Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Jan 1966, p. 18

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= FUE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jonucry 25, 1966 127--Rooms for Rent ti--Farms for Sele ROOMS FOR RENT 25--Houses 'for Rent FARMS and Small Acreages Buying. or Selling? Then place your confidence in o former former who knows the District and your problems. "Call ALLEN THOMPSON -- Repres. of SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. Daytime 723-2265 Evenings 728-2870 EXECUTIVE HOME in Brookside, three BY THE WEEK bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, attached garage, beautiful kitchen, walk-out patio, water softener, garburator,. broadioom, drapes, underground hydro, television and tele WHITBY HOTEL ose ioe Possession. he WHITBY 668-2337 TWO BEDROOM: bungslow on is Street, paved drive, garage. Available ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM February 1st to Mey Ist $85 monthly. Telephone Availoble in private home, 728-1378. Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. SEVEN IM brick house 82 PARK RD. N. 728-867 | 'on second floor, All modern conveniences, close to bus, school# and shopping. Avall- housekeeping ri floor, private entranc able February }st. Telephone 723-7345. 'apply TM' c St. or telephi 192. AJAX -- 14 storey home in_ excellent ROOM FOR RENT in quiet home. Apply 574 Crerar Ave. condition. Occupancy March |, Write Box M14712, Oshawa Times. HOUSEKEEPING room, near hospital, for young lady. Private entrance. Tele- main lina ONE LAR! 26--Apartment gf Rent IMMEDIATE SROILER barn, ten acres, creek home. John Kui room Peters Realty Limited. , Ticensed, equipment ey modern five-bed- pers, 723-6590, Keith | phone 728-9671. 4 oe LIGHT housekeeping room for gentie- men. Parking. Telephone 723-1832. TWO unfurnished rooms with -- kitchen. OCCUPANCY 22--Lots For Sale ARLINGTON Suit couple. Apply 48 Harris Street or telephone 723-1673. 12 APARTMENT LOTS South Central Location Oshawa's Most Progressive Areo Zoned R-4-Fully Serviced Lots Will Accommodate from) 20 to 265 Suites 15% Down Poyment Balance 7% | to 2 yeor mort- gage For complete information con- tect TOM HUZAR, Paul Ristow Ltd. REALTOR 187 King St. E, Oshawa 728-9474, evenings 728- 5422 BAKER'S VALLEY "Hub of Land 0'| i bonus Ict in '66, Lake front Lakes." Free Us ee "| lots clese to lots $750-$1850. Ross B: gn Pusha i coscatie cil COURTICE: Two ten City, This property vestor or for buildin 23-3533, is ideal for the 9. Call 728-6286 oF sD Estate Limited. 2 23--Real Estate Wante agains d Selling Your Home ? WE CAN, AND WILL DELIVER THE CASH TO YOU! Call teday for quick action! J. B. McMullan Reo! Estate Broker Oshawa ---- 725-3557 Whitby -- 668-6201 BUY SELL TRADE CALL GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-4645 Frank Smith Hyman Rea! FURNISHED room to let near Shopping Centre. Apply after 6 p.m. 86 Cabot Street (opposite Shopping Centre), LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room within stone's throw of Shopping Centre, use of refrigerator. Parking space, lady pre ferred. Telephone 725-0731. LARGE single room for gentleman. Cen tral to downtown and north General Motors. Apply 182 Athol Street East. ELGIN STREET EAST, 29 -- Furnimed lroom for g Close to land North General Motors. 728-3649 |VERY LARGE ROOM for two gentle |men, Single beds. Close to South General Motors. Shift workers welcome. Parking |$7 each, 725-2915 | ROOM, with or without board, quiet girl Close to hospital and bus stop, Abstain ers only. Telephone 723-5367. Call In eve ning TERRACE MODEL SUITE OPEN FOR INSPECTION Luxury large 1, 2 or 3 bed- room apartments, 4 Some with 2 bathrooms Intercom Controlled Two Elevators Draperies Included Broadloomed Corridors Spacious Balconies Hydro Paid Laundry rooms on each floor FM Music throughout Within Walking Distonce of Schools and Shopping Rental Agents on Premises SINGLE ROOM, suitable for gentiemen APPLY SUITE 102 Apply 260 Athol Street East after 4 p.m 190 NONQUON ROAD |28--Room and Board Phone 723-8365 ners, hospital and north General Motors, bus stop at door Apply 240 Division Street, Oshawa ROOM AND BOARD 4 day week, lunches packed, Willing !o share. 725-9843 87 Brock Stree! East ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen to share, close to North General Motors land downtown, Apply 147 Brock Street pans or telephone 725-2938. SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 26 | Division Street COLBORNE ST. BAST 57, room, board Gentleman, to share. Close to north Gen leral Motors, downtown. Apply above. SEVEN DAYS. Private room, near Ross land and Simcoe. Affer 6.30 telephone 728-2742 ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE for male boarders good location 7 day week Telephone 725-6185. YOUNG LADY boarder wanted close to downtown. Good meais $16 Seven day week. Telephone 728-3577 ROOM. AND BOARD, In clean quiet home for gentlemen willing to share, 5 day week. Lunches packed. 728-4112 ROOM AND BOARD, close to North Gen eral Motors, lunches packed. Single beds Good hearty meals, 6'2 days. Very cen tral. Telephone 728-9828. ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen lunches packed, laundry. Telephone -725 2464. |99--We nted To Rent URGENTLY REQUIRED by family with seven children, three or four bedroom house In Bowmanville, Oshawa or erea Telephone 623-2477. | MARRIED COUPLE, no children re quire two bedroom apartment, dining. |livingroom and kitchen. Reasonable rent references supplied. Telephone 723-6547. in: Royale APARTMENTS Carefully plonned one and ltwo bedroom apartment suites. AVAILABLE FOR OCCUPANCY FEBRUARY Ist. Featuring the utmost in mod- ern living ot moderate rental rates @ Bus Service ot Door @ Within walking distance of Schools and Shopping Electrically Heated Completely Soundproof Controlled Entronces Spacious Balconies Drapes Supplied Mail Delivery to each suite Broadioomed Corridors FM Music throughout Pius many more modern features. LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE |e erertaes OF NONQUON ROAD |bachelor apartment, To inspect call | nished, private entrance, 728-5282 or 728-1582 | Sonable. Phone 728-7147 30--Automobiles for. Sole ESTATE SALE requires one bedroom or | | parking, | | SssSssSSSS8S5S5S5 A FRIEND IN NEED! Let us solve your housing problems . . . and you will agree you have found @ friend indeed. J STRADESKI Realtor 723-4651 63 King W. Oshawa $s$33353353 35 SELL, NOW ! SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 SELLING ? $ s $ $ $ $ § $ $ S S $ $ 5 $ $ S s CALL H. KEITH Real Estate One of Canada's largest Realtors Douglas G. Carmichael 723-7463 FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE NO MUSS, NO FUSS, DON'T CUSS, CALL US, ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 WANTED properties qualifying for V.oA land, ANY THREE ROOM unf | apartment where in the Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman F - ss Myths a. We have anxious buyers walt One halt acre or more of ville a 'ng. Call Martin Marilyn Fitzgerald of W Hor 7728-5103 24--Stores, Offices, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building < contact: T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES GARAGE for rent, Centre and Gil GARAGE -- 1% car, pre-fa Spruce siding 9 x 7 size 24x i, fer, Phone. 723-876) in floor. Partiaily furnished, $: W. Ts Lai Real Estate ut STORE OR OFFICE -- 830 square feel, available Feb corner Wilson and King, ruary Ist. Telephone days 728-160) Fina SPARE ROOMS with paying guests |CLEAN, CENTRALLY Dial 723-3492 now for an ad-writer help you phrase an ed, | call 725-4266 S|Vacant. Apply 133 Oshawa' Boulevard) '59 PONTIAC SEDAN LADY COMPANION desired to share! Radio, Extra clean | small bungalow with elder woman. Please '60 VOLKSWAGEN |write Box 14169 Oshawa Times Deluxe, real sharp sion for March Walk-out balconies, stoves, 'friges, S| electric heat, broadioom. Renting for $127 § | per month, which includes hydro, water and hot water tank. Call S. D.' Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-6286. |ONE ROOM and kitchen unfurnished, close to bug stop, all gonveniences. Apply | $|255 McNaughton St S| TWO LARGE furnished room apariment. private bath, heavy duty wiring, park-| ing, TV outlet, working couple preferred, | no children, abstainers, available now,| BEST OFFER! '57 BUICK SEDAN $ ment, single continental beds. Suit three, Fair condition. er four working Individuals, or private.| '61 RAMBLER Convertible. Ideal ladies car. "60 GMC 2 TON FURNISHED ROOM, close to four cor-| partly or fully fur-| rea | sidedoor,| COMFORTABLE single room double glass in windows 'insulated $/75./man, central, few minutes fe | plant at King Street East, 260 Plenty of cupboard space, Free hydro Parking. Suitable for two quiet gentle men, Available Immediately. Apply 708 S| Carnegie Ave. S| TWO BEDROOM apartment on main floor of modern building, stove and re s frigerator, short walk to Oshawa Shop "ping Centre. Available immediately. 728 3022 ONE-, two- and three - ments, refrigerator, trance, bedroom apart swimming pool. Dial 723-2347 stove, controlled en-| Fleetside. Sharp, low mileage. '58 GMC 1 TON Tow Truck. Perfect condition, Apply 227 Pearson Street or. Telephone 728-2222 | WANTED couple fo share attractive home with gentleman, four room apartment exchange for gentieman's board. Con. venient location. Write Box 14318 Osh awa Times. two bedroom apartment. Spacious! living room. Includes stove and refriger ator. $125 monthly. Telephone' 725-5746, THREE' ROOM apartment france, 2 piece bath, TV refrigerator and Olive TWO BEDROOM stove, refrigerator child welcome. Telephone 725-6851 EULALIE-LaSALLE three room ment, all conveniences in building. Adults. $85 monthly 725-8215, FURNISHED two room, apartment, heat, hydro supplied, TV lead. n etc. Off-street parking, 184 Avenue. (Apply and available after Janu ary 27 TWO BEDROOM apartments March Fridge, stove, cluded. $115 and $120 monthly, No chil |dren, For appointment call 728-9217 THREE BEDROOM apartment with rum pus room, available February |. Fridae stove, dryer and drapes included monthly. Contact H Ltd. 728-1678 between 9 a.m..and § p.m. Private en: outlet, stove apartment, carpeted apart apartmen' and drapes in Telephone 728-4240 more 477 two professional gir!s 723-5 _ ONE FURNISHED bachelor apartment with private entrance, laundry facilities Two minutes' walk to General. Motor main office, Immediate possession, 728 2805. 27--Rooms_ for Rent FURNISHED ROOM for rent, close to |shopping centre. Apply 368 Pine Avenue|LiENS PAID OFF! | (at Grenfel telephone. Apply 423 D Central location. One Telephone A self-contained Beatly '59 PARISIENNE available $130 -original Millen Real Estate! Toronto Avenue, Oshawa in GUS BROWN MOTORS age an deol $100 less thon cor | wim 25-6568 1952 CHEVROLET parts for phone Whitby 668-3413 5 REPAIRABLE WRECKS. car parts: Court 723-5238. Nights 725-4404 t sale Tele Late models Auto Wreckers station wagon, four ond ition autornatic Guy door. Excellent radio, whitewalis Brown Motors Lid., '63 PONTIAC radio. Real brake icenc Motors Lid Li 12565 Ve Power Gus hardtop sharp car! 13016 125-6568 1960 OLDSMOBILE automatic, steering srown 88, A-l condition, paint, fully equipped. Apply 248 1964 PARISIENNE Pontiac four door hardtop V8 power equipment radio, white walls A-1 condition. To settle estate. 725 TWO LADY TEACHERS wish to share| '925 the expense of 8 furnished house with'"62 PONTIAC Parisienne Telephone automatic, power equipped, convert ya radio excel jlent. cendition call after 5:30 725-0685 /|1960 CHEVROLET, 4 door hardtop auto |matfc 6 cylinder. In good condition. Price 5} $850. Telephone 728-1378. | 1955 CHEV, Station wagon -- in good con- dition, Telephone. 723-3501 11963 PONTIAC Laurentian automatic transmission 6 cylinder radio in good con dition. Phone 728-5482 We trade up, down. Choose from over 60 cars. No downpay | FURNISHED sleeping room in quiet home ments! Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728-7375. for gentieman, Close to south Genera! Motors $6 weekly. Telephone 728-2312. CHURCH STREET, 174 =" Dolibie Yur nished bedroom, suitable for two friends, abstainers. Apply above address SHARE my furnished home with me Parking, kitchen facilities, televigion, pri vate bedroom with telephone, smal! work shop. complete freedom, all privileges monthly, 728-9911 evenings FURNISHED bedroom for lady or gentle man, For more information please _| phone 723-8295 bb| LARGE ciean furnished bedroom, apply 25 Quebec Stree hone 728-3908 { Qratle. 6.) Apply 136 Elgin Street E | 73.) one or f 'd., After 6.30 telephone 725-3371 ng rooms Young or elderly couple pre ec. Immec'ate possession Whitby 668-2918 to| and girl enly, kitchen, fully furnished. Telephone 725-1918, tele- | "singie | Street, $6. monthly, Telephone 723-3211. jor double, use of refrigerator, central, north} NICE CLEAN spacious room guitable for|cellent condition wo gentlemen, vicinity Bruce and = 61 THREE UNFURNISHED Jigh! housekeep-| located, bedroom | radio. Business| brakes. ')1960 OLDSMOBILE, excellent Extras. Must be seen. 71 Wa .} Oshawa: Telephone Ajax 94: 1965 CHEVROLET en Avenue, até, " impaia, two - door hardtop. Automatic 6 cylinder, Radio. Mileage 7,000. Will sccept older type car in trade, Telephone 723-6279 {1959 EDSEL hard-top. V-8 automatic "| Telephone 668-6517 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m "| 1951 METEOR, good body, good mechan- jically. $110. Apply 150 Division Street be- |tween.1 p.m. and 5 p.m. 1955 CHEVROLET '2 ton truck, Excel jlent mechanical condition. No down pay ment. Terms to suit. Licence 19037B. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568.+ '62 CHEVROLET Impala, 2-door hardtop, black, red trim, 6 automatic, radio, ex- Licence 27643. Gus Mot L1d., 725-6568. 8 Motors VAUXHALL station wagon, new plates. Licence 11877X. Mechanically per -|fect. No down payment |Sro '63 PONTIAC hardiop, V2 Real sharp car! Power Licence 30163. Gus iMoters Lid, 725-4568, automatic 5 Brown Condition. | Easy terms. Gus} Telephone| Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568 | OWNA T-BIRD | Yes... YOU CAN BE A T-BIRD OWNER !! OFFERING 3 ONLY '59 HARDTOP Lic, 9528) '62 HARDTOP Lic, H20589 | '64 HARDTOP 243245 | Lie | All the fomous T-Bird luxury appointments plus radio, pow er steering, power brakes and power windows PRICE? ? ? YOU MAKE AN OFFER FOR SPECTACULAR ~ /38---Coming Events MORE-CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH seein ee ALL CASH ~ For clean cars og trucks. We deal up or down. Liens paid. 146 BROCK. ST, NORTH Across from Royal Hotel _Whitby 668-3331 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trode up or down Always top quality. brakes, padded dash, dition inside and out. Best offer 5 telephone 723-1168 after 5 728-5886 '$8 PONTIAC automat. Telephone 725-8526 after é p.m. 31--Compaci Cars For Se * VOLVO & PEUGOT * MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electrie Service Jake and Bill's Garage AAQ Rd, South Oshawa 778.0971 Ritson Zoltan, Nick and Dan Your Authorized ond Fiat Datsun Specializing in Valkawagen Repair and Ser 160 Simer youth 728-0051 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD 6 PERFORMANCE TEST DRIVE ONE AT Seaway Motors (1965) Ltd. 1120 Dundas St. W., Whitby | @ FORD MOTOR CO, FINANCING @ UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY 668-5893 Cars Bought and Sold MORLEY STALKER MOTOR SALES 137 KING STREET W. OSHAWA 723-6322 723-8311 On _the spot financing '59 PONTIAC, licence H25980. Four - door sedan, automatic, no down payment, $35 monthly. Stalker Motor Sales, 723-6322, 723-6311 'S57 CHEVROLET Bel Air, two-door hard top, rebuilt V-8, automatic, radio, interior and exterior very good. ville 623-2230 after 4. '62 ACADIAN Station Wagon, 6 cylinder automatic, . radio, whitewalis etc. Ex- cellent condition, Telephone 725-1690 after p.m 1966 CHEVROLET Bel Ai v4 automatic 5,000 miles. Some extras, $2, 700, Port Perry 985-2212 between 6-10 p.m. Monday to Friday. Ask for Dave Jones 1958 OLOSMOBILE 88 four door sedan, automatic. Champagne blond, beige in- ferior. Very good condition. Asking $700. Telephone 728-7244. '63 GALAXIE 500 XL, bucket seats, floor shift, only eleven thousand m will sell or trade on later model, Can be financed. Apply Solina Road and No. 2 Highway, 4 miles east Oshawa 1963 AUSTIN 850, 30,000 original miles, runs like a clock. Asking $495 or make offer. Phone 942-6086. 7 | | | | 1987 CHEVROLET, automatic 6 saa | good 1502 '59 PONTIAC Parisienne two-door hard top, V& automatic, radio. No down pay ment. Basy terms. Licence 48092. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568, '61 CHEVROLET four - door Bel Air, 6 cylinder, aviernatic 42,000 original miles Previous. owner's name on request. Fully guaranteed. Licence 39538. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 725-6568 1959 GALAXIE, V8 automatic, imitation hardtop, good condition, radio, padded ash, Apply Lansdowne Plaza Apartment ix over Rendezvous Restaurant, Simcor North. '65 PONTIAC two-door sedan, licence 670000, Sahara beige outside and In, The best frofn Pontiac in styling and economy running condition, Telephone 728 Six cylinder engine with automatic trans m Was $2,195. Sate $1,995 Motors (1965) Lid, 1120 Dundas Fast, Whitby. 668-5899 1966 CORVAIR, two door hardtop, red with white interior, 140 HP, 4 speed, lim: ted slip differential, immaculate. condi tion, other extras, low, low mileage. Still junder factory warranty, $2,095 full price Telephone 725-8736 |'65 FORD GALAXIE 400, 2-door hardtop. Fully powered. Best offer. Can be seen at 1317 King Bast 1956 PONTIAC hardtop, V-# engine, 3 speed floor shift. 1954 Chevrolet hardtop Seaway Street | power glide with rebulll engine and trans-| | mission $150 each, Cali 728-5455. 1964 BEL AIR' 8 cylinder radio, power steering | Telephone 728-2013. 1962 CHEVROLET hardtop, black; automatic, and whitewalls IMPALA, two-door | custom radio, new snow tires, 6 cylinder standard, After 5 p.m } Telephone 723-3320 |SNOW TIRES 14" 15"; wheels $3 up. 283 engine, new. Courtice Auto Wreckers. 723-5238, Nights 725-4404. 63 PONTIAC matic, power brakes, steering, trim. No down payment Licence 37825. | 725-6568, 1965 MUSTANG, cu, In., haust, lifters. machine' after 6.30 1958 CHEVROLET sedan, excellent con dition, fully equipped $550. Telephone 725-0784 1955 PONTIAC, good running condition, $180, Telephone /725-6823. 1%1 CHEVROLET Bel-Ai hardtop, automatic 6, we condition, Telephone 723-8914 1964 FORD Galaxie XL 500 convertible |All power equipment, automatic on the oor, oversize whitewalls, bucket seat motor 300 horsepower, $7,400. Tele. 0 convertible, V-8, « auto- red, hiack Terms to suit Gus Brown Motors Lid two door hardtop, 289 four speed, four barrel, dual ex high performance cam and solid Every extra possible, "a real Cash or trade, Phone 668-6129 two door tires, A-] ing,|USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make|spare room with a Times Action Want trailers, also used tir | #3, 509 Bloor street Gast, after 4 723-2281, ond Service st Used Cars « Volkswagen Sales New ¢ 334 RITSON RD 723-3461 Opening Evenings #4 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, gas heat radio, one owner. good tires, good mi age $1100. Apply 633 Burton Road 7: 4758. |1962 ENVOY, 4 cylinder, 4 speed' trans mission, radio, whitewalls, snow tires w' rims, Body and motor in excellent con tion. 623-3493 or 623-5687. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, dition. $450. Whitby 668-3018 after p.m. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN. All new fires. Radio In good condition. Telephone 725-8602 1961 CORVAIR Monza automatic trans-| nierior, mission, radio, white with red one owner. Call 728-8550 after 4 p.m |'65 VALIANT custom hardtop power-pak | Sixteen p.m extras, After 8, four-speed. Many thousand miles, $2,600. Whitby 668-8350. 1957. VOLKSWAGEN bus. son's BA Service East) 6 Apply Mor: (Townline and. Ki 1965 ENVOY 'Epic', low. mileage, extras. | imme- | Owner going overseas, must sell diately. Telephone 725-8182 or apply Thomas Street. 32--Trucks for Sale _ 92 GMC truck, covered box, excellent condition, both motor and body, $250. horse tandem trailer, $375. Call 655-4731. 1955 CHEVROLET '4-ton truck. Excellent mechanical condition. No down payme: Terms to sult.-Licence 19037B. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 725-6568. 1947 JEEP, new motor and clutch. | good condition. After 6 evenings telepho 723-7841 |33--Automobiles Wanted NICOLS MOTORS LIMITED *@ OLDSMOBILE, power steering, power new whitewalls, wheel disc#, low mileage. Excellent con Before Sood condition. "in good con 4.30 |30--Automobiies tor Saie |30--Automobiles For Sole {36--Legel ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS are invited for 35 family units of, "Ontario Housing' located in the City of OSHAWA, ONTARIO These units may be existing, under construction or in the planning stage on land own- ed by the proponent, or under option to him. + Proponents may submit proposals on all or port of the 35 fomily units. Proposal froms, specifications and information may be ob- toined at the offices of the Corporation, Room 502, 950 Yonge Street, Toronto 4, Ont- ario Sealed proposals will be re- ceived by the Managing Dir of Housing arporation until 2:00 Monday, February 1944 ector Ontorio pm 2\st, weal proposal the le any nel necessarily accepted ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Darlington Township TENDER FOR SENIOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Senled tenders (General Con- tract stipulated sum) will be received by the undersigned until 4:00 P.M, Local Time, Thursday, February 3rd, 1966 for a proposed Senior Elemen- tary School for the Public School Board of Darlington | Township School Area,. on Taunton Rood. ef, le 2 ith di | Mechanical ond Electrical tenders will be received by the undersigned on. or before 4:00 P.M, Local Time, Tues- day, February Ist, 1966. ri. ng 37| Plans and specifications may be obtained on Wednesday, Januory 19th, 1966, from the office of the Architects and Engineers, on deposit of a $50.00 certified cheque, payable to the Architects and Engineers, which will be re- turned when plans and speci- fications are returned in good condition 2 nt In ne Lowest or any. Tender not necessarily accepted. CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and 'Save' TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 bought, parts for sale bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-231). Jackson, Ypes & Associates, Architects and Engineers, 5382 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario, 38--Coming Events $500. Bowman-|SHAW. AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars| rere' §~=--s BINGO ST. GEORGE'S HA BINGO ALBERT & JACKSON STS. EVERY WEDNESDAY 7:45 18 GAMES AT $10. 2 GAMES AT $20. SHARE THE WEALTH $150 Joaakpot 51 Nos. $5. each Horizontial Line $20. Consolation $15. DOOR PRIZES tL BINGO TUES. JAN. 25th 7:30 P.M. 20 regular gomes $8 and $10 SHARE THE WEALTH $150, JACKPOT 52 Nos, $20. CONSOLATION FREE ADMISSION DNIPRO HALL Corner Bloor and Edith a HONEST GEORGE BROOKS A veteran of the Boer War, Ernest George Brooks, 86, of 620 Riclimond, st. e., died Jan. 24, at ssunnybrook Hospital, Toron- to, {following a short illness. A son of thé"lat» Joseph and Sarah Brooks, the deceased was bowen March 17, 1879 at Wix, Essex, England and was mar- ried Sept. 15, 1917, in the Church of 'the Ascension, Battersea, En- gland. A resident of Canada for 55 years, Mr. Brooks spent some tivne in Toronto and Lindsay be- fore moving to Oshawa 45 years agzo. Mr, Brooks served as a mem- = BIRTHS ADAMS Iberson) wish fo announce the arr their daughter Caroline Dawn 7 Ibs, 1 ai. at sh January 10, 1966. A sister tor Donald and Wendy. Many thanks to Qr J, 0, Anderson and 4th floor statf | BROUGHTON To Dick and Marityn | (nee Reader) at Oshawa General Hogi fal a daughter, 6n Paturday, January '72, 194. A sister for Catherine and Graet DONALDSON Larry and Lorraine are very pleased to announce the bain of their second son, David James, weilght ? ths. 12 075.. on January 12, 1966 at the Oshawa General Hospital, A brother for Jeff, Thanks to Dr, H. M. Sanderson and fourth floor staff FARROW -- To Ruth and Jerry, @ con, Thomas Dougias, Sunday, January 73, 1966. A brother for Sharon and. Jeryiyn, MEAGHER ~~ Pat and Carol are wery pleased to announce the sate arrival of their daughter, Andrea Patricia on Janu ary 24, 1966 at the Oshawa General IHos pital. Many thanks to Dr. Rowsell, Ross and Dr, Halam-Andres. Also the nursing staff of the fourth floor, Deo Gratis. DEATHS BROOKS, Ernest George Clarence and Dianne (nae her of the York and Lancashire Regiment during the Boer War and also had 11 years' service in India with the regiment. Dur- ing the First World War. he served from 1915 to 1918 with the Loyal Edmonton Regiment. He had attended many Boer War veterans' functions and was presented to Governor Gen- eral Georges Vanier during his visit to Oshawa last fall. The deceased was one of the original members of Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion and as- sisted in the building of the first Legion Hall. He was a member |of the Oshawa Golden Age Club. Mr. Brooks {s survived by his wife, the former Florence Mary | Winterflood; a daughter, Mrs. George Walmsley (Joan) of To vel +!) ronto and a son, Ralph (Red) of tire and Rubber Co. Taunton. He was predeceased by a son, Ernest, April 6, 1941 Also surviving is a brother, Wil- liam Brooks, in England, and seven grandchildren. The memorial serice will be held at 2 p.m., Jan, 27, at the Armstrong Funeral Home. In terment will be held in the So! diers' Plot in Oshawa Union | Cemetery. .Rev. A. Woolcock, padre of Branch 43, Royal Ca- nadian Legion, will conduct the service, FRED W. HOGARTH The death occurred suddenly 3 Bowmanville, early today, shortly after he returned from work, of Fred W. Hancock. He was in his 58th year. A son of the late Mr. and TERR ! jded the Presbyterian Church in Oshawa. | Mrs. McQuarrie was prede- iceased by her husband Angus, |many years ago. She is surviv- ved by two daughters, Mrs.Neil White (Rhoda) of Levack and Mrs. Michael Grash (Beulah) of Toronto and four sons, Ross and Bruce of Toronto, Delbert of Levack and Lorne of Scar- boro. She was predeeeased hy a son, Wallace, April 24, 1953. . Also surviving are three bro- thers, Wilbert Strong of Port Hope, Stafford and John Strong of Garden Hill; 13 grandchild- iren and five veat-grandchild- ren. The memorial service will be held at the Armstrong Funeral Home at 3 p.m., Jan. 27, follow- ed by interment in Oshawa Un- ion Cemetery. Rev. Walter Jack son, minister of St. Paul's Pres+ byterian Church, will conduct the service, -* = oe ow ae. SIDNEY G. MITCHELL The death occurred suddenly, jwhile at work, Jan. 24, of Sid- iney G. Mitchell, 38 Nelson st., |Bowmanville. He was in his 58th year. A son of the late Mr. and |Mrs. William Mitchell, the de- ceased was born in Bristol, England and came to Canada and Bowmanville as a child. Mr. Mitchell, who had been an employee of the Goodyear for . 25 years, served overseas during the Second World War. He was }a member of the Church of Eng- Hand, the masonic lodge and the Royal Canadian Legion Branch in Bowmanville, He is survived by his wife, the former Fdith Cook; a step- daughter, Mrs. Howard Hartley (Lillian) of Ottawa and a step- son, George Marlow, of Hemer, | Germany. Also surviving are three sis- ters, Isabel of Bowmanville, Irene of Oshawa and Beatrice of Toronto and a brother, Wil- liam, of Bowmanville. pr.\at his home, Hancock rd., RR,| The funeral service will be held at 2 p.m., Jan. 27, at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. Interment will be in Bowmanville Cemetery. Mem- bers of the Royal Canadian Mrs. Walter Hogarth, the de-| Legion will hold a service at the ceased was born at Utica Ont., his| 26, and had lived most of jfuneral home at 7.30 p.m., Jan. Entered into rest in Sunnybrook Heapital, life In Oshawa since he was 16) 1961 | January 24, beloved Toronto on Monday, Ernest George Brooks, Toronto, 87th Mrs. and Ralph George Waimsiey (Joan), (Red) Taunton; in his |Home, Oshawa with funeral serviice in jthe chapel on Thursday, January) 27 a | Motors, ssband, Years old. He had lived in the of Florence Mary Wintérflood, fafwer of Bowmanville area for two years.| An employee of the parts and lyear. Resting al the Armstrong Fiineraliservice department at General FUNERAL OF MRS. FRANK GAZELUK Funeral service for Mrs, |Frank Gazeluk, 116 Mill st., Mr. Hogarth had been) who died Jan 19 in Oshasva 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Ceme-employed by the company for| General Hospital, was held at tery Soldier's Plot. HOGARTH, Fred W, Suddenly at his residence, Hancocl< Road, RR 3, Bowmanville on Tuesday, .!anuary 125, 1966, Fred W, Hogarth in this 58th lyear, beloved husband of Lydiss (Lil) | Reader, dear father of Harold agid Fred Junior, RR 3, Bowmanville, Helen (Mrs Harold Spratt), Oshawa and (Mrs. George Mitchell), Ajax, dear broth- er cf Nona (Mrs, Joe Hayes), Oshawa | Resting at the Morris Funeral Bow- | Thursday at 3.30 p.m. Intermerit jmanville Cemetery. | MITCHELL, Sidney @. | Suddenly at Bowmanville on Monday Jan |very 24, 1966, Sydney G. Mitchvall aged |58 years, 38 Nelson Street, Bownnanville, |beloved husband of Edith Cok, dear \step-father of George Marlow, Hemer | Germany, and Lillian (Mrs. Howard Har- jtley) Ottawa. Resting at the Morris |Funeral Chapel Bowmanville, Siervice in | the chapel on Thursday at 2 O'clock | Interment Bowmanville cemetery.' (Leg- jion service in the chapel on Wed. at |7.30 p.m, McQUARRIE, Maude Entered into rest at Green Acres Rest Home, Newmarket on Sunday, January 23rd, 1966, Maude Strong, widew of the \late Angus McQuarrie and mothier of Mrs. | Neil White (Rhoda) of Levack, 'Ont., Mrs. Ross tand Bruce of Letvack, and {Michael Grash (Beula), all of Toronto, Delbert Lorne of Scarborough, sister of Wilbert, Port Hope, Stafford and John, Garden 35 years. Street United Church in Oshawa Mr. Hogarth is survived by his wife, the former Lydia (Lil) | Mrs. | Harold Spratt (Helen) of Osh- f3arbara;awa and Mrs. George Mitchell Reader; two daughters, (Barbara). of Ajax and jis a sister, Mrs. | ( Yona) of Oshawa. The funeral service will be jheld at 3.30 p.m. Jan. 27, at \the Morris Funeral Chapel, |Bowmanville. Interment will be in Bowmanville Cemetery. Joe Hayes | MRS. MAUDE McQUARRIE | In failing health for five jyears, Mrs. rie died, Jan. 23, at the Green Acres Rest Home, Newmarket.| She was in her 84th year. The former Maude Strong, the deceased was born Dec. 28, 1882, near Millbrook. A_ resi- dent of Oshawa for 15 years, He attended Albert) two} Chapel, Sons, Harold and Fred, Jr., RR} | Bowmanville. Service in the chiapel on/3, Bowmanville. Also surviving Maude McQuar- |2 p.m. Friday at the McIntosh- }Anderson Funeral Home. The service was conducted by Rey. R. Panczenko, pastor of St. John's Ukrainian Greek Or- thodox Church, Interment was |in Oshawa Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Karl Koch- any, Peter Kochany, Mike Hry- mkiw, Bill Sorochen, Steve Pen« tescul and Nick Skochko, Prayers were said in the fun- jeral home Thursday evening, | FUNERAL OF WALTER H. SOLOMON The memorial service for Walter Henry Solomon who died Jan, 21, at the Oshawa General Hospital, in his 74th year, was held at 2 p.m., Jan. 24, at the | Armstrong Funeral Home. The service was conducted by Rey. R. B. Lytle, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, |Inter- ment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were William Reimer, William Poulter, Sven LAKESHORE Auto WRECKERS want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid 200° Wentworth East, 72 OSHAWA AUTO PARTS for' wrecking. Tires and parts for sa 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. Tele- phone 728-4549, Roberi Nichols. $1,450.00 Baia arwcr= "| -- IN PRIZES | --| Oshawa Lions Club | SPECIAL!STS IN | Convertible Tops ' 2 Jackpots Nos. 54-59 | $300. in 52 Nos. or Less z in' | sess std ob $200..in announced Nos. | $25. Consolation Prize | | Rear Window Curtain Light Seat Covers OSHAWA | AUTO TRIM 62 BOND W. AT CHURCH Telephone 725-8042 HILLCREST TRANSMISSION CENTRE Automatic Transmission Specialist 1 mile east of Townline on No, 2 Highway General Repairs | 723-8651 | (Formally Walton's Supertest) FRED STONE BROOKLIN Phone 655-3653 Motor Rebuilding Cylinder Reboring Pinfitting @ Resleeving Automatic Transmission | @ Crankshoft & Valve Service | TRANSMISSION Plus $10. per line both games Early Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed Minimum $5.00 Per Line $25.00 Full Card. $150.00 Jackpot Game 20 Regular Gomes ot $20.00 Double in 15 Nos, or Less. Last 5 Games $30. per game. ADMISSION 50c | | Bus Service leaving King and | Simcoe Streets ot 7:15 p.m. | | | | | The biggest prize money in the area for a 50c ad- mision charge. EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT JUBILEE PAVILION specialists, Transmit sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe "North, Phone 728-7339, 35--Lost and Found |STRAYED -- Grey Persian male cai,| jfour years, Elgin-Mary Street area. An- Sr oe swers to Penny. Child's pet. Reward. | Telephone 728-2874. LOST man's glasses, in red leather lon Athol Street east, on. Tuesday, | telephone 725-9545. se, e mM tat Ey BINGO |LOST man's Bulova wisi walch engrav KINSMEN CENTRE jing on back. Sliver eward. Telephone TUESDAY. 7:45 728-0469 Early Bird Game FOUND -- Female black puppy. Vicinity of Thickson Road South off Highway 401 FREE ADMISSION Jackpots 52 and 53 Telephone 728-2078 LOST -- Five month old kitten, grey, part Persian. Child's pet. Vicinity River- side Drive North, After 5:30 call 728-9774.| Children under 16 not allowed LOST' -- Male kitten. § months old, Special 7:30 bus from brownish qgréy striped. Ritson and 40} aft area. Child's pet. Reward. 725-8158. 4 Corners. 36--Legal FWILL_NOT be responsible for any debis contracted in my name by anyone on or after this date, January 25, 1966, without | my written consent. (Signed) Jack H./ Allin RUMMAGE SALE on Wed., Jan. 26th, 1 p.m. ~ ot SIMCOE HALL Heppy Gang Tops Clute 7 PUT AWAY a tidy sum ry renting that} @ 723-3492 and put ene to |Ad, Telephon: lwork ter Hill, Ont.; in her 84th year. festing at) She had spent most of the last Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, seven years at the Newmarket the with funeral service -in the chapel Wed- nesday, January 26 at 3 p.m.; Interment rest home. She formerly atten- vorxes 08'S, He Hated 77 Sunset Strip But FBI's His Cup 0' Tea Funeral arrangements and By BOB THOMAS iso I think we might survive, I floral arrangements for all HOLLYWOOD (AP)--What 8) think ABC should just be happy occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPIING difference a show makes. A few|we kept the time slot alive." seasons back, Efrem Zimbdiist! CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE \Jr. was grumbling: about his |'77" WAS 'DEADENING' chores on 77 Sunset Strip. To-| "When I was doing '77,'" the Lagerquist, Jack Hooper, Otto Sharrard and Robert Watson. Kindness beyond Prige, within reach of all, GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM SOROKA -- in loving memory of our jdear friend, Harry Soroka, who passed away January 25, 1965. Loving and kind In all his ways, | Upright and just to the end of his days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind, Beautitul memories he tett behind, --Remembered by Joe ani Mary Cros- mas. and family, 728-6555 _ yet day he's working harder on The|/ sameness of it was deadening," FBI and enjoying it more. |he said, ' "The FBI' is chang- The actor made the switch|ing all the time. And even from private to federal detective| When I have Se peng with his usual suavity. While think 8 on eine ee ee ee Te lwith people like Ed Begley and lis doing passably well. Fear gorse ple That makes "Damn well considering what) wit) The FBI make it to next we're up against--Ed Sullivan| acon! zimbalist thinks: so. and Walt Disney!" He said on) "But I don't. think it will go the Warner Brothers set. "It's! more than two or three years," almost inhuman to put a ShOW|he said, "Television series now- aeainet powerhouses like those) adays don't last as long as Ww, '77,'"" which went for seven "But' our producer, Quinniyears, Take 'Ben Casey,' it was Martin, says that last week wela big hit two years ago; he's passed the number of viewers! going off the air now." | SOROKA -- in loving memory of my, husband, Harry Soroka, who passed away January 25, 1965. It'sosad to walk the road Instead of side by side, But to all there comes @ moment When the paths divide He gave me years of happiness, Then sorrow came and tears, But he left me beautiful enemories 1 will treasure throughout the years. Always remembered by wife Mary. alone Indians 'A Downtrodden Race ?" "No! Says Six-Nations Member © I'm denied that Everlasting Memorialization is almost possible with the MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER | that we supply ond install; Please caill MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 TORONTO (CP) -- Elliot Moses, a member of the Six Na- tions Indian reserve, says it is a myth that his people arej|ciology and anthropology at the downtrodden and discriminated|University of Alberta, added: nst. "The Alberts government Tapping his head, Mr. Moses|passed legislation to take away told about 200 persons at Trinityjour voting rights. We had them College's conference on the|before and we want them back, Canadian Indian Friday: "If;/We won't go and beg the gov- there's any discrimination it's}ernment for that privilege be- all up here." jcause it's already ours." Mr. Moses, who lives on the) "There are 23,000 Indians liv- big reserve near Brantford, saidjing in Alberta. We could swing during a panel discussion at the|the vote in 11 constituencies in two-day conference that Indians|the provincial legislature (which can have the best jobs in the|has 63 seats). I think that's why land if they will prove theirjthe government won't give us the vote,"' she said. Fred Kelly, a Kenora Indian who lost his job with the Chil- dren's Aid. Society in that city hortly after he led 400 Indians the | on a protest march last Novem- ber to Kenora's city hall, also 'was a member of the panel. to vote but right." Miss Smaliface, a major in so- CARD OF THANKS DUNCAN We wish to extend sin- cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neéighbor# for their kindness, flowers and cards received during our recent bereavement ~The Duncan Family. JACKLIN -- | wish to thank my many friends and relatives for their kind thoughts, cards, flowers and visits, dur- ing my recent stay in Oshawa General Hospital. Special thanks to Branch 43, Royal Canadian Legion and Ladies' Aux-| aR pT BSUS inary, the nurses and 'staff of Ward c-3,/worth to society. Rev, Gordon Brett and ladies of Knox} But Marie Smaiiface, 21, a Chureny sido "Drs: d'matrerson we OFF ithird - year university stident Ben Jacklin. /from Edmonton, disagreed with him abo ; ation | * MITCHELL 1 wish to thank all the) um about disc riminatior She said quietly from neighbors, friends and relati for l cards, visits, and by ytd in the passing|hack of the hall: I am just as f beloved gon, Ltoyd. | a : gecesi Iqualified as anyone in-Alberta 4 | Mis, Dolene Mitchell,

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