Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jan 1966, p. 15

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LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES 1 age / BENSAMIN FRANKLIN HOULD GET THE CREDIT ee I DON'T THINK". FOR DISCOVERING eLecrriarTyY OUT AN' LET YO' << GAWK AT HER J? SHE'S BASHFUL!!! HONEST, FELLAS /7--YO" HAIN'T MISSIN' NOTHIN'! TAKE IT FROM SOMEONE { PLING WILL BE HOME SOON, AN'I ALMOST DREAD IT 'CAUSE I KNOW WERE CAUSING nt LOTTA TROUBLE 'BOUT THAT RD I. WISHT THAT MAN HADN'T GONE BR B TO HIS OFFICE TO TALK TO HIM 'BOUT IT-- OHI GUESS HES HOME NOW-- [t] HE MUST BE GOING TO TAKE TWO BATHS EVIDENTLY KE WANTS TO BE EXTRA CLEAN, ALL I WANT 16 A LITTLE PRIVACY, Ten T9ek. World nghts seeorved E © King Fearetce Spetoon if iG Fi { ! if bh} I dd YOU, TT. KISSED LY MAN YES -.We NEED NOT HAVE IRRIED, ot | IVE DECIDED 10 Go | ON A DIETGRANDMA a 4 I DIDN'/T REALIZE HOW HEAVY IVE peated g ~ TLL T FELL DOWN ON THE SIDEWALK A FEW ' MINUTES AGO ." G' BYE GRANDMA! TM LEAVING! © King Feaseres Spmticata, ine. Nh Wahl sights concern BE CAREFUL! ITS NASTY our! dT SEEMS TO EVE JONES THAT HER B HOME (N DEVON IS ATHOUSAND LIGHT LLsus sit! You WANT... YOU / SHARE AND PAY tae y BUT, SKEETS,,.HOW DO YOU KNOW YOU'LL WANT ME? . I MEAN, YOU DON'T EVEN \ THE SITTING ROOM... YOU GET THE == BEDROOM! j CORRECTION. TO KNO! DELMONICO IS TO KNOW EARL] i SWEETIE, THAT CAT DID NOTHING \ BUT PURR INTO MY EAR,..AND ALL TT\.THE PURRS WERE ABOUT YOU! 4 Tel he yn Sy i, lake tes WEVE SEARCHED THE CAVE TO ITS END LAND NO CASEY, YET HERE ARE HER FOOTPRINTS IN THE MUD. IT SURE IS GOOEY MUD. I CANFEEL | TT BETWEEN MY TOES AND. IT'S. STICKY, ---- Jack Miner X Al z. NORMAN we =) -- == | BUT JACK TAKES To SCHOOL MUCH LIKE A CAT TAKES TO WATER .FOR THREE WHOLE | THE ILIAT! QNE DAY, HOWEVER, ON HIS WAY SCHOOL ss. HE SUFFERS. THS OF BEING A - e+» AND ALTHOUGH HE KNOW IT, THAT SKUNK GOING TO PLAY A PART IN ALTER COURSE OF HIS: Li is THE LONE RANGER f 4 ALSO THA WHO ATTACKED 7 SOUR END CAME BEN ROS LAST NIGHTS TWO WITNESSES SAY (7 MATCHES YOUR SECRET AGENT X39 SURIS BOY IS TAKING OFF / | HE MUST HAVE TRIG@ERED THE TIMING MECHANIGM, ROB! = OY, WV ~ a>) "D King Forreres Syutienm, lon, 1066. Wockl vighte Distributed by King Fentorse""wdlante, DONALD DUCK AUTO " |e SUPPLIES 3| 'Z CROSSWORD 50. Scoff DOWN - Scratch . Own . Tunnel entering amine . Cut . Crew . Eating utensil Head # . Frost . Piece out . Part of a climbing plant Inlet . French city . Twelve Talks: slang Saturday's Answer 38. Wings 41, Unadulter- ated 42. Impel with force 43. Man of visions 45. Devoured 46. Simpleton Ie 19 |10 Y 'LA ZY 6 y 24_-Groun Y, of nine eo 87, Illiterate affirma- tive 39. Performed 40. Musical 'composi tion 44, Warning signal 46. Sky-blue 47. Girl's nickname 48, Suit material 49. Closes, as \ ahawk"s eyes YOUR HEALTH Nap Recommended After That Lunch By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Js it alljneeded. You know how circula- right to take a nap after ajtion speeds up with exercise. hearty meal? I eat- a light|This nourishes the muscles. breakfast but have a good) After you eat, the same sort of lunch, then not much supper.|process concentrates extra cir- After my lunch I always fall|culation in the digestive organs, asleep as soon as I lie down, | instead even when I am listening to a} 'That is the reason for the wise good radio program. I have|ruje of not going swimming un- been told I shouldn't lie down) ti] an hour or two after eating. after a hearty meal. I am 78) swimming soon afterward cone years old.--Mrs. B. H. |fronts the body with a triple When you've lived to the|task: Furnishing circulation for happy age of 78 by doing what] digestion, far the muscles, and comes naturally, | would not) for keeping the 'body warm. In put too much stock in theories| such a case the muscles some- that other people try to foist off.|times are "'short-changed" for A nap, in fact, is very likely|blood, and cramps result. to be good for you, and it cer-| But if you take a aap after tainly won't be harmful. The hu-)a full meal man body is so constructed asino added stresse and can to let it divert part of the blood-jeasily provide circulation to the stream to ateas where it is| digestive organs, TELEVISION LOG 10:00 P.M. H 11:30 A.M. The Merv Griffin Show | $Abracadabra ~The Big Valley 82--Paradise Bay #2--Run For Your Life 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 7--Ben Casey 12:00 NOON 62--The Sixtiees %---Toronto Today 4--Art Linkietter ,|8-2---Jeopardy 10:30. P.M. 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date $-Toronto File sNews snd Weather 3--Mona McCluskey 10:48 AM. B--Pepeye and Pale 12:18 P.M. 63--Chez, Helene j 4--Spesker of the Howse 11:00 P.M. N967-4438-- Mews) } 12:30 PLM, bes jl1l--Noon Time P--i Love Lucy §-2--Let's Play 6-4--Search For Tomorrow B--Neonday Repert Channei 2--Buttalo Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffalc Channel 6--Toronte Channel 7--Buffalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilten ecnanncenumnninn etna MONDAY Gv MNCS 5:00 P.M. Ni--Panity Thestre 6--Passport To Adventure 5:30 P.M, é--Music Hop 3--Movie &Lleyd Thaxton | O-Leave MN To Bewver) ¢Viewpeint 6:00 P.M, t--Metro Finest 7--Twilight Theatre } 11:20 P.M, 6--React? For The Top P4--Late Show 4--News, Sperte with é--Hight Hatre Check Healy Sire Ai |}--The Saint | 6--Sports -- Weather |t-8--Tonight Shee 3--Third Man | 11:40 PLM 7--Ben Casey | %--Plerre Berton 6--L.uncheon 6--The Long Hat Summer! 4--Meet the 12:30 A.M | Movie 1--News; Weather) Soprts| S-AMke = Deugiae Show +News Cap | 1:30 P.M, 9--James Beard Show | $+-3--Luncheon Date ¢--Thunderdirds | $4--As The Work! Turne 8--Dobie Gillis | | Movie +--News, Weather, Sports| 4 sane's Carnival | 2:00 P.M. 4--Littlest Hobo i Unele 2-Honey West gag to ahi | t-Kide Is People 3--Huntley-Brinkley Dialing For Delters | (a pine 7:30-P.M. With Girt Tele 2-Days 9:30 AM, | N--Combat Ff _ | }--Deer Wis PM, | 12:45 P.M, | 11--News | 64--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, li--Theatre 9--Morning Star 6--Matines 6:20 P.M. News 6:30 P.M. Vi---Femity Theetre Mevte R43--News, Weether Date nd ees, '. @--Huntley-Brinkley News y--Cheyenne li--My Three Sons word of Our Lives 2:15 P.M, Charlotte 2:30 P.M. | }-People in Conflict | The Decters %--The Lucy | #-2--Hullabaloo Fae nck: 7-12 O'clock High | $~Gypty Rose U 63--Don Messer's Jublise| neeclaye 4~--To Tell The Truth 8:00 P.M. 9--Sewttched #2--John Forsythe Show +3--The Fugitive 4--I\'ve Get A Seared 8:30 P.M, 11--Laredo 9--Andy Griffith +3--Dr. Kildare T--The Legend of 10:00 A.M, |11--Whipiash Playtime Witr | 7--A Time For Us Uncly) é--June Allyson Show | Bobby | 4Linkietter's Party | #-2--Fractured Phrases 6-3--Ivanhoe 3:00 P.M. 4-1 Love Lucy {l--Donna Reed x | &--Fractured Phrases Fee 10:30 A.M. |e a Werle j1--Ed Allen | 1--@enerei Heepitel | 9Bingo \}43--To Tell The Truth Jenne | ¢-2--Concentration ; James | ?--Donna Reed 3:30 PLM. 4--The Lucy Show 1l--Funny Company |6-3--Friendly Giant \'-1 9:00 P.M. | 4--The McCoys ts Your Move %--Country Music Man | 10:45 AM, Be horde lge odd @2--Kraft Music Hall | ~Superman Show 7--Man Called 6-2--Cher Helene |h3--Texe 30 11:00 A.M. 4--fdge of Might 11--Mike Douglas %-Kartoon Karnivel ®Mr, and Mrs | 4:00 P.M, 8-2--Morning Star "ae }-Supermarket Sweep. | ori enue CMe | O--The Match Game | &3--Butternut Square | FEarly Show | 4-Andy of Mayberry Shenandoah 3--Show of the Week 4--Andy Griffith 9:30 P.M VW--Mone McClusky ®--Teke A Chanes " |6-3--Bonnie Rudden Show | +-Secret Storm 3--Rocky and Hie Priends 7--Peyton Place 4--The Law and Mr. Jones 1:20 A.M |&3--Across Canada THE OSHAWA TIMES, 1s Monday, January 17, 1966 | BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top 'record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) East dealer. East-West vulnerable, NORTH @3%3 @xK 108742 &hI965 @ADTEST 84 10853 9397642 o5 : 4é& 7 Doble Opening lead--ace of hearts. Here isan extraordinary hand which occurred in the Reisinger Cup. knockout team of four championship in 1964. At the first table, the bidding went as shown, East (Mrs Mimi Wolpin) made the excellent bid of four clubs in order to direct a club lead against a possible seven diamond contract. She expected to bid as high as six hearts and then defeatthe grand slam by ruffing the open- ing lead. West unfortunately did not realize the purpose of the four club bid, and when South jumped to seven diamonds over it, he doubled and led the ace of hearts even though he should have known from the bidding that declarer would be void of hearts. South ruffed the ace and easily made the grand slam for a score of 1,630 points. The bidding at the second table likewise took a sensational turn. It went: East 2 of diamonds, 7 of spades; South 7 of diamonds, Dble; West Pass; North Pass, The two diamond bid, in line with a special convention played by the East-West pair, showed a relatively weak t wo- suited hand with great length in both majors. East certainly had the right hand for this convention, South jumpd to seven dia- monds without further cere- mony, and West, unsure whether South could make his contract, passed. West should probably have bid seven spades (or hearts), but his failure to act cost him nothing when it turned out that East now bid seven spades. South doubled, of course, but East did not have the slightest trouble making the contract. So the outcome of the hand was that East-West scored 2,470 points as a result of mak- ing the grand slam, after their teammates at the other table had also made a grand slam with the North-South cards. the net gain on the deal was an astounding 4,100 points! ASKS BRAVES' CHIEF ATLANTA, Ga. (AP) -- A Wisconsin la wy er questioned William Bartholomay, board chairman of Atlanta Braves, Wednesday in an attempt to de- termine exactly when the Braves are committed to move to Atlanta. Williard S. Stafford, special counsel for the state of Wisconsin, led a panel of six lawyers in taking testimony for the state's anti-trust suit te keep the National League base- ball team in Milwaukee, ra SALLY'S SALLIES You Can Exchange Skates That Are Too Small: For A New or Used Pair. So go ahead and enjoy * your' | fluid and thus reduce swelling. naps. | Such medications remove not jonly water but also potassium. Dear Dr, Molner: What is the}1+ yoy Jose too much potassium, treatment and what are the} < 2 physical limitations, if any, for! answer is to replace the lost hiatal hernia?--S. P. potassium. Hence there is a so- Ordinarily there are no physi-|lution containing three types of cal limitations because of hiatal} potassium (which. explains the hernia except straining and|term '"'triplex") which is given heavy lifting, It is quite a dif-| in cases requiring it ferent type of hernia (it con-| (Potassium ttiplex is wsed cerns the esophagus) from the | aiso in other conditions in which usual one or rupture, and is not/the patient would suffer from affected by the same kind of/joss of potassium) stresses j ; Dear Dr. Molner: I am past; Note to J. L. L.:. There have 80 and take many medicines.|been endless attempts to make Could you explain what potas-|hair grow on bald heads, and sium is for?--L. S. I'd guess that you have some|ing to date, has stood up as a the body is under} edema (swelling, caused by/true break-through. Just wait fluid accumulating in the tis-, and hope. The experiments of to- gues) and take a diuretic medi-|day may be the treatment of cation to get rid of this excess'tomorrow. i |} extreme weakness results. The |these efforts continue, but noth- WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, ete. | STAN'S | 223 King St. W. 723-3224

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