THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, Jonuery 17, 1966 13 Gaiety, Color, Sparkle Is Domain|THE STARS SAY Of Ladies As Parliament Opens OTTAWA (CP)--Men will belexcellent view of the ) whole in the limelight, but their ladies | chamber. po i will provide most of the gaiety,, A forma! opening of Parlia- color and sparkle at Tuesday's| ment is a big event for women, opening of Parliament. who have to be arrayed in their "This opening, unlike that oj|best bib and tucker for a num- the last Parliament, is to be a ber of social occasions in addi- rma with women in long|tion to the opening itself. po by wv jewels one Festivities get under way most men in' morning coats Monday evening with a glitter- and striped trousers, a uni-|ing state dinner held by Gover- forms. e The last Parliament opened the day after the previous Par- liament rose, and there was no 'time to arrange the pomp and circumstance that usually ac- companies a formal opening. Close to 800 people are ex- pected to crowd the newly - re- furnished Senate chamber to hear Governor - General Vanier. read the speech from the! throne. Officials in. charge of seating arrangements say "only 10 to 30" seats will be available for the general public in the gal leries above the Senate floor. bers of the federal cabinet. JUDY'S THERE The dinner is traditionally a stag affair, but as secretary of state, Judy LaMarsh will present, Following dinner, the Vanier's will hold their usual reception House ballroom. Following the opening Tues- |day afternoon, the Speakers of the House of Commons anc |Senate will hold receptions for |members of the new' Parlia- | ment. | But for the women, Tuesday inor - General Vanier for mem-) '\great happiness in your per- for members of Parliament ir| the grey and gold Government| By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORRO W Mixed influences prevail. The stars favor personal relaticn- ships, travel and the launching of long-range plans; suggest jcaution in business matters, however. Some unexpected situ- ations may arise in the latter /connection, but - don't Rather, remain serene and use all your resourcefulness to solve them. FOR THE BIRTHDAY | If tomorrow is your birthday, the year ahead should bring | sonal life. Domestic, social and |sentimental interests should |prove highly stimulating, with emphasis on romance from now until March 1; also in June, | late October and late December. |Do not consider sudden attrac- \tions for the opposite sex in |May, September and-or Novem- | ber too seriously, however. Most |auspicious periods for travel: The balance of this month, the |first three weeks of May, all of |November and December. A \trip taken during the latter {month, incidentally, could re- panic." LACK SPACE |won't be the end of the social | sult in some stimulating new WOOLWORTH'S A | friendships. Reason for the lack of space|whirl. They still have a round Ware catker matters are is the fast-growing Ottawa dip-|of luncheons and teas tO 8¢ Woncerned, excellent headway lomatic corps. Its members|through Wednesday. can be made through a compre- usually fill a large block of] Prime Minister Pearson's|poncive and well-planned pro- seats to the left of-the Gover-|wife Maryon will be the guest). ocnecially if you have nor-General. jof honor at a luncheon held by Ca tt during 'the past The wives of cabinet minis-|the Parliamentary Wives ASSO) 1) .46 weeks or are about to do ters and the prime minister's} ciation in the Commons railway pe nowssince vou are in an'ex-| wife are usually seated to the;committee room, Santis es oesnis sas a right of Gen. 'Vanier and Mme.| Opposition Lea de r Diefen-e2pUonaly, goog rvcle Yor mat Vanier. |baker's wife will entertain wives 'ant baie Feb. 21. The advance- Wives of MPs, most of whom|of Conservative MPs at a lun- ent vols minke: should. bring will be arriving here. during|cheon, and Mrs. Tommy Doug-| ea ens mionetare wewasd the weekend or Monday morn-|las plans a luncheon for wives gba sooonaas 3 sheigd ing, are seated in the Senate|of members of the New Demo- galleries where they have anjcratic Party Wednesday. --especially if you show a will- ingness to extend your sphere of activity and assume addi- tional responsibilities. Next good |periods for occupational ad- |yancement: The first three | weeks of March, the last week of September, the first three lweeks of October, all of No- vember and next January; for ,entry into the garment world. monetary gain: The entire He uses what he dubs "'swim- month of April, the first three weeks of September, all of Oc- ming suit tops" in his daytime) ;,her and next January. Do be SURE ROR Ea --_-- New York Designer Bases Collection On Sports Designs By KELLY SMITH NEW YORK (AP) -- Chuck Howard is a former college % Wise Shoppers' Special | Budget | , priced towels at Woolworth's. Big | je thirsty towels to complement any | -- mix throom. Scoup up severd poe pre -- or complete your set. A host of solid or printed patterns to choose from «seereecnssrerssnrenresree Bath Towels nxun 99E Hand Towels 6X2" 9 for 99E & 16X32" ¥ '. athlete who likes sports almost as well as he likes clothes, Result: A zippy collection of spring frocks patterned after baseball uniforms, tank swim- ming suits and jockey shirts-- and evening collection. For in-| conservative in budgetary mat- stance: 4 brown crepe which from the waist up looks like it just came out of an olympic pool The crepe comes short for cock- all worn with what looks like a swimming suit cap "It isn't really a swimming cap," said Howard after his preview for the New York cou- ture group Thursday. "It's made to look like a flyer's hel-| hi, "haseball group" are eas- met. . ily recognized by the round col- "I like to use sports motiffs," | jarless neck facing and four tail wear, and in a floor-length A-line for evening. Howard uses the bathing suit top in linen and silk linen for |daytime skimmers in_ beige, lime and red. ters during the first three weeks of March and throughout June, however; and don't antagonize {superiors in June, early July or ithe first three weeks of Septem- ber, or you could offset star-| promised gains. A child born on this day. will be highly resourceful and inde- pendent; being extremely ver- jsatile, could succeed in almost any field of his choice. he said. 'They have a clean' pyttons down the front. The out-| cut, all - American look about! tits are made in pin stripe fa- them. One year I used soccer|pric and worn with modified shirts I brought back from It-|paseball caps. aly. But this collection is all) He showed a red and white| new." lcheckered jockey shirt which | Howard was a track man in|served as a jacket, tied at the) high school, and on the swim-|waist over an ivory two-piece) ming team at Rollins College,|dréss. "A checkered jockey cap Winter Park, Fla., before his|completed the costume. | BLACK'S Ladies' Wear CLEARANCE SALE CONTINUES Prices Slashed 0% AND MORE There are still many outstanding values, all through the store aa» ome and see. , . you'll save. BLACK'S 72 Simcoe North Open to 9 p.m. Fridays LADIES' WEAR LTD. I King Eost | Q. Con a person get mange from « dog? | A. Authorities state that in | rere instonces humans can ry comtect @ scabies-like infec- #] tion by contact with domestic J animals suffering from "'sar- 9/ coptoid mange' or "scab."' | Yellow Jaundice 1 Q. Are people 'who have yellow jaundice rejected as 1 bleed donors because their | blood is impure? | A. Not necessorily, However, 1 they usually ore rejected as a | precautionary measure, Jaun- dice (yellowing of the skin) can be due to various causes, ranging from virus infection | (which could be transmitted | to another person via blood Ih transfusion) to simple . ob- I struction of the bile passage in the liver. Even so, it is | best to avoid even the slight- {est risk "of -mishop-that--™ | g result from transfusing with | | the blood of « person who has | | | hod joundice of any type. You get ALL 3 -- crates: | ] sional skill and core '| | prompt service... and reo- sonable prices in our pre- fj ec ge service. | | am ess Fak sea a sa Bre Oshawa Oven Evenings till 9 p.m. & Free City Wide Delivery | WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN ! Delicious LEMON PIE Mode with Flaky Pastry Special 5 9 Special This Week SPONGE ROLL This Week LEMON 59- @ Another Woolworth's Service Only PARTY SANDWICH TRAYS -- Serves 16 to 20 people 5.95 Face Cloths xi" 3 for 99¢ . * its . f Si fas BEDDING TIME! Stock up now at these Low Prices! HAPPY HOME TWIN SIZE SHEETS, Quolity cotton muslin twin size sheets, 72 x 100", Plain hemmed. Comes in White only. 2 77a e . HAPPY HOME DOUBLE SHEETS, Styled right! Priced right! 54 x 75" cotton fitted eontour sheets tn White Only. ......-.cesccce:ecc; Oo ae eOd EA. HAPPY HOME SINGLE SHEETS. Stock up now at the special low price! Single size 63 x 100". Generously hemmed. White only ..... neon' 2 66. HAPPY HOME CONTOUR SHEETS, Wabasso fitted sheets. Firmly woven for long lasting. White only. Sizer 39 miewirueer 77 e EA. HAPPY HOME DOUBLE SHEETS. Measured for perfect fit! Double size 81 x 100" eotton sheets. Snow White fabrie ........000 2.83. HAPPY HOME PILLOW SLIPS. Well cut, seek -- slips in size 42 x 33°', Fine abasso product in White only ....... 1.27 nr. COMFORTABLE MONOFOAM PILLOWS. Pure » white shredded foam ftiled'with attractive floral print cover. 18 x 25" with a white bound edge. seam S-T-R-E-T-C-H TIGHTS Tremendous Values in Canadian made tights! Slim huggin fit with seat:panel and elastic waist- band, 100% stretch nylon, completely washable. Plain Knit] Nen- Run = = 93¢ 1.17 1.27 1.44 1.53 1,73 A SELECTION OF COLOURS oe 1.37 1.47. 1.57 1.77 1.77 2.27 Toddlers' Sizes: 1 to 3 years. Children's Sizes¥4 to 6 years Girls' Sizes: 7 to 9 years Girls' Sizes: 10 to 11 years Misses' Sizes: 12 to 14 years Ladies' Sizes: S- M- KY * | 17th to 22nd MANY MORE NON-ADVERTISED SPECIALS "Happy Home"' 72x84" Blanket A luxurious blend of 90% Viscose and 10% Cotton with « 6" Acetate Satin binding. All combined give you warmth end sleeping comfort. A wide ronge of smart bedroom decor colours ....:....0000 it 3.99 Good-Quality Baby Blanket Boxed baby blankets with dainty 5 nursery print on a 5" Satin binding. Fine quality in. Colours of White, Pink, Bive & Maize, Sfie: 36 x 50", 2.57 "Comfort" 42 * 33" Pillow Slips "COMFORT" Pillow Stips Red Tag Sale Price has 9 ie quality eotton ability luxury et low price, White only. Size: 42 x 35" aa Red Tag Sale Price Pair Fantastic Buy! Quality Lamp Shades CORDISHAN PATTERN -- SELF TRM MATERIAL OVER PARCHMENT GOLD WOVEN EDGE -- CELLO WRAPPED COLOUR WHITE ONLY em x 7" X 7%" BRUM GLIP ™ X 8" X 8" DRUM GLIP BReé or 2 for 1.66 is" X 18" TRI- LITE SHADE 11" X, 12%-X 12" DRUM WASHER 13" X 44" X 12 DRUM WASHER 8" X 12" EMPIRE CLIP Red Tog Sele Price | @@ Each Beautiful Ballerina Lamp Shades A. Super Savings on ballet flare Lamp Shades. Tailored for that high fashion look and fanty frills for that note of elegance, Smart decor Colours: White, Pink and Blue ....ccssssessseessse Red Tag Sale Price 99¢ EA Easy-to-Care for Foam Back Place Mats Here's oD BUY \ \ + an- exciting idea for -your table + foam back, rich looking place mats. Easy to care - just wipe clean, Perfect for every day use. An assortment of prints and colours. 88¢ oF 2 for 1 66 A wide assortment of attractive Ladie's half aprons, Fine quality cotton in dainty prints, checks and stripes topped with fancy (poc- kets or trimming. Average length....... 2'r77¢ ortH's| YOUR MONEY'S WORTH MORE AT WOOLWORTH'S