Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Jan 1966, p. 32

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2 inesday, J 12, 1966 30--Automobifes For Sale tno For Sale |36--Legal 32 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednedey, Jensen | [Facrowrine erase te 75 DEATHS 26--Apartment for Rent |30-----Automobiles for Soie ' hone 778-5 PORT PERRY -- gn gh asl | GENERAL eves Jieda tact) OSHAWA, ONTARIO. | canine, eit tae Pasar me | wr comin. STEN ,| Tenders for Additions ting tr", ate fry telephone Port Perry 985-7224. PALMER | MOTORS 31--Compact © vars For Sale and Alterations to wife of Gordon Channing year, b meee nag ee ligd : | SABYAN err ie, ay = oe ies, --_-- if I ip- d h f Mr, id = Mrs. E t "FHREE-ROOM spartment, pri t S | MOTOR .SALES LTD. ALT Ta, or aa Totonts.. Sister' of ernie No children. Reasonable rent. " @) or a es 3 Volkswagen Sales and Service ulated) sum basis, plainly Wheeler, Toronto. Mrs. Channing Is rest- possession. Telephone 723-3842. "" ing at Gerrow Funeral Chapel, 390 King a caine Gk ae, Coola only New ond Used Cars marked, -'Tender for Ad- | ctreet West, for service in the chapel Heated and air conditioned, South end. MOUTH V-8 334 RITSON RD, S. ditions and Alterations to [on Friday, January 14 at 3 p.m. inter- Available February ist. Write Box 133211 1965 PLY. 723.346} % i ment Union Cemetery. Oshawa Times. oa]? 6 dene wutomasle, heavy duly USED CARS Holy Cross Church, will be APANTIAMNT, Spies' privete bathroom, C ' A Open Evenings received until 3:00 p.m, COWLE, James Francis (Frank) phi a jai song care ints avaiiabie| suspension. Serial No. 591 AND TRUCKS Entered Into rest In the Oshawa General _Wnmediately, couple preferred, bus ati 50423. $ 895 Zoltan. Nick and Dan"s WEDNESDAY, Hosptial 09 bye 3 mary a" 1166, door. 723-7119. ] , 9 ames Francis rani owle, beloved See iat , Your Authorized Datsun FEBRUARY 2nd, 1966, husband of Diana Walker, father of Ern- Ureiniona Mice weteonn Be tnbe 1965 CORVAIR est, Raymond and Bruce; brother of Mrs. and Fiat Dealer Jack F, ter (Rita), Charlie: Z for business couple (preferably middie 1963 FORD WAGON CORSA -- Red-white interior, s | in Volk at the office of Rev. M. J. | sre" rheadorer all of Oshawa, tn his ners aged). Apply 180 Alma Street, ' Lic, X7A77 > 4 side 140 motée pecializing In Volkswagen Darby, 370 Simcoe Street . |year, Resting at the Armstrong Funeral AVAILABLE Immediately cosy four-room| 6 cylinder. Lic. ' joor hardtop, ' Repair and Service. South, Oshawa. Home, Oshawa, with funeral service In rivate basement apartment, $75 month- 6,000 miles. Lic. 241625, 160 $ Séuth jthe chapel Thursday, January 13 at 2 jy. Heated. Central location. Write Box! 19063 MMORRIS OXFORD | Bie heciioleotited Plans ond specifications may p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. 13416, Oshawa Times. 1964 CHEVROLET | 728-0051 be obtained from the archi- -- ~~~ | 4 door sedan, radio, washers tects, Cox and Moffet, 4894 FITZPATRICK, John 27---Rooms. for Rent and mirror. Lic, K3809, IMPALA -- 2 oe eae * VOLVO & PEUGOT Dundos Street W.,. Islington, Suddenly a result of an accident on V-8, one owner. Lic : f Monday January 10th 1966, John Fitz- 1961 SIMCA | & MERCEDES BENZ after Wednesdoy, January patrick of RR 1 Pickering, beloved ROOMS FOR RENT G IR i" 12th, on deposit of a certi- brother. of Mrs, Margaret Nowlan of To- | eneral Repair ar ; ronto (formerly of Locust Hill),, Mrs. sy THE WEEK Sa 1 SPECIAL Rita Sewicn | feaucheaue for $50 raveble (en Sane? Sinem radio, Lie. R | ° Mrs. Mary Carey, and Cornelius Fitz- : will be returned upon return |patrick, all deceased. Mr. Fitzpatrick 4 ' | Jake and Bill's Garage : will' rest' at McEachnie Funeral Home, WHITBY HOTEL 1959 ZODIAC 62 PONTIAC 440: Ritson: Rd ca" of plons and specifications [25 xingston Road West, Pickering, efter doo! TATIONWAGON -- Lie : pay in good condition. One set of [7 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral on Saturday, WHITBY 668-2337 Ag od ean Hes! LE 'e i mae Oshawa 728-0921 plons and specifications will | January 1sth at 9.45 a.m. to St. Francis| " , new int, » i. - sen ---- id I i sisdetioactarti sharp! Lic. 678947. ronie. tack: Phage 1960 MG, bive with matching interior) be available for inspection at | High Mie a et ice $495 ee : i radio. Excellent condition. Must sell, best! both the Oshawa Bid Depos- | Francis de Sales Cemetery. (Rosary willl ATTRACTIVELY eg offer. Telephone 725-6619 between 6.30 and| lho rashicd ar Funeral toes rig : 59 CHEVROLET gees itory and the Toronto Bid De- sing lome on Friday FURNISHED ROOM 1962 DODGE DART STATIONWAGON -- L iis VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, turquolse.| POsitory. ictal Male a | Hie <i bite, ; | age in bpbal Pe ome, i ee ck, 0 ec SIGKON tak fon Hi Good connor. Can be penne ie Tenders of mechanical ond MAYER, Anthony ali between 5 and 7 ee ee , tis Sie ay ic Mar a ate °F! electrical sub-contractors will | Entered Into rest at Royal Victoria Hos Li 157046 aint John. C : p y 0s-| 82 PARK RD. *N. Lie. HIS 79 P 1962 ENVOY, 4 cylinder, 4 speed trans be deposited in the Bid De- eae APLES kin taeda Recta MI 728 867 | 1960 PLYMOUTH SLANT 6 O AC mission, radio, whitewalls, snow tires with eon Oshawa Construc- |Anne Grull, father of Mrs, Alfred Shortt - - 1962 P NTI |rims.. Body and motor in excellent condi tion Association, before 3:00 | (Maryann), Montreal, and Anthony Jr., ABERDEEN STREET, light housekeeping) Two door, washers, back-up | tion. 623-3493 or 623-5687. aoe p.m., Tuesday, February Ist, bib 5 Sabie fg ee Sor rigonie' irls, as desired light { 6 . | HARDTOP -- 2 door, radio, 1962 ENVOY 4 cylinder 4-Speed transmis 19 bn aE pang tli + Mary an room, single or for two 9 ghts and mirror, Lic. H55 | Lic. 207080. F sich,' radl widtewalla, brow tirar wtih 66 Annie in Hungary, Henry and George,| Close to hospital. 725-7 268 automatic. Lic. or ris. BOs. and Gee In Glnslent Con Lowest or ony tender not nec- shawa, John and Jacob in Hungary. In VERY LARGE room for two gentlemen mer owner hydro employee dition. 623-3492 or 623-5687 s 62nd year, Resting at the Armstrong lose to south General | ' cAbeccinnSndvisralies essarily accepted Funeral Home, Oshawa, with Requiem! single beds. Close to A I sh or 5 welcome Free real sharp cor. | 1964 AUSTIN 1100 sedan, radio, seat belts, High Mass in Holy Cross Church, Friday,| pc RA GA gg 915 window washers, bucket seats, disc The R hol January 14 at 10 Int f Resuy parking. $7 each. Telephone 725-29) i brake Ke ' 5 soy Bs e oman Catholic J ny ry a a.m. Intermen' esur. SOO ip pre, Wwe, vee re 1962 FALCON brake, extra irs, Telephone 7251346 Eoiscopal Corporation' fox [fclian,Camalery. Prayers af the feral T eds, breakfas' ve \ . " | re ae. con Genera SEDAN -- 4 door, We are {i943 VOLKSWAGON deluxe, excellent the Diocese of Toronto g Motors. 181 Oshawa Bivd. North anxious to sell. Our Chevro- condition, only 21,000 oak $30. and in Canada LEA, Miss Ada i Big 22: a ee | i jake over payments or $900. cash. Phone At Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday. HOUSEKEEPING ROOM for young lady M S | lets are frowning on this car. 668-5168 between 57 pum Me & n " | EB C B I | ; jallore: January llth, 1966, Ada Lee in her 5ist near hospital. Telephone 728-9671 | otor a es Lic, 212453 -- rr -1yenr. Dear sister oF Mik. Roy. Clowes! Cyr ith twol Business Administrato ( i * pe beagle "iar on or tol | 1963 CHEVROLET 32 Trucks s for 3 Saie ie nT UNUiey of Weanlbeay and: Thomas Les a Sparks fly as a Chevrolet Therese-Ouest, Que. In- rise in Quebec's gross na- gentlemen. Close to downtown and north Call 623-5487 1§2 GMC truck, covered box, excellent aes Wolverhamton, Staffordshire, England.| takes shape at the new Gen- creasing industrial produc- tional product in 1965, plant. Apply 15 Patricia Avenue | \V-8 -- Automatic, 2 door |condition, both' 'motor and body, $250, 2;37----Auctions S Cena (esting at the Gerrow FU-| eral Motors plant at Ste. tion has been behind the --CP Photo seashell | 1 tabisiis n 1 i rf 1 a Ldap . FURNISHED room for rent. Suit one or BOWMANVILLE hardtop. This is an excellent horse tandem trailer, $375. Call 655-4731. - nera plage Bd dt Mad ya ge GRD i ss ws S Fs ae al : | two gentlemen, kitchen privileges. App used car. Just spotless for the | 1961 CORVAIR van, good running condi Chapel, 390 King Street West for service 428 Park Road 20 ee tion. Telephone 725-5132 . a pret allaraleda tte - 20 KING ST. E. ly whose taste is for bet in the chapel on Friday, January 14, 2 bedroom for gentieman | Radel Lic. H26398 i951 CHEVROLET '4 fon pickup Ser Auction Sale p.m. Interment Union Cemetery | viet home. eating space After 6 ' gs EC "hetialy in perfect condition, Must be seen to be/ p.m. apply rerar Avenu i 7 appreciated! Asking $250. Ajax, 942-6086} The unde e tio PROSKURNIAK, Helen: i PRIVATE ROOM with TV outlet, after 5 p.m will sell b py ties - \iatied tele wes Kk Hk ilk Gancian| RE ORTION CHANNING | FUNERAL OF ult heme. Day. works? MORE CASH 1961 CHEVROLET hail-ton pickup truck ace oe Ge | eailal on Maley; Jan loth, 1966 MRS. AGNES SPEIRS pekabo Coating Avenue. Telephone SPECIAL Six cylinder. Fleet side Bac Rene bump. Lewington Estate at Stirte He sey Cantyenit arin 'ot Danie. Pros Following a short sickness the| vo apactl a aroliss ances | * 725-1777. Pold: tor Gaod: Clean 'Carn. er. Heavy duty springs. New tires. 39,000; vants Auction Hall, 33 Hall |kurniak. In her 74th year. Resting at the| death occurred, Jan. 11, at the| The memorial service for Mrs | > FURNISHED bedroom for clean Young) T6045 0 or down, Liens paid 1960 GMC miles. Telephone 728-8612 after 5 p.m St; on on Saturdoey, | Armstrong funeral Home, Oshaws with|Oshawa General Hospital jof| Agnes Speirs' who died Jan. 8,| man. Telephone 725-3260 Dyce nd tes Lo : i i PSSST Was Wear 4) at | p.m. Bedroom prminten: Greck Commie Cid ree | Mrs. Gordon Channin 356| at Hillsdale Manor, in her 90th|m CORNER bedroom, close to down DODD MOTOR SALES PICK-UP. -- Lie. 18040B 33---Automobiles Wanted suite, studid couch, gate-leg i eruare bin owe rners wha K 2 "a yr. She w i fd 42nd\ y vas hel t 2 Jan. | | Motors. Suitable R New point : 6 ate neat | | yr Je y 13th, 9 a.m, Intermen' ing st. w. She was in her 42nd) year, was held a p.m., « "| Se vantiemnan Available. now. " 314 PARK RD. SOUTH table, electric dryer, electric | Gregory's Cemetery. (Prayers will be held| yarns |11, at the Armstrong Funeral " ae jeman. Ava' 0 y washer, electric at the Funeral Home, Wednesday at s oe jit, ' Kingedale Avenue or_felephone 77-728 723-9421 CARS WANTED aeckic. Satan | diten: oe bpm) The former Elsie Lucy Wheel-| Home. a em TTT TTT ---- --_ aia oo g | a | Two UNFURNISHED hovsmceehiny 1964 CHEVROLET Buying A New Car ? Cosiohol chairs: retlirier other ae ae i er, the deceased was a daugh-| Rev. John Morris, minister of} two young ladies. Close 10 Os hawa Shop Cars Bought and Sold erticles too numerous to men- yee Pn ter of Ernest and Elsie Wheeler,|St. Andrew's United Church, 411th - | fei i | F " ' Ath j ' $ one eee me "| MORLEY STALKER Ourer trades yearly Lic, | Sell. your used car to "Ted | tion. Terms cash, no reserve. |sounanvil on' weanesty, Series tn| of Toronto, Born in Toronto, she|conducted the service. Inter- ee } ----d| MOTOR SALES we. trades yearly! Lic, Talk "Cash" to the New MYLES KING, Auctioneer. ier eee M Raech aged 87 years. Be-|jvas married there in 1943. | ment was in Mount Lawn asa = Single fur: dé "ue " | u J ; ' crtuRcH $T vd BEE siete Ab 137 KING STREET W. | Car Dealer and 'Save Sime. eran Bt (Nr tea Hehe A resident of Oshawa for|etery. Steiner. Apply 8 above address OSHAWA | 1964 PONTIAC TED CAMPIN MOTORS 38--Coming Events : Newtonville and the late Ernest and Jack| eight years, Mrs. Channing had| The pallbearers were David,| ST GIN EAST r for P , es Roach. Resting at the Morris Funeral! liv ' ates ; ELGIN EAST 29 -- Furnished | om 1! 793-6322 723-8311 é ; 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Chapel, Bowmanville. Service. ine tre| lived previously for a short time| Douglas, George and Robert| Motors POLL tenon. Telephone 728 On the spot financing LAURENTIAN 4 door se abisic eas OSHAWA JAYCEES [stati on, Friday at 2 o'clock. interment | in Pickering. She was a mem-|Spiers, Bruce Pingle and Jack Mon e se ----| dan. Lic, 34550, automatic, |LakesHORE AUTO WRECKERS want Bowmanville Cometery. (In lieu: of, flow-|ber of St..George's Memorial] Burry. a th ho likes f Kk H + pri Founda | " t neecanmiattie foape o ie ae rs Poe i' saphore KELLY DISNEY rg te ppb it ente 00° Wentworth East ee ad eal ons er tion would be appreciated.) Anglican Church and _ of the} Sys: Shopping Centre and bus stop. Telephon he | fl ¢ daca - | s' iliary 20 Wing! yy USED CAR LTD OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars é TOMASINA, Peter ladies auxiliary of the 420 Wing} IM FOR RENT for gentieman, park 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAS for wrecking. Tires and parts for sale Th J 13th |Entered into rest in the Oshawa Generat| Of the Royal Canadian Air Force} ba sack: 'Apply 109 Park Road South me aes suey! SPECIAL 1175 Nelson Street. Telephone 725-2162. | irs. Jan, Hospital _on Tuesday January 11, 1966,| Association on in Telephone 723-1830. SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Tomasina, beloved husband of Cath . Cars c tetesdsths . : | Besides her husband and her FIFTH SEASON 20 GAMES AT $20 e Cappuccitte, and father of M M LARGE furnished bedroom, r Sars, Bought onc. sig 65 AUSTIN Heal Boek We Bee aida Raa Set: a ig ny Roberts Alice) (also. known as tanner:| parents, Mrs. Channing is sur- . G is in hi gentieman, centrally located. Telephor e paid off 65 US eaiey bt he tin na ss vod 5 GAMES AT $30 uberto of Etobicoke) and Mrs. $. Caringi| 3 rs Eludes U Ns) ih season asa Detroit 725-7073 Trode 4 do x WANTED Cars for wrecking, Tele - ) of Redford, Mich : vived by two daughters, Mrs. fifth season as .a Detroit Ue re tea ee rth SPRITE - Convertible phone 728-4549, Robert Nichols 1 $150. JACKPOT 7 veiaing hla nthe Mare Robert MaciInnes (Susan) and d Wi rard FURNISHED room for lady or 9 ways top quality Lic. 96255). Guys this is $2 F c EAA a Ray's 8 he Red Wings forward, Mac- man. Parking available. Near north Gen- - . ; Guy roe bile Repoi $20 PER LINE PLUS Funeral Home | 0 awa, with Reaviem| Mrs, Jerry Pearson (Deanna) ' Gregor who plays centre eral Motors. 728-1934 '5? BUICK four - door hardtop, power a gal catcher 34---Automobile Repair | $50 PER FULL CARD Tigh Mots in Holy Cross Church Mrigey| | 6 can' Gordon, Je. all of By THOMAS A. REEDY ve + ROOM Guitable Tor one or Iwo gentiemen.|steering and brakes, mechanically A -- ae ? pruaty 1d at 2 sn, 1Bterenent Mount; and a son , | SAIGON: (AP)--I ' came to Red Wings from suitable m setinitely no rust, complete new exhaust : | "$95 Hope Cemetery Toronto at approximately| Oshawa. | SAIGON: (AP)--Large forces : pects Mien) A aca & a ee EVERAL $200-$300 CARS FRED STONE | . ang a al Thoreday. an oth the funeral home|" Also surviving are a brother,|of disappointed U.S. troops png oor oii! ee b Tgolteble for 5 : ! ' ; U.S. troop: a) ceeuan, working gentlemen. park ng. Apply 1 61 BUICK. Licence K52542. White, red s en BROOKLIN JACKPOT NOS. 51 AND 56 EEDIE Ernest, of Toronto and one| mopped up today in two big Viet/ Switzer Drive or telephone 728-18 interior. Reasonably priced. Like new.|CARS and TRUCKS LEASED Phone 655-3653 Lie ek ak le don _ ee Dene ae iy or Standchild. |Cong hideouts northwest of Sai- $4 end canted ts th a . | N 2 n In s c " MOUSEKEEPING ROOM | in. private) Stalker Motor Sales, 723-6322) 7238011. | pv. AV OR 1-2-3 YEARS @ Motor Rebuilding Lome : (es ( [an accident on Monday January loth 1966,| The funeral service will' be|gon and in the central highlands| '0 84 and capture in the four home. Refrigerator supplied. Day shift 'a "PONTIAC es ee : } PER FULL CARD IN 51 AND Wilmat j y the 'Cambodi f days of Operation Crimp, they preferred. Abstainer. Bonnie Brae Point een Ne Swain | @ Cylinder Reboring | 56 NUMBERS. THIS WEEK |Yerns' cicitet "Ann Maattor sent eett|held at the Gerrow Funeraljnear the 'Cambodian frontier oa Oe eee oe otter cesults area. Telephone 728-617! i 58631. Buy this one now at win] 1964 OLDSMOBILE | ® Pinfitting # Resleeving | PLUS $25. CONSOLATION wood, Ontario, and dear father of Shirley| Chapel at 3 p.m., Jan. 14. Inter-|after the bulk of guerrillas once D b A t 28--R and Board meal Sous, Bienen "Motors: FETA. | @ Automatic Transmission PRIZE $150. TOTAL PRIZES: |(Mrs R. Brooks) of Emsdale Ontario,| ment will be in Oshawa Union|more had escaped into the jun- jfrom the biggest American of- oom an oa 79 PONTIAC Parisienne station wagon, parr ting 4 door sedan @ Cranks haft & Valve Service GUARANTEED IN THESE Irene (Mrs, R Thompson) RR 1. Whitbys) cy emetery. Canon F Ongley, igles. Agrees of the war. Gentlemen, lunches |cylinder, automatic, beige metallic, radio, ic 15 -- 7 se caine : J.S. S -| Their goal was to snare a Viet Backed, shift workers welcome Parking|deep pile carpet throughout tc TRANSMISSION specialists. _Transmis-| TWO GAMES George of Greenwood. Also 'Sr eee on, of St. George's idermeriall li ig U ---- Fn Abed Cée aaah on the Gahan good hearty meals, 62 days. Tele-| X4473. Trade! Terms! Gus Brown Motors| 1964 OLDSMOBILE sions are our only business. 1038 Simcoe) ps ae of Nellie (Mrs. Maye) of Goodwood, ida} A0glican Church, will conductjtion by more than 8, Ameri ig regime Bi prone. Fis se23 Ones _ | Ltd, 728-7375 ; North. Phone 728-7339 egular games pay double in Mare COceTli ar Bhkniiba lanes oni tie wervice. cans and Australians 35 miles|the Iron Triangle, an old guer- SINGLE ROOMS and board. Apply 25/'57 CADILLAC convertible, red inferior, | STARFIRE -- 2 door hardtop. 35--L t ® tales cgiee 17 Nos. or less Whitby, Bernice (Mrs. Charles Fuller) of| |from the capital was particu-jrilla redoubt that has been Division Street soll teetes HOW Maer ce Wee ee Lie, 14482) ----Lost ang Fou EARLY BIRD GAME Rlcsoring Francis (ira; Hones) of Fe " \larly annoying, Although theyjenemy territory since the days COLBORNE ST. BAST 57, room: poard-|preciated. Gus Bown Motors Lid., 728-| FOUND -- At Becker's, Cedar Street,| Euphemia (Mrs. Clary) of Toronto Netti| PETER TOMASINA lraised the Viet Cong death tolllof the French Indochina war. ¢ Gentleman. to share. Close to nor om 17375 $195 TAKE YOUR PICK! |man's wedding band. Owner may claim| EXTRA PRIZES deceased. Mr, Tweedie will rest at Mc er eral Motors, downtown.. Apply above ip CHEV by paying for advertisement. Telephone Eachnie Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Road| Foreman of the Board of ROOM and breakfast, lunches packed | 7| 9 VROLET Bel Air. Licence 73093), OLDSMOBILE - 1956 black 798-5494 West, Pickering, after 7 p.m. Wednesday.,| Works Department and an em- hardtop, V-8 automatic. No down pay a ny 4 desired, for clean quiet man to shar ent. Stalker Motor Sales, 72 ' 4423 Funeral service in the chapel on Friday, | ee re ccs peters! tanto, craton | talker Sales, 723-6322; 723-| sedan V-8. Lie KS 23 Lost Hound, male, black and tan NAEy SAN AY Tae ie errant ployee of the City of Oshawa} red. Parking. 81 Park Road South | PLYMOUTH - 57 station- with grey patch on chest, Stevenson Road | Claremont Union Cemetery for more than 40 years, Peter pL dc dettn A ~ EXTRA You can be # Thunderbird and King Street. Day 725-1501 or nights) 2 ' i | ROOM AND BOARD for two gentlemen.) i" icence 95985 - 1989 T-Bird All| wagon. Lic. X31537 728-3470. | Tomasina, 1285 Simcoe st. s.,| lunches packed. Whitby, central. Tele)" res, power brakes, steering) FORD -- '57 Fairlane black |Lost -- male, beagle, In Dagmar-Ash. AVI | LOCKE'S FLORIST | died Jan. 11 at the Oshawa y 0 radio. A classic in Telephone Hect A 942- 7 F: i 68. io ass sedan. Lic. H26434 burn area. Telephone collect Alax | Funeral arrangements ond |General Hospital. Mr. Toma | ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen mi s $1,795. Sale $1,495. Seaway " 5050 : : phic Kapa ap so Lunches packed and laundry. Telephone M d.. 1120 Dundas Street} 1955 CHEVROLET PICK-UP 50c ADMISSION floral arrangements for all |isna, who was in his 75th year, eay b aac Lic. Y5588 shelter, a Boxer-Lab. puppy (golden occasions | had been in poor health for two} 725-2464 y ONTARIO HUMANE SOCIETY has in ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman Parisienne, two - door hard 1959 CONSUL. Lic. 265648 brown) from Whitby; fluffy kitten, grey Bus to Jubilee Pavilion leav- | CLuAWA CHO | months. Ing to share, single beds, lunches packed. + V-8. automatic, power equipped. | ' NOUL. Lic, £09040, black x ff Oshawa. Telephone | OSHAWA SHOPPING ¢ Wilson and King area, Telephone 728-9692. | B nterior. Scarce model, Licence i hl se inf Four Corners at 7:15 p.m. - | CENTRE A son of. the late Mr. andj gs aentiemen w0874. Hur Sis Brown Meters Lid..| PELESHOK FOUND = German Shepherd, Mapie| CHILDREN UNDER 16 | 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE |Mrs. Francesco Tomasina, the| ing to share, single. beds, television, and Gr area. Telephone 623-2849. | | 728 55 |deceased was born Nov. 18, radio, $16. weekly. Meals five days pe @ PONTIAC four-door sedan, 6 cylinder Reidsd Mai eid : NOT ADMITTED | . 28-655 =o week. Telephone 728-9514 atic, dark metallic blue, matching! 5 oe ear say ------| 1891, at Detroit, Mich. He had FURNISHED room for gentleman, good Low d r Licence RAIN OR SHINE: Times Action Want alo = as | Kindness beyond Price, yet been a resident of Canada and} meals, lunches packed, shift workers)" Actors Ltd., 728-7375 Ads give you speedy 4eip, in any kind of : | Oshawa for 47 years. He was al welcome. Telephone Whitby, 668-3804 65 CHEVROLET convertible. Licence weather. To buy, sell, hire or rent tele SUNNYSIDE PARK within reach of all, ee ae ea ae ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, wiil-| {1% per V-8, automatic; | ohone 723-3492. z ; ; : itp tic t emonstrator. Stalker| "Your Friendly G.M | } GERROW Catholic Church. Ing to share, fiveday week. Telephone matic blue. | Demonstrato talker | uu " i ntcainenoeacainiccainm | M BINGO | ; oe ; K, Used Cor Deal Mr. Tomasina is survived by susINets -- GENTLEMAN, Ri Wilco. diver Gus, tie nee ee ne . geo etacs se 9rd onster | -FUNERAL CHAPEL [nis wite, the former Catherine refiead Name. _ Pleasant surrey matic, power "equipped, radi, disce,| STATION ROAD, AJAX THURS. JAN. 13th) 220KINGSTREET West --|Cappuccitti; two daughters, 2728. } : faba pees Davee: Cue. Bree NOTICE TO CREDITORS +} : | Telephone 728-6226 Mrs. M. Roberts (also known as WHITBY -- Central location. Room and | snag pe te per yar oem 3 942-6300 AND OTHERS | P Ianneruberto) (Alice) of Etobi- co Thin BE gentoridiny ge banda 83 engine, new. Courtice Auto Wreckers 2 -- $250.00 JACKPOTS | coke and Mrs. S. Caringi (Fran- emer se vr 5238. Nights 725-4404. 162 FORD FALCON sedan, licence 439760.| 1. ihe Estate of NATALIA. | ¥ |ces) of Redford, Mich. and five 29--Wanted To Rent (PONTIAC convertible, V-8, aufo-| Smartly tu-toned green, this king of com VEER pager nda -* | JACKPOTS Nos. 53-56 | grandchildren, Rhonda and power brakes, stee fi hiack pacts will satisfy the most particular sometimes known | | | . i eae . Cc 1 i s NE NYS hee | y rts; erine, AecoaREDUTON, WANTED wnat "tt Beane tga gna, Ghee NYSHTA, deo | Boy, jchgos Poy Oosie m | IN MEMORIAM |Ka ney. toberts; cathern ing mother and school-age child é nce 37825. Gus Brown Motors Ltd y d | Diana and Lisa Caringi. i Moors (1065) Lids 196 'Dundes 'strect| © | 52 N \ | ndldesdnads : Molt in 5893. diana aN All persons having claim | sas ak ats | The deceased is at the Arm- LADY Wishes room and board, Monday | '64 CORVAIR, Monza, license ims - = a : ' ; | . BARNHART -- In loving memory of a) cs. 7 through Friday, for. winter months, vi-| Sadd tchina 'latertor 59 PONTIAC. Licence 125980, four-door) against the esicie of the | $10 PER LINE PLUS BALANCE ldariing daughier and sister. cimen|Strong Funeral Home _ for * cinity Dr. Robert Thor Schoo rN Sales, 723-6322; | peer svtomnate.. [oo Gar Day tied: $3.| above-nomen deceased, lote | FOR FULL CARD Yvonne, who passed away January 12,,requiem high mass in Holy Phone 649-2012 or 725 8010 evening a seid Stalker Motor Sales, 723-6322) ot the City of Oshawa, in the | : ' 958 . Cross Church at 9 a.m° Jan. 14. ROTEL Luenmed seariment for two lLiGhs PAID OFF) We. trede Up, down.|i7 PONTIAC fwodoor sedan, licence} County of Ontario, Widow, | $25 ep Sacto PRIZE | Hig ok ea aby an ia Interment will be in Mount or three months, middle-aged couple, no Choose from over 60 cars. No downpay- 5 ye | 0 Games at 0 ' : a f chiaren. Feaphine e360 meniet_Gun Seon Materia, Tab Pak, | UMD sonar, ie suele and In The] who ded on the. Twenty-aiath : Si ntentnee fapeny memrea | Hope Cemetery, Toronto, Rev. a aay 4 ' . | ¥ be a , ai j i ETM Hos f le USED CAR PARTS, spindles to make) Six cylinder engine with automatic trans-| 1965 gre tas val). patitied 5 Special Games at $30. | Her memory Is our keepsake, M. J. Darby will sing the mass. 30--Automobiles For Sale : ed tires. $09 Bloor street} mission. Was $2,195. Sale $1,995. Seaway eae Pe 5 Regular Games pay double A ene MOL DANE pate | Prayers will be said at the| pO 8 Motors (1965) Ltd., 1120 Dundas Street, furnish proof thereof to the en ee f God has her in His keeping, f | home at 8 p.m. Thurs-} East, Whitby. 668-5893 undersigned before the Four in os. or less, We have her in our hearts uneral home p.m. oa | e 25980. Four - door a : | ' . : hav ALL CASH ¢, no down payment, $35/1960 OLDSMOBILE in good condition.) teenth day of February, A.D Lovingly remembered and sadly missed) day. g ABs = aN | Bill; niece Jacqueline, nephew Harold | tat ase dae, Lists ti 1962 ACADIAN wagon, 6 cylinder, aut the Executor will dishibute $20 PER LINE PLUS | FUNERAL OF : | | MRS. ™ yY LE 146 BROCK ST. N , Bb tage oe alltel eMaaligd 17. 8 € wagon. Licence 39995X claims of which notices dear wife Margaret D. Campbell who TR NARY LEE | t - | ' : 15 by mother, sister Gladys, brother-in-law Be ak kai oe betes We I Motor Sales, 723-6322,,Low mileage. Telephone 668-4278 1 TSK6 Miter. oo a ee $150.00 JACKPOT 6 ; enne. License 214588,/matic, radio, white walls, etc, Excellent | | ' NICOLS MOTORS Ll IMITED door sedan, Va. solamente, emerl oot lephone 725-1890 | the estate having regard only $50 PER FULL CARD CAMPBELL. -- In loving memory of « j eer br Across y : _....| automatic, power steering, brakes. Like; have been filed $50.00 Door Prize gee pag Pin HS A ag sic | Requiem Mass was' sung in } Whitby 668 Hote \CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, 'auto-| new! Stalker Motor Sales, 723-4322; 723 Early Bird Game at 7:45 | And friends from day to day. St. Gregory's Roman Catholic I K KNIT HITS' ig PONTIAC wagon, é - 3 wa whee Hes le ek Nanee "de mh ia me pil Doted at Oshawa, Ontario, Admission $1.00 | But never will the one | love Church at 10 a.m., Jan. 11, tor| = a wagon, 6 cylinder, auto-| "7's ¥ f ""'|1958 PONTIAC convertible power steer-| this 7th day of J D ; |. From memory pass away hile, Ginter Foela, Windshield washers, |! aa Saul Tee ee aioe nde y anuary, A.D. Extra Buses |_Lovingly remembered by husband John,| Mrs. Mary Lee who was killed) By ALICE BROOKS back-up lights. One owner car, Very good] '61 CHEVROLET four-door, Bel Air, 6|transmission still under warranty. 723-| : | lin a motor accident at Whitby QUICK new, low-cost to condition. Telephone 725-1644 omat 2,000 inal h | | 4 et IGE UAB. Favor hardiop, ic revious awner's name on request, Fully '7 FOR PE C Stanlby Nyshta,- Executor, RED BARN | WEST -- In loving memory of Alfred (ast Saturday. |knit! Brave Winter and Spring TO SIZE 48 K23342. Sauterne gold with gold trim ace raewen: Ok BUOWT a" ay Be, 'i Seta He. by his Solicitor, | West, who passed away January 12, 1964./ The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paill| inds in these cozy hats. white vinyl top. The ultimate in : Sonne Fate Pig y ~oegs Piggy dba i Z. T. Salmers, B.A NORTH OS j We little knew when we woke thatinwyer sang the Mass. Inter-| : * Fully power equipped, automat rue|'59 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard 559 | : ' 0 1 OSHAWA Be ag be | Backswept beret and dome By ANNE ADAMS Cole power Sauipe, stot ONTIAC Parisienne, two-door ard phone 723-455 fs | 63 King. St. West, | The sorrow the day would 'bring . |ment was in Resurrection Cem-| are fashion"s favorite shapes Smooth smooth, smooth performance for those w Easy terms. Licence 48092. Gus hea CHEVROLET, two door coach, $75.) (P.O. Box 333), Children under 16 not admitted Ror the call was sudden, the shock | etery, ire s des § s. ins ces. ; SI Gras Wes S305. "Bele & : |Brown Matota Lid, Feveses elephone 723-5894 Odicwa. Gatade ee deh ee | The pallbearers were Jerry|Mnit them quickly of mohairjthen, side pleats kick up a Motors. (1965) Lid. 1120 Dundas Street $ Sfation wagons four. 62. THUNDERBIRD. HARDTOP, licence st bog lam oo --~ fe cog AME a atl Al ee BD I jel. don. Har-(0T:_ knitting worsted. Pattern/flurry as you turn! Most slim- East, Whitby. 468-5893 Excellent condition. Antomenc, |H48766, Sahara beige with traditional ---- | ori |Forestall, Daniel Riordon, Har- 7420: Ss; Mel luded ] y ai d posal de me t €o sfornatic, : y NOVEL BINGO . | san tak a] : sizes S; include ming line you can choose an 3 PONTIAC convertible bucket whitewa Licence 6473. Gus; Thunderbird luxury interior, Automatic ee 5 old Murphy, James Gorman,| sats, Butomatic on floor: 18 Ritson Rosd| Brown Meters Lid, oLetes Wil the Ga Va hoker eieuriua eal | WEDNESDAY, EVENING 7:45 } : | Thirty - five cents (coins)|smart in printed blend, crepe. . {John Fox and Paul Drumm. : t i Vick, 728-7935 tween 446 and windows. Unbelievable performance > , 5 i adieu S " er Call Vicke 72 be 63 PONTIAC hardtop, V-8, automatic,|for those who want the finest. Was $2,595 ENDERS at ST, GEORGE'S HAI ogy ioe ar loving memory of Ray. |for each pattern (no stamps,) Printed Pattern 4977: Wom 0. Real sharp car! Double powered.|Sale $2,395. Seaway Motors (1965) Lid.,| "3 Y, laniary 1%, 1968 jplease) to Alice Brooks, carejen's Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, (Alb lackson S$ |awa ert ond Jackson Sts.) T and while ba lles tn bedenhul alone jof The Oshawa Times, Needle-|46, 48. Size 36 requires 2 3-4 Games $6, $12, $20 | His memory we shall always keep } 1965 CHEVROLET Impala, 5 E Power power brakes, Licence! 1120 Dundas Street East, Whitby, 668-5873 | two-door hardtop, 327 P 5s Brown Motors' Ltd, 725-4568. | | sale f Privaté s . au tebe aa le St. W.,Jyards 45-4 low mileage. Prival '61 PONTIAC" Parisienne, white, red In-|maticr whitewall vince vane, che for 'the new Nise be duclicd Ge dled Always remembered by Mr. and Mre BIRTHS |craft Dept., 60 Front St. W.,lyards 45-inch fabric 63 CHEVY 11 two-door. sedan, six auto door hardt V-8, automatic.| discs; white with blue interior. One own 0 ' |Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario) FIFTY CENTS (50c) in 1960 CHEVROLET Bel Air, two , ty driv ence 46419J.\er, Will finance. Newcastle 987-4997 $180. IN JACKPOTS : r ts add ic sales tax.}coins (no stamps, please) for automatic, ve 4 condition. $70 C Brow ors Ltd, 725-4568 ft: Mic! ae Sc oO esiden § s > § fat ster Yainnhens tan ae iy COMET Re ~ i. rb . |1987 FORD Va automatic good cond S ' ael's h ol Door Prize $15 ZILINSKY -- In memory of @ beloved| guRTON -~ To Arnold and Phyllis (nee|Erint plainly PATTERN NUM-leach pattern, Ontario 'residents 2 rdoor sedan, 6 cylinder.| tion. Se! 3 er ; | 3 r . a i 743 METEOR slation wagon, Lic. adi0 tually: nics carl WhHG ted lniuier ike Suid ee wPY! 'Tenders are: presently being |wineo, Bathe Park, Evlalie Avenve,|S0) 20 brother. Raymond A. Zilinsky,/crawtorth) a daughter, Brenda Ann, on|BER, NAME, ADDRESS. Giantjadd 2c sales tax., Print plainly " A compact wedc atta HAasiS. Bia Bee ' Ab P be who passed. away January 12, 1963, - as : = britiant, Drona nit, Comoact wagor Licence HAG Brown Motors Lid.-|FeRcED FO SELLI 78 Gaara Super| called for the construction of Fi 2 p.m. and Euchre, Saturday,|" often think of bygone days Sra Heoetiat 66, at the Scarborough Gen- foo ec Sg Catalog stars ee vue ADDRESS, nit, crochet -- many more » boat or trailer. With added aute | Sports hardtop, 327 motor, Many extras; an eight classroom school to When' we were all together called St. Michoel's School, | But memories will live forever jneedlecraft designs. 3 free pat-| Send order ANNE ADAMS, Pat »jka and Lillian whitewalls, deluxe chrome luaga 1962 PONTIAC Laur entian, fully equip-/$1,350 and take over payments. Phone ie The family chain is broken now Bes | Was $1,995. Sale $1,725. Seaway ors {Peds snow. tire offer. Telephone! 728-2274 | foe keiogite | * (1965) Ltd., 1120 Dundas Street East 11958 FORD Fairiene Club seden, heater,, °C 8 locrted Waverly For anim Ue og printed in catalog. Sendjcare of The Oshawa Times, 60 Whitby. 648-5893 65 GALAXIE XL hardtop, licence H58728, | snow tires, automatic transmission, radio,| treet, Oshowa. Tenders will | Da ol Front Street West, Toronto 1, ra 1963" CHEVROLET convertible Super|'usquoise with luxusious black vinyl trim,|8 cylinder, 1966 plates, Dial 725-0352 | . be accepted not later than RESULTS | NEW! 12 Collectors' uilt}Ontario, Pattern Dept apert. Red with black top. 327 engine |ori tearing, Yodo: wiitowie oe par good running order, reeds| Friday, January 28,.1966 ot | Use ie won Menariazaton (CARD OF THANKS, [patterns for you in color, with| COME ALIVE FOR SPRING! my ' * | MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER | |quilting motiffs. Finest patterns|Send for our new Spring- Automatic. Bucket seats. Telephone complete the architect, William Saccoe- TIMES Aut lately package. Best combination of per-[DOUY: Work. $100 or nearest offer. Tele| 4:30 pm. at the office fo i formance and styling. Very low mileage. | Phone Srer 6 Bm, 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne, two door New varranty, Was $3,495. § 9 RY on * Me HASTINGS -- We wish to e te ous} Su e tte Cc hardtop, six automatic oie steering $3,295. Seaway Motors (1945 a 1130 she MERCURY esha aa hs cio, 215 Morrish Rood, West Classified thot we supply ond install; ratitude i the he fr sia, le bors hed collect a from a 2 get bad ep sa atalog, 128 i and radio. Excellent condition. Ask a Stroat Bas oy. hee shea IES eel Teleohete ya ce re Lay it The hia - Blascw call oa on eben an enas: neighbors) museums.. Send 60c for new|top shapes for sun, fun, danc- $2100. Call 725-81 i PONTIAC, 6 inder, stendard|i#0 CADILLAC Eldsradc , the Board of R. C. Separote | ACTION ADS MOUNT. LAWN Huring: tar Seeent Masaivachanns. Siscaee Quilt Book No, 2. Deluxe Quilting, dining, everyday! One y standard lorado. Excellent con pepara J LAW 3 1960 OLDSMOBILE selling for part mission, four-door, Telephone 725-|ditlon, $1,200. For more information, tele-| School Trustees, Oshow MEMORIAL PAR thanks -also to the staff of Hillsdale) Book No, 1 -- sixteen complete|free pattern -- clip coupon in * r ion, : stees, owa, oS 0 L K Manor and Gerrow Funeral Chapel. Pp Apply at Automagic Car Wash, v7. Iphone' 725-4443, 723-3492 723-2633 | | She'eamily.(patterns, 60c Catalog. Send 50c, o

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