pie ca iia es Leisui c Holds 4 NO Pleasure If Free Time Hangs Heavy By ROBERTA. ROESCH One opportunity to take today for additional ones tomorrow is an immediate investment leisure-time insurance. This is a fact of life to face, as you look ahead to the future, Current studies on my desk, re- viewed by the Institute of Life Insurance, reveal that in the short span of 50 years, leisure time for the U.S. population will have increased 214 times. Much of this will come from, of course, longer and more wide- spread vacations, earlier retire- ment and longer weekends. But as free hours bring their pleasures, they can also bring! their problems, if we don't know what to do with the time we are away from the job. And the fact that most people have to own up to ignorance in this re- in last year that 20 per cent of al; have little interest in anything else and don't know what to do unless they are busy working. One social scientist reported group of professional and man- agerial workers w 0 u 1d devote an extra two hours each day to their jobs if the office or plant did not close. At the same time, a government estimate reveals per cent in 1957 to about 7 per cent in 1964, an increase that leads some observers to say that people engage in an extra job not only to pile up dollars |but also to cut down their bore- dom. As much as this column be- lieves in work and the good kind of living it brings, the evidence shows clearly that in the future an avocation may be as impor- that moonlighting grew from 5.3} § Clodagh O'Kennedy, one IMPORT FROM IRELAND has little crocheted »uttons Dress A Little Too Snug? cut bands extending from this For plus control, look for bras, panel to the sides of the gar-| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Jonuery 12, 1966 27 ms | Face Up To Figure Problems After' the holiday season, all|filesh across the back, select a too afien, comes the day of|high cut back in a brassiere reckoning when a favorite dress|so that the flesh is contained. is jus:t a little too snug, the/A longline bra will, obviously, stretah pants don't seem to have|give a smoother, overall line, enough stretch, and you're faced; Heavy bustlines require firm with' the sombre truth that diet support. Bras with under-bust days are here again, wiring are comfortable and el- January, in the business wor-|iminate a lot of "super struc- d, is a time for taking stock. |ture". Stretch straps are not t's also a good month to take |for the full busted figure, Semi- a long objective look at one's) | stretch straps or solid - fab- "/tend to the hem of a long leg- weight. Anything that is too short, too tight, too textured, too bright draws attention to ag best left under-emphasi- zed. ment. For hips that have developed |\to a state of ebullience, girdles lare designed with a panels in- set on the hipline. Some of the GLASS BOTTLE GOES LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The blood transfusion depot here: was the first in Canada to panels are bias cut, some ex- PATTERN IS IN HEAD In the village of Phiti, Cy- prus, women rely entirely on memory for the intricate pat- terns of their lace scarves and spreads. ged panty girdle to provide con- trol for the fleshy area that often develops from hip to mid- thigh. Rearguard action is best ach- ieved by a back panel in a ch from glass bottles to plastic ones for collecting and storing human blood. The other 15 depots expect to make the change by the end of 1966. Plas- tic containers weigh 77 per cent less and are safer and seca sanitary. contrasting fabric to rest of the garment. The fashionable look is for what the industry calls persanal stock-in-trade and to|Tic ones give better support. come face to face, quite ruth- lessly', with figure problems. Tht: scale, the tape measure, and 'the fit of one's clothes are undeniable barometers. There's no dsaubt about it, diet and exer- cise are the only = to get slimi mer. Mainufacturers of some foun- dati¢on garments clain their gir- dies can reduce a waist and For midriff control, a long- line bra or a corselet is the answer, Short waisted figure types are the ones most likely to accumulate flesh above the waist. Their bras should be long enough to anchor well over the jtops of their girdles. Often a bra with an elastic cuff at the waist is the answer to their problems. a "rounded derriere". As for the gentle deceit prac- ticed by careful dressing, the shift and the skimmer conceal a multitude of sins, especially line faults. Steer clear of high waisted styles if you're seeking to minimize your bustline, also in the midriff. Gently flared and A-line skirts conceal some hip- avoid seaming that draws at-) Baby STARTS TRAINING COURSE at the Y.W.C.A. Girls and Boys 11 Years. ond Over -- Nine Week Certification -- Girl Guides receive their Child Core Badge -- Friday, Jan. 21, 7:00 P.M. Sitter COURSE down the front. It is teamed with a long teal blue skirt of chiffon. An adaptable head square of blue chiffon can be worn as pictured, or as a scarf, of Dublin's 'youngest and most famous designers, created this charming eve- ning gown for women both here and abroad. The low, square-cut bodice is made of Irish crochet in white and Abdomen flesh is best con-|tention to this area. | trolled by a garment with a| Too-short skirts are not for| firmly supporting front panel. people who have put on a little tant as a vocation. -- : One person I know who is pre-| gard is something that is of growing concern to experts studying the use of leisure. pared for this has started a One recent report, for ex-)| coin collection, and in her spare} ample, put out by the U.S. De-| time she lectures on the history | partment of Agriculture makes |of coins. the point that many of us are| '"'It's the right extra intereat' capable of enjoying free time for me," she bogs Be eg oe) 1 . nly if we think of it as a "re-|I have more free hours I plan|small," she says, pee for work instead of some-|to give more time to it. ° building it up every year. In a! hobbies. \ly ititted and the oe gd is igo? thing that is productive on its} Another woman who is|few years when my children| However, one question re-|ing to devote a@ little time to} own. trained in music has started a/leave home, I plan to spend that| mains: If a hobbyist works full-| jits selection. Other observations show that|"Housewives Chorus' in the| extra time starting similar chor- ltime at what was once his| Here is a brief summary of | many men and women are so | suburban community where she| uses in a much wider area. pastime, is he really getting} | poiats to look for in founda- absorbed in the activities of/makes her home. { What you choose to do with|benefit from increased leisure |tio1 garments, relating to vari- daily' practical life that they' "At this point my group is your own future leisure is as|time? 'ous; areas of control: -- For} ---- a se [" STORE HOURS: |. OPEN TONIGHT Wednesday Night, Thursday, Friday | and Saturday Nights till 10 O'clock. hipli ne as much as two inch- es. This is true, provided the wearer has soft flesh which can be molded by the garment. A firm, controlling garment iar Tracy Adrian | desi gned to affect specific areas ----------=| will, achieve its objective, pro-| "but I am|wide as the whole world of |Vidied it has been professional- For Information Call 723-7625 'TERRIFIC Ate. SAVINGS During HORWICH JEWELLERS bd Ample Free off Street Parking @ hppa a0 > nget Compare 2 for 69 Scottie's TISSUE 4 ro §] SPROULE'S SPROULE'S Beef is Red Brand Beef, Canada's fina st grade to assure Quality-Flavour and Natural Tenderni ess. RED BRAND STEAK = 33: PORTERHOUSE STEAKS 89: Www SIRLOIN 2 oO c iby Freezer Filler Specials oa | | STEAK --. a FRESH SLICED 9 : HIND QUARTIERS is, 62° l | TENDER & TASTY LB. 4 FRONT GUAR TERS 'a wo be | prgdeipening u.oo* Peery & WRAPPED FREE 70 YOUR ne of to COFFEE MUG ENTIRE STOCK 1966 SAVINGS! plus ONE POUND B/\G SUPER SAVE WATCHES @ DIAMONDS @ GIFTWARE BAYER ASPIRIN GREEN LABEL COFFEE O7- 97 SILVERWARE @ DISHES @ LUGGAGE JEWELLERY @ RINGS @ frhy mone irems WE MAKE | IT WORTH YOUR WHILE SALE STARTS TOMORROW-SO HURRY IN AND SAVE! BRYLCREEM "S83. 1.99 | FRENCH FRIES is 0 RWIC H IEWEL Wing 100 BTL. 79¢ TUBE 59° xs, 99° TIN 53° JAR 49: 4-02. 79° JAR SHOP A AND SA' SAVE A AT " SPROULE'S | aa Colne re at 39¢ - -- Kraft 3l¢ CHEESE SLICES 1.00 1.14 Value ! BOTH FOR VICK'S VAPO-RUB SKIN CREAM NOXZEMA 'Gousare 2 for 39¢ -- POR Cusalion BEANS 6 Tins" TINS Wonder MARGARINE sor 518. 1.00 APPLE JUICE 48-07, TINS 1-LB, PRINTS 3 10 ror 69° "27- 1.00 39 | BABY POWDER oonnson's TOMATO JUICE _ Country Fresh Grade "A" EGGS Large ° a G. | COMET CLEANSER -- SPROULE'S , SUPER SAVE corner of KING «1 RITSON ROAD, s | 3 ) 14-02. 2c OFF TINS Save On Plas(le Large Size 25° JEWELLERS canes SLoEL BLADES GARBAGE BAGS Seacliffe -- Fancy Quality 2 Convenient Locations 20 Simcoe St. South Oshawa Shopping Centre TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR WELL-KNOWN LAYAWAY PLAN ,.. CHOOSE YOUR DISHES... SILVER- enclia + GLASSWARE, etc... ASMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD YOUR SELECTION AT THESE GREAT