18 TH osnawa TIMES, Fridey, Jenuery x1, 1700 'Sell the Old and Bring In the New ..: With Times Action Want Ads' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSI NESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountonts | Barristers ALBERT HOSMAR, 47 Prince Street, Jo. Telephone 723-1221. Bos cLANCY's Accounting Chartered Account-| Suite 4, Oshawa,|Money to Service. | Complete bookkeeping service, 299 Simcoe South, 725-0397, Res. 723-760! GORDON R. DAY, Accountant, "AND Licnesed Trus-| in Bankruptcy, ] North, Oshawa, 728 7371. Simcoe Street BEADLE AND CO., Char-| tered Accountants, ing. 187 King Street East, tario, 725-3509; S. T. Hopkins, Beadle, CA; E. Lukow, CA Oshawa, CA; H Financial Trade Build On WALL, PERKIN, MacMiLLAN AND CO., Chartered Accountants, East, Oshawa, 725-6539; B.Comm., CA; David G. J. Graham MacMillan, CA GORDON R. DAY, Certified Accountant, Suite 206W, Oshawa ping Centre, 725-9953 DELOITTE, PLENDER, SELLS. Chartered accountants Riehi, CA, RIA, B. R. Waters, awa Shopping Centre, 728-7527. Barristers Perkin, HASKINS G CA, 36% King Street William C, Hall CA: | and Osh-| | CREIGHTON, "DRYNAN, "MURDOCH, and) VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors. Bank of Commerce Buliding, 5 Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446 T Creighton, QC; or residences: G ig QC, 728-8554; G ; 723-4768; J. C. Victor, Re tgages" arranged. GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, tors, etc, 114 King treet East. 723-2278. Residence Phones: J Notaries Simcoe K K Murdoch 985-7115. "Solict-| Dial! W. Greer QC, 725-2368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, aS 728-5832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, 725-2662, pas JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- The Commercial. Oshawa, Ontario 725-4716 or 725-47 BOYCHYN, Solicitors, 7 R. D. lic, West, available. HUMPHREYS. MAN, Barristers, Street East. Residence: ; ; 728-4326 NHA other first mortgage funds WE athens Building, 286 King Client parking and HILL- 36% King Humphrey Whitby, | and} Classified Rates WorD ADS Cash -- 1. insertion of 24 words, J: 08 | additional words, 4¥4¢. each, secutive. insertions of 24 words, additional words 12¢. each, secutive insertions of 24 words, additional words 21e¢. each. 6 Charge--!0 per if net paid within & days. Method of Counting -- words counts as 24 words; figure or abbreviation word; phone number BIRTHS--DEATHS-- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents add charges if not paid 'within 8 days tional IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first each thereafter plus verse; 25¢. additional paid within 8 doys. CARDS OF THANKS 12¢. per line chorge ari Ba 4] con. $5.04: cent additional charge Less thon 24 each word, counts counts | | | 35 words ond 8c of | if not $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc each thereafter with 25¢ charge if rot paid within 8 doys. COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (display); additiona | ~~ €0.,| :| JOSEPH FP. MANGAN, loan. Office, Oshawa, 728-8232. ac, | East, ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, Centre ~ 5:30 p.m.| specialty. Mrs. --~Certitied General] Evening appointment. Dial 723-1661, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop 7 BCL, 73 Street, Barrister and Solicitor, Office hours: 9 a.m Iding Trades NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL FREE 21" PORTABLE T.Y. to Ist 25 Customers (no gimmicks or contests IMPROVEMENTS every )0 free H HOME @ Rec Rooms rec room over $1,5 3-way TV, (with new stere Remodelling Additions Gorages Carports, This month Specia California Redwood aranteed Suitable etc. All for terms NO PAYMENTS TILL JULY 1966 Plea us free estimate ond expert vice. workmanship 9 years g available over financi for od- se call cnytime 723-0781 SHEFFIELD Construction Co 103 King E Oshawa Lowest Prices Ever On (FUTURAMA) @ KITCHENS @ BATHROOMS @ REC. ROOMS Example: You can have a rec room completely built for only $2.25 per sq. ft. of floor area We have a staff of qualified Plumbers, Electricians, Car- penters, Plasterers, Pointers etc., co-ordinated to give you fast service at lowest cost | CO-ORDINATED REMODELLERS : For a free estimate call 723-0966 " Solicitor. | ALTERATION, 14a King Street/ Fast, |Dressmaking | Plumbing and | Heating BEFORE YOU BUY give us a try Gas and oil heating | Heating Phone 723-9079 pant cuffing, mending. accurate service! Gift items made |to order, Telephone. 728-1823. DRESSMAKING -- Sulls, coats, dresses,| | alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting a Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. _ | ALTERATIONS = repairs, pant ~ cuffing, |zippers, men's, ladies' and children's wear, Dial 728-4213. Rug- "Upholstery | Service UPHOLSTERING AT ITS BEST FOR LESS @ FREE ESTIMATES (Day or Evening @ EASY CREDIT TERMS HARWOOD Custom Upt PHONE 942 Ga ardening ¢ and 'Supplies "Enjoy Yourself' SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD MIX CRACKED CORN MILLET | WHEAT BIRD FEEDING STATIONS WATER SOFT SALT ICE SALT SAND SNOW SHOVELS STRAW PET SUPPLIES Cooper-Smith CO. Istering 1500 | CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re. jstyled. Free estimate. See our material for recovering, Da ton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-72 | RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts jed 17 years. Workmanship {Free estimates edit terms rebuilt, furniture refin holstering, 287 Dear Mattresses Sales and Service ioe APPLIANCE REPAIRS ret 16 CELINA ST. We Deliver 723-1139 Expert of washers 723-2312 | TREE TO TRIM? Call®siim. Or I'll cut! o ALSO PAR them down, Free estimates, 725-5118 or! ALCAN. 728-0610 FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 452 Sim Os ihawe Telephana 723-0011 Instruction PRIVATE ed teaching nstrument. ACCORDIO? Trial course Phone 728-3909 ESSONS, Grad ncludes loaned! Bef Y. B Janitor Service . ed bid ted is tee BN a. Piano or Organ, See |ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! "Fast, eco. jnomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by [pene cating wat eating Seve | = HEINTZMAN lquaranteed, 728-7736. | & Co. Ltd CELLARS CLEANED trash removed, 14% SicneneS .Gohawe household repairs done. Telephone 723 TELEPHONE 728-2921 2997 CLEAN YOUR BACKYARD and GUARANTEED REPAIRS to all wringer washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cal ment. Also scrap taken away. Call 723-2368 28-1742 or deacon DRAPES s awnings. Complete se: 4 aanios Mil Jetin base joe Money To Loan 1 WILL LOAN you reasonable rate of venetian blinds, can vice, free est 728-1993. up to $5,000 at nterest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose providing you are steadily em ployed and have good credit. Telephone 723-4631 Septic Service SEPTIC. TANKS Cleaned. Prompt service on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Stre West, Whitby. 668-2563 Mortgages MORTGAGE Surveyors Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone EVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario | DON Land Surveyer, Commercial bive prints, | 11 Ontarlo Street, 725-5632 Tailors available for first cars $1.50 for the first 20 words and Se. each thereafter | tWerd Ads). AUCTION SALES $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES pen AD! p.m DAY PREVIOUS OST AND FOUND @.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION BIRTHS AND GEATHS 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION | NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS JANUARY SPECIAL $50.00 cash or hond painted picture, any size or kitchen range, hood and exhaust fan with lifetime filter, Remodell- ing and additions of all kinds, homes, offices or indust Floor tiling, made cupboards.. Aluminum doors ond windows Televisi oeriols $30.00 for 40' plete lead in rial, custom on com- with Baby Moneys and second Open mortgages First mortgages and agreements sole purchased M. F. SWARTZ 262 King St East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4679 mortgages. No bonus second mort- for WARNING ! The Ladies and Gentlemen of Oshawg and. District Toke good core of Do not gamble clothes. Bring an experienced mon and he and restyle to the modern look at very rea- To gages your ward- with them to tobe your will remodel | Mortgage Loans mi | sonable prices installations Killingbeck IX ABERDEENSHIRE, SCOTLAND, MEANS THROWING AN IRON BALL WEIGHING ATLAWIIC SALMON BEARS EACH OF SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK POUNDS. et (, ANE XAMES Af SOME STAGE IN 115 SAC FRY, ADYAN PARR, SME 1 AXD WHEN DYING kin, MILLIONS ? By R, J. SCOTT CARA) ED HER. IK WASHINGTON, MISSOUR (© Xing Pete Spades to Tle Wa agen Rew TV--Radio Repairs -- awa Up-| 3M | CITY TV TOWER, antennas, All $11 Telephone Estabilsh-) guaranteed. | TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON RD. E. Just East of Ritson 723-813] TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS ' also repairs. work guaranteed Dean Avenue 725-0500 Well Drilling--Digaging St H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Cand | | | | ~~ |WELL DIGGING by machine specializing 204 Chestnut 30-Inch tile, W. Ward, et West, Whitby 6e- sce Or 668-3809, bal 2--Personal DIAL 728-2303 For All Your DRY CLEANING NEEDS at low "Get Acquainted' Prices ROSS CLEANERS 361 Wilson Rd. South 728-2303 Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Jan. 24th, 25th and 26th. Phone Genosha --Articles For Sele CLEARANCE of ODDS & ENDS | OF EXPENSIVE BEDROOM AND LIVINGROOM SUITES Very Big Reductions ! Lovely 2 piece, 4 seoter CHESTERFIELD SUITE One only. Close out $166 3 piece SECTIONAL SUITE Beautiful cover Very Special $237 Swivel ROCKER CHAIR Two only, Hurry! Solid Walnut PANEL BEDS Walnut CHEST of DRAWERS Solid Walnut NIGHT TABLES DRESSERS with mirrors jee: SORE See Our Sole on beautiful Bedroom 'Suites. Wonderful Savings. Hurry for these bar- gains WILSON'S FURNITURE CO. 20 Church: St 723-3211 19.95 34.88 18.88 WHITE ONE SET of WALNUT STORE COUNTERS All are in solid condition; about 30 feet in length and have storage underneath ample space For further information apply STORE MANAGER 58 King Street, East Oshawo NEW_ IN OSHAWA ELNA Sewing Machine SALE Supermatics and Automatics Up to Cabinets half-p ELNA SEWING 'CENT R 38 Bond West Oshawa tires St snow size 590X) | METROPOLITAN STORE E 5 8--Articles For Sale 8--Articles For Sale 15--Employment Wante Wanted -- SKATES Big savings on Skating Out- fits for the whole family dur- ing. our Big Fall Sale. from $7.25 pr. 303 RIFLE Known for its accuracy and reliability, this rugged gun will deliver years of satis- factory shooting. $24.95 SNOW TIRES Ail nylon construction, -full depth traction tread. A brand new winter tire priced almost low as a retread. Heh $17.56 up DOMINION TIRE STORE 145. King St. W Telephone 725-6511 US is ua BOATS g MOTORS at WINTER PRICES MITH PORT. ° 353 KING W, 728-734] YOUNG MOTHER of one Pe mata 'ket te have a little girl or boy to her home while parents work. 'Cocetion east end of city. Telephone: 728-556: YOUNG MOTHER will age ST one or ™m- TONIA'S VARIETY COFFEE SHOP Specializing in Ukrainian style, cabbage rolls. Take out or- ders $1.20 doz. 205 Bond St. W. 725-3772 (Open Sundays) two children in her 1402 or 94 Brock ock Street rect East, BABYSITTING 5 supervised by trained nurses, We supply transportation. No Temslena fae: to you. 24 hour service, e 17--Femele Help Wanted SWITCHBOARD RECEPTIONIST Newly established hotel re- quires evening ond afternoon help. Must have experience with switchboard ond be able to handle clerical duties, For more information and inter- view contact; FREE---24-hour burner service TEXACO --~ Fuel and Stove oil, "Blue Coal' stove, nut, stoker coals @ Slab Wood @ Cannel Coa! @ Building Sup- plies. 668-3524, SAWDONS' (Whitby) LTD. 244 Brock St. S. -- Whitby 17" PORTABLE Marconi TV and redio combination, $75. telephone 942-182 9--Market Basket is CLEMENT BROS. Poultry, Roasting| chickens 2\2 Ibs.--4 Ibs. 40c per Ib. Capons 55c per ib. Call collect 987-4353 1 CAN SUPPLY you with Ontario. or P.E.1, potatoes, 10-25-75 lb, weekly. Eggs at attractive prices. Free delivery, Osh- awa, Whitby, Ajax, 655-4983, MRS. McDONALD NO. 1 AND NO. 2 Ontario potatoes. Free delivery. Telephone 728-1306 or 723-0615. NO 1 WINTER peta 75-Ib. bag, $2.85 DRAKE ieee tare | ~~ PERSONNEL 728-6051 {10--Farmer s Column "ag 51 King East, and crippled farm stock picked by Promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. | Telephone Collect Hampton 263-2721 Licence 4-C-66, | | HAY, 400 bales, good quality 0c. a bale | |in barn, Telephone 655-3516. | | | No charge to epplicant! |ABOUT 2,000 bushels of mixed grain. Could deliver at slight Telephone 655-3216. 8 weeks | Firm Requires TELEPHONE COLLECTOR Previous credit or -finance company experience an asset, Salary commensurate with ex- perience. Good compony paid benefits and excellent work- ing conditions. Junior matrie- ulation preferred, ages 22 to 32, Please send resume of ege, marital status and pre- vious experience in own hand- writing including telephone te BOX 14245 Oshawa Times $43 a ton in-} Ans Progressive Local PUPPY -- Black cocker spaniel, | male $15, Telephone 723-7723 |SALESMEN OR WOMEN for custom |name plates, advertising specialties, cal- jendars, Full or part time, commission }Apply Monday a.m, 680 Hortop Street Oshawa. \11--Pets and Livestock | CHIHUAHUA pups (three) Six weeks old | Telephone Ajax 942-3162. | BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready |training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, T. | Broad, | 114 Elgin East. |COZY-J RANCH KENNELS, German |Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups. |Palominos, Pintos, foals, ponies, Ashbu'n | 655-4662 evenings |BABY BUDGIES, training, Palaimg st Street, RR 3, Oshaw 12--Articles Wanted |eo0b USED tent trailer. Hampton 263- 2089. I colors, read in. Apply 105 Y scant WE NEED used furniture; appliianc radios, TV's, Vatiey Creek, 16 Bond West, | 778-4401, z | |13--Articles. For Rent SNOW CRUISER CLEARANCE ystrator) in idget terms available ! Oshawa Yachthaven Ltd. Off Simcoe St 723-1901 Rd CLEARANCE NEW '65 EVINRUDE MOTORS EXPERIENCED CASHIERS PART TIME POWER | SUPERMARKET 564 King East LADIES Earn average of $5. per hour working 2 or more evenings a week, RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing ma- chines, bike exercises -- all $6. per month PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripods, pipe' wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT ----~ stepladders, ladder jacks, stee! scaffolding, compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane. torches BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- | vibrator, air compressor, | | 1 Good personality and car required. No collecting or delivery 725-3946 942-3145. 942-6603 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPING MACHINE tric jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- Onary saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, moortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, sand CLASSIFIED DISPLAY A-eolumn--4_p.m. day previous; 2 col umns or larger----10 a.m. day previous.| NOW $147 $289. $495. $575. $650. After Reg $195. $410 $710. tubeless, used one. Telephone 728-1467, HP TOOLS -- Mechanics complete chest off 914 HP tools, $750 or best offer. Telephone 725 . ni 8522 33 H.P, Elec | 40 H.P. Elec, $820 having| SK! BOOTS-- boys size 7. Excellent con-| ie 4 After 5.30 evenings telephone 725-| 40 H.P. Lark $925 Push Button WHILE THEY LAST Free Storage Till Spring Convenient Budget Terms Hotel on these dates for ap- p.m pointment, ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 WILL ANYONE witnessing or | personal knowledge of an accident which/| dition joccurred on Saturday, January 15, 1966) 1482 at 7.15 a.m. at Willlam and Mary Streets, |198§ eidsmobile motor, Oshawa, please contact Eric A. Hall.!a-1 condition, $60 complete |Days 728-5135 Res. 728-3870 942-4624, Ajax AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-fool tower |Florida, California, Bonded drivers. To-/ structure ali-channel. antenna installed jfonto. Drive-Away | Service, $385 Yonge! sso, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton | Street. Telephone 225-7754 || Road East, just east of Ritson Road retin ng season ny kind blaster, power._.post hole auger, ascillating sanders, disc sanders, actylene welding outfits, 200 amp electric welders. STAN"S 233 King St. W., Oshawa Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. | | PHONE 723-3224 Oshawa I es ei te | by hour under sion of trained nurses ything Marriage Ki appointment " skilled bonk 24 S. sitting the OPERATOR to operate Burroughs distribution and N.C.R. posting machines. Write MR. LOGAN Post Office Box 488 OSHAWA, ONTARIO PART- TIME $1 to $1.50 per hour Woman for plesont tele- phone work, 4 hours daily. 723-5051 MR. GOULD Part Time OFFICE GIRL Must be able to type, and have pleasant telephone voice p.m, to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday. Apply in person to METCALF BOM one Lie. WOMAN FOR SALAD BAR 7 am. -- 4 p.m. shift Apply Mr. Campbell Genosha Hotel WARS) | also do' restyli 7 % and repair work of furs, coats, etc Bring it to the man been doing this kin« in Oshawa for CALL years. Satisfaction gi | specialize, too, in double breasted suits 728-1653 RURRANTY TRUST 1 aoe 2 eer eo Company of Conada ; : Bo ook the Rose "Restourdnt: 32 King St. E., TELEPHONE 728-6731, Oshawe, Ontario superv on We broken counse 614 160 repoir e also hear ng by All work done by craftsmen rates hour service Main office 328 Simcoe St Phone 728-2061 Evenings 723-8987 CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any. advertisement cancelled before| publication will be charged one day's} insertion. | BOX NUMBER RENTAL-- While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as scon as possible We accept no liability in respect of lass or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in for- warding such replies, however caused whether by negligence or otherwise Fhe Times will net be -resporsibisfor replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will hot be re-| sponsible for errors advertisernents sUbmitted. otherwise thon in writing not} for more than one insertion of any! advertisement nor beyond the - price chorge for 9 single insertion in which error oecurs, has 4 of work thirty saranteed. changing to single at 37. who OF VALUE only nt Financing also transmission Coll us any Telephone| time -- | | am | | f Stairs NOTICE TO RESIDENTS of South Osh-| Vacuum repairs, all makes, hos awa -- Holley Hardware Is now crane |brushes, etc, Pick-up, delivery, 942-0713 serve your needs. Located one t |south_of- Wentworth sp ae prey ecounn Service, Main Street, ~~ 1 Vista Plaza, 728-5272. JANUARY SPECIALS Save up to 20% during Jan- uary on Rec. Rooms. Kit- chens,, Bath Rooms, Floors Walls, Ceiling Tiles ond olf General Rer H McKOY" 725-8576 "The Oshowa Times reserves the right HOME IMPROVEMENTS -- Cut-rate fo "classify advertising according to|Combination T tereo, Hi-fi, record Ts proper classification, cdg Regu lar $898; for $550. Telephone 2061 ALL TYPES building, roofing "pail -|and remodelling; chimneys, new and re-| paired dewalk a rete repairs. Whitby 668-2774, Gord KITCHENS eg bn gl me range hood and far Yachthaven Tables, Choirs, Linens, Dish- Coffee Ltd. Bridal Harbour Rd. (Off Simcoe St. $.) White 723-1901 FURNITURE -- "rooms, new quality | SARGEANT'S RENTALS furniture, only $299. Inc, complete bed-| 463 Ritson Rd. $. 725-3338 room, living room, kitchen ensemble: | WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, Pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable valuel| 5 424 S g,|reducing machines, sick room sup,lies cj maben i imcoe >:/Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 ortraits,| FABULOU -- now. on| Framing. |at Wilson Furniture. Double mattresses ENTERTAINING | -- Fifty to one hundred 325|from $20; chesterfield suite, $99; chrome|People? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- |chairs; $2.99; bedroom suites, $119. Wil-/QWets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, | " neds CUP one year'|80" Furniture, 20 Church Street. jParking. 723-2140 mornings. | ry mixed, ui "on ye | Valley Creek, 16 Bond West, 7400) Single cord, $10.; double, $18. Telephone USED PLUMBING, heating, CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church| 5--Trail . Cec Smith, 786-2283 and building s ; nis aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412/ 5--Tr vob ai ________ | BEST QUALITY aluminum AIRSTREAMS tactory authorized dealer.|doors, awnings, railings, etc Ontario Trailers Ltd., 1577 The Queens-|prices! Call 728-5385 or 723-3692 WAY Toronto Wey Dat |GUN CABINETTE, holds ten guns lassortment of hunting equipment. |phone 728-1348 NEW, USED -- vacuums, pairs to all makes New |Jack Lees, 728-6956 |GUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West | 728-9731 TV--Redio Repairs _ s ne Urns, Cutlery, Glasses, Punch Bowls, Wear, Men's Formals, Fox Mink. Stoles. HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! ERO, TELEVISION Corner Bond and, Division 728-5143 FIRST and SECOND MORTGAGES All Classes - Paes City, Rural, Vacation -- SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. N. 725-3568 TYPEWRITERS, new and rebuilt, stand-| LADIES ONLY! 'if you think eicohol is a a lards; portables, electrics. The ideal gift! |problem to you, we can help. For more |for students. Large stock to choose from [information call 668-6103 or 725-6533. All| One year full guarantee, Low prices. Jen jreplies In strictest confidence! |kins Business Machines, Sales and Ser- GET ACQUAINTED French poodles to|Vice, 728-7783. Open evenings. _ |IMPERIAL SHOE STORE -- Just open- | rent by the hour, Telephone 728-2061. |WE REPAIR anything also broken|@d. Specializing in new shoes, Ladies', | |hearts. Marriage counselling, Do it now,|/Men's, children's. Also repairs. 369 Wi! j doe 't wait for spring! Telephone 728-2061.|$0N South, 725-6871. OIL PAINTINGS--Landscapes, lfigure work, custom picture --|Clark Studio, telephone 668-4497. |SKATE EXCHANGE -- SHARPENING: Brock North, Whitby | New, used. Baver; Hockey equipm | HARDWOOD, Furs, in } |3--Sportsman's 's , Column Summerland Securities fx the cases of display advertisements THe Times will not be held re sible for more space than that whic the actual er occupies. The ¢ shers endeavor to reproduce al! ad. ertising matter correctly, but assurne ne liability of advertisement if any! !f wnaccuracies in ony form are contained 206 therein. CARPENTER! etc IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Part TIMES ACTION WANT AD FREE! Call Classified Direct 798-20 723-3492 Font electrical) 9 Telephone 72 d5.|Simcoe Street North Call 723-2414, | Wreck ng Co., Brock} LIFT TRUCK -- capacity 6,000 "Tbs--lift) , Whitby. |16', to rent by week or month. Apply! Mackie's Van and Storage. | 14--Bu: iness , Opportunities| SPECIAL! BARGAIN OF A LIFETIME per Vacation times windows Low, low pp ae Reasonable p 6m ytime aod. Dunlop. Streets FULLER BRUSH Products. fered now Jephone daytimes evenings 668-658: BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or . 263-2995 TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE | |7--Swap "and _Borter PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for all mortgages Mortgages and apr ee HOLMES |1961 AUSTIN Mini stationwagon, also} YOUr! ments of sale purchased, Cr | jwanted line equipment, tape recorder ry Murdoch and Victor. (See Bar | te cash adjustment. Telephone 668-2067 risters."") | | TRONICS DOUMATIC washer dryer, 3-piece bath "FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale! jsets $55. stainless steel sinks $9.95, pres-| agreements purchased and sold. Hennick| |sure systems, sump pumps, laundry tubs, | ig pelife and ovenant 725-3568 Specials of-, ene 723-0444; Rec. rooms alterations Tele Phone collect "Don polishers. Re. Hand painted hoses. Phone hoice of each pictures of paint job. Telephone! ie | FOR YOUR WATKINS (quality) Telephone 728-2383 any time REFRIGERATOR in good condition Rifie| products | | PORTABLE welding equipment and ma available from January 24, 1964,' Exper INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1---Women's. Column Persona! 3--Sportsnan's 5--Troilers 16---Morine Equipment Se iy Swap ond sa heed Column Opportunities ment Wanted Agents Wanted --Female Heip --Mole lienced |Large and smali fobs. t |NEW PLASTERING and repairs. repalr and structura | 668: 4585 | ALL TYPES of building material 30 me r osal. Free estimates ROOFING, our spec concrete floors, flat alty New work and and H and 795-6937 Construction, RR 3, trades. T GENERAL REPAIRS all phone 728-2061 sidewaty estimates. A. C 728-4 HOME modern ea ng 128-206 remodelling, IMPROVEMENTS Free estirr phone EXPERIENCED CARPENTRY r re-modellir r kmanship rooms jarar de HOME _UAPROVERENTS \Cartage lappo TWO-TON able ra STAKE Dentistry CAREFOOT, DR rgeor 2 King JOHN 3 EK DR E 12 coe , es ntrment, 728-5842 of Res, 728-844 Phone Tele rooting, repairs Roofing stucco,| ee| Optometrist and Hennick, Barristers, 31 Street! least, 723-7232 |1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES available W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 @rock Street | North, Whitby, 668-3338 King for prompt service "| Whitby -- 668-5679 | [OSHAWA AND WHITBY | NIGHT SERVICE 725-8541 or 668-5830 RAE'S xADIO & TELEVISION |Musical Services SMALL DANCE BAND avaliable, exper-| e ced, Reliable. Reasonable, Phon e d Taylor, Ajax 942-1663 36 Simcoe! F RICHARD BLACK, OD, 5 Telephone ireet North, Suite 6, Oshawa Point; ; |Painting and Decorating FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 bailed LEVISION 9a PAINTING AND DECORATING f EXTERIOR f » Custom Draperies 728-5154 DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 m. t Plumbing and Heating ALL PENMaInNe AND HEATING : Telephone ro nbing TYPES and used Heat ri new mat trates, Estimates free, 723-1 | hardwood oe H, Chinn, | 7088. '8--Articles For Sale | | | | { j | | HONEST CAL'S ances quakty PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10; ma- ornity dresses nod condition eoifgbivien Sad naa TYPEWRITER $ Electric FOUR FREE! Furva PARTS Washers, Stoves and Dryers ; ELECTRIC MOTOR Repair and Exchange OS BAWA APPLIANCE 186 Sim s 728-7535 > For Furniture and Appii Big discounts without 424 King Street West, 8-919 sizes 14-16. Very clean Apply 23 Drew Street $24.95; beds, mattresses, $10.95; ew Stoves, $24.95; TV' $54.95; cressers, Guns, new and used 6 Bond Street West portable $30. adding machine $40. Elec electric cash oth Creek ther, ectric. stove xcellent conditior BURNER x. In "es . cleaned trouble-free adijus ted free sranteed winter you Television, |SHOW CASE cooler, cash register, sacrificing) equipment, 725-3143 before ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash- iers file desks, and trade, 7; \used. Low, Raglan $19.95; | Ragla crib) WE BUY, seli and exchange vee furn ture Trading Post South, $KI-DOO Snowmobiles = ice, South (at Olive) CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE -- tables, with | bars IMPORTED SUROPEAN Oshawa, | ~ Standard register 1 723-3771 Sales and Free est 323 King West, 728-7552 25 working' conditior inch heav ood a cor plete, installed, ne year, $50. corner tax See all Bond towers at TR and 28-5143-4 motor, scaleg, and pep: sale, telephone p.rr Private six duplicators, chequewriters, Chairs. We buy, sell, rent, serv with budget terms. New low prices. Bill Harr or anything you have. T Store, 446 Simcoe 723-167 Sales and Ser United Rent-Alls, 352 Wilson 728-5565 tables 5862 night chests, etc, Dial 723 ever heen wor 0 Spalding golf cl luding shoes' size 8) two 3 lpurchase from Western Oll Co., 18. 1212. | 793-0194 after 5 Phone 723-|BUY AND SELL -- Good used "wrniture _{and appliances. One location only» Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, | FILTER QUEEN | Repairs to all makes vacuums | mates, | RANGE -- four-burner, lduty electric in gi | witi sell for $30. Apply 623 Olive Ave Pretty Service. } PIANO upright 52 Y TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL - on | structure, hot dipped galvanized tow |included, single all-channel antenr ncluded, guaranteed Division, $ and other grocery Pau ce e ctreet Road coffee rec-room Winchester 30-30 with case Phone 728-5097 | APPLES -- Macintosh, Delicious, and Courtland $1.25 bushel your own containers, Thickson Road North, Whitby tioned. Price $195. Telephone. H Piano Tuner 942-5547 | KNITTING MACHINE -- Very good con Price $300. All |dition, knit everything. types and colors of wool and orlon for hand-and-machine knit. -¥ able. 942-0226 ORGAN Thoma grous. Telephone FORTASLE. heat 10 attache: rooms or cottage oven fl give splendid service tele. POLAN'S tho: Travellers ear 25 Grectatt 8 ate writing desk, 48 ished to order Call 723 ito Ltd CHINA CABINST seven drawers, § washing machine USED AU TO ne RTS Wy SHOTGUN-- Ren i Dolychoke and Telephon e 728 ANTIQUE rockin Whitby 668-54 LADIES clot (new). Re automatic Excellent brown BUY sae SE dedad D dae. East, Wh toy. 468-5481, Algoma Orchards, inches high. Re-condi-| Cave| e any light socket exellent for ly bide x24", each; ANYTHING, miles east wi conditior , winged back $5 WANTED day cere for two preschool age children, vicinity Bayview Avenue Whitby, "sfaggered hours-- Telephone 668- Restaurant for sale, fully, equipped Going concern: | Owner leaving country. Must be sold at once, $4,500. Also 2 late model income homes with or without fur- niture. 1965 Chevrolet 1 ton truck low mileage, 1965 Stationwagon. Bargain -- for ca WAITRESS experienced & fo 5 pm or 5 to 1.30 a.m, No Sunday. South End Restaurant, 5 Bloor Street East. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER with her own clientele. Write Box 13653, Osh- awa Times. START THE NEW YEAR as a beauty counselor. Products also available, Tele- phone 7: 23-9349, LADIES nylon 1 hosiery ~ Make extra money selling stockings, Your own busi- Easy sales, tremendous profits. Un- matched quality and price $3, doz. and ore. Write now for free literature and Sasily aoaratarse wholesale catalogue, Resion, 10383 Hebert one part-time. Six dryers, $500, down. | t, Montresl North, Quebec ge Full price 2,500. Must sell. due to ill-l EXPERIENCED | WAITRESS, Le Chalet ness. Write Box 18376M, Oshawa Times. Steak House Whitby. After 10 a.m. 'tele- STORE and velf-contained apartment for phone 0-f77 leds inity of Park Read North and|CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER wanted, Arinenolls Telephone 723-3351. |care for two school girls, and boy years old, sive-in preferred. Apply }Lorindale Drive after 7 p.m. | ' Children in my "home, | EXPERIENCED GIRL for coffee bar and ; ivariety store, evenings 5 to 1}. Smith's Lakeview area, tele) Coffee Bar, 317 Simove South 725-3932. HOUSEKEEPER - BABYSITTER fo 0 school-age child and one year old, in Brooklin, live out. 7.30 to 5 Monday j through pricy. References please. 655+ 3107 or 723-499, URGENT, mature responsible woman to care for. three ..pre-school. children, while home,|mother work; light duties, tive in, ret erences, remuneration after six, Phone 668-4615, 328 Simcoe South 728-2061 nese, Excellent business Three BEAUTY SHOP with clientele. to a 120 1 5--Employment Wanted _ WiLL CARE FOR MOTHER with one pre-schooler will minal child, baby preferred 5 gay week, King | and Wilson area telephone 728-7872 daar seage! LADY in North Oshawa will! e for pre-s schooler in her home. Tele-! WILL DO {RONING my own or your home. Ritson Oshawa Bovle-| lvard area. Telephone 725-1601, in