"BETTER WHITBY HOME | to--Real Estate for Sale 120--Real Estate For Sale "Gord ion Osborne REALTOR Dial 668-8826 LASALLE AVENUE LOVELY location with 3 bedrooms and immaculate living area. Paved * drive, garage and, shade trees, for those surpmer doys oheod. Seeing is believing this one ot the selling price of $14,500 WHITBY 7 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS 1% storey insul brick home In central Whitby location. -A real income' home for boarders, roomers or just live here and divide into 2 living quarters. A clean tidy home with pleasant -- decoration. Extra large lot .for garden here too, Inspece ond make your offer, 3-BEDROOM, OLDER STYLE 114-STOREY WHITBY Frame house witth large lot on . Byron St..S.,.. Whitby. , This economical property is presently rented but out of town owner says sell. Possibil- ity of having 4 bedrooms here for $10,900. with low down payment. You will be delight- ed with the cleonliness of this property WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Must be sold for cash to build fine new structure for grow- "ing congregation. New zon- ing could allow many com- mercial uses for this solidly built church and Sunday School room. You may have need for . enlarged business space in a strategic location if so why not call us for an in- spection. Make fine lodge or Union _quoorters too Full price $32,000. with financing avoiloble for responsible pur- chaser. All offers considered. 282 ACRES, BUSH, CREEK, NEAR WHITBY A real hideaway for the busy executive and so relaxing watching the spring fed creek meandering through the cedor filled bush. You will hove several interesting loca- tions to ploce your dream home on this choice property, Asking price $700 per acre. DIFFERENT DESIGN on large 73' by 145' lot out of subdivision areo. You will be the talk of the town with this outstanding property. All three bedrooms are spacious and family room is 13' by 24'; Baleony off' 24' living room, Try to see this one if you con, Full price $24,900. with os low os $4,000. down. INCLUDING 5% MODERN BUNGALOW ACRES FLOWING STREAM 10 minute drive from Oshawa Interior trimmed with British Columbia Red Cedar. Tappan built in range, extra two rooms in basement with walk- out entrance. Wired for elec- tric heat, Firm price: $21, 900. Contact Bill Millar: 725-1186 or 725-2557, $1600 DOWN RANCH BUNGALOW Three bedrooms plus extra room and 2 pc. bathroom in basement. Large living room and dining area combined. Close to public and separate schools. One "agreement balance. Priced to sell. Hurry! Phone Bill Millar: 725-1186 or 725-2557. W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED 67 os St., East CARL OLSEN 20 Ray Street 723-1133 3. and 4 bedroom, two storey TREES for houses in choice location, some with attached garage 2 bathroc Ms As low as $2,650 down, one N.H.A, 614% mortgage for the bal- ance. Only a few left at the low interest rate. Trade Call ns accepted, of course G TWAITES at 723-113 hours 723-2008, CARL SEN REALTOR, 20 Ray after OL- S PAUL ISTOW LTD. EALTOR 187 King St. E, A POPULAR PLAN So right for a family und so practical too, Centrally to ' cated six. room brick he nearly new in appeoror three second floor bezrooms for quiet study periods, Ask- ing $16,900 with mortgage ovai'able. 728-9474 After hours Vern Morton Eorl Salter Tom Huzor me e has co | GRIFFIN REAL John F. EWITH REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 14 Frank Street, 623-3950 ORONO, 8 Roomed brick home, all modern convenien- ces. Town woter all paid for. Large lot. Garage. Only $3,000. down. NEWCASTLE, 5 Roomed, new, brick bungalow. Alum- inum storms & screens all around, Nice treed lot Ask- ing $15,500; Terms arranged. NEWCASTLE, 5 Roomed, un- finished bungalow with oll modern conveniences on 22 Acre lot. Small barn. Asking $9,500, with only $2,000. down. EAST OF NEWCASTLE, 8 Roomed brick home with all modern 'conveniences. Hard and. soft running water. Double lot. Priced to sel! JAGEON LAKE, 5. Rocied, fnew, cottage with all furni- ture included. Stove, frig. Asking $7,000. Terms TAUNTON = ROAD,.. Beauti- ful brick and stone home with completely om marble finished rec. f Special Tennessee Indirect tight- ar- stone leda etc. Price and ranged ing terms RTUN- t with ired for Acre lot Stream, HANDY MAN OPP. feel Finished basem livir electr with Only COURTICE brick,. 5 roor modern ¢ barn $22 COURTICE AREA, 8 Roomed brick home witth all modern conveniences on 10 Acre lot Asking $15,900 We List Photo M.L.S and Exclusive Acres 500. Terms Terms After Hours call Donald Mountjoy Guy LeBlanc Idso Wiersma Inger Jorgensen, Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 Lorne C. Duff 985-2728 Ross Davidson Bethany 30R2 Wo 623-3614 623-3715 Orono 1649 987-449) REALTOR OSHAWA N.W. $2,500 Down, $115 monthly. Three bedroom brick bunge- low, ill decorgtei to suit semi room with large picture win- dow, many extras. Move in within 30 days AJAX e two 'homes 500 If ye owner" w Walk completed out basement, recreation for sale and one oat are looking for a small pact two bed room home .b $10,000 we suggest you see this one Excellent value: and are going up We hav one at $9 $12,900 orices Light Industrial WHITBY Over 200 f proximately et C ond garage spotless price for all feet ntage parcel me barn condition othe satis 725-1109 We have many for service and FULL DOWN (To Those Who Qt ) WALTON BLVD. WHITBY Karge selection of 6%4% N.H.A, homes featuring 3 bedroc storms and screens aluminum stoves finished other on all windows storm doors, built-in and ovens, fur and man niture, y exciting feoture DIRECTIO! D rive West | on Rossland Rood to Brock Street, Whitby then two short blocks further west to Walton: Blvd, Open daily ond week-ends. L.N Rea BIRD Estote Ltd Call 668-6061 1,150 DOWN large 3 bedroe ments. Plus features KOSTE? 723-4645 ESTATE LTD, } | | | | | | lit Biber Hoe! Eptete Ser Sete SNELGROVE co, LTD. REALTORS 43 PARK RD. S. 723-9810 INVESTMENT PROPERTY 3 Apoortments and 4 bay garage, fully rented, part with lease, showing nice return. on investment, good north loca- tion at -City Limits, asking $15,000, down. BUSINESS & PROPERTY Two way business hordwore & variety, modern 5 room apart- ment above, one owner build- ing and business, wel! estab- lished about 15 years, good location, busy street, a worthy opportunity to be self em- ployed, shown by appointment only. SERVICE STATION, GARAGE - Open to: offer to close on estate, excellent oppertunity for mechanic/or business man, good business, lorge turnover, 'corner location in good town north west of Oshawa, shown by appointment only. BUSINESS CORNER Simcoe St N_ corner location, store and home combined, fast rise land volue area, $10,000, down balance on open mortgage BUILDING LOTS North Brooklin, 75 x 334 Ft. $1,000 East Courtice, 66 x 660 Ft. $1,500. Wanted houses for resale call L. S. Snelgrove Co. Ltd. 723-9810 BUY--SELL--TRADE THRU GRIFFIN Real Estate Limited 155 Simcoe St. S. Members O.D.R.E.B. START 1966 RIGHT -- $2,200 down, own this lovely 3 bedroom home. Large fam- ily sized kitchen with built-in range and oven. This home is exceptionally well decora- ted, Basement ideal for fu- ture Rec. Room. Good sized lot with lots of trees, Paved private drive. This one will go fast at only $15,500, Call 723-4645, 3 BEDROOM BEAUTY --| Located in a fine section of east Oshawa on a profession- ally landscaped 55' x 157' lot. This lovely bright home with good sized living and dining room. Basement is excellent future rec. room. Priced right at $16,- 500. Call 723-4645 isa for Douglas J. M. BULLIED Realtor 33 King Street, West, OSHAWA INCOME HOME * 2 Self Contained Apartments * Private drive with garage 3 Phone 723-1168 John Howson John O'Driscoll Bob Hobbs MEMBER OF THE O.D.R.E.B. $1,150 DOWN Last of the 644% N.HA. detached bungalows. Only 6 left. Extra large Hollywood kitchens. Complete with built- in range and. oy S ond screens. Storm doors ture book bathrooms, E large 3 bedrooms. Full bose- ments. Plus numerous - other features CALL JOHN KOSTENIUK 723-4645 GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. FARMS and Small Acreages Buying Selling? Then place confidence in a ér former who knows the and_your problems, «LEN THOMPSON -- of or your forrr District Cail Al R Repres SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 723-2265 Evenings 728-2870 Doytime BUILDER'S LOSS new homes located in North West, both featuring built-in. stoves, decorating and carports. No reasonable ffer trades consid- ered Two refused, 5. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED 728-6286 120---Real Estate for Sale | LOTS WHILE THEY LAST | } Metca REAL ESTATE LTD, 40 King St. E. re is O group of 6 fois on laide Street East which are now the cheapest lots around, con be bought on builders terms. Call \ Now! Other lots in Downsview Park starting ot $6,600. all pre- paid services. No. 2 HIGHWAY WEST Here is 3.36 acres of good land. Commercial with plans available for new home and o 10 unit motel. For further information call today, 4 BEDROOMS -- 2 BATHROOMS Lovely 7 room '2 storey plon, located in prestibe area, under ground services, car port, 6% mortgage. : 2 CAR GARAGE -- ELECTRIC HEAT $21,400, and a_ beautiful home ready for your posses- sion Let us show you. this home. It has 3 bedrooms, L- shape living and dining room, finished rec room, 2 car gar- age, well worth a look as the homes now are getting scarce - with 644% mortgage. TAKE A LOOK AT THIS ONE Price reduced, 7 rooms, elec- tric heat, fully decorated, im- mediate occupancy OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL Dial 728-4678 Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Jack Hogan Joe Maga Gord Hawkshaw Eldon Kerr Ken Hann MEMEBR _O.D.R.E.B We list exclusive & M.L.S, ACTIVE |20--Real Estate For Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale | REALTY LIMITED | "Action Office' | "HARMONY VILLA' 22 homes left. These houses ore' selling faster than they con be completed. Priced from $17,000 to $17,500. Carry completely for $125 monthly. All under Winter Works Bonus. 614% Govern- ment mortgages. Don't delay! See them now thro' one of our courteous salesmen. No obligation! No high pressure! Coll 728-5157, INVESTORS A rine suite electrically heat- ed aportment "building in north-west area. All well ten- onted New 'construction, Priced at $93,000. Try your down payment here! Call 728-5157 for full particulars. "THE HOUSE THAT TALKS" Truly this home itself'. A gem construction and material, Beautiful ravine lot almost 200' deep. Glass slider doors to patio, full intercom tem, attached garage. Situa- ed on Julianna Drive. 2 years old. Asking price $24,500. Call us now at 728-515 INCOME -HOME $15,300 full price for a nice 3. bedroom_ brick galow Basement with 3 piece bath, paved driveway, forced ai 'heat. Taxes only $280. Call 728-5157 for fur- ther details. FOUR BEDROOMS This older -home is in good condition. New aluminum sid- ing, new oil furnace. Asking only $13,900. Low down pay- ment. One mortgage for the valance. Why pay rent? Cali 728-51 After 9 p.m. Ernie Holmes Charlie Rankine George Valentine Steve Lehon Bessie Crysler Bob Johnston Bruno Rohn Her Schmidt Ralph Vickery Bill Horner 'speaks for planning, of sys- bur apartment Call 725-0387 728-3682 728-2633 728-9326 723-2925 25-6788 53-4742 5157 5157 2236 1] SUITE APARTMENT $9,000 PER SUITE PARK ROAD NORTH Fully leased, tevenue-: over $13,000 per year, hot woter heating, tarrazza hallways. To inspect, call BILL MILLAR 725-1186 of 725-2557, W. T. LAMSON 67 King St. E. VISIT braemor gardens Stevenson Rd. N Oshawa's Most Convenient Community | GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-528] ANXIOUS TO SELL 1. The owner of this three- bedroom brick -- semi-detached bungalow must sell. Located conveniently close to the shop- ping centre. Very reasonable down payment ond monthly poyments. For a good home priced right, call now. GOOD RESIDENTIAL AREA IN. WHITBY ii. This is a lovely ranch style brick bungalow with attoched gorage, situated on a good sized corner lot. Completely finished recreation room witth bar. Three good sized bedrooms and large kitchen. This home is only four years old and priced at $16,- 700. > e HEART OF THE CITY Ill. Large two. storey frame and stucco home situated on lot of 60 x 110, that could, with rezoning, provide mony income possibilities. Three good sized bedrooms, remodelled kitchen and bathroom. New forced: air oil furnace. This home has the comfort of a modern home with the spaciousness of and older home. Priced to sell, GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY IV. Well established "Itatian" Grocery Store in Whitby. No sompetition os this store caters to all of Whitby, Good turn- over of approximately $2;500 weekly, The owners have a good lease and monthly rental of $110. This is o good profit making business.and should be looked into by any ambitious family. e NORTH WEST AREA V. Spotless three yeor old bungalow in a quiet residential area, just on the outskirts of the city. Custom built with -- first grade material. Well insulated. Heats for $110. yearly, Lot size of 100 x 214, nicely landscaped. Patio, TV tower and many other extras, e EXECUTIVE HOME Lorge split level brick home ideally situated on an attractively landscaped corner lot. The living room hos a nat- ural stone wall featuring fire- place. Separate dining room, uilt in stove and oven in the kitchen, four large bedrooms, 2 complete baths Gnd finished rec- reation room with built in cup- boards. This home has much to' offer in the way of comfortable living. Located in Oshowa's pre- ferred North West area. For full porticulars, call now e NORTH EAST AREA Vil. An older home with char- acter. Well maintained, in a choice established district Six room, two storey with a charm- ing living room, open fireplace. Separate dining room with built- in china cabinet, Modern kitch en, finished room in the base- ment. Garage and oil heating Large treed lot. Priced to sell ot $13,900. Immediate posses- sion Vi COMPLETELY FINISHED BASEMENT Vill @ Large brick home only six | , L shaped_living room and n and plenty of clos-| ets throughout this home baths, recreation room with bar Moke an oppdintment right now} to see this lovely home, priced ot $17,500 e Coll 723-5281 for full particu- lars Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 pani After hours call; 728-2949 728-0208 728-5581 725-4330 725-9947 728-4731 723-7390 723-7083 728-0768 725-3454 728-2754 725-3710 725-2070 723-6329 723-1121 728-4241 723-2537 725-4330 723-7183 and Photo Eleanor deJong Ernest Mueller Steve Englert Jean Peacock Jack Graham El. Ann Thompson Doug Trivett i ter Mittler ith Gifford y Flintoff Leon Manitius Evelyn Cassel Len Bissell Italo Bortolussi Albert Blicharz George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock Dick Young We list M.L.S Member of 0.D.RE.B GUIDE REALTY LIMITED, REALTORS exclusive Over A Quarter Century ars old. Three large bed-|--- | Two! SCHOFIELD-AKER © SOUTHWOOD LTD. 723-2265 Of Service OPEN DAILY \~ 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. $1,500 Good building lot 67' x 163 on King Street in. the village} of Hempton, | 2 LOTS Good building lots,on Tem perance St. in the Village of Hampton, 80' x 420' each Listed $2,600 each. N.H.A. 20--Real Estote for Sole | "THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Jonuary 18, 1966 15 2z--Lots 'For Sale 4 BAKER'S VALLEY "Hud | Bg Lakes." Free bonus tot lots $750-$1850. Ross B, LOT FOR SALE, 60-foot frontage on King Street, Whitby. Telephone after 6 p.m. 723-3105. APARTMENT LOTS in north-west Osh- awa. Six suite and nine suite Telephone 728-8378. PARK A pleasant ploce to live -- AJAX $1,295. Down Bull detached hrick homes 9 distinctive stylings by Armstrong _ Homes From $16,950. 614% MORTGAGES $500. WINTER BONUS LOT FOR SALE Grendview South: This fot offers the buyer a breath-taking view of ity Very reasonably priced Terms avaliable 728-5674. SERVICE as you tke It, when you need It, Check the Upfo-theminute Business Ser- vice Directory dally in the Classified Section. 23--Real Estate Wanted THINKING OF SELLING Did you know thet Toronto opproved and good for. V.L.A $16,900 Comfortable 144 storey frame home with attached) garage on 1 acre of land on} King Street East, Could be V.| L.A, Electric fireplace in} large L.R. with four lovely! windows. Finisted room in basement. Really worth the} money. | TENNYSON AVENUE Roomy 2 bedroom bungalow! with basement garage: Only 9 years old. Owner moving to Toronto. Early possession Listed $16,900. Could be just what you're looking for. $19,995 Owner leaving the City wants a buyer right away for this nice 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage on Osh awo Blyd. North, Carries for $117 PLT. monthly with o good down payment. You con't go wrong on this one Only three years old. DOUBLE GARAGE Just a new listing. for the alert buyer. This attractive 3 yeor old bungalow will give you lots of comfortable living in the 1,258 sq. ft. Also a finished Rec Room with stone fireplace. Listed $23,900 andic in one of the best residential | ateos in the City. Don't miss this one $24,900 Brond new 2 storey built by Kassinger. Three large bed- rooms, mantel! fireplace in liv- ing room, attached garage, | ond electric heat ore only a few of the nice things offered in this home. For appointment to see give us a call to-night LISTINGS We've got buyers looking for all types of homes in every price range. Don't hold back until you find exactly what you're lookig for, let us find a buyer for your home first, then we'll help you find the home of your choice. Call} anytime for advice and an ap-| praisal on your property. Then| let us list it and start work-| ing for you. For full particulors call 723-2265 Ed Drumm Moible Boudreau Irwin Cruikshonks George Koornneef Don. Howe Allan Thompson Bill Johnston Marg. Hall Irene Brown Reg Aker Bill McFeeters 725-9345 728-2233 723-2859 723-9692 728-2870 728-1066 723-1358 725-3867 725-0201 725-1726 Member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board WE LIST EXCLUSIVE | AND M.L.S. 360 King St. West Free, eosy, safe parking. ¢ Oo. 2. YMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. 323 King St. West 728-6286 IMMEDIATE. POSSESSION | pancy! Don Stradeski Realtor, 723-4651. Beautiful new 4 bedroom home, bungalow design, "Norden' ' kitchen cupboards. This one®still has ao 614% N.H.A. mortgage. Call now for an appointment to see this beauty SUNKEN LIVING ROOM | ¢13,800. In a new : ¢ m t an excellent loc 1a nice size lot, vanity with col- ored fixtures in the bathroom, partitioned ba all ready for your room plans. See this Call immediately ELECTRIC HEAT This new 6 room-home has-o Hollywood kitchen, built in* stove and. oven, close to schools and shopping. This is a home well worth seeing in the North West area. Coll now for an appointment, ome. n witk ement rec one King Street East Hill, to Labrador Home OPEN DAILY (Except Mondoy and Tuesday) FROM 1 TO 6 P.M. PARADE OF HOMES by Lysyk and Sons Ltd, LABRADOR DRIVE DIRECTIONS: Stevens d North 'to Annopolis n west to Waverly Floodlit After Dark DIRECTIONS: over Hart's post flasher light, turn ght at 2nd Street. tAthabaska) Drive Model EXCLUSIVE AGENTS GUIDE, REALTY -LIMITED OPEN DAILY Monday thru' Thursday 2 p.m. till dark BRAEMOR GARDENS Salesman on the site. Glen Open 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. 123-3533 after hours ca Munro Smith Dick Barrioge Jack Sheriff MacKinnon Morgoret Lee Les Holl Frank Smith Bob Stevenson ling, Please phone after 6.30 p.m. 725-0010. |EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for extra 728-5205! [DIRECT FROM BUILDER, new threes Gibb St, $6 monthly. Telephone 723-3211 {garage and two bathrooms, close to Sepa- ond district buyers purchase on estimated 20% of the Real Estate sold in Oshawa, Did you know that when you list your property with H. Keith Ltd. one of Ontario's Biggest Realtors that they will advertise your property, over and over again, both in Toronto and Oshawa, result- ing in you receiving a more realistic price, and a bigger down phyment Coll Doug Carmichael' now 723-7463 representing H. Keith Ltd. Realtor. Don't delay limited number available at 644% Buy now for spring ond summer possession and save ' Trade -your old home' for @ mew 1966 model. No cash needed GRIFFIN Real Estate Ltd. 942-3310 if busy 723-4645 $1, S79; DOWN @ New Semi-detached homes @ Electric Heat @ Separate Dining Room, @ Three Bed- rooms @ One 614% Mort- gage. Selling Your Home ? WE CAN, AND WILL DELIVER THE CASH TO YOU! Call 'today for quick action! J. B. McMullan Real Estate Broker Oshawa -- 725-3557 Whitby --- 668-6201 | Call: Gord Hawkshaw 723-1861 Bob Johnston - 725-9365 METCALF REAL ESTATE CLOSE TO public and high schools In quiet residential area. 3 bedroom brick house in immaculate condition. Nicely decorated. Broadioomed. Large recrea- tion room, paved drive. Asking $16,200. Phone George Valentine at 728-5157 or 728-2 Active Realty Limited. MOTHER will love this spacious kitchen, the children are close to public or sep arate schools. Dad won't mind only $100 monthly to carry it. Northeast Oshawe Cali Marilyn Fitegerald 668-5313 or. 728- 5103, W. ©. Martin Realtor. LOVELY brick home in a desired area. Garage and paved drive. Home In excel- lent condition. Many extras included. Open to offers. For full particulars call Elaine Lee, 723-0396, or 728-5103, W. O. Martin Realtor. | DUPLEX, brick, separate entrances, two bathrooms, two kitchens, heavy duty wir- '$SSSSSSSSS8$8 A FRIEND IN NEED! Let us solve your housing problems . . . and you will agree you have found @ friend indeed. ncome l0-room partly furnished house large lot, at Newcastie No reasonable sie refused Write Box 13705 Oshawa Tim DON STRADESKI Realtor 723-4651 63 King W. Oshawa SSisS5353:93'3:5 BUY SELL TRADE CALL GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-4645 mae "NEW 'three- and four-bedroom homes, ready for occupancy for Apri i. Only a limited number to be bullt. Call now for best selection. Trade-in taken of course, Call Cari Olsen Realtor, 723-1133. 20 Ray Street, Oshawa. WILSON SOUTH, three bedroom brick bungalow garage, paved drive, oil heat, $17,500. Telephone 725-8360 or 728-2215. $1,991. DOWN, new three-bedroom brick bungalow. Last one left with 6% per cent mortgage. Call Bob Johnston 725-9305. |Metcalf Real Estate. | NEW HOMES are bein by_H. | singer Construction at Rossland Rd, E and Wilson Rd. North. Three and four- jbedroom models in bungalows and two |storeys, with down payment starting at | $2,425.00 with 64 percent NHA mortgages. Occupancy about March 1, 1966. Trade accepted. These homes are seiling fast. For a good hore bullt by @ fine builder call Schofield-Aker Ltd. -- Exciv- sive Agens 723-2265 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 3 bedroom brick bungalow in east area, close to schools and shopping. This new home has a Split entrance and basement com- pletely tiled with walkout. Priced at $16,- 450 with reasonable down payment. Call John Kitchen 723-3788, Harry Millen Real Estate Ltd PRIVATE SALE -- Small but cosy two- bedroom home--ideal for retired couple. Nicely landscaped Residential area-- Immediate possession. $2800 down to one mortgage of $7000. for quick sale. Dial 655-4850. SACRIFICE -- Long ranch bungalow at- tached garage, fifteen hundred ft Seventeen Thousand Nine Hundred. Rolande Tierney 725-5207. Keith Peters |Realty Limited PRIVATE SALE, Connaught Street, older quality home, modernized, eight rooms, 2¥2 storeys Dl appointment to see Tele- phone 725-4 PRIVATE, Sige "NORTH-WEST _ loca- three-bedroom bungalow, attached garage, fireplace, completely finished ecreation room, carpeting, drapes, many extras, Priced to sell, Call 728-0996 for appointment. COMMERCIAL INCOME; 2 apartments and 2 stored on Simcoe' st. fully rented and showing good returns on Investment, priced at $28,000 for more. information cal) 728-7576 Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. BLOOR STREET WEST, land value for apartment site, 315 foot frontage. For NANNANNNANMANMNNAYNYNUMNYN Ss S $ S S Ss S S s Ss $ 5 S S s S $ S Listings Invited SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD, 728-7576 FOR EFFICIENT SERVICE NO MUSS, NO FUSS, DON'T CUSS, CALL US. tion, REALTY LTD, | 728-5157 | nformation teleplione Delores Ross|------~ oo |ONE-BEDROOM 728-1964 or 728-5103. W. O. Martin Realtor. 1758 ACRES. rolling lands. ce room 15.miles..trom_. Oshawa, terms! Don . Stradeski 24--Stores, Offices, Storage) OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE $71,900. "Easiest Realtor, 723-4651. CENTRAL -- Two bedroom brick house plus garage Ready for immediate occu: DUPLEX -- Four years oid. Good rental area. For further information call Jean- nette Nugent 723-4651. Don Stradeski, Realtor $9,900 FOR THIS four room bungalow in excellent condition, New furnace, Very jarge garden lot, Close to GM_ South plant. Carries for $70 per month. For de- tails call Murray Boyle, 723-4270. Joseph Bosco, Realtor. JUST In Times Building e contact: T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES GARAGE "for "ret Centre. and Gibb} Street, $6. monthly. Telephone 723-321) WAREHOUSE FOR RENT -- 1800 sq. ft Heated. Large doors for easy access into building. Convenient location to down town, Well supervised area. Call G. Osborne, Joseph Bosco, Realtor. 728-7377. VACANT GARAGE for rent. LISTED 2-storey brick home. with garage, good location down ent flexible. Try your offer. For ap- ment to see contact Vince Jarvis 2063 or 728-5103 W. O. Martin Realtor. JUST LISTED! In choice East area three bedroom brick bungalow with carport. One year old. 6% per cent NHA mort- gage. Close to all schools and shopping Be first to inspect by calling Joe Craw- 123-1021. Joseph Bosco Realtor. WAYNE STREET -- 5 room bungalow. Hollywood kitchen stove, oven and fan. Three large bedrooms. $15,300. Telephone 23-1452 Centre and five-bedroom bungalows with) alias i | four-and WANT ADS reach thousanos of Intereste? Prospects every day. Take advantage of| the vast audience by telepnoning 723-3492 and place your ad before them now. rate, Public and High Schools. In well developed area. Very low down payment. Telephone 723-6541. PROPERTY FOR &XCHANGE--Ranch bungalow, seven large rooms and tinish-}-------- ed Basement, double garage. Will consid- er property or-? Private, Write Box 12182, Oshawa Times __|HOUSE FOR RENT. Apply 445 Simcoe| FOUR- YEAR-OLD commercial building South. | over 2,000 sq. ft., ideal for small bus' '|WINTERIZED COTTAGE | ry Tooms| Telephone 723-1168 Bullled Real Est furnished. Available immediately. Apply 9| COZY 5-room bungalow with garage on|Stone Street or telephone 723-4922; after a spacious lot just outside city limits, taxes only $168.00 live comfortably and 25--Houses 'for Rent 4 5 TWO-BEDROOM home, oil heated, built-| serenity ease bss Saeco fo saeb Ce me $11,701 | Ton r i i ' by's Real Estate Ltd able February 1, $105 thy, Telephone) i GRAVEL PIT RD. S.: $8,900 full price|Tupeg-BEDROOM bungalows 1 ial ss " ; gal ow, large liv-| for this 4-room bungalow, city conyeni- ingroom kitchen and bath, immediate| ences, low taxes, situated on a half acre | possession, call between 5-6 p.m. 723-| ot. Owner anxious to sell, Inspect and) go79 make your offer. Anthony Siblock 728-7576 | Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. ONE AND HALF-STOREY, three-bed-) room, garage, oil heated, convenient lo- cation. $120 monthly, Imeediate posses-) sion. Telephone 725-9683 | HARMONY SOUTH Brand new three-| bedroom home for rent. $145 monthly. | Available March 15. Telephone 728-6718 | NORTHWEST AREA -- Brick 2 bedrooms Tile bathroom ar Wall to wall broadioom in living diningroom Near church, schoo! and bus Available February Ist adults only $125 Phone 725-6311 after 6 prn 723-2825 THREE BEDROOM house, north end, $135 monthly. immediate gsession,| Telephone, 728-6436, |21--Farms for Sale |BROILER FARM, licensed, equipment, barn, ten acres, creek, modern. five-bed- room home. John Kuipers, 723-6890, Keith Peters Reaity Limited. pessoas galow | Smort Business People Sing the biciees of Oshawa Action Ads 1 6 evenings 723 1820. odd j apartment, 26--Apariments For Revit * Planning to move See MALA GLEN %& COURT lo- problem ! Ni Save -- Walk to Work Only 5 min, from South .General Motors 2 Immedicte occupancy @ 1, 2 and 3 bedroom partments @ 2 bathrooms in ol! 2 end 3 bedroom suites' @ FM music @ Intercom controlled @ Mail delivered to your door @ 2 elevators @ Large balconies Rental Representative on duty Daily 1-9 p,m. at apartment 835 Oxford St. PHONE 728-9468 or 728-9466 Oshawa Realty (Bond St.) Ltd. After Hours - 723-6255 Royale APARTMENTS Carefully planned one ond two bedroom apartment suites. AVAILABLE FOR OCCUPANCY FEBRUARY Ist, Feoturing the utmost: In mod- ern living ot moderote rental rates, @ Bus Service at Door e Within walking distance of Schoels and ing Electrically Heated Completely Soundproof Controlled Entrances Spacious Balconies Drapes Supplied Mail Delivery to each suite Broadioomed Corridors FM Music throughout Pius mony more modem features. LOCATED ON SOUTH SIDE OF NONQUON ROAD To inspect call: 728-5282 or 728-1582 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ARLINGTON TERRACE MODEL SUITE OPEN FOR INSPECTION Two Elevators . Draperies Included Broadloomed Corridors Spacious Balconies Hydro Paid Laundry rooms on each floor FM Music throughout Within Walking Distance of Schools and Shopping Renta! Agents on Premises APPLY SUITE 102 190 NONQUON ROAD Phone 723-8365 RESPECTABLE young lady or middie aged lady to share apartment. Two bed- room. No children, For further informa- tion telephone 723-8015, GENTLEMAN wishes to share with other gentleman apartment in modern aparte ment building. Completely furnished, Telephone 728-4235, after 7 p.m. TWO large partly furnished rooms, three piece bath, balcony suit one or twe aduits $75-monthly. Telephone 668-2930 PU HED basement apartment for table for couple or two gentie- men. Close to South General Motors. Ne childre Telephone 728-4997. TWO-BEDROOM apartments avaliable, in |new buildings with possession for March ACTIVE jt. Waik e balconies, stoves, 'triges, hea e be " t, broadioom. Renting for $115 an 25 per month, which includes hydro, wher and hot water tank. Call 5. D, Hyman Real & le Limited, 728- 6286. heavy wire imme partment, | Ing, private entrance and bath. jdiate pos session, 725-2849. = laroe ment. Single continental beds. Su' or four working Individuals or private, vacant. 133 Os hawa Blvd. South. ONE-, fwo- and three - bedroom apart- ments, refrigerator, sfove, controlled en- trance, swimming pool. Dial 723-2347. $85 MONTHLY for three room apart- ment, stove, rerfigerator, heat, hydro and water included, References and lease re- quired. Call 728-2949, TWO-BEOROOM unfurnished apartment, self-contained. Quiet clean family with two school-age children preferred, $110 monthly, Telephone before 2 p.m. 728- 8519. VICTORIA MANOR --_ |VERY_CENTRAL. "ar = VER fia -- Two bedroom apartment, Apply apartment 1 or 23, 1724 Dufferin Street, Whitby, 668-8746, THREE ROOM modern apartment, ail ces, hot, cold water. Private en- Infant wel- Apply 165 "range, refrigerator, Immediate possession. Verdun Road jTWwes BEDROOM apartment in five-plex, tove and refrigerator furnished, Apply 3070 Ravine Road, Apt. 5. THREE-ROOM apartment, 'large kitchen, stove and refrigerator, private entrance and washroom, washer and dryer. North of pce Centre, Available February THREE-ROOMED unfurnished flat "with {private bath, Heat and water supplied, suit a.married couple or two ladies, rent |reagonable, abstainers and no children or | pets, references required, . available |Feb, Ist. @all 725-6869 ° BALDWIN STREET, 385 -- main floor, three-room unfurnished apartment, pri- vate entrance and bath, in new home, No children. Telephone 728-6409. TWO-BEDROOM apartment on second floor also one-bedroom basement apart- |ment. Heated, hot and cold water. Chil- drer, welcome. Apply Apt. 20, 300 High eet, Whitby. 6 CLEAN SMALL unfu rtment. Bedroom kitchen; Private bath -aend~en- trance. Close to South General Motors Non-smoker only. Parking--Heat water hydro included $60. monthly, 725-2915 FOUR ROOM apariment Avaliable | mediately One child welcome Call 639 im 723- ROOM furnished basement suitable for one or two girls Centrally focated, All conveniences in- cluded. Telephone 728-2359. MODERN two bedroom apartment with balcony stove and refrigerator included $115. 585 Lansdowne Drive Apt 3 or Tele- phone 725-4183 SIMCOE NORTH, four room completely ished suite, two bedroams, near hos- choois Privat e bath. Aduits, g. Telephone 72 7. THREE BEDROOM apartment on Cartier Avenue, close to shopping plaza, adults preferably. Available February 15, Tele phone 723-4932, THREE