| ea "es ve 5 TUE CRUAWA, TASS, Friday, Janvary 14, 1966 'no MionTREAL {CP)--Some 354 striking teachers in the Hull re- gion deliberated Thursday over a new salary offer --larger than previous ones --made by the Roman Catholic regional school board. 4<Phe French-speaking teachers have not yet replied to the board's offer. ~ | Meanwhile, the Hull chamber | - of fcommerce, after -a meeting fi the regional school rd nd representatives of the teach- ers, labelled the teachers' de- mands 'idealistic and impos- sible." " The Hull teachers are striking | for higher salaries and improved| working conditions, as are 284| teachers in the Le Gardeur area | east of Montreal and 123 teach- ers in the Papineau region east of Hull. A total of 18,000 primary and secondary school children are| missing classes because of the} | walkouts. % - NEW OFFICERS FOR WESTMOUNT KIWANIS Westmount Kiwanis Club dent, pins the badge of welcomed new officers for office on the club's new ONTARIO REGIMENT'S 100TH BIRTHDAY PLANNERS Members of the Centen- Major James A. Newell, lor, Ontario Regiment Asso- pial emit of the On- --_ os a dogg ciation. Among events lo Regiment met recent- Major L. P. Tiggelers, sec- a ; fy to plan how the Regi- ond-in-command of the Res. | Planned are a Saar of ment will celebrate its 100th iment, Lt. Col. R. B. Smith, . the Color, church parades, birthday. Here, pointing, Lt.. Honorary Chairman, Major Centennial Ball and mess Col. W. C. Paynter, com- H. Millen and Mr. Jim Tay- dinners. manding officer of the On- tarios discusses calendar of events with Centennial Chairman Lt. Col, F. S. Wotten, centre. Other com- mittee -members, are, left to right, Regimental Sergeant Moore, second vice-presi- dent. In accepting the pres- ident's post Mr. Davidson asked club members to keep alive the goals of Kiwanis and urged them to take part confidential probation, or close to it, for the last 10 years, Rid For Parched Africans Appointment ERIC A. ARSCOTT The insurance agency ef Myre doch, McMurtry ond Turney Insurance Limited is pleased te announce the appointment of Mr, Eric D. Arscott to its staff. Mr... Arscott comes to us from The Prudential Assurance Cor Ltd., where he served as a com- pony field representative to their Agency force, WEATHER FORECAST |ers and reducing the time avail- funds-and we cannot long con- {tinue to maintain our teaching standards unimpaired," Dr. Hamilton said. He has hod several years of ex- perience in the insurance indus- try and is well qualified to look ship activities 'which have F West mot any progress toward settlement tion meeting. Robert Single- Onlookers are, left, Cliff made Westmount renowned in the latter areas, and Thurs-| 0, right, first vice-presi- Pb treasurer, and Bud : | | ' ing that an offer made Dec. 30 Py | Of p M d Sch ls On Plans | H \- 's Private ( 'akes On Birth Control ? 7 borer ive 00 eachers in another area near; OTTAWA (CP)--The federal|lar in Quebec was shattered SAIGON (CP) -- Large-scale|troller thought the boats were ' I 1 1 incial fi thi medical care given Canadians miles down the coast. "final" salary offer from the re-|ing parliamentary session after|T@!Provincia' conference this going to make -any" detailed in the jungle war in Yiet Nam. students without instructors. Canada made a major: switch activities: include family plan-| states." It is expected the govern-| ing . Hull walkout now has lasted\efforts to authorize the UN to/No. 150, which Mr. Prittie is|after release of a report in Ot- "agg eae | see edeah LONDON (CP) -- The so-)famine area and the amount of| Meanwhile, the interim direc-/shortly before the warring Viet-| -aiieq three-country emergency|grain and other food required. 2 fe Zé | The government will be chal-|lawful justification or excuse,|tained the quality of their un- | week Rolling Stone |lenged in the Commons to trans- we. than on-the-ground preparation.| Australian governments for the means, 'instructions, medicine,' The report by Woods, Gordon sale of contraceptives. y : here that the massive influx of! Mi tee P A Aviva: tah it know: hat ik GE ee a et aerate press conference Thursday that Minister Pearson an ustral-|share once Ta Besides Rhodesia other coun-;Thursday against a member of abortion or miscarriage." research is not given, "a de- in Parliament of planned par- : ; tito lconcerted planning conference.|Swaziland and possibly Kenya.|Beatles for leadership of the| Ms I bs ; r: : Te ee ett os eve + bes. ing curiosity the arrival Satur- the criminal code. jcarridge. His bill will simply|provided to the Canadian peo- dential envoy W. Averell Harri-| ry-mation of the extent of the'transport and other assistance. |tg be « near-millionaire; should held in the office of R. A. J. education have been maintained Mark, 4. make any commitments until th ] , jpractising physicians Canadian Rusk and Vice-President Hu-| a ® | schools are "'right up there with le sae iat ata' Se'%tee| Few Light Snowllurries | den. OTTAWA (CP) Travel-|economic sanctions were "'bit-|stand his attitude," Sir John] W | capital for the funeral of Prime) Thursday night. and said the| "If it is demonstrably clear|.... i 5:30 a.m.: | Algoma, White River: Varia- Minister Shastri. Commonwealth is stronger as a/that the sanctions are not ef- olde Saal od pau Ligh weep Synopsis: Cloud and a few\ble eloudiness and cold with al among service clubs." day the Le Gardeur Teachers'! jto the teachers was rejected.| ; ; TORONTO (CP)--The dean Until Sp ng |man said 'a forward air con-|two severely, when a mortar €x-| ywontreal, Vaudreuil - Sou-|government may be forced to|when Welfare Minister Rene assaults on Viet Cong. strong-| carrying Viet Cong. jis "every bit as good gional school board there. They quietly reversing its stand on month that the Quebec govern- y g as, and Pome seat 6 plans South Vietnamese forces and} The walkoutd etartad 36 days|in policy at the United Nations |#ing and birth control informa-| De deta D. Hemi oa ment will introduce legislation! Suerrillas operated virtually un- nine days help countries set up birth con-| again taking aim at reads: |tawa criticizing present govern- tor, William M. (Bill) McWhin-/namese on both sides appear famine relief scheme for South-| He suggested also that there 3 : 4 h offers to sell, advertises, pub- dergraduate medical education, choosing pilot projects for 250) = ' late this shift in policy into the It is too early to gauge the) 4 week after Prime Minister scheme, though a Canadian of- Ille it Father g drug or article intended or rep- and Co. of Toronto, manage- Robert W. Prittie, New Dem- : American troops is making it-|; Pri Minister Menzi shel wanted ober rittie, New Dem initial projects will be in the ian Prime Minister Menzies, the! wanted. th Chama tern of the fighting. still awaiting a Whitehall call|tries in need included Zam-|the Rolling Stones, long-haired Mr. Prittie said he has no in- terjoration in the standards of ment in nada. enthood, says he plans to re- * : A British official Thursday at-| The original plan, Canada/British recording charts. of $1,000,000 for the 1966-67 day of U.S. State Secretary | . Mr. Prittie figures that the| propose lifting the ban on meth- ple is in prospect." man. It was assumed that they i |pay two pounds, 10° shillings Phillips, director of the govern- ' : . . largely by over-working teach- givings about President John-' earson S ome atis 1e "Tt is deplorable that this Parliament sets up the organi- bert Humphrey met with Soviet! the Americans." Thursday, and Viet Nam pre-| weary but satisfied Prime Min-|ing deeply" and that their goal| said. | Ex-JP Raps The dual visit brought a new! result of the two-day meeting. | fective, it was agreed we should snowflurries are expected over|few light snowflurries | meet again to see what should Andrews, 21. southern Ontario with all re- Variable cloudiness and contin- today. | The Globe and Mail quotes| ofter the insurance needs of our uing cold Saturday. Winds light. | the executive secretary of the} clients, | Association of Medical Colleges gions, becoming clear by night. | Cold. Safurday will be partly! . cloudy throughout most of the! 'orecast Temperatures las saying one-third of Canada's jprovince with the trend to|Low tonight, high Saturday: | medical "schoo have been on warmer weather in southern|Windsor ! 30 | in the service and fellew- ih i : ss ana 1966 at its recent installa- president, Harold Davidson. | ere have been | --Oshawa Times Photo | # : ee oe |Union accused the regional \ ay ' 's Silent Allies. Viets SI; iets A. Domestic Stand A Refutation Of Charges CYC's Silent Alli iets Slice Deepl The teaghers sud the. Doar eSTIC elutation e ] told pi ts at a public meet-| | The teacher said they received) jno such offer at that time. From Reuters-AP : of hpetemey of peopel a ploded during a training class|janges, were expected to give|declare a domestic policy on| _|ical schools says the quality o OTTAWA (CP) Cc reakait| oe the Chu Lai beachhead 53! early consideration to anew and|birth control at the forthcom-|Levesdue of Quebec told a fed : é ecsd e Com- rear} Sixteen marines pvere injured) ' holds since the start of the year pany of Young Canadjans isn't mark a significant development! és yaa netniiess " Pade ef ' * |have threatened to walk off their|the subject in foreign affairs |ment is pionmggngin 2 regger ove in many cases-better than,' that |jobs Wednesday, leaving 8,000 |last month. jaid to private agencies whose|in many places in the United it b it int | Being. officials, seid: Thursday | foreign allied troops are mov- 4 ily into territory where the! } : i "aid FPS 4 M Pp liti Th A ti ago in-Le Gardeur, where teach-|'" oc ye sd yt Nang Ravage pe criminal code section, |Co™menting Thursday night to form the company as an in-| molested for 10 to 20 years. ore 0 | 1CS an C 10n ers went on strikesJan. 4. The|°f support for the first time o > ' dependent Crown corporation.| The new incursions ¢ome jtrol programs to combat the| 'Everyone commits an of-/ment aid in medical research. A - naar dues jworld population explosion. fence who knowingly, without; Canadian schools have main- oar. set Wednesday, ef -- to 0 (igs big ier central Africa appears to have! appears to be a lack of enthus-| spend the next few months/the lunar new year late nex contained: more political wind|iasm among the Canadian and| -- ' c ot oe : | . | ishes an advertisement of, or/which is their prime function, VOlunteers expected to be in} domestic field by supporting ajhas for sale of disposal, any)he said. the ae, next pinto gien ta b preg ration siege rae sg Wilson .made a sudden tele-|ficial denied this, saying Can- bill to remove the criminal code Page i ina To e|the war, but there is no doubt! wine plea for help to Prime|ada is prepared to do its full| |b . month, indicated at a LONDON (AP)--A_ paternity ae | yo -- as a -- of pre-|ment consultants, said that if i y support order was issuedjocratic } or Burnaby-Rich-| venting conception or causing |increased support for medical field of community devel self felt this week on the pat- high commissioners here are mond and persistent champion y develop- Meanwhile, on the diplomatic} : ; : Pes : s | : : | f 5 oh : : " ' f iy ie |that would bring them into ajbia, Bechuanaland, Basutoland,/pop group vying with the} : tention of proposing any change |Canadian medical schools and iar ene sepet hel the oe Relea awaied wii St vive his earlier bill to amend | with respect to abortion or mis-|in the quality of health care ; ? |tributed the delay mainly to aj and Australia would provide the| wapistrate Sir John Cameron|. Prit i } | cal year. Dean Rusk and special presi-| slowness in getting accurate in-|g rain pith Britain providing| puted that Brian Jones, '21, said idea his bill might be unpopu- ods of preventing conception. -- Dk, Mawilton sald the sien. The press conference was dards of undergraduate medical would try to quiet the South } Vietnamese government's mis-| ($7) a week toward the main- ment's war on poverty who said tenance of his son, Julian) 1 The company didn't want to|son's peace offensive. Mostly Cloudy And Cold able ig their rigid 'i : : ' g| In the continuing education of MET KOSYGIN thi D I L |child should not have been pores ye this was Pog a ome Ing one n agos helped by his father until now. -time director would be cho- ; i " ; Premier Alexei-N. Kos y gin} Hoeiver." we. hava lee | : ; ~ re ssly deficient i es sumably dominated the conver-| ister Pearson returned from the| could be achieved in a matter! one. did not appear in court,| TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts day, Continuing cold. Wind ee ee Gt earch sation. All were in the Indian| Lagos. conference on Rhodesia) of weeks. He cent a weddioal certificate issued by the weather office at|light. : yround of warnings from Vietna-| Mr. Pearson stepped from the WwW 1e y | mese officials about the danger| jet aircraft -- in which 'he had| be done." | | of negotiations with the Commu-| just spent 13 hours--and 'nto a| He said that whiie the meet- J : TORONTO (CP) -- A former | nists. before a military victory) bitter snow-filled wind before|ing produced disagreement on More 65 Cars, justice of the peace has ac-|over them in the field going before the heat of tele-;jhow the *Rhodesian situation) cused the benchers of the Law| Thursday night the Viet Cong) vision lights to say the mission) should be resolved, these differ-| 1A hd 0 1964 Society of Upper Canada of|shot up a U.S. jeep carrying a! was successful jences were narrowed as a re- 0 ver Ontario getting under way. |St. Thomas 5 | "strange and unwarranted con-| Party of Americans and Aus-| He said African members of| sult of the meeting. | aa Toronto, Hamilton, Windsor,|London .... | duct" in recommending that|ttalians on a main highway six|the Commonwealth left the} He said the meeting dealt} OTTAWA (CP)--Preliminary|; 4. Ontario, Niagara, Lake|Kitchener . Sevings accounts Paid and compounded quarterly We recommend him to you. a Mr. Justice Leo Landreville of| miles south of Da Nang. Sev-}meeting with a far greater un-| with a "difficult, dangerous and | Statistics on motor vehicle pro-|ontario, Niagara, Lake Erie,|Mount Forest the Ontario Supreme Court be|eral allied casualties were re-| derstanding of the British posi-|politically explosive" situation, | Auction in 1965 indicate 21-3-per-|y a6 St. Clair: Mainly cloudy | Wingham temoved from the bench. ported, and the guerrillas fled| tion on Rhodesia and there was| While there had already, been|Cemt gain over 1964, according|. 44 9 jittle colder today with a| Hamilton y F. H, Trudeau of North Bay|before a nearby U.S. marine pa-|also a better understanding by) talk of holding the-regular Com-|t a Dominion Bureau of Statis-|rew jignt snow flurries. Varia-|St, Catharines... made the charges in a letter trol arrived. jall delegates about the "intense|monwealth prime ministers'|tics report released Thursday. |,). cloudiness and cold Satur-|Toronto dated Jan. 11 to the society's| Mishiaps plagued the marines) feeling among Afro-Asian mem-|meeting outside Britain, Mr.| Production last month totalled|day, Winds light. Kingston treasurer and benchers at Os-|in the Da Nang area, 380 miles) bers." _> |Pearson felt that the Nigerian|89,444 passenger cars and com-| [ondon, Lake Huron, Halibur-|Peterborough .... goode Hall. ® |northeast of Saigon. Mr. Pearson said that British] meeting would strengthen this|mercial vehicles, more than ton, Southern Georgian Bay:|Trenton ... : HELP | He said the lett th t th Marine jets killed four civil-| Prime Minister. Wilson felt the' feeling double December, $4, output.|Cloudy with scattered snow | ig | 1 to 5 year G.1.C.s | AYe% . Investment Funds Ht y Pectin" 4 courts cleared Mr: Justice Lan-| '2"5 and wounded 21 other Viet: flurries today. Variable cloudi | J-- YET ANOTHER Vie Total production for 1965 was dreville of charges concerning] "2™mese, including five militia 710,278 passenger cars and 144,-ness Saturday. Continuing cold his conduct while mayor of Sud-| ™&, when they fired on four 453 commercial vehicles, for a|Winds light. bury, and that it is a denial of | Small boats 20 miles southwest total of 854,731 units. Production| North Bay, Sudbury, Tima British justice te the | of Da Nang. A marine spokes- $ SHOULDERS \TATN TAN HI in. 1984 was 5#NA7R cars and ease further. ag |LUAD FUR 1 * ' gami, Cochrane, northern Ged: Estate Planning 110,340 commercial vehicles, ajgian Bay, western James Bay » tors Trustees total of 671,018 units. Execu & Mr. Trudeau was a justice of| accepting shares of Northern the peace in Ontario's Timiska-| Ontario Natural Gas Co, stock ming district for 24 years until|as a consideration for help in| he left in 1957. |getting NONG's Sudbury fran-| Mr. Justice Landreville was|chise through city council in wleared of charges of munici-|1956 when he was mayor. He pel corruption at a preliminary | also was accused of agreeing to earing in Sudbury in October, | accept 1964. He had been accused of HERE an A Toronto public school . principal will be in Oshawa next Tuesday night to speak on "The Principal's Role in Maifitaining and Raising Teachers' Standards." A. D. ~ Sparks, principal at Hillcrest Public School, has taught in both public and secondary schools and has served as a consultant for gifted children in the Toronto school system. His adress is part of the Oshawa course "School Super- vision and Administration" sponsored by the Ontario Pub- lic School Men Teachers' Fed- eration. Mr. Sparks will speak at T, R. McEwen Senior Pub- , lic School at 7:30 p.m Bob Holmes, a former em- ployee of Alger Press, ap- peared Thursday night on the CBC television program 'Telescope' which featured the government re-training course being held at Elliot Lake. Mr. Holmes is one of the students on the course. Official delegates of Oshawa Folk Festival to the conference to study. Ontario Folk Arts Jan. 22 and 23 in Toxonto -will be Mrs. J. A. Al ckle, OFF past presi- the | stock for signing the franchise agreement. d THERE dent, and Jan Brandsma, gen- eral chairman for Dominion Day, 1966. Other members of the executive who plan to at- tend the conference are Jan | Drygala, president, Orest Salmers, vice-presidént, Mrs.:C. G. Step and M Labaj, secretaries. ary J. Alex Edmison, a member of the National Parole Board | qm | THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! will be the guest. speaker Tuesday at the annual meet- ing of the John Howard: So- ciety's. Oshawa branch, The dinner meeting will be held at the Genosha Hotel. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S © OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS v LONDON (AP)--The Brit- ish bible of men's fashion called on President Johnson today to lead Western man in clothing style. Tailor and Cutter, the or- gan of the British custom tail- oring industry, says that up to now Johnson's sartorial con- tribution to Western culture add up to a "'fat, round noth- ing." "The age when Royalty set the fashion has long, long | gone," editor John Taylor | wrote, '"'and there might be' | quite as much harm done to | a style by its receiving Royal | approbation nowadays as not. . Royalty (like mem- and | bérs of Parliament) have had to resort to a democratic im- | age in order to retain demo- cratic popularity." It's up to the politicians to set the fashion now, Taylor said. Citing criticism by some U.S. fashion experts of Prin- cess Margaret and her hus- band, Lord Snowdon, 'during their recent U.S. visit, the ed- itor said President Johnson "'has on his personal back the responsibility of the whole picture of Western culture-- and no side tracking tricks by his press lackeys, .concerning the shortcomings of British Royalty, are going to excuse | him from the responsibility of | showing the Eastern camp | how well dresséd you can be | df you will only submit your- | self to the disciplines of free | enterprise." * PRESTIGE DISTINCTION @ BEYOND COMPARE * UNDERGROUND PARKING * G@ORGIAN mansions 124 PARK ROAD NORTH OSHAWA A FEW 1 AND 2 BEDROOM SUITES AVAILABLE * E Only By Appointment 723-1712 or 728-2911 Canadian car production be- gan soaring in March, two agreement to permit free trade between auto manufactygers in the two countries, * Mainly cloudy with a few pe- riods of light snow today. Mainly clear tonight and Satur-| months after the Canada-U.S.|------ a iliintasicentderatts | | | liquid a day or liquid t 3 LBS. A DAY | Most people pass about three pints of about three pounds of Now, if kidneys become | NEED... Fuel Oil | aluggish, urinary irritation and blad- | der discomfort may follow. The result | 'This is when Dodd's Kidney Pills can POUNTAINHEAR OF SERVICE Open Friday can be backache and restless nights, help bring relief. Dodd's stimulate All Day Saturday \ Nights and } _ Prime Minister Pearson said| in October that 170 Canadian| concerns had expanded or made! kidney action, help relieve the irri- tated condition that causes the back- ache. Take Dodd's and see if you don't CALL PERRY Centrat Ontario Trust definite plans to establish new or expanded activities. Day or Night 723-3443 feel better, rest better. Used success- | fully by millions for over 70 years. New large size saves money. Warning to Motorists On Monday, January 17th, 1966 The Stop Signs now in place on Thickson Road (Oshawa Subur- ban Road No. 26) at the 6th and 7th Concession Roads of Whitby Township will be removed; IN THIS REGARD. W. A. sTWELVETREES, P. Eng. Engineer and Secretary Oshawa Suburban Road Commission, 605 Rossland Road East Whitby,. Ontario Thickson Road will then be a through highway from King's High- way No. 2 northerly. to King's Highway No. 12. MOTORISTS USING INTERSECTING EAST WEST ROADS ARE CAUTIONED 19 Simcoe Street North 23 King Street West & Savings Corporation Bowmanville 723-3221 623-2527 Oshawa ot the TRY US TODAY! Businessmen's Lunchegns @ LIGHT LUNCHES and taste tempting © CHINESE FOODS Including Take-Out-Orders. UPSTAIRS. GRAND RESTAURANT Wie_also 'specialize jn delicious RESTAURANT 728-4666 -- 725-0075 4 Upstairs 14% KING ST. E. '4 -