"THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, Januery 7, 1966 92 : ~e | [You Deserve ALOT OF CREOIT--YOU SET A FINE EXAMPLE FOR" CAGWOOO, THE JANITOR'S NOT HERE YET--WiLL YOu CLEAN UP MY OFFICE D 7 'RE THE FIRST 'WORK MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES ' | FoR A cuP oF COFFEB? | IS PRETTY: iT YOU THINK MISS IS AN \ WW NOW, WE MUST BE PAIR ABOUT THIS THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO EVERY QUESTION/ FIR6T WE WILL LET EGGNES TELL HER SIPE AND THEN WE WILL. LET EGGNES TELL REVEILLE'S 6I7E/ fi ere rr "SWEET « na ib, Werk sighie ponervest @ Be Fenrerm SyaBicate, an. 196! ER BUZ SA i Sink ae \ DOWN TH Lar? wean tem Gee 7 (~se. FREDERICK ING CHARLES IF IT Will CAUGE ANY REACTION THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 Og MOS ebecerkene DR. BANTI AND BEST WAIT toa UT THE SCIENTISTS FEEL 'Lt. EFFECTS Jf WHEN INJECTED INTO A_HEALTHY é HUMAN BODY, ee 7 Whi TO SUBMIT THI EXPERIMENT * HOLY SMOKE/ ITS BEN WADE AND HES BEEN BEATE! "THAT DIDN'T TAKE LONG ! DONALD DUCK COME ALONG AND DON'T ARGLIE:/ YOU'RE A SICK MAN! MIRA! OUR INDIAN 16 IN TRODBLE/ - COME, Ons, LETS GO! Natemnaiieaieaie | [HOW \ \ 13 Ene /|( "THEMF 'Distributed by King Featares Syadicata, _ OH, THEY 'tole BE FINE.. YOU KNOW HOW ROY PAINT6 PICTURES OF FOOD AS A HOBBY?| Go ae me a a WELL,A MAN ASKED HIM TO «BUT HES NOT SATISFIED WITH IT/ PAINT ONE... THIG IS6N/T WHAT I WANT...I ORDERED A CHEESEBURGER \ ON A SESAME-SEED BUN / CROSSWORD 4, Marty 5. Con- taining gold 6. Sycophant 7. Yearly: abbr. 8. Nocturnal carnivore 11, Radical 13. Sharpens, 16. Business as & razor abbrevia- 15. Pelt tion 18. Not 17, Ruin permanent 21. Auricle 19. Knock 12, Western farm 14, Piece out 15. Suitable 20, Rag- weed genus 23. Bush 24, Roman rulers 25. Fortify 26. Young- /2 ae ster Ole 28. Greek wee letter 30, Sniffs 31, Color 32, Taxes Yesterday's Answer 38, Sheep cry 39, Worker 33, Female of a sort sheep 40. Low Channe! 2--Buttale Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buttale Channel 6--Toronte Channel 7--Buftaio Channel &~Rochester Channel %~Toronto 6-2--Mr. Channel 11--Hamiltes "sane armen PRIDAY BvBMHe , $:00 PM, ii--Pemily Theatre 8--Movie bu 4--Flipper --Shindig B-Lleyd Thaxton 5:30 P.M, O--Leeve it to Beever 1:00 7--Rocketship 7 4--Gomer P The Wild Zz. Wiid cry 23, Rascal GY i V7F le 17 © Li é Hop 6:00 P.M. eet Tee Presse his 7-2---N 26. Across: prefix 27. Refer to Ye Y repeatedly 28, "Ulalume" 7}! % author 29. Protest 34. Pronoun 35. N.Z. fern root 36. Clip 37. Indian babies 30. Walk YOUR HEALTH © King Pastore Syuticcn, fam, HOS, Wari rights seeereed, YOUVE BEEN INVITED To SIT AT THE YEAR. HEY~ YOu'RE NOT LITTLE YEAR, | ARE YOU? J NOTHING...EXCEPT THAT MAYBE TLL MISE YOU MORE '| cuss "P.B.I,"--Mrs. E. B. Thyroid Gland Dear Dr. Molner: I recently had a blood test, a "P.B.I.," the doctor called it, and he said it was "on the low side." He gave me two small tablets to take twice a day, and I feel better. Please dis- Dear Doctor: What is aden- oma of the thyroid and is there any cure?--Mrs, J.T. Dear Doctor: I had thyroid surgery over a year ago, and all but a small part of the thy- roid gland was removed. I now take thyroid pills. Since then I have been putting on weight, a good 10 pounds. What can I do now--Mrs. W.M.G. Everybody has a thyroid gland, a very useful little regu- lating organ that weighs less than an ounce. For most of us it behaves reliably all our lives. Most Useful Organ By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD {cated duties. Not much -- less Seen 6--Mr. Roberts 4--News, Sports Check Wi 11:20 3~--Shindig 6:20 P.M. News 6:30 P.M, 11:30 7--Twilight Theatre N--#amity Thestre 3--Movie 3--Cheyenne 4 1:4 é--Across Canon, 4--Premiere #--Convoy @--Huntiey-Brinkiey New! 7:00 P.M. li--Honey West %--The Flintstones TELEVISION LOG &Fridsy Movie yle Wid West 9:30 P.M. 1--Petticoat Junction Roberts 7--The Farmer's Daughter 4-The Smothers Bros. 10:00 P.M, li--Merv_ Griffin 6-2----U.N.C.L.E, 7--Deb Stars of 1966 4--Trials of O'Brien 10:30 P.M, D--Spotiignt On NOO74463-2--Newes Weetrer Bowe t--Metre Pinel 4. hrerpeend 7-4--Christmas Program Night Matrd --Lete Show 4--News g | b-2--Tenight 6--New Year's Eve ?--Farm end Home Hower 11:00 A.M. Ni--Previews of Progress 3--Milton The Monster %2--Top Cat 7--Cartoon 4Tom and Jerry 11:30 A.M, Oy 8. JAY BECKER (Top recerd-holder in Mesters* Individual Chempionship Play)" _ BIDDING QUIZ You are South, neither vulnerable. The bidding been: side Mt West North Mast J t@ ODbdle Pass 3. @872 Y 8S @KIC gI0749 4. $64 WAIGS @ KS732 BaF" 5. @ AQI8653 y 064 oT HH 1. Two clubs. This unaccus- tomed response is the best pos-+ sible bid under the circumstans.» ces. To begin with, you must- assume you have a game after. partner has doubled and thus.« shown not only an opening bid~ but also good support for at least two of the three sults out- » side of clubs. Certainly, if part, 2 ner had opened the bidding with. either a spade or a heart, you would not let go before game was reached. You should have the same feeling when partner, doubles a club. ed Obviously, you cannot res? pond to the double with one heart or one spade because. that is what you would do if you had been dealt: SPADES; . J-8-5-2; HEARTS: J-8-5-2; DIA-.. MONDS: 9-3; CLUBS:9-4-2. You ' can't bid a good hand and a. bad hand the same way and- expect partner to know which , one you have. Of course, you could show very good values by responding » two hearts or two spades, but partner would naturally expect. a better suit for the jump re- sponse, The best way of reveal-. ing uncertainty about the trump. suit is by means of a cuebid in clubs. This bid forces part-.,, ner to choose the trump suit, 2. Two notrump. Game pose : sibilities in notrump are very good and the best bid to make is a jump respones in notrump. The hand {fs too good for a one diamond response, since pow have 12 points and might have oe as is -- best to avoid a two diamon since the potential of the hand lies more in a nine-trick game than an eleven-trick game. 3. One diamond. One rarely responds with a three card suit, but that is all you can really do under the circumstances. A one notrump response would indi- cate a better hand than you have. 65 4. One heart. This is prefer- able to one diamond even. though the diamonds are longer, The reason is that there is a, far better chance of making a game in hearts (ten tricks) than a game in diamonds (eleven tricks). Game is not far away if partner has more than &@., minimum double, o 5. Four spades. You should be. unwilling to play for less than game with seven taking tricks' opposite a takeout double, and there should be little doubt about the best contract. Sime. plest is best. ie, 9--Peter Potamus 7--Magilla: Gorilla 6--Robin Hood 4--Quick. Draw McGraw 12:30 P.M, 9--Theatre 8-2--Expioring 7--Milton The $--Tennessee Tuxedo 3--Whiplash 1:00 P.M. PLM. 1l--The White Hunter 68--The Mevies 7--Bowling PM, $-3--Wrestling 1:30 P.M. liLong John Silver P.M. 7--American Bandstand P.M. 2:00 PLM. 11--OHA Junior "BY" Hockey P.M. 9---HI-Time Treetre = /8-2--NCAA Football 7--American Bandstand 63--Sports Presents 7--Stan Roberta 4--Basketbal! 3:00 P.M. 0a 3--Huntley-Brinkley 7:30 P.M. Ti--Wild, Wild West $--Smothers Brothers 7--Flintstones 4--Addams Family &--Cemp Runemuck 8:00 P.M, $--Patty Duke Show 7--Tammy 63--Get Smart 7--Tammy 3--Hank 4:30 PLM. Ti--Man From UNCLE GoGo 4--The Wiid Wiid Weet 4--Bowery Boys 8:30 A.M. 1i--Schnitzel House 9--Cartoons 2--Funny Co. 9:00 A.M. 4--Fun To Learn 2--Porky Pig 0 N--The Sonins 8--Herewtes 10:00 A.M. §-2--Secret Squirrel 7--Popeye 6--Extension 4--Mighty Mouse Playhouse 10:30 A.M. 1l--Hobby Time with §-3~Golf Classic 4--Basketball 3:30 P.M. Bowlers Tournament 4:00 P.M, LAW MOVES AN INCH \" BERLIN (AP)--A new law in ' East. Germany gives an illegiti. "4, mate child a claim on his fathe » er's estate. It changes the sta". tus of illegitimate children from.» "born out of wadlack" ta "thorn not in wedlock." et SALLY'S SALLIES 1i--Out Doors | 9--After Four 4--Golf $3--Bowling 2--Retier 4:30 P.M. il--Hawkeye rts Presente %--World of § 4--Golf Classic 5:00 P.M, Ni--Dennis the Menace ddamne Farnity Zane Grey &3--Tommy Hunter Show | 9--Casper 4--Hogan's Heroes sluggish, and then I get ques- tions about it. The thyroid gland needs just a trace of iodine for its compli- than you'd put on a scratch. We measure the amount in the blood with a "'P.B.I."" or test for "protein bound iodine." If the value is low, thyroid tab- lets will supplement the gland's decreased activity, and people like Mrs. E. B. begin to feel better. It may sound compli- cated, but it's nothing to worry about Now for Mrs. J. T.'s adenoma. An adenoma is a tumor, or growth in a gland which se- cretes hormones--like the thy- roid. A lump develops in the gland. This may or may not mean that it ought to be re- moved, and all I can say, with 9:00 P.M, t--Movie ¥--Honey Weel 4Linus The #-2--Under Dog Y--The Beatles é--Cousin Bill +3--Forest Rangers 4--Beat The Camp -- Bowling Series. $:30 PLM. li--Johnny Quest Lionhearted '6-3--Bugs Bunny But it can be tro active. or toa! out going into long explanation, Mo Mage: th dak oar in ir doctor decide what to do. Yes, he can ordinarily take care of the problem, but must deter- mine the right answer in your particular case. Third question: If the thy- roid gland becomes overactive, and a tumor, or other form of enlargement of the gland is re- sponsible, various methods can be employed, depending on the circumstances: Anti - thyroid medication; the so - called "atomic cocktail," or radio- active iodine, or surgery to re- move part of the gland. MEDICATION NEEDED After surgery, minor adjust- ment in the gland's rate of ac- tivity can be made with medi- cation Overactivity of the gland is accompanied by physical. over- activity, nervousness, some- times palpitation and other symptoms. When the gland is brought back to a normal rate, thea natent calme down: hence auCnt Caims Gown, sence icold. virus, Then-more: colds; _ | does not use up as much energy} and can be expected to put on a little weight. Moderate ad-) justment in eating habits. may be necessary, which certainly is) preferable to the condition be- fore the surgery. Dear Dr. Moiner: Please settle an argument. Can a per- son catch cold from air condi- tioning?--Mrs, R.B. No. You catch cold from' be- coming infected with germs, usually of the virus type. How- ever, I won't say that chilling of the body may not make a person more susceptible to colds. In that sense air condi- tioning might play a part. Chilling alone won't give any- one a cold. It has been tried with groups of men isolated in the Arctic. Once they finished giving each other their various cold germs, and everybody was immune, there were no more colds until people bringing sup- plies' also brought some new |] THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON... Y-CHANGE | You Can Exchange Skates That Are Too Smell For A New or Used Pair, WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF, DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc, STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224