14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Januery 12, 1966 Bobsledder Heads Drive For Winter Playground By AL McNEIL linclude ski slopes and_ bridle MONTREAL (CP) -- Mount|paths. Royal may present a new winter; Emery proposes that the cash face to the world within a year. outlay for the proposed changes A proposal to transform the|come from the City of Montreal city's historic landmark into aj|and from the provincial and fed- winter sports playground at anjeral governments. His group estimated cost of just undr|claims the playground will pay $2,000,000 has been placed before for itself and in addition will Mayor Jean Drapeau's admin-|draw a $200,000 profit annually istration by a group of Montreal |after initial investment. businessmen and sports enthu-| With Expo 67, the centennial siasts. year and Montreal's bid for the This group, headed by Vic| 1972 Summer Olympics in mind, Emery, the 32-year-old eaptain|the group hopes the civic ad- of Canada's gold medal bobsled) ministration will look on its pro- team at the 1964 Innsbruck Win-| posal as an added stimulus to ter Olympics, envisions this city|the city's tourist trade. as a future site for international | winter games. OFFERS FINE TRACK However, the group does not} With Mount Royal's natural expect to have its plan accepted | contours, a 4,910-foot bobsled without at least token resis-|track could be set up, complete tance. | with 15 curves and deemed suit- "We expect this opposition, able for international events. If but if the majority of the people| completed, this run could be world championship favor the plan it should go/used for | I through," Emery says. competition prior to the spring A spokesman for the Drapeau opening of Expo 67. administration says the city is| A minimum of work would be "agreeable in principle' to the needed to build a 90-metre ski plan. jump, which could be floodlit at "We may not go for the im-|night as a winter park land- mediate full-scale complex, but mark. I think the city would like to. The plan calls for stands to see a start made," he says. (accommodate 15,000 spectators SEES MAJOR CENTRE 'alongside the landing hill and Emery sees the mountain pro-|others in the form of terraces viding North America's biggest| around the outrun. A wide foot- ski jump and a bobsled run of | path running the length of the international standards. jbobsled track also is suggested, The mountain, about 735 feet to accommodate thousands more high at maximum, already is a spectators. favorite recreation area for) The group emphasizes that the many Montrealers. People flock | proximity of the development to to its tree-covered slopes in the|a populous area is significant. summer to escape the heat. "It is interesting to note," the Atop the mountain is a look-|group says in its brochure, to out which provides a panoramic | city council, "that when the view of the city, an artificial|/spectators have handy access to lake which serves as a picnic|the ski and bobsled runs and in- area in the summer and a skat-|ternational rtquirements ful- ing rink in the winter, and aifilled, such facilities have al- chalet at which open-air con-|most always become permanent certs are given Sundays in| because of the benefits accruing warm weather. Other facilities to the local area." Nugget Defender Off To The Races By JOHN SHORT | "I'd been married four years EDMONTON (CP)--As horses|by then. If the offer had been enter the starting gate two men|made when-I left junior ranks in the press box lean forward|six years earlier, I'd have in concentration. jumped at it--but I didn't know HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS One holds binoculars, the|then that pro hockey isn't fun. other a pencil. As the man with; 'You know 'what's fun? Ama- binoculars describes the race,|teur hockey in the winter and the other scribbles symbols that| working in racing in the sum- will be deciphered later and in-| mer. cluded in future racing forms.|° «4, far as I know there aren't The second of those two men» jot of people with law degrees --in racing meets at Calgary,| working at race tracks, but Edmonton, Regina and Saska-|there will be at least one when toop--is Jack Nicholl, 29-year-|pm finished school." old law student at the Univer-| tials sity/of Alberta and a rugged| member of the defensive crew) of Edmonton Nuggets of the | Lone Steeler Western Canada Senior Hockey | League. ae 0 A Nicholl has fille at position l] St as assistant chart-caller during n ars the Western Canada Racing As- ae sociation seasons since 1959. In By CLIFF GORDON the fall, after horses have been| The Metro Jr. B league All- shipped out and bettors have|Star game will be played next calculated their gains or losses,| Monday night at the Weston Nicholl returns to the search for|Arena between the All Stars a law degree and starts to get/and the Etobicoke Indians the in shape for hockey. 1964-65 league champions. All "T never really get in shape," | proceeds go to the crippled chil- he admitted in an interview. '"I|drens fund and the Ontario like hockey but I haven't been! Hockey Association injured play- in shape for years. ers fund. Game time is slated "It's impossible for me to con-|for 8:00 p.m centrate too hatd on playing| Only one player off the Whit with the Nuggets because I find|hy Lasco Steelers was picked myself thinking of horse-racing for the All Star team and it at the weirdest times." was Wayne Cheesman the big INHERITS INTEREST rugged rear guard who has Nicholl, grandson of Jim|been an All Star player two of | Charlesworth, a noted Western ithe last three years. Canada breeder, comes by his|. The line up for All Stars| interest honestly. will include in goal Ron Mar- "J spent almost all my child-|lowe of Markhan and Geo, Mc- hood around my grandfather's|Laghlin of West Clair. Def- barns. . I spept plenty of|ence besides Cheesman will be time looking at racing forms,' Mike Pelyk of West Clair, Geo bloodlines and things like that. Workman; of Dixie and Gord "I wasn't a good student at | Lowe of West Clair. The first that time, but I could tell you| forward line will have at centre anything you wanted to know|John Hughes of West Clair, about mares and stallions and|wings will include John Mar- breeding systems." shall of Markhan and Tim Ecc- Apart trom the pleasure he|lestome of Etobicoke. Alternates derives from his summer job, will be Lorne Knowles of E- Nicholl considers it ideal sum-'tobicoke, Bill Lewis of West mer employment, Clair, Steve Giuliani of St. "You travel around, meet in- Mikes, Bruce Andrews of Mark-| teresting people, get as muchiham, Jim Chase of Brampton} rest as you want--there"s only|/and Ken Hume of Weston. one problem. You also eat what Geo. Hanna will be the man- you want and that makes hockey|ager and Geo. Parsons the} tough." coach of the Stars. « Nicholl weighed in at 220; In all it should be a bang pounds recently before the Nug-\yp affair for this very worthy | gets lost 7-5 to the Finnish na-| cause tional team in: an exhibition) ------------_--------- ame. In shape, he should weigh pte 205 for his stocky five-| Remember When... ? foot-1l-inch frame By THE CANADIAN PRESS Marks of his exertions are not Sam Langford, the Cana- visible, but sport has been tough) dian - born 'Boston Tar for Nicholl, who once spent} Baby" of boxing, died 10 three months at Denver Univer-} years ago today--in 1956-- sity on a hockey scholarship. aged 72. Born in Weymouth, INJURED SHOULDER N.S., Langford ran away "I dislocated one shouldér in} from home and fought 642 1955, just after 1 came back| bouts between 1902 and 1923, from the Detroit. Red Wings'| when he lost the sight of training camp. After I came) one eye. Only five feet 614 home, the shoulder healed and! inches tall,-he took on many I separated the other one play-| early champions who out- ing high school football."' | weighed him by up to 50 Nicholl spent his junior career) pounds with the defunct Lethbridge Na-| tive Sons and accepted an in- vitation to the University of Denver in 1956, but left after he decided a degree from Den- ver wouldn't do him much good in Canada. He went to work for an Ed monton geophysical concern and stayed out of school until he en rolled in commerce at the Uni versity of Alberta in 1960 and lined up with the university hockey team. Two years later, he turned down a bid to attend another Detroit training camp, "but I've never been sorry." ql I Ib EXTRA STAMPS I) EXTRA STAMPS I) EXTRA STAMPS I) | EXTRA STAMPS l EXTRA STAMPS d EXTRA STAMPS | EXTRA STAMPS af EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS rk EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS wir couron 6 Pu oF ONE 10-07. JAR FRDE OF ARABIA INSTANT COFFEE 1. COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO PKGS. PLAIN, PIMENTO or HIPPY > LOBLAWS. CHEESE SLICES WP - COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19, WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 20'S PKGS. LION SNAP-OFF UTILITY BAGS M12 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 64 FL. OZ. BOTTLE FABRIC SOFTENER WU-FLUFF M6 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF AMY TWO 2 FL, OZ. BTLS, UQUID SHOE POLISH Esquire Seuff-Kote HIS COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6}.07 AEROSOL TIN -- O-CEDAR ENDUST Hid COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE KING SIZE POLISHING CLOTH SHAMOY HIG COUPON EXPIRES JAN 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 48 FL. OZ. TIN WITH PORK Van Camp's Beans 20 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE FAMILY SIZE TUDE TOOTHPASTE MACLEANS 2) COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2! FL. OZ. BOTTLE PERTUSSIN: COUGH SYRUP 22 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 1)-L8. TIN PURITAN SPAGHETTI and MEAT BALLS 423. COUPON BXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 15 FL. OZ. TINS sravo Spaghetti Sauce 24 COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-48, TIN SUCCESS SUPER WHITE PASTE WAX HIS COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE RECORD STEREO OF WIP COMPLETE SELECTION RECORD H26 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON &, PURCHASE OF OME 24 FL. OZ. BOTTLE CRISCO OIL 427 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-07. PKG. SUTTER KRUST ZWIEBACK M34 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 17 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12's PKG. BEEF BOUILLON CUBES 0x0 HAD COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 15 FL. OZ. BOTTLE Liquip CLEANER LESTOIL MAD COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 60's PKGS. WHITE SWAN, WHITE or RAINBOW SERVIETTES HS6 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8 FL, OZ. TIN LiGuTER FLUID IT W462 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITM COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL. OZ. JAR ST. WILLIAMS PURE GRAPE JAM MO) COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 10 FL. 0. TINS CHICKIN MOODLE e VEGETARLE WEEE CLARK'S SOUP MTA COUPON BXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 6] FL. OZ. TINS JATFA FROZEN ORANGE JUICE HE) COUPON IPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12" x 20 FT. ROLL BOX STUART HOUSE SHELF PAPER HOR COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 ' PIZZA PIES HOS COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 STAMPS ) EXTRA STAMPS a0 00 EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS LD EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS 'wire COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY POUR JARS oy MINE STRAINED: BABY FOODS Hd COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 48 FL. OZ. TINS ALLER'S DRINKS MS COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-07. AERO TIN MAIR SPRAY ALBERTO V.0.5 MIB COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15 PL. OZ. TINS york BEEF STEW HG COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 30 BISCUIT CELLO BAG MOSTESS cnocours CREAMS H43 COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-18, JAR CROWN GOLDEN SYRUP HSD COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 197 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 25-L8. BAG NEW BRUNSWICK POTATOES W102 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 Wit COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE WEDGE LODLAWS MILD, MEDIUM O18 CHEDDAR CHEESE H4) COUPON EXPIRES JAN. TF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4-18, POLY BAG MAYTIME WILD BIRD SEED M10 COUPOM EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12's PKG. BOVAIL INSTANT BEEF CONSOMME SACHETS W713 COUPON BxPIRES JAN. 19 WiTH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 12"s12" - 20 PKG. FACE CLOTHS HE2" COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15] FL. OZ, TIN CHEF BOY-AR-DEE with BEEF RAVIOLI WEP COUPON FXPINES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 3}-07. PKGS. SANDED BUDDIG SLICED SMOKED BEEF and OORNED BEEF W964 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS of EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS a0 EXTRA STAMPS a0 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS FURNITURE WAX M2 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE BULE PKG. GE. MecTRIC TRI-LITE BULBS WI® COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 26}-0Z. CARTON DOMOLCO TABLE MOLASSES HI COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE TLS, 3.07. PKG, museuRy APPLE CINNAMON COFFEE CAKE MIX HOT COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7.072. PKG. WATSON'S LINSEED & LICORICE LOZENGES HA COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3.07. TIN PUSH BUTTON Mennen Deodorant HST COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE TWO PLY 2 ROLL PKG. FACELLE ROYALE PAPER TOWELS HS7 COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1-18, PKGS, SHORTENING FLUFFO Hed COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-5, PKG. BORDEN'S INSTANT STARLAC 71) COUPON Expres JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO BATH SIZE BARS 'WOODBURY GREEN DEODORANT SOAP H76 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 2)-07. PKGS. STUART HOUSE CHICKEN NOODLE P MIX MAS COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15} FL. OZ. TIN CHEF BOY-AR.DEE BEEFARONI 90 COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE ROAST of BEEF WOT COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 STAMPS Ip EXTRA STAMPS ) EXTRA STAMPS of al EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS a0 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 4600's. PKG. FACIAL TISSUE KLEENEX His COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHAM OF ANY ONE LGE. BTL. OR JAR ROLL-ON OR CREAM Secret Deodorant HI® COUPON EXPineS JAW. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT SIZE TUBE cue TOOTHPASTE MIO COUPON EXA 248 JAM, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE MEDIUM SIZE PKG. BANDAGES HIB COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-L8, JAR JACK & JILL PEANUT BUTTER HAS COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-02. AERO TIN PALMOLIVE Rapid Shave Cream HS2 COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL. OZ. TIN HAWES FLOOR GLOSS LIQUID WAX HS8 COUPON EXPIRES JAM, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3 CAKE PKG. LOBLAWS PINK COLD CREAM SOAP Hé3 COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT PKG. AtC g DETERGENT M72 COUPON EXPIRES JAM, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE BOOK 0 TITLES "9000 HOUSEKERMING" COOK BOOK HPT COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15 FL. OZ, TIN EASY -ON SPRAY STARCH HOA COUPON EXPIRES JAM, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF AMY TWO 10 FL. OF. TINS AYUMER CHOICE MIXED VEGETABLES or DICED HARVARD BEETS HO) COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO CELLO PKGS, FRESH SPINACH HOS, COUPON FxPRES JAM, 19 It EXTRA STAMPS lp EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS ) EXTRA STAMPS a0 EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS ) EXTRA STAMPS Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. Till 9:30 - Downtown WITH Ceuren & puReMASE OF ONE CANE LomLaws CHERRY CAKE WO COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE MEOHUM SIZE TUBE, BOTTLE OR JAR -- CRLAM Of LOTION WHAD & mourns SHAMPOO WI) COUPON EXPIRES JAM, TP WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 64 FL. OZ. BOTTLE PURE MAID ORANGE JUICE 11 COUPON ExPines JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONT TWO BOTTLE Oral 24 FL, OF, BOTTLES MIR Liquid Detergent HIP COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE FAMILY SIZE BAR MILK, NUT or CRISPIE DEVON BAR WAG COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-18. PKG. ROSE COLOURED MARGARINE H53 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12225 FT, ROLL BOX REYNOLDS ALUMINUM FOIL HSP COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO PKGS. SHOPSY BOIL-IN-BAG FROZEN MEATS Wés COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4.07. PKG, GUSTOSO BREAD STICKS W723 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 18 FL. OT. TINS WITH TOMATO SAUCE Libby's Spaghetti MTR. COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-LB. PKG. Goop LucK MARGARINE WAS COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Ont 1-48, PKG. SHOPSY'S ALL BEEF FRANKFURTERS W92 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO FRESH CELERY STALKS WOR COUPON EXPines JAN, 19 Stores. Open I EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS | EXTRA STAMPS \ EXTRA STAMPS Ki EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS ik EXTRA STAMPS rk EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS with Courem § PURCHASE OF OnE 40. PKG. SALADA TEA BAGS HA COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19, WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF AYLMER PICKLES 47 COUPON PxPines Jal, 19 EXTRA STAMPS 'wits cousem 2 puReH Ast OF ANY ONE PAIR SEAUTY SHOR Seamless Nylons HIT COUPON EXPIRES JAM, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OnE 2-418. TIN WESTLES QUIK M12 COUPON ExPreES Jam. 19 WHEN COUPONS REDEEMED ON THIS PAGE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15 FL. OZ. TINS STOKELY'S NEW ORLEANS STYLE -- aD KIDNEY BEANS H32 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19° WITH COUPON & PURCHAM OF ONE ECONOMY SIZE BTL. HALO SHAMPOO HAO COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE PINT CARTON... 'TASTY TREAT ICE CREAM HAT COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITM COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 100 FT. ROLL BOX APPLEFORD'S WAXED PAPER MS4 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10's PKG. POLY GARBAGE BAGS Hé0 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 10-07. PKGS, McCAIN PROZEN YANCY FRENCH CUT Her cou 1S JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE QUICK 36.02. QUAKER OATS HIS COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE CF ONE 20 FL. OZ, TIN £ D. SMITH Raisin Pie Filling 479 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF "ANY ONE PKG. CADBURY'S Chocolate Biscuits MEG COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & FURCHASE OF ONE 1-18, PKG. PENNYWISE Beef Steakettes WO) COUPON EXPIRES JAM, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO HEADS NEW CABBAGE H100 COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS dy EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 17 FL. OF. BTL. PHILLIPS MILK of MAGHESIA HAD COUPON EXPIRES JAN 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6 FL. OZ. BOTTLE NO CALORIE SWEETENER SWEET 10 MA) COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 6-07. TINS * CROSS & BLACKWELL DATE & MUT ROLL or FRUIT RUT ROLL WAR COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPOM & PURCHASE OF TWO 50's PKG. LUNCH BAGS HSS COUPON Exeines Jan. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE @F PKGS, ANY TAPERLITE CANDLES Hel COUPON EXPrRES JAM, 9 BAKED POTATOES Hee COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF INSTANT 32-07. PKG, QUAKER OATS H3S COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 20 FL. OZ. TINS BRIGHTS FANCY APPLE SAUCE HOO COUPON EXPIRES JAM. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 5-02. 30's PKG, DIXIE Cold Cup Refills HOT COUPON EXPIRES JAN. 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-18. PKG. CHOICE COD FILLETS WE COUPON EXPIRES JAN, 19 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE BUNCH GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS HIG) COUPON EXPIRES JAM, 99