Skiing Said Suicidal By Ausirian Experts Bill Crothers T ™ =6p.--sMaa21 QO LTy mue NEW YORK (AP)--Bill Cro- thers of Markham, Ont., rated Mantle In Mayo Clinic For 3-Day Examination ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP) --|baseman, a position Mantie hes by many the world's best half- Pein peat ig _~ UP{ been reluctant to assume in the é miler currently i ition,|his major league baseball ca- Q By ERIC WAHA quires what the experts call up-; Austrian head coach Sepp Sul-|will step up to wth BIE one reer arise first base for New past, Now, however, he admits BAD. GASTEIN, Austria (AP)| weighting." _ zberger had made films of the|challenge Kenya's Keino Kip-|York Yankees, depending upon|he's giving it some seriqus To be successful in an interna-| A top Austrian expert, Franz|top French slalom skier, 22-|choge in the Millrose Games|what Mayo Clinic doctors learn thought. tlonal slalom nowadays, skiers|Hoppichler, said: year-old Killy, to find out whatihere Jan. 27. is wrong with his ailing right must he ready to commit hara-| '"'If the new generation of Au-|makes him run. But whatever) Howie Schmertz meet direc-| shoulder, kiri; + strian skiers want to win again, |Sulzberger learned from theitor, said Monday Crothers'| Mantle: arrived Monday for That is the colorful descrip-|they must copy the hara - kiri|film has not yet been applied by| coach, Fred Foot of Toronto,jthree days of examination, tion Austrian experts use for a/slalom." the skiers. had entered the athlete in the|tests and possible treatment. of new slalom style practised by| "They must learn to go all| The sequence of pictures/mile and had writter: 'We his shoulder and legs, which French, Canadian and Ameri-jout. The Auswian youngsters|showed Killy and one of the/hope you can get Keino." hampered his outfield play in can ski aces. have lost this ability. They want/best Austrians, Gerhard Ne-| "Well, we've got Keino and/1965. , The Austrians, Germans,|to 'play it safe." That is why|nning, using a clearly different|{his shapes up as an outstand-| The shoulder is Mantle's big- Swiss and Italians have so farjthey have failed to break into/style. Killy was the wirner-of|ing race,' Schmertz said. gest worry. He has played on failed to adopt it. _____|the world elite." that race. , | Others in the field are Josef|painful legs much of his 15- "Hara-kiri slalom" artists in- |Odlozil of Czechoslovakia,|year American League career. clude Jean-Claude Killy and the jOlympic silver medallist at) "It doesn't pain me,"' he said famed Goitschel sisters, Mari- 11,500 metres; Bob Day ofjof the shoulder, "but I can elle and Christine of France. /UCLA, who has run a 3:56.4|hardly lift if, I can't put any- The Goitschel sisters and |mile, Keith Forman of the U.S./thing on a throw." Canada's Nancy Green, of Ross- {marines, and veteran Ergas} The Mayo examination ap- land, B.C., are the favorites for |Leps of Toronto. parentlY will determine AFL Boss Investigates na ge te Moga opening Disputed Player Trade pone gee a ergy TAKE RISKS | HOUSTON (AP) -- Commis-|- The five - (player trade, an- | Detroit Blanks a symptom of age. Mantle was' The new style means to take|sioner Joé~Foss has withheld|nounced Saturday\py the Oil-| 34 last Oct. 20. every riskin the wild ride down 6 abhi of the pee Page os ng was immediatély- greeted | ' Because of the shoulder, the a slalom course. If you stand|involving Ernie Ladd and Harl|by a verbal blayé from Sid T iego thst unior eam BIG DAY FOR DON Don Demeter, Detroit Tiger outfielder, drove in seven runs in a nine-inning game with Kan- sas City, Aug. 12, 1965. SALES & © SERVICE VOLKSWAGEN WERNER'S SERVICE CENTRE MANCHESTER and Highway No, 12 985-7162 yA 1 ALA | y Yankees may try to convert the | up, you have a good chance eg > soph bee en errr pose ed San win. while' he investigates tamper-jand general "manager. Gillman i But the new style requires|ing charges--and at the same|criticized Houston owner Bud| HAMILTON (CP) -- Ab Mc- more than dare-devil courage. |time has pointedly squashed ru-|Adams for issuing' inflamma-|Donald and Paul Henderson It is a marked change from|mors of his removal as head of|tory monetary statements and|Scored two goals each Monday the wedeln (wagging the tail)/th American Football League.|thus "weakening the Chargers' night to lead Detroit Red Wings technique of the Austrians,' Foss, in holding up the trans-|bargaining position." of the National Hockey League COLAVITO CHATS WITH HIS BOSS Rocky Colavito (left), Cleveland Indians' out- fielder, cliats with Gen. Wil- liam D. Eckart, baseball great outfielder into a first! New Home Recipe Reducing Plan . for the Cleveland commissioner, before Cola- He was, picked vito was honored as the honor by the Indians 'Man of the Year'. baseball writers. NHL Clubs Bunched With Year Half Over 4 MONTREAL (CP)--Only one) Charlie Hodge rank first with 92)|Mohns, Chi 11 18 29 : : Hay, Chi 10 18 28 Roger Crozier of Detroit leads! rsposito, Chi 13 14 27 Mahovlich, Tor 12 14 26 |Maki, Chi 8 18 26 point separates the top three| against. | teams in the National Hockey} League as the current season in shutouts with six. moves into its second half. | yyyMAN IS SECOND Despite the phenomenal scor-)""y" the scoring race, Ullman ing pace of left winger Bobby|i, second with 48, points, 11| Hull, Chicago Black Hawks lost/tewer than Hull and four more their first - place margin Poss than Stan Mikita of Chicago. week and now are tied for first} Ancien ts foun wih @ which has assured them of a domineering position in alpine skiing for many years. This po- dians and Swiss. A wedler uses a smooth heel-| push to make a turn. A "'hara-| kiri' skier tries to make the \turn by shifting his weight from 3gone ski to the other without re- 19| ducing speed. sioner. 35\and gives the skier a_ little 38| breathing spell for the turn. sition has been challenged by|ston Oilers in a five - player the French, Americans, Cana- trade, climaxed a day in which he reaffirmed his position verb-|424 wound up with 14 players ally and then backed it by em-| plying his powers as commis- 14) Technically, the new style re- and the next day. action that sent the two. mam-| : moth defensive linemen to Hou-| meanwhile, selected 16 of the) tors, | | | Asked Monday about the ru-| Dolphins picked were Buffalo| mors that the owners plan to/ flanker Bo Roberrson, the Bills') CINCINNATI (AP) -- Sidney 2\ 'The heel - push curbs speed|¥Y up his contract, Foss said: |jeading receiver last season,| Weil, 75, former owner of Cin-| pi, "T am still on duty and will| and guard Billy Neighbors of|cinnati Reds baseball team, be tomorrow and the next day|Boston Patriots, an all-AFL se-|died Friday after a traffic acci- to a 6-0 shutout over Hamilton a6 '|Red Wings before 3,311 specta- new Miami Dolphins 32 players they will receive un-| der the AL's stocking formula Hamilton, a Detroit farm club, is in fourth place in the |Junior A Ontario Hockey Asso- who had been starters at times| ie er last season for their respective | vecchio also scored for Detroit. clubs. Among the players the| WEIL DIES lection in 1964, dent. ¢ Floyd Smith and Alex Del, It's simple how quickly one may lose pounds of unsightly fat right in your own home, Make this home recipe yourself. It's easy, no trouble at all and costs little. Just go to your drug store and ask for four ounces of Naran Concentrate. Pour this into a pint bottle and add enough grapefruit juice to'fill the bottle. Take two tablespoons full a day as needed and follow the Naran ™m If your first purchase does not show you a simple easy way to lose bulky fat and help regain slender more graceful curves; if reducible pounds and inches of excess fat don't disappear from neck, chin, arms, abdomen, hips, calves and ankles just return the empty bottle for your money back. Follow this easy way en- dorsed by many who have tried this plan and help bring back alluring curves and graceful slenderness. Note how quickly bloat disappears--how much bet- ter you feel. More alive, youthful appearing and active. N with Montreal Canadiens. Each} team has 46 points, one more; than the climbing 'Detroit Red) Wings. | Toronto Maple Leafs are points and is tied with Ullman for the leadership in assists, each with 26. Detroit's Gordie Howe is the fourth with 39, followed by New/fifth - ranking scorer with 40 York Rangers with 26 and Bos-| Points. ton Bruins with 18. Hull's latest scoring splurge was a four-goal effort against New York Sunday night, the second time he has scored four goals in a game this season and the fourth time in his nine«year NHL, career. NHL statistics released today show Hull leading the league's individual scoring parade in both goals; with 36, and total points, 59. SHARES RECORD He has 33 games remaining in which to score the 15 goals nec- essary to break the record of 50 in a s@ason, which he holds jointly with former Montreal stars Maurice (Rocket) Richard and Bernie (Boom Boom) Geof- frion. Hull's scoring achievements have earned him $500 as first- half leader in the scoring race, while Norm Ullman of Detroit|- gets $250 as runner-up. Ullman was tied at 42 points with Bobby Rousseau of Montreal after all the clubs had played 35 games, but Ullman gets the award be- cause he had scored one more goal than Rousseau. | Chicago goaltender Glenn Hall receives $250 as the top net- minder at the half-way mark. Chicago had 86 goals against af- ter 35 games, while Detroit and Montreal had 91 against. The goaltending race tight- ened during the weekend, and} now only nine goals separate the top, four teams. Montreal's Lorne (Gump) Worsley and No More Surgery | For Joe Namath | NEW YORK (AP)--Joe Nam- ath's right knee is not right but] New York Jets' $400,000 rookie! quarterback was assured Mon-| day he would not have to un-| dergo further surgery. | Namath was examined by Dr.| James Nicholas, the surgeon) who operated on the knee last] * year, after complaining that his) knee was giving him trouble. "The doctor said I had an in- flammation and strain on the, medial ligament and gave me| some pills to take," Namath said. "He told me that other than the inflammation, the knee is stronger than it ever was." The leaders: Hull, Chi Ullman, Det Mikita, Chi Rousseau, Mtl Howe, Det Delvecchio, Det Beliveau, Mtl Nevin, N.Y. Richard, Mtl Pulford, Tor Provost, Mtl Smith, Det Oliver, Bos Ratelle, N.Y. Marshall, N.Y. Bathgate, Det Mohns, Chi Provost, Mtl Smith, Det Oliver, Bos Ratelle, N.Y. Marshall, N.Y. Bathgate, Det REASONS to fly to Europe this summer BOAC offers you 29 excellent reasons why you should fly to Europe this summer -- a re- cord number of 29 trans- atlantic flights from Toronto. There's sure to be one to fit with your Jet direct to London by magni- ficent BOAC Rolls-Royce 707 or Air Canada giant DC-8 jet. travel plans. | From April 1 transatlantic ~ fares are the lowest ever. (Example: 21-day Economy Excursion Toronto - Rome will cost you only $465* re- turn--a saving of $40.) Come to think of it, that's another | good reason. That makes 30! > BOAC MEL KRUGER SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada BUSINESS: 725-4563 HOME: 723-7900 See your Travel Agent. He'll give you several more. "Subject to government approval, BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA BOOK NOW FOR Summer "66" BOAC Agent oe 128-6201 Air Canada Agent sen 728-6202 Four Seasons Travel 728-6203 FOR- FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE When idle equipment lowers your profits ° on-the-job training seems like a shrewd investment nical and financial assistance to help you develop your own O.J.T. program and locate trainees. The Province's long-existing Apprenticeship program has been extended to include many new trades. In addition, a completely new sys- tem of training--a wide range of short-term skill development programs designed to meet your own custom requirements--has been introduced. If you face the prospect of costly equipment just sitting there with no one to is the time to investigate how you can fill the "skill gap'? in your business through the Ontario Department of Labour's new program, On-the-Job Training--O.J.T. O.J.T. is a system of training on the job using your equipment, methods and procedures. Training is conducted in a work atmosphere. The Department of Labour can provide tech- O.J.T.--A Federal-Prpyincial Manpower Development Program. Together these form the Ontario Department of Labour's overall program: ON-THE-JOB TRAINING--O.J.T. Ontario's economy needs over' 35,000 skilled workers now. Don't let this "skill gap" result in lost profits in your business. Take action now and investigate the advantages of O.J.T. For full details, write to: Industrial Training Branch, Ontario Department of Labour, 74 Victoria Street, Toronto 1, Ontario. is VG: ~PIDELIS- Hon. H. L. Rowntree, Qc. Minister of Labour Ontario Department of Labour « . ©6110 |