Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Jan 1966, p. 5

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WHITBY DAT - Bi - DAT : Gordon Mcilwain Namea School Board Chairman | WHITBY (Staff) Gordon|were also named at the meet- | McIiwain, a member of the WHITBY (Staff) -- Planned progress was the subject of the inaugural address delivered by ing. Mrs, Joan Reed will head up Suggests Sr. School Board Head § rhor Lang WHITBY (Staff) A pie- shaped slice of land, abutting Brock st. s. near the harbor here, will be expropriated by town council and included in the soon - to - be - announced indus- trial land purchase, The Osh- also regarded as a progressive step. Long range plans for the improvement of the school sys- The chairman explained that in the past 15 years the Whitby school system has grown from | BOWMANVILLE -- The con- tinued prosperity of the town Whitby Public School Board for the management committee as- a number of years, was elected! cisted by Mrs. Ian Hamer and : 604 pupils to 2,316, a total Gordon Mcliwain, chairman of| srowth of over 384 per cent. the Whitby Public School Board, "The average yearly growth tem's present facilities and new awa Times has learned. was stressed by Mayor Ivan equipment are now underway. Described as township land in Norman Edmondson. The prop- erty committee will be directed by John Howard, assisted by Mrs. Ian Hamer and Robert * chairman of the board at its in- augural meeting, Wednesday evening. The meeting was held at the Kathleen Rowe Public|ciements as committee mem- School. bers. During the next two years the} The important position as fi- chairman will be assisted by an-|nance committee chairman will other long standing member of|be filled by Douglas Maundrell the board, Leslie McFarlane,/with Robert Clements and Les- who will serve as vice-chaif-|lie McFarlane assisting. man. The board chairman will serve Standing committee chairmen |on all committees as an ex- and their respective committes'officio member. UCW MEMBERS HEAR REPORTS The United Church Women of{and the one ahead. The scrip-|Viously appointed school inspec: | St. Mark's Church held their|ttre, Psalm 90, was read by|tor and the board appointed fi ti Mrs. G. Juby. A prayer was/ Supervising principal. irst meeting of the year Jan. offered and the offering re- The chairman said Howard 4. Unit 8 hostessed a pot luck) ceived. Hempstead was the unanimous supper. Miss I. Newton asked Annual reports were given by|Choice of the committee which the blessing. all group leaders and secre-|interviewed 13 applicants. Mr The president, Mrs. M. A. taries. These gave evidence of|Hempstead was chosen partly Price, opened the meeting witha very busy and successful! because of his academic quali- a poem, "Toward A New| year. fications but mostly because of Year". The secretary's and Unit 9 arranged the program his vigorous and far-sighted treasurer's reports were readjfor the evening. Mrs. H. T, Fal-/ approach to education. and approved, laise gave a very entertaining |. NN SC ' Ww The worship service was con-| book review of 'Place Of Quiet gcse ig gy wen A A ducted by members of Unit 7.| Waters", by Margaret Mc- fied touenine ihe "veuacls Mrs. T. Farndale read the peom | Intyre. A vote of thanks was ex- rine a eahant Boe to com- "For The New Year". Hymn tended to the speaker by Mrs. betray groups wishing to make Wh, 'Stenting Al The Persat A. &, Mclean, ise of school facilities for meet- was sung. Mrs. K. Elliott read} A choral benediction brought 8 "a quelai eventé and other some thoughts of the past yearithe meeting to a close. | gimetions supported and patron: WOMEN CURLERS PLAN ACTIVITIES (icy was. instigated ass policy was instigated as a tiy ladies"! this Ai ie eae _|means -of permitting groups The executive or the ladies this month when curlers may within the community to bene- section of the Whitby Curling invite friends to curl, fit from the use of the schools Club met at the club Monday ee eee cape hed The 'Open School' policy is evening. club. Tickets eh ae selena unusual, judging from practices Activities for January were from members. -- in other centres throughout the discussed. At present they are; Growing interest in this form ore running a senior-junior schedule| of recreation is shown in the in the afternoons. Plans were} enthusiasm of 31 new lady curl- made for a visitors' day later'ing members this season. Wednesday evening. The chair- man developed his address around events occurring in the} past two years and those that! can happen in the future. "The most progressive step) in 1965 was the establishment of a municipal inspectorate with a superintendent of public' jschools assuming the duties of | chief executive officer of the {board and inspector of public |schools,". Mr, MclIlwain stated. |He explained further, the duties | }combine and unite in one office | ithe former functions of the pre- | "Public school education in Whitby has become big busi- ness," Mr.. Mcliwain stated. "Financial affairs have The chairman cited three|carefully handled to provide main achievements during past|the best use of the gross budget years, closely aligned with the|of $755,631.75 for the instruc- growth. |tional needs of all pupils," he For po past five years | added. French has been taught to all) . ' pupils between Grades 4 and 8, PLAN SENIOR SCHOOL ; A Looking to the future. the ietusie The board none thacnarman. suggested the 'ard a story Tuesday, it is now be- lieved the land belongs to the town of Whitby. It has been assessed to the town for some years. It is large- ly made up of reclaimed land, acquired by the dumping of fill. iIt 'borders Brock'st. s. | It has been indicated by a town official that council will expropriate to avoid the possi- bility of any legal question re- garding the ownership of the vate during this period has been almost 10 per cent per year," he said. i Hobbs in his address at the town council's inaugural meet- ing this week. His Worship said the increase in assessment in 1965 over 1964 was $297,773. The residential as- sessment was $6,150,095 and the commercial - industrial assess- ment was $2,839,963. The total unrevised assessment was §$8,- 990,058 in 1965. The residential percentage of the total assess- ment was 68.4 and the commer- icial-industrial percentage 31.6. ' must strat planning immediate- tion greater fluency in conver- ly for a new senior school for all Grades 7 and 8. Plans must be started early in this year. The library program must Iso be continued so that by 1967 are firmly underway to library in every | Kelly Disney Tops Sunoco j : WHITBY (taff) - Al MacDon-|he said. requirements of the Departs) aid and Elmer Tran both scor.| A. striking committee, com- ment of Education. _ led three goals, to lead Kelly-|posed of Mayor Hobbs, Reeve Further co-ordination and liai-| njcney to a 8-7 decision over|S. Little and Deputy Reeve Wes- son with the Whitby District) Arena Sunoco, in Whitby Mer-|ley Fice was named. High School must be made tO) cantile Hockey Action. In the, Council will meet at 8 p.m. on provide a continuity of instruc-| cecond game, Ottenbrite's dow-|the first Monday and at' 7:30 tion for all pupils from kinder-| 1.4 Royal Hotel 5-2. p.m. on the third Monday each garten to Grade 13. Other scorers for Kelly's were month. The board of works com- "All new and old programs) po, Slack Sid Mike Gray. Sun-| mittee will meet at 7:30 p.m. should also be closely €xaM-) oq scorers were led by Lynn| es ined," chairman Mcllwain said. Middleton with two goals. Sin-| AUDIENCE OVERCOME | Such action would assure that | cies were scored by Brian Flet-| LUTON, England (CP)--Peo- instruction and money is not be- cher, John Tran, Herb Tran,|ple were fainting in droves dur- ing spent which is not carried/Gorq Forrester and Rick Swi-|ing a color horror movie called through by the higher educa-|;7., "This Shocking World' here. | tional system. In the second game Lloyd|At one performance 23 people STUDY NEEDS Seymour was the big gun as|Passed out and the manager) Continued programs of study|he fired home three goals. for said the foyers looke like 4 to meet the needs of all indi- | Ottenbrites. casualty clearing station." A sational French may result, an aspect stressed in traditional high school courses. Continuing liaison with Secondary schools to promote integration of} courses is being provided. Sub- | stantial gains are expected to/| be made by students through a continuity in the courses from kindergarten to Grade 13. LIBRARY PROGRAM "The board is committed to a policy of developing a full} library program in all schools under its own jurisdiction," Mr. Mcllwain said. One very signifi- cant beginning has been made with the establishment of the first central library at the Earl 4.-Fairman Public School. This should be open around the end of next month. Coinciding with this progress is the knowledge the first teacher-librarian will be ap- pointed to initiate library pro- grams in the entire school system, A physical education consul- tant engaged at the beginning of the present school term was BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE REBEKAH LODGE HOLDS MEETING The meeting of Benevolent}Committee will be held Feb.| Rebekah Lodge pras held in the|1. Brother Williamson, presi-| IOOF Hall Wednesday evening. 1¢"t Of the CPT Committee, | % 5 5 will speak at Ajax Jan. 18. Noble Grand Sister Vern Att-| The Triple 'Link Unity Club, AJAX (Staff) -- A 19-year-old wood presided, assisted : by|will hold its annual meeting|St. Catharines youth Thursday Vice Grand Sister Sheila Gor-| Jan, 18. As many Sister pleaded guilty, in Magistrate's don who gave the report on) Rebekahs as possible are asked Court to stealing gasoline from the sick members, to attend. a service station' within -- six Sister Jane Anderson, a resi-| The Pinks and Greens will be| hours of the offence. dent of Fairview Lodge, is in)continued for the coming year, Steven G. VanWeij, 19, left a the hospital with a broken arm.|and there will be a -pot luck;Harwood and Highway 2 serv- Sorry to hear that Sister Myrtle|supper, catered to by thelice station without paying for| Holliday's husband is in the|Greens of 1965, Feb. 16 at 6 his gasoline at 4.40 a.m. Jan. 6 Oshawa General Hospital and is) p.m. and met an Ajax cruiser as he -- 96 -- after ae -- The euchres, held every Fri-|sped south on Harwood ave. ent. Sister Meier is feeling|day at 8 p.m., are well attend- i i - better after a bout with the|ed. The proceeds are to go A ce dic ge~ bag Meg hag Bos 'flu. the Whitby General Hos | j ' | pital |< , ' F The next meeting of the CPT' Fund. gene ap he is on CPT COMMITTEE NAMES OFFICERS | tegen Attorney Bruce Affleck ked that the accused be re- The CPT Committee met in, place and Albert Carr was re- manded in custody for two the IOOF Hall Jan. 4 with the|elected for another year a: weeks before sentencing since president, Albert Carr, . pre-|President. Gwen Halton MRE HOLE IRS DEERE. aiding. The minutes of the last) Vc'? 85 the new was : secretary and Lorne Kemp was returned meeting were read and ap-/as treasurer, proved. Plans are to be made for a A 17-year-old Pickering Vil- lage youth was given a 12- month suspended sentence The report on the Christmas! bake sale »|when he pleaded guilty to two baskets svas given and proved ge hae eae an -- charges of attempted break. and tobe very satisfactory. The sum) will be announced later. This °"'e- of $60 was spent for this project.| event will be convened by Gwen John R. Cole, Old Forest rd., The election of officers took! Halton, r pleaded guilty to the attempted MISSIONARY NURSE TO SPEAK break-ins with two juveniles at a Pickering Township home Jan. 5 anda service station Dec. 31. The afternoon group of the! Ruskin concerning the Chris- Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck Almonds United Church Women| tian's duty of spreading light.|asked for the suspended -sen- held its January meeting in the|/"e scripture was from St.|tence and advised the youth church 'hail with: the prexidant.| Luke's Gospel and Mrs. Harris | that he was liable toa sentence Mrs, F. J. Reed mentioned that the words "1t/of i@ years for breaking into a ee ees Came To Pass" occurs than 30 times in Luke's Gospel. Mrs. Kime read an article on| the subject "It Camé To Pass." Mrs, Reed gave the mission study on Brazil, and an. inter- esting discussion ensued. Pic- tures of people and places in Brazil were displayed Mrs. Elmer Harris was in| Refreshments were served by & charge of the worship service.|Mrs. Elmer Harris and Mrs. She read a quotation from John! John Newton. LIONS HOLD NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE The first New Year's Ball|Sherlock and wife, Lily; Lion ever held by the Whitby Lions) Will Wittick and wife, Pru: Club was classed as a success-|Lion Art Lerch and_ wife. ful event highlighted by eve-\Ireane: Lion Bob Wilkes and ning gowned ladies and consid-| wife, Vera: Lion Jack Hilton erable 'hoop-la', Hosting the| and wife, Joyce and Lion Paul | many Lions and guests were| Coath and wife, Betty. Lion Bill Tredwell and his wife! _ During the party door prize Gwen. jvinners were announced. One ; In attendance at the event prize went to Alvin Puckerin were the following Lions: Wil- and his partner while a lucky liam Schatzman, Lion president lady's prize was presented to and his wife, Fran; Past Presi-. Mrs. Betty Coath. Mrs. Ireane dent Norman O'Leary and his| Lerch won the raffle prize, an wife, Eva; Lion Pat Giordano/jelectric carving knife, Twelve yife, Helen; Lion Lew! other guests won spot prizes. WHITBY PERSONALS _ Sixteen members of Compo-, and "If God Forgot'. The les- site and David T. Campbell! sons were read from 1 Chron- Lodges, AF and AM, Whitby, attended the installation of Dr icles 28: 10-13 and St. Matthews 24-34. John Archibald, of Vineland 6 ¢ Station, as Master of Ivy Lodge of Beamsville. John's father, 'A | Charles Armstrong, Byron st. Archibald, of Whitby, took part!" is very ill in the Oshawa in the installation. General Hospital, it ite chair, Mrs. Reed opened the meet- ing by reading a New Year's| poem. During the _ business period it was announced that Miss Muriel Bamford, mission- ary nurse. on furlough from India, will speak at the morn- ing service Jan. 16. more | home. Miss Carol Webber, of Colum- bus, was the guest soloist at St It was announced that the Sacrament of Holy Communion Mark's United Church Sunday! will be celebrated next Sunday morning. Accompanied by Miss and that the Annual Congrega- Margaret. Webber at the organ| tional Meeting pill be held on she sang '"'Hold Thou My Hand"| Monday, Jan. 24. | Gasoline Theft Admitted By St. Catharines Youth Magistrate H. W. Jermyn sus- pended sentence and placed the youth under probation with a 10 p.m. curfew. An Ajax man was remanded in custody for sentence when he pleaded guilty to five charges under the Criminal Code Allan Clare Laver, 28, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to common assault, threatening, found in a dwelling house, carrying an offensive weapon and public mischief before Mag- istrate H. W.. Jermyn. Doreen Wright, 29 Cedar st.,) testified that on Nov. 10 the ac- cused entered her home and struck her with his fists, knock- ed her to the floor and kicked| her in the face. She said that on Jan. 2 he again assaulted her} by throwing her on the apart- ment floor and pushing her around. She said Laver had| been drinking on both occasions Mrs. Wright also said that when police took the accused from her home he threatened to cut her face with a knife. Police) later discovered a steak knife) jon the accused's person, which had been taken from the Wright home. | Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck asked that the accused be re-| manded in custody for "two weeks to. obtain a pre-sentence) report } land. The land will give the pur- chaser access to Brock st. Sale price and buyer are expected to be announced soon PER CAPITA TAX CUT . | Mayor Hobbs recalled that in |his inaugural address a year ago he had stated the per capita tax levy in Bowmanville in 1963 was $101.38, The latest reports showed this figure had dropped to $100.17. "Few municipalities in Ontario have ever reduced their per cap- ita tax levy. We hope that we a plans provide a school, The physical education pro- gram must also be advanced so a minimum of $5,000 is pro- vided to bring present equipment up to the minimum Sa. peg + ana Dt ee te-chout- 1000 -30-ssase-Ggerer: is estimated to number about 40,000. One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper end Murels ° cue Draperies e @ C.LL. Paints end Varnishes @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 on the last Tuesday of each month. PAY LIBRARY RENT The clerk was authorized to issue four cheques during 1966, each in the amout of $8,100 to cover the rent of the new public library building. Third reading was given a bylaw to authorize the construc- tion of a- works department building and to provide for the borrowing of $53,737 by deben- tures for this purpose. _ Authorization was also given to the borrowing of $751,290 to cover current expenditures un- til taxes fall due. will be able to continue: this', BROCK Evening Programs at 6:55 & 8:30 WHITBY Last Complete Program .. . 8:30 if you fil for'Flipper' the "hie op ¢ M HERCULES, pre SAMSON on ULYSSES (COLOR MSH THAES BY DU ROAD ---------- TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY CHRISTMAS TREE PICK-UP Take notice that Christmas trees will be picked up on normal garbage collection days in the various areas of the Township during the period of January 17th to 22nd, 1966. All citizens are requested to place their trees out on the roadway for collection on the usual viduals must be carried out.| Royal scorers were Ken Rob |first-ald team was on hand for school system has matched a} "ui au | KNOW HOW West Rouge Stars instructional responsibilities of} nore term and tong range| West Rouge Stars, by firing AND THE EXPERIENCE) partments," Mr. Mcllwain said. | 4 loss. | two of the most prized posses-|Scorers for Whitby. Lone West| policies to the citizens, the town| by team will be Jan. 8, in the 8 when the Whitby Lasco Arena. collection day. It is authorized by a recent | Both the gifted and slowerjerts and Elgin Luke. me rept oF the movies Fun, learners can benefit from such, ---------- -- procedure. The growth of the| Bantams Defeat corresponding growth in the administrative and supervisory | staff required to carry out the} the school averanl. WHITBY (Staff) - Don Silver(OUR TRUST OFFICERS "We have clearly outgrown -- my ee on oer eal THE TRAINING our present office facilities and 3 | | plans are now underway to pro- home two goals, A : SO NECESSARY FOR) vide for the improved physical| The win boosted Whitby's re- facilities needed by these de-|Cord to nine wins, two ties and) THE EFFICIENT ADMINIS- In closing his address, Mr.| Ron Halton, Cam Dunbar,| Mcllwain suggested it was his| Wayne Newton, Larry Kennedy| belief the board is handling| and Grant Brown were the other} sions of the citizens of Whitby,|Rouge marksman was Joe Mc- their children and their money. | Laughlin. "If we properly explain our The next game for the Whit- council and the home'and school| Whitby Arena against Bowman-} association, we can accomplish | Ville. all we set out to do,"' he said. j- WHITBY (Staff) -- Organ- ized Sunday sports start Jan. Steelers meet the Etobicoke | Indians in junior hockey ac- tion at the Whitby Community This is the first paid admis- | sion Sunday sports event in | the history of the community. public plebiscite and bylaw | Rasend by Wm, H. Wallace, CLERK, Township of Whitby "4 Passed the town council. | TRATION OF AN ESTATE. | 0% TO 90% OFF STORE-WIDE SALE TOWN OF WHITBY Special Christmas Tree Collection Christmas Trees will be collected on your regular Garbage Collection Day during the week of Jan- uary 10th to 14th inclusive, Works Dept., DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 1 Street West of 4 Corners -- Turn South WHITBY FREE DELIVERY 668-5862 Open Fridey 'til 9 P.M. Town of Whitby. Are Women Safer Drivers Than Men? Well, statistically it can be shown thet they are. Then again, it can be stotisti- cally shown thot they oren't. So if you're in mixed company, here are some stotis- tics you con use for both sides. Women hold about 39% of oll driving licences, yet last yeor they got into only 19% of all accidents. So that's simple. They're the safest drivers, huh? But wait o minute there gals. Another one of those statisticions kept on digging ond he come up with the conclusion thot men drive more than women, Figuring it out on en accident-per- miles travelled basis it comes out thet men have 18% fewer accidents by day and 3% fewer by night, If you're still not sotistied with the figures you can take it up with the U Bureau of Roads who-issued them. If you ever have occasion te pull @ troller, even the emall, two-wheeled variety used for weekend camping trips, here te some useful information to remember, It takes up to twice es long to stop a cer pulling o trailer of any kind. So if not used to pulling trailers, be sure to meinteln that will permit safe stops in the event of emergencies, If you sometimes feel that cars ore getting more expensive compared with what you ear as the years go by, here ore some figures to porider. In 1947 on averoge wage eamer hed to work 31.2 weeks to buy an auto, compared te 1962: when he had to work 24.5 weeks for it. NORTHSIDE GC 918 BROCK 7a BE ON 7 3T HRYSLER DODGE Lounge and Dining Lounge AT THE WHITBY HOTEL 207 Dundas St. West, Whitby The Finest in Nightly Entertainment PROUDLY PRESENTS LINDA ALLEN FEATURED WITH LEE WEBB AND HIS WEST VIRGINIA BOYS NORTH AMERICA'S MOST ENTERTAINING WESTERN TRIO ON TOUR FROM NEW YORK @ LOS ANGELES @ CHICAGO WHITBY'S FINEST APPEARING NIGHTLY AT 9 P.M, MATINEE SATURDAY 3 P.M. TO 5 P.M, JAMES MAHER -- Manager

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