CANADIAN POWER PLANT FOR INDIA A virtual duplicate of Canada's Douglas Point nu- clear power station on Lake Huron is being built on the ©Chiambal River in India's in- terior, When the plant (above) is completed it will be the keystone in a huge project to bring irrigation and power to a now desolate area. It is the second reac- tor to be built in India {16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, January 11, 1966 | under joint agreement be- tween India and Canada. -CP Photo Practical Approach Take | with the chaos of Lagos, the Ni-| ws | gerian capital--which, however, {is completely under African con- trol. aMrenNniy. OO £X7 wean Ma TORONTO 10:40°A.M. STOCKS Distributed by CP Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan. 11 | Quotations in cents unless marked $. z---Odd jot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale. INDUSTRIALS 10:40 Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge) 2527 $12¥2 124 1\2%e-- Ve 125 $394 3% W% 275 $10Ve 10Ve 10% 100 660 660 112 $66 5532 $36 100 $246 $13¥2 $492 a* ae iRKE T 50 $2514 25% West Row? 198. Weodwd A 25% +1 Acad Uran | 525 = 5 Advocate Aetna Inv All Pitch AAm Moly Ang Ruyn Ang U Dev Ansil Area Arion Armore A Arcadia Argosy Atl C Cop Bankeno Bnkfld Baska Bethim Bidcop BL Hawk 9 162 250 --) 4 he ul Stock 162 ba Va} Abitibi 84 «682 «(82 We We Ie 7 97) (F424 660 | 24 24a Ua -- V2 6534 65% -- Va} Ss + 2 35% 36 + 12) 24Y_ 240 -- Ve 13% 1314 + Ve V2 Mia + 4 22 232--,Va 2634 26% 222 SS 58 162 «161 «141 2' B@ B 252 24 1642 16 Atl Sugar Atl Sug A Bank Mont Bank NS Bartaco Bath PA Beav Lum Beil Phone Bicks Bow Vaiey Bow Val w Brazil BA O Camp Chib Cc. Tung ¢c obit C Jamiesn it ae ae Keely BC F andore BC Aire Canrte a 34 +1 BC Phone Captain M2 42 +1% Brooke pr Cassiar 4% 15. + Ve Bulolo * Chester 21% 22% +1 Burns Chib M 7 7 = CAE Chimo 165 (165 Coch will 4200 AD mm Coin Lake +1 Coni +" a ham Ve 4 Uae Ind Con Gillles ¢ Halli < Mogul © Morrisn Mosher Con Nichol € Rambier Cop Corp Cop Fields Cop Man Courvan Cowich Craigmt Cstland Croinor Crowpat D'Elda Denison Donalde Duvan E Amphi East Sull F Orenade Frncoeur Frobex Genex Gnt Masct Giant Yk Goldray Goldrim Gortdrm Granisie Granduc Green Pnt Guif L Gunner C Goldale Cc Hyd Bk $11% 11% W%-- Ve 2 Wr --3%e 10 = %; Cc Westng Chemcell Chrysler Clairtone Clairton w Codville DB na 8 Col. Cel Col Call pe " 13% 4 30 325 75 45° 123 4 232 264 EATON'S | SPOTLIGHT SALE OF SPORTSWEAR | The Ivory Coast presents aj | different picture. Besides the| © French, 3,000 Lebanese are em-| ployed. French and Lebanese in-} Hastings Headway Heath Hollinger Huds Bay 3. 5 am Val 1% 0% 14+ $27% 26% 7% + % $8194 81% Bie + Ve On Ivory Coast To Politics Dom Elect Dofasco By JOSEPH MacSWEEN ABIDJAN (CP)--They tell a story about the deputy who rep-/ The same official said he Tesented part of the Ivory Coast in colonial days. Conscientious he, visited some remote constituents. Hospitable, {should not continue, if it helps |us," was the laconic comment lof a government informant. found it impossible to make a "valid" comparison between the French method of colonization | terests own, control and in large jpart staff the management {levels of industry and com- merce. The people living on a West- jern scale total only 200,000--/~ |French, African and Lebanese, |' : land the British, as exemplified|the prosperous Ivorians of the|. oe | | | they gave him plenty to eat./in sister West African countries| families jwho produce the coffee| | 7. , } Eager to absorb his wisdom, | they ate him. i Difficulties arose, Un- der French law, you can't have a byelection without a body. Nothing could sound more im- probable than that yarn when it is heard in these days in Abid- jan, gleaming city of white, Ivory Coast capital, jewel of} what used to be French West Africa--and stil is, in a way. Any discriminating Parisian would feel. at home prowling about the luxurious Hotel Ivoire, pushing open the doors of one of several bars decorated with gold - inlaid porcelain, gazing from his window at the blondes in their bikinis at the swimming pool. The prices, too, are compara- ble with Paris because this is such as Ghana and Nigeria. "The British accepted and de- veloped countries as they found them," he said. "The French more democratically tried to mix the races--to make French- men of them. "It depends on your point of view." Today both the Ivory Coast and Ghana are one-party states, with apparatus reaching down to village level. Their differ- ences are in approach. Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah--a tribal relative of Houphouet- Boigny -- is secluded behind strict security arrangements, of- ten termed the trappings of a Police state. Houphouet-Boigny also is se- cluded sometimes--he put an advertisement in the newspa- the most prosperous of French- language African countries and perhaps indeed the most. opu- lent, for the people at the top,| of all black Africa. | President F elix Houphouet-| | pers on one occasion stating that he had seen so many for- eign visitors it was impossible for him to get his work done, and would they please desist. But generally Houphouet- Boigny, former minister in the|poigny, who represented the government of Gen. Charles de|tvory Coast in the French Na-| Gaulle, never regarded inde-|tional Assembly from 1945 until] pendence attained in 1960 as a|independence, is accessible to| reason for kicking out the) visiting journalists and others.| French from the Ivory Coast-- just the opposite, as it has turned out. ° The country of 3 or has 30,000 resident French peo-| porter in Africa, rivals Nigeria| $a) FEW IN TOP BRACKET The Ivory Coast, the biggest and cocoa. The remainder of) jthe population--the vast bulk-- | live at subsistence level. | has earned a reputation of ap- proaching problems on a strictly| practical basis, without becom-| ing involved unduly in ideologi-| cal matters, certainly not in the} sense of Ghana, with its Marxist slogans. Thus, while making money} through trade with 'the Euro- pean Common Market thanks to its association with France, it has also sold timber to Britain at the expense of Ghana and increased 10-fold its trade with} }Communist countries in one) 'South Africa Costs High JOHANNESBURG (Reuters)} The South African worker is| worse off than the American) and British worker and he pays relatively more in terms of la- bor for most of the necessities| j | | year. |'ISMS' UNNECESSARY Nevertheless, observers feel 'that Houphouet - Boigny must! |hasten the development of a) trained and educated African) elite if he is to continue to lead) his country from strength to | strength. | A spokesman said words end. | ing in "'ism" are "'strange words} " hem." 'Ivorian progress was |policy and socialism was not needed. Political stability, as achieved 3,500,000 now! coffee producer and timber ex-|in the Ivory Coast, was neces-| that y before there could be eco-|higher standard of living than| Mass-F The Ivory Coast government} | AWARD-WINNER Dr. Neil Bartlett, 33, pro- fessor of chemistry at the University of British Co- lumbia has feceived the $10,000 Research Corpora- tion award for his discovery that "inert" gases can form étable substances. The award is one of North Amer- ica's top scientific honors. in Africa--we can do without|of life, says an analysis by the| \fouth African Boiler - Makers' | due to the president's open-door| Society. | The general secretary of the! society reported: | 'Never let anybody tell you} South Africans enjoy aj ple, more than twice the num-|as a magnet for outside capital.|nomic stability. Investors were| Britons, because we have higher} ber here before independence.| Abidjan, with its tasteful build-|not likely to put money into a) wages and lower. costs. The key government portfolio ofjings and fine housing develop-| tcountry like The Congo, wracked finance 1s held by a Frenchman.| ments, s paced by excellent} by political strife. Will this trend change? ""Phere's no reason why iti change roads and cloverleaf inter The quick brown fox 1s being crowded in the fash- jon field this year. At least seven colors in fox are be- ing shown, This is a fluffy APPROACT cross-fox in a cuddle wrap coat by Lily Dache. The cross is a long-haired pelt somewhat similar to silver but with a reddish tinge. is elegant compared) »| Kwame '| by subversive activities,' The spokesman said that Afri- can unity, the concept of a fed- eration as advocated by Ghana's Nkrumah, must come |from the people in practical things rather than from goveri- ments. One step would come when Ivorians could feel at home visiting neighboring coun- tries such as Ghana The Ivory Coast has more ties with English - language Ghana not only geographically but ethnically than with any other country, said the spokesman. Al- though Houphouet - Boigny and Nkrumah belong to the same ethnic group, "It is not the first time we have seen brothers who }, don't get along." i DRAWS FOREIGN MONEY Nkrumah has frequently been accused of interfering in the af- fairs of his French - language '|neighbors -- and English - lan- | guage neighbors, as far as that 'i goes. ¢ "This tendency is manifested said the spokesman. As soon as this stopped, everything would be all right. In recent years the Ivory Coast became an increasing cen- tre of attention of poorer coun- tries because of its. impressive expansion, balanced budget and large trade surplus. Foreign in- vestment, although still pre- dominantly French, assumed more of an international char- '| acter, ' Some Canadian teachers are serving in the Ivory Coast and 'ithe spokesman indicated his '|government is _ interested i; closer Ivorian - Canadian rela- tions. Canada's only diplomatic mission in French-language: Af- rica now is in Cameroon. "When Canada is represented will be more solid," the Ivory Coast spokesman suggested. | PUBLISH OWN REPORTS New York's American Mu- jseum of Natural History pub- hes more than 2,000,000 words lis log scientific renorts vearly, in} j| here by an ambassador, our ties| "With few exceptions most| jitems in South Africa are, inj jterms of the work required to} | buy them, more expensive than| | overseas. | | "The British worker pays| | more income tax and national | j insurance. But this is more than} loffset by the higher rents paid| }in South Africa. If tax and rent| jare lumped together, the South} |African works an average 57% hours a month to pay for| both, the Briton 524% hours. | "American prices are higher} than the South African. The} American housewife pays 62) cents (South African) for al pound of pork chops and in| South Africa it is 46 cents, But} the American can earn his cents} in 17 minutes while the South African has to work 27 minutes to buy the cheaper chops." Women Admitted 'To Arab Union | CATRO (Reuters) -- Women \for the first time are being {brought into the work of the |Arab Socialist Union, Egypt's only authorized politica) organi- zation. The union's ideology commit- tee is encouraging them to work in such fields as the anti-illiter- acy campaign, 'in which women's efforts- have already |proved useful, | African Dancers |Seen Unique AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) -- A | troupe of African dancers has} jbeen touring New Zealand giv- ing performances in which the men wear little and the women |appear bare-breasted. But off- stage they have shown the {keenest interest in buying New |Zealand woollen knitwear. | All have splurged on woollen} cardigans and sweaters. In one jsmall town they almost .be- isieged the main woollen eal shop and bought up practically itg-entire stock, of} Hu-Pam int Bibis T int Heliun 1 Kenville iron Bay D Glass pr 7" 7% Yaa D Lime w 140 145 140 + 10 137 «135=«4137 2 28 2 2 m5 M5 US + ae 1/ " y 2 -- rete aie 3s Mia UA + 25% 255% + Ve ve ee "a 7 f 44 37 47, Y 16 «115 985 «(975 1 45% -- Va : Fairbnk M Falcon Fam Play Fed Grain Fleet Mig Fraser G Develop GMC 40 42 V6 980 3M % $4 % uu Osu 3. 18 Shore 2 a La Luz $17% 17% Langis Leitch Lorado Louviert Macdon Matlartic Man _ Bar Manok MS Marcon --10| Martin --Va| Mattgm! --¥%| Maybrun McIntyre Mc Adam McKen Mentor Meta Uran Metal Min Midrim Moneta Mt Wright Multl-M Nat Expl Goodyear Godyear p G Mack A G Bahama GL Paper Gt West L Hardee Hard Carp Hard CrpA Hawker §$ Hayes Sti Horne Pf Home A Home B Hur Erie Husky Husky Dw HBC HB Oil Imp Oil imp Tob Kopan t Dufavit Lakehead 38% 34¥2 6Va 26% + % 325 1836 + Ve 185 --~ Ve %e + Ve $13% 13%8 13% 710 710 «(710 sis 15 15 $18% 18 18 $522 52M 524 $14% 14% 14% $23%4 23% tg 10 10%2 + Va} 5 65 65 2 18% 185% 18% 3% Ne 34-1 $95 94a 95 10 110 110 et Oe $8. 295 295 295 12 215 $774 774 77'A 1205 $1014 101 101% 700 31 385 3% 3 90 86% 1000 6% New Ath v5 16¥ 'q New Bid 2605 Ve 200 12 800 4 820 ah 264s Inv Group Inv Grp A TL Ind Jamaic PS dames Stl Jefferson Jeff Bw Jockey C Jock B pr Labatt Lafarge A LOnt Cem LOocem w Lav Fin Lau F é63w Levy Life invwt LobCo A LobCo B L M PR Maher Maher p M Leat MI N_ Senator Nisto Nor Acme Norbeau Norgold Norlartic Norlex Normetal N Bordu N Coidstm N_ Rank Northcal Northgat Nudul Obaska O'Leary Opemska Orchan 510. 510 Osisko 20 52 Paramaq 13% Patino Pce Expl Peerless Perron Pine Point Placer Porc Pay Pow Rou Preston Probe M Purdex QmMi Que Quemont Quorito Ragian Rayrock Rio Algom Rockwin Roman Rowan Cn Ryanor Salem San_ Ant Satellite Sherritt Sil Eureka Silvrfids Silvmaq Si) Miller Siscoe Stanrck Steep R Sullivan Sunburst Teck Corp MEPC Met Stores Melson A Mon Foods Montex Montex w Mont. Loco Nore Morse A Morse Nat Nor CtiG p Nor TarCh Ogilvie Oshawa A Pac Pete Pembina Pow Corp Price Bros QN Gas Reichhid Revelstk R Nodweill Rothman Royal Bnk Stl Cem A Scot YK Selkirk A Seven Arts Shell Can Shell Iw Shop Save Shopper Ct Simpsons SKD Mfg Slater Sti Southam Stly Brock Steel Can Tamblyn Texaco Man 3 3 t $11¥%e li" 11% uv W n 600 232 231 232 120. 120 120 $19%e 192 19% + %| 1 Thom NP TorDm Bk Tower T Find T FinA p Tr Can PL Trans Mt Trans PPL Tru-Wall Turnbull Un Carbid x 2 } Un Gas 305 --110} U Corp B 13 + Ve Versatd 450 + 15) Versatile 19% + Ve Vic G tr Walk GW Weildwod West ind Westcost eésteel W Pacific Weston A Weston B Wstn 44 p z Wstn 6 pr 2t U_ Buffadn UCL Mine Un Keno Urban @ Violam West Mine White Star Wilco Willroy Yukeno Zenmac Zulapa 1025 3300 232950 2500 10500 4315 10800 OILS, 4085 194 194 194 4 4] 9 9 9 1 3% 56 36 Ya] 285 282 2%a+1 | GAS 450 440 450 + 10/ 18 1 18 WS 245 825 825 280 280 280 284 24 + 9 342 33V2 34% 1 WoW Wo 7 $21 20% 20%+ % 295 325 2000 720 200 100 400 102 Aiminex 245 825 CANADA'S ORIGINAL MuTUAL FuND HAS DECLARED ITS 132%" CONSECUTIVE QUARTERLY DIVIDEND 3 CENTS PER SHARE PAYABLE FEB, 1, 1966 TO SHAREHOLDERS OF RECORD JAN, 14 Record 1965 DIVIDENDS TOTALLED 15¢ PER SHARE CASH DIVIDENDS EXCEED $71,000,000 SINCE ORGANIZATION Canadian Investment Fund, Lid. Shaker Knit Wool Crewneck Pullover -- Ordinarily 14.98! With fully fashioned long sleeves makes a great mote for skirts or slims. In blue, beige or grey, sizes 36 to 40, SALE, each SHAKER KNIT CARDIGAN - Ordinarily 16.98! (NOT SKETCHED) Fully foshioned in soft lambswool is also available in blue, grey or beige. Sizes 36 to 42. 9.99 SALE, each ; Serecs WOOL CREPE SKIRT -- Ordinarily 12.98 ! In so. easy a style it's adaptable to day or evening! Panel at back makes for easy walking or dancing, In black only sizes 12 to 18. SALE, each STRETCH SLIMS -- Ordinarily 14.98! In comfortable rayon and nylon stretch fabric with a diogonal weove Side zipper and foot In currant, camel, navy, black and Bristol blue, sizes 10 to 18 regular and 12 to 18 10.99 i toll, SALE, each is ' 4 ree. EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S SPOTLIGHT SALE OF FABRICS CONTINUES TO SAT., JAN. 15th! 45" ONDEZE ARNEL CREPE An interesting pebble-textured Arnel crepe that's crease-resistant and hand washable to help you have. on easier Summer clotheswise! In solid shades of white, ivory, pink, yellow, powder blue. SALE, 45" RAYON-AND-WOOL PRINTS A loosely woven fabric in a hopsack weave that tends to resist crease! All manner of exciting new prints . . . paisleys, geometrics and florals! Predominating shades include blue, green, 2 at tangerine, turquoise, red, yellow, coral and pink. SALE, yard Ld CLEARANCE OF 54" WOOLLENS Thinking seriously of a new Spring outfit? Then look over this wide selection of luxurious wools and blends in the weights for coats and suits! Checks, herringbones, tweeds and novel- 1 ties in shades of pink, brown, blue, green, grey, black and navy, SALE, yard ...... 54" MUNROSPUN WOOL TWEEDS - Reg. 8.95! Heather tweeds from Scotland will lend a highland flair to your wardrobe! Gentle muted tones of beige, gold-colour, brown, willow green, loden, Hunter gfeen, turquoise, powder, periwinkle, royal, teal, scarlet, cherry, cranberry, red, plum. A few plaid effects in the group. SALE, yord 45" PLAIN LINEN-WEAVE SILK An elegant silk in a finen-like weave to add interest to your after-five ensembles! Sophisticated shades of Dior blue, mocha, powder, brown, emerald, jade green, coral, beige, aqua, pink, 4 49 yellow, white, navy ond black. SALE, yerd ...... of bd yord ade e eee eee ee ee teeesereeess EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S Open 9:30 am. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday, Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 p.m.