Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jan 1966, p. 19

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MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES weet ' S| HAVE YOU A NICE, JUICY CHOCOLATE. COVERED WITH GOOEY + y rKenow 4y othe Sigal erred YOU WONT LLif= CHUCKLE, GUST MY 30 TOASINGLE MILLION SOULS? READERSIT), LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY KEEP WALKIN' EASY-LIKE, ZERO--THAT POLICEMAN LIKE HES WONDERIN' IF WERE PLAYIN' HOOKY FROM SCHOOL= FROM SCHOOL, IF HE ISN'T ALREADY IN SCHOOL ~ AN' BE CAREFUL. THEY'RE PRETTY TRICKY TILL YOU LEARN HOW. Srudicaiin, tne. 1964, Woskd cghite eamerwel © King Fenterve "Sar BY THE HOOFPRINTS, HERES WHERE Jp "THEY TIED THEIR HORSES, 2 THEY "VV SEARCH MUST HAVE | "THE STOPPED \ BUSHES! DR... FREDERICK STRIVES TO SEE aap INSULIN 46+ ANo THI HE iS «JN 1923,HE PERSONAL Beers NAME TO THE TITLE, IBANTING ANDO. CHAIR OF MEDICAL RESEARCH"? WHEN BANTING WINS E NOBEL PRIZE THAT YEAR, INFURIATED THAT BEST 1S NOT ALSO NAMED ¥ PUBLICLY, BANTING CREDITS 'BEST AS - 7 HEY! HERE'S A TRAIL, THEY WENT UP THIS MOUNTAIN, ores i ile, ck Banting WITH MR, BE: 20,000 T WITH THE NOBEL at igaaesd HIS SPUR MATCH THIS BROKEN ONE 3X WE FIND WHERE YOU WERE BEATEN / ill THE LONE RANGER co PHYS: OF INSULIN... % BANTING' HE * RECEIVE IZE. IT. NEVER DID MAKE GENCE FOR SECRET AGENT X9 HER TO GET DIRECTLY INVOLVED IN THE BOMBING / VARENGA, I 'THANK, ee PABLO HAVE SEEN US SAFELY HOM Distrfbated by King Pentoree Syodienta, WELL, WHAT \ 'YOU KNOW..1 DONALD DUCK 3 HAD FRECKLES AND WORE THE CUTEST PIGTAILS! A YOUNGSTER.» GOSH, MY LONG=- WINDED STORIES OF WHEN I WAS ALWAYS PUT KIDS I BABY-SIT WITH TO GOLLY, THEY'RE SO BORING | 1 HAVE TROUBLE STAYING AWAKE AS f TELL EM / x Just _HOW COME, DONT LIKE YOU DONT LIKE } His Looks! YOU MEAN THAT SLICK BLACK HAIR ?... THOSE UU Eves! DON'T LEAN ON EVE JONES WHEN SHE COMES TO WORK RERE, BECAUSE I LOVE HER..AND MR, 0, y MANNING WHITE, OUR BOSS, LOVES HER! sr thltsans, alley , eee, SEB Gas IE) a ---- CROSSWORD : DOWN 2. Scope, 1. Cognizant j figuratively Half N (a 14. Boundary: SI SNe comb.form , inFrench 28.Maoris' Yesterdsy's Answer 45, Timber ¥ pantomime personifie bend ®. Eager cations of 21, Ingredients light forsalads 31.Omit 15. Man's 32. Regulate nickname again, as 18, Tibetan a clock Japan sheep 83. Seines 20, Anger for Texas 21, Capital of 2 W Te Bermuda, 23, Weapon bg 26. Bridge positions 27. Not chi anging? 29, Conjunction 30. "Maisie" of the movies | 94. States 35. Inaline 38. Man's name $9. Queen of fairies 40. Synonym 17. Singing and girls: Channe) Channel Channel Channel Channe) 2--Buftale 3--Barrie Channel Channe} Channe) 11--Hamiltee oR TE Tevaseay GVE, 5:00 P.M, R--Famity Theetre 9--Movie Superman é--Passport Te Adventure 3--Atom Ant B-Lleys Thexten 5:30 P.M, @-Leeve if Te 7--Rocketship 7 é&Music Hop dala rec 11:00 Wis O\erpetnt 11:20 30 7--Twilight Theatre 6--McHales "Navy 4--News, Sports Qua Heely 6:20 P.M. N--News 1:46 12:30 News - 6:3 P.M, é--Newscap Family Theatre Me, 8 9-+3--News) Weather and Sports 6--Huntley-Brinkley News 3--Maverick A Acree Commmane MM. Davahter wunetere 6:06 6agtetn 9:00 9--Playtime 8 7:00 P. li--Farmers' %--The M o--Littiet Mebe +--News, Weether Sports &--Dobdie 10:00 4--Forest Rengere 3--Green Acres 2--Huntley-Brinkiey 11--Topper 7: P.M. o-Fiaytime 11--Donna Reed | ¢. y Palece of day 44, Fruit decay WZ 64--Daniel Beene 63--Ivanhoe 7--Shinding é--Hogan's Heroes 4--The Munsters 3--The Adame Family 10:30 id Allen 8:00 P.M. OHA Jr. A. Hockey | ¢-3--Friendi: Donne Reed thew Bingo J +3--Seaway 10:43 YOUR HEALTH What Is The Cause Of Blood Vessels? By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Dear Dr, Molner: Whatjlike to get rid of them for the causes blue blood vessels near|sake of appearance. the surface of the'skin, and is 5 there any way to shrink or re- CAUSE NOT KNOWN move them? Frankly, we don't know all *| &2--Leredo ARD, MISS FAIRLIE, YOU ARE SURROUNDED BY MY FRIENDS = ALL OF WHOM HAVE ONE THING IN COMMON THEY nt JUST IN CASE YOU'VE MISUNDERSTOOD ME-- T] THAT WAS A THREATI ou OFWERE, DELMONICO..$2 I know older people get vari- cose veins, but I am only 15 and already have broken. veins on my legs.--R.F.U, All that glitters isn't gold, but fortunately all that's blue isn't varicose. I'm rather sure that the blood vessels distressing you are not varicose, but are what we call venous stars or spiders, little networks -of blue| about what causes them, Bit ii is thought that they are related to estrogen (the female _hor- mone level), They are much more frequent in girls and women than in men, and in- volve the thigh more often than the lower leg t is probable that pressure may have some effect, as from a tight girdle or garter. veins, | As to shrinking or removing The small veins are near the them, ne porated tiny hi pha ' gery is out of the question, an surface and are fragile. Alt is difficult lg se them bump may cause leakage of | without breaking them and thus blood and a bruise to appear. |creating larger black and blue From the standpoint- of health}spots. I know that some sur- and comfort, they do no harm.|geons use the njection pro- They are not varicose veins. I'll|cess, but they - have to do it concede, however, that you'd| with considerable care, and the gens Islené 8:30 P.M. $--Its Your Move a 11--Mike Dou; J--Okay Crackerby Pi i 4--My Three Sons 9:00 P.M. 8-2--Morning ced 1:20 63--| Dream eof Jeannie &--Movie &--Quarter Beck Ch@® 9:30 PLM. 9--Let's Sing Ov? 8-2--Mona McCluskey 11:30 9A $-2--Poradise ¢--Musical 4 ¥--Poeyten Piece Bow 08-3--Dean Martin Show T--The Long, A Man Ci Shenandoah B--Men From UNCLE 10:30 P.M, 6--The Serie! NOO-7-4-4-3-8-- owe, Apert PM, Piet 1--4--Late shew '~The Saint O-Mevte @--@unemoke %Pierre Berton .. Weather ¢ rte PRIDAY o--Mete 4--Gypsy. Rose Lee Gills Bobby 6-2--Fractured Phrases 4-1 Love Lucy +-2--Concentration &3--Chez Helene gias nd Mrs. 7--Supermarket Sweep 63--Butternut Square of Mayberry @3--Across Canada bracadabre TELEVISION LOG 12:00 NOON §--Toronto Today é---Luncheon Date y tas Parent 4---News and Wi al S--Popeye and Poe 12:18 P.M, or of the Mewes 12:30 PLM, 1--Noon Time f--! Love Lucy 8-2--Let's Play 44--Search For Tomorrow S--Neendey Repert P.M, | 12:48 PLM. Ti---News | 4--Gyiding Light 1:00 P.M, Theatre 9%--Morning Ster 7--Ben Casey é--Luncheon Date *4--Meet The Millers "| Movie 2--Mike Douglas Show 1:30 P.M. %--James Beard Show 64--As The World Turne P.M. P.M. P.M. AM. 2:00 P.M, %--Kide ts People 7--The Gator Bowl 6-4--Password 3~--Profile 2--Days of Our Lives 2:18 th A.M, Kangeree A.M. With Uncte P.M, Contile ba--The 7--A Time For Us é--Zane Grey Theatre AM. 4Linkietter's Party B--Movie with Uncle 3:00 P.M, li~--Donna Reed %--Fractured Phrases nether Werke 1--@eners! Meepttel +43---To Tell The Trth 3:30 PLM. 'Funny Company %--ite Your Meve AM 19 THe osHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Jenuery 13, 1966 BRIDGE . By 8. JAY BECKER ® (Top record-holder in Masteig" individuel Chempionship Pley) . a SOUTH DEALER. East-West vulnerable. eS PHGeRFE Norte ' xe 14 SA kq6e" $852 (@s73 AQIOSS Sivs 85 97 94 1062 eee ee. Se 32 K62 o382 -AEQII bidding? North East} Pam You never know how much dynamite there is in a hand when you pick up your cards, sort them out, and start to bid. For example, look at this prosaic deal played in a team of four championship in Atlane tic City many years ago. I had the North hand and my partner was the late and great Sidney Silodor of Philadelphia. Nothing spectacular happened at out table when we played the hand. Silodor became de- clarer at three notrump on the bidding shown and West Ied the queen of hearts. Silodor took the queen with the. king, cashed the ob' six diamond tricks and five clubs, and the result was that he made six notrump for @ score of 490 points. We went on to the next deal without giving the hand much further thought, But when the hand came te be played by out teamates, whe of course now held the Easte West cards, the outcome was very, very different. 3 At this table also, South be came declarer at three notrump. Helen Sobel, playing with Charles Goren, was West and. she decided not to lead a heart but to make @ more neutral lead instead. She realized that a héart lead would probably cost her side @ trick and she elected therefore to open the eight of spades. ' This inspired lead had an astonishing effect upon the play of the hand. Goren enjoyed the lead very much and began cashing six spade tricks in a row. He then followed this up by leading the ten of hearts, permitting Mrs, Sobel to dupli- cate Goren's success by cashing six hearts in a row. As a result, even though the contract at both tables was three notrump played by South, out team had the extra experience of taking twalve tricks with the North-South cards and also taking twelve tricks with the East-West cards, That's how championshipa are a won!, i > : FELLERS NIP CAMPERS OTTAWA (CP)--Ottawa's Joe Fellers came back in the second * half Saturday to nip Mentreal Campanorama Campers 83-81 in an Eastern Canada Basketball Conference game here. Alex Garrow was brilliant for the Campers netting 35 points, SALLY'S SALLIES | §8--You Don" Sey 7--Superman Stow +3--Take # '| 6-idge of Wight &--Kertoon Kernival 4:00 P.M, $--Mickey Mouse Ch® &-- The Match Game Glan? A.M. A.M Star ~ | 7--Barly Show 63--Bonnie Prudden Show 4--tecre? Storm 3--Recky And Hie Priende 4:30 P.M, \--Super Car %--Sea Hunt A.M, AM. \--Harty thew Bay 63--Razzie Dazrie Interlude | 4--The 4-Thirty Club 4--Dick Van Dyke Show 3---Sting Rey procedure does not always elim- inate them. Two things will. make you feel better:, First, as mentioned before, these are not varicose veins. Second, studies. have shown us that they-come and go, so that you may find that this trouble subsides even if you don't do anything about it. Dear Dr. Molner: Is hot pep- M.G. Not in ordinary circum- stances. If you had an ulcer or gastritis (inflantmation of the stomach) or some such ail- ment, pepper would-be irritat- ing and hence harmful. But it won't, in' reasonable amounts, harm a' healthy stomach. You might compare it to salt. Salt, sprinkled on your skin, wouldn't be harmful. But. if you had an open cut or scratch, the salt per, harmful to the stomach?--} then would sting, and irritate the raw area. Dear -Dr. Molner: My niece wants me to go to a specialist with her: to have her freckles removed, She said there is a method called sandpaper sur- gery that removes freckles. Just what is this, and what is the approximate cost? Is it danger- ous?--Mrs. F.F. Skitkplaning is a better term than sandpaper surgery, and it jis done by plastic surgeons and |lsome dermatologists. @{t con- jsists of femoving the outer jlayer of skin, usually with a \high speed revolving drum, with an abrasive surface or a steel brush plies Obviously this has to be done} junder completely sterile condi- tions, as with any operation. |Then a new layer of skin re-| paces that' which has been re-| |moved, ; X-CHANGE New and Used You Con Exchange Skates Thet Are Too Smell For A New Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALE THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON. DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S " SHARPENING & Se LTD. 223 King St. W. 723.3224

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