Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Jan 1966, p. 9

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By CARL MOLLINS LONDON (CP) Disputes within Britain's Opposition Con- servative party over policy and personalities gained publicity during the weekend on public platforms and in the press. comfort to the Labor govern- ment atyq time when economic and social pressures threaten to undermine some of the pet proj- ects of Prime Minister Wilson's administration, in what is widely expected to be an elec- tion year. Conservative Leader Edward Heath publicly rebuked critical party colleagues at a press con- ference, before attacking the al- leged failure of government eco- nomic policy in a speech at Bol- ton. The Tory divisions come as ay Comforts Laborites Heath, . just back from an Asian tour to face criticism of his leadership, said he disagrees with Maude's version of the state of the party. As for the ideas of Williams on Rhodesia, "they are not the views of the modern Tory party, nor of the great majority of people in this country,"' Heath said. Heath avoided reference to other policy differences involv- ing top Tories Enoch Powell and Reginald Maudling, who coni- peted unsuccessfully against Heath for the party leadership six months ago. y Powell, an articulate intellect, ual; has publicly opposed Maud- ling's economic platform and the party's official policy on the Commonwealth and defence. Powell is defence spokesman on THE OSHAWA TIMES, ; | Mondey, January 17, 1966 &. | Mrs. unde | Dies At 80 In The U.S. CHICAGO (AP) -- Laura | Hughes Lunde, 80, a niece of. former Canadian war minister, increa' at have raised the| Sit Sam. Hughes and the first. cost gf living by five per cent|WoMman to be a federal grand inva fii He predicted a great|JUty foremn in the United. bya of further price increases States, died in hospital Sunday. irf coming weeks. "| Mrs. Lund was a_ school The government's program)|teacher in Toronto, and she come, ected prices and 'in-;campaigned there for voting i "me. DUT - year campaign against the gov- ernment, which concentrates on cracks in Labor's effort to re- strain prices and incomes in an attempt to stabilize the econ- omy. Heath cited examples of price commes, directed by economics|rights for women before move- minister George Brown, is un- ing to Chicago. : der héavy pressure: Mrs. Lunde campaigned in Two major baking firms are|Chicago for tuberculosis pre-. raising the; price of bread to-| vention, the honesi use of vote. ite appeals from ing machines, and health im- hold off .The govern-| provements. She was a virolo- e public wrangle with|gist for the Illinois public. railway unions, angered because|health department and was_ Calling for party unity, Heath| and Maudling economics spokes- said Wilson may call a general|man for the Conservatives in election in March. Parliament, Wilson meantime devoted) Powell has criticized the much of a speech in Hudders-|theory, widely held both by So- field to accusations that the|cialists and non-Socialists in Tories have failed to present the| Britain, that the alternative to a country with credible alterna-|contralled economy. is deflation tive policies, because the Con-|and unemployment. A slight im- servatives are "split from top|provement'in '"'management of | would secure' price Brown's prices and incomes|given a service award in 1955 board rejected claims Friday) by the Illinois Medical Society. for a pay increase above the! Mrs. Lunde was the first 3% per cent ityhad approved in)woman to be a foreman of a October. U.S. federal grand jury, and. PARKWOOD LODGE INSTALLS OFFICERS @nner guard; Ron Gour- lay, junior steward; Wil- liam, Miners, senior Stew- ard; D. R. Duchemin, organist; J. K. Shepherd, chaplain, J. H. Snyder, jun- diate past master; A. H. ison, worshipful' master; W. F. Graper: junior war- den; and H. J. Pincombe, treasurer. --Oshawa Times Photo ior deacon; J. A. Foster, senior deacon; W. A. Yon- son, director of ceremonies. Front, left: A. H. Henwood, © Alex Hill, senior A. Seely, imme- year-old lodge was held at - the Masonic Temple on Centre st. From left, rear, the officers are: Robert Seely, tyler; D. A. Fear, Officers for the coming year were installed Thurs- day at a meeting of Park- wood Lodge, AF and AM. The meeting of the eight- secretary; warden; a NN AEs : the first to be a member of ; such a jury in Mlinois. The Cuba Volunteers appointment was in 1939. . TORONTO (CP) -- A funeral |to bottom." |demand" Seen For Viet for Clara Flavelle. McEachren, on S re sebieties i a | eat |Stability at home and a sound 175, who was made an officer of " ; | CRITICISES MAUDE _ {trade balance abroad, Powell] | yh a a -- Cuba|the Order 'of the British Empire . . : S k B | Heath criticised-Angus Maude, | contends. is ready to send volunteers to|for her work with the Canadian bed Perception Lack Is Seen Lat arno oots |his spokesman on colonial atl On the Commonwealth, Pow-| Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia/Red Cross Society during the fe | ine ] ' PT fairs, and Pau! Williams, chair-|ell said in a speech Friday night| and anywhere else in the world) Second World War, will be held A C b T Child AP Bureau Out m= of 'the right-wing Tory|that all parties are guilty of hy-|the revolutionary cause needs|Tuesday in the United Church's S ur re] Some 1 ren i! Monday Club. |pocricy in maintaining that the| them, Premier Fidel Castro de-/ Timothy Eaton Memorial ; JAKARTA (AP) -- Don Huth,| Maude charged in an asticle|grouping, now containing a ma-|Clared Saturday night. Chapel. | TORONTO (CP) -- Lack of, He said a potentially poor|chief df southeast Asia services|in the weekly Spectator that his| jority of "largely hostile' Afro-| - At the same time he issued; Mrs. McEachren died in hos- TO eC! I } 2 r 5 \2 dequate perception -- be posed can be spotted in Kind-|of The Associated Press, has\party has become "a meaning-| Asian nations, is worthwhile. (a call for general and simul-| pital Saturday. blamed Saturday by a United/ergarten. The way a child|been told by the Indonesian for-|less irrelevance"--words Wilson) Suggesting that self-deception| taneous revolutions throughout! The younger daughter of the States psychiatrist as a majorjrests, the way he moves his! eign office that his visa has been| himself has used of.the Tories--|about the Commonwealth leads! Latin America. late Canadian industrialist Sir By MICHAEL GILLAN Mr. Pepin, called mines min-| difficulty in teaching some chil-|arms in simple exercises and|revoked and he will have to|because it has "completely lost|Britain into actions against its| Castro spoke at the closing|Joseph and Lady Flavelle, she OTTAWA (CP)--Even with alister in the interim, heads this)dren to read. his responses to other simple| leave Indonesia by next Wednes-|effective political initiative."'/own interests, Powell said many|ceremony of the tricontinental|took, over the national work- program it's going to be diffi- department which is to report) Dr. Stanley Krippner, re-| tests will predict his reading! day, Williams, whose group has criti-| Britons secretly believe it would] solidarity conference of Com-jroom for the Red Cross at the cult for a while to determine|9" water resources, the Na-|search director of the psychia-| future. } President Sukarno ordered the|cized Heath's support of sanc-|be a good thing if the Common- munist and revolutionary par-|start of the war and in 1944 be- what cabinet ministers are sup-| tional Energy Board, the North-|try department at Maimonides! Causes are usuaily poor eye-| foreign ministry last Tuesday to|tions against Rhodesia's rebel-|wealth broke up. ties and guerrilla movements|came chairman of the women's posed to be doing what. ern Ontario Pipeline Corp., El-| Hospital of Brooklyn, N.Y., told| sight, brain damage, poor mus-|Close the offices of all United|lious ey Eade] whites, agreed with} The Conservative differences|from Africa, Asia and Latin|work committee. She received Prime Minister Pearson gover oe ye igre conference of -- that| cular co-ardination, mixed dom-|States news organizations. 'Maude. |could blunt the opposition's new-| America. ithe OBE in 1946. j led departmental respon-|Atomic Energy of Canada Lid.,/exercises in reading compre-|inance of the hand or emotional sibilities in late December. The| Atomic Energy . Control Board|hension are not effective when! instability, transfers of responsibilities are|@%d the Dominion Coal Board.|a child's perception is faulty. The cure is usually a period) @ being made, but new names for! wih AID PICKERSGILL The conference, arranged by|in a special reading clinic, Dr. the portfolios must await ont | the Federation of Woman teach-| Krip pner said, Especially for parliamentary action on a gov- Fo Rhea aaa Lien Associations of Ontario,|the severely affected. | ernment organization bill. Saag nce - ot. \corge, 15\ was attended by about 400 dele-| He suggested correct percep- Don't be surprised, the Se ee, gates. \tion habits can be enforced by when Immigration Minister °° . h : ; Dr. Krippner explained that| tracing letters in sand with the Jean Marchand talks about la Pickeragill. Transport Minister) | - asnaleiatiy handicapped" |fingers finger-painting in the air Pen at S erin gro The solicitor - general's port: oo Rr gage ci aaa ie cat gem enn Mag es atomic energy. Or Resources folio, until receritly a part of|* iy ery add no . lately after a child' has read it Minister Arthur Laing about|the justice department, is to be| 4 Said comprehension exer-| Vronoiy, Indians. a full-blown department headed|'ises might prove damaging to| '4 qemonstrate that ability to The prime minister's juggl-|by Larry Pennell. He has re-|& Child who does not have g00d) ,eroeive is controlled by the ing, described as the largest|sponsibility for the RCMP, the} Perception. [nervous system, Dr. Krippner reorganization of departmental |penitentiaries service and the Can HURT CONFIDENCE |hypnotized Mrs. Ruth Foster, responsibilities in peacetime, |national parole board. | an Oakville teacher. shapes up like this: | Justice Minister Lucien Car-/| Ae MNERR ON € "It fosters the practite and] He traced letters on her fore- A new manpower department! head correctly and incorrectly. In each case she knew the dif-! ference. | Dr. Martha Weber, director of is taking over the sections of| the labor department dealing! with manpower placement, em- din will handle government | reinforcement of failure, which legal services, litigation and|'" turn can undermine confi- the courts. jdence and promote negative at- A new ministry is to be set titudes,"" he said. - ployment services, and tech-|yp to handle the Bankruptcy "The classroom teachers can the reading centre at Bowling Green State University in Ohio, said North American teachers are not getting across the pro- per meaning of words to stu- dents. 3 nical and vocational training, Act, the Companies Act, the|identify youngsters with faulty as well as the immigration | Combines Investigation and Re-| perceptual habits by testing or- branch of the citizenship and|search Act, patents and copy-|ally all children phose perfor- immigration department. brights and trade marks. Mean-|mances on standardized tests WANT CO-ORDINATION lwhile, some of these functions|indicate poor comprehension." This is so immigration policy are under the wing of Privy| can be co-ordinated with man-|Council President Guy Fav- power needs. Until the man-|reau. power portfolio is created, it) E. J. Benson, the revenue will be called the citizenship| minister, is to hold as well a and immigration department. (new title --president of the Labor Minister John R. Nich-| treasury board--and to be in olson will retain responsibility|charge of improving adminis- for industrial relations and tration in the civil service. standards and work on the in-| Maurice Sauve's forestry de- ternational labor organization.|partment will be renamed for- The citizenship parts of the oldjestry and rural development department will be dispersed/and, according to Mr. Pearson, to other departments. his activities expanded. Indian affairs is being taken| Finance Minister Mitchll from immigration and placed|Sharp will have responsibility in a new department of Indian|for the Canadian wheat board, affairs and northern affairs un-'as he did when trade minister. der Mr. Laing. Central Mortgage and Hous- He 'loses resources from the|ing Corp. has been under Mr. old northern affairs and na-|Nicholson's wing in his tenures tional resources department. It|in the last 24% years as forestry goes to the mines and technical|minister, then postmaster-gen- surveys department until Parli-jeral, then immigration minis- ament sets up a new depart: |ter. It follows him to his new eee HAVE EXTRA bh hh MONEY |! And it's so easy to get it! Just make - What's all this talk about the 'aight ale? from Simply this. Carling brews Red Cap Ale @) ily malt and hops. No corn or rice. No additives to dilute the flavour. So Red Cap drinks lean and crisp... tastes like there's something to it. 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