Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1966, p. 3

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R PROFILE OF GULZARILAL, NANDA... The NEW -azmeaeses {AP} India'e new prime minister, Gulzarilal Nanda, is an intense intellectual and a disciple of Gandhi, who was Lal Bahadur Shastri's ma- jor contender for India's highest effice when Jawaharlal Nehru died in 1964. Nanda 67, was the home min- ister and No. 2 man in Nehru's government but his interest. in astrology 'and palmistry, his vegetarian austerity and a long association with leftist trade un- ions hurt his chances to succeed Nehru. After Nehru, he was sworn in as caretaker head of the government but stepped aside a few weeks later for Shastri, In the follawing months, as various leaders of the ruling Congress party manoeuvred to get Shastri's job, Nanda sup- narted the new prime minister vigorously. As home minister Nanda or- dered police to jail more than 1,000 pro-Peking members of the Indian Communist party. He also issued instructions to shoot to kill if inter-communal rioting between India's Hindus and Moslems erupted. His tough decisions as home minister did not fit his physical appearance. A thin ex-professor of economics, Nanda wears thick spectacles and a black moustache. NEVER EXPECTED POST When he was named to head the caretaker government upon Nehru's death, he said he had nevér expected to rise so high in life as to be a cabinet min- ister. He entered Nehru's cabinet in STRONGER CENTRAL COUNCIL By BOB EXELL |nicipalities spread out over 240) square miles that make up Met-| ropolitan Toronto are to be compressed into six new muni- 'cipalities functioning under a strengthened metropolitan council; the provincial govern- ment announced Monday } The new municipalities are to) be an enlarged City of Toronto} ijand five suburban boroughs --| lan enlarged Etobicoke, York! and East York plus North York land Scarborough with their ex isting township boundaries un-) |changed. (AP) |} Seven municipalities will be A DESPERATE FIGHT PAYS OFF lation A neighbor (un- identified) aids in centre Picture was made by Frank Hill of the Boston Globe. i vive her son Scott, 6 months. Conley used ladder on truck to rescue two children from apartment fire with aid of off duty fireman. Baby was hospitalized for smoke inha- Her hair singed by fire and almost overcome by em- otion Mrs. Muriel Sypek wt- ches John Conley a telephone company worker usé mouth to mouth resuscitation to re- 6 Municipalities For New Metro New Democratic Party leader be frustrated because the gov ernment had failed to realize that Metro is one big city and must be treated as one. William Allen, chairman of Metropolitan Toronto, was more or less pleased with the one} city, five-borough scheme but Toronto's mayor, Philip Giv- ens, was unhappier than some of his colleagues, Said Mr. Givens: "I'm not happy about it. It seems that everything that is being done is being done at the expense of the city." T DISPLEASED Carl Goldenberg of Mont- ISN' H. 1952 as lIshor site years as & social worker in tie labor union field.. He founded the Indian National Trade Un- ion Congress to counter the munist All-India Trade Un- ion\Congress. In the early 1960s he formed a national group to combat priv- ate and public corruption, He said then ,"Everywhere I go I create an organization, I have a knack for it." He once described himself as a pragmatist: "A Socialist but not a Marxist." In 1921, at age 23, he came under the influence of Mohan- das Gandhi and, his pilosophy of non-violent revolution against British rule. Nanda resigned as professor 6f economics at Bom- bay's National College to be a Gandhi disciple, He was jailed five times and served seven years. NAMED LABOR LEADER Gandhi had persuaded Nanda 'Man Who Succeeas Shastri t/t A fie ireedonr sirag* remain if gie racer ian fice forests to fast and meditate and Gandhi chose him to lead the Congress party's labor movement. Nanda once said that as a re- sult of his days with Gandhi "I: believe in freedom of the individual because 1 believe in- dividual freedom leads to growth." "Therefore I want to stave . off totalitarian symptoms wher- ever they appear." He also expressed belief com- munism would be a greater danger to India's democratic socialism than right-wing po- litical groups because "'of the proximity of China and.the dis- play of power there which has dazzled some of our people." Nanda was married while an undergraduate and he has two daughters and two sons. Both daughters and one son became doctors. 'Detention Without Review Still In Mental Hospitals es Asi 2 OTTAWA (CP) -- Patients injeral government appeare d} TORONTO (CP)--The 13 mu-|said municipal planning would mental hospitals in five prov-| ready to allow ever - increasing "linces can still be detained in-|freedom definitely against their wills and without reviews of their condi- tion, a psychiatrists' confer- ence was told Monday. Toronto Lawyer Barry Swad- ron said half the provinces have brought their laws up to date to protect the civil rights of men- tal patients, but the other five lag behind. Speaking at the annual insti- tute on mental health services sponsored by the Canadian Psychiatric Assoviation, he cri- ticized the mental hospital laws of Ontario, Quebec and the At- lantic provinces except Nova small minimum - security in-|schools should be abolished and |proving services for the men- | of the United States. tally ill. NEW INDIA PM -- GULZARILAL NANDA Ouster Exhorted Of Grade System to offenders serving) TORONTO (CP)--The pres-)their education. The Mahoneys in numerous|ent system of grading inj have nine children. Other briefs presented to the committee Monday asked for uniformity of education across Canada, and the abolition of Grade 13 in Ontario but reten- tion of the material now taught in that grade. The independent committee was established by the provin- cial government. light sentences stitutions. students allowed to progress at He said he is particularly con-|their own rate the committee cerned about the "'lack of com-|on aims and objectives of edu- munication" between peniten-|cation in Ontario was told tiaries officials in the justice de-| Monday. partment. and the "best in-| Barry Lowes newly elected formed professional people" in| chairman of the Toronto board the corrections field. of education also told the com- Dr. Robarts also criticized the| mittee that gradeless schools federal health department for|as they now are understood, not being more active in im-|have been tried in many parts N. A. Sweetman, superinten- dent of Toronto elementary | schools, said he thought the HEAT WITH OIL Zambian Oil-Lift |A 'New Look' Flames Claim public is ready for gradeless | schools but that some parents 'DIXON'S OIL }and teachers might not be. Dr. and Mrs. Leo J, Mahoney} of Toronto suggested in a pri- vate brief that the province pay '3 : "-|school grants to parents di- and neighboring Doughty M-c| yectly rather than to boards of| Mr. Swadron, who studied the| Farlane Co, feed mill here Mon-| : Of legislation for the association, | day night. esc mana i is ,they said, told: the 125 psychiatrists from| Fire Chief Arnold Quillan off ond enable parents to send) across Canada that all prov-|Guelph was treated in hospital) (yoda to schools. of their) inces should adopt -similar|for an eye injury but later re-| noice _8nd_pay directly _for 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER '50 YEARS Thankless Task FF or Kremlin lBranch, New Toronto, Mimico,|real, the royal commissioner' Scotia. iSwansea, Weston, Forest Hill|who recommended a four-city) Jn Ontario, for instance, & LUSAKA (CP)--RCAF Her-|daily each way between here cules aircraft continued to carry|and, Salisbury -- are refuelling land Leaside, Metro after two years of study, person could be committed to gasoline'into Zambia Monday on/here could not be confirmed or 2 3 CITY OF OSHAWA ' ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT a DRAFTSMAN Drafting, tracing of pians, loyout, work with architecturel drawings. Keep land value maps and municipal plon sheets up to dote, 4 Knowledge of assessment procedures would be an asset, Opportunity to advance in Assessment Deportment, Full High School including fundamentals of drofting. Applications close 5:00 p.m., Jonuary 19th, 1966. Applicants to give full details of education, experience, age, etc., to PERSONNEL OFFICER, City Hall Oshawa, Ontario. i dl | An equalized school tax levy|Was not displeased with the), mental hospital for life or Plant And Mill lwitl be instituted across Metro-|government's proposal. He said/igng periods purely on the politan Toronto but each of the jit took into consideration the|<trength of certificates. signed) "GUELPH (CP) -- oe Le} j n 1 omac junder a powerful Metro board.|forced to ignore. | The decision on Metro's fu-| eed ~etrega rp of 'the s 4 cat y blic amid a|municipalities is due to take two round-trips in the airlift) denied By WILLIAM I AN ture was made pu latfert J 1987 from Leopoldville, capital of} But RAF Air Commodore Ian r vom ---- buzz--but not a clamor--of lo-jeffect Jan. 1, 1067 The Congo. McDougall, airlift commander,|. The Russians have been cook- pal. Affairs Minister Wilfridjon the Metropolitan council, but Ree ee | a s : A : i q ,es\the suburbs will have 20 instead ccs RIVE Loss was éstimated at $25,000) for their contribution to an air-| bury might refuel here some-|Proof of that pudding is still a oe ged re of 12--one ton each seuihict: bine ae va Scotia and|to the Skov plant a ns el life designed to replace petro-|times. Otherwise Rhodesia| Come. | : |pality--as before h ie lage re wake Rianne . Mor | spokesman said. Skoy manufac-| leum supplies cut off by the| might cut off all airline service) Kremlin diplomacy seems cen-- REJECT PROPOSALS | ; the four western provinces rebel white minority regime in| with Lusaka and Zambia prob-|tred on removing threats to [reiovind poner for rye an eee to three years from two! and decide whether they are| McFarlane loss was available. ' 1 : ' algamation of Metro's 13 muni-|--one of the recommendations| " 5 i | i sai i The Times of Zambia, for in-} Despite economic sanctions} Success or failure may depend|cipalities and shrugged off a}made by Mr. Goldenberg. Mr ree for. release OF Lslccpinie!| Firemen ' sald. they believed | - stance, complained that th ~Land-official ility di ak : " yee fie 8 they need more care. the fire started in one of the) mplained e air-| and official hostility directed to-| upon establishing dominant in-|royal commission recommenda-|Spooner said the government is) ,, , Het dt Prat storeys of the brick Skov peeeneetion don i ogiven far wanda Bhotosia travel potwoan fluence in North Viet Nam. If a/tion for a four-city system. --_| considering making it permis-|, ganendent Soares oriaaw {o| plant. The fire spread in a few e ere and Salisbury e i issi i i ! iv icipaliti . i Pathe at g | ry is heavy and/current Soviet mission to Hanoi) Liberal Leader Andrew) sive for municipalities across consider contentious cases, to| hours to the limestone feed mill. | ate ter the -- voc a to the Rhodesian| little hope of anyting but con-|"'worst sort of political compro-|three years. s} ge when expressed in) capital. tinued war in Indochina and\mise." He predicted that the} The Metro council! will take " : | af ' ' } nee, ast a gee spose ag = -- of the oil air-| tense Soviet-American relations|Metropolitan area, with a pop-|over welfare services, ambu- it ese ppp sohersc Pech al Sone ni inane hind ress e amoun is s ing| --whi ; icu-|uiati ; iat italized agains eir W 3 § a y p ife is that the planes taking|--which at the present particu-|uiation approaching 2,000,000\lance services and waste dis- Lecamnetent to manage their af-| gus Elora and Rockwood. | fairs. No more rights than nec-| four Hercules had transported) The RCAF lift had encoun- i 4 f , Recent Soviet activ sug-|!and,"" because the proposals) municipal services may be ne- 108,856 gallons in 2,474 barrels| tered only one mechanical fault) |. . ' bk h sapbied dein' disregarded the planning. |gotiated with the city and the to = an Ndola from Leo-| affecting a flight up to a Laagstgetohyery mae let aesn Donald C. MacDonald, the boroughs In another address, Dr. C. A oldville. e nine British andj Fail , ic ' y tii catbtst crises ncaa lieu aalghaaesiniainnaneal eimai a s ; | Pp ailure of a hydraulic SOND! a vesnmant chiefs as if they| Roberts, associate professor of six new municipalities will have|Political facts of life that he, hy two psychiatrists at the time ' : its own school board operating|aS @ royal commissioner, WaS' of the patient's admission. steoyed the Gkay iasnes <¢: ical politicians Monday by Pre-| The City of Toronto will con But the Canadians are getting] said Monday it is entirely pos- ing up a spicy diplomatic pud-| mier John Robarts and Munici-| tinue to have 12 representatives little or no thanks in Zambia|sible that planes in from Salis-| ing full of possibilities but the| : agi Terms of office of councillors requiring hospital psychiatrists | tured plastic containers. ; : : ' n announcing the plan, they|and school trustees will be ex- ' e | i 7 neighboring Rhodesia. ably could not arrange a sery-| peace on the Soviet doorstep in ~ ? s will be ex-/to examine all patients often) No estimate of the Doughty | The motoring columnist for) ice on its own. | Asia. the motoring public, one has to wait days f la vi i i | one days for a plane| should be rebuffed there will be|\ Thompson branded it the/Ontario to extend terms to protect the civil rights of pa-| The entire 70-man Guelph fire) tients. department was at the scene) "hy Geek 'ara nest _ a ---- traffic] larly may not be in the national| would continue to "grow like alposal from the municipalities . , the AF's| control centre at Salisbury. interests of either great yver.,cancer, eating u ecious|C s i inis 4 power e g up pr us|Changes in administration Of essary should be taken from the| | individual." one American planes lifting fuel from East African ports Sunday forced Fit. Lt. Hugh Kin a had|of Edmonton and his crew to brought in 166.552 gallons by the| stay here overnight. A pump same time. Six British Britan-| was flown in from Leopoldville nias will soon join the airlift to raise the delivery rate on the East African route. | CARS STILL USED There is no doubt there is a on a fuel flight Monday. McDougall said in an inter-| view that an urgent need is a voice radio link with the Cana- dians in Leopoldviile. He now gasoline shortage here but it is|has to send messages on airlift not immediately apparent to the visitor. All weekend the parking lot of the swank Ridgeway Hote! was jammed with cars of per- sons attending a dinner-dance or having Sunday dinner. A rumor current among the Canadians that planes from| Rhodesia--there are two flights' planes McDougall said he could not estimate how long the lift would last but oil would soon be reaching Zambia in quantity overland. However the airlift might carry other essential goods even after Zambia's oil needs are met he said | Bank Act Revamp Slowed By Constitution Problems OTTAW A(CP)--Government policy - makers and legal ex- perts are reported to be wrestl- ing with a constitutional prob- lem in deciding how to imple- ment some recommendations of the Porter royal commission on banking and finance. The commission headed by Chief Justice Dana Porter of} Ontario recommended that all obligations deposit-taking institutions such as the trust companies be brought under federal banking} legislation along with the eight chartered banks now covered ternal regulation and organiza-|to a conference table by the Bank Act giving them a degree of pres- tige and guaranteed solidarity in the eyes of their depositors and clients. = Sources, saying final decis- ions have not been made on the policy questions yet, were un- able to say whether the trust companies would be permitted or required to assume all the of the chartered banks if Bank Act authority were opened to them on a vol-| untary basis. | The Bank Act covers the in- tion of the banks, the auditing might be laying their leadership on the line. Premier Alexei N. Kosygin scored a coup at Tashkent where he persuaded the Indians and Pakistanis at least to talk about peaceful relations. Presi- dent Johnson has welcomed the result but it is likely to enrage the Chinese. KITCHENER, Ont Coroner Dr. C, C. Belyea Mon-| Inquest Ordered In Death Of Inmate At Reformatory the reformatory and had bee psychiatry at the University of Toronto, criticized federal plans to build four maximum secur- ity penitentiaries for hardened criminals. The first one is un- der construction near Montreal. He said the plans constitute} an extreme approach. ". . there have been proposals for (CP) --jher son had been in a@ fight at/the most physically restricted| Ni and psychologically damaging IS YOUR DRINK, Ras |day ordered an inquest into the | beaten. Wid Reon death of Anatol Chomenko, 20,) 'This seas iin : ' 3 an inmate at Guelph Reforma-| death," Party chiet Leonid Brezhnev 10 fry who died Dec. 5 in hospital been contesting Moscow for in-| ory fluence in that Communist puf-|® Aa : Chomenko's father, er betw J i a me USSR, and) action hand on the Ontario) prison people did not move our . Northland Railway, sent tele-|son to the hospital sooner." CLASH IN CUBA grams to Prime Minister. Pear- Reformatory Superintendent The Russians appear to have|son and Justice Minister Lucien|Charles Sanderson said, Mon- clashed hedd-on with the Chi- Cardin seeking an investigation day he thought Chomenko left| nese in Cuba and to have won into his son's death. _ (the prison with a tumor on his} the upper hand at the so-called) Mr. Chomenko claims his son lung "and a heart condition| tricontinental anti - imperialist) was admitted to hospital Nov.|developed during the oper- conference there. 28. The first he heard of Anatol' ation." | All this provokes speculation| being ill was when he tele-| je denied any knowledge of that the present Soviet leader- phoned from the hospital. | chomenko's alleged fight, but! ship has little hope of reconcili-| Reform Institutions Minister | said: ation with Peking and now is! Allan Grossman of Ontario says) «Tittle things happen from| trying to lessen the dangers that he hasn't heard of the case,|qay to day and you can't keep Chinese policies may pose for) "but if there is a charge made, | track of them all But I Soviet interests. then we will investigate it." can assure you nothing hap- The biggest hurdles may still, M*S- Chomenko said Monday jened to him, if there was a be ahead for Soviet diplomacy. fight, to contribute to his The North Vietnamese regime} death." has appeared to be dominated) Chrysler Sets | Dr. Belyea called the by pro-Chinese elements. Should) |for Jan. 21 in Kitchener. | ' | Chomenko was serving one| ecor n |year definite and one year in- Soviet influence be rebuffed, the} determinate for car theft WINDSOR, Ont sm detention centres one could im-| agine."' | At the other extreme, the fed-| have sent Ses headed a y may have caused his she said. She added her son suffered after undergoing lung sur-|pneiimonia twice while at the) reformatory "and my husband | Peter, ajis trying to find out why the! team inquest 22 725-0560 15 CHURCH STREET And there are still other prob-/it THEN OODS If WOOD'S OLD NAVY IS YOUR RUM Make no mistake about it: Wood's Old Navy Is every bita man's rum. It's dark and mellow, rugged and robust, a blend of the world's finest rums (many as old as 9 years). Next time get all the real, full-bodied flavour you expect and deserve from a rum. Next time try Wood's Old Navy. roduction figures in 1965. President R. W. Todgham said 138,111 cars and trucks But legal experts have ques- of their accounts, the issuance| lems. The Russians are unlikely) p tioned whether this can be done! of capital stock and payment of|to want to make things easier by the federal Parliament since | dividends, and how they are to| for the U.S. in Asia without reci-| 4-0 1 to 5 year G.1.C.'s some of the trust companies are incorporated under provin- cial law. Other trust companies are incorporated by special acts of the federal Parliament An informant said Monday that one of the ways out of the Jegal conondrum being consid-! ered is to make it possible but -cal | % not mandatory for the so-called| 4 Canada exercises its mon-| "0? "near banks" to come under federal banking law In this. way, a provincially incorporated trust comnany might ask for a federal certifi- cate of inspection and, in order to obtain one, agreed to abide by federal banking Jaw. Such a} company could then advertise | the fact that it is federally- inspected and adheres to fed- eral law, even though remain- ing a legal creature of a pro-| vincial government | GIVE PRESTIGE An authority here said that such a procedure might be at- be wound up in case of amal- gamation or insolvency. It also requires the banks to keep a percentage -- currently eight per cent--of their Cana- dian dollar deposit liabilities in {cash and 6n deposit with the Bank of Canada. By influencing | their cash $reserves, the Bank etary policy control the total money supply. What over changes. will be pro posed as a result of current thinking will be revealed in amendments to the Bank Act due to be submitted to the new parliamentary session which) opens next Tuesday. Good Nemes To Remember When Buying or Selling REAL ESTATE Reg. Aker---Presiaent Bill MeFeeters--Vice Pres Schofield-Aker Ltd. 723-2265 Kremlin would be powerless to (CP)--Chrys- | = create a climate in which the| Viet Nam war might be brought ler of Canada Monday reported achieved record sales and Savings accounts Paid and compounded procity on the West German. were delivered to dealers across | question. Canada, an increase of 18 per What the Russians seem to cent over the previous record want above all is assurance|set in 1964. that there will be no West Ger-| Production, including export, man finger on the nuclear weap-|totalled 153,166 compared with ons trigger. Given such assur-|117,811 in 1964. ance they hint they might be| Employment now stands at) willing to discuss a treaty of|nearly 13,500, compared with proliferation of nuclear| 10 200 a year ago and 6,150 two lyears ago, Mr. Todgham said.| AY% * Investment Funds quarterly : * Estate Planning arms. * Executors & Trustees POUNTAINHEAR OF SERVICE Open Friday Nights end All Day Saturday Why Pay More... SAVE!! 1 6 C ON PREMIUM QUALITY FUEL OIL gal. Phone . 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa -- Whitby & Ajox Districts Centra Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation 19 Simeoe Street North 23 King Street West 723-3221 623-2527 Oshawe Bowmanville tractive to the trust companies,/ eens

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