If the Commonwealth can meet the challenge posed by Rhodesia proved itself it will Says have Com- COMMONWEALTH TESTING TIME monwealth Secretary - Gen- eral Arnold Smith. A for- mer externa] affairs depart- _ment staffer, he i is now ma mak- Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan. ing final plans for the Com- monwealth conference in Lagos, Jan. 10, the first out- ' STOCK MARKET TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCKS Distributed by CP v Quotations in cents unless marked $. z----Odd lot, rights, xw--Ex-warrants. from previous board- jot closing sale. | xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Bx- } Net change Is INDUSTRIALS 10:40 Net Stock Abitibi Alta GCp Alta Nat Algoma Alumini Alum #40 Anthes A Argus Arg Bor Arg CPpr All Sugar Bank Mont Bank NS Bell Phone Bicks Brazil BA Oil BC Forest C Refract Chemcell Chrysier Clairtone Col Cell Col Cell pr Sales High Low 940 912% 12% 75 $9734 9734 725 $18 (18 38 $682 67 $362 36% 00 43 27 18% a 47% 67% 4 2% 14 82 1443 $84 84 '100 wo 425 1S no 430 815 815 $6 i) $70 69% $124 470 $20% 210 $67 225 $\7% 1020 $15 $62 Sse $74 $24 24\0 a.m. Ch'ge ia-- 97% -- Va 18 68\2 +2 36% + Va BM | Whte Pas Sogemine be Southam Stee} Can 1640 Tamblyn 215 Texaco 00 Thom N P 100 TorOm 100 T Fin A ne 975 Transair 100 Tr Can PL 475 $39 3 Trans Mt 100 $18% 18% 18% + Ve Trans PPL 10 $9% 9% . 97% + Turnbull $6 6 6 Un Carbid $2 29 " Versaid 0 4 40 Walk GW $3534. 354% 355% 2 Weidwod S10% 10% 10%-- vs West ind 1360 260 250 260 + 5 Westcost 625 $24\@ 23% 244 + Ve Westeel 250 $23.2 2 W Pacific 225 $17 172 172 Weston B 110 $23%4 23\4 234 -- Va West A wt 327 $12% 12% 12% 1500 $1214 12% 124+ % MINES = ve mt on he 515 125 21 2 6 27s a7 27 Ma + %} Ke, 6734 + Me 4% } 22% | 14ve 8a -- Ve) Atias Yk Bankeno Bankfield 56900 C Jamiesn Cdn Keely 3000 900 395 3000 a 325 25a 2 100 285 3000. (17 16500 26 2000-40 190016 138 Neconex w N Goildvue N Harr 22 N_ Hosco Newnor N Senator New Taku Nick Rim Norbeau Norgold Norlartic Normetal Norpax N Coidstm N Rock Northcal North Can Northgat , O'Brien O'Leary Opemska Orchan Osisko Peramaq Patino Pato Pax int Pce Expl Peerless Pine Point Placer Preston Rio Algom Roman Ryanor Salem Satel Sherritt Sitvmaq Miller Stand Starratt Un Macfie |The Ketch Wind's Song Real Home For Family side London and the first to be run by the new secre- tariat (CP Photo from AP) | PET BUFFALO +2] NOT POPULAR HILLSBOROUGH, C (AP)--Jingles Bison is the one cool head in a_ bad- tempered Buffalo herd and consequently lives a favored life in a Hillsborough corral, far from the others "She alif is D. ¢ friendly," Mrs Basolo Jr seven month old, 400- pound bison. Mrs. Basolo's husband owns 2,000 of the animals on a 66,000 - acre ranch in Nevada, and Mrs. Basolo says most of them are ill-humored. and bad- mannered. Friendly Jingles lives in a back yard among the huge estates im this San Fran- cisco suburb, The disadvantage of a pet buffalo, says Mrs. Basolo, is that the others consider it a fink when it returns to a herd. says of the Gavin Fears Red Invasion By ARCH MacKENZIE ANNAPOLIS, Md. (CP)---The George Cooks knew where they were bound for in July, 196%, when the retiring lieutenant- 'leommander cast off from the Canadian navy at Ottawa. They went to Hackett's Cove 30 miles southwest of Halifax and they built a 50-foot wish- bone. ketch called Wind's Song. When she took her maiden voyage on Dominion Day two years later, after barely surviv- ing a boatshop fire, Wind's Song became a way of life--a year- round home for George, his wife Sonny and their two children, their bread and butter and a vehicle to waft them south each fall to the Bahamas and back north on the trade winds each summer to Nova Seotia. The Cooks are. members of the yacht-chartering fraternity, tides can ebb and flow more than most. But last autumn, heading for) |their third season at Man of War Cay in the Abaco Islands jof the outér Bahamas, the life jof a marine nomad still had its charms. And its drawbacks. Wind's Song is a lady of in- \finite charm and grace, a spe- jcially ldence of 13 tons stuffed with jthe essentials. for entertaining paying guests in comfort plus safety for all hands in waters ranging from shallow inlets to|and a propane gas stove slung | ie open sea. But she is also a demanding} |mistress and as FILLS MANY ROLES Sonny Cook, born in Oakville, Ont., is also well-designed, a jyoung matron whose creden- itials include nursing and qual- ifications to handle vessels up| to 40 tons in Canadian waters. - designed floating resi-| skipper|her work--the |George Cook is the first to note | sways safely with the motion of --none feels it more than his! _} wife. H "And there are moments when a hot bath in a big quiet house is life's most precious gift," said Mrs. Cook when the ketch put in here on her south- bound route. She also looks for- ward every fall to anchoring at New York long enough to wel- come old friends and see one or two new shows. Skipper Cook, 53, has also been messing around with boats for a long time. Born in Mont- real, he began designing yachts and racing dinghies at Lake- field, Ont., near Peterborough, before the Second World War. In 1940, in Britain with the Canadian navy, he volunteered for bomb-demolition work in London--his commanding offi- or so--and after 10 days' in- struction in the dangerous art jhe was packed off to the Middle |East as senior demolition offi- a profession where financial| oo, STOUTLY BUILT . In 1941 he was awarded the George Medal and later the bar to the medal..Then he saw duty in. the Far East. Cook rejoined the Canadian navy for the Korean War but he had been| at work on plans for Wind's Song for two years before his/; 11961 retirement. Below deck are two bunks for- ward, more in. the main cabin, the Cook cabin aft and two more bunks at the ster. Mrs. Cook jhas a home-made refrigerator! Iso that in rough water--when she can buckle herself down to cooking dinner the boat. | The conclusion of boat-wise| | Hackett' s Cove residents to the) jfinal product was summed u iby one fisherman: "She's| |strong enough-so you could roll| |her down a mountain and she'd jnever break up. The first charter party in 1963) jtotalled four, headed by an cer said it would last a week) | Analysi Warns | About Drinking, MELBOURNE (Reuters)--An Australian public analyst who has spent 10 years compiling a drinkers' dictionary gives this advice to the studious imbiber: "Start young--and never overdo it." Oscar Mendelsohn has spent more than 50 years sampling hundreds of beers, wines and spirits as research for his book. And he has never been drunk. missed an important ex- perience," he said, "but I am not going to start now." Mendelsohn believes the way to moderation lies in an early start to a drinking career. "If people learn to drink properly when young, they will not be so inclined to .over- indulge later in life," he said. Mendelsehn's book, A Diction- ary of Drink and Dfinking, con- tains 400 pages and mentions more than 3,000 drinks, how |they are commercially |duced, their Origin, classic al- |lusions to liquor and a host of drink lore. The author has not sampled every drink in the book but "I suppose-I have tasted hundreds of different drinks," he said. The worst he ever tasted, he ladded, is Black Velvet--a mix- ture of champagne and stout. "That is outrageous, crazy. It spoils two very fine drinks." His favorite drink is Cal-| vados, | a French apple brandy. MACHINE SHOWS STATUS Palau Islanders often display \sewing machines in their front |windows as status symbols. HAIL HOLIDAYS TWICE HAROLDSWICK, Shetland Is- lands (AP)--The 500 fisher folk land crofters on the North Sea island of Unst celebrate. Christ- kmas and New Year's Day twice jover. They have done so ever |since Britain readjusted its cal- endar by 11 days 200 years ago. author Nicholas Monsarrat Depending on need, she may|American school teacher with|aboard. manage the helm with one com- |petent foot, keep an eye-on din- jner steaks in the galley, super-} vise daughter Alison, 13, at her} correspondence school studies-- json Peter, 14, is off at a Nassau boarding school this entertain up to six \Cape Breton antecedents who} jcame all the way from Guam. /They have varied since--last summer was not too good in| Nova Scotia although the pro- vincial tourist bureau adver: | year--or|tises the Cook venture through- guests|out North America. Last year,|Stream and taking a swim each/ seu Each fall so far they have come south via the inland wa- ter route of the United States, crossing to the Bahamas from | Florida. But last spring they sailed north directly to Nova Scotia, basking in the Gulf bunked in snug quarters below|the Cooks took in the America's|noon with one sentry posted for Cup 12-metre yacht races with|sharks. deck. "I often wonder if I have) pro-}. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, January 17, 1966 79 KNIT 1 A NIGHT By ALICE BROOKS Please all the youngsters with | gay slippers, that hug the ankle }to stay on snugly QUICK-KNIT in one flat piece of two strands of worsted. Pup- py for tots, stripes for "older set". Pattern 7118: one to ten |year sizes included. | THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front Street West, To- ronto 1, Ontario. Ontario resi- dents add ic sales tax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. GIANT 1966 Needlecraft Cat- alog stars knit, crochet -- many more needlecraft designs, Three free patterns printed in catalog. Send 25c. NEW! 12 Collectors' Quilt Pat- terns for you in color with quilt- ing motifs;. Finest patterns ever collected from famous mu- seums. Send 60c for new Mu- m Quilt Book No. 2. Deluxe Quilt Book No. 1 -- sixteen com- plete patterns. 60c. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS SIZES 10-18 FOR HALF-SIZES By ANNE ADAMS SHIFTING into spring -- this smart, easy-sew jumper has a newsworthy neckline. Sew shirt in different fabrics. Printed Pattern 4682: Half Sizes 12%, 1444, 16%, 1844, 20%, 2214, 2444. Size 1644 jumper 2% yds. 54-in.; shirt 2 yds. 45-in. fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. COME ALIVE FOR SPRING! Send for our new Spring-Sum- mer Pattern Catalog. 125 top shapes for sun, fun, dancing, dining, everyday! One free pat- tern -- clip coupon in Catalog. Send 50c. SELLING OUT! LEASE EXPIRED | C Lencourt 500 Candore Captain Cassiar Chester Chib Kay Chib M Chrom Coch Will Cc Callinan NEW YORK (AP) -- Gen James M. Gavin said Sunday a massive buildup of U.S. forces 29950 128 11 + in Viet Nam may prompt China| 6250 204 8 4, ]to send troops there and re-| -|open the Korean War as well. | a4) The 58-year-old former chief] 70 \\of U.S. Army research and de-| 5520 362 % % 28 28 oo AOE iN RE velopment -- a former ambas-| y q sador to France--suggested the OILS U.S. concentrate instead on holding major bases along th eae es South Viet Nam coast while] 0 6 208 th 5 diplomats seek an end to the 13315 2 \ fighting | 00 7 1% 75 o| Ina letter to Harper's maga- 5 310 2 + 12) zine, Ga said'the 190,000 U.S.| 1144 .11% 11 troops already in the Viet Nam/ | 1441 4\theatre wot suffice "if wel "0. 99 90 should m ain enclaves on -. Wee: the coast, d t in our bombing | on-North---Viet Nama! ae LT, -- WRINGER WASHERS throug sh the United Nations or | Large load capacity. 2 year warranty. 9a conference in Geneva. 24" AUTOMATIC TEMP, RANGES 3 Year Warranty on Elements. aprons 179.00, Ont yo" Last 14.88 $128 |=" UP TO 50% OFF! WAYNE APPLIANCES LTD. 78 SIMCOE-ST. NORTH \ '"ExCepr saruRDAY" PHONE 723-1411 EXCEPT SATURDAY CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY -- SALE STARTS TUES. 11 A.M. Utd Porc 1 7 W7+% Urban Q West Mine White Star WHito Willroy Windfall Win-Eid Yale Lead Yukeno Yukon C€ Zenmac Zulapa Con M S$ Con Paper Con Gas Coronatn Crush int Cygnus A $50 50%2 40% 16% ns is S40%4 $16% ns $15 450 EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD TO THE BARE WALLS! GENERAL ELECTRIC DUAL TEMP. 2ONLY REFRIGERATOR LARGE FREEZER, FROST FREE $9 4 3 $193 REFRIGERATOR SECTION, Compare ot 319.00 eye VACUUM CLEANER... List 59.00, 6 to go. While They Last ....... 39.00 ELECTRIC -- gr Name brand, two Brush. Compare 39.95. Only .. 23.88 15.50 2 1000 B -y 2 28 1000 -15--~=C«*TS 6000 9 500 «(70 39% 8h 70 Mosher C Rambler Red Pop Conwest Cop Corp Cop Fields Cop Man Coulee Craigmt Deer Horn D'Elda Denison Donaida Dunraine Duvan Ee Amphi East Suil - Mar Genex Giant Yk Glenn Exp Goldray Gortdrm Granisie 4100 Granduc 2450 Grandroy 19500 Gt C Oilsds 2575 Green Prt 1400 Guich 7000 Gunnar Hastings Headway Heath Hollinger Huds Bay int Bibis T int Hellun 1 Kenvitle h Kelsey Co oe Labatt Joliet Lafarge " 1% 11 a Jonsmith Lafarge A Joutel 100 111 110 LOnt Cem Kerr Add 4670 $1\ve 11 hyo) ge x 3 630 + MK Anacon 200 tu h 124 7 pegs pe Anacn ff = Levy Lite fnvest Life Inv wt U $il% 1 WW? y 240 S111 V11l4 Wie + $26% 265% 265% $74 ™% M% $31 nv 31 $59 5s " $19 Abd " S75" 75¥e 75 $32% 31% 31M -- 730 185 185 185 WOO 245 245 245 125 3 3000 250 700 7500 258 2200 2500 1400 ive e 37% 374 +1 * 64+ 1 Hard CrpA Hawker $ Hayes Sti Husky 14% 14% Husky ®8pr Imp Oi! Imp Tob Ind Accep Inglis 1BM. Int Nickel int Util ; 23" T.V. Console Hand wired chassis, transformer circuit, twin speakers. Limited Quantity. ONLY 1, He asserted that an attempt m\to make all of South Vief. Nam} +3 |Secure from the Communists a 1, | Would take many times as} $25M oe ao ts] much force as we now have in| a 3 aye Viet Nam"--and risk a fresh! goes 1b, 1514 1944 4/OUtbreak of Chinese aggressian | sin the Korean pattern. 1 250 425 $317 e 31% 31% + VW} 95 $87 87 "ad 5325 $15% 152 $232 23% 09 $1% 11% 1 $20%% 2994 03 + Me M2 21% 22¥a +14} $16¥%e 26% 26% BI 83 144 140 138137 a 3M 274 & 3 16a 184 1 1000 7 7 13100 0% 3 James Sti Jefferson Jett Bw 129 370 i" 465 iw + 470 500 Decalta 7200 Sales to 11:00 a.m.: 1,801,000 ADULT EDUCATION Finish High School! P You can study at home in your spare time and prepare to write qualifying exams provided by the Dept. of Education. Industry and Government are about to launch retraining programs for persons with Grade 10 or better. Check off program that will get your plans underway. (1) "A" for university entrance (1"B" Grade 12 equivalency and job opportunities (J "C" Grade 10 equivaienc; Preparation for many Gov't. sponsored trade courses, Assessment tests given to all enrollees to determine proper starting level. For full information {i in coupon and mailto: CANADIAN ACADEMY 40 Main Sreet. W., Hamilton, Ont. 1000 5 TUBE MANTEL RADIOS. Cdn. Made, Compare 29.95. 15 88 s Limited Quantity. ONLY listening FOREIGN TRADING 1000 33 33 700 269 ad 100 172 «+172 100 $70 570 300 185 U.S. Infantry In Withdrawal BERLIN (AP) The U.S. 2 Army today began withdrawing , infantry reinforcements first or- dered to Berlin by President 2;Kennedy in 1961 after the Ber-| } lin wall went up. The first motor convoy of 40 trucks and about 100° men "cleared the Soviet autobahn | checkpoint without'a hitch, Crestiand Discovery Int Bibis Utd Kane Yk Bear 33 209 172 570 185 185 PORTABLE T.V. Silent features. Compare 169.00. Only Me rR SUNBEAM FRYPANS Complete. Only 4 SLICE TQASTERS. 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