-Moth-Proof Items Advised For Shopping List Ot Bride-To-Be Right now, brides-to-be are drifting dreamily throughout siores spending someining like half a billion dollars for the fur- nishings and fashions they'll be needing. So right now is the moment for a word of warning against that menace to every household- er's happiness -- the moth! Be- cause it behooves the prospec- tive bride to open her starry eyes and scan the labels on ev- ery article made of woo! (of any- other anima] fibre) for the word mitten, which means that it's been given laSting, dyed-in-the 'wool protection against the rav- ages of the most destructive wool-eating insects. Otherwise, she might just as well instruct her stationer to engrave a spe- cial invitation to moths and beatles reading '"'At home any time -- be my guests!"' Statistics show that most of the purchases our typical young couple is blithely making at this moment are of major, once-in a-lifetime calibre; the fabulous angora sweaters (hers) the dashing imported-flannel.. sleek-looking tweed-covered sec- tional (theirs) . .. the beau- dressing - gown (his) . . tiful rugs made possible by Uncle Maxwell's munificent cheque and all the hope-chest treasurers they've both been saving for, for years. Yet any one of these precious, just-this- once-let's - splurge-a-little priz es may be hideoully, hopelessly riddied with moth holes before the honeymoon is over! To prevent just such catastro- phies (which incidentally take an annual toll of roughly one billion American dollare in da- mage to fabrics and furnish- ings), the distinguished Swiss chemical firm of Geigy has de- veloped a durabie moth-proofing mixture which may be fused in- to the very fibre of vulnerable fabrics at the time of dying. The result is reliable, life-of-thep fabric freedom from the 13 most devastating types of wool- eating moths and beetles. The name for this protective process is Mitin (after the French word for month -- lamite), and Mitin safe-guarded woolens have been widely worn and enjoyed for some years in Europe and throughout rhe _ British Isles. Our honeymooning couple who travel southward to Bermuda, Barados and other points in the BWI's will discover that most of those delicious English knits and yard goods bear the reassuring Mitin label. But meanwhile, back home in the USA, the shop-bound bride who may never again be spend- ing so much money in one fell swoop is urged to make her sel- ection of blankets, coats, car- -| pets, suits sweaters and uphol-| stered pieces (anything, in fact, | that is made even in part of | | wool or any other animal fibre) | « the} from among the millions of Mi- | tin protected articles already | available in this country. Shop | wisely, shop well ... and if the label doesn't say that an item is Mitin durably moth-proofed, it has not been lastingly protect- ed with Mitinl And remember that materials that tempt the ravenous appetites of clothing moths and beetles include cash- mere, camel's hair, alpaca, ve- cuna, angora and even those la- vish fabrics that contain mink. The Geigy scientists add that diends of any of these fibres silver craftshops. © Prices shown are for a fours piece place setting: luncheon knife and fork, salad fork an@ ive o'clock teaspoon. CONVENIENT TERMS MAY BE ARRANGED BIRKS STERLING Canada's finest value your hospitality ks your tableware Enjoy your sterling when you entertain. od as well as every day of the year, at every meal; for its beauty, usefulness and value only increase with the passage of time. Prized for generations, Birks Sterling is produced in Birks' own OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ks reflected with synthetics are all the more susceptible to destruction b-y meths because the greedy crea- tures feed tO Sink tieit tecun in to just that much more fabric in order to satisfy their hunger for the natural hair. They will eat their way through yards and mounds of synthetics aven when immaculately-clean, by the way tc get at the most negligible percentage of animal fibre in the fabric. And there is precious little in the way of after-purchase moth- proofing that the bride will find effective in avoiding these unin- vited. pests. She may practical- ly dislocate a shoulder pumping sticky mixtures onto every last millimeter (she hopes) of val uable fabric, she may embark on her wedding trip reeking of mothballs instead of sachet -- and still unfold her favorite possession to find it a lacework of utterly unmendable moth holes! So it's nice to know that! there's such a thing as Mitin, and athat the Mitin protection will endure _ dependable washings and dry clean- ings without the house ever lefting a finger. In THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, Jonuory 20, 1966 713A Floral Bonnet, Bouquet Match * Not every bride knows that she can have a beautiful and inexpensive floral head-dress to match her bouquet. Decide upon your head-dress before you buy the veil or, if an heir- loom veil is being worn, the florist will design a head-dress for it. Tiny bridesmaids look lovely when carrying baskets filled with miniature roses, freesia and foliage and trimmed with befuddled and beleagured bride is not exhorted to do it herself, It must be accomplish- ed in the seething dye vats, un- der factory-controlled conditions --and easily can be, at a cost of a few pennies per yard. Mitin is odorless, non-toxic, and has absolutely no effect on the fee] of even the most fragile lady of the) fabric. Yet Geigy researchers | (who won imternational fame | and a Nobel prize for their de- | fact this is one case where the! velopment of DDT insecticedes). the fabric of their dresses. The head-dress can be made to match. . Bouquet, posies and button- holes --sometimes without fern and silver wrapping -- will be delivered at a _ pre-arranged time at the bride's home. Keep them in the coolest place in the house, though not in the refrig- erator, and occasionally spray them with a fine mist spray. Expert decoration of the church or reception hal] is well worth the extra cost since plants and flowers soften hard, dull outlines--especially in a re- ception hall. Plants need only be hired for part of the day which helps te keep down the cost. For a touch of sentiment, why not decorate your wedding cake with flowers similar to those in your boquet? These can be made into two miniature posies, and, at the end of the reception, the bride can hand one to her mother ond one to her mother in-law. A pretty way of saying "thank you" to two people who will be missing their children. OSHAWA For The Fresh Vital Look of BRIDE try the Elizabeth Arden way to natural beauty WHITBY Take along the Ardenette--a compact little kit containing the Elizabeth Arden beauty essentials. All the ingredients you need for complexion care anywhere, packed into this elegant, blue plastic case fitted with unbreakable travel bottles. JURY & LOVELL wm. Cosmetic Department BOWMANVILLE 2A PEED BM he de ge ths ete 5, PLE DED LESAN AP IEEE EE ERE TEE HOE MEE BE EE RA ETE TT WAC RRC THEE AEN AOE HT TE ET Re AE NETH