Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jan 1966, p. 14

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if eshawa Tes, cTosaten, January po tee "Sell the Old and Bring In the New ... With Ti % Call The Direct Classified huiliber 723- 3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants | Barristers |Gardening and Supplies Seles and Service HOSMAR, Chartered Recoonh | SOSH P.. MANGAN, QC, ag tae Street, Suite 4, Oshaws,| Prone' to joan. Office, Ontario. T East, Oshawa, 728-8232. Solicitor." 14% King Street APPLIANCE SOB CLANCY'S | ACcOU e y sirecoc| Building Trades ("Enjoy Yourself" REPAIRS Complete booki ice, 299 Simcoe) South, 725-0397. Res. 923-7608. GORDON R. DAY, Certified Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa ping Centre, 725-9953. es dL hot OER JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Account- ant, Licensed Trustee. e, 17 Bond 'Stree? East. Telephone 723-4833. -- ALE, FRIEDLANDER A AN! charteted Accountants, Licnesed Trus- fees in Bankruptcy, ae Simcoe Street North, Oshawa 728-7371. oe HOPKINS, BEADLE ine €O., Char tered Accountants, Financial Trade Bulid 187 King Street East, Oshawa, - 725- Genera! Shop- NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL FREE 21" PORTABLE T.V,: to»tst 25 Customers (no gimmicks or contests "HOME IMPROVEMENTS @ Rec Rooms rec room over $1,500 free _new 3-way TV, Hi-Fi, stereo). @ Remodelling e@ Additions @ Gorages @ Carports, etc. This month Special California Redwood All workmanship guaranteed for over 5 years. Suitable terms or financing available. NO PAYMENTS TILL JULY 1966 Please call us anytime for free estimate and expert ad- vice. (with every Hopkins, CA; H CA; E. phy CA. MALL, PERKIN, (IN, MacMILLAN AND © Chartered Accountants, 364 King Str East, Oshawa, 725-6539; William C. .Hall,; B.Comm., CA; David G. Perkin, CA; J. Graham MacMillan, CA. | Barristers CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, | VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, | Bank of Commerce mulising: 8 5 Simope Street North, 46; Creighton, Drynan, QC, 7. QC; 723-4768; J. Mortgages arranged GREER AND KELLY, Barristers. , Soll tors, etc., 114 King Street East. Dial) 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. W. Greer,| QC, 725-3368; Terence Vv. Kelly, BA, BCL,| Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, | ¢. Victor, 985-7115.| 723-0781 SHEFFIELD Construction Co King E. Oshawa SAME MACDONALD, 8A, LLB,| Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- The Commercial Buliding, 286 King Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking available, 725-4716 or 725-4717. ANTHONY EDWARD y LASKOWSKY, BA,| Barrister and Solicitor, 73 Centre) hou: SUNFLOWER SEED WILD BIRD MIX CRACKED: CORN MILLET WHEAT BIRD FEEDING STATIONS WATER SOFT SALT ICE SALT © SAND SNOW "SHOVELS: STRAW Expert repoirs to all halos , of washers, dryers, ranges, "etc @ ALSO'PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 452. Simcoe -S. Oshawa Telephone 723- 001 A. Before You Buy A Piano or Organ, See PET SUPPLIES HEINTZMAN & Co, Ltd, he GANESE CLAIM AE HONOR oF rahi CAG THE FIRS! LARGE BELLS. (1408) nis A GLACIER: CHT. $f ELIAS, ALASKA.) TMEARCTIC OCEAN ROWING ON A "ibe EON, A SIMPLETON. WHIFFET, ALIAS WHIFF OR PUFF, ' WHIFFET, USA. AS! od OR INSIGNIFICAN PERSON oR ANIMAL, WHATNOT A MOnpEsCRIPL ARTICLE. WHATNOT, ALIGHT OPE SEY oF SHELVES USED For BRIC* A- BRAC, EfCs WWE HEIGHT | OF A MOUNTAIN RANGE RISING FROM aes 3,000 FEET, COQEFSMAITN. | / a meee. co | TELEPHONE 728-2921 || © King Fam Tie ET 0 he mt 16 CELINA ST. GUARANTEED REPAIRS 0 all wringer | washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call | 728-1742 or 723-0011 [s-- Trailers We Deliver Ontario Trailers jway, Ltd., Toronto 18, Ont 723-1139 723-2312 v-- awnings. Complete service, free esti- ates, Mil Jelinek, 7at- 1993. Instruction _ "(Septic Service ~|7--Swap_ and Barter | PRIVATE ACCORDION LESSONS. Grad- SEPTIC TANKS Cleaned. Prompt service 1961 AUSTIN Mini ed teaching. Trial course includes loaned on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street;wanted line nstrument. Phone 728-3909. | West, Whitby, 668-2563. jor cash adjustment, Telephone 668-2067 --|DOUMATIC washer dryer, Spiece bath _ Surveyors sets $55. stainless steel sinks $9.95, pres: sure systems, sump pumps, laundry tubs,| 'H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land| hardwood cuttings. H. Chinn, Phone | 7088 stationwagon, also equipment, tape recorder (Janitor | Service |ATTENTION | HOUSEWIVES: ra | | nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done bi modern machine. Free estimates. Work sarenyorss M13 Elgin Street East. guaranteed, 728-7736. 725-688) CELLARS CLEANED frash household repairs done. Telephone yemeved,| DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario 8--Articles For Sale _ 723-|Land Surveyor 1 Street. Office rs: 9 a.m. ~ 5:30 p.m Evening appointment. Dial 723-1661. | MUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36/2 king| ig East, Oshawa; R. OD. Humphrey $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman, LLB; 2) D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Whitby,/ 668-2761; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA and) other first mortgage funds avaliable. Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 words, $1.08 additional words, 4%¢. each co secutive insertions of 24 words, Pay 88; con- oss 04; additional. words 2c. each, additional words 21¢. each, | )HiLL-| Lowest Prices Ever On (FUTURAMA) @ KITCHENS @ BATHROOMS @ REC. ROOMS Exomple: You can have a rec room completely built for only $2.25 per sq. ft. of floor area We hove a staff of qualified Plumbers, Electricians, Car- penters, . Plasterers, Painters etc., co-ordinated to give you fast service at lowest cost CO-ORDINATED REMODELEERS For a free estimate call 723-0966 secutive insertions of 24 words, Cherge--10 per cent seditione! charge If net paid within 8 days Methed of Counting ---- Less thon atl words counts os 24 words; eoch word | initial, figure or abbreviation counts} as one word; phone number counts two words. BIRTHS---DEATHS-- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents odd tional charges if not paid within 8 days.' IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and 5c each thereafter pilus 12c. per line of verse; 25c. additional eherge if not 2997 1 Ontario Street, |CLEAN YOUR BACKYARD and base-| |Tv ment. Also scrap taken away. Call Joe, 723-2368. -Radio "Repairs SKATES 725-5632 q | Big savings on Skating Out- TV TOWERS fits for the whole family dur ing our Big Fall Sale. ECONOMY AND from $7.25 pr. DELUXE Priced to suit your budget. 303 RIFLE TERMS ARRANGED Known for its accuracy and OSHAWA TV |: selilay! this ruaged! gum will deliver years of satis- SUPPLY LIMITED factory shooting TAUNTON RD. E. $24.95 --| |Money | To 'Loan T WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a| |reascnable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile }purpose providing you are steadily em- [ployed and have good credit. Telephone | 723- Ags. lene SPARE Rooms with paying guests. |Oial 723-3492 now for an ad-writer to |help you phrase an ed. |Mortgages | | | | BAMBOO" DRAPES, venetian blinds, can. |AIRSTREAMS factory authorized dealer. | | | Phone 723 |8--Articles For Sale 1577 The Queens-| WALNUT STORE COUNTERS All. are solid condition; about 30 feet in length and have storage space in ample underneath. For further information apply STORE MANAGER METROPOLITAN STORE 58 King Street, NEW IN OSHAWA ELNA Sewing Machine SALE Supermatics and Automatics Up to $100 Off! Cabinets half-price East Oshawa | WHITE ELNA SEWING CENTRE 2am, Bond St. PARTS For Washers, Stoves and West Oshowa 'MORTGAGE LOANS for "ro SW TE depth traction tread. A brand TELEVISION - RADIO new winter tire priced almost 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES constr Moneys available first and second mortgages. Open mortgages. No bonus, First mortgages, second mort- goges and ogreements for sale purchased. paid within 8 doys. | CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 35 words ond 5c.| eoch thereafter with 25c. additional, charge if not paid within 8 days. COMING EVENTS $2.10 per Inch (display); $1.50 for the first words ond Se, each thereafter (Werd Ads). AbcTIOn SALES $2.10 PER INCH PER INSERTION, DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS se. AND FOUND a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION BIRTHS AND DEATHS 9 a.m. DAY. OF PUBLICATION NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS JANUARY SPECIAL $50.00 cash or hand painted picture, ony size or kitchen range, hood and exhaust fan with lifetime filter. Remodell- ing and additions of all kinds, homes, offices or industrial. Floor tiling, custom made cupboards. Aluminum doors ond = windows Television ceriols $30.00 for 40' com- plete lead in. Boby sitting by the under superv with hour sion of trained nurses. We repair also broken hearts. Marriage pa ng on CLASSIFIED DISPLAY everything > T eolumn--4- p.m. day previous; -2-¢ umns or larger--10 a.m. day prev CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. DAY_OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before cublication will be eharged one day's insertion, nse! by appointment led bank = 24 All work done by st craftsmen rote: hour ser Financing Call us anytime ice BOX NUMBER RENTAL--50c While every endeavor will be to forword replies to box numbers the odvertisers os as we accept no liability respect loss or damage alleged through either foilure or i warding such replies, however whether by negligence or otherwise The Times will not be responsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days. REGULATIONS The Oshawo Times awwonsible for errors submitted otherwise thon 7 for more than one insertion of advertisement nor beyond the 'price charge for a single insertion in which error occurs. soon possible of JANUARY SPECIALS Save up to 20% R coused during uary on ¢. Rooms Kit Floors and all Rooms Ce Repairs H McKOY 72 25-8576 will General rec-rooms Workmanship 8720 re-modelling aranteed. and 723-9503; mmina 668: The Oshawa Times reserves to classify advertising ts proper classification. the right to NEW PLASTERING and repairs, sidewalks ng, rec-rooms estimates Woods, . 728-3420 8a Fe stucco, Free or according re-model bg « In the cases of display advertisem The Times will not be held sible for more space' thon the actual error occupies lishers endeavor to rer vertising matter correctly, no. liability ROOFING, concrete noors, our specialty New work Y} Large and smaii jobs. L and Construction. RR ? ALL TYPES and remodel! flat and and H 725-6997 roofing, repairs b roofing chintneys. new paired; sidewalk and concrete Whitby 668-2774, Gord May PORTABLE welding equipment and man available from January 24; 1944. Exper enced repair and ural. Phone 468-4585 but osspr of advertisement if any inaecurocies In eny form are contained! there: ding, repairs and re. repairs 'T'S EASY TO PLACE TIMES ACTION WANT Coll Classified Direct 723-3492 A AD stru | Cartage TWO-TON STAKE truck for hire jable rate? Telephone 728-778) Reason INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column 2--~Personal 3--Sportsman's Colum: 5--~Trailers 6--Morine Equipment 7----Swop ond Borter 8--Articles for Sole 9--Morket Basket 10--Farmer Li--Pets ani 12--Articles Want red Articles for Rent done Business Opportunities 15--~Employment Wanted 16&--Agents Wanted 17---Female Help Wanted 1B--Mole Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20-----Real Estate for Sole 20e----Summer Properties 2i--Forms for Sale 22--Lots for Sale 23--Reol. Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25----Houses for Rent 26--Aportments for Rent 27----Rooms for Rent 28--Room and Boord 29----Wanted to Rent 30--Automobiles for Sole 31---Compact Cors for Sole Sole |Dentistry CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Surgeon, 172 K ng Street East, For appointment, 728-5171 BIALEK, OR. E.. P, 112 Simcoe Street. North, appointment, 728.5842 or Dental Oshawa. Dental Surgeon. Oghawa Res. 728-844), For Dressmaking _ ALTERATION, ending made DRESSMAKING -- alterations, slip covers specialty. Mrs. Toms, ALTERATIONS -- rippers, men's, Dial 728-421 Fitting a Whitby, 648-2372 adins Hing children's ts. pant and Gardening and Supplies TREE TO TRIM? Ca them down 728-0610. $ Free estimates. Or 725-5 'ew cut or For RESULTS TIMES Classified ACTION ADS 7233492 36- "Lega! 37--Auctions 38--Coming Events 1S Netleee EXPERIENCED CARPENTRY work,| {Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. Roof ing) agr eements purchased and sold. Hennick M. F, SWARTZ 26V2 King St East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4679 from $17.56 up ELECTRONICS | DOMINION "TIRE STORE vin en | 145 King St. W. Telephone 725-6511 Mortgage Loans 7% OF VALUE CALL 728-1653 GUARANTY TRUST Company of Canada 32 King St.E,, Oshawa, Ontario --|REFRIGERATORS, $24.95; beds, new smooth top mattresses, Stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; "ew |mattresses, $9.95> stoves, $24.95; $29.95; space savers, $54.95; chrome sets, radios. Guns, new and |Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West. | TYPEWRITER, standard, $25; _ |$35; adding machine, $25; electric type- jwriter, $40 tw total electrical |register, $75. 723-4434 |THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No down payment, $15 monthly at Honest Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE jtables, night tables, chests, bars, etc. Dial 723-5862 --|FREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed _ trouble-free winter you purchase from Western Oil Co., 725-1212 HONEST CAL'S Fu and Appli- ances. Big discounts sacrificing $12; $19.95; crib HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED | . ' V's TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! T.R.1LO. TELEVISION used. 75% coffee} rec: room re without West, FIRST and SECOND | MORTGAGES --_| - All Classes - ¢ Rural, Vacation SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED} 112 Simcoe St. N 725 5-3568 | Summerland Securities for 9 a.m=to sale PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for all mortgages. Mortgages and agree ments of sale purchased. Creighton, (See "Bar j risters." mae FIRST AND SECOND mertaage. Sale and Hennick East, 723-7232 \1ST AND 2ND MORTGAGES available W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Street North, Whitby, 668-3338. Barristers Specials 723-04 King Street exp 4 Phone products Plating and Decorating 2--Personal nip ,Removal Marie of superfluous hair Murduff will be in Oshawa Jon. 24th, 25th and 26th. Phone Gencsha PAINTING AND - | _ DECORATING | INTERIOR and EXTERIOR | | Broadloom, Custom Draperies | | FREE ESTIMATES | | DODD & SOUTER | ised furniture _Pretty Service. Free esti sisi -- p |Rug-Upholstery Service RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish ed 1? years. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses rebuilt. furniture refinished. Os hawa Up Dean Avenue Corner Bond and Division' 728-5143 OSHAWA AND WHITBY lquality, 424 King Street Oshawa, 725-8541 or 668-5830 | 7289191." aR ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash- 1 lers, duplicators, chequewriters, files, RAE | desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service jand trade, with budget terms. New and RADIO & TELEVISION jused. Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, - | ens Raglan BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture FAST T.V. SERVICE and appliances. Goold's Furniture, 215 Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481 I I va af Service Call only $2.50 $KI-DOO Snowmobiles -- Sales and Serv DOMINION ce. United. Rent-Alls, 352 Wilson Road South (at Olive). 728-5565. TELEVISION PARTY DRESS, turquoise, size 10; mar 77B-5154 EE ternity. dresses, sizes at ee clean mortgages é 7 pn On. Ansty %B rew Street. 10% per yeor quoran- All_ work _guoranteed |USED PLUMBING, heating, electrical { ree - and building supplies for sale at al teed. 6 months interest, good times. Reasonable prices. Telephone 725. covenant. Vacation land WINTERTIME 14171 anytime. Allied Wrecking Co., Brock | 4 T.V. TIME jand Dunlop Streets, Whitby 725-3568 | T.V. Service Anytime |BEDROOM suite three pieces, five piece | [enreme suite General Electric washer. | new condition. Two piece living room . Ae > suite with covers. Fair condition. 723-0306 TELEVISION HALLICRAFTER C.B.3.A. two way radio, eight channels, round shield, & 728-5143 meter, variable tuner, with 108 inch width' aerial. Original cost $250. Will sell for $180, 668-6518 after 6 p.m TV SERVICE -- [ruites aausw produce : ; ered now, Telephoi aa mes DAY OR EVENING | anion 668-6583 BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- 728-5286 ances. Cail Elmer, Hampton. 263-2294 a 995 TAY GEw ee "ey eee or 263-2 Musical Services OSHAWA | MUSKRAT COAT back skins dark 'brown SMALL DANCE BAND availabie |Size 14. Red double-knit wool suit. Size enced. Reliable. Reasonable ELECTRONICS }18. Telephone 725-8646 ed Taylor, Ajax 942-1663 {FOR YOUR WATKINS (quality) EXPERT TRAINING on brass or wood-|CITY TV TOWER, antennas, also repairs.| Telephone 728-2383 any time wind instruments; also theory. Telephone|All work guaranteed. $11 Dean Avenue.|CHINA CABINET; writing desk, 48x24" 728-9115, Jim Alexander ARCTORMTA. _ Telephone 725-0500. seven drawers, finished to order $30 each; Z ------| washing machine $20. Call 723-2164 Optometrist Well | Drillina--Digaing |USED AUTO PARTS ANYTHING. " -- i Auto Wreckers, 6 mileg east F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe|WELL DIGGING by machine specializing | LSoheae, Ne Siwy. 722% _-- Street, North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone|i" 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut ---- | 3-41 Street West, » Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-7809,; HOTPOINT RANGE, deluxe size. Pertect enti | CONition, deep well, clock control, all appointments. $85. Telephone 668-3283 -| MATERNITY WARDROBE, size 12, very good condition, child's playpen, and nap chair. Telephone 728-2897 STEP STOOL, yellow, two unmatched |headboards 40", white and gold. Girl's figure skates size 4. Whitby 668-2119 Hotel. on these dates for ap- 3-SPINDLE. MILKSHAKER $100, Moffat pointment lectric. grill $60, 4-hole coffee stove $35 = desk $25. Paymaster chequewriter $45 | ELECTROLYSIS Bill Hamilton Ragian 668-5862 723- 23-464) OIL FIR§ED hot water boiler and ten con - ae vector Yadiators, ali piping. Telephone Plumbing 'and | Heating \ _|WILL ANYONE Witnessing or having 623-2218 after 5 p.m - Personal knowledge of an accident which| BUY AND SELL -- Good | ALU PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-|occurred on Saturday! January 15, 1964 sng appliances. One location only plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark at 7:15 a.m. at William and Mary Streets,| Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3 Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, Oshawa, please contact Eric A. Hall ~ 255 Simcoe Street South Days 728-5135 Res. 728-3870 FREEZER, 15 cu. ft. "Chambers" 6 rion ------ ~ - ths ol t Telephone 72: ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, |AUTOS DELIVERED anywhere, Canada, ee ee ° new and used materials. Reasonable|Florida, California. Bonded drivers. jrates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley.|ronto Drive-Away Service, 5385 Verge Pate hs QUEEN Sales and | Street. 225-7754. pairs to ali makes vacuums. s lence ara leat OF 2 t, 778-7552 BRONCHIAL COUGH bothering you, and) es 23 King West, 728 aT annoying your family? Use Meggezones, RANGE -- four-burner, 25 inch heavy the tried and true British Pastiile. Helps SUtY electric in good working condition to clear the Chest, Throat and Head, 69¢. | Will sell for $30. Apply 623 Olive Ave at druggists anywhere TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-ft -- ruct dinged of 7 ' eri % ng 6. ra CHESTERFIELDS re- upholstered and re- 3 Sportsman ba Column e Styled. Free estimate. See our material SKATE EXCHANGE SHARPENING: one year, for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 7SiNew, used. Baver; Hockey equipment.| Television, Charies Street, 7-722. [Velley Creek, 1% Gone -West, 720-4401. | 728-5143-4, channel antenna com neluded, quarantene $50. See all towers at TRIO corner Bond and Division,| cressers, | portable, | | Fleming Vacuum Service, 1 for students. .| Telephone 985-2076... Dryers ELECTRIC MOTOR Repoir and Exchange OSHAWA APPLIANCE 186 Simcoe S. 728- 7535 TONIA'S VARIETY COFFEE SHOP Specializing in Ukrainian style cabbage rolls. Take out or- ders $1.20 doz. 205 Bond St. W, 725-3772 (Open Sundays) HUS-SKI SNOWMOBILE New '66 Model 444: by Bolens $609. Compare anywhere -- We will finance. 8-5565 FREE---24-hour burner service TEXACO -- Fuel and Stove oil, "Blue Coal" stove, nut, stoker coals @ Slab Wood @ Cannel! Coal @ Building Sup- plies. 668-3524 SAWDONS' (Whitby). LTD. 244 Brock St. S, ----- Whitby FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new quality) furnitdre, only $299. inc. complete bed-| room, living room, kitchen ensembies Pay only $3. wkly, Anbeatabie - value! Baron's Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S$. FABULOUS JANUARY SALE -- now on; at Wilson Furniture, Double mattresses| from $20; chesterfield suite, $99; chrome chairs, $2.99; bedroom suites, $119, Wil- son Furniture, 20 Church Street TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower structure all-channel antenna installed, $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton Road East, just east of Ritson Road. VACUUM repairs, all maki hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 947-0713. | Main Street, cash} Pickering TE ERWB TERS new and rebuilt, stand- rds, portables, ,etectrics. The ideal gift Large stock to choose from. One year full guarantee. Low prices. Jey ins Business Machines, Sales and Sei vice, 728-7783. Open evenings. IMPERIAL SHOE STORE -- = Just « open- ed. Specializing in new shoes. Ladies', men's, children's. Also repairs. 369 Wil- son South, 725-6871. | OIL PAINTINGS--L andscapes, figure work, custom picture Clark Studio, telephone 668-4497. Brock North, Whitby. one HARDWOOD, dry mixed, cut yea Single cord, $10.; double, $18. Telephone} Cec Smith, 786-2283. BEST QUALITY alu: doors, awnings, railings, e Iprices! Call 728-5385 or 723-3692. GENERAL ELECTRIC stereo AM and] FM radio, 23 TV combination. In wal-| nut finish. Only a few months old, in excellent condition, Telephone Ajax 942 0476 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, dishes, own- er moving into apartinent. All in excel-| lent condition. Articles include stove, re- frigerator, deep-freeze, table, chairs. Telephone 655-3433 or 723-7265. GUN CABINETTE, | assortment of hunting equipment. phone 728-1348 S1X tourist cabins, four 12' x 14' and two are 12' x 26'. Also quantity of all size rough lumber, should be seen to appre-/ ciate. 630 King Street West, | WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe street South, "723-1671 'portraits, framing. | 325} ~ windows, Low, low holds ten guns and Tele DOUBLE BED to sel! or fe for twin beds. Telephone 728-6190. GOLF CLUBS, Pro-line set, complete 'to! no..one_iron. $600 value. Special price. NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re pairs to ail makes, New Noses. Phone Jack Lees, 728-6956. traded, repaired 18 Bond Street West, GUNS. -- Bought, sold, at Art's Gun Shop, 728-9731 | | 9--Market | Basket | | CAN SUPPLY you with Ontarip orl P.E,1. potatoes, 10-25-75 Ib. weekly. Egos at attractive prices, Free delivery, Os! awa, 1» _ Whi toy, Ajax. 655-4983. ROASTING CHICKENS -- Orders teken freezer, 4 Ib, $1.35, 9 th. $1.15: Free De very on 10 of more 7% 5291 Free 723-0615. NO. 1 AND NO. 2 Ontario potatoe delivery. Telephone 728-1306 or NO. 1 WINTER | aba 75-lb, bag, $2.85, Telephone 723- 10--Farmer's "Column. 17--Female Help Wanted AD/ and crippled farm stock picked UP Promptly, Margwil | Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone ct 263-2721. Licence 4- C46. 11--Pets ar and Livestock cozy-J RANCH KENNELS, German Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups. Palominos, Pintos, foals, ponies. Asnbu 9 655-4662 evenings colors, UDGIES, all ready for ining, Palaimg strain. Apply 105 Scott Street RR 3, Oshawa BEAUTIFUL | baby dg training, talking strain, Broad, 114 Elgin East STANDARD POODLE, biack female | pup. A beauty, intelligent and housébroken. | Price $75. Mrs, T.. McCutcheon, Tag-a-| Long Kennel Reg'd., L'Amable Ontario. | Bancroft 790W3. | FOR SALE young German Shepherd male dark beautiful dog. Telephone 623-2849) after 7 p.m. 12--Articles Wanted | ies, ready Apply Mrs. | WE NEED used furniture; radios, 728-4401. 13--Articles For Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- | massaging belts, rowing ma- chines, bike exercises -- all $6. per month : PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripods, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT stepladders, "ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compressors, sproy guns, wallpaper steam- ers, tarpaulins, blow. torches, propane torches BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric ,vibrator, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- Onary saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, moortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, sand blaster, power post hole auger, ascillating sanders, disc sanders, actylene welding outfits, 200 amp electric welders. STAN'S 233 King St. W., Oshawa Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. appliances; | TV's, Valiey Creek, 16 Bond West, | | lees taurant, } EXPERIENCED CASHIERS PART TIME POWER SUPERMARKET 564 Biss East PART- TIME $1 to $1.50 per hour Woman for plesant tele- phone work, 4 hours daily, 723-5051 MR. GOULD | WAITRESS experienced 8 to 5 pm_ or & imes Action. Want 19--Mole ard Femele Help Wanted PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO OPEN FOR A Part Time DARKROOM PRINTER Write Box 13933 6 Ba OSHAWA 'TIMES TAXI DRIVERS Part or Full Time Minimum Age 25 MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 WANTED ® 1.30 a.m. No Sunday. South End 5 Bloor Street East BABYSITTER required in the area Mary and Division Phone 728-9693: of |WOMAN fequired to do housework | 5 day per week. Telephone '668-231 |18--Male Help | Wanted a GOOD OPPORTUNITY Recause of our continued ex- pansion program, we require one additional man. We of- fer a permanent future for a responsible executive or sales- type individual accustomed to active contact with the pub- lic. Three year initial salary plus handsome incentive com- pensation and all group bene- fits. Oshawa resident prefer- red 21 -- 40, no travel, Po- sition offers stable career with substantial income and to the right person managerial op- portunity, Reply in confidence BOX 13727 Oshawa Times GROCERY CLERK FULL TIME POWER | PHONE 723-3224 Tables, es, | Chairs, Linens, ot a Cutlery, Glasses, Coff Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White | | | Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 | WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds; walkers, Pegs machines, sick room sup,lies. Aid Rentais, 105 Beatrice, 725-1 1644 | ENTERTAINING -- Fifty fo one hundred | |People? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| |quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, parking. 723-2140 mornings |CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street North Call 723-2414 | '14--Business | Opportunities| BUSINESS | ' OPPORTUNITIES | Mechanical Minded? Like to sell Cars? . .. We have the perfect well located Garage business. . . Annual turnover of rew ond "used cars, approx. 27 ca | | . » Annual turnover of gas Approx, 200,000 gallons . A well kept home and apartment all included. . Full price $80,000; Excellent terms . To inspect cal] Don Ford- r, Whitby 668-5868, D. W. McQuay, Realtor. | | { | | ~ Excellent. bus ness Three steady operators,; one part-time. Six dryers, $500. ge Full price, $2,500. esd sell due to ness. Write Box 13376M, Oshawa Times. |STORE and_#elf-contained apartment for| lease. Vicinity of Park Road North and| Annapolis, Telephone 723-3351. | BEAUTY SHOP with clientele. 4 : |15--Employment ' Wonted YOUNG MOTHER of one would like to have a little girl or boy come to her| home while parents work. Location east} jend of city, Telephone 728-5567. | GENTLEMAN middle-aged, linguist, | } reliable, seeks position of trust; may con | sider anything of legal assignment; bond able, Have new car-free to travel. Write Box 13980 Oshawa Times. 17--Female Help Wanted WOMAN FOR SALAD BAR | | el 7 a.m, -- 4 p.m. shift Apply Mr. __Genosha Hotel _ WAITRESSES Required 7 A.M, to 4 P.M. 3 P.M. to 11 P.M. 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. Apply Mr. Campbell Genosha Hotel START THE NEW YEAR as. a beauty! 5'" counselor. Products also available. Tele - phone 723 9349. WOMAN-OR-GIRL o--do--_light_ keeping, two school age children 1418 Lakefield Street or telephone 725-0198 WANTED for two or three months moth- erly person to tive n and take complete charge of boy 14. Telephone 728-2717 WANTED BABYSITTER around Campbell te: jr 67 uv house. t MATURE the vi-\b jcinity of Harmony Road and Olive Ave-|} nue four, 728- 2414 Children months. Steady work and eighteen aged five Telephone $ t variety store, Coffee Bar, evenings 5 to 1 317 _Simeve South EXPERIENCED her own clientele awa Time 725-3932. HAIRDRESSER Write Box with Osh HOUSEKEEPER - BABYSITTER for o1 school-age child and 'one year old r Brooklin, five out. 7.30 to 5 Monday through Friday. References please. 655- 107 oF 723-4997, | | OPPORTUNITY 10 oO sett the most com- |plete Postal Box 185, Delormier Station, Mont DRIVER part-time for Fri person. For Delivery WE HAVE AN OPENING in our organiza- tion for a family man who might be de- gram and a starting form of remunera- Apply | ments. in discussing this on a confidential basis | would be very happy to hear from you at your convenience, Please feel free to -- ES Over 4. Take short auto trips, Air mail EXPERIENCED GIRL for coffee bar and B Smith's| Petroleum Corp., Worth 1, Texas. SUPERMARKET 564 King East STORE MANAGER EXPERIENCED BACKHOE OPERATOR OSHAWA DISTRICT CALL 725-2741 Two relioble persons for check room, Saturday nights only. Couple preferred, For information call Mrs, Schnei- der. 728-0337. |TIME "FOR A A "CHANGE? V Was. "ast year | really 4 successful year? Does your pres- ent. job offer you all the PPportunity you want? income? Potential? Wf your answer , Oshawa Times. baie WATKIN'S abi is no, write route avall- » full or part-time, Telephone 728-2383 between 89 p.m. HAIRDRESSER WANTED. Steady em. ployment, Apply Guieada and Dine, 109 Byron Street South, Whitby, 668-6031. 20--Real Estate for Sale KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD. 103 King Street East 728-7328 NEW LISTING A lovely 6 room, storey and a half home on Kingsdale, very central location, excel- lent shape, new furnoce, gar- oge, private drive, T.V, an- tenna, storms and . screens, For further particulars coll Will Irvine 728-2868 COUNTRY PROPERTY 34 Acres of rolling land at $19,500 with about 10 acres of bush, flowing stream, no- tural pond location ond just 12 miles from Oshawo. This is o natural for your develop- ment. For complete informa- tion call + Stan ke 655-3066. NEW YEAR NEW HOME BOWMANVILLE -- LIBERTY GARDENS 3 bedroom ranch bungalow with attached gor- oge, L shaped dining and liv- ing room, 4 pce, tiled bath with ceramic tile, mahogany SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT Able--to truck. Salary commensurate with ex- perience. Apply in person only operate tow Down's Towing 97 King E. "YOUNG MAN for OSHAWA'S FINEST MEN'S WEAR STORE Apply stating age, education and experience, if any, to BOX-43717 BO? OSHAWA TIMES FULLY QUALIFIED TINSMITH Steady work year round. Older man considered. Apply 91 Bruce St., Oshawa. 9 a.m. -- 3 30 p.m. COCKTAIL LOUNGE WAITERS Required -- Part Time. APPLY MR. CAMPBELL Genosha Hotel line of calendars and advertising peciatties. Top commissions paid weekly. | time or part time. References are ssential, Write for further particulars to eal, | WAITER 'required, "Apply, "Queen's en's Hotel, | 7 Simcoe North "and Sai-| Unlimited opportunity for honest) interview call J, and S./ 728-4882. (Replies confidential.) rday. improving his position or in- income, The pcsition offers thorough training pro- 'ous of reasing 'his complete and keeping with budgeted require- lf you would be at all interested ion in elephone fer an appointment at 728-9434. superintendents for apartment wilding. For interview write Box No. 3988 | Oshawa Times. 1,000 IN A MONTH is not too much for he man we want in the Oshawa area. Southwestern Ft. S. Dickerson, Pres., 534 N, Main St, Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay trim, brick and stone front. Best buy in town ot $17,300 one N.H.A, mortgage 614%. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548. LOW DOWN PAYMENT $8,900 -- 5 room bungalow situated on % acre lot, taxes only $109, low overhead. Real Value. Call Art Donald son 725-9882 or 728-7328, APPLE HILL Brick .bungalow with 3 bed- rooms, 11 years old, new gar- age and asphalt driveway, nicely land! ped lot, storms and screens, asking only $2,500 down. Vendor take back «mortgage. Call Earle Allen 725-77 $12,000 FULL PRICE Six room. bungalow, hot water oil heating, sunken liv- ing room, extra shower in basement, well landscaped, peved street and sidewalk. Must be seen. Phone Bill Rat- cliffe 655-4457. List EXCLUSIVE or M.L.S, with this Office. OPEN. | HOUSE DAILY 1 TO 5 P.M. Trades Accepted' Bungalows and two stories Electric or Oil heat Many other features * & & e @ Choicest area in town @ Priced from $14,975 DOWN PAYMENTS from $1,275. DIRECTIONS: Follow King E/ to Wilson Rood, turn south to Athol and De- yon Streets, rrerrit TT ON TT TT TT pret a Joseph BOSCO. REALTOR '728-7377 Siti dane ae on die to oe 4 Cnr aL e eR Sanam

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