' WHITBY DAY - BY \ - DAY Spratt Is Re-elected -- Planning Board Head | WHITBY (Staff) --John Spratt) was re-elected chairman of the| Whitby Community Planning} Board. The election was held) at the board's inaugural meet- ing Wednesday evening Assisting the chairman in the difficult days ahead will be a William Bentley, who was elec- ted vice-chairman. I ne THE OSHAWA TIM@S, Pridey, Jenvery 14, 1966 § | Planning board meetiings are |- held the second and fourth Wedacsday of each month, All meetings are open to thse public. Designed to accommodate as many citizens as possible, the board now has plans to hold meetings in the council cham- bers beginning with tli: Jan. 26 meeting. Whitby Rink Wins Senior Test Coming through with 'flying colors' a 'Whitby rink won the! District 3, 'Senior Provincial Curing playdowns' at Oshawa, this week. The rink now earns a shot at Peterborough in the next round of competition Skippd by Harvey Winter, the successfwl rink competed against rinks from Unionville, Oshawa Curling Club; OShawa Golf and Country Club, Ux The. winning rink nyow meets} a Peterborough rink, Feb. 7 at) Port Perry. Winner of! this event will travel to Ottawa.to partici- pate in a three-day provincial bonspielfor the - provincial championship Sharing in the Whiitby rink's glory were: Art Craw ford, ;vice-| skip; Sam Burns, ssecond and bridge and Sutton. Neil Shortreed, lead. Annual Burns,Supper Planned St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women, Group No. 4. held its first meeting of the year Jan 10 at the home of Mrs, Thomas Brown, 709 Clarence dr. The president, Mrs. Carmen Sarles, welcomed 12 members The Bible study "Hymn of Creation" was conducted by Rey. W. J. S. McClure. Mrs John Frost was in charge of the worship périod. Plans and: projects for the coming year were discussed Preparations were made for the congregational meeting of Jan 24 It was announced Band Auxiliary The Whitby Brass Band Ladies' Auxiliary held its first) meeting of the year Jan. 11 at the band social room. The pres ident, Mrs George Foster opened the meeting and presid ed over the election of officers as follows: President, Mrs. Rex Hopkins; vice-presiden{, Mrs. Charles Mc- Kay; secretary, Mrs. Horace Cartwright; treasurer, Mrs Stanley Redfearn; social con- veners, Mrs. Alvin Church, and that the Plan Donation To Eskimo Sicouts | The Fifth Cubs and Scouts} Mother's Auxiliary met Tues day evening in St. John the Evangelist parish hal! for its first meeting of the year. The president, Mrs. Vincent Mallon presided. :" the absence of Mrs Lavalley' gave the reports. Oshawa, for Cubs The R. A. Hutchison Home} and School Association met Jan 11 at the school in the form of "Father's Night" Acting as president, Anton Kozak welcomed al! present Lepnard Pirdie read the min utes and E. H. Hetherington gave the treasurer's report Principal R. Martin intro- duced guest speaker, H. Hemp stead, superintendent of Whitby BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE | and Scouts} ary @weaters, socks and scout hats' brite and her Sixers. Meeting Conducted By Fathers" |*how annual Burns Suppyer will be! held Jan. 28. Tickets for the| supper may be. purchased from| group members or ait the door. | It was agreed that Group No.| 4 would assist Group No. 5 with the Valentine tea anti bake sale of Feb. 12 Welcome and Welfare Con vener, Mrs. W. J. '8S. McClure, reported that cardis had been} sent and visits meade to sick and shut-ins durigg the past month The next meeting will be Feb. 14 at the manse. "Lunch was served Names Officers | Mrs. Norman O"beary; press correspondent, Mrs.. Curtis Brown The newly' elected president thanked Mrs. Foster and the officers for the wonderful work they. accomplished during their) term of office. | Following the meeting aj "Stork Shower" :was held in! honor of Mrs. Mearley Smith. A} delicious lunch was served. | The next meetinyz will be Feb. | 14 | not in use. These may be} brought to the next meeting and} will be forwarded! te Eskimo Scouts At the close of ithe meeting a| penny auction sale was held with Mrs. Joseph, Corrigan act-| ling as auctioneer. 'This was very|TO VIEW PROGRESS Spelien, Mrs. William) much enjoyed. | Lunch was sertved by Mrs.|month was designated for as 'A request was made from the! William Goverde tand her Sixer|many of the members of coun- Lakeland Regional Conference,| committee. Convesier for Febru-| cil as possible to meet with the Joseph Otten-| architect at the site of the new | municipal building te study the construction, step by step. The visits, to the site will | councillors will be Mrs Public Schools, who spoke on| to help. your child to do better in school" } It was announced that anjhave been invited. to attend a|tennial project and for an arena| executive meeting will be held Jan, 25 at the school. when the| room mothers and helping fathers will attend, to discuss the| possibilities of heilding a 'Fun! Fair' in June Light Refresh ments were served Drove While Disqualified | Jailed For Thr AJAX (Staff) -- An Ajax man was sentenced to three months in jail when he was found guilty of driving while disqualified in Ajax Magistrate's Court Thurs- day. David Thomas, 11 York st Ajax, pleaded not guilty to driv ing a car owned by his wife, at 3 a.m. on Dec. 21. Ajax Police Constable Fred Gallavan said that someone in- formed him Thomas was driv ing on the night in question and he followed Thomas' car when it turned into York st, from Har- wood ave. Gallavan said the ac- cused got out of the car after he pulled into the driveway and took off through the back yards but not before he had glanced at the police cruiser and was recognized by the office: Thomas said he hati not been driving on the night in question but had spent the night at a friend's house in Oshawa who drove him home at about 3.30 01a. Russell Millburn, RR 1, Whit Dy, said he was driving the car on the night in question and had left the scene when the police followed him because he |a.m. and had seetn no other cars ee Months was carrying a {bottle of liquor} and had been dninking Crown Attorneg' Bruce Affleck | said the story was obviously| concocted and etfforts were be-| ing'made to mislead the court.| He said the accused was well known to the police officer who had stayed in the area until 4.30 eventually need it, |classrooms worse." FUND DRIVE is shown as he reteives the cheque for $300 from. the local club's chairman, Clare Hewson CANDY SALES BOOST campaign. The money was the Whitby donation to the District 8 project, which had an objective of $20,000. In the photo Jim Gartshore, district campaign chairman, Candy sales by members of the Whitby Kinsmen Club were especially good this year, particularly prior to Hallowe'en. The club raised $300 for the Cystic Fibrosis Oshawa Times Photo Auditorium Vetoed By Pickering Council BROUGH A M~-- Pickering;candidates' signs down includ Township Council, Tuesday|ing your ogvn,"' said Councillor | considering the parcel too low nigh, vetoed the suggestion that! Williams, '"'And sqme that were|and wet for park purposes. an auditorium be constructed at| posted over mine, too."' | s eS Ajax High School "It's not much of a job to get| APPOINTMENTS MADE Reeve C. W. Laycox said Miles|them up," said Mr. Chatten,| During the meeting E. P. Mc- Cook, a member of the high|«put a heck of a job to get|Cormack,-of Bay Ridges, was school board, had asked him|them down." jappointed to the Pickering Dis | trict High School Board. what he thought of a $500,000 : appropriation for the audi-| CENTENNIAL PROJECT -- | Members of the undustrial torium Last year Pickering Township| committee, named at the meet- "I told him," said the reeve,| forwarded an application to theling are: P. Pemberton Pigott, "that I'am not in favor until/Centennial Committee. for aly G, Sptragge, J. H. K. Clarke, we get sufficient classrooms to| Centennial Park on a triangular-| Wrs Gladys Beckstead. R. Cor- educate our children." |shaped parcel of land between) ne], Mrs. Floree Wisebrot, "A monument to Ajax," said|Highways 2 and 401, the pars,| ajjan Kingston, R. Addie, Leslie the Reeve : jwith a suitable plaque, to face/Hawker. John Douglas Harvey, "I don't agree there," said|Highway 2, and an_ industrial) John Williams, Ronald Chatten Councillor Williams, "We will|park for light industries facing) ang Reeve Laycox. but need| Highway 401, with access from|_ Dixie and a road allowance sep- arating both parks. A survey having been com- pjeted,; council passed a resolu- SKATE f t hase the el f $90750, "A total of 4206s inf SakCHANGE, federal and provincial grants is 2 97 e anticipated. | Plus Your Trade The question of a township] enable| arena arose, and councillors iSPORTSMAN'S CORNER to check on the|considered whether this recrea- progress of the building. tionally dedicated parcel would 103 Byron St. $., Whitby One Block West of 4 Corners The first Wednesday of each Municipal councils and other| be suitable interésted bodies and individuals| Details of plans for the Cen-| meeting on the much-discussed| will be considered later, while subject of regional government|the sale of the Centennial land ,| Cheese | Board held in the Royal York Dairy Industry Program Cited TORONTO -- The federal gov- ernment's legislative program for the dairy industry in 1965 and the outlook for the indus- try in 1966 were outlined today by Russell C. Honey, MP for Durham, in a speech to the 33rd annual meeting of the Ontario Producers Marketing Hotel. Mr. Honey stated that the number of milk cows in Canada has declined continuously since 1961 and in 1965 reached its low- est point in the past 45 years. This decline, continued in 1965, he said, but as in the past the reduction in cow numbers has been offset by the continuing the herd which is reflected in rising milk production per cow. Predicting a higher return to the dairy farmer in 1966, Mr. Honey said, -that this, combined with the higher production per cow, would result in the total 1966 milk preduction increasing slightly ovey that of 1965. 1966 production was estimated at 18.5 billion pounds as compared to 1965 With respect: to the cheese market Mr. Honey said ,there would be a slight increase. in |the domestic market for ched- dar cheese in 1966. This pvould {result mainly from population |growth, The total , cheddar |cheese production for 1965 was forecast at 155 million pounds as compared to 150.4 million pounds in 1965. 'Crippled Dad | Saves 2 Kids z | RI ET } motion for the land purchase,| DENFIELD, Ont. (CP) -- A crippled father of nine took two \of his young children to safety | Wednesday, then watched help- \lessly as his house burned to |the ground in this area near | London. Earl Thompson was alone with the two children when the fire broke out..The seven other children were in school. Nothing was saved, and there was no insurance. improvement in the quality of}. about 18.35 billion pounds in} | | RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN SAVE TAX DOLLARS AND ;PROVIDE YOUR OWN PENSION FOR THE FUTURE at the Legion Hall in Uxbridge|will go forward before Febru- Jan, 27, at 8 p.m. A. Masuier|ary, according to the wishes of}. will be the principal speaker.|the owner. The film "Strategy for Change"| Mrs. McPherson opposed the will be shown. There will be a panel discussion. | SEs aTt a, «| One-Stop MECORATING Cherrywood reminded 'council SHOP that election posters still dis- figured the township and Reevé | Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies Laycox made a plea that candi-| * ° @ Broadloom e ° dates remove or have all) | C.1.L. Pathts end Varnishes spent about three hours Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paipts taking large numbers of aill/ 7 | DODD & SOUTER placed the fine at $150 instead| DECOR CENTRE LTD. of the usual $100 because the! accused had been obstreperous || 197 Syron St. $., Whithy PHONE 668-5862 to police when he was appre- | posters removed. AT Councillor Ronald Chatten he} said, had paid for the Posters | he put up tobe removed i Th at the home of fhe accused Magistrate H, W.- Jermyn| agreed with Ctrown Attorney | Affleck and saik] the defence had put forth a cobweb of evi-| dence that didn*t add up. He said the accused had paid $600) in fines during the past three years | A 28-year-old. Pickering man | was fined $150 when he pleaded Ag 0 impaired driving Vernan Typent, 28, of Royal | rd., had a charge of drunk driv- | ing reduced to inapaired after he | was observed drfiving erratically | on Highway 2 and Royal rd at | 12.30 a.m. on Dee. 2 j Pickering Township Police | Constable James R. Brown said | Typert had resisted arrest and had kicked hina in the shins while being handcuffed Magistrate (H. W. Jermyn) TALKS GARS The Least Expensive Way To Service Your Car There is a simple rule to follow if you wont to keep your cor service;bills to 0 miniroum. That is to get thot service done by the most experienced you con find The reasons ore fairly obvious: A fully quolified mechanic can diagnose cor trouble in most cases immediately: with- out wasting costly service time trying this or thot alternative, Futhermore once diagnosed, the trouble is remedied on a factory-set time bosis under a guarantee thot the customer must be completely satisfied with the job or it .will be done over without further charge. Thot is the way our service shop is rum ot Northside Chrysler BROCK "a WHITBY 6:55 Begins Last Complete Progroun 8:20 P.M. PE be Beat!) Progrdms at 6:55 8:20 | MGM pene An Win Ts Podkctn CAN YOU IMAGINE, smetra olor tn Color Begiins 3:30. Deédge. Whatever your trouble is we have a mecahnic, who hes done that same job repeatedly. He acquired his specialized knowledge at foctory schools where he was taught the right way as well os skill in using modern time-saving: equipment. In case you think this applies only to fi d and transmission jobs you ere mistaken. R tly we had i fo repack a customer's front wheels only to find that both wheel bearings were ruined by loose nut adjustments from the previous packing 5000 miles earlier. It.is one small example of very mony. Repacking should be done with a repacker and grease gun which forces old grease out of the bearings; not by just slopping new grease into the bearings by hand. SUCCESSFUL TOUR . Every reputable car dealer knows more car SALES come through his service entrance than the showroom door, That is 'the fundamental reason we at Northside Chrysler. Dodge endeavour to make our service superior NORTHSIDE GHRYS 918 BROCK at N : Matinee Saturday JAMES MATHER STAGE DOOR Lounge and Dining Lounge WHITBY HOTEL 207 Dundas St. West, Whitby The Finest in Nightly Entertainment The FABULOUS BOBSMITHS YOUR FAVOURIRE COMEDY TEAM BACK FROM A THE OF NEW YORK... "Music and Comedy at its Best" Whitby's Finest APPEARING NIGHTLY AT 9 P.M. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. -- MANAGER mart) eum A Division of the &. S. Kresge Company Limited 4 36 ONLY > BOMBSHELL SKIS CHALET JR. Il. Complete with poles and harness. Choose frem 5' and 56" 9:97 .. also 4'6" for 6.97 a pair 100 ONLY Chenille BEDSPREADS Wavy chenille bedspreads in "ange le Giant Size EXTRA with free toy end foam rubber Kneeling Pad your choice ef color, Just assortment of colors, twin or bed size. Fringe on 3 sides. = 4 DISCOUNT = BOMBSHELL 36 ONLY 8 PIECE - TEFELON COOKWARE SET by Dupont 100 ONLY © MEN'S Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Chose from checks lorge or small, 200 ONLY Hit a Miss * stripes and plains in sizes small, med. and large. 1-99 EACH KRVITCVY, 4 DISCOUNT 100 ONLY (EX - MADE KINGSTON BLANKETS Washable, allergy free, warm and light, completely moth- proof. Approx. size 72 x 84, Choose from white, blue, pink, green, sand and many more. 2 Ets: 2 BOMBSHELL On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whitby