Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1966, p. 17

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stock 5 witibt 7) a Gas 5 GCp ' Gasw a Nat 9 Cen goma tumini / Bow Valey Bow Val w Br Tnk Oil Forest Suar p ' Phone oh Stp Ea at SBE RN al = a a q Chemc! Ip Chrysier Clairtone Computr Col Cell pr Con Big} M Dotasco Dom Glass Dom Store Domtar Dom _ Text Du Pont East ChTr Exquisite Falcon Hard Carp Hard CrpA Hendsht pt Horne Pt Home A Home 8 Husky Husky Bpr HBC mp Oi} é Brénte * Int Nickel Int Uti Intl Util p Intpr PL int SH P ip Sti P pr Maher p MLf Gard M Leaf MI Mass-F Met Stores MGF Molson 8B Montex Moore Morse 8B Nt Contain Nat Drug Nat Trust Noranda Nor Ctl G Nor Phone Ogiivie Oshawa A Pac Pete Pembina Pow Corp Price Bros QN Gas QN Gs 63w Qunite A Rank OrA Reichhid t Reitman Rockowr p } Romfield Ronald Fd Rothman Royal Bnk Salada Sheil Can Shell | pr Shell i w Shop Save Shopper Ct mMpsons ater. Stl ater Aw Radio eel Can nbq A Dies! od axace yom NP ne Craft § OC "Dm Bk dj Fin A TY Can Pt ns Mt hotans PPL le. 1 Gas Corp B f ersatd Vic GTr A ~*Vulean . Wainwre 4 Walk GW : Webb Knp * Weldwod Well Fin te Westcost \ ee! lon A on 8B White Pas Woodwd A Zenith Aca' Uran Accra Acme Gas AAm Moly Ang Ruyn i Ang U Dev Ww Cz mbull - St + Carbid STOCK MARKET 'BL Hawk / n Once Moses' Accompanist, 'QRONTO 10:40 AM, STOCKS | 1100 Sa Oe Ee ( : Distributed py CP" | Htectied ry sles cte "eM } N 7 ; ' runs 4 to Stock Exchange--Jan. 18 Bunker H 1800. 29% 39 39 OW 1 uana rass a er 'ations in cents unless marked s.| Cadamet 600 «Tl 10 10% + Yi wabenatividend, ite-Bal COM Maine 200 V8. 2) Biv +1 te ip Chib 9000 835 80: 830 + 20 7 --Exiwerrants, Net change It) ¢' "Tung 10040 180 179 180 -+ 4] By BOB THOMAS bums are selling in the mil- previous board-lot closing gale. ¢ _ Dyno. 650.170 170 170 & 3 C Faraday 1200315 318 315 -- § HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Music| ons; two are among the: top INDUSTRIALS ; € Jomiesn 00 119 17 7 -- 3 fine ett tonished when| three best-sellers, He and the - ' Bon Keely 1000. 14 14th 1h + 'ans-often. are astonis When ond h A ' | : - 19:40 Net | C Malart 1000 14 14. 14 they encounter Herb Alpert,|20¢ Save appeared on every Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge| Candere 14500 17 16. 16 b '| television variety show, and his Se a a, tanive 2 ww leader of a band with the un concerts 'are eallouts 1573 S510 Ste Sta + Wo] Captain Vid 500 50H 2 likely name. Tijuana Brass, PRED RD Pele inal , ns $m 4 904 | Cho Key 1000 mo They expect to find a jolly), *iPert would aiiow that the Ti- 0 $97 97) 7 ame ¢ 750 $11%4 11% 11% Chimo 500 158. 186 156 -- 1 Mexican of the type Leo Car- eg a brought trumpets ee eae fe ee ae TY rillo used to play 'a The Cisco| P&ck in style, and that was what 200 $10% 10% 10% Cnker 0 oe ae ah ' Kid ead, they meet an in- he was after. His original con-| | ben sive 49) SNA) Celok "500 1 1 Af 4 , cept was actually born at the 1490 $26¥2 364 36¥2 ¢ Cain See tent and coolly handsome Jew-|) 1) sing in the Mexi Ae 5 eal Gon Gilles, 100 8 88 ish boy of 28. vd can honder: 20 $264 26% 26% Aroe BO 2B | This mixture: is part of the|'°¥® for which the band is 10 6p. ie 1 © Marben "300 35) 350 350 power and charm of the Tijuana| "@med--and where he never ac- 10 $1 Ae ee ee Cee we Brass, which combines an an- my has played, : is S10 274 274 © Rambler 250 245 a3 cient musical sound--the mari-| "I was enjoying the mariachi yon "Ss 'su su't | GREE POP miS00 12 18 1 + ve achi band--with a north-of-the-/music between the bullfights, 150 $274 27\4 27V4 || Cop Fields 800 195 135 135 ag border beat and recording know-|8Nd I wondered why it 'had 18 SM Seu bea -- cop Man 11000 15 5 1s how. _ {never become popular in the 2 'oulee 2 32 United States," he recalled. "I 5 $35 34 36 Craigmt 1935 $134 13% 13% The combination has proved a| UD ' . $0 $0 Oe Mh. | Croinor 10 10 heady mixture for Alpert, once|ecided to cross the mariarchi 75 $1515 15 | baton oe ae we at | a movie musician ("I played/Sound with the pulsation of 10 7 ee | Clue (ihe 06 te te + 15] the drums when Moses came, American jazz." 157 site S286 32% Fen cnn a doyvn from the mountain in The| His first record even encor- pad nN i SRE Discovry 725 260 260 260 Ten Commandments"). His al-| porated the bullfight cheers, He 75 $19%4 19% 19) " * On se ac | ees, ee Oe tM and partner Jerry Moss put up' 20 slots 1 a=) Ouvan 42500 94 19 19 + Yl e $100 apiece to record The Lonely as cigs Too Bast Sull 2400 105 9009 900 | ighthouses Bull in 1962, It was a success, 125 $20Vs. 2004 704 Frneceur 000 :'1392S«d22 2 + particularly on the West Coast, : Zh a Frobex 114 95 93. 95 but the two partners were told z10 $50 4848 Giant Yk . 100 Sia 14% 120+ | In New Look $\that their music pras strictly ao as a atm Sacer ge BB a ;' 35 $13% 13% 13) 1 pee', ; idn' Ho sem te | de sag DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP)-- 'rune Toate ce sf idkees / 1800 475 480 485" + 28) Grandroy 10000 25 "33. "84 Lighthouses that look more like | }°°° gays 284 " = abel 850 M65 OMe + 3] Gt C Oilsds 900 813% 13% 13% + Vo candy canes or barbers' poles | 2t@SS gum commercial that be- a te ae Green Pnt 400° 101 101 10) -- 4 ; 'nen Gnn_| came a hit in Minneapolis, Phil- ¥ 360 360 | Guleh oe se are sprouting up on Nova Sco- ' : Y Wim im | OL MO ow dia ahones |adelphia and Washington. The a % "194 yiw - Se RL? | Tair departre trom the ea DN med #08 M RCo) By ALICE BROOKS 782 Headway 3500 "16 13." 15 ditional wood or masonry tower loaded aark Gea 1.000.000 sales 231 as ae ar is a development of the trans-| 80" thoaght wh atlebt be dost Crochet swan in lacy K-stitch Bell Bottom Pants 4 Hollinger. 120 $27 a7 27 port department's marine|,,. 16 adult market," said Aki reste against filet crochet | Pd Huds Bay 205 Suh 84 be agency here, ep e cially) een ae eee cut » ainale| Pansies and' mesh. + By ANNE ADAMS 15 $20 20% 20% int Hellun 2700, tay. 138. i3e draughtsman Patrick Connors, be A Peete of Sanne nin ri Crocheted swan. decorates i 3 992 92 92 ie ie He says he feels, and many |teen-agers started buying it." {back and arm rests or two dif-| Bell bottom pants are 1 N-- mann ne Se ee ee mariners are beginning to|--_--_ © _jferent. scarfs. Pattern 7115; |Sew them with or without waist- 259 363M 634 314 ce ae agree, that the new light will! Poser for back 12% x 16-inches; |band in wool or blend, twill or Me ang aie ami gi"| jenemith -- 200 39mm wy 1 | eventually replace those of the Mrs John Kennedy arm rest 6% x 12% in No. 50. _|pique to swing out sweetly now Pema 1 Veragd ate i Ses al old style. ¥ 72. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins)|and this spring. sat sou nak ell & Anecon 16-8 aS os + sl Built of reinforced abpetmwed| . Ski T: . (rae each pattern (no stamps,| Printed Pattern 4952: Misses' ont | eran eI a Hw and aluminum, the red-striped | njoys rip please) to Alice Brooks, care of| Waist Sizes 24, 25, 28, 28, 30, 32. $00 371 20m dome va) open be Vinee Viale Vigra |tower weighs only 1,300 pounds.| (,<, ee |The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft |Size 28 takes 2% yards 45-inch 200 $21 20% 20%--Y) tab min 260 $35%4 38 35 {Nevertheless it can support an|, GSTAAD, Switzerland (AP)--|Dept., 60 Front Street West, To-| fabric. 100 "S62 6 #5 L Dufeuit 1350 $14 14 uu \so6-pound light and is erected Mrs. John F. Kennedy and her|ronto 1, Ontario. Ontario resi-| FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins ae ste tena & Ke Luz, 20 619% 19m 198 + iby four men in a few hours. my rated on be ,,2nidents add 1c sales tax. Print|(no stamps, please) for each YOO 445, 445 44s -- 8) Celtch cen Several Connors lights now '@ 5g i un isturt d skiing plainly PATTERN NUMBER, |pattern. Ontario residents add 958 $3914 39% 39% te ac | mes ss = al ere operation and have'Sunday. 'They enjoyed every/NAME, ADDRESS. 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, 169 $28% 28 Ye %! Louvicrt 2000 324 Be Ge shown they are almost mainte-| Lothethanied © us GIANT 1966 Needlecraft Cat-/NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE No save aoe. aoe 4 ie) Macleod -- 3200 9595 | 9s nancefree and can take the) rCsntne man' a Getasd di alog stars knit, crochet -- many|NUMBER. as ae a tan. | Me Ae a Fe oe VIEW FROM BALCONY pounding of heavy weather. One | ist s vdibe ary . staal ' i/ more needlecraft designs. Three} Send order to ANNE ADAMS, so sia tea. tha Marcon 2000 11%% 10% 1114 jsuch tower, tested to destruc-| Te Tutioh ane hs pon free patterns printed in catalog.|care of The Oshawa Times, Pat. 220 $34% 44% 34% ri EL ARG + Aas AML ea | The balcony on the front have witnessed many spec- ed to a membership of 600 |tion, withstood winds of 100/ + oe e slain) Send 25c. ? tern Dept., 60 Frevt Street West, ie kn se yt 9 200, $194 19% 1914 ; ' : ; Met Pp U.S. president spent several} NEW! 12 Collect lt Pat-|T to 1, Ontari nis se Mc Intyre 150 $96% 96% 96% +1" Of Ottawa's. Rideau -Club tacles in front of the Parlia- and virtually every mem- |m.p.h. wheh coated with half an|, 0 * iy Cettuns tn the ' ollectors Quilt Pat-| Toronto 1, Ontario. 100 $11% 117% 11% | Mexen 'ooo eg 1 +, 3) has survived ail ite: renova- ment Buildings. The club, ber is prominent in his |inch of ice all over. pope Unlike Sauteda terns a you in color, with quilt- i gee ALIVE FOR SPRING! EUG i Ml mewat 500 $4 sa 54 . 1; tions for more than 50 which is celebrating its cen- field. (CP Photo) | When one of the new light: | ie + bothered b Y,|ing motifs, Finest-patterns ever|Send for our new Spring-Sum- a a aa a eee 2) years. From here members tennial this year, is restrict- 'houses is damaged, repair eg thos i aha paien' veined a. tee --_-- ~ yo oe ps hong 95$150 150 150 Maen We WM 6 ey eee eee we --leasy. It is much the same ' seums. Sen ic for new Mu-|shapes for fun, sun, incing, tener sal Me UN MO I 14 ie 9 | * i to recognize her. But she was|seum Quilt Book No. 2. Deluxe/dining, everyday! One free pat- z7$1i1 111 11 Be | patching an automobile tire. M » 2 g, ryday! Di Min-Ore 000 12% 12 12% + vl NDP E OSHAWA on a different mountain. Quilt Book No, 1 -- sixt -jtern -- cli in Su uw ou et | | | uilt Book No, sixteen com-|tern -- clip coupon in Catalog. | Muiti-m $8613 162 152 160 +11 xX a an 0 00 | 7 1500 250 240 240 -- 18 20 $m 2% 2m + A! Now Bia 2000 74 TT -- Pp n BOWLING NEWS | .FEW WORKS survive | avandined & diding: eoeteeal toe ete -- yj] Neonex w 100 395 395 3S + 5 | v i 100 $i a + : ; Only seven plays survive ofjon the Eggli slope above RICE RANKS HIGH SUN BURNS SMOOTHLY « N Harri 14700 24% 24 «24 Va | P 200 $12%% 12% 12%--% bt | ® | 2 - y - i , a nae i N Hosco 1300 290 ad m9 hawiiveni (nbusraiar 123 gi ge Pod been writ-/Gstaad when badgered by curi-| Rice is the staple diet of} The sun's output of energy 175 $42% 42 42 -- Vt! Newnor 12000 17 16 (16h renc = ana lan 0 e | Standing# -- White Stars 36, George's ten by the old Greek playwright/ous tourists and 25 carloads of|1,100,000,000 people, a third of|does not vary by 80 much as M45 ($3802 ae 3818 +1 | N'Que Regi 2800 495 480 480 | (foes S1,, Cullen's Esso, 28, | Mc Sophocles. 'reporters. the world's population. one per cent. Se J N Senator 6200 26 25 26 +1 | | I al fin ehh ggg WR deed oe vee = 330 325 330 25, Dove's F , , $25 $16 Tie Te | ten 3000 iy, toe fat + By MICHAEL GILLAN [placed in Quebec and the Mari-|Auto trim. 19, Wenely, BbeK and 14s ste toe ioe | Norbeau 200 138 137,138 | OTTAWA (CP)--NDP Leaderjtimes, with Quebec receiving|Wofscaryers Me a ose. High is tah ame sah | Rergeld «ae ten? +1 Ipc. Douglas Sunday sided|"top priority," according tolrrgit ""s'*Brain tin! Nth 'sta fa4 $534 53¥4 sats -- wl Normetal 210 490 490 49% -- swith Quebec's Rene Levesque|Eamon Park, party president. 4! Petrolia ao3y Rion Triple with tide 705 $23 22% 23 Le eee ou + wlover control of family allow- Mr. Park also said that fed-|y° 'Appleton 75 and Lemon League = ; i tt wk' ans | Northcal. 1100 32 32 32 lances payments as the party's/eral spending by the party will)R. Pyiypiw 72 ber the nt 4 ne 400 ee 10. 10 = Mj Nerth oan Blood # ua 195 + Sifederal council announced anjbe increased by 20 per cent this}, "gay. 59°"" ld yaaa peste fn i 2 a ore 1 ao 8 Ss expanded organizational pro-|year to $180,000. He said about] 300 Scores -- J. Klapow 316, H. Kalnit- 45 $31% 31% 31% + Ve Nudut 2000 24 23 2% +%/gram to woo the French-Cana-|$1,000,000 was raised and epent | **y 300. wh Seyes Fee aint, ily uss MM + Sona ee in ae A ldian vote. during the federal election cam-|o. 'smith' 709, M. McPherson 755 anc by 0 gg OF O'Leary 2000-11 118 11% Mr. Douglas told a press con-|paign. [gee aases nia 11 110 922% 22%: 22% -- | emake 4065 11% 10% T'%+ Ye ference after a two-day meet-| Mr. Douglas, who reported on) tommoilia 122, F. Cuppella 120, Hl. Apple: ye siim tie vos el Paramaq 1000 16 16 «16 ling of the federal council that| probable issues to come before ton WB. Sin th 12s, 7, L. Tomoking 1185 $3078 30% 30% + He) Bane 300 $10% 10% 10%-- ihe has always taken. the posi-ithe new Parliament, told the|y" prinkiow tt 8 ; 2 aa Pax int 00 3% 9 39 | . / ' H, Brinkiow 126, 1220. $222 22% 2+ Ve let ' i a en tA | Poe Expt 200 2 2 2 --2 [tion that programs falling|press conference that every) Better luck next week fellows. Only two Peerless 2000 144 14 14 -- al with) vinci iti ;.|Mmore weeks In this section and no one 10 35% 54 5% | s\within provincial jurisdiction| vote that is in opposition to gov-|[ ss F 74 sy Pi Point " Ye --~2¥/ os - jis really a sure winn t. Th i 0 Sinn beg me am Placer 2 1095 i i 7 --tlare better administered by the| ernment oped should not be be a meeting of the executive at 3.00 pm ISSUE 0 as $6 dak ae reston 1900 $114 11 11% + Ys provinces. jinterpreted as a vote of non- rte te eee ee SEY ee 200 265 260 HS a ee "Welfare certainly is within| confidence. HEN es 300 000 000 i age A a Que Man 21000 2.8.44 |provincial jurisdiction," he| He said if MPs cannot eXx-| igh triples -- Donalda Williams 704 ' ' op tie She ee | Suen" fa alt hy fa 4 wsald. "I can't see any distinc. (press thelr opinions on a par. cm" 0k aan hr 2 "ag Radiore 1400 76 «72 «7% jtion between this and hospital|ticular issue without the risk of} ( } Mildred Ture LABLE 725 $19%" 19% 199 > 1 - Shortt 659 (252, 242); Mildred Ti 646 Woo site: vite 176 + M4 Rid nicom ses em «7 Alinsurance, providing there is ot Me seni they hip bel ia 2a); Qina, Macdermaia 640" (718 NON-CAL B 0 " a 1 ility _ 4. rs ti at ' i ea 1000 $19% 1914 197 Rix Athab 1300 22% 22% 224--s\portability between the prov-| "reduced to a collection of rub- 4 wad : 300-1 Ryan? 1000-975 92a vg tC." ber stamps."' ee é rg Hy a his San Ant 1500 20, 2 2 41 | Mr. Levesque, welfare minis-| In a prepared statement, the Fi A Peg beat Bo gal 25%, Biv G V wavkvs | ee Re ,|ter_in the Lesage government, council urged the Canadianjsen Goch 233, Vera Bint 21, Mildred : : $282 a 2% p, y ir J | Wittrick 228, Mar] McNeit 227, Pearl Pea- , + Sherritt 600 610 605-410 more than a week ago at ajgovernment to ask the United) k 228, Mi 7, ESE 2 Sidi Silvrtids 2200 385 380 380 federal - provincial conference|States to continue the "partial pos gla alee rah er Lois. DATED FEBRUARY i, 1966 27% 2% 2% -- Vel Sil Milter pie if a: % 4, |Proposed a_ substantial expan-|pause in - hostilities" in Viet Fy ae Re ofitie Baldwin. 92 and Site 4 34 Mg, Sil Stand = $00 :'18-125° «125 ~-- 1/sion of federal allowance pay-|Nam until the warring parties) Points Taken -- Bint's 4 Henderson' : * ) $1314 13% 13% ; Slitvane ean ge «0 700 | |ments by the federal govern-|are at the conference: table. It/o; Saywell's, "Olsen's 3 'Burn's. 3, Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions 7 ig eat Sunberst 2000-16 16-16 ment or else federal with-jalso asked'the U.S. to give an White's |) Hornes Esso 3, Nesbitt's 11 for a loan, to be issued for cash as follows: 250 $16 166 sack core a 4 " Re : # drawal. Health Minister Mac-jundertaking that bombing of! Team Standing--Saywell's and Horne' 200 Sisu ism isu--%| TexSo! 3000 30 30 ap --vidachen replied that Ottawa|North Viet Nam will not be re-|T9,it,2i0°%nd' Thenderson's 13, Nes --1 year 2 month 4% bonds due April 1, 1967 1 "oh be Thom & 1000 48 48 4 +1 | was in the allow field and sumed. 'pits 12, Burn's an _ 00 $6%4 6% bm | : was in the allowances field an: bitt's 12, Burn's and White's tee ee et joe ae a ew tk contemplated no departure. In another statement, the Issue price: 98.70% a en | Tribag 200 255 255 255 -- 1| The NDP federal council an-jcouncil endorsed the British UAW LADIES" AUX, NO. 27 YVieldi 451 $55 544 5414 : elding about 5.16% to maturity 515. $304 30% 30 -- | Y Avbestos 200 295 291 295 |nounced several organizational|government's 'economic sanc-| [here were no doubles this week! 100. $1014 10% --y| V_Butfadn 2200 60 60 | ei i= : " High Singles --.Rose Ellis 247, Joan Int t ble April 1 and October 1 1100'S 15% T3193 -1398 }~-lnKeno._ 450. $50 $80. 550 _|steps designed to increase |tions imposed against Premier) Hall 243 and Ruby Rockbrune 202. nterest payable Ap: 205 $29% 2912 29/3 + %| UPP Can 1100 153° 153-153 1) Harty support |Tan Smith's regime in Southern) [here were 11 Lemons! Two months' interest payable April 1, 1966 245 $12 11% 12 + vw, Urban Q@ 13500 34 33 33% at : : s | g =f = Points Taken -- 'Locals 3, Pacers 0; Denominations: $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 180 $10% 10% 10m + %| Violam 2600 425 420 425 +10 Full-time organizers will be! Rhodesia. Busy Bees 3; 'Stars-0; Pussy Cats 2,.Go- ' oe ' 5 x 425 $138 134 131%4--- | Wasmac 7100 150 150 150 -- ---- Go's 1; Try Hards 2, Green Gals 1. ' 180 $42 42 42 | West Mine 412 610 610 610 + § |. Team Standing -- Locals 9, Busy Bees and 6320 $14% 14% 14% | Wilt 65032 132 125 «#132 + 8 e i Pacers 7, Stars 6, Go-Go's 6, Pussy. 30 #25815 825.4 yo, Willroy ~~ me eS) FOUr Varin oun tu ents | Green Gals 4 and Try Hards 2 --4 year 5 month 5% bonds due July 1, 1970 100 $634 8% eau 7 | Wingtalt 400 17% 614 -- 2 g ! Y ' 225 470 465 470 + woreis we 6 M+ hl | I ri 98.50% Men Yale Lead 5500 16 15% 151% | CATHOLIC LEAGUE ssue pricet C 25 $27% 27% 27% -- Ve s bad bed | Jeanette MacDonald had the Ladies' | oa 'Fashion Own Flying Machine 7 | mata oo 2 2. GAS, OILS asnion Vwn ng mecuus 3 oe = Yielding about 5.38% to 20 00 200 -- : ; ' j _.. |The men's high triple went to John Interest payable July 1 and January 1 WhO 28% dele diva ey) All Rox 2000 47 21 «21 +2, CALGARY (CP)--Four daringja two - mile - Jong figure-eight | Cardinal with 677, and Allan Oerton took Five eathat titares tle July | 1966 805 $79% 7914 Fis al Alminex 1000 465 465 465 young Calgary students want to|course Par Seiten Endler eae De inatio $1 000, $5,000 $25,000, $100,000 and $1,000,000 --'™ Am Led 3000 17% 17% 171% ¢ HO " bays | 200 S s end -- B L h 200, H p 44 + po i 2 Bent a 312% 12% im - % put their man-powered flying) The Calgary project W a 8/230, 212; Theresa Belko 290," 2087 Jerry renee pil dd ih uee seis 325 $267 267 267% -- ete 10000 312 31 3! --"%4/machine into the air, possibly|started in 1960 by two Tech atu. | Ron, 2% Bee Cea se ve and 250 740 735 735 -- 5 .€ Ex Gas 26615 445 335 340 + 15/Win a $15,000 prize, and con-|dents who were unable to finish| Baker 232, Marie Melnychuk 223, Harr oa vt oe = PAs + 7 Bh a 34 +2 |tribute their findings to science.|their work on the plane because Lage 3H tS Wats 201, og Doyle --14 year 6 month 54% bonds due August 1, 1980 250 S5¥a Sia Si ome! 1 H | , John , 273; i ° B70 $281 2894-2834 -- Val Can Sup 1406 $21 2% bo + | They are Doug Baxter, Brian|Of lack of funds. The students 236, 232, 242; Helen Burrows ON, hn Issue price: 100.00% Cent Del 3960 $12 11% 12 + % Driscoll Robb Bridgett and| graduated and their project was/ette MacDonald 214, 235; Dan Rukaruk : oO, '. C Pet $ 25 225 225 i na 4 }224, 232; Allan Oert 323, M Pet Dynamic 4 18 447. 18 Harry Turnbull, aeronautics stu- -- on to Baxter and his col- 207, 22%; Marg. Armitage 226, 226 and Yielding 5.50% Wd bee = rench Pt 200 390 390) 390. dents at the Southern Alberta|leagues. ay Martell 23 Interest payable August 1 and February Shut WP ARG IA 1 + Mis titute of Technology: | When they inherited the "Siow patst & Me tae tne Denominations: $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, and $100,000, Mit"'Cvy 1300 vee vas wm + a|_ The four are working on a 20-|ROI" or'work'to put in shape.{-s cari eS ane Nat Pete 100 275 275 275 ~~ s{foot, 100-pound, hand-made bi- 8 r SNape.|" Lemon League -- Gloria Smith 87, Bank of Canada has already agreed to acquire a minimum of $50,000,000 of the new Numac 400 146 146 146 plane powered by one . man This was completed and thus farjOlive O'Kane 90, Helga Mueller 92, 75; < Okalta zo the 1, |IANE. DO rvcle pedals, 'The|the project has cost about $3,000,| eras Foley 88, 93; Allan Derton 64 Bonds, open as to maturity. poy OF is 1 + 3ipedals have @ direct gear drive| 40 veer. tne Bincredl, meds Proceeds of the offering will be applied to the redemption of $330,000,000 of Government ri } : ; of aluminum tubing and a rigi TOWN and g place @ 00 SS 16) -- 2 se tis main whee! of the plane | i astic tenis. wee Sand i. rrp nigh TREY es ne Gi of Canada 34% Bonds due February 1, 1966. ~~ ,2)and its propeller. | spay kidd FM | (257% Isobel Bigtin 635 (298); A fo ta ie ee ae Ma ate 'hoy h automobile for about 200 feet in;icpburn 624 (234, 26); Betty Veron bee The new 5% Bonds are an addition to $125,000,000 of 5% Bonds due July 1, 1970, Ranger "147 208, 208. 208 ~ 2luutt their fiyine machine nope tol the air, but was found to have |(%1); Fern Buechler 600 (241); Jackie dated July 1, 1965. The new 54% Bonds are an addition to $120,000,000 of 54% Bonds Scurry Rn -130 $21% 21M 71% | 3 . poor banking control, and the! ; y Nichol ; j é Spooner" 7500 °38"' 46 38 --vs|ground and accomplish what|sontrol peer Bosnia had t helemie to en bon cee eee due August 1, 1980, dated August 1, 1962, and are eligible for purchase by the Purchase Tried Ol 1900 245 242, 245 + 3/man has been attempting to dol redesigned. Baxter say Brabin 545; June Anderson 538 | (205); Fund created on that date. . Union Oil 125 $26% 26% 26% -- Vo for senturdacwul & ganaew jredesigned, Baxter says, -- Dorothy Brabin 536 (216); Audrey Hy- 300 $10% 10% 10%" | Vendo" Hino 4t ered aircraft into successfull te geeys ving. the aircraft;man $11 (312) and Joan Anthony $01. The new issues will be dated February 1, 1966 and will bear interest from that date. 5} A | SSTU | wi "yj idi i SLES: , 5 : 279 S20 24% 264 1a; Wadurne, 130 190 + Si nioht vied Pg Bien Poly 2 anren: beth Hutcheson 204° and) Belty Guscott Principal and interest are payable in Jawful money of Canada. Principal is payable at 35° $25 rs ' - -- § c. g 3 ae Seite HI ia | asia ig Aries SH rds | A £5,000--($15,000)~prize--of-lthe time." said Deel Cain i odes any Agency of Bank of Canada. Interest is payable at any branch in Canada of any SO $23 23% 2 3 000. . , Tn eli j | : 5 F i 7 . . ' . i 130 $204 23% 23 ides Reset fered by an English philanthrop-| "4 professional bicycle rider TT DE a chartered bank without charge. Definitive bonds will be available on or about February 1 - 50 825% 25%. 25% cones, TOREION TRaoing lat in 1987 to the first personican develop just about: oneicats 5, Stingrays 5, Corvettes 4, Falcons 1966 and thereafter in two forms: bearer form with coupons attached and fully registered ee aN Granduc 1909 So. 409 408-421 who achieves such flight. still! horsepower when working at his|? #4 Mustangs 2 ith i t ds of both fe ill be in the same denomina- Kerr Add 0 $11 M1 i) -- %|Stands ~ |best and can continue at a half- form with ee payable by cheque. Bon sey ae * . Macassa 100 290 90 90 -- 19 | Several English groups and|horsepower for a lengthy period) SUY% AND Potts' MIXED MaJor tions and fully interchangeable as to denomination and/or form without charge (subject uity 0 + ' : | 5 gt uys' High Triples: Ron Jay 906 (281, : others in Toronto. and Ottawalof time." 331, 294); Dave Bishop 847 (275, 307, 265 to Government transfer requirements where applicable). roy ee ~~, jare understood to be working on Baxter feels one horsepower), Sallem 800 (307, 259, 234); 'Art Smart | ' : h a Act of the Parliament of Canada and both + 2 FISH WORK FOR HYDRO [the same type of project |would be sufficient to lift the| 202, 2171) Lloyd seu ns 766 (25%. 2B, 18); haved al eee Ec. he foo Bs obdane Fund of Canada. A British power station uses| The Calgary students, wholflying machine and maintain} Fo fs ne as) 'Galea voor DESHIER Ane teen Ores chat On ane : goldfish in its water tanks to|plan a test flight this spring,|flight, and expects the plane to}? (22, 322); Reg Hickey 720 (237, 234 iptions. j tment, ank Canada, Otta , t<likeep down the growth of tur-|have been asked by the Cana-lachieve speeds of about 15 miles Tey erences, aan age ae) and xf Subscriptions, subject to allo way be mate to & - pe See 2-- 14|bine-clogging weeds. jdian Aeronautical and Space In-!an hour. 1 aie Wlah trislesr Gia Moab ora (74 any investment dealer eligible te act as a primary distributor or through any bank in r cae i ot 2 stitute to supply their findings) "A man - powered plane is de-|29% 240); Bernice Buday 784 (229, 296, Canada. 4 FIND WORLD'S COLDEST on the flight for research into|signed to approach the point of | 737 reff hea fone ond Lor- Jal + 1 The coldest ndtutal tempera-|man - powered flight least power .and still maintair Team Standir Hot Shots 7, Ball Hi's L 27700 2Ava 2 P , 'ture on earth has been recorded! In order to win the. $15,000 flight,' he sas iy wikds 3 Alia 'eats ys nee ys a - Pave + é $5 + Jat Russia's Vostok Antarctic| prize, the students must be able Baxter is probably. an ideal|Pets ¢ oes : ' nis de P lava 38 |stalion---127 degrees below zero|to lift their aircraft to an alti-|test pilot-- yeighs Only 120], teem Triple was taken by Ball Hi's ; 750 9 ot; 0 ylFahrenhelt. 8 pilot--he weighs Only 120) yin'? r64" End foam single was taken tude of about 50 feet and flypounds, by Sevres with 1,292, i a. oat ap spac i H ; CI DSR: | | | |

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