-| but failed to get a majority in|last fractious session. on the iy iberals--are saying they'll be MUSICAL RAMBLES IN CHURCH Frank Assunto (left) and Bill Johnson swing through the "Muskrat Ramble" dur- ing a 'Jazz ona Sunday Afternoon" yesterday at Tri- nity Cathedral in Cleveland Ohio. Both arevprofessional jazz musicians (Dukas of Dixieland and played several numbers during a_ special service, In the background is Robert Guartin, an Epis- copal layman who gave a running commentary on the program and called it- 'a gig" with a capital G."' (AP Wirephoto) Ontario, Quebec And B.C. Liberal Have 37 Accident Deaths Chiefs By THE CANADIAN PRESS jdas, Ont., near Hamilton, ae ee eo ; ee 'FCs Hoid Pow-wow | DIEF PLANS NON-CONFIDENCE: MOVE To Plan Strategy- OTTAWA (CP) -- A meeting jative completes the Commons|Opposition with a cabinet of Conservative MPs scheduled | roster. sharply revamped from the one today to chart parliamentary} With the NDP and Socialjthat he had when the 26th strategy may provide part of|Credit already showing signs of Parliament ended 644 months the answer about what kind of backing off from all-out attacks|ago. There have been two tas g up. jon the government--at least in|shuffles in the interval. 2 Opposition Leader John Dief-|the early stages--this becomes| New faces include Jean Mar- enbaker has already promised/a factor favoring a mor settled | chand, a forrier Quebec labor an early motion of non - con-| Parliament. |leader in immigration, industri- fidence in the minority Liberal| Return of three former Dief-| alist Robert Winters in trade government. Political observers|enbaker cabinet ministers | aid J. J. Greene in agricul- say, the nature of the 27th|--Richard Bell, George Hees | ture, Parliament, opening 'Tuesday|and Davie Fulton--is expected! Jn the ensuing Parliament will hinge largely on his ap-|to strengthen the Conservative| they'll have to defend policies proach. front bench. But they may also|and legislative plans outlined With 97 members in the 265- offset some of the leader's fire.|in the throne speech to be read 'seat Commons, he would need, Some politicians are saying/Tyesday afternoon by Gover- jall-party support to bring down |that the election. result may|nor - General Vanier in the red- ithe government'on a non - con-{also be a tempering influence. | carpeted Senate chamber. a |fidence motion, The Liberals| With the electorate blessing no! Throne speech contents re- |have 131 seats, just short of an|party with a majority, the|main a closely-guarded secret labsélute floor majority of 134. argument goes, the thing to do wntil the formal reading. But But the Liberals, who sought|is to prevent a repeat of the| many politicians -- including eomine un comin, ithe Nov. 8 election, will likely| grounds it displeased the voter. | surprised if there are any sur- |have the support of a Quebec' One respected MP said the | prises. This, however, does not | independent. J voter's message was also put rule out one. | Moreover the five - man So-/across by his unusual tendency Gen. Vanier will ride from| lcial Credit group has made it|to return the incumbent. This | Government House to the Parl-| \clear it is more interested in}could have meant the voter jament buildings in a_horse- | sustaining the government than was satisfied with the structure | qrawn Jandau -- if it is warm | defeating it. of Parliament,. if not the per- enough. If not he'll use a lim- | ere formance. ousine | WILL GIVE CHANCE i ached a an Th NDP is prepared to give|ONLY 60 ARE NE W e schedule calls for him the Liberals a chance to get on| There are only 60 new MPs to "arrive at the Centre Block with its legislative program.|this tjme. The usual election| Steps at 3:01 p.m. EST and) With 21 members, the socialists turnover is a third (88) to A ig ciety Sor Safe tog Pig oat are the third - largest group/|half of the House. With the re-)s1 ote banquet tonight--for| Switerland with her children, Fourth in size is the Quebec*|duction all five parties were a . 2 4 ; » Sarial Cred io cabinet members, Mr. Diefen-| Caroline and John, is shown only Social CrediPally headed left in the same relative posi biker and ather dignitaries, | Saturday after skiing. She is by Real Caouette, with nine tions. an avid ski enthusiast, hav- seats. An independent Conserv-. Mr. ing just returned from a like . vacation at Sun Valley, | Alberta Libs Idaho recently. Mrs. John F. Kennedy, vacationing at Ostandt, siacueapeasgagee | Pearson will face the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Januory 17, 1966 3 JACQUELINE ON SKI TRAIL from Geneva). Ship Is Freed , ee EEO fav TaA SCG" 44Gy MONTREAL (CP)--The last of five ships trapped in St. Law- rence River ice was freed dur- ing the weekend and the threat of floods along the river re- ceded as four Canadian Coast Guard ice - breakers continued to hammer away at jams down- stream from Montreal. The main bottleneck was Lake St. Peter, a widening in ihe river 50 miles downstream, In Montreal, the harbor ya- ter level Sunday night was "47 feet 11 inches, nearly 13 feet above the normal 35 feet- but what is considered a critical le- vel. Low-lying eastern suburbs ex- \perienced some flooding,- but fewer than 10 cases were re- ported in which families had-ac- tually been evacuated. The last of the five trapped freighters, freed Saturday, was the Russian ship Indigirka, win- ner of the gold cane for being the first ship into Montreal har- bor this year. OMENPAST2I | WITH BLADDER IRRITATION | After 21 twice as many women as men | are made miserable by common. urinary irritation caused by a germ, Escherichia | Coli. To quickly combat the secondary ir a glass of water 3 times daily jor a few days. CYSTEX is a cleaning ary antl= septic, also an analgesic pain reliever sheemsnen Leys nt Pg be ema Backache, and muscular 5, Gel OYSTEX {rom druggist, Feet better fast. (AP Wirephoto via cable still four to seven feet short of - "Diefenbaker Proposes Porgy ee Crown Case Ends | 54 SIMCOE NORTH "Confederation" Parley For Party TUES., and WED. SPECIALS! CALGARY In Capital Murder| (CP)--Crown| Ontario, - Quebec and British|drowned when he fell through Columbia recorded all but one|ice on a creek near. his home At Meet By QVAN BOULANGER meeting that asa. preliminary of 38 accidental deaths across * ; : ° ? r berta accounted for the other ,a) when his. car ran off a road! ST. JOHNS, Que. (CP)--Con- Opposition Leader Diefenbaker e shou e set up. fatality, in a highway mishap. |jnt, 9 creek six miles west of|ervative Leader Diefenbaker| Proposed Saturday that a "na-| wouLD TRAVEL The other six provinces had a : ltional conference on Confeder- 'angst : P lof the ; | reserve. | fatality-free weekend tna Ca-|9% mee says the recent show of inde-| ation" aimed at establishing) This committee would eee ee eee ae ee j icks Rs MR Boag ; .|than five years. Nicholas is charged with the nadian Press survey from 6| Mark Dickson, 6, son of Mr./pendence by Quebec cabinet/national unity be called el beswaagl, Md a alll ie aon «ih : t death of Victor L. Charles, 54,| p-m. Friday to midnight Sun-|and Mrs. Robert Dickson of! Linisters is a "smoke screen"|that all federal and provincial od Potehee | 1 nay race oot | whose body gvas found Sept. 20 day. local times. Sillsville, 25. miles west of Kirigs-! cd aah : : | politicians attend. parties who- would 'travel and/the leadership at the party's an-| s y_ « av, (CP) LONDON, Ont. Berry, 43, Calgary alderman|evidence was completed Satur- Adrian LEAN TENDER /and trust company executive, is|day in the capital murder trial] C |the new leader of the Alberta|of Frederick (Fernie) Nicholas, | lb Liberal party--the third leader | 22, of the nearby Oneida Indian | 69 one was accidentally. shot, one|dale, a Toronto suburb, drowned/ the fact that the provincial Lib-| motion which had earlier been|plan, would be held after these| 245. the first ballot and Wilbur| --13 on the roads, including four, west-of Sudbury. dicted that the yea SS ee as well as party| opposed to the Fulton-Favreau| Freeland, 49 - year - odio ga THE DEAF | 71, of Ren-| izaion will help the provincia | organizers and many of the de-|formula which would be a The Liberal leadership be-| | 'There were 10 deaths in Que-| Walter Manfred Plobner, 4, of|press conference about recent|the last federal election and to| and Liberal justice ministers, is in the 1965 federal election. st BY THE PIECE Of the total of 38 deaths, °24/t0n, in hospital after he was to camouflage an alliance be-|P°7 "hi ronbaker, speaking at|™meet similar committees. in/nual convention Saturday, de-|a half-mile from his burned out) leral organization persons from one family in a} Mrs, Pearl Crogie, came vacant when David Hun-} The "SPECTRA", a new tiny bec with traffic mishaps taking|Toronto, drowned when he fil|criticism of the RCMP ex-|revise Quebec policy. la plan for bringing the right to| "4S defeated. Mr, Hunter had LEAN RINDLESS were® in traffic accidents, six|Struck by a truck while tobog-|tween the federal and Pprovin-|the close of a caucus of Quebec| ach province. feating Robert Russell, a St. PY A cxascenliconlbconlisah nee persons were drowned, two died | g@ning near his' home. | cial Liberal parties. |province Progressive Conserv-| The constitutional conference,|bert advertising executive, on) died of exposure and anothr/when a car in which he was a) helped the| adopted unanimously by all! tours ee _-- argon from a: fall. passenger broke through ice on|fe deral Liberals during the! delegates to the caucus. Diefen-/"0*@ lawyer, was eliminated on head-on crash near Owen Sound,|frew, in a head-on car crash| Party in the next Quebec elec-|feated candidates attended the| straight jacket for Quebec, four drownings and a man|near Carleton Place, about 30|tion, expected this year. |meeting, the purpose of which) The formula, named after|'ey'or Athabasca resigned to run|| aid -- so small it can barely be seen when vorn -- a miracle three lives. In addition two per-|through ice in a Park Creek|pressed by Quebec Justice Min-| Before the caucus, Georges| amend Canada's constitution to sons were drowned, two asphyx-|nar his home. jister Claude Wagner, and about|Valade. member of Parliament} Ottawa from London. taken over the leadership late| in 1961 from Grant MacEwan, | anyone wiih nerve deafness. As powerful os aids three times in fires, three were asphyxiated,,| Bernard Muise, 45, of Rex- He said this was to cover up|atives. was making public alaicording to Mr. Grafftey's|the third ballot by 277 votes to NOT FOR | On this subject, Mr. SKINLESS Ontario reported 18 fatalities|Panache Lake, 25 miles south-| Nov. 8 election, and he pre-| All elected Quebec province| baker said he had always, been asphyxiated in a garage. |miles southwest of Ottawa. He was questioned during a|was to discuss the results ofjformer federal Conservative} ; to say the least. Fantastic, for iated in parked cars, one died) in a fire, one from a fall and/Toronto, when hit. by a car another from exposure. | "tn B.C, seven persons diéd-in road accidnts and one in a fire and one was shot. near his home. John Stanley Horrox, 15, of|Health Minister Eric Kierans'|for Montreal - Ste. Marie, had} The letter to Washington protesting}objected to Mr. while walking on a street near|U.S. measures to improve its balance of payments position.|' Eugene Freeman Hallett, 26,.Mr. Diefenbaker described the|'t. of RR 1, Beeton, when his car,acts as part of a "camouflage SPEAKS AT MEETING The survey does not include) went. out of control near Totten-|operation." natural or industrial deaths,| known suicides or slayings. The Ontario dead: SUNDAY Leland Morton MacDonald, 47, | of RR 1 Chatsworth, his wife, Marion, 52, and sons, William Ker, 15, and Ian, 13, in a head- on car crash five miles south of Owen Sound. Francisco Gianfriddo, 37, of Toronto, by asphyxiation in his garage. Louis Peter Niebauer, 55, of St. Claire, Mich., drowned-when a snow scooter broke through the ice on Mitchell's Bay 11 miles northwest of Chatham. Bruce Hill, 8, son of Deputy Fire Chief Bruce Hill of Dun- Automation And Ice-breakers ham, Ont., about 25 miles north of Toronto. Mrs. Elizabeth McCallum, of} Marathon, Oht., in a two-car) crash near Port Arthur Mrs. Elmer White, 39, of Hil- lier Township, when a_ car driven by her husband collided) with a parked truck near Pic- ton, 25 miles southeast of Belle- ville. FRIDAY William Wanless,* 31, Brampton, in a two-car at Snelgrove, five miles north of Brampton Gerald McNamara, 65, of Ot- tawa, when struck by a Car while crossing a street in down- \town Ottawa Hit At Saint John In N.B. By DON LeBLANC Peers rent At 107 SAINT JOHN, Mb. Or) * This Atlantic Coast port may be in for its worst winter shipping season Since the war years and a death-dealing combination of automation and the use of ice- breakers along the St. Law- rence River is being blamed for It would follow on the heels of the best season since the Sec- ond World War--a record 2,546,- 000 tons of cargo passed through 'his port in 1964, an increase of 61,000 tons over the. previous ear. Clarence Phillips, business agent for local 273 of the In ternational Longshoremen's As sociation (CLC), says automa tion is coming in fast He says the port is receiving about as 'much export and im- port cargo now as in the past but it takes half the time to ~handle it. "There is nothing we can do to stop it. Automation is hurt- ing, it's hurting bad," he says On top of this, he 'says, gov ernment icebreakers keeping Montreal open to international shipping for longer periods each year have made it a real prob- lem eking out a three - month = winter--shipping--season_here. " He says many local long- shoremen will not be able to meet the minimum requirement of 550 working hours to become eligible for pension and welfare, benefits this year and suggests that instead of the government paying for the operation of the icebreakers, shipping compan- ies should be assessed for their maintenance and operating costs He also suggests that Mari- time longshoremen should be compensated for wages lost be- cause of the shorter winter sea- -son caused by the icebreakers, | possibly with tax relief But 'Howard A. Mann of Ot tawa, chairman of the national! harbors board, has been more| optimistic. He says there has been no significant fall off of port business here Good Names To Remember hen Buying or Selling wi REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker--rrésiaent Bill, MeFeeters--Vice Pres. Schofield-Aker Ltd, 723-2265 Why Pay M ore. SAVE! FUEL OIL DX FU a ON PREMIUM QUALITY : gal. Phone 668-3341 Serving Oshawa -- Whitby & Ajax Districts EL OIL As for Mr\Wagner's criticism of the RCMP, the Conservative leader said "I cannot accept it on the basis of my association with the organization." "Ihave nothing but the high- est respect for the. organiza- tion." If Mr. Wagner could provide examples of political influence on the federal police force, Mr. of Diefenbaker said he would|the wishes of the majority and} crash | gladly bring them up in the' now is solidly behind the party.! Commons. Publication List Of. Donors: Asked LOND@N, Ont. (CP)--A Lib- eral group from Ontario univer- sities Sunday called for legista- tion to compel political parties to make public their sources of funds, The 25. delegates attending the annual conference of the ee ee er es Ona rre on Federation said there should be} a public account made of. all party contributions of more than $100. The resolution. sug- gested such contributions be deductible for tax purposes. The two-day workshop: ses- sions at the University of West- ern Ontario included students from 'the Universities of Tor- onto, Waterloo, Queen's, Carle- ton and Ottawa. GARY NESBITT Representative SUN LIFE Assurance Company : of Canada Oshawa Shopping Centre PHONE 725-4563 ;Liberah Saturday caucus, Sr ioe eee lieutenant - gov - Diefenbaker said, was the first! M ne ' ot step in the reorganization of Mr. Berry said he is asking| the Conservative party in Que-\the three Gefeated leadership |bec. It was decided to set up candidates to join a committee a Quebec Province Conserva-\'? ™aP strategy for the next} \tive Federation, made. up of| Provincial election. However, he appeared at the|MPs, senators' and defeated. The party now has three seats lstart of the closed meeting--!| candidates, in the 63-seat legislature and | closed even to Mr. Diefenbaker,| The body would have. some|the Social Credit 59. There is who spoke only after the com-|100 members and be less cum-|9"€ Coalition member. its size. Once you see and try it you'll be convinced that this is what you' have wanted for years. Ask about our 5-yeor guarantee. Just phone or write Paul Bellinger, 723-5401. Diefenbaker attending the caucus and threatened to stay away from (Acousticon Hearing Aids) 1119 Northridge St., Oshawa OLOGNA | mittee meetings -- and was al-|bersome than the Conservative -- lowed to express his opinions to! association, which has not met! T A IQUE CLUB the delegates. in four years. ... Just for You! Mr. Valade's opinions, said A meeting for the one who loves antiques er caucus Chairman Theogene Ri-| card, § ked lively asl 7 ge Res pprreedllte mdf Fishermen Report Catches Of Perch jmen said Mr. Valade accepted} ST. WILLIAMS, Ont. (CP)-- More than 500 Lake Erie ice fishermen opened the season on Long Point Bay during the weekend and reported fair ELECTION OF OFFICERS for 1966 will be held at the RECREATION DEPARTMENT BUILDING, AIRPORT JANUARY 18, 1966 - 7:30 P.M. The same spokesman said the Montreal-Ste. Marie MP's complaints were aimed at the' | choice of St. Johns as site of} | the caucus and with the way in which Mr. Ricard was elected catches of perch. caucus chairman. Mr, Valade| Ice on the bay averaged six) was not present at this election,|inches in depth as the tempr- held last Nov. 18. atures hovered in the mid-20s. WwAA Hae Rvattey A bt cage a F ward Grafftey, MP for|No cars vntured out on the ice, NOW THAT YOU'VE. |Brome - Missisquoi, who pro-|but two light aircraft landed. DECIDED TO DANCE... posed bar apes ayer confer-| Most fishermen walked or used j ence, said uring the caucus light snowmobiles elon ne LEARN ALL THE NEW STEPS... Brush Up On The Old Favorites AT Your... ARTHUR MURRAY FRANCHISED STUDIO "The World's Finest . « « ahs DON 1 FORGET Che Rih Room NOW OPEN SUNDAY 4 TO 7:30 P.M. Continental French Buffet rt Served Daily 11:30 - 2 p.m. -- 5:to 8 p.m. | Ww. frre fens gh Simcoe S. GENOSHA HOTEL ee eo 728-1681 OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! take advontoge of it! 24 hour ser- vice; and radio dispatched trucks al- woys. on-the ready to serve you. Fuel Oi] Budget Plan available, OIL NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL 'McLAUGHLIN 723-3481 1 to 5 year G.1.C.'s 4Anh% * Invesf/ment Funds 6% Savings accounts Paid and compounded quarterly 110 KING ST. W. COAL & SUPPLIES * Estgte Planning : * Executors & Trustees POUNTAINHEAD OF SERVICE Open Friday Nights and All Day Saturday Centra Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation CLERK/STENOGRAPHER ROR COUNTY OF ONTARIO . EMERGENCY MEASURES ORGANIZATION Accurate - typist, hove shorthand, ext cure erienced on some bookkeeping khowledge and general dictaphone, have office experience. Moture person required capable of dealing directly with public telephone. Operate radio telephone on two radio stations. of County of Ontario and municipalities desirable. and: by Knowledge a Should have own transportation. Office at Court House, Rossland Road East, Whitby. : : sg ie pce 623-2527 Oshawa Bowmanville 19 Simcoe Street North 23 King Street West Apply giving all pertinent Information and experience te Personnel Officer, City Hall, Oshawa. WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL BXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED Open Every Night including Wednesday TO 9 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Everybody Knows The Place KING ST. EAST -- 728-4658 - 728-4659 & Y Stand