THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Jenuery 11, 1966 Debated By AJAX (Staff) Shopping Plaza parking came under fire at a meeting of the Ajax Town Council Monday night when Councillor Owen Ashley de- scribed the conditions as an ob- stacle course. Mr. Ashley said that at 2 p.m. last Saturday six taxis were parked at the taxi stand in the plaza while another taxi was double parked and two trucks in front of the IGA supermarket, opposite the cab stand, made the route an obstacle course for motorists. Mr. Ashley suggested that some agreement should be reached with the taxi com- panies that. would allow them only two cabs each at the plaza, ' Deputy Reeve Hall said the Plaza parking problem had been his perennial. beef and suggest- ed something be done before someone was killed in the plaza. SIGNS NEEDED Protective Services Commit- tee Chairman William LeGross said that the town lawyer had necessary no parking welcome a law _ disallowin. shopping carts leaving th store, Mr. LeGross said that th munity be confiscated. Councillor Wetherall said th IGA store should be approache of their store. CARTS RENTED Mayor Smith said that th retrieving and repairing th carts, the issue was advised the committee it was only a matter of putting up signs which could be enforced by the police. He suggested that shop- ping carts littered all over the community, gvas a larger prob- lem. Mr, Hall said stores would supermarkets could make that law on their own and suggested| people who take that carts found in the com- to place a car pick-up in front carts were rented by the super- market and. that the rental ement covered the price of Mr. LeGross suggested that like trading stamps since some carts are de- stroyed rentals must go up and result in higher grocery prices. He warned council not to pass a bylaw that could not be en- forced by the police, Councillor Wright said that a special company had _ been formed to pick up shopping carts in communities and that at last report he had heard it g| was putting on an extra truck. e| Police have said their hands e| are tied since supermarket own- ers are unwilling to prosecute pping carts to all parts of Ajax and Pick- ering Township. e d Ontario County Farm Calendar e| Jan, 12 and 13, 9.30 a.m., To- ronto, Royal York Hotel -- An- nual Meeting for Whole Milk Producers' league. e| Jan. 15, 9 a.m., Port Perry High School -- 4-H Homemaking Club Achievement Day for South Ontario. Jan. 17, 10.30 a.m., Lindsay, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture -- An- nual Meeting East Central On- Ajax Reeve Taken To Task Over County Council Vote AJAX (Staff) -- Mayor H. M. Smith took Reeve Henry Polak to task Monday night for failing to vote for an Ajax representa- tive on the Pickering District High School Board when the question came up in county > council. Mayor Smith said he was dis- appointed that Charles W, Walker of Ajax was not re- appointed to the board instead of Miles Cook from Pickering Township. The mayor said he had asked Deputy Reeve Hall to speak to Reeve Polak regard- ing the appointment. Deputy Reeve John Hall said he had not spoken to Reeve Polak since he assumed they would be backing an Ajax man and he was not present at Coun- ty Council when the appoint- before. Councillor Wetherall board. NEVER APPROACHED bent never about the appointment. council. "If you tell me to vote on county council the way this Reeve Polak said that the Ajax High School Board incum- approached him) Deputy Reeve John Hall dis-| agreed with Mr. Wetherall that| Town Hall. he and Henry Polak represent- ed the town council on county tario District Soil and Crop Im- provement Ass'n. Jan. 18, 11 a.m. -- Tour of Dairy Barns under direction of Howard Nodwell, Agricultural Engineer for Ontario County: 11:00 a.m. 12:00 noon -- Arthur Stableford, Cresswell, incident had not been discussed) RR 1; 1.30 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. --| _.|Smithlands Ltd., Oshawa, RR 1; | cult days ahead, the coun- 1 said) 3.00 p.m, - 4.00 p.m. -- Jackson! council had voted against its| pros. Brooklin. own municipality without an al- ternative and Reeve Polak rep-|prock High School resented council in county coun-| Meeting for Beaverton Junior cil. He suggested that if a vote) rarmers. was taken again the least Mr. Polak could do was to hold up/pept. the town's representation ori the} Ro9m -- Annual Meeting, Scott Jan. 18, 8.30 p.m., Cannington, Uxbridge, | Board Jan. 19, 8 p.m., of Agriculture | Agricultural Society: | Jan. 20, 1.30 p.m., Brooklin, Township Hall. Jan, 21, 1.30 p.m., iDept. of Agriculture Room. Jan, 21, 8 p.m., Beaverton, | Uxbridge, Board | The meetings on January 20) land 21, are on Farm Business {Management and _ Records, |Plans and Decision. The new --January | WHITBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL MEMBERS Many problems, both large and small, face the new Whitby Township Coun- cil. Preparing for the diffi- and Deputy Reeve John Batty. Back row, from left: Neil Grandy, James Brady and Gordon Hanna. ing in the Municipal Hall, Brooklin, Saturday after- noon. The council is shown following the meeting. The council from left, front row, are: Reeve John Dnyden --Oshawa Times Photo cil held its inaugural meet- East Whitby Council Approves 2-Year Term COLUMBUS (Staff) --Eastiper cent of the 1965 levy was Whitby Township Council held|collected. During the year ar- its inaugural meeting Monday |rears of taxes totalling $25,416.08 morning with Reeve Neil Smith|were collected leaving $24,691.22 in the chair. The business part|in arrears outstanding. Tax col- of the meeting was concluded |lections during the year repres- shortly after 5 p.m. jented 102.3 per cent of the 1965 The first session opened with |levy. will be ready with an estimate of costs for consideration by council at its February meet- ing. TWO,YEAR TERM | Township Clerk W. H. Goldie S| Woodyard, D. M. Simpson, 'lace Boughen, Hugh Stapleton, \|representatives on the Clarke ~|servation Authority. | ORONO (TC) -- Clarke Town- ship council made appointments to various boards and commis- sions at its meeting this week. Named to the local advisory committee of the Orono muni- cipal water system were E. R. Floyd Nicholson, L, A. Perrault and Ernie Dent. R. G. Chater and Lioyd Low- ery were named to the board of management of the Orono community hall. The five appointments to the Orono community recreation centre are E. R. Woodyard, D. M. Simpson, Floyd Nicholson, J. W. Stone and Lloyd Lowery. Appointed to the Newtonville community hall board are Wal- Mrs. Gladys Brown, Clinton Farrow, George Stapleton, L. A. Perrault and O. H, Falls. Mr. Falls was also selected as the township's representative to the Durham Federation of Agriculture. Mr. Chater and Mr. Falls were selected as the township's game commission. Roy A. Foster was appointed) to the Ganaraska Region Con-) Appointed to the Orono com- | munity memorial park board 'Revenue Aids 'School Boards BROUGHAM-- Members of \the Pickering Township Com- mittee of Adjustment learned last week that the lot fee of $500 charged to applicants for con- sulted in $34,000 being collect- ed. The money was designated for capital school costs not with- in the grant structure, such as {school sites, office space, hall- ways and storage rooms. A resolution of the committee recommended that theg $34,- 000 be allocated as follows; School Area No. 1, $9,500; Sch- }ool Area No.2, $23,000; School | } [Section No. 4 West, $1,000 andi {Separate School. No. 6, $500. were: A. E. West, H. M. Mer- eer, S. B. Rutherford, E. H. Samuel, Miss Elma Cutiell, J. W. Stone and Mr. Perrault. Mrs. W. H. Gibson was ap- pointed township representative to the board of directors of gs Hospital, Bowman- ville. COUNCIL BODIES Council committees are: roads and bridges, Mr, Chater, chair- man, and Mr. Lowery; property and finance, Mr. Perrault, chair- man, and Mr, Fallis; planning Mr. Falls, chairman, and Mrs. Perrault; fire protection, Mr. Lowery, chairman, and Mr. Chater. Township cenemetry board in- cludes Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Chater, Russell Savery, Mr. Falls, Charles Cooper, Arnold Wade and Arthur Thompson. Management committee of cen- tennial projects includes Archie McLaren, Roy C. Forrester, M. Rutherford, chairmen, Charles Armstrong, Robert Hazelden, William Bunting, Mr. Stone and Mr. Perrault. Committee of adjustment in- cludes lf]. E. Walkey, one year; E. R. Lovekin, two years; and Klaas Shoemaker, three years. Reeve John Stone was appoint- ed the Welfare Committee which committee was authorized to make expenditures to recipients uup to $200 a month. A Welfare Appointments Made 'By Ciarke Township. Administrator has yet to be ap- pointed. TO SEEK SUBSIDY The road clerk, H. DeWith was given the authority to com- plete the necessary forms for the Highway subsidies on road expenditures in the Township in 1965. Authority was given the Orono Park Board to borrow up to an amount of $1,000 at the Canadian Imperial Bank of Com- merce, Authority was also given the road superintendent and the road and bridge committee to -- the Good Roads Conven- tion. A letter was received from Clarence J. Allin asking that as had moved out of the area that he had moved out of the area that he not be appointed Live- stock Evaluator this year, A new appointment has yet to be made. A report from the United Counties Health Unit concerning the use of land on the property of A. Pos as a refuse disposal area was tabled. Tentative approval was re- ceived from the Ontario Munici- pal Board for the expenditure of $95,000 out of current funds by the Township Public School Area Board for the addition of three rooms to the No. 9 school. A salary request by the road superintendent, M. L. Ross, was referred to the Road and Bridge Committee. | sents for separated lots, had re- | ig | | Rey. Winnifred Bridges, mini-| Council was disturbd by a was authorized to prepare a by-|In this way the funds are dis- LET US WAICH YOUR TIME anc lk Ra A i i ario Farm Account Book ee Columbus eg i since | walt for $7,225 from the City of " ,|will also be discussed. reading a passage of scripture /Qshawa for fire protection. This pe said the deputy) Jan. 22, 9 am., pores, = et wae eee was the largest Ath for any year i |Anglican Parish Hall -- 4-H|@lvine guidance 'for ¢ Nito date, The fires included 11 ee ee ee 'py | Homemaking Club Achiev o- [its deliberations ie te age dwelling fires, six grass fires, their own little wards and that|™¢nt Day for North Ontario. neat ggr a4 oye tia! o' four car fires and three dump he would never suggest council-|_74%- 22, 1.30 p.m., Utica Comp. | Comma SONG Wes. oa one Are. lors vote for their own ward) ™unity Hall --Annual Meeting)mer reeves, Walter Beath and) In future the township will), against the good of the town for Ontario County Junior Wilfred Pascoe, also addressed|qemand that the Oshawa Fire| Mc. Hall suggested that ap-|Farmers Association, tie aii standing peParment strictly adhere to! consider the official plan of the| pointments of this vatente atoll Jan. 24, 1.30 p.m., Uxbridge, The chairmen _ of standing the agreement which ealls for |township . "when the committee was set up be discussed early enough so|Dept. of Agriculture Board committees are: finance, legal,|the township clerk or memb-| m8 ' ei : ithere were two meetings. In 1965 that representatives could have| 00m -- Ontario County Potato salaries and planning, Reeve/ers of council being contacted) 7°08 uperintendent Roy Per-|there were 16. During the done something about it. Mr | Growers' Annual Meeting. Smith; roads and bridges, Dep-|before calls to grass fires are |©™an -- two Pieces of road|year 19 variance applications Hall admitted that in this case|,222- 25, 8.30 p.m., Greenbank|uty Reeve John Howden; Prop-| answered. ae eduled for rebuilding this|were considered. Thirteen let- h id have voted for the\community Hall -- January erty, street lights and garbage,| Industrial Disposal Limited,|vear. They are one mile of ters of tolerance were issued out ie wou Meeting for Port Perry Junior|A. S. Evans; police, bylaw en-|which operates the dump at road, east of Raglan and 144 |of 19 pplications and 31 consents Ajax man. |Farmers' Association. forcement and fire protection,| which two of the fires occurred,|@iles east of Columbus. The/were granted. In all 64 applica- | Jan. 26 to 28, 10 a.m., Coli-| Douglas Marlow; relief and wel-| will be billed $800 for the cost|engineering on the Ranson rd. |tions were considered. seum, Exhibition Park, Toronto|fare, Ross Lee. lof the calls. will be done this year. |were issued out of 19 applicat- ions and 31 consents were gran- that it was unfortunate that the |-- Provincial Soil and Crop Im-| Gordon Corner was appoint-| provement Association Annualjed to the Central Lake Ont-/MONEY FOR SCHOOL NAME IS LEGION ted. In all 64 applications were Actor Barry Morse estimates | Considered. \law providing for a two-year |tributed to the school area in; lterm of office for members of| Which the application was grant- council and the school board. |® Reeve Smith told council most municipalities now have the two- year term. . - and time your watch alse. In the past twelve months, the balance wheel of your watch has made 160 million revolutions. If the wheels of your car had made that many turns it would have travelled more than 200 thousand miles, ment came up. REGIONAL STAND Reeve Polak said he had voted for Miles Cook because he had been disturbed at the inactivity of the board and because he did not know anything about Walker. Reeve Polak said that he has tried not to represent a region on county council but the county as a whole. Mayor Smith said that he had expected the reeve to vote in favor of the town as far as the appointment was concerned and council wants me to I'll resign Planning Director J. H. Faul- kner commented the year had been one of upheaval, change) ... {and counter-change. A report of| Members of council, planning |the year's atcivities presented| oard and industrial advisory, i committee will meet Jan. 27 1G Maple rm y ars rg THIS 1S FREE WATCH INSPECTION MONTH JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE NORTH Marketing Board Details g : s | Convention. ario Conservation Authority, | Council gave two readings to Explained To Producers | Jan. 29, 10.30 a.m., Manches-|Ross Lee to the Ontario County|a bylaw providing for the rais- Unit and Reeve Smith}ing of $90,000, through the sale iter, Township Hall -- Ontario | Health ee See ee a seg ay 0! rio for Class 1;/County Holstein Breeders' An-|jto the Centra ntario Joint|of debentures. The money will| years on the stage and in ra- i eas rag ontario oie aid alk rl sastting| nual Meeting. Speaker -- Dr. J. Planning Board. |be used to construct an addit-| dio, television and films. County held a meeting in the| purposes) and a uniform price C. Rennie, University gpg TAX PICTURE GOOD ion to the public school at Ked-| Town Hall, Uxbridge, Jan. 7,|/for Class 2 milk (secondary, Jan. 29, 8 p.m., Uxbridge Sec- Tk Ah uss under the direction of H. L.|fluid milk and industrial milk).| "dary School -- Ontario County) | | 3° report bd the tax coll-| ction on a request 'or salary| ° Fair, Ontario Department of| Class 3 milk would be that in|Junior Farmers Drama Festi-|ector showed $230,115.36, or 92.15 \increases from its road and Agriculture. Two hundred andjexcess of domestic require- val. : 4 _ \and bridge employees was de- eighty fluid milk producers} ments. Jan, 31, 12.15 p.m., Uxbridge,| Meeting for Brooklin' Junior|ferred until the scale paid by attended. Mr. McLaughlin also made|Dept. of Agriculture Board) Farmers' Association. |Ontario County is ascertained. The main purpose of. the| the statement that the Milk Mar-/Room -- Ontario County Crop) Feb. 3 and 4, 10 a.m., Ux-) The Oshawa Suburban Road meeting was to hear George| keting Board hopes to gradual- Improvement Ass'n Project|pridge, Dept. of Agriculture|Commission will be asked. to McLaughlin, chairman of the|ly reconcile the marketing Committee Meeting -- planning Board Room -- 4-H Homemak-|remove the ovstruction, at the Ontario Milk Marketing Board,| quota situation in the present projects for 1966 see ing Club Leaders' Training|north east corner of the inter- explain how the marketing of| fluid milk sector to more near- Feb, 2, 10.30 a.m., Uxbridge, | School. section in Columbus, shich bl-| milk will be handled under the|ly the actual production pat-| Dept. Board| -Feb, 4, 12.15 p.m., Uxbridge,|ocks the view of drivers. new Milk Act. and for ur-| terns of produéers. R y-Beef Dept: "of Agriculture Board; It was announced plans for oom -- weer} . it- Room -- Holstein Club Direc-|th icipal offices planned pose of electing a milk commit |commrrrex ELECTED | e municip i) | In an effort to keep up with he has played 2,500 parts in 30) the volume of work it was rec- jommended that a clerk-typist \be engaged. Why wait for spring? of Agriculture Ontario-- County | Producers' Annual Meeting. tee for Ontario County. 3, 8.30 p.m., Brooklin,|tors' Program Planning Meet-|as an annex to the old town- Feb At the conclusion of the meet-;Township Hall -- February | ing, iship hall, when it is renovated, TWO MILK POOLS jing, the following milk com- beet fe Mr. McLaughlin stated that|mitteé was elected for Ontario the Milk Marketing Board)County: chairman, Roy Ormis- wants to work towards the cre-|ton, Brooklin, RR 1; vice-chalr-| ation of two milk pools in the|man, Neil Hunter, Seagrave, | province; a Group 1 Pool to be) RR 2; secretary treasurer, made wp initfally of present] Charles Hadden, Blackwater. | fluid milk producers, and a| Committee members Group 2 Pool to be made up of) Charles Healy, Orillia, RR 5; present industrial milk pro-| pat Duffy, Uptergrove; Les ducers. Conditions of entry) Smith, Port Perry, RR 2; Orvan should be established to allow) Chambers, Wilfrid; | Morley qualified producers in one pool) Raines, Blackwater, RR 2; Mac to transfer to the other as mar-| Christie, Port Perry, RR 4, ket conditions permit. The ulti-/R, J, Smith, Blackwater; Bob mate objective is to include all) Fiett, Oshawa, RR 2; Ron qualified producers of grade A| Werry, Oshawa RK 1; John milk in the Group 1 Pool. | Batty, Brooklin, RR 1; Frank It is also hoped to establish) Barkey, Claremont RR 3; Neil a uniform price throughout) Smith, Oshawa Rit | ENJOY THE GREATER HAPPINESS OF A BETTER Z The wise ones take advantage of winter, Skilled men are more readily ayallable in the wintertime-~ready to do your repairs and renovations when you want them, Materials are in generous supply too, and your renovation budget will often go further in winter, thanks to off-season Ajax Building At All-time High AJAX (Staff-- Councilor will- iam LeGross informed town council Monday night that buil- ' ' ; ding in the town during 1965 a - had outdistanced all previous IN BEAUTIFUL braemor gardens . SEARS now! bank, And farmers can qualify for up to $15,000 with ten years to repay with a Farm Improvement Loan, So you see, there are a whole lot of very good reasons why you should have that work done around your home or place of business during the winter. 'Do it nowl discounts and extended payment plans, You can borrow up to $4,000 with up to ten years to repay, at low interest rates, with a government- sponsored NHA Home Improvement Loan from your bank, If you're the owner of a small business, then you may take advantage of special Small Business Loans available at your In Oshawa's most convenient the entire building during the community you'll find that all the years from 1959 to 1962. The total building during the past year in the Town was $4,494,940 about double the 1964 figure. 'Councilor Wetherall said this represented a 10 per cent in- crease in assesment which was very acceptable. Broken down figures showed that $1,578,000 was spent in in- dustrial building, $237,000 in co- mmercial construction, $282,000 in institutional building, $1,561,- 000 in residential and $675,000) in apartment building. j YULE WAS AUTOMATED COVENTRY, England (CP)--| This ancient cathedral city had/| its regular carol-singing bus this | year, but without a choir. The city council decided it was too 'wet and cold for the children to tour the city and sent a tape-| recording instead. worry has been taken out of buying a new home, Actually there is nothing magic about braemor gardens , , . we've simply incorporated into one community, all the modern conveniences that today's home buyer demands, Come and see beautiful three and four bedroom homes MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada BUSINESS; 725-4563 open for your inspection, Everybody benefits when winter work is increased For advice and assistance call your National Employment Office. a ane DALE PLASTERING ERNIE CAY | | LIMITED : LUMBER : BOX 311, WHITBY PHONE 723-3653153 ALBERT ST.,OSHAWA PHONE725-1121 "There's A Better Future For You HOME: 723-7900