bg OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS. wivassa ' @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Mondey, ENR ne Jauenty 17, 1966 TOWN AND. COUNTRY LADIES' LEAGUE Cor- Fai- Putfers 11, Hi-Laws Lemon Leaguers -- Vera Strong 56, 95, Barney Robbins 91 and Bill Talbot 93 Points Taken -- Blow-Hearts 4, Spitfires 4, Try Hards 4, Alley-Cats 3, Flintstones 1, Pin-Pickers 0, Lucky Strikes 0 and Strike. Outs 0. SCORES 8-ENDER 3 inicsscspsite $ situine Spitfires 5, Lucky-Strikes 4, Flintstones 3, Alley-Cats 3, Pin-Pickers 2 and Strike Outs 0 TORONTO (CP)--A rink skipped by Gord McDonnell of Toronto Saturday scored a perfect eight end against another Toronto. entry skipped by Don Campbell, former winner of Canadian curling championships Campbell, a member of the curling Campbells from Avonlea, Sask., when they Isabers 4, Hot Shots 3. Ball Hi's 3 won the Canadian title in --/Biré 1, Trotters, 1, Alley Kats 0 1955, missed a draw with his |P¢sys Fes 0. last- rock to set up the per- ELECTRICAL . MAINTENANCE LEAGUE GUYS AND DOLLS Guys' High Triples -- Frank 1(310, 305, 288); Ron Jay 8% (333, 4 262); Wilf Villa 776 (246, 254, 276); Harold 233, 306, 231); Arn Green 75 A Reg Hickey 736 (240, 7); and Lloyd Sabins 730 (223, 254 Dolls' High Trip! 247, 293 Mavis , 3 Maude Cockerten Marion' Dingman 738 (300, 22 Westley 720 (258, 217, 245); Bernice Buday 706 (326) Teams Taylor 771 763 224 ce Standing Hickleberries 4, 274, D. Bilis \221, & Herbacko 220, R. There were only two high triples this P Rasa Me. eller p Tree --'L. Gourley R. Ellis|Walle 731, June Cheeseborough 730, |Gladys Knight 211, Stella Edwards stein™85 and C, Atwell 79. PLAZA FAMILY DOUBLES 205, oy (QM, 270, | -- Pearses 4, Scotts 0; m Jim Keegan 703 (284, 229); John Acres 6968 14, The Mice 13 and Dreamers 16. Ed, Leslie 762 (271, = Section points: Scotts 17, Pearses 16, i ' Burrill 681 (265, 215, 201); Rich Wilson) team Standing --~ Strikers 8, Hof Dogs) (2 aroid Cornish 726 (258, 251, ' : : (291, 232); Ted Monaghan|_Tolal Points: -- Pearses 41,. Burrus 40, : Singular 636 (247, 232) B. Keenan 635! Hood 689. (294, 221); scored for Hershey. | marksmen Harding 626 (220, 204, 202)' and. Tom! 228, 210, Norma @dger 254, Bob Bell 294,(Peeles 622 (221, 208), Tom Rae 621 (224, were in the key roles on the Minarel S89 (224); th and Bar-jrill 223, 210, Ray Pleav 220, Bob Clark! sei 278, 259. table 410 (238, Bert Wight is ' Dorothy Brabin 583 { Hicks for the Aces. iclay Plager. Roger Lafreniere,| 9° 210, Joyce Smith 210, Pauline Bell| sg). van Bent 58% Joyce Ash S88, | ne game winless streak 'in the . i ait | 00 (229, 218), Guseont 458 207); \sobel Calder 552 (218 lgan scored the Bison markers. |. 59 "Wicon 55, 71 Gamble Walt a fh 232, 215, Bob Bryden 230, 214, Gaskell $14. (2000) Blane Reech ba yamble alton, Gerry Eh-| 1) 2 5 7 y * ; _ riaco, Roger Dejordy and y i ;, ; in the Eastern Division, lost 6-1 igh Triples over 400 - Jack Goodman |94, 93, Glad Carter 97, 77, Reid MCCon-| carciay 215, Dot Bowler 215, Kay Hard:!' Leman Leaguer o« Colleen Keller 9? 158, 17 Hornets Saturday. Cleveland paedd Irwin 205, Ab. Burr 204 and Marion Swin-|vettes 4, Wilheais. i, Siinurere. & Joe Namath try Biexle 2, Bob Poste 2 "Avlons| 8" ray Hh wea 2 j2u, : Eddie Joyal, recalled from Jand Bob Barlow, while Serge|Garth McGilivary 21%, Loraine Engelbert Helen Slater 609 (240); Martin Sommer-|{ionters 4, Blimps 1 and X-Rays 1, Diane Ward 231, Marg Veenhof 230, Jack Wil-| ¢ #00; Mac McDonald 717 (202, 246, a ne j ter Sunday night. Playing-coach ; 212, Harry Bennett 211, Ann Naish 211,/ 608. Ruth Parrott 286, 200 Darline Rhynes 608 (231); Loule Kelemen a only rookie on the team, -en- a sparked the Barons to their vic- Laura Genge and Ada Taylor. 28 (653); Bill Cook 262 (640); Shirley |227) 4nd Don Wilson 401 (241) 4 aes 2 ball League All-Stars a 30-19 Team Standing -- Hawks 21, Robins 20,|206 (608); Hugh McMahon 225; gan 204; Pearl McKeegan 203; Leo Gor. . bi a ons 3-1 and Springfield Indians record 35,572 fans, revolved 6-3, Hershey blanked Baltimore the beginning of the second | Saiboy zis, J. Brows is, G. Gliver Zoe, peer Ev Campbell with 668. (262, 7137 | se = ere i a 5. Norihey: Sec Saaigan 2096 By Olver sero -THENTING "Bsa ZY, 212), WIRE AND HARNES: Webster 223, BD. Gieniole 73d. Bie B+ lerbacko 95, A, Steeves 9 and|Laura Collins 225, Isabell Hubbell 224, Ni. Mary Pirle 209, Betty Jolidw 208, | Over 600 -- Cyril Weeks 748 (261, 245,| Points Taken -- Flippers %, Lucky Six| Att Points taken: 261, 230); wiit| Vickers 3, Campbelist; Taylors 3, Coll- (287, 206, 205); Marg Hurren 698 (275,4 Anthony 752 (261, 248, 243); Hugh Hutche: m 09, 228) Burrus 16, Hubbells 12, Vickers 10, Tay- \458 (259, 213); Beaner Smith 643 (233,/7, Climbers. 5, Dead Pins $ Spoilers 31217)7 Clare Hagdsand 702 (263, 237, 202); y Branton 671 .(236, 25,|T#y!ors 20, Hubbeils 29, Campbelis 28, By THE CANADIAN PRESS Cleveland | (231, 203,. 201); Eeen Smith 631 (234, r 200 -- George Moss 208, Lioyd Swindells 646 (236, 230); Har s a = gr y's is o 1 + = }; Gen. Bryant 415 (254, 206): Dave in Saturday actidn,- Harris,|. Scoring for Springfield were)Barciay ei) \ - Maureen Barker 220, 239, Ken Taylor 225,)2'222, Gen. Bey ; kend as Quebec Aces|Pete Goegan 'and Ted Hampson|Cote, with a pair Moreau 234, Slimlivan Bent 218, Joyce Ash 246, 221, Beryi|Peebies 614 (272); Carman Barclay 4)7 pins a two games and Cleve- ; '214)) Jackel Legere $80 (260); Pauline oe 8 ' $ 1216, Maurie Shorten 214, Steve Lovelock! Triples -- Bob Wassell 662, Ken Taylor | (272 200): Doug Pelow 602 (231, 203))!4tmrr $74 (918,216); Joan Anthony S64 Gerry Melnyk and Pat Hanni-|208 and Ciara Dubblestein. 208 Gibbs 605, Norma Edgar 401, Bob B 'American Hockey League SORE FOR ROCHESTER | | Over 200 --~ Ethel Tonkin 243, Joan Wry: |srar| While $48 (278); Liz Hutcheson $2 _ L = ibbs 75, 99, Jeanette emons -- Donna Gibbs » J Branton 223, -Jack Cannon 218, 71516 (244)) Marilyn Bannon $06 (204) and A man, Larry Jeffrey, and Brian elie C i to Rochester Americans Sun- Draper and goalie Claude Du-|(757) 241) 256, 260; Raymond Cooney neil 98, Kay Mackie 79 and' Joan Whitaker| owna'9\, "Ute Wagg 213, Harry Favie 11%.| galt shoetinnm 91, ha use ele : Madeline Morrison 212, Lila Huxtable 7 " ¢ 'of MeLean Games over 200 -- Ernest Kairies 253, WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH ' " r , i D 49, Heath kh Las downed Baltimore Clippers 3-2 Victoria scorers were Fee Oe ee eee eee) over tao: Terry Umrow Feo SEN Fe) aalls 00 cons 1. and Mustangs 1 Sunday after losing 5-2 to Roch- |Jankwoski, with two goals,| 9 : Team Standing -- NOTE: Al our Christmas roll, Beverly ' ern 222, George Strong 214, Bill Stacey| Smith 664 (277, 218); 2 ; f ; | Hasbeens 6, Fruitcakes 6, Hebiojs 5, Nor-| were won by isobel Rigiin, Joan Anthony, : = 4 | ;.|204, Elmer Marshall 203 and Neil Daniel vijie 409 (220) . yj- ville . Tuls Oilers of the Central |Boudreault counted 'for Provi-'297. Over 200 -- Al Brintnell 246, Elaine Professional Hockey League, par in Ove son 227, Kay Holbrook 224, Doug Smith) 600 Games -- John Jukes 6971, Ruth 47 " 3}, Jean Heehoruk 218 Morris Love 218,|Parrott 682, Diana Charuk 653, Bill Coon | Pts Mal MeKinnen Rg IM UB Nae Fred Glover, back after an 18- HOUSTON, Tex, (AP)--New TORONTO RINK 718 Wilson, on a y ecause of-a knee y White 20 L M : 200 Games e J game layoff becau Cellar. peers eRuth Male Al, (682); Ross Sutherland 280 (618); John 607, (242); Barb: Smith 602° (307), Ted gineered a non-stop second-half aL) 200; D 'i drive that produced 24 points} Points. Taken Hawks. 4, Robins 4,| Stainton 251, Dan Charuk 236, jwQver 200; Don Wild 217; Suzanne Smith ah caer unday games re Eables 3, Wrens 3, Crows 3, Larks 1,|Curry 271; Jack-Gale 229; - Ivan 213; Gary Perry 212, 206; Doreen Kele- § ee S, ¢ Vickery avery the ARE alain Larks 20, Cranes 19, Crows 14, Ravens|Thertell 221; Bill Sawyer 227; sang Bevel Fbclibug tion Eee vie thumped Hershey Bears 7-1. In Pion Buffalo Bills Saturday. remaining ganies Saturday, around the 22-year-old Namath 3-0 and Victoria Maple Leafs of from the moment he replaced the Western' Hockey League half with the all-stars trailing | 13-6. - | High Slagies -- D. Brown 285, C. Smith] NSIGHBORHOOD LADIES LEAGUE e -- ee nr eae 2 Sane aed 2 ENR Ze oxo " cman Gone y : .-- - im ae 7) 20. J. Logan. 201, scores: tlien surrms 274, hiyriie 7 = Team Standings.-- Pin Pickers 31, Go| D. Bowen 210, B, Lean 207, M, Fitzgerald | Lemon Getters 27, Alley Cats 25, Gay Six 721,|207 and H. Ridley 206. h 5. ea in ue ec ces Hi Balls 18, Gabetine 16, Flyers 16, Lemon League ~~ .-Fice.95, H. Ridley |S. Cobel 8 Phyllis Barnes 217, Norma Scott p3, 3 Lucky Strikes 15, Hi Los 11 and Jesters |93, F. Thurston 90, S. Pearce 87, H. Hoog-'. A Over 60 -- Art Bryant 812 (315, 262,| Darlene Wilson 207 and Filo Bracey 208. 1942); Ralph Jennings 739 (261, 248, 230); 11, Ringes 17, Shindigs 13, Happy Gang|265); Harry Keyes 777 ) lins 1; Hubbells 2, Burrus?2, 230); Bill Smith 682 (249, 228, 205); Carl POST OFFICE son 742 (268, 240, 234); Fred Taylor 729 12 lors 10, Collins 8 and Campbells 7. 210, 200); Leo Gorman 638 (271); Harvey| Bar Flies 2, Wing Dings 2 and Robin | Janet Peel 676] ' is 0. " Vickers: 28, Scotts 26 and Collins 20. while Bruce Draper|Bob Courcy were the 0 |200); G pra gras + Rn 4 J 215); June Laverth¥31 (250, 220) Bill| scnram 204, Eric Pearce 206, John Gibbs /o!d Creamer |, 640 200); Lorraine 'A couple of returning players , Over 200 -- Ewen ) High Triples; -- *(9); y i p Anderson, peti 233, Bud Lambert 226, Audrey Bur-| Rell 230, Nancy Schram 200 and Bob Was-| (236) Myles Smith 61) (231)/ Jim Mux ples: --- G09 (249); Barbara scored for the Hornets and/Kilrea, Gerry Foley land Barons snapped a six- nyier,| Dave Bowler 602 (250, 210) and Ar! Taylor (213), Fern Ruechier 40 (221); Bett mon League--Myrna Burgess 85 and) 571, Maureen Barker 603 and Eric Pearce be ty Rochester goals went to| a ' den 237, Lily Rae 233, 230, Anne Cornish Beyeriy Hicholis $24; farline Keeler 519; Quebec, with a 15-point lead we pee | Hershey got goals from Gene weiide Leable a Taylor 78, Pat Kyle 87, Rose Cochrane | chapman 718, Cathy Cannon 217, Phyllit| karen Chacerewakl S67, conac McCarthy 5 | et93; day night and 3-1 to Pittsburgh Conacher, Tom McCarthy andro. got the shutout over Balti-| (S38), 164.98), 2791 and Sam Plume (609) Ga , ,|Roly Arnold 206, Pegay Fayle 204 Cal! Team Standings Vatlants 3 Lou |249, Carol Wood 243, Bob Ellis 243, 266 | ie! ' ; 10, Hideaways 9 Clippers 9, Kaymar 8. i Nicholls won the turkey, The chi y + chen: ester Sunday. . jJohn. Sleaver, Mike Labadi Jim Mershall 221, 6. Engelbert 207, 10t17. sa); Belly. Clerk A0F 2 Ha: 6, Fruitcakes 6, Heblols §,, ris' 5, Lucky irteen 5, Bluffers 4, Moon Diane Roach, Dorei.y Brabin, and irene }dence. | Woodcock 243, Helen Romanuk 233, Joe MOTOR CITY SUNDAY NIGHT scored three goals for Roches- - ' } Wate Jel N N i 216, Ken Taylor 214, Betty Sommerville | 640, Ross Sutherland 618 and Bob Watson (216, 228); 'Nelson Wilson' 612 (208, 2277 fork Jets' Noe Namath, the operation early in December, Scott, Nadine Woodcock, Don $mith,|Jukes 269, 271 (691); Diana Charuk 270, Smith 602 (220, 200); Earl Pye 604 (219, ry and gave the American Foot- Doves 1, Owls 1, Cranes 0 and Ravens 0. |226; Jack Strank 226; Bob Watson 294,|™Men 212; Eileen Smith 207; Ron McKee Pittsburgh dumped Buffalo Bis- The game, which attracted'a Springfield de feated Buffalo San Diego Chiefs' John Hadl at downed Providence Reds 5-1 in sal and an interlocking game in Vic- toria. taken by Bali with 3,401 and team single by Hi's Jay Birds 753 Q 753/12, Wrens 11, Doves 10, jes 10 and Manning 208; Sam Stainton 215; F nel Owls 3 r white on Strank S08: Barb Holland 207; Yvonne | 0° mines 92, Elaine Rines 92, Fred Pye 5 Watson 207; Cy Usher 205, 200 and Pat 81 iid pe Ruf 91, Marlene McKinnon opocc Mowbray 203 1, and tober Bruce Page 80. ? Standings Corner Pins: 28, Cellar, Total Points: Third Section: Watt Nots 4, 1g eine , watts 17, Spinners Dwellers 27, Geordies 26, Skittles 26,|?- Neo Lights 4, 6-32's 4, Flashers 0; Bus Ai fd RY Pough Heads 12, A Duffy's 20, Rolling Stones 17, Handicap- bars 4, Smo-Ho 0, Joules | and Zeners 3.! ang Lacky Sikes 7 , Odd Balls 8'4, pers 16 and The Nuts } . Over 400 -- Ron Brown 640 (244, 202 LAKEVIEW LADIES LEAGUE | 194); Stan Redtearn 411 (224,. 209, 178) We started the third section this week, Ernie Mcliwraith 715 (247, 248, : 220);\nqwever, there were a tot of absent DEALING YOUR Frank Linley 764 (204, 328, 232) and Keith|nowiers. Too much holiday, no doubt Alderton 637 (174, 254, 209) 'Congratulations, to $. Brant for @ nice | CAR? Over 200 -- Marg Hall 210, Kathy Bow|319 game man 222, Dave Duncan 255, 208, Ron Bow be WIN 17TH AT HOME Other scorers for Rochester Sunday were Red Armstrong, Mike Walton and Dick Gamble as the Americans ran their home-ice undefeated streak to 17. Wayne Hicks got the lone Quebec goal. Glover set up two goals against Baltimore, one by his} brother Howie and the other by Ron Atwell. Atwell's turned out to be the winner. Bill Needham! got the other Cleveland marker while Ken Schinkel and Peter Ford scored for Baltimore. Gary Jarrett, Billy Harris, and Norm Beaudin scored for) Pittsburgh Sunday and Gerry} Ouellette scored the Buffalo Namath tossed for two. touch- downs, hitting Lance Alworth with 43 and 10-yard tosses While Namath was engineer- ing the touchdown drives, the all-star defence held the. Bills} in eheck, particularly during} the third quarter when Buffalo} never was able to get beyond its 46-yard line. Defensive line the all-stars were San Diego team-mates Earl Faison and Ernie Ladd, who played with- out knowing that a trade had been announced in the press box. They were sent to Houston| Joe Deserves Me, Oilrs Saturday in : Declares Cassius with 1,284 | In the running for end of second section are Guys -- Ron Jay 257, Rea Hickey Harold Ballem 249, John Trott 247 Lloyd Sabins 247. Dolls Joyce Bell 237, 237, Bea Ross 228, Alice Westley 225 fect end for his opponents. The big score came on the seventh end of the opening round in a «week-long . bon- spiel sponsored by a life in- surance company. McDon- nell, behind 6-3 at the time, won 12-8 but lost his: second game. Others on the McDonnell rink were John Sutton, vice- skip, Richard Burt, second, and Don Dempster, lead Mavis 7 Ev Harding 225 CLUB % Doubles this week were 225) 420; and Ann Lavergne 217 dail 213, Georgina Hardwig 209, Lane 206 and Elsie Bathe ? Points How Now 3, Sixes 0 Marie's 3, Beatles 0 and High Lolly Pops 1 Standings Pops 12, Sixes 11 7 and Beatles 6. standouts for} Lee 229, Irene Bernice SHERIFF'S TAILORING LADIES' LEAGUE Humbugs eased into first place by exchange | for linebacker Johnny Baker,| defensive end Gary Cutsinger| top average at the Mae Patter Barb Quenrell Sweet Jinks man 206, Marilyn Clinansmith 20: Smith 217, Jack Frost 220, Bob Fr 211, Joe Finch 220, 250, Brian Whitmarsh and Bob n Lemon 223, 215, 3 and Fentor League Arthur Wa aylor and Smith 99 and George Day 80. GM NICKEL PLATE Looks like a big night on th because the Polishers are one poin of the section Big Seven Coburn 714 and Over Glover 675, P. Hahn Ran Ruby Paradine Traynor 458, G, Jessome 300 and Over 3. Lemons Campbell 9%, Bvrans 88, H, Rolls 85 and McC Points Taken Polishers 4, Platers 2 Tankers 4, Rackers 0 $hi one point by taking four psints from Pepper ey Fredricks 229, Lil Finch, 219, Fisher 216 Dave Boakes 85, Mildred Cooper 91, Eric | 415 of Mixers and they meet in the last week R. Coleshaw yt $s, Erie Kooks and edricks Shots and Alley Cats 700 - M 400 EB. Clieff 650 ( 446 (310 D. Tomina (263) and M, Hall 200 K Mackin E. Ouellette 218; Clapp 208; P. Lemair @ 3th, 206; T. Oldfield 203; t ahead V Mages and H Team standings Hot Shots 4; Pinettes, split its 75, High Triple 675, G High Single: M. 440, Crackerbys from Shindigs and Diamonds, four Wanamak@r Kooks 6; i Cae | 63 Penettes4; 4. Catton 763, C. Dove 737 4; Ailey Cats4; Shindigs? and.Diamonds 2 Tomina Wanamaker High Average: M. Wanamaker 204 took 6 points while Hot Rojling. Pins and frach i 706 (232,264) 241; 256)7 S. Brant 622 (2 611 The Mon To See ts JACK HUGHES @ ONTARIO MOTOR SALES G.Brown 208; e 207;.M. Keenan G. Harding 203; Coulby 20 Crackerbys Rolling Pens 72 LTD, 366. low price 95, A ullough ners 0 and Mixers 2, NOW open: last goal. Roger Cote, Bill Brian Smith, Brian Yves Locas, Jimmy ALCAN Furniture & Appliances 452 Simcoe St. S. 723-0011 Oshawa's New Furniture and Appliance Store feat- uring Admiral T.V., Zenith, Top Service ond mony top lines of furniture and appliances. third were buys a spacious 211 cubic feet of cargo space 246 ; backo 610 (2 F Hl and L. Gavas 602 LONDON (Reuters) Country soccer results Parker 98, Esther Vincent 80 and DOWNTOWN INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION CLASSES REGARDING THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH AND ITS TEACHINGS WHEN:--MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINGS TIME:--7:30 P.M. WHERE: ST. GREGORY'S AUDITORIUM - ROOM 1 194 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA, ONTARIO (52,585) Me and a reinforced all-welded body with a flat floor and Poole 705 HARMAN PARK LEAGUE High Single R, Phillips, 280 Mac and special pratection against corrosion INUVIK, N.W-T kimo and Indian women are capable of challenging amateur cross country skiers in the world, Rev John Mouchet 'Canada cross-country team for the Win Olympics said Father Mouchet I feel these girls of the North have chance a lifetime." Father Mouchel was hired in 1964 by the territorial recrea director Division Exeter 1 Southend Hull City 6 Workington 0 Mansfield 0 Walsall 3° Milwall 4 Shrewsbury 2 Oldham 1 Brentford 1 Peterborough 2 Swindon'3 Queens PR 6 Swansea 2 Scunthorpe 4 York City 1 Watford 2 Bristol R 0 Brighton Oxford ham vs. Grimsby and vs. Bournemouth d Division IV Barnsley 2. Hartl Bradford 0 Barrow Chester 1 Torquay 1 Colchester 2 Doncaster Crewe Alex 2 Luton 0 m1 BEGINNING:-- MONDAY, JANUARY 17th, 1966 at 7:30 P.M. INSTRUCTORS:--REV. L. McGOUGH and REV. J. MARKLE 725-8444, NON-CATHOLICS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND. best Burns § Strikes says WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES LEAGUE Says| This was the last night second has no of our were ter very we of y : LAKE VISTA MIX Sweeney,, Namath, who completed six tion should see a real battle for first ED LEAGUE to work Lollipops. 10 High Triples G. Gwilliam 744 (225. oh inal with him "because Brown 645 (217, 265); H. Rolls 644 (257, P will have plenty of chances to . 200 en Garason 229 258); M. Her | Doreen McCartney 202 : 4 rdrie § : Cowdenbeath 3 Airdrieonians 0/7, said No.1 may be an-|Hamilton 85, ' 2 " Standings -- White Stars 31 Blackburn 2 Arsenal 1 lQueens Pk 3 Stenhousemuir 2 |19 weeks to three months, Fina 2? $1,519 Scott's Chicken Liverpool 2 West Brom 2 Ie IRISH LEAGUE New York, Ernie Terrell --- D. Snowden, 803 . . . 9 and N. O'Reilly 703 Leicester vs. Chelser and|Derry City 5 Crusaders 0 opponents for this year, adding ~~ y ton H. Brinklow 1 A. Brinklow Bury 3 Leyton Or 0 Man City 0 Preston 0 High Trip Lean 662 (156, | wich vs. Middlesbrough. and Denavit 202, 21 Phillips 224 and P 10 to 18-yeass old. The young Moonlighters 0 ful cross-country skiing, section and ers the Dip. the 250, 226); Verna. Dewe Anchorage Alaska. When eS « '. Clay Paste pb rsa ° Entering our first night of the Kilrea,|of 10 passes for 89 yards, was weight champion eee 'ay, caries at meen ndings as follows: |section, some really good scores Anderson|voted the game's outstanding unbeaten in his 22- pro: fights, + ge pd 289, 230); J, Gardian 74) (238, 219, 284); it's time ee pair Audr J, Bremner 658 (269, 206); A. Northey 657 Joe was with a winner." OLD COUNTRY SOCCER : ee oes man 635 (277); B. Geen 634 (230, 211 Old! Division II be with a winner, said Clay in A abel Fishers 215 '8 en announcing that he hopes to rey 2 $ 403 (205, 209) Lemons Audrey | Pauline ENGLISH LEAGUE Dumbarton 7 Brechin 1 : : : Agnes Mathews 78 4 : . jnounced by Tuesday. Division I |Forfar Athletic 4 E Stirling 2 | oe : : : |George's TV Towers 29 (53,048 Blackpool 2 Everton 0 Raith 5 Stranraer 0 isaid Clay, who celebrated his Laughlin Fuel 24 (53,273); Cullen's E Fulham 9 Man United 1 Alloa vs. Thd Lanark and Ber-|24th birthday today. Villa 20 ($1,362); Motor of City 18 (49,951) Oshawa Auto Trim i7 (49,867); Woodcarvers 14 Sheffield 2 Burnley 1 {Ards 1: Portadown 4 Chicago, Georze Chuvalo D. Snowden; Bt Tottenham 2 Newcastle 2 Ballymena 3 Distillery 0 Toronto and Brian London ecm 00, | A. Greene 390 P. Versiu 333, Sunderland vs. Sheffield Wed-|Glenavon 3 Bangor 1 that Jones 'is the most likely | D. Snowden 329 and -J. Hammond 301 nesday, ppd |Linfield 1 Glentoran 2 : apa ag ui ee. % . ay 1 23 Bocher 123, H, Bain 125, V | Mastronnia 125 and A. Coppella 120 Carlisle 2 Portsmouth 1 'COULD CHALLENGE BEST Coventry 5 Plymouth 1 High Triple ~ 10 Rotherham 3 Crystal Wolverhampton 2 Huddersfield a an eee ae 22 188); & op Cross-Country Skiers 22°: Meinichuk 659 Southampton .vs. Birminghan pent eer ppd (CP)--Es-; The Inuvik Ski Club started Gow Sr. 304, Pam skiers second year Oct, 20 with a/ Montpetit 220, 8. Tay Only two emons" this y e sters have demonstrated de Rovers % Hel have the endurance, the stam-/% Misfils 7; Curves 7 Father Mouchet wt pity. Do's Father Mouchet also was a.' We started our the New Year he \244); Joan Beaton 62 was hired by recreation direc-| Mary Henson 616 (163, 207 tor and cornerback Pete Jacques NEW YORK (AP) -- Heavy-|mints. The spel ag Fuh Ng old Jacks 18, Smarties AI pr iggen tl be Ge ring-'offensive player. has hired Joe Louis : : Sheehey 613 3 + Dore 229, 25 Gardian 657 (218, 263); R 200); M The former heavyweight king | Joan wali 60 nee 242, 210,' 0. Myers 629 (244, 203 F. Majors 624 }. Pattman 6 Parker 210 tuknel kt Ul § Satur) Albion 0 Ayr U2 have four title fights this year. Aston Villa 3 Notts F 0 [Queen of S 4 East Fife 3 | '4 want the first one within 23 (50,769); Dove's > Leeds 2 Stoke 2 wick vs. Arbroath ppd. Clay named Doug Jones ite Te Of | Hambly Block 12 (50,80 eis West Ham 1 Northampton 1 Cliftonville 3 Coleraine 3 'England as the four possible |W. Stata 720, R. Cooney 735, R 'at this time." Good Efforts -- B, Smith 11], B. Hazel Division IT 5 r v Derby 2 Ipswich 2 E ki I di W : | 7, 186, 28 Po SKIMO, indian Ywomen «;..: Bristol City vs. Charlton, Nor 200 and 0 >\turnout of 150 persons, mostly er 243, L. Korr they remons 7 Sexy Set k women's|ina and the a{titude for success ski instructor at Fairbanks and) ,.6% Games Jack van Peltyhe made twor yaa 63 (25%, 20 CATHOLICS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND AND TO BRING NON-CATHOLIC: FRIENDS Gilling Reading also big wide doors for easy loading ee nak 200 Games -- M. Pice suryeys_of ski potential--one in ley 232, F.Rracey 231, the ackeny a ar 9 K. "Senrieder 229," € voling-| = cane rad _-- te 1,200 | Rogers 218, 227, J * . "wn mites nortinwes € u i -- sters. He left Old Crow, Y.T ; yee to tackle the job and one at;Cambridge Bay: y 1 ws : He: started a two-year pilot ls eases ass om But sponsorship is desperately | project dug to end this year.| E. JUHNSUN, 0.D. Lincoln 2 Aldershot 1 needed, says Father Mouchet,|' "Refore we move onto some-| OPTOMETRIST Notts .C 1 Newport 1 a ski trooper in the Second!thing bigger, we have to find if 1412 King St. East 2 King St. Eas Port Vale 2 Rochdale 1 World War. we have the talent for skiing, 723-2721 WED, Dartington v Bradford Young! people in the Macken-\then plan for 10 years from Halifax vs. Chesterfield ppd zie Delta have taken réadily tojnow." OPEN DAILY 'TIL 10 --- SAT. 'TIC 6 P.M. z ' nae = oY ' t Oo Teat c epools 2 ion to acini i 0 country skiing to Arctic SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE FOR THOSE INVOLVED IN SHIFT WORK. Cobbledick There isno fee for these lectures. The Classes' are arranged for those who wish to learn more about the History of the Catholic Church, her Doc- trine, Liturgy, and Beliefs. Questions and discussions are encouraged. and DUrGs Amateur International skiing but they need competi- Ireland 0 Wales 0 tion, he says. The nearest would (at Portadown, N. be in Alaska, 400 miles from SCOTTISH LEAGUE Inuvik, and transportation 1s Division I costly. Aberdeen 3 Celtic 1 Clyde 9 Stirling | Dundee U 3 St. Mirren 0 Falkirk 3 Hibernian 2 Hearts 0 St. Johnstone 0 Kilmarnock | Dunfermline 0 Morton 3 Hamilton 0 Motherwell 0 Partick 3 Rangers vs. Dundee ppd We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities Adults Only SPECI -- : === (ay What more could you ask for at any price? Ireland) and the dollar-saving TUES, power of a famous Chevy 6! There's not much difference to an Eskimo or Indian, be tween snowshoes and skis, be itween long hikes'on the tundra and the same with skis under- foot "It's natural for them. You Girls' Sizes 7 to 14 can see their eyes light up when/ 58" x 60" Size they first pu kies on." SLIMS ------------ = : 5 ae PAISLEY telion mode woolen fabrics, Com- pore at 3.50 volue, sy COM FO RTER Compare at 5.98. FOR PRICE 3 97 ee s SAKE FLOOR "Sigel Canadien Made Men's" WORK PANTS For tough weer reinforeed et all points @ MAIN FLOOR @ Big 7-Or. Bottle "ENOS" FRUIT SALTS Compare at 1.19 FOR PRICE SAKE of atroin. Compare at 6.95 pair. 888 MAIN FOR PRICE SAKE FOR PRICE SAKE isan 1.44 FLOOR token out wos com MAIN MAIN MAIN: FLOOR FLOOR "Every time we got on the dance Prestone Brand GAS LINE ANTI-FREEZE Compare at 85¢ tin FOR PRICE SAM "@ LOWER Hoover Uphoisrery SHAMPOO KIT Applicator and shampoo Compare at 3.98 kit, FOR PRICE SAKE LEVEL @,, 9-Piéce SALAD SET By Federal Gloss @ 4-quart bow! @ serving spoon @ 6 3" bowls @ serv- concentrate 9 48 FOR PRICE. ot 7.95 ) : "LEVEL, 4.44 Fl VEL LF OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE | FEV ENF EN EN 2 aw | INSEAD ANP AN DANS Se AR SY , ~'SEGRET' Phone your Chevrolet Dealer for any kind of truck you want STORES: 92 WOLFE 170% MARY ST. 12 BOND E. 924 SIMCOE N, AGENTS @ United Toxi, 143 King St BOB EAKINS ; The most amazing secret weapon ever Ae Compoere at FOR PRICE SAKE Authorized Chevrolet Truck Dealers In Oshawa-Whitby ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. 140 BOND STREET WEST, OSHAWA, ONT. PHONE 725-65F01 HARRY DONALD LIMITED 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST, W Y, ONT. PHONE 668-3304 -- 3305 = 3306 to see "Bonanza" over channel 6 at 9 e'clock Sunday night LOWER. LEVEL WER LE LOWER WER LEVEL East Roxy Variety, Rosslynn Pleze For Price SakeNt's No Where Else {/ is --OPOED 1038 King St. W. At Garrard Rd. Bar = AT ASAIN ie sure