, Completely Frost-Free 119 LB, FREEZER @ 12.6 Cu, Ft, Capacity @ Slim Wall Design gives you more storage space in less floor space, @ Dairy Bar Door Deep storage door features a well planned dairy ber. Everything in its place, a place for everything, TRADE-IN ! TRADE UP! If you are chipping, scrap- ing ice from your present refrigerator, trade it in! Let your old appliance help buy something new! 12.6 GU. FT. WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR (WITH TRADE) SUPPORTS © LUMBO-SACRAL SACRO-ILLIAC DORSO-LUMBAR OBESITY MATERNITY TRUSSES © FITTED BY QUALIFIED FITTERS @ © ELASTIC STOCKINGS MEDICAL PHARMACY LTD. 300 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING i/lustrated catalogue of elegant living room furniture - i by the moderately priced! FREE Colour Catalogue Just mail this coupon to- House of Braemore, 4646 Dufferm St., Downsview, Ontario. "OT8" WESTINGHOUSE HEAVY-DUTY MULTI-SPEED, 2-CYCLE LAUNDROMAT Famous Westinghouse Tumble-Action lifts, turns and tumbles your clothes through hot sudsy water 57 times a minute. It's gentle as hand-washing, yet it's a lot more thorough, You, use HALF the detergent, HALF the bleach ond LESS WATER than other washers, yet your clothes will never look clean- er! @ Self Cleaning Tub @ Automatic Lint Ejector @ 2 Fresh Water Rinses 2-CYGLE WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT (WITH TRADE) WESTINGHOUSE 24" APT. SIZE Electric Range Automatic heot -controt broiler, lift-off oven door 7- heat hi-speed burners. °128 WITH TRADE WESTINGHOUSE 11" PORTABLE TELEVISION mounted speaker, 24-4 tube function, 36" monopole pntenna ] 19:5 REG. 39.95 WESTINGHOUSE 19" PORTABLE TELEVISION Front-mounted speoker, 18000 KV picture power, 20-tube funetions, fold down antenna, ] 59:95 WESTINGHOUSE 23" LOW-BOY TELEVISION Walnut cabinet. Instant-on ry 2 front-mounted speakers, 20. tube functions, 12 month part warranty, 229:°5 Front WITH TRADE (herney's

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