at TT Wave You Treo Ulli ' wr WELL, WHAT 1P coin UNDER +} "OUR ROBE? Do OU -KNOVL?. P (IM WEARING THEM < ba il '$ SO WORKED UP 'BOUT DAISY MAE BEIN' TH*MOST DESIRABLE GAL IN TH' WORLD /! _ gs fA NOT YOUR LEGAL GUARDIAN AND MY LAWYER TELLS ME A MESS OF LEGAL RED TAPE TO UNWIND TO. BE APPOINTED GUARDIAN TWINK, "THE OFFICE A MESS ! HOW ABOUT FIXIN' THINGS UP4/ THE SIMPLEST Hivede yong BE ADOPTION-- LAWS OF THIS STATE A CERTAIN SAY A SINGLE MAN j THATS CANNOT ADOPT A CHILD = ANP IM NOT MARRIED -- AND 1M NOT LIKELY TO 8E-- ' NOT. THAT I WOULPNT LIKE SOMEBODY, THAT'S NOT WH MEANT!!! es HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO You, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO You! APPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES r CASEY! ARE YOU BACK THERES T YOU? OY How BLD | ewan WR VOICE! [SAVED FROM GCHOOLWORK BY AN EXPERIENCE WITH A SKUNK ,JACK MI jg, EDUCATION DIRECTLY FROM TO THE FAMILY « Ween, Bee. JECTION, SINCE THE RE' OF HIS. HUNTING ARE 'FEED THE 10 CHIL iN .D OFFER LITTLE THE LONE RANGER TWO MALLARDS WILL MAKE LIFE IN OHIO 18 HARD, AND IN 1878 2 WHEN JACK 19 /3) He HEARS PACK UP { WERE MOVING SECRET AGENT X39 DONALD DUCK OR,NO, ROSALINDA/ you DIPN'T) | INVITE HIM HERE / YES, MAAM~--* FRESH" 1S "THE BRAND NAME! THANKS, GRANDMA, FO OFFERING TO TAKE LITTLE LEROY FOR A RIDE IN HIS STROLLER, BUT IT'S BROKEN / ae THIS SILLY-LOOKIN' MUTT 4 HAPPENS TBE A FULLBL REGISTERED, GENUINE DACHSHUND... «-/A SQUARE WITH MORE LINEAGE THAN LINE, HE'S GONE TO ALL THE RIGHT SCHOOLS, SAYS ALL THE RIGHT THINGS AND, IN SPITE OF THAT,. I'M MAD FOR HIM! 7° THAT'S EVE JONES, MY NEW ROO CROSSWORD -- ACROSS 1, Rattle 6. Actor Rathbone 11. Cleaner 12. By oneself 13, Eager 14. Journalistic "John Hancock" 15. Member of court proverbial 14, Exclama- trio tions 16. Proof- reader's mark 19. Stacks of hay 20, Cuban dance 21, Cherished animal 5. Stammering sound 6. Mississippt creek 7. Entire amount 8. Sod 9, Wayside hotels 10. Old English 16. Sea worm 17. Assault boat 128.US. president 21. Shows compassion 23. Java tree 27. Put out 22. Yellow bugle 24, Cab- bage palm 25. Verb form 26, Un- happy 28. Prayer ending 30. God of war: Gr. 32. Soothing 38. Lard, word, when butter, ete. repeated 39, Allowance 33. Grape for weight refuse 41. Firearm. 42, Chemical salt Goddess of justice Yesterday's Answer 34, German river 35. So. Am. 44, rodent 28. Beetle 29. Small nail 30, Walked e 1 8 {9 10 slowly . Freshet . Proverbs éZ, Vega, for one YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Moiner: I was told some years ago that I didn't have" hydrochioric~acid--in-my| stomach<to aid digestion The} doctor gave me a bottle of it but did not tell me to continue it. Recently I read in a book that} anyone without hydrochloric! acid should take a certain num-| ber of drops every day before! each meal and wonder if 1} should do so again. Also does) this harm the stomach?--M. F. First, do not--I repeat, do not} start taking this without your| doctor's instructions. j Hydrochloric acid is one of| several digestive juices which) the stomach needs to break up} Hf food into forms which we can absorb However, this. acid is in very dilute form. We need very little | Channe! 2--Butfalo Channel Channel +2--1 Spy Channel Channet Channel Channel 9%. Channel 11--Hamiltee (tormemnee nae serens ee WRONESOAY EVE. 5:00 PLM. N--Femily Theetre -- | 9--Five O'clock Show i iperman &~--Passport Te Adventure| @--Metre 3--Secret Squirrel | €-Viewpoint 6-3--Festival 5:30 P. 7--Rocketship 7 SLeeve it Te Sawer 6--Music Hop 3--Hudson Bay 6:00 P.M, |The Saint 6--Sports o-Mevie |-3--MIdweek 6--Newscap | | ty | 9-43--News; Weelher { and Sports $--Huntley-Brinkiey 7--Cheyenne 7:00 P.M. | jand { | 4--Gypsy 2--Dobie 10:00 4--The Heneymecners 3-12 O'clock High --_|1!---Whiplash +-2--Fractured gee le a a a ive 7:30 P.M, 1\--Green Acres 9--Gidget Vir 1i--Ed Allen 'ginlas: 7--Omle end Warviet 6--The Courriers Sing 4--New York Philharmonic | 7--Donne | 8: Special Movie *--My Favorite Marten 7--Patty Duke Show 63--Okay Crackerberry 8:30 P.M. o-- Mr. And &2--Morning Hydrochloric Acid Helps Break Food By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD of it, although we do not need that small amount. Ordinary hydrochloric acid is far too strong, and would, being a corrosive acid, cause a pain- ful burn. It has to be diluted on the order of one drop of acid to 500 drops of water--pretty weak, in other words. And only a small amount of this weakened solu- tion is required each day A doctor's prescription is ne cessary to get the proper solu- tion. AMOUNT VARIES Second, I removed from your letter the number of drops which your book suggested. The Chicago at Montreal | 7--Gidget i } 6&3--Bob Hope 4--Beverty Hil!biities 9:00 P.M. 7--The Big Valley | 8-2--Bob Hope 4--Green Acres 9:30 PLM, 6-3--Festivai 4--Dick Van' Dyke 11:20 |8-2--Paradise ) 4--Dick Van TELEVISION LOG | 10:00 P.M. \ll--Merv Griffin Show 7--Amos Burke | Secret Agent | 4--Danny Kaye Show | 10:30. P.M. | %--Sports Hot Seat | 7----ABC Scope | 11:00 P. | 1O8-7-6-43-3-- News Weather, Sports W:15 PLM, Pinel oy ] 11:20 P.M, i | M+--Lete Show | eMight Metre 11:30 P.M, j 11:40 PM, | %-Plerre Berton 12:30 A.M. 1l--News; Weather; Sports 9:00 A.M. | ®-Playtime With Uncle | Bobby Rose Lee Gillis 4-1 Love Lucy } 10:30 A.M, | &Bingo |2--Concentration Reed |63--Friendly Glant 4--The McCoys 10:45 A.M, 00 P.M, |&3--Chez Helene 11:00 A.M, 1i--Mike Douglas Star | .7--Supermarket Sweep NHL Hockey |4-3--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Mayberry 11:15 A.M, S--Summer Fun 4--Flelds Of Sacrifice |4+3--Across Canade | 11:20 A.M, | %Abracadabra 12:00 NOON %--Toronto Today O--Call My Biett 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date B--Pepeye and Pale | 12:18 P.M. | 4--Spesker of The Mouse M. j 12:30 P.M, |11--Noon Time | ®t Love Lucy #-2--Let's Play 64--Search For Tomorre' | Popart } 12:45 P.M, | @4--Guiding . ight | 1:00. P.M, Theatre - %--Morning Star S--Matines | Ben Casey | &--Luncheon Date | 4--AMeet the Millers Theatre | Summer Carousel | @-ddlke The og Le | 1:30 PLM, | 9--James Beard Show +4-As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, | %Kids is People 7--Nurses 64--Password 2--Days of Our Lives | 2:18 P.M, | Dear Charlotte | 2:30 P.M. %--Peopie in Confiiel |8.2..The. Doctors 7--A -Time For Us 4--Love That Bob AM. | 4--Linkletter's Party | Movie 3:00 P.M, 'l--Donna Reed ractured Phrases 3--Bonnle Prudden Show OB--Anether Werid ¥--Beoneral M jeaptid }43--To Tell The Trvth "9130. PM. Phrases 7--Superman Show +3--Take 20 o 2--Kartoon Karnivet 4:00 P.M. --Mickey Mouse Club 8--The Match @eme | 7--Early Show | 1l--Bonnie Prudden 4--feoret = Sorm S--Recky end His Friends Mra. 4:30 PLM. A.M, Atom Ant y--Hary thew 63--Razzie Damie Bay | 4--The 4-Thirty Show Dyke Show) 3--Huckleberry (Top individual Championship Ploy) umes a nara THE SSHAWA TIMES, 2S - Wednesday. January 19, 1966 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER record-holder in Masters' South dealer, Neither side vulnerable, Opening lead--ace of spades.. Of all the conventions ever devised in bridge, one of the most valuable is Blackwood, but--strangely enough--the one most' often abused is this self- same Blackwood. For example, take this hand- played by France and Argen- tina in 1961. When the Argem tines held the North-South cards, the bidding went as shown, Four notrump was Black- wood; five hearts showed two aces. Why South passed is hard to explain, since the knowledge that the opponents had-an ace was not in itself a good reason for passing. After all, an ace takes one trick, not two, and it was hard- ly conceivable that the oppon- ents could take two tricks in por face of North's forcing twe Instead of four notrump, South shoulds have said either five hearts or six, either call being acceptabe depending upon his style. Of course, North would have bid six if South had elected to envite a slam by bid- ding five. From North's view- point twelve tricks were prac- tically sure since, South would already have made two forward- going bids. The French North-South pair bid the hand as follows; North 1 2 4 4 ' 6NT Be Some of these bids are diff _ cult to understand, because the French pair were playing relay. bids designed to elicit certain special information from part- ner. Thus, the one spade re- sponse was a relay bid. The complicated sequence did not prevent the French pair from reaching the exceptionally sound contract of six notrump, North added an amusing note to the proceedings by jumping to six notrump, instead of six hearts, on the basis that he could protect his king of spades better by being declarer. He did not realize that his partner would be the declarer in either case. East Pass BIRDS PLAN GETAWAY Bobwhite quail sleep in a cir- cle with the heads pointing out- ward so that all can fiy away without colliding, if disturbed. SALLY'S SALLIES Lose "Station BLAH signing latest news. Sorry if sounded dull tonight." SKATE X-CHANGE bar You Can Exchange Skates Thet Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. knowing whether you still need, any supplemental shortage of acid in the stomach. | Other times there is no particu-| lar reason for the shortage, ex- cept -that-it- is more occur a8 we grow older and our} body chemistry slows down The fact that you needed a few drops of dilute acid several! years ago may or may not mean that you need it now. If you are having any trouble digesting your food, by all means go to a doctor, and tell him that in the past yoti needed this additional acid, Let him de- cide whether you need it now, and how much Actually, a few drops a day amount can be either more or less than that Third, until your doctor ex- amines you, there is no way of of this very weak acid.can do wonders for people who need it ~--but can be irritating to those who pglready have enough. acid. Some|jamong older folks and some- ailments are known to cause a\times among younger ones, too. The need is not uncommon Dear Dr. Molner: 1 was told that one should not rub a leg eramp because it is a blood clot. True or false?--Mrs. D. F. If every leg cramp meant a blood clot, just about all of us would be limping. What you were told is false. The vast ma- jority of leg cramps, whether in children or adults, are due to becoming overtired or over- tense. The muscles go into spasm. Gentle rubbing is a good method of first-aid as it helps WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & relax the muscles. (In older folks, deficient circulation and hardenifig of the arteries may be part of the cause. And even then, gentle massage may help, RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224 | and certainly won't harm.) ae