Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Feb 1966, p. 15

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aes _ a ANN Se ee LANDERS. 'So Customer Mean -- Clerks Nasty Too Dear Am Landers: It is ap- parent from your advice to the young fellow who worked in the ice cream shop that you have) never worked the employee's side of the counter. This poor kid was exasperated because people came in and asked what flavors they had (they had 28) and when he fin- ished rattling them all off they said, "Oh well, I'll take van- ita" He was sure they did it to annoy him and he wanted a snappy answer. You told him customers don't come in for snappy answers--they come in for ice cream, As a person who has waited on the public for 28 years I can) begged them not to, but they | did anyway. I live with my} |mother. : Dad is over here at least three nights a week. When he is around mom talks in a fakey voice like she is on the stage. I have caught them necking on the sofa' a few times and it is just nauseating. Yesterday mom told me that the three of us are going to take} | a weekend trip. Dad has to go to Philadelphia on business. I think it is disgraceful. After all, they are not man and wife any- more, Should I tell them I. am not: going on a trip with them lualess they get married -- '\Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. . DDI A-record..for..your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Timed Wonien's Page: x ormg-are-ayailable et The Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding ~ record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor elthe y after the wedding. Porter - Alldred Slack, Toronto and those usher- ing wre M. Boyd Wood, Orono, Mr. Malcolm Ashford, Toronto, and Mr. Brian Alldred, Oshawa. Following the reception held at the Flying Dutchman, Bow- manville, the couple left. on their -honeymoon to Boston, Massachusetts, and points east, with the bride choosing for trav- elling a mint green wool double WE °. -- G ALBI ~~ -- _ r before or the da r pefore oF % In a candlelight ceremony in Northminster United Church, Barbara-Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas All- dred, Oshawa, was united in marriage to Ray Irving Porter, Clarence Jameson Porter, Dig- by, Neva Scotia. Dr. H. A. Mellow officiated and a uuct was sung by Mr, and Mrs. Larry Harding, Streets- \Smarter Than I Look Dear Smarter Than: If you ville, accompanied by Mr. R, K. Kellington, Oshawa. tell you that there are a lot of |are really smart you will play mean, miserable creeps in this|\dumb. It is not your place to) world who take out their hos-/tell them anything. | tility: on clerks, waitresses, and} In time your parents will| folks who can't tell them where| probably remarry--which is the| ™ to head in. }way they should have stayed to! © Give in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formal straight-cut gown of white satin brocade with a full-length matching train falling softly from the shoulders. A self bow knit suit, winter white hat, black accessories and an orchid cof- sage. On their return, Mr, and Mrs. Porter will make their home in Toronto. Out-of-town guests were pres- ent from Terrace, British Co- lumbia; Digby, Nova Scotia; My first job was jerking sodas. I was 16. My boss. told me that whenever I encountered a rude, arrogant, demanding person I should be courteous be- cause that person was probably mad at somebody he couldn't talk back to and I was the sub- stitute. His advice has helped me stay ulcer-free and reason- . ably sane. Please pass it on to others who have to take a lot of lip on the job.--Smiling Sam Dear Sam: Yot were lucky to have such a wise boss. And cheers to you for following his advice, But--that little red choo- choo runs both ways. While it is true that custom- ers are often nasty, clerks can be pretty miserable, too. And the reason for the unpleasant- ness frequently has nothing to do with the encounter. Dear Ann Landers: I am so disgusted with my parents I tion't know what to do. Let me Mart by telling' you that I am begin with Dear Ann Landers: We re- }cently moved into an apartment after having lived in the suburbs for 17 years. The apartment has} no garage facilities so we park! our car on the street--as close to our apartment as we can get. | Sometimes we must park three blocks away. There are two homes across the street from our apartment. | iLast night my husband and I pulled into a parking place in front of one of the homes. A| woman ¢ame out and_said,| CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING "This space belongs to us. We} own our home. Please park your Mr. And Mrs. W. , Williams car elsewhere." . rights or not--Mr. Bg ies Feted On 50th Anniversary Is this woman Dear Mr. and Mrs.: I Know . : About 150 relatives die' hare § h t ' : wi nae D haga ion and neighbors gathered at the|Walker MPP. at tie oropert? home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter; An illuminated address was Rade ita durian thet S. Williams, Nassau street, tojreceived from the provincial But "apy bed gy soother veoh extend congratulations on the|secretary, the Honorable John are no freaky regulations in| \-casion of.their 50th wedding|Yaremko. The highlight of the friends,P. Robarts and Mr. Albert " |daughter, Betty Lynne, to Rob-| held 'her finger-tip veil of silk. She carriea a white muff crest- ed with red poinsettias and var- Edmonton, Alberta; Bowman- ville, Toronto, Orono, Newcastle and Streetsville. Success Stories Can Be Helpful By ROBERTA ROESCH / The things I like to hear mosi| are success stories from my readers, so I am delighted to report today news of a reader who, spurred by one of my col- umns, created a typing service at home--by getting busy and trying. Here is how she tells it. "T> vefresh your memory,'" she says, 'I wrote you last June to tell you I wanted to type at home and to ask you how to get started. "You answered my letter personally and then wrote a The second "cient nas sino bought a new business, so he could be considered as two of: my accounts. "K aiso received an orfer very recently to, work full-time in a certified accountant's office. But I felt I could turn that down because I have a growing busi- ness going in my home, and I prefer to stay there with my two pre-school-age children. HELPED GREATLY "Thanks to you I have my start. You helped me a great deal." I am glad if I helped you in THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Februcry 12, 1966 15> any Way. And thanks so much for sharing your good news in this column. : But I want ie point out this Feader achieved success, mostly because she helped herself and mapped out a plan that worked. She did what most women can do--when they want to work at home--if they are willirig to give themselves time to succeed and put forth genuine effort. Basically, the plan is the same, whether you grant to operate a general typing service or whether, as other readers write, your preference ts a busi- ness service. | column on the. subject. I fol- lowed your advice and now I am glad to tell you that I feel I am doing just fine. TOOK ADVICE | "In your advice," the reader goes on, "you suggested writing to lawyers, court reporters and doctors to ask them for typing assignments. You also sug- gested preparing a sample of) representative work to submit along with the letters. I fol- lowed these suggestions and immediately wrote to all the lawyers, doctors, accountant: and insurance. men in togyn. In three months, I got results. "At the present time I type for an accountant and an insur- ance man who runs a motel, iegated holly, and wore an heir-| loom gold nugget horseshoe pin.| The maid of honor was Miss Carolyn Mann, Oshawa, and the| | bridesmaids were Miss Dorrene Powell, Newcastle, and Miss Marilyn Quantrill, Orono. The vest man was Mr. Wylie A PSSA CRS an SOCIAL NOTICE | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Me- |Eachern, Oshawa, announce the forthcoming marriage of their 'ert Leighton Davies, son of Mr.) and Mrs. E. M. Davies of Scar- borough, Ontario. The ceremony is to take place on Friday, Feb- ruary 25, 1966, at 7:00 p.m. in FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the letest Shodes end Fobrics ... s0@,.. Mé&C DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 Westmount United. Church, SAVE TIME AND MONEY ~RENTex '1. ELECTRIC CARPET SHAMPOOER with purchase of KNIGHT'S CARPET SHAMPOO and UPHOLSTERY CLEANER Easy to use Makes colors like new Restores fluffy texture No sticky residue Resists re-soiling. JOHN t 15-year-old girl. My parents your area, call the police chief anniversary last Saturday, Mr.|occasion was the arrival of Mrs, | Osnawa, Ontario. : | got a divorce two years ago. Iland get the straight goods. and Mrs. Williams were mar-|Mae Simmons from Saskatoon, | ried in Toronto, January 22,|Saskatchewan, and Mrs. Win-| Progress Report Is Presented SWAN HARDWARE Heidi's Modern Hair Styling OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE |1916, and have lived most of|nie Fryer of White Rock, B.C. | To Dr. Robert Thornton H&S Mr. Bruce Walker, supervi- sing principal of the Township of Whitby, presented to the Dr. Robert Thornton Home and Sch- ool Association a 'progress re-| port'. of happenings since the closing of the one-room school- houses and the election of a five-man school board for the whole area. "The board', said Mr, Walk- er, "'was representative of the township and a great deal had! been accomplished the trans-| portation system was expan-| ded and handled 600 pupils daily ...an addition was underway at Meadowcrest and Dr. Robert Thornton would presently have six rooms added....in - service) training of teachers was being carried on . uniformity was being instituted for the better- ment of all concerned Mr. Walker was enthusiastic regarding the addition of French to the curriculum and _intro- duced Miss Marie McCready who was teaching this subject. Miss McCready explained the methods used to bring the Fr- ench language to. students in grades 5 to 8. Mrs. Robert Ste- wart.expressed..thanks to both speakers Mrs. Arthur Joynt presided during the business portion of the meeting. » Replacement of the crossing guard at Highway! No. 2 and Garrard Road came under duscussion and, since the assembly could suggest no one for the post, it was decided that the school board would be ask- ed to advertise. Mrs. Arthur Gray stated that the Home and School conven- tion, this year, would be early in April at the Inn-on-the-Park, Toronto. Mrs. Leonard KR. Daiby, cii- izenship chairman, reported that the safety patrol had recently been taken to the Boys Club for swimming The 1966 budget was distri- buted, discussed and approved Mr. M. G. Karpiak, princi- SILVER Pi A wonderful worn silver to new condition. Estimates free. Please the re' Oshawe Shop: hey were blessed with five|of Mrs. |children: Mrs. Charles Chinn, |visiting 'Oakville; Mrs. Lloyd Brooks,|weeks, Mrs. Bruce Dalton, Mr. James! wr. William r-| Williams and Mr. Donald Wil-/ Rock, B.C. when grade 8/liams, all of Oshawa. There are! jiams Williams. the They are family for two Fryer, White nephew of Mrs, Wil- s surprised the students visited Anderson High|seven grandchildren. Pleasantly with a long-distance School. Open House would be The guests were received bY |telephone call to add his per- held Wednesday, March 9, he|Miss Joan Brooks, a grand-| sonal congratulations. said, and it was hoped to also|daughter, who was also in| Guests were present from have students' hobbies display-|Charge of the guest book. |Orillia, Oakville, Markham ed. Public speaking will take| The tea table was laid with'whitby, Oshawa, Toronto, place in February with the final|@ hand - embroidered cloth. | Brooklin, St. Catharines and speeches on the afternoon of | Centered with the wedding cake,|Saskatoon and White Rock. February 7 in the school gym-|flanked by gold candelabra.! The weekend of festivity was senain, |Mrs. Harland Williams and Mrs. ended on Sunday with a dinner The nominating committee|George Barron poured tea in|narty given by the immediate will be Mrs. Ray Hatter, Mrs.|the afternoon and Mrs. Harold|family. A toast was proposed Arthur Gray, Mrs. Hartley De-|Irvine and Mrs. George Mad-'by Mr. Donald Williams, the laney, Mrs. Hugh McLeod and/der, in the evening. younger son, on behalf of the pal, spoke briefly regarding '"'o ientation Day" jtheir married life in Oshawa.|sister and niece, respectively, | ~ | | ae SSPECIAL } | | | | | | | @ WIGLETS @ HAIR PIECES @ SWITCHES Imported direct from Europe. if ES _| ONE WEEK ONLY | 3 MRE 10% to 20% OFF NOW AT HEIDI'S MODERN HAIR STYLING 367 WILSON RD. SOUTH 723-5631 FREE PARKING KELVIN across ATOR From All Your Bridal Shoes TINTED PREE DANGEY'S DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Grade 1 and 2 class. Grade 7|/Nancy Wakelin. fo mothers served refreshments. Mrs. Williams greeted fel ether aes Seeey yekes te : --------$<$--$ _|guests in a blue, floral silk|-- ple received numerous cards, | \gifts and telegrams, They also| received messages from the ee ad, ee Right Honorable John Dief-| My witnesses" and the basic | enbaker; the Honorable Michael | In Canada the day sored by the Women's Inter- Church Council of Canada which 5°%o Church proposed ina letter| Bring Tous to other women's organizations Ad. an interdenominational prayer States joining in 1921. By 1929) some 35 countries were holding services and last year about and adapted for local use Last year about 3,500 Cana dian communities participated Mrs. Kenneth Brown. ; The guests were served by family, offering congratula- The attendance plaque was Miss Bonnie Williams, a grand-|tions 'to their 'wannlectal par- dress, complimented by a cor- sage of yellow and white car- 2 $ Prime Minister, the Right Hon. | Women Canada and) able Lester B. Pearson and| service has been prepared by Starr M.P.; the Prime Minister ihe 'Saoilish Comittee Tor the of Ontario, .the Honorable John} had its beginnings in 1918. That) ppg year the Women's Missionary! Discount meeting The first world day was in 150 took part The basic service is prepared | and $73,000 was raised for church work around the world. won by Mrs. Ronald Bryant's daughter, assisted by Miss | onts" with love and best wishes nations, tied in gold. The cou- around the world will join in the the Leader of the Opposition | World Day of Prayer ee ee S spon- | Society of the Presbyterian| 4 You 1920, (anada and the United.| in a different country each year aB " 6 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY !!! ee $ ae & bs & b. A ad neff PLATING SPECIAL PRICES UNTIL FEB. 20th door racks and 84 Ib. automatic defrosting. moist-cold balance. opportunity to restore your old or * allow eight weeks on turn, ping Centre 725-3511 2-DOOR REFRIGE % Zero zone freezer with convenient % "No-frost" refrigerator section with % Exclusive humidiplate provides best % Two lifetime porcelain moisture- capacity. seal crispers. % Magnetic door closure (all four sides for safe, positive seal. %e 5-year warranty on world's finest "Polarsphere" unit. Lifetime cabinet construction with "'Perma-brite"' finish. "AUTOMATIC RATOR/FREEZER EASY 'BFG' BUDGET TERMS HOME AND AUTO CENTRE 88 King St. W. NU-WAY RUG CENTRE 54 CHU 728-4201 RCH ST. 728-4681 FOR 2 FY (Gine Ist Sweeter 19.95 24.95 29.95 725-4543 SHOPPING CENTRE STORE Open to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday PRICE OF SWEATERS Leon de Paris 2nd Sweater 1.00 1.00 1.00 LIMITED QUANTITY CLEAROUTS ¢ USE YOUR CREDIT THE he NOW DUNN'S Suede Front Rossi) YOU SAVE 18,95 23.95 28.95 ONLY

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