Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1966, p. 1

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Home Newspaper (Ot Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmen villa Ajax, Pickerina "ang 'neiahboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties. VOL. 95 -- NO. 8 re Belivered OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1966 Weather Report Clear and very cold today ana tonight. cloudy "and am wednesday night, 0. High tomorrow, Authorized os Second Class Mail Post Office Ottaw 1a and for payment of Postage in Cash. SIXTEEN PAGES PRIME MINISTER SHASTRI -- IN 1963 Canada Leaders Express Regret OTTAWA (CP) -- External LAGOS (Reuters) -- Prime ' Affairs Minister Paul Martin His Triumphal From Reuters-AP a heart attack only hours after | NEW DELHI (CP)--The bé@dy|an Indo-Pakistani summit meet-| of Prime Minister Lal Bahadur |ing in Tashkent agreed to shun | Shastri, who died early today in| war as a means of settling dis- the Soviet city of Tashkent, re-| putes. ; i turned here to an India whose; Six generals carried the coffin prepared hero's welcome turned on their shoulders from a spe-| into grief and mourning. cial Soviet aircraft. It was borne} A joyous welcome had beenjon a gun carriage on the final | prepared for the diminutive 61-| journey to Shastri's bungalow} year-old Shastri before ews | where the body will lie in state | was received of his death from|before cremation Wednesday. | United Nation Greets Nanda By CONRAD FINK NEW DELHI (AP)--Lal Ba- hadur Shastri's successor has one advantage Shastri lacked when he became prime minis- ter of India, The country is United as never before in re- cent years. The war with Pakistan and the constant battle against eco- nomic misery has given India a new spirit that should help smooth the way for the coun- try's new leader, Gulzarilal Nanda. When Shastri succeeded Ja- waharilal Nehru in June 1964, trouble was breaking out every~- where, Language riots swept the south. Separatist tendencies | | } Return. Turned Into Mourning About 6,000 soldiers, sailors and airmen lined the route from Delhi airport. President Saravpalli Radha- krishnan, newly sworn-in Prime Minister Gulzarilal Nanda and members of his interim govern- ment were among thousands who thronged the airport. Thou- sands more lined the seven-mile route into the capital. WILL KEEP PACT Meanwhile, India's new prime minister promised today to carry through the agreement with Pakistan his fallen prede- cessor had hammered cut, Shastri had governed this troubled land of 460,000,000 peo- ple for 19 stormy months after the death of Jawaharlal Nehru. The 5-foot-2, 110-pound prime minister had" signed a limited peace pact Monday in Tashkent with Pakistani President Ayub Khan, agreeing to pull their forces back from territory seized during the September) war between India and Pakis-} tan. Nanda, in a nationwide broad- cast, said Shastri died "after successfully concluding a mighty effort for peace -- we | INDIA WEEPS ia SOVIET PREMIER AL- EXEI Kosygin, left, and Pakistan's President Ayub Khan carry casket of Ind- ' SHASTRI ia's Prime Minister Lal Balh- adur Shastri to plane at Tashkent airport today for return to New Delhi. Shas- tri died in the Soviet Asian city earlier in the day of a heart attack after atten- ding the final session of a peace conference with Ayub Khan and Kosygin. This pic- ture is from the Soviet ag- ency Tass. AP) shall honor the agreement he made and implement it faith- fully." A. Soviet plane bore the re- mains of the humble-born little leader across the Hindi Kush to India's dusty helped carry Shastri's coffin to Minister Pearson of Canada said today he has learned of the death of Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri of India "with shock and regret." When told of the Indian lead- pees ~on Nigeria said: - "T receive with shock and regret the news of the death of Prime Minister Shastri with whom I have had the honor of friendship. He will be greatly missed especially by his Com- -- colleagues meeting ere." OTTAWA (CP)--The death of Prime Minister Shastri is a tragic loss for India Governor- said Monday night he was "deeply shocked by the death in Tashkent of Indian Prime Minister Shastri. "His death is all the more. said Mr. Martin acting prime minister of Canada. Mr, Martin said the Canadian government and people offer heartfelt condolences to the In- dian government people and sg late prime minister's fam- ily. Canada had cherished memories of Mr. Shastri's visit| here last' June. Since taking| Office in June 1964 Mr. Shastri flamed in other sections. The the plane in the Soviet Asian nation's chief unifying force, the ruling Congress party, vas splitting into factions. | Because he belonged to no} faction, Shastri was acceptable to all. A ese he Poo gained a reputation for - ness and conciliation in years of quiet but solid"party work. Shastri had a tough time at first, barely putting down one} trouble before another flared} up. But gradually he gained} real, as well as paper, power) and led India with firmness. | It was not until he showe steel as a leader in war, how-| ever, that Shastri was accepted| by the public. And not until) India's war with Pakistan in PRIME MINISTER NANDA is to continue as prime minis- ter. In India's parliamentary democracy, the ruling party's inembers of Parifament elect a leader who then is asked by the president to form a new govern-| ment. Nanda, home minister in Shastri's cabinet, is a stern, as- cetic man who has characteris- tics that have made him un- popular in some sections of his party. Like many Indians, he regu- General Vanier said Monday night in a message to the pres- ident of India. had won the respect and affec- jtion of statesmen around the} Text of his message: j world, : | "I was profoundly shocked in| "It was not an easy time to hearing of the untimely death|be prime minister of the of Prime Minister Shastri. | dete L.apeik-on beball of world's most populous gist | all Canadians in sending you|'@°Y tig Martin said. "He and the peopie of india deepest) ¥*v4s" sympathy on the tragic loss."|fortitude and courage." September did he pull India to-| larly consults astrologers, gether. He has led anti - corruption campaigns which have not GAINS RESPECT ended corraption but have made After the September war, it)mary enemies. for him. was said in New Delhi: "He! As home minister, Nanda was | will be prime minister as long) ghastri's No. 1 'Communist He ordered more jailed last year, as he lives." | watcher." His successor Nanda, prob-|than 1,000 ¢ to~his work humility, ably will submit to a party| charging that they were piotiing| Minister Paul Martin sai election soon to determine if he! revolt. PM's Role Vital To Shape Rhodesian Outcome hina Mum On LAGOS (CP) -- Canada was| The conference, bringing to- One At Parley a unilateral proclamation of in-| sufficient action to end the re- | bellion. city. Kosygin left shortly after to attend the funeral, and Ayub returned to Rawalpindi, the Pakistani capital. Shastri's body will be cre- mated beside the sacred Jumna River in New Delhi. The Queen sent Earl Mount-| batten, last viceroy and _ first governor-general of India, to represent her at the funeral. | Vice-President Hubert Humph- rey and State Secretary Dean Rusk will represent the U.S. Tributes to Shastri poured in from many parts of the world. | Prime Minister Pearson, in |Lagos for the Commonwealth jprime ministers conference, |said: 'I receive with shock and |regret the news of the death of |Prime Minister Shastri, with |whom I have had the honor of \friendship. He will be greatly | missed, especially by his Com- |monwealth colleagues meeting | here." In Ottawa, External Affairs ta Cha a £- \tri's death 'is aii the more| tragic as it came just as he and lthe president of Pakistan had |begun relations on a new and | more hopeful course." SEE THE DEATH (Continued On Page 2) A BABY ARRIVES BY BIKE NEW YORK (AP) -- Austin and Jo Ann Scott got going Monday despite the subway strike when she said she was expecting her third child any minute, They travelled «seven miles from their home in Brooklyn ' to a hospital in Manhattan--on a bicycle. They turned to their bicycles after being blocked in their car during the morning rush hour, When Jo Ann reached the hospital, she was offered a wheel chair. "But I don't need it," she protested. "I just rode in from Brooklyn on a bicycle." Jo Ann gave birth to seven- pound, eight-ounce Stephanie Diane. Both are doing fine. Scott is a reporter for the Associated Press. Uur food is er than we are. We walked to work. The food came by truck." Howard Serlin, a professor at Manhattan Community Col- lege, is spending $16.70 each day of the strike to get to work, but he calls it "well worth it." He drives from Brooklyn to Kennedy Airport, in Queens; and then takes a helicopter to NEW YORK (AP) _ New| striking transit unions were asked to give their reaction to- means of settling New York's) transit crisis are being explored under a get-tough policy laid down by Mayor John V. Lind- say. The Transit Authority and the | day to proposals suggested by Lindsay for ending the tieup. In a biting statement Monday, Lindsay told the city's media- tors to take stern measures to SIU Charges OTTAWA (CP) -- The Sea- farers International Union of Canada (Ind.) claims it is be- ing harassed by the RCMP and by Montreal courts. The claim is contained in a notice the union filed Monday with the Supreme Court. The union is. seeking leave to appeal decisions by Quebec courts which allowed the Moun- ties to search SIU headquarters in Montreal last August. The motion will be heard Jan. 25, . Tt ind time in jess ifan year the has come to union headquarters armed with a search warrant, the SIU said. About 1,000 docu- ments were taken on its first visit, the union says. The third search "was an abuse of judicial process and unjustified harassment of the union," the SIU notice said. Judge Emile Trottier of the court of sessions -of the peace issued the August search war- rant at the request of the maAaen nUmM6r Harassment By RCMP, Montreal Courts of union headquarters would re- veal evidence that former SIU president Hal Banks had falsi- fied accounts or had them falsi- fied 'for the purpose of com- mitting the crime of theft of money between Jan. 1, 1955, and March 31, 1964." REJECT APPEAL After the warrant had been carried out, the union appealed Judge Trottier's decision to the Court of Queen's Bench which rejected the appeal in a judg- ment last month, The union said that the an. peal court erred when it de- cided that the federal govern- ment's Union Trusteeship Act or the whole of the federal trus- tees over the union's activities "could cure an otherwise defec- tive information or warrant." In fact, said the ynion, the trustees have approved the un- ion decision to bring the mat- ter before the courts, Lindsay Hard-Line Just Angers Union end the strike by the bus and subway workers, now in its llth day. Lindsay's proposals were ar- grily brushed aside by Douglas L. MacMahon, chief negotiator for the striking AFL-CIO Trans- port Workers Union. _ In the early hours of ne- ties again ended without agreement..'The mediators told the Transit Authority and the un ions to come back later ready to give their ideas about Lindsay's suggestions. Here is what the mayor rec- ommended as alternatives to a negotiated settlement: That the mediators make spe- cific recommendations for a sete tlement that a fact-finding com- mission be appointed to study, the dispute and make recome mendations; or that new proce+ dures be adopted, such as ad- visory or binding arbitration. Lindsay coupled the last two alternatives with a recommen- dation that the strikers return te work pending final settlement. Lindsay called the walkout an iliegai sirike. The 34,400 workers walked off the job at 5 a.m. New Year's Day--just five hours after Lind- say took office as the city's first Republican mayor in 20 years. In other developments, a rec- ord number of automobiles en- tered Manhattan Monday and members of the TWU and the Amalgamated Transit Union picketed city hall. 'Shastri's Death PEKING (Reuters)--China to- | day refrained from comment on |' in Accra, Ghana's capital, lune mae aise til a dense fog covering Lagos| 4 spokesman for the foreign expected to play an important] gether representatives of 19 of| dependence Nov. 11. role st the Commonwealth the 22 Commonwealth coun-| Economic sanctions hav e| The meeting between the two prime ministers' conference) tries, was called by Brime Min-|peen imposed by Britain and|men had not been scheduled. opening today in an attempt tojister Sir Abubakar Tafawa Ba-| supported by other countries, in-| Pearson's plane had to put down find a solution to the Rhode-|lewa of Nigeria to study ways| cluding Canada, in an effort to| sian crisis. jto bring an end to the Rhode-|topple the rebel regime. Prime Minister Pearson ar- Manhattan. RCMP. In applying for the search warrant, the RCMP said it had reason to believe that a search NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Michener, Nicholson To Shastri Funeral Minister J. R. Nicholson and, gua vine ro cee |sian crisis, which is considered| rived Sunday amid riots in this.a menace to Commonwealth Nigerian capital, and riot po-| unity. lice were in action again Mon-| seus day as Commonwealth leaders) The talks started exactly two continued to arrive for the two-| months after the white-minority' day meeting. |government of Rhodesia issued SOME MEETING OF COMBATANTS st wei. "ON" | CIA Chief Answers Today | SUPPORTS NEGROES | Canada has consistently ex- pressed support for the aspira- tions of Africa's Negro popula- tions. Pearson held meetings Monday with some of the Afri- can resentment of Britain's tac- The fear that the conference will serve only as a platform from which the African leaders can launch an all-out attack on cleared away. ministry also declined to talk Informed of the Canadian | about the India-Pakistan agree- | prime minister's arrival about}/ment in Tashkent, U.S.S.R., 7 a.m. Sunday, Nkrumah met|which Shastri concluded Mon- | Pearson in the presidential suite|day hours before his heart at-| of Ghana's picturesque Govern-| tack. | jment House near the airport. | Shastri had been a repeated | No statement was issued fol-| target of Chinese criticism, par- | lowing the meeting, but there| ticularly hentia Poy pood Tn | hi | dia-Pakistan fighting and over| is no doubt they spoke about) incidents along the Sino-Indian| Nkrumah's reasons for remain-| porder. ing away from the conference. | His death came too late for| Britian does not appear to be Before returning to the plane, | today's Peking papers which, to- Pearson and his delegation| gether with the Chiffese radio, | were invited to take a fast trip| have so far i ed the Tash- t. kent agr Armed Men Grab, Kidnap -Policeman NORWOOD, Ont. (CP)--Three armed and masked men kid- napped a provincial police con- stable, handcuffed him and stole his gun, parka, badge and po- lice cruiser here Monday. The car was later recovered jin Peterborough, 18 miles west To Hanoi-Contact Queries i: 2:2" = 2" gus Sot WASHINGTON (AP)--A con-jhave not yet given any signifi- gressional panel today questions| cant response through diploma- CIA Director William F. Raborn| tic channels, it was stated. Pub- on the newly-announced direct) licly; they continue to berate the U.S. diplomatic contact with Ha-| United States as the aggressor | in Viet Nam. The U.S. - North Vietnamese meeting was said to have oc- curred some time ago. John- son's current peace campaign began Dec. 24 with the halt in air strikes against North iet Nam targets. Hanoi's receipt of the U.S. communication this time--dur- noi. The Central Intelligence Agency chief was to brief a joint subcommittee on the CIA at mid-afternoon on the Johnson administration's Viet Nam peace) offensive. Presidential Press Secretary Bill D. Moyers . disclosed the U.S.-North Vietnamese contact late Monday but refused to tell| ing last May's bombing pause it} more--including how, when orjrefused a U.S, message sent prhere it came about. | through the British--was not re- It was learned that a U.S. dip-| garded as significant here pend- lomat met for a few minutes] ing a reply from the North Viet- with a Hanoi representative and| namese capital. handed him a message concern-| Administration sources said ing U.S. proposals for peace in| the direct contact. disclosure did} Viet Nam. not signify a change in the im- Johnson has offered uncondi-| mediate diplomatic or military| pate in the conference because|@ Negro vote-registration drive jhe thinks Britain has taken in- tional discussions. To this Hanoij situation. ,) i. } \This fear is the reason why| |Prime Minister Sir Rober t] |Menzies of Australia decided ;not to participate. | In Canadian circles, the Rho- desian crisis is considered one of the gravest ever to face the Negro Rights Leader Slain Commonwealth. 2 | HATTIESBURG, Miss. (AP) Commonwealth Secretary -} ; ri ; ; 2». |A Negro civil rights leader died General Arnold Smith of Can-| hospital Monday of burns ada said the conference is "not|!" ; in a pre-dawn fire- a confrontatio 7 ,,| suffered tion on ays to he the Becks: bomb attack that destroyed his sian rebellion." home and tiny store. Vernon Dahmer, 58, was PEARSON HOPEFUL | burned, along with his wife and Pearson is said to be optimis-| 10-year-old daughter, while flee- tic about the chances of eco-| ing the fire that destroyed their nomic sanctions eventually|four-bedroom frame home near , |sawed-off shotgun at the officer, | bringing results, Before reaching Lagos \day Pearson met President Nkrumah of Ghana, who turned down an invitation to partici- Sun-| | here, The attack came one day after Dahmer was described in a radio broadcast as leader of a UST BEFORE DEATH of Norwood, after the constable freed himself and telephoned police from a farmhouse. The incident occurred about 3 p.m., police said, after Con- stable E. C. Stacey of the Camp- bellford detachment flagged down a car cruising suspici- ously around a bank. One of the men pointed a forced him into the back seat of the car and removed his parka and gear. TAKES CLOTHES Police said that while the man with the shotgun held the OTTAWA (CP) -- Labor Roland Michener, Canadian high commissioner to India, will represent Canada at the New Delhi funeral Wednesday - of Prime Minster Shastri of India act,ing prime minister Martin announced today. Nancy Greene Second By Part-Second GRINDELWALD Switzerland (CP)--Marielle Goitschel. of France won a special slalom today in the Ladies' Inter- national Ski Meet here barely edging Canada's Nancy' Greene, Miss Goitschel ,20-year-old Olympic champion, dipped and weaved down the two runs for a total time of one minute, 28.69 seonds. Miss Greene, 22, rfom Rossland B.C. had a.total time of 1:28.84, Senator Resigned Monday, Died Today YARMOUTH, N.S. (CP) -- Senator J. Willie Comeau, 89, one of Canada's oldest practising politicans, died in hos- pital here today following a brief illness. On Monday, he had submitted his resignation to the governor-general. Sen- ator Comeau was taken to hospital about two weeks ago with an undisclosed ailment, He had planned to attend the next session of Parliament. constable in the back seat, an-|= other man got. into the police man's clothes. and went to the|~ police cruiser. Both cars were driven out of }|town to a dump seven miles east of Peterborough. | The men, all wearing stock-| ing masks, got out of the cars, handcuffed the constable to the steering wheel of their car and drove off-in. the police cruiser. Constable Stacey freed him-|= self at 5:30 p.m. and called po- lice. The cruiser was found in| front of St. Joseph's Hospital in Peterborough at 9 p.m. Police were still. looking for the three: men. U ...In THE TIMES today ... Two Killed In Pickering Car Crash -- P; 9 Separate School Chairman's Inaugral Address -- P. S$ Crushmen Drop 2-0 Contest -- P. 6 : Ann Landers -- 10 City News -- 9 Classified -- 12,13, 14 Comics -- 15 Editorial -- 4 Financial -- 16 Obits -- 17 Spor 6,7 Theatre -- 12 Whitby News -- 5 Women's -- 10, 11

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