Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Jan 1966, p. 15

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LFL ABNER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES WOULON'T YOU Lil Ab TMCS a a 1 setera AND ALUES =% COME LooK:- PPE AR ONT... THs COLOR J Gey TELEVISION, ;- indepen + See eat i, Ora fags § YEH, BUT LOOK AT ALL THE GREEN 11D HAVE.TO pes ge NOW YOU RUN ALONG TO BED= I'LL 6TAY UP AWHILE= MA VE © King Feanoray Spent. hoe, 19h Wat ghee reserved Ie, 1964 Wad te meer Sredicwen, MICKEY MOUSE LET'S GO DOWN THE CANYON AND JOIN i ae onkine P| \ iN THIS DIRECTION. 7 BUZ SAWTEN AW STOWED ME AWAY IN THE PLANE, AND All a LABORATORY * hf MS Ths .s. THE LONE RANGER yt: beset. NO! BUT THATS FUNNY 17 WAS BROKEN OFF AT THE SAME ™ SPOT Ss SECRET AGENT X9 DONALD DUCK Hey / I RECOGNIZE THIS STREET, ROB SURIS HOUSE 16 A YOU FALL, YOUR HAND BREAR OFF ATTACKERS SPUR A"THOUSAND: OEPENDING ON WHAT, SIR P «WHEN I GIVE Box! LESSONS' _ ACROSS 2, Split --asg 11, Article of value 12, Zola 13. Teary 14, Private teacher 15. Frances Burnett heroine 16. Failed to hit AT.NASA concern 19, Civilization 20. Employ LD) Yesterday's Answer 'fied particle 34, Sand hill 31, Warbles 36, Forest ox - 32, Greatest 37. Speak * amount imperfectly 33, Arabian 38, Fibs chieftain 40, Fuel 22, Cultivate wae i and 4 Ae TELEVISION LOG Channe) 2--Buttete 4 Channel 3--Ba | Channel Channel Channet 7--Peyt ve § 0:00 Channel Channel %--Toronto I! Spy Channel 11--Hamilton o3--News N--Pemily Five O'clock Joc movie | 4Chopin in 11:00 3--Stingray OL leve 7--Twilight Thestre &--Generation 25. Willow | Z c La 28. ey "a a0" Uy, 4 29, Tree crickets 16 VA, 31. Equips with footwear 32, Middle 35, High 39, Forebod« in, es 40. Moslem spirit 41, Burn slightly 42, Came up 43, Plait 44, Informal photo- graphs DOWN 1. Turns to the left YOUR HEALTH MAKE BOOTS ONE SIZE LAI YINING I WEAR! jRaoer4 ' 'H' THeY JES" PLAIN DONT JULIE,,.AM I MAKING A MISTAKE TAKING THIS MODELING JOB wit ) a 5? ARE YOU AFRAID OF HER, EVE? SHE HATES ME, JULIE, THEN LET'S GET ON WITH THE PACKING, Dear Dr. Molner: In a recent column you said that there is no cure for epilepsy. My son had several petit mal. attacks and two strong seizures, and starting at the age of seven took Dilantin for almost three years) without any attack. The medicine was discon- tinued on the doctor's advice. Later when we asked phether his electoencephalogram should be repeated, the doctor said the irregularity was so slight that he did not believe it necessary. This young. man is now 21, works every day and never has had any recurrence, Wouldn't you say he has been cured? Or if you do not think so, isn't it possible for children to grow out of this iliness? From my a little more I think would experience optimism --Mrs. M.M. help people with this disorder. | Epilepsy Occurs In All Degrees By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD My dear Mrs, M.: I am de- lighted that your son is doing so well. So are many others. Yet my previous statement Stands: There is no. cure for jepilepsy except ig the fraction | of a per cent of cases in which a specific cause is responsible, and removal of that cause cor- rects things. Perhaps the real, useful point to bring out on the basis of your letter is this: Epilepsy oc- curs in all degrees, from very slight to very severe, Your son had several attacks. He had medication. He reached a point at which he no longer needed this and his encephalo- gram (brain wave test) showed only -a slight deviation. His case is extremely mild. B grateful for that. | Bpervs Chuck Heely $--Sports Movie n:40 Pierre B | é=Nightcap Movie Ne. 8 B43-News; Weather) @--Huntey-Brinkley 7--Maverick é--Across Caneda 7:00 P.M, Vi--Daniel Boone 9--The Littlest Mebe 6--Newscap 8:00 4--Captaln 9:00 | splay yebielig é--Nows, Weather, Sports Cor 44 Where Are Yeu? 3~Gililyan's island ®Huntley- Brinkley Report 7:3 P.M, Musical Showcase 8 ~My Mother The Car 4--Gyps' Dobie 6) 10:00 Ti--Whiplash 9--Playtime 6-3--ivanhoe 4--Rawhide ane 3--Hogan's Heroes 3 N--Ed Allen %--Bingo 8-2--Concentri wee te pont Eat The &.3-Friendly 63--Red Skelton Hour 4--The 8:30 P.M, %--F-Troop 2--Dr, Kildare 7--McHale"s Navy 4--Red Skelton 10:43 63--Chez WH 1100 Mr, Ano 9-2--Morning The Wacklest Ship in The Army | Movie M: ~ 1--F |3-2--Paradise place lescoten Van Dyke +--Pett y=The Fugitive piste" a ge 4m a - | athe 0 ---Bupermen 6~--Passport To Adventure| oe eo =The Saint . ee _|28--Tenignt teow | 12:30 News, Weather, Sports WEDNESDAY @--Biography With Giri 4--Mike's Carnival Bobby 6-2--Fractured Phrases 10:30 A.M, 7--Donna Reed li--Mike Douglas | 7--Supermarket Sweep P bp dicta ower Square | downey Mayberry yer gil on Chattenge| 9--Abracadabra 63--Across Canada "i von Dyke Show NOON iy. ncnetemo. Today 2--Jeoperdy oe P.M. 11-The Mery Griffin Chew rm 'Luncheon yep end Syeutnee Popeye ont Poe 12:1 Pm of the Mewes 12:30 PM, %-- 1 Love Lucy +2--Lef's Play 64--Seare For Tomorrow d--Mesn-day Repert Magazine "Fad pea P.M. Weather end Sports 12:45 P.M, +4--Guiding Light 1:00 P.M, i Theatre oe Ster &--Matinee PM. 230 P.M, erton at sy Beard Show +4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, % Kids is People 7--Nurses 6-4--Password 2--Days of Our Lives 2:15 PLM, %--Dear Charlotte PM. | AM, hasgares, AM, with Uncie 2:30 P.M. People in Confilet 62--The Doctors ?--A Time For Us é--Zane Grey Theatre 4--Linkletter's Party BWMovie For Tom 3:00 PLM. --Donnea Reed o--Fractured Phrases His A.M, 7--General Hospital With Uncle 443 To Tell The Truth 3:30 PLM, u Lucy 'ation Giant ys AM, elene AM. Mrs. Star ThSeeret Squirrel 9--Movie 7--Eerly Show 6-3--Razzle Dazzle 4--The 4-Thirty Show AM, Bay epilepsy when petit mal attacks in a single day and when others have grand fhal attacks (the convulsions in ground helpless) and suggest that somehow or other their troubles may vanish? No, Mrs. M., I can't. Almost all cases of epilepsy can be helped by medication. Very large numbers of patients, by taking the proper medica- tion regularly, can avoid. fur- ther attacks--meaning that the ailment is. controlled, but it isn't cured, since they have to keep on with the medication. Some lucky ones like your _ son, have such mild cases they need ho more than to be helped over a ro-th. period, i But can I, in good conscience,'one occurs. Yet ii I optimistic-islecys, start being optimistic about) some patients may have dozens or scores of) which the patient falls to the) that | ally called a mild case a cured one, think what false hopes I would raise in the hearts of peo- ple whose cases are not 80 mild. Dear Dr. Molner: My three- year-old son has a 'mild nose bleed on occasion, not much more than a trickle, but I won- der if you think it indicates serious trouble. It has occurred about three or four times in a year and a half, when he is asleep.--Mrs. M. Tell your pediatrician the next time the youngster has a check- up. It could be a fragile capil- lary (small blood vessel) or a Small ulcer in the nose. But don't worry about it and don't jdo anything else unless the nosebleeds increase or some jother sign appears. He may -9 or pick hs rose when he ie THE OSHAWA TIMES, 1§- Tuesdey, Jonuery 11, 1966 ~ evince eee ee By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mosters' Individual Championship Piey) South dealer, Both sides vulnerable, Nort' Jose AQ7108> 104 88 ' Skreo Souvess? Q1088 Opening lead- king of dia- monds. j There are some plays made by a defender which look very dangerous at the time they are . made, but which, upon closer examination, are not really dangerous at all. One play of this sort consists of leading away from a king in the course of the defense. West was on lead against four spades and, after cashing two diamonds, was faced with the problem of what to play next. Afraid to lead a club because declarer might have the A-Q, he shifted to a trump. Declarer won, drew another round of spades, and then tried a heart finesse. East took the king and returned a club, but the shift to clubs was too late. South grabbed the ace and dis- carded his* club losers on dummy's hearts. He made exactly four. If West had led a 'club at trick three, nothing could have saved declarer, He would have lost two diamonds, a club, and a heart. One of the important rules of defence is that a defender should assume that declarer has #ome combination of cards which permits the contract to be beaten. For West to assume that South has the AQ of clubs is a clear violation of this principle. Such a holding by declarer would make the con- tract unbeatable. To defend on this basis would amount to a concession of defeat, West should credit East with at least the queen of clubs and either a heart or a spade trick, This possibility is real and should be exploited by leading «_ club. ; If it develops that South" has the A-Q, no harm will come-- from the lead. In such Case South would certainly be able to discard his club losers even- tually on the hearts, even if he lacked the king of hearts, Since West could not really lose a trick by leading a club at trick three, and might pos- sibly gain one, he should have made the "dangerous" lead away from the king. MAY REFUSE STUDENTS HALIFAX (CP) -- Dalhousie University may have to refuse qualified students in the fall of 1966 for the first time. The rea- son is lack of classroom space, says Dean H. B. Cooke of the arts and science faculty. A total of 3,658 new students were ad- mitted last fall "but there is a limit to the number we can handle." Y'S SALLIES. X-CHANGE New and Used WE WILL ALLOW UP TO Hi THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Swesters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224

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