29 THE OSHAWA TIMES, _ Wednesday, Jonuary 12, 1966 . IN THESE MOUNTAINS®FULL OF JAGUARS AND BANDITS? MAT Lil, OLE TINKLE AH NEVER SAW SO MANY ROCKS YOU HAD NO BUSINESS | ALWAYS-AIMS TO BE STOWING AWAY INTHE. | ON WANA. HONEY. one UTI) T ERY wove J)||| gS |'Se PROBABLY | 1} OF THE GREATEST /!'! ty soning rest BRIDGE PLAYERS B\. < SeRrOne Nae ee a> THEN QUIT SQUAWKING? \, AG00D SECRETARY CARRY YOURSELF OFF it, ON YOUR OWN MICKEY MOUSE "AS BRILLIANT - ' : = = | mw ALIVE TORRY =< Rete en BRCULLERS | BUZ SAWYER YOU AND YOUR D shoes? fo anny | PLANE JN THE FIRST PLACE. / HOW'D AH KNOW YOU Gi WOULDN'T WANT 10 BE DICTATING SOME LETTERS? LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY 3 : fi BUT LAST NIGHT HE SAID HE HAD SOMETHIN' PLANNED, ME-HE ACTED KINDA FUNNY =| "MR. FLING HAS * NOT SEEN HIS THE LONE RANGER myayers GILC DIABETICS THI THE WORLD ¢ on ry TESTS ARE eer: U ose Wwe IN INSULIN 1g ENOUGH FOR DISTRIBUTION 'TO ie You REALIZE DR. BANTING, Tis SECRET AGENT X9 THE MISSION! CONTINUE Sedan ton, 1G Wecid chee emer 2S BE 4 ORTEGA ROUSE. Ors NOL pe FROM GOLLY, KIDS, THE AREA AROUND YOUR CLUBHOUSE IS A [way DON'T YOU THROW AWAY | THIS JUNK? WHAT ? AND GET RID OF OUR VALUABLE ANTIQUE COLLECTION? CHAS W412. KUUN: 7... BECAUSE {T WAS THERE!" jy LEAVING FOR THE BY AIRPORT IN TEN MINUTES, T won't NEED MORE THAN / HALF THAT TIME, i 1 One Fame Recess toon, Wat eee TO TELL YOU THIS GAMBIT SEPARATING ME FROM EVE JONES 1S WORKING ~~ ONLY BECAUSE I WANT IT 70 work!i SECOND POINT ~~ DON'T LEAN ON HER, MISS FAIRLIE «BECAUSE IF you po, I WILL LEAN ON ONLY A FEW BLOCK6 TO THE U.S. EMBASSY / THEN I PARK» J. BRIDGE By B, JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) West dealer, North-South vulnerable, Opening lead--king of hearts, Planning the play is declarer's most important respon A ')but he does not meet this gation fully unless the plans he makes are thought out to the last detail. Take a case like this one, where South is in five diamonds and West leads a heart. Prob- ably the instinctive thing to do is to win the heart with the ace, draw trumps, then play a spade to the king and finesse the jack on the way back. The finesse would succeed all right, but the contract would '|fail when it turned out that the DONALD DUCK CROSSWORD DOWN 1, Burgeon's thread, 2. River: So.jAm,, 8, Disable 4. Evergreen 5. By oneself 6. Stronghold 7. Without: comb, form 8, Madre or Nevada 9, Mexican dollars 11, Wagons 15, Capital ci! 19, Assam silkworm Yesterday's Answer 31, Nobel Prize i 2 4, TELEVISION LOG Channe! 2--Buftale Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buftale Channel 6~Toroate Channel 7--Buffalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel %-Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton cee ane oteaecnnnsng arma WRONGSOAY EVE. 5:00 P.M. Ni--Family Theetre 9--Five O'clock Show perman 6--Passport To Adventure 3--Secret Squirrel Thaxton 5:30 P.M. 7--Rocketship 7 --Across S--Leeve It Te Beaver Music Hop 3--Hudson Bay 6:00 P.M, F 7--Twilight Theatre Ly 4 é--City At 6 4--News, Sports Wih Healy 11:00 6-74-43 WIS 5-3--Midweek Ghuck Vas 3--Golf 6:20 P.M, li--News 6:3 P.M. i-family Theatre *43--News) Weether end Sports 8--Huntley-Brinkley Ne ows 1--Cheyenne 10:00 P.M. Merv Griffin Show Lead 7--Amos Burke = Secret Agent 4--Danny care Show 10:30 P.M. +News Weather, Sperte P.M. Pieced 11:30 Ni=eThe Saint 6--Sports %--Plerre Berton 230 A.M. News; Weather; Sports Newsca| 12:00 NOON %--Toronto Today o8--Call 1--Money ip é--Luncheon Date News ond Pots 12:18 P.M. 4--Speaker of The Hoves 12:30 P.M. 11--Noon Time ti Love P.M. P.M. Theatre %--James Beard Show @4---As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, %Kids is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:18 P.M. %--Deer Charlotte 2:30 P.M. drecruiting 41, Surfeited 42, Decimal unit YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: I have a heavily coated tongue. I smoke a lot. But my friends do too, and their tongues are nice and clear, so I don't think it is that. Is there anything in my diet that would help? An old-fash- joned belief is that an Ufset stomach causes a coated ton- gue, but I don't think I could have had an upset stomach for two years.--Mrs. 0.0. True, the old-fashioned idea was that a coated tongue meant an upset stomach--or, as' it used to be expressed, you had "et something that disagreed." Tf you had a suitable magni- fying glass, and could look at a cross section of the surface of vour tongue that the great many urface consists tiny pillars, of a 'papillae'. When something irritates the MD Gives Tips On Coated Tongues By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD tongue, these pillars become en- larged. Particles of' food, mu- cus, tiny accumulations of yeast and other such debris are caught on these tiny projections and the net result is the ap- pearance of being coated. MAY BE NORMAL A coated tongue does not necessarily have anything to do with digestion or upset stom- ach. In fact, in some instances jone can have a really serious disease yet not have a coated tongue, or even have an exces- sively "uncoated": red tongue (Pernicious anemia is one ex- ample of this Furthermore, a moderate coating is perfectly normal. The most frequent } | | Heneyrmecners 3-12 O'clock High 8--Huntley-Brinkiey Report 7:30 PM, Acres t 6--The Courriers Sing 4---New York Philharmonic 8:00 P.M, li--Special Movie o--My Favorite Marten 3--Patty Duke Show 63--Okay Crackerbderry 8:30 PLM, 9--NHL Hockey. Chicago at Montreal 3--Gidget 63--Bob Hope 4~Beverly Hiltbilties 9:00 P.M, %--The Big Valley 8-2--Bob Hope 4--Green Acres 9:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 2--Dobdle Gillis 10:00 A.M. 11--Whiplash &-2--Fractured Phrases 63--Ivanhoe Ni--Ed Allen %--Bingo $-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed 63--Friendly Gient 4+-The McCoys 10:45 A.M. 63--Chez Helene 11:00 A.M, Al li--Mike las i Mr. yes mre. &-2--Morning Star 7--Supermarket Sweep 63--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Mayberry 18 AM. S--Summer Fun ¢---Fleids Of Secritice 11:30 A.M, + |@B--Across Canada 11:30 A.M. je in Conte? §-2--The Doctors 7--A Time For Us Love That Bob 4--Linklotter's Party Movie 3:00 P.M, it--Donna Reed 9--Fractured Phrases &3--Bonnie Prudden Show B8--Ancther § Wertd 9--eener hl Meapited }43--To Tell The Truth 3:30 P.M. 1--Funny Company Hits Your Maes &--You Don't Say 7--Superman Show +3--Take Bf 3--Kartoon Kernivet 4:00 P.M, Mickey Mouse Clue o--The Match Senne 7--Early Show Bonnie Prudées 4--decret Sterm 8--Recky and Wis Friends 4:30 PLM. NewAtom Ant $--Sea Hust spades were not divided 3-3. Declarer would go down one, losing two club tricks and a spade. The objection to this method of play is that it fails to take into consideration the possibility of West's having the doubleton ten of spades. Since this is something that occurs in about 8 per cent of all deals, it is a factor not to be ignored. Planning to take a spade finesse is certainly the proper approach to the play, but when to take the finesse is a matter of at least equal importance. The proper time for the finesse is immediately, that is right after winning the opening lead' with the ace of hearts. At trick two, therefore, you' lead the two of spades to the jack. When the finesse succeeds, you lead out your trumps and hem play a low spade to the ng. : In the actual hand, West has to play the ten on the king, and, when you now return a spade from dummy, you are able to finesse the nine with assurance that the finesse will succeed. It does take a certain amount of foresight to realize the im- | |portance of playing a low spade from dummy at trick two, but,' after all, one is expected to al- ways look ahead and anticipate the answer to problems which might eventually come up. PUT ON PROBATION WASHINGTON (AP) -- The University of Houston was found guilty of three football violations Monday and was slugged with a severe three-year probation that pro» hibits the school's football team from appearing in post-season bowl games. The penalty was announced at the U.S. National Collegiate Athletic Association convention. SALLY'S SALLIES X-CHANGE 6-3--Festivar 4--Dick Van Dyke %--Abracadabra $-2--Paradise 4--Dick Van 7B arty 63--Rarzie Danis Bay 4--The 4-Thirty Show Dyke Show' 3--Huckieberry Hound coated tongues. Perhaps they aren't as sensitive as you are to this particular irritant. Another very common factor is mouth-breathing at night. In- haling air by mouth causes dry- ness, and the sheer irritation from dryness, exaggerates the coating My advice is to reduce your smoking and see what happens. If the coating subsides, you will have a good clue. Dear Dr. Molner: Can any- thing be done about migraine headaches? I get sick to my stomach and sometimes vomit. --Mrs. M.H. Nausea is common with true migraine. However, quite a bit Heavy coating, as I said, in-|can be done to help. Various you would see|dicates some sort of irritation. | medications, irritation |ergotamine tartrate, if taken at or|these days is too much smok-/the first sign of a migraine ap- often containing ing, It may be that your friends|proaching, modify and some- 8: smoke, too, but don't have times stall off the attack. If the attacks are frequent, a drug called methysergide maleate (Sansert) is frequently effec- tive as a preventive. It must be taken under a doctor's direc- tion. Dear Dr. Molner: Our science teacher told us if it was neces- sary in an emergency one could cut open another person and massage the heart by hand. Is this true?--Young Reader Yes, it's true-if you know how to do it. And impossible if you don't. Doctors have saved lives in this manner, and I have talked to one or two people who have been so saved, but only an expert can even begin to do it. The average person can't point to where the heart really is, and has far less knowledge of how to reach the heart (ribs hh the way) and would without doubt hopelessly punc- ture a lung. You Con Exchange Skotes Thot Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S 223 King St. W. 723-3224