Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jan 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY Annexation Report Is Being Prepared i) = Te a WHITBY {Staff} The ques--The annexation study is cur-| 5.» read to a new development tion of whether Whitby can an-|rently being prepared by the was the subject of a hot discus- Tully msds We cinistied on corn. (Municipal Planning Consultants, -- at the Monday town coun- pletion of an annexation report|of Toronto, The council recsived| (te ons tee Witty fad now being prepared. Town coun-|notification--of the study's stat:| arate School Board. cil was informed Monday even-|us in a letter over the sign-' 'phe Separate School trustees 'To Meet jtion of whether a school board 'Town Council Planning WHITBY (Staff) -- The ques-|the expense of servicing its pro-| Mayor Desmond Newman sug-| the occasion their daughter and | 2 ? Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tobin, te 'ele) O 202 Warden - Wilson, celebra- {is ted their 25th wedding anni- |versary Jan. 16. To celebrate {posed building. "Let's not fool | gested council might be well ad- | son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Mar- ourselves," he quipped. "You/|vised to rewrite the policy to},; | ' tin Hanley, Marland ave., Osh- lean. take it out of one pocket|allow. roads to be opened for awa, entertained at a {amily or the other but it is all the|school purposes. He concurred) ,. | é "A | dinner, when the eight daugh- }same in the end. win Deputy Reeve Brooks and} i : i a ' ; | ters of the celebrants were pre- Deputy Reeve Brooks noted | Cagmcillor McCarl in their sug-| 05+ Later in the evening that if the separate school board | gestion of a special meeting. | riends and neighbors-eame to is charged for extending Burns| The council will hold a spe-| otro, tisir best. wishes ant pre- |st. to accommodate the school, cial meeting with. representa-| .n1.q My. and Mis, etn WHITBY . j Tue OoHAWA.YaMME. Wedmesdey, tan PERSONALS (Whitby Taxable Assessment r ay 19, 1986 Og One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpeper and Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom @ C.LL. Paints and Vernishes © Flo-Gleze Colorizer Paipts Increased Million Dollars WHITBY . (Staff) -- Taxable,1.30 per cent. The lowest esti- assessment in Whitby is up $1,-|mate in the assessment struc- 000,000 over last. year, itjture is mnufacturing and in- was reported by R. Harding,|dustrial assessment _ totaling assessment commissioner. The! $4,053,870 or 17 per cent. y written report was revealed iti) Jn making the report to coun- detail at the Monday council/ oj), the nessdaatiet comecimtan meeting. jer advised the total assessment The taxable assessment forjof $23,840,395 is subject to! 1966 is estimated at $23,840,395.)chnge due to appeals to the DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 ing, the report will be 'com-jature of Derek J. W. Little, are planning to build a new|the road would then belong to tives of all three school systems| \ith numerous gifts 16 AS pleted by mid-February. ° professional engineer. lschool in the Burns st. area.|the board and not the town. He/sitting in. The idea is to pool| : ? . [This is an actual inctease of|county judge and appeats enter-| . The council tentatively agreed agreed with a suggestion by|the combined thinking of coun-| Cathy, daughter of Mr, and| $1,122,445 over last year. The'ed against 12 month supple-, School Board Seeks Office Space '10 the proposal but ig"divided|Councillor Vernon McCarl that} cil and school boards. The meet-| yrs Benson Brown, is celebra- comparison includes the assess-/mentary assessment for 1966. The Whitby Public Schooljboard chairman and one for the puild an extension to Burns st.|to clear up the problem. in its thinki s to who should|a special meeting should be held inz will be held Jan. 28 at 7|,, ment picture as of Jan. 1, 1966 i Ree Sc in its thinking as to who should pecial m gS Py jting her fourth birthday today.|and the same date for the pro- The total resident population) Board's request for additional/school superintendent and sec-\tg accommodate the school. office space will be seriously|retary, five consultants, secre- figure was reported as 14,758. | considered by town council, with|tary treasurer and staff. The DEFINITELY UNFAIR a report expected in two or|maintenance supervisor also re-- Heading the discussion, Coun- three months. A recommenda-|quires office space, it was stat-|cillor Hugh O'Connell stated he tien from the town's property|ed in a detailed letter to council.| would object to a school paying | committee to this affect, was} In addition to the required|the cost of opening the road as adc ted by council Monday ey- office facilities are also required ong as he sat on council, He ening. i ie _. \Said it made no difference The school trustees seck a tot-/for storage of office supplies. jwhether the school was under al 3,800 square feet of space.| The letter stated the trustees|the 'separate, public or secon- The space would provide faci-|are 'willing to enter into a lease' dary system. lities for a boardroom and con-|for a stated period of time, "yoy are asking a school ference area, an office for the!preferably two years. board to pay for opening a street which could later be Whitby Centennial Project Approved lclassed as a public road," he : : d charged. He said this was def- Whitby has finally received|the former County Court House} jnjtely unfair. the 'green light' on its Cent-|to a community centre is ex- Reeve Everett Quantrill de- ennial project. Approval of the)pected to cost. an approximate) hated the question. He said the former County Court House as/$50,000 leaving the town a bal-| whithy Public School Board had the centennial Mroject has been! ance of $25,036 to raise. opened its owf road to service received fy the Department Current plans are for the leas-| the Palmerston st. school. "The of Municipal Affairs, it was an- ing of the building for 99 years Public school board paid for all nounced at the council meeting |seryices and the opening of the Monday evening. ¥ jroad,"' he said. "A policy has Under the terms of the Cen-\ity centre. Numerous town Org-| peep established," he added. tennial grants program the townjanizations have already made wr Q'Connell suggested he will receive a grant of $24,964,/arrangements or plans to MOV) cared little for any policy that the maximum grant available|into the building on its compl-|paq peen set and pointed out for this project. Conversion of etion. the council should attempt to . s . | ess i forward direction. Special Provision For Pedestrians ie sussested the policy: shoul He suggested the policy should Road widening in Whitby will| Under .the terms of the pro- ig Fon Egg and that it could pose no particular problem for|vision, the contractor will = pedestrians, it was noted byjrequired to maintain at his own town council, Monday evening./expense, a four-foot wide con- The contractor awarded thejcrete or asphalt sidewalk on task of widening Dundas st. e.|one side of the street at all will be responsible for main-|times. This applies to all side taining pedestrian traffic. |streets and Dundas st. w., be- A letter from the Ontario De-|tween Brock and Anderson sts., partment of Highways stated| including the railroad under special provision has been made! pass ; | yide services to the fro the pedestrians. The town| 'The provision coincides with ed to provi vices. will not be obligated to provide} school where no services now a temporary sidewalk when road|epartment plans for the cre- existed and this could cost the widening crews tear up the ex-\ation of a four-lane highway taxpayers a great deal of ti i ik 1 he|betw Brock st., Whitby, east-) Money. pa aidewa wie gi Mode te Oukaee. r A Mr. O*'Connell asked who the lreeve thought would pay the Council To Meet Bus Operators and conversion to the commun- Mr. Quantrill suggested the council could. be setting a pre- cedent that may cost the town a lot of money. He said the pub- \lic school board may want to jdevelop a school in the Pine st. area which would be far re- moved from services of any |kind. The council could be ask- | | Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Oster- | s 4 * | hout and daughter, Joyce,, spent} un as t 1dewa | the weekend with the latters' s {brother and sister-in-law, Mr. ' and Mrs. Arnold Chase and 'Expected To Cost 519,000 isi" es cue an Johnson Oram ceeding year. Residential and farm assess-| ment made up the largest por-| tion of the total assessment pic-| 1c : ture with a total taxable assess- men BECKER Ss me? ment of $15,663,225, or 65.70 per| 7 e cent. Next in line is the pro- fessional and commercial ass- | +a THE ORIGINAL MILK JUG STORE BUY THE BEST FOR LESS AT BECKER'S: : z : ; and daughters, Sh Nan- WHITBY (Staff) -- Sidewalk|the project is estimated at $5,-) oy pre eS agg fay ee construction in Whitby will cost] 298.78 of which the corporation| for a family dinner to celebrate} ported at the Monday council | Owners will handle the balance) meeting. The sidewalk will! bejin the amount of $2,254.32. constructed on both sides of Dun fiance, John Pisani, entertain- das st. e. running easterly to| : jed her at a dinner and dance the town limits. It will coincide structed under 'local improve-|t Spruce Villa Hotel. Other with current plans for widening |ments' replacing an existing| guests were also present. Highway 2, bringing ,the two-|sidewalk, The special assess- lane. road up to a four-lane ar- tery. A new sidewalk will be con- On the occasion of Miss Mar- jorie Green's birthday, her The entire project will be con- ; Sod Se Callers over the weekend at ment is to be paid in five equal| the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will- installments, The property ow-| iam Simpson were Mr, and Mrs. structed on the north side of ners annual rate per footage, Bernard Hansen, Scarborough. Dundas st. e., fom Garden st.\is estimated at 41 Joey Vella celebrated his 16th to the eastern Ifmits'#f the town, 'lineal foot birthday Jan 17. On Saturday cents per a distance of 3,686.11 foot front- es cnet Se ADAM age. Total flankage included in this program amounts to 240 feet. The total distance will cost $3.50 per lineal foot, a total jof $13,741.39: The report indicated the cor-| poration will pay $7,290.78 of the total cost; while property own- ers will be responsible for the balance, a total of $6450.61. Pro-| perty owner's share will be bas- ed on a per: lineal foot cost of $1.75. The south side of Dundas st. e., included in the sidewalk pro- gram will consist of a_ total 1,488.22 lineal feet both front- age and flankage. This portion of the project will stretch from Hopkins st. easterly to the town | limits. ' Total cost of this phase of| WE'VE REDUCED PRICES ON ALL PRESENT STOCK. ' Space is needed immediately for New Manager's merchandise. New Manager's essment total of $4,123,000 or, Prices Effective Wed., Jan. 19th -- Sot., Jan. 22nd | se Pacer meme ORANGE JUICE... 39° REG, 89% 79° DONUTS __......25° The BECKER MILK Store BLAIR PARK PLAZA -- WHITBY OPEN 9 A.M. -- 11 P.M. -- 7 DAYS A WEEK ja surprise birthday party was jheld when members of the or-| \chestra in which Joey plays were in attendance. They are: |Fred Brooks, Steve Samanski, |Larry Heffering, and Mike Rog- fers: Other guests were also pres- jent, The Whitby General Hospital| |Women's Auxiliary held an ex-! jecutive meeting at the home of] |Mrs, R. P. Matthews, 368 Fair-| view dr., to prepare for the Jan' 24' general meeting at Kath- 'een Rowe School at 8 p.m, costs if the school board bore The Whitby council will take action on the request of rate- cil will meet with the represen-| tatives at a Jan. 24 committee WHITBY BROCK One Complete Program Each Evening -- Starting at 7:30 payers for a bus service to the|meeting. A report and recomm- Northview Heights subdivision,,|endation is expected to be turn- | it was revealed at the Monday|ed over to the council the same| 1S THE KEY IN HIS MIND. council meeting. Council willjevening for further action. meet with two representatives of firms desiring to provide the requested service. The council's action follows closely on the heels of a pet- ition submitted by the North-| view Heights residents, signed by more than 140 citizens. Coun-/ EXCHANGE 2.97 WINTER FOILS FLIGHT | Plus Your Trade WAYNESVILLE, N.C. (AP)-- ! Arlin Barker was walking along| SPORTSMAN S a street in 15-degree weather) when he hailed a police cruisr. CORNER "Let me in, I'm freezing to| 103 Byron St. $., Whitby death," said the 23-year-old es-| One Block West of 4 Corners capee from a prison road gang. | 3 | SKATE | Also -- Second Feature Attraction "TAKE HER SHE'S MINE" in Color Sterring -- JAMES STEWART end SANDRA DEE OR IN HER ARMS? A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Bald LAST 3 DAYS -- Fry Thurs., Fri. & Sat.-- Jan. 20, 21, Our 3rd. Anniversary . Of & 22nd REDUCED from Every Article of Merchandise 20% 50% 321 BROCK ST. S. ~ WHITBY PLAZA - ist Entire Stock of Girls', Ladies', Boys' and Men's Wear, All at Prices to Clear! MERCANTILE DEPARTMENT STORE PH. 668-3468 30" x 48" b' neflt rine con PF ou Yo! neh nim ce oe = apien® eti* ane eo O*Rine yew eu pate wie sn y? SALE NO MONEY DOWN, UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY eases of unforeseen hardship, We finance our ewn eredit enabling us te give special consideration te HERE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE SUPER-SAVINGS 3-PC. is 2-PC, CHESTERFIELD Reg. 199.95 169" 5-PC. KITCHEN SET Reg. 69.95 HAs Continental Beds Full 39" width with smooth top mattress in a high grade damosk tick- 9 ing. Complete with . 5 headboard. Teflon Cookware 11 pe. set consisting of 3 sauce- 26 KITCHEN SET Consisting of largeReg. 109.95 36" x 60" arborite 95 table ond 6 contour . shaped chairs, > Cdénsisting of double dresser, chest and book- cose. bed, Covered in @ hard w earing frieze cover, Choice of color, Walnut topped arborite table with 4 well podded chairs. pons, dutch oven, skillet, nylon spatula and spoon, 23" CONSOLE T.V. =" 2398 function, power transformer, hond wired chassis, WITH TRADE 2-PC. CHESTERFIELD Modern slim 4-Reg. 239.95 seater styling, with a wide range | QQ 95 of colorsto | . choose from. HIGH CHAIRS .... 13,88 SCATTER MATS ...... 2.99 CHILDS ROCKER .. 14,88 CUSHIONS CARD TABLE ces, M88 BLANKETS ceceees «4,88 BEDSPREADS we 3,88 STEP TABLES ........ 8.88 30" Electric Range Compeore with lift-off oven eer A door and timer 1 95 outlet. Fully automatic REGENT REFRIGERATOR 10 cu. ft. modetn 'efrigerator features 9 full width freezer section holding 36 95 lbs, chiller tray and ¥ dial defrost. Bed Chesterfield 2 cushion bed ches- terfield converts toReg. 239.95 on actual bed thet can-sisep 2-odults 95 in comfort. Boucle . fabric. Wagon Wheel Bunk Beds Solidly made consisting of bunk beds, guard rail, Reg. 89.95 springs and spring 95 filled mattresses. 3-PC. Reg. 249.95 SPECIAL 209% CRIB OUTFIT Large size 28" x 54', Complete withReg. 54.95 plostic covered mat- tress and bumper 95 pod Regent Electric Dryer With large nylon lint trap con- viently located on ' SPECIAL top. Safety switch d) stops drum when 1] 95 door is opened, r 3-PC. LUGGAGE SET Consisting of trainReg. 44.95 case, weekend case 95 and wardrobe case. . Gunsisting oF large triple dressér, chest ond panel bed. REGENT WASHER 9 Ib. tub eopac- Reg, 139.95 ity. Complete ' with" pump ond 109" bakelite agitator. 5-PC. KITCHEN SET Large 36" x 60'Reg. 89.95 arborite table and 4 matching chairs. §9: Chrome finish. 2-Pe, Davenport Covered in @ hardwearing dur- Reg. 209.95 able cover. Con- verts easily into 189% a bed. 4'6" MATTRESS With 252 coil spring Reg. 49.95 construction and lay- ers of white felt pad- 39% ing. 3-PC. Consisting of Reg. 239.95 large 9 drower triple dresser, 1 §9 95 chest and ponel * » bed. 2-PC, CHESTERFIELD Covered in aReg. 239.95 189% hard - wearing nylon covering. Open daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday night till 9! 23 KING ST., W. In Whitby, 103 Dundes St. W. Tel, 668-2933 TEL, 725-6535 AND Bowmanville, 26 King St. &. Tel. 623-3808

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