Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Jan 1966, p. 30

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Heb re On 2 1 RE CN retina ie abit at iyo ee 3S Buy. Seu. Réni Oi rai 2 a L woe 2LiLS 2D Fact ign V to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 13--Articles For Rent 17--Female Help Wanted |18--Maole Help Wanted ii BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | 25th 9%. ca oxi | camwee, | 1B M Oscillating sanders, disc sand- ; : | aaa eee REQUIRES Accountants' Building Trades Mortgages TV--Radio Repairs Fee ire Y as yenateerg Mgr aia nei Os ®. 'work fea = art, en sree Owe TELEVISION - RADIO | | ie ir 2 i. ae eens, be compari. | Excellagt balay PRODUCTION Ontario. 7 Calis NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL | Mortgage Loans 24 HOUR SERVICE paar : toilet auger BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. FREE , PAINTERS EQUIPMENT for cppoatioent col MACHINISTS eal 21" TY 72% HOLMES fe : 'yA PRINIING phase | Stepladders, aluminum fx | MRS, HEPBURN y Ve : , UGGESTED BY LEONARDO sion , , See ecant "hulle 20. gi age on oe Hig Mpa te rs ' | DA Pvc WTkE IST CENTURY, steel scaffolding, compres- 668-8181 This is on opportunity to Te ST UTE GIES KESt| (no gimmicks or confess 75% OF VALUE ELECTRONICS bs. = Be SR SRAM PEE | sors, sorey guns, wallpaper | SECRETARIAL | work in 'a modem' plant steamers, tarpaulins, blow manufacturing data process- it, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street ri torches, propane torches. i i i Bi, NFiophone 723-4833. HOME IMPROVEMENTS CALL foe: pide "irvies eenas isc vedis dan onis rovers, reves, OVERLOAD ing ecuioment. Werk. son Charte: " Re Ps neeete" Licresed oe. @ Rec Rooms (with every 728-1653 ' Call a eee rane PEMES, Acetylene welding outfits, SERVICES broaches and similar mochin- tees in Bankrupicy, 52% Simcoe Street fo 3 ewe iS rip sg Whitby -- 668-5679 i 121K CENTURY, BYAME CHINESE 200 bees BOI ER (no charge to applicants) ery. ar TLL AND CO., Char- stereo), : : ' GUARANTY TRUST g 2 alae etl i : : % Cement mixers, finishing SHOULD have high school fered Accountants, Pinenciel Trade Build-| @ Remodelling Company of Canada HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED sponge if } pee od barrows, elec- --s preferably in tech- ing, 4 Addit : ric virator, gir compressor, nical courses. Beadle, CA} E. pt Pg 2 tied Laney ° rsesieety ae ne FY TV TOWERS wage [>< WHAT FLOWER iock hammers, "hang: trowals, FULL TIME SHIFT WORK | is involved. HALL, PERKIN, MacMILLAN AND €O.,| ©@ Carports, etc. Oshawa, Ontario ARE THE BEST! nese hohe! Sear 16 THE HARDIEST piielgi! ee Excellent working conditions Chartered Accountants, le aay whey This month Special " eed gg oF ers, oi scaffo rag ae ond a complet enenah: of East, Oshawa, 725-6539; spb A WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! H SPRING generator, ramset, powet - 4 " » CA; David G. Perkin, CA; California Redwood J SK ARE FOOLED BY THE GHOST BOAT x THAILAND i ' company-paid benefits, O Sfanemn Masemitlen, CA. All workmanship guaranteed MORTGAGE A "THE Bom is RIGGED 7 WET on o> XE S DE ? fers, electric hammers, més Required by the Oshawa each dats ' building | jacks. H O AXD A SLOPING WHITE BOARD ON THE OTHER. SEEING "ME, KUNK CABBAGE, ae : Separate School Board. Appl Please apply to: Barristers po eal tulle eaiebie LOANS ue R.I. $ BOARD 4HE FISH IRV 40 LEAP OVER 1 Buf LAND )N-THE NET. : mortar mixers, mortor: Boxes, gg ate alg vo Scpainane oHe . cing available. | Money for first mortgages 0 Rang Fee fda fas 90, Wc she mm | chain hoist, miter saws, elec- Mr. A. J. Cowan CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and) Pleose call us anytime for Onan Mecitodes TELEVISION [4H plane. terpeulan, aa petal hy ay y viet b sshbon na hyaliag Fg dn free estimate ond expert ad- P gag Corner Bond and Division : ¢ Q Interest at 7% band saw, 4" joiner, sand OSHAWA | t ti | B ey Street North, Oshawa, 723-3446; T. K.| vice. Mo Hanus 728-5143 " : blaster, power tamper, power nternational Business Grelanton Oe assay OL Murdoch, 723-0781 No Charges for Valuations FRG SOO : \8--Articles For Sale |e--Articles For Sale post hole auger, SEPARATE Machines Co. Ltd., QC; 723-4768; J. C. Victor, 985-7115. Mortgages and Agreement WINTERTIME 1 SCHOOL BOARD Mortgages arranged. . chased T.V. TIME 844 D i HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, and HILL. SHEFFIELD Maney for Second Mortgages T.V. 'Service Anytime ES CLEARANCE S T A N S 209 Simcoe Street N. on Mills Road, MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King Construction' Co 1 | SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD. Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, Fast Service. NEW 65 ! DON MILLS, ONTARIO $. Boychyn, QC; W. A. Hillman.) 17 Bond E Oshawa ue R | O P 233 King St. West, Oshawa OSHAWA G 5,55. 6. Humphreys, BA, LLB. pitice: : M. F. SWARTZ TELEVISION , ie belie gti -- EVINRUDE MOTORS PHONE 723-3224 r 725-1177; Residence: 725-4604; Ys * . its for the whole family dur- | 1; 728-4326; 725-5133. NHA erd 26% K St. East Big Fall Sale. | T |; 44 -2048 ee ie mortgage funds available. : Seca Mths | 728- 5143 ing bye! ig $7 25 Reg NOW '14--Business Opportunities RECEPTIONIST e GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solici- Lowest Prices 723-46 97 2a oat 3 rom . pr. 3 HP. $195. $147. SOc sistant 114 King Sireet East. Dial 9% HP. $410. $289. |CONTRACTS wanted for diesel, tandem, TYPIST 723-2278. Residence Phones: J. W. Greer, TV SERVICE 33 HP. El $710 $495 tractors with or without trailers, Tele- QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, FIRST " SECOND | NH 303 RIFLE . Elec. ' 5. | phone 728-0954, OSHAWA 728-8832; Thomas H. Jermyn, BA, LLB, Ever On an DAY OR EVENING 40 H.P. Elec, $820. $575. | SERVICN STATION and garage business.| Permanent position -- to Ute Are MORTGAGES 728-5286 40 H:P. Lark $925. $650, |€xcellent location, over 100,000 galion-| work evenings 5 to 9, Sat- ATT MACDONALD, BA, LLB, AM, Known for its accuracy and lage. Bowmanville 623-5063. turdays 12 to 5. Only written Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub. og de ayy -- All Classes -- reliability, this rugged gun Push Button |WOULD LIKE small steel fabricating is SEPARATE lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King ® KITCHENS -- City, Rural, Vacation -- will deli f tis- WHILE THEY LAST |business or partnership. Will Invest. Ex- applications will be consider- West, Oshawa, Ontarie., Client Perks) BATHROOMS SUMMERLAND OSHAWA factory shooting. as Ss TM Sore dened Jo srueneel pain eg) ee SCHOOL BOARD saigny goMsnD USKONRY, wx] @ REC ROOMS = ceCURITIES LIMITED __ ELECTRONICS $24.95 | convenient Budget Terms. [time geal brace inagctine BCL, Barrister and eared 73 Centr e} x uaa eithrd ele itaiciaices " | ' "as "ae | b ' Street. Office hours: | ee toby tha elar 112 Simcoe St. N. 725-3568 [CORNER store | seven-room house, low) 360 King West. Oshawa Requires m.-5:30 Evening appolintment, Biel 723166). i FAST T.V. SERVICE Oshawa |Bullied Real Estate, 723-1168. ' wider. ee : : ' beige de th dch vel eR A Ge | Maint Man joserny PN Tian aia Ogg oy com sone Foo | MORTGAGE LOANS Service Call only $2.50 SNOW TIRES Yachthaven ESTATE SALE. Service Station In the GIRL ship Wires ondescieces | ; ;heart of a- progressive NW town, gallon- to assume the duties of the sete, See We have a staff of qualified FIRST & SECONDS DOMINION AP ig theo i Ltd anike toe ak wooreat seater ThE FOR SALAD BAR General Maintenance Pro- oes my = r R rs ; s ( in 4 ; Classified Rates Hheiteaiig i ostinleaggy Bhat NO BONUS TELEVISION new winter tire priced almost | Harbour Rd, (Off Simcoe St. S.) |$32,000, Call Nick Siblock, 7287576. Sibby"s 7 Se Ase gramme throughout the schoo! heel co-ordinated to give you Ask for "Bill" Horner 728-51549a.m.to9p.m as low as a retread. 723-1901 Real Estate Ltd, Apply Mr. Campbell system, combined with limited WORD ADS Me : | : ee } : Cash--1 Insertion of 24 words, $1.08; | fast service at lowest cost. 728-5157 All work guaranteed | from $ 17.56 up | __ oy sore ahs Torte lunch cote, Srcrer| GENOSHA. HOTEL supervisory duties. ee hentiae of th words si CO-ORDINATED Active Realty Ltd. Well Drillin --Diggin shop: in fast growing sree. Three-bed-| Applicant please reply in writ- additional words 2c. each, 6 ta AND 49ND. MORTRABES avaliable g- gging | DOMINION HONDA SHOP year turnover. $20,000 down or take trade. WAITRESSES ing, stating age, marital sta- a a aan secutive, Insertions of 24 words, $8.04) | |W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Stree!|WELL DIGGING by machine specializing | SNOW HUS-SKI Quick sale appreciated for health rea- additional words 21c. each. REM DELLER North, Whitby, 668-3338, _____Jin 30-inch tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut] Model 600; 10 'hip. $595. [oie ante rex are Coene Time or Required Charge.-- 10 per cent additional charge PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies ed ta West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-7809 conan expected, XMAS GIFT Sgr OC ag oat pene arene 7 A.M. to 4 P.M " t Mortgages and agree TIRE STO RE : ' oe COMMERCIAL, Ontario Street, good bus- "bee ee # not paid within 8 days. beg Has aici ball inant Gr asle norcheaes: Creighton, |1--Women's Column helmets carriers, windshields, ness opportunity, barbershop, beauty 3 P.M. to 11 P.M, Method of Counting -- Less than 24 723 09 ; ; Drynan, Murdoch and Victor. (See "'Bar- | ------____ 7 gloves, jackets. salon or dental office. Call Oshawa Real- 11 P.M. to 7 A.M. word: ints as 24 words; each word, risters.") PERMANENTS on spect . Page Hal : ty Ask for Jack Zurba, 728-9466 or Initial, "figure. 0 'or abbreviation counts of 145 King St. W ae a 25-3119, Apply Mr. Campbell OSHAWA : i ord, j@ mumber counts | Musical i | West nt, Telephone 725-5363. od ly a = tol amo a ij oo '| Telephone 725-6511 | 199 King W. - 728-4242 |15--Employment Wanted | Genosha Hotel SEPARATE | ALL available. | Ex |2--Persona SEWING MACHINE CLEARANCE $i SW SO ver IRTHS--DEATHS-- | erienced, reliable, reasonable. Phone nger | MIDDLE-AGED _ butch (man) wid] Social NOTICES i JANUARY Ted Taylor, Alax 942-1663, | Oshawa Suita Contract sine 0:38: like job in. any Find of store. Plosie FULL TIME SCHOOL BOARD $2.00 per Insertion with 25 cents addil- SPECIALS r Removal of superfluous hair | FREE -- 24-hour Burner | 774° 201. Repairs to ali makes" | contact Port Perry, 986-4426, tional charges If not paid within 6 Optometrist M WhbdeE: asl ty F death se CASHIERS 209 Simcoe Street N. days. Save up to 20% during Jan- Pe ee a a Service [BEST QUALITY aiuminum -- windows, |17--Female Help Wanted i vary on Rec. Rooms, Kit- |B: RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe! Oshawa Jan, 10th, 11th, |doors, awnings, railings, etc. Low, low Som wipe ee OSHAWA IN MEMORIAMS pi dl Bath R A hai Street 'North, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone) and 12th. Phone Genosha TEXACO --~- Fuel and Stove |Prices! Call 728-5385 or 723-3692. p.m, P.m., .m, $2.00 for the first 28 words and Sec. 11 Bath Rooms, , 1793-4191, Sich thereefter, plos 130, ne mee | Welle; Coiling: Tiles ond att: | f val lab W @ pieces, chesterfield suite, two pleces;| bel a) ae Ser tee mete ELECTROLYSIS Cannel Cool ® Building Sup- |emuee acin, cas, camer werent «= AN & GENOSHA HOTEL ' 10 - ¥ | H. McKOY 725-8576 plies |shelf, various other Items including on 2 OS a ae epee EXPERIENCED CARPENTRY werk PAINTING AND | 723-4641 é 668-3524 |fiques. 723-1693 after 5.20. REAL ESTATE and : [AUTOS DELIVERED ani Gam : |ANNE'S FABRICS, 113 Byron. "Greet | pel shan anh gt Png "aii Workmanship. guaranteed. 7239500)" ces Stephin bi ada, Florida, California, Bonded drivers.| SAWDONS' (Whitby) -- |South, Whitby. Ail' fabrics 'sale starts} - PART-TIME SALESMEN charge If not paid wide 8720, ; Prolog oa . Toronto Orive-Away, Service, 5385 Yonge| LIMITED | avery § ry $1 to $1.50 per hour Vv Ts NEW PLASTERING and repairs, stucco. roadgioom, ustom raperies | Street. Telephone 225-7754. i } nena ( = peesgioad i gg AOD $1.50 for the |sidewalks, remobaliing, reerasns. Bree FREE ESTIMATES | | 244 Brock St. S. --- Whitby '9--Market Basket | 1327 Simcoe Street N Woman for plesant tele- 2 needed immediately to cere uae 7 ct . i for our expanding business, first 20 words and Se. euch thereafter ctenien: AC. Week, THAN oF DODD & SOUTER 3--Sportsman's Column OIL PAINTINGS -- Lendscapes, portralts,|! CAN SUPPLY you wih Ontario. or| phone work, 4 hours daily. we offer; oe ros SKATE EXCHANGE -- Sharpening; new,|figure work, custom picture framing.|P.E.|. potatoes, 10-25-75 ib. weekly. Eggs requires more ' eighties a! concrete floors, roofing, 668-5862 used, Bauer hockey equipment. rer Clark ~ Studio, telephone 668-4497. 325)at attractive prices. Free delivery, Osh- 723-5051 geben yen | pen INSERTION | Large and A Reotng| Plumbing and Heatin Se eee pike anna '€ Host MR. GOULD $10 Pe mn and Conttrucion, RRS, Patan no|F lumping S 5----Trailers (TY, ROWERS "SPECIAL -- "o-tool Tower| ROASTING CHICKENS -- Orders token ar mMostesses : ©. Free poring tocliltel Svarpieneapeiaguomisnonsienesiersaismeihineicrsectieinionianiaomea os -- ratlers |structure all-channel antenna installed,|for freezer, 4 Ib. $1.35, 3 Ib, $1.15. Free! | ' DEADLINES CARPENTER WORK, cabinets, recrea-|ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING | sup- $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, S61 Delivery on 10 or more. 728-5291, |BABYSITTER to care for four preschool] | WORD ADS tion rooms, and trimming. Free esti- tta. Piareins, Heating aad Mneithorine | AIRSTREAMS factory authorized dealer.|Gibbons Street, 728-8180. Fy ------ sok | Earn extra money for your | children In children's yar peel Sree Your own desk and 7 i" tf td., 7 h by mates. 728-7680. {Ontario Trailers Ltd., 1577 The Queens- | TELEVISION" TOWER SPECIAL aon. | 10. Farmer'. 3 Column larea. Working mother. Telephone * 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS i 225 Simcoe Street South. ; ' ds Madciinn dnc Congenial office atmos- "y ALL TYPES building, roofing repalrs| 7 --5> paeinG AND HEATING rd aa Lhidishasd headtdldl |structure, hot dipped g 1" tower --_---- | vacation. Opportunity open |gasysiTTER in my, , Home, two, achool- phere. ahh AND FOU and remodelling; chimneys, new and re included, single all- channel antenna com- | j H jage, one pre-school, lo , five-day ORM. DAY OF PUBLICATION paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs, |Plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. sterk|7--Swap and Barter {rete ers fae betonoce guarantees TRACTOR REPAIR for part time and full time. 07, Rosedale Drive, Whitby. After & : Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineer $50. See all towers at TRIO| Evening and day work | telephone 668-3592. For personal interview call | * i. BIRTHS AND DEATHS ; - . ing, 225 Simcoe Street South [SRrHTORA Sei "and kicheteatina;| Fer ston corner Rand ate ivan We will pick up ond deliver ' . RELIABLE WOMAN 'tor Tish end chip 9 a.m. day of publication \Cartage ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling,|'rainiess 'steel Kitchen and bar sinks;| 72851404. ES | tractors for winter. overhaul. @ Free uniforms supplied restaurant. Full time, experienced pre- assay! Olay new and used tree. Tas tigis 3. Foley. | sump pumps, pressure systems (and re-|REFRIGERATORS, $24. $12; | ALLIS-CHALMERS - |ferred but will train. en Beg nobl lag for Takia ca ce cee erwin: @ eek |MAN with new two-ton panel truck for|rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. | pairs); fittings, piping, radiators, bollers:|new. smooth -. ton. mattresses, $19.95 : @ Private transportation to the right perso: moos ns or larger--10 a.m. day previous Ss kits; laundry tubs. H. Chinn, Hills-|stoves, $24.95; cribs, $10.95; ew crib| SALES AND your home after. midnight |North. um rge mM. rae Rua- Upholstery | ervic and~Park Road Sourn. Pnotie | 72% mattresses, $9.95; stoves, | $24 95) TV's.) "TREWIN FARM EQUIPMENT Poid vacations after one year | LADIES, Turn your seconieepen CANCELLATIONS AND Dentistry 5-UPHOL: wg Fb he pot my Ni Wd grenhy : |Supply families in Ontario county and SAM DA UBLICATION CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M, _ Dental RSUPROSTERS Ws sugars. Baten [1961 AUSTIN'. Mini" stationwagon, " alsolVaitey' Greek, 16 Bond "sires! seg, ot | wae verings 986-4283 No experience required [Qshawa with famous Rawleigh Products. 9 AM. DAY. MOF P ' * " 4 4 jwanted line equipment, tape recorder! buat ileainndtPtvt chairs ' We furnish full color, display sales helps, Any advertisement cancelled before | Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. Ba aggton ene pd cal dl Reto eyvi or cash adjustment. Telephone 668-2067, | BUYING "OR SELLING furniture or ap BALED OATS and wheat straw. Excel- Extensive training program - |etc, Write Rawleigh, Dept. A-310-PP, 4005 publication will be charged ene day's |For appointment, 728-5171, holstering, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311. ------------ipliances. Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294! tent for bedding or. builders. 25 cents a| provided |Richelleu, St. Henry, Montreal. j Insertion. BIALEK, OR. E. P., Dental Surgeon, | en eg '8--Articles For Sale or 263-2995, |bale, picked up. 40 cents a bale delivered Personal and congenial |EARN $23 WEEKLY plus a free ward- 46 King St. West BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, For ayvled: Bree ch gg ey rie and Fe. ---~- ----~|TYPEWRITER, standard, $2 $25; ¢ portable, Telephone 668-8003. ; ee diti |robe in your spare time. Just show Fash- i appointment, 726-3842 or Res, 720-0441. for recovering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 } $35; adding machine, . $25; 'electric type-|DEAD and crippled farm stock picked | WORE SOnenan we jion Frocks to friends. No i ae 3 na NEW IN OSHAWA jwriter, $40; two total electrical cash T Married ferred | canvassing, experience necessary. Write: to forward repie,t, box numbers" f Dressmaking Chores Sita, 72-7212, ELNA Sewing Machine register, $75. 723-4434. Telestone er Hane PB its 'apie piecing sid |North American Fashion Frocks, Ltd., _ 1B beget Blin grad we "possible, |e ' ----|€ alas and Service SALE [THREE ROOMS of fur B50. Wo|Licence "4-C-4e. |3425 Industrial Bivd., Dept. W-1793, Mont-| A LOCAL INDUSTRY we accept no liability in respect of |ALT! RAT' ms pant ae mending 5 down: payment, $15 monthly at HonestlRoDNEY OATS and baled gals straw. | Must be pleasant, courteous |'e4! 39% Quebec. : ieee, or Gammene _silaged $0 arise.) Mt oer ey Sea, erm meee upermatics and Automatics |cat's, 424 King West, 728-9191. Telephone 728-3893, | and enthusiastic and | BABYSITTER required for two pre-school requires en through either failure or delay in for- : oc Bef. Y B A Up to $100 Off! se pees 3 ANE a es ea Pen RE és 18 5 f |children, to live in, Whitby, Telephone warding such replies, however caused '| DRESSMAKING -- Suits, coals; dresses efore You Buy CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE -- coffee etween 18 to 35 years o y _ "i 'i 5 Cabinets half-price tables, night tables, chests, rec-room T1P ft: d Li k peste ASSISTANT whethe negligence or otherwise. | alterations, s! : | : | ets an ivestoc age eet Fis Tinian wine be ksatomsite for Specialty. Mrs. fone Whiten saan. Piano or Organ, See WHITE ELNA SEWING CENTRE |bars, etc. Dial 723-5862. FULL TIME clerk for interior decorat POCA. wre o YEROY: Cours: "pert $3. AND UP, 100 geese for sale; also ing paint and wallpaper store. Average replies uncalled. for in 20 days. ALTERATIONS -- repairs, pant cutfing, HEINTZMAN 38 Bond St. West Oshawa |EREE! Furnaces cleaned, adjusted tres, ducks, $3. Christmas pups, large 'and 5731 36-hour, five-day week including three RECEIVER zippers, men's, ladies' and children's purchase from Western Oil Co., 725-1212.| Mall. 668-2067. 728-57 ' Saturdays per month. Some typing and REGULATIONS wear. Dial 728-4213. & Co. Ltd PARTS Ce Ge eed Amal: | BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for an appitude to learn and please the pub- ponsisie for. errors in' advertisements Gardening and Supplies 165 Simcoe $. Oshawa For Wakhars Stoves Gea i gg IB Es training, talking strain. "Apply Mrs. T.| FOR APPOINTMENT: Jive rimess stating age snd 'expurisers| in his lote teens with a mini= submitted otherwise than In writing not ig PP r Devers ves. Gi quality, 424 King Street West, Oshawa, ware SHEPHERS Gan if any. wn Grade 10 a for more than one insertion any "9191. BRS: pups and grown | -- ------ | Ae : a is ition reguires advertisement nor beyond the price |y,-- . "ul TELEPHONE _ 728-292| : ELECTRIC MOTOR | FIREPLACE WOOD, white birch, maple,|0095/ PartSpaniels, four months; part-| ex shan ie Alix: pertains or full time initiative and a a arrer eeu. aime amee Enjoy Yourself GUARANTEED REPAIRS to ll wringer Repair and Exchange joak, Sc oe le ae ee &8-1087. ee ee vey Telephone '942-3583. and stock on experience F t it] - --_- ~ yoeiyay, hs Tanges: Free estimates. Call) OSHAWA APPLIANCE ADDING MACHINES, typewriters, cash-|cozyy RANCH KENNELS, Berman CLERK - MIDDLE-AGED woman to care for three) would be helpful. Address re- The Oshawa Times reserves. the right 728-1742, Bc ese ea liers, duplicators, chequewriters, _ files, } children, two are pre-school age, while : b k fo classify advertising according to SUNFLOWER SEED BAMBOO DRAPES, venetian blinds, can 186 Simcoe S. 728-7535 |desks, chairs. We buy, sell, rent, service) Shepherds, trained grown stock; pups mother works. Harmony Road North area.| Plies stating complete particu- Palominos, Pint foals, Ast 4 its proper classification. WILD BIRD MIX vas awnings, Complete service, free esti-|-- .|and trade, with budget Terms, New and ma wei "| | STENC GRAPHER Telephone 728-3273. lars as'to age, education and of display advertisements| CRACKED CORN ee eee [FABULOUS JANUARY SALE -- now on hn ee SHEPHERD dog, 10 months,| HAIRDRESSER with experience, good] experience to: LB, Bara Yor be '4 held respon- MILLET S. ti ic Si 'i Horn soo; re Dav sg eg tossed - Db. & vaciuns, polihers Re female, reasonable to good home. Tele.| working hours. Apply Riviera . Hairsty!- rvi | ig af eA i chrome|NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re : | " ing, 136 Simcoe South or telephone 728- sible Yormare space, Man "the pay WHEAT dite és id phe SKN ne jchalrs, $2.99 edt corns siitee $119. Wil-|paire to all makes, New hoses, Phone| Phone 725-6990, : a ote g but not oes. i " BOX 128 16M SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv-|50" Furniture, 20 Church Street Jack Lees, 728-6956. CHIHUAHUA puppies. 'Also. biack Minia.| 1ecessarily ; ee | ues = ova eter covet tor ome | BIRD FEEDING STATIONS|ice or calls. Walter Ward, 204 ChestnutiGUNS -- Bought, sold, traded, repaired| BUY AND SELL -- Good Used furniture| {Ure Poodle pups and one five-month-old| MATURE, hea Houseeseeer: three OSHAWA TIMES age Fae of iveriisene "gery Street West, Whitby 668-2563. t Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Str a4 "used furniture | formate Boston Terrier, All pups register-| Apply in person to: days weekly. One _pre-schooler, _ one Traccuracios im any form contained WATER SOFT SALT : 7 dina one Hireet Westsjand appliances. Good's Furniture, | 215 ed. School-age, in Phillip Murray area. Tele- inaccuracies in any form are contained therein, tus, qualifications and salary TO: dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, corner Hotel on these dates for ap- oil, 'Blue Coal" stove, nut, |ANTIQUE OAK dining room suite, nine to f a.m. Apply Mr. Camp- * A downtown office thier odd-jous, @ic, Ajax $4z-0673. 728-9731. Dundas East, Whitby 668-5487, bceeeee Cree J. S. EMMERSON pater ICE SALT sit a Tied, ea Rin, $08, or BAN ontae|KROEHLER. chesterfield set, seclional:|Dttsn one Enocdlale. 'Telcohone T-110r WAITRESS, no experience necessary, af ial A fe condition, . r $ 4 rf te1 -- i7's EASY TO PLACE A SAND DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Ontario 4 or best offer.|mushroom pink, matching chair and con- oh brat Personnel Division the Albany Restaurant under new CAR EER 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|and three widths (match chesterfleld).|training, Palaimg strain. Apply 105 Scott RELIABLE young lady wanted to baby- Call Classified Direct Ho FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Oniario-Land| 2nd appliances. One location only. Pretty) APPlY 461 Masson Street. Sirah; RR Ys Omnewes es GOODYEAR sit two small children, one pre-school age. 4 Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. $KI-DOO Snowmobiles -- Sales and Serv-|DOG TRAINING CLASSES Li OPPORTUNITY TYPEWRITERS, new and rebuilt, stand. fe th (at Olive). Seat 352 Wilson Road thy Pibapaitbetan scone Sawer 5 p.m., 655-4472. -------- |ards, portables, electrics. The ideal gift| SU Ol I lor classes c lt steed & BBE RELIABLE WOMAN to mind one four- os INDEX TO Cooper-Smith TV--Radi o » Repairs |for students, Large stock to choose from.|VACUUM repairs, makes, hoses,| '2 Telephone 723- 9708 TIRE RU R i be Young Man 17-18 4 OS cent, Whitby, 668-4435. ; kins Business thachines, Sales and Ser-|Fieming Vacuum Service, Main Street, 12--Art cles. Wanted CO. (of Canada) LTD. RELIABLE mature woman to mind two| © be trained as manager for ice, le pen evenings. i i on perntsiadsmeensanasenaraies . . CLASSIFICATIONS TV TOWERS - -- EE Pickering. WE. NEED used furniture; appliances: BOWMANVILLE, ONT. pre-schoolers, five days weekly, hours 8 circulation department of refrigerator and heavy duty stove, sec-|ty anything you have. The City ; a7 : i 2--Personal 'e Deliver tional suite with corner table, wall mir- trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street shania ies eee House. No experience neces- rors, elevision table, lamps, S-gallon|Souih, 723-1671 H $--Trallers ECONOMY, AND wick k a --_|13--Articles For Rent S C ET RY Ing January 15, Two children, 5 and 2. 6--Marine Equipment soi ER ees Cc crash wicker rocking chelr, 723219 leery DRESS, torquoiee, alle 101 Te E RETA Telephone 723-4641, extension 325. be prepared to undergo a DELUXE i ints,| Telephone 728-0549. trasti ker; tt irs drapes, two|BABY BUDGIES, all. colors, ready for 4 ts, rasting rocker; two pa pe: D colors, ly fo management. Telephone 725-3433. TIMES ACTION WANT AD SNOW SHOVELS Land Surveyor. Commercial bive prints. 9g 9 phone STRAW 723-3492 PET SUPPLIES Sureayers, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone -- Sponsor: ive In. Five-day week. Telephone after 25-6881 ear-old b Must Ii in. Cr Cres- One year full guarantee. Low prices. Jen-|brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0713 ee te i ee els ellen 16 CELINA St, ARTICLES FOR SALE -- Westinghouse|WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-|radios, TV's. Valley Creek, 16 Bond West, to 5. Phillip Murray area, Telephone 728-| leading Canadian Fublishing 3-Sportsman's Column 723-1 ae 723-2312 HOUSEKEEPER wanted to live in, star-| sary. Chosen applicant must J--Swap and Barter TREE To TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or VN cut | IMPERIAL SHOE STORE -- Just open- fernity dresses, sizes 14-16. Very clean, pei thorough training programme 8--Articles for Sale them down. Free estimates. 725-8118 or| Priced to suit your budget. |®d. Specializing in new shoes. Ladies', good condition. Apply 23 Drew Street. Tables Chairs, Linens, Dish- 18--Male Help Wanted $220 salary whil ini M | < : he Lahaina in u ! . ry ile training, ootarmer's "Column ocala TERMS. ARRANGED |son" South 725-687 Also repairs. 269 Will eGRNITURE -- 3 rooms, new qualily| es Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Wanted Immediately e e Pets and Livestock * = _ SEE - - - ---- furniture, only $299., inc. complete bed- Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal MR. TAYLOR 12--Articies Wanted Janitor Service HUS-SKI Snow machine, Model 600, 10%|room, living room, kitchen ensembles. Wace Men! 16 Whi F ae : ae aaiaes i ee |HP, 35 mph, demonstrater, $5.50. 725-|Pay only $3. wkly. Unbeatable value! ear, Men's Formals, White or real estate dept. of law 723-5051 14--Businéss Opportunities Paar gy he BACKYARD and. base- OSHAWA TV ie bh sin sae _ |Beren's Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $.) Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. office. Must be responsible 15--Employment Wanted ea ee ee SRY, OR FULLER BRUSH PRODUCTS -- We offer|CRIB (large) with mattress) beige baby 16--Agents Wanted Ke 2368. SUPPLY LIMITED monthly specials. Telephone evenings,|buggy; Box boy clothes, size 4. All in SARGEANT'S RENTALS and excellent typist. Short- Preferably experienced in 17--Female Help Wanted ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco TAUNTON RD E 668-6583. oe excellent condition. Telephone 723-5868. 463 Ritson-Rd. S. 725-3338 hand preferred. Salary com- uf Pp 18--Male Help Wanted |nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by wie } Hal . se" i i 19--Male or Female Hetp Wantes [modern machine. Free estimates" wore |SCRAP HARDWOOD ,|30" RANGE and 2i-inch television, both oe B sirag io EXPERIENCED 20--Real Estate for Sal Lorman 728-7736, Just East of Ritson |37.75 single cord. Phone 723-2261 beture|in excellent condition. Telephone 728-1742. WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, |Money To Loan /28- 8180 «|SKATE EXCHANGE -- New and used|motors; six-cylinder, motors; standard, |Ald_ Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 Write Box 12422 | sonable speed. DRAFTSMAN am. or evenings. AUTO PARTS. -- 390, 352, 283 cu. in. V8 reducing machines, sick room sup,lies. 23--Real Estate Wanted I skates. Soild, lay a ayaa sharpen-|automatic transmissions for al! makes, CHAIRS, card and | banquet tabi hurch ing. Cycle Centre, 204 Bond East, 725-6344.| four-speed or dual range; fenders; doors;|aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rentals,. 412 in regular rte 24~Stores Offices and Storage WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at aj__ .| Reply Box 12882 Well paying regular pa Sie-Sores OWtieee. & reasonable rate of interest to consolidate |BOY'S BICYCLE and carrier, two deskjolner body, parts. Chaskavich Auto| Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414. OSHAWA TIMES time job for person capable 26--Apartments for Rent ein ol A crag gal OSHAWA AND WHITBY | | james. radio, one burner hot plate, coffee) oe = . ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred ------ of fine drawin be ~ cn on purpose Providing you are steadily em- jtable, piano, all in good condition, Tele-/ REFRIGERATOR and electric range, two|people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- FULL- TIME waitresses, 3 to 11 p.m. i OSHAWA TIMES se 2%--Room. and Board Faas. and have good credit. Telephone NIGHT SERVICE |phone 728-27 46. |single. beds aquariam with stand. Phone|quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, |; : we iio " 4 to 7 a.m. Transportation ali ' 2--Wanted to Rent |.FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service,| 22-2840. Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking, Reason-| siiqwed, Call The Voyageur, Waverly|BODY MAN wanted. Apply Gannon's Please Write es for Sale 725-8541 or 668- 5830 Repairs to all makes vacuums. Free esti:|CLEARING OUT stock sale, 75 aquaria,| able rates. 728-4315. Road, Bowmanville, 623-3604, Auto Body. 335 Bloor Street. 1 tL Bhai i " da frocks tor 'sale Ika AND SECOND ~siorioagn'" Ga RAF'S Poet ik ork nn Rr oe eee eee MIDDLE-AGED reliable lady to care for| WAITER, experienced for cocktail lounge Box 12597. king, four-burner heavy duty, PRE Een SS ee ae OA OT ASTRA ltwo children, five-day week, afternoons,|and beverage room. Must have good ae emerging Jagreements purchased and sold. Hennick automatic, electric clock and timer. Ex-/RANGE, Kenmore, four-burner, 30-inch Want- Ads Don' Tole to 12, live in or out. Charles - Bruce!references, steady position. Apply Man- Oshawa Times ao Pound ies : sobre Barristers, 31 King Street RADIO & TELEVI SION ce ent Condition. Apply 374 Eulalie Ave.,;Gcod condition, $30. Telephone 728-2907 23-9241 ager, Hotel Lancaster, 27 King Street jEest 723-7232 Apt after 6 p.m. , r 7 -- West, Oshawa, seers: ------ or mr ae TARTAN XPERIENCED bookkeeper to handle a nenenmninetineni i (ANTED or ; eR a """'THOR OAS DRYER, two yenre old, tike| (met They APa\7 [complete set of books to trial balance. EXPERIENCED service. giving references and stating |gooa mortgage security, at ® percent/All work guaranteed, $11 Dean Avenue.|type burner, timer on oven. Good condi-|mew. $150. {Owner moving' to apariment| --S wt ae J i Apply Wilson Furnilure, 20 Cini eijpauiced. cS. wile de times oveileble. interest. After §& telephone 728-0194. Telephone 725-0500, jtlon. Telephone 725-2548, reason for selling.) Telephone 723-9241, : \Street, 723-3211. Pm. to Mr, "Enns, "Genosha mensurate with capacity.

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