é ed By JOSEPH MacSWEEN LONDON (CP) -- Arnold Smith, Commonwealth secre- tary-general, was scheduled to leave for Lagos today to pre- pare for next week's special Commonwealth meeting on Rhodesia. The 50-year-old Canadian head of the new Commonwealth secretariat said Tuesday his communications with various governments indicate the meet- ing is regarded as 'extremely important." The conference in the Niger- fan capital will be the first prime ministers' meeting ar- ranged by Smith's secretariat, which was set up last summer at the last regular meeting of the Commonwealth heads of government. Smith, who makes his head- quarters in London, has been engaged in preliminary prepar- ations and soundings ever since the conference was proposed last month by Nigeria's prime) minister, Sir Abubakar Tafawa}) Balewa, at a time of sharp di-| visions over the Rhodesian ques-| tion. | Reports from Salisbury now) indicate that the Rhodesian) rebel regime is feeling the pinch) of sanctions more sharply than at any time since it seized in- depeijence from Britain Nov. ll GANCTIONS ARE KEY The effectiveness of the sanc- tions--including an oil embargo --were regarded as the crux of the matter. Fears. were ex- pressed at a recent meeting of the 36-nation Organization of To Set Up African Unity that Britain was not seriously attempting to de- stroy the Rhodesian unconstitu- tional government. Smith and Nigerian authori- ties expect some 18 of the 22 Commonwealth governments to be represented, a dozen of them by their heads of government. Smith held talks Tuesday with Prime Minister Wilson and Commonwealth Relations Sec- retary Arthur Bottomley, whose permanent secretary, Sir Sa- ville Garner, flew to Lagos Tuesday. Wilson's delay in making an) announcement as to whether he will attend the conference was seen by some observers as aris- ing partly from his involvement in the Viet Nam peace efforts. The word in diplomatic circles has been that Wilson would at- tend but no confirmation was) yet forthcoming. It was thought} he gvanted to learn how many other premiers would attend and also to learn whether they felt Britain's sanctions were| shaking the Rhodesian regime. India's Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri and Pakistan's President Ayub Khan cannot at-| tend since they are trying to establish peace between their | own two countries at the Rus-| sian conference in Tashkent. But India, at least, is sending) a minister. | The most outspoken critic of} the conference has been Tan-| zania"s President Julius Nyer-| ere, who said it would result} only in empty argument in| which his country would not be} represented. OHSC Role Is Destructive | To Labor Relations: Board TORONTO (CP)--A_provin-| elal arbitration board has} termed the role of the Ontario Hospital Services Commission as destructive in contract nego- tlations between hospitals and) unions and unsettling to an ar-| bitration board. The board, under Prof. Harry | Arthurs of Osgoode Hall law) school, said in an award made ag Tuesday that by control- ig hospital budgets, the com- mission could make a sham of! Disputes between hospitals and unions that are not re- solved by direct bargaining and conciliation must be submitted to arbitration under the Hospi- | tal Labor Disputes Arbitration Act. The board's award says the| commission had advised the| Welland hospital to limit any in- | crease in operating costs to not | more than five per cent. This figure, the board says, deter-| mined the hospital's bargaining | the arbitration precess by Te-/ position in direct negotiations. | fusing to make money available for an award. | On the other hand, it could take a course leading to a wider| The commission had _indi- leated that if an arbitration | {board awarded more than five cent, a supplementary | r gap between unionized and non- budget might be filed by the union hospitals by diverting h funds to hospitals under union contracts at the expense of others. ospital "The role of the commission | is thus destructive of direct bar- The board's comments came| gaining between the parties and in its award in a dispute be-|unsettling in the deliberations | tween Welland County Generaljof this board," the report Hospital and the Building Serv-|Stated. ice Employees International Un- | fon (CLC). It added that unions would be reluctant to accept the plea of & It awarded increases averag-jinability to pay and would ing 12 per cent in a aes | tales their case to arbitration. contract to the 230 hourly-rate employees. The hospital board had offered 11 per cent across} two years. Average earnings when t old contract expired in April, But if the: commission re- fused to assist a hospital in |meeting the costs of an arbi- he|tration award the process of| arbitration would become a} 1965, ranged from $200 to $300/Sham, it added. a month. The new contract,| This would place the com- which includes increased sick/mission in the position of de- leave and nine statutory holi-|termining the level of wages days instead of eight, is retro-| when it approved the hospital's active to last April. | budget. Canada Coldest At Coasts Mildest, Mellow In Middle By THE CANADIAN PRESS |feted the province during the The Canadian West is frost- bite country today and the East Coast has also been taking pounding from the weather. Winter brought these develop-| ments: New Year holiday weekend. Today's outlook across the a| country was much the same as| Tuesday's. | British Columbians were con-; tinuing to dig out in the south,| but under moderating condi- --At least three persons have) tions, No fresh snow was fore- died since New Year's Day! cast, Nanaimo on Vancouver Is- because of the severe cold in/janq already has had about 45] the West; linches and Vancouver more --The Prairies are in a deep|than 27 this season. | freeze; Prairie people again can ex- --Hospitals in Vancouver and| pect the thermometer to seem Victoria faced a serious blood| frozen at well below zero. The shortage Tuesday as six|struggle Tuesday for warmth in) inches more snow. clogged|33- below - zero temperatures! streets and kept donors away;| caused record power and near-| --Howling winds in the wake record natural gas consumption | of a snowstorm that closed airports at Fredericton and Saint John, N.B., made driv- in Edmonton. Red Deer, Alta., was to hit | 40 below before sunrise today. | ing in the Maritimes treach-| But that's warm compared with/ erous Tuesday and drove a|the 67 below Tuesday at Snag, Russian ship against rocks off}56 below at Watson Lake and} eastern Prince Edward Is-|49 below at Whitehorse in the land. Yukon About the only people enjoy- | ing the weather are the folks | who live in Ontario and Quebec | -- the = in some parts of| the West where schools gave an extended Christmas vacation) Sparetime Income | because of snow or severe cold. |p Maniicct"™t, ",,stekine,,ceuiahle I While much of Ontario is un-| sceounts. Ne selling, 4 to 6 hours | uae the south wasn't! pesetaur cna me cake Clear skies Tuesday in Que- WRITS MR. ROY bec displaced the snow and BOX D13 freezing rain storms that buf-/ OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! take advontage of it! 24 hour ser- vice; ond radio dispatched trucks al- ways on the reody to serve you, Fue! Oi! Budget Plan available, EL oIL NOW IS THE TIME TO CONVERT AND CALL 'McLAUGHLIN ! 723-3481 vcs. COAL & SUPPLIES AUAMS) ONTARIO'S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS . .. over 50 Stores to Serve You SALE STARTS TODAY. Our new manager is a tiger and is planning great things for his customers. His first sale is a shining example, Furniture, furnishings and appliances have been drastically reduced and must he cleared. Come in soon and meet the King of Savings. NO MONEY DOWN, UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY We finance our own credit enabling us to give special consideration to cases of unforeseen hardship. JUST A FEW OF THE MANY LOW, LOW PRICED BARGAINS! 7 Pc. KITCHEN SET Large 36" x 60" ar- borite table with 6 .00 contour shaped chairs. Reg. $129.95 5 Pc. BRIDGE SET Consisting of card table and four chairs - slightly .95 marked, Reg. $21.95 ... FLEETWOOD STEREO AM / FM - stereo with t - iescmiaael » VV 0 \ 4 speed stereo automatic record changer walnut finish. To Clear . . Qa ue SPACE SAVER Covered in expanded vinyl turquoise colour padded with polyfoam slightly marked. To Clear. 3 Pc. BEDROOM Consisting of large 9 Drawer chest and panel bed, 95 choice of walnut . or silver mink fin- ish. Clearance Price. 9* 3 Pc, BEDROOM SUITE Large triple dress- er, 4 drawer chest 95 end panel bed . slightly marked. Walnut finish. One CRIB OUTFIT Large size 28" x 54" complete with plastic covered mattresses and bumper pad. Clearance Price .... AMS 'Walnut topped arborite 2 Pc. CHESTERFIELD Covered in a hard wearing frieze ¢ov- 00 ering, choice of s color, Clearance Swivel Rocker & Foot Stool 4* HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER With smart design Pe we Orn and appearance. suu Complete with at- tachments, Special . RECLINING With pillow back-cov- ered in expanded vinyl - no - sag spring construction To Clear Tailored in @ washable, jersey - backed expanded grained vinyl, supply him- ited. Clearance Price ... "ur 23" CONSOLE T.V. With 27 tube functions, power 95 transformer and g hand wired chassis With Trade .... 30" ELECTRIC RANGE Fully automatic with lift off oven 95 door and anti-fog s view oven window. Compore at 5 Pc. KITCHEN SUITES 4* toble size 30" x 48" with 4-well podded chairs. Clearance Price. ....... 46" Serta Queen Mattresses 9" BED CHESTERFIELD 2 cushion bed. chest erfield converts to on actual bed that can Quilted with foam top Reg. 79.50 sleep 2-adults in comfort, boucley fabric. Quolity oil spring mattress, Special Wagon Wheel Bunk Beds Oc a Solidly made of kiln drie weed. Sic n r 9 ' ss guard rail and eoil spring mattresses in a heavy ticking. Clearance Price .. 3 Pc. BEDROOM SUITE Consists of double dresser, chest and .00 bookcase bed. Fleetwood Quality 3-Way A 23" T.V. with power transformer chassis, AM / FM 5 radio and stereo . phonograph in wal- nut finish. Clear- ance Price REGENT WRINGER WASHER 9 Lb, tub - this cap- acity makes it the family size washer, 95 satin smooth bakelite @gitator, motor dri- ven pump empties tub quickly. Special REGENT REFRIGERATOR 10 Cu. Ft. modern refrigerator features 95 a full width freezer s section holding '36 Ibs, chiller tray end o dial defrost. Open daily trom 9 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - 23 KING ST. W. TEL. 725-6535 @ WHITBY -- 103 Dundas St. W., Tel 668-2933 ® BOWMANVILLE -- 26 King St. E,. Tel, 623-3908 2 Pc, CHESTERFIELD Modern slim 4-seater styling with beauti- fully designed mould- s ing foam backs wide range of colours to f ¢ Price 2 Pc. DAVENPORT Light brown vinyl covering converts .00 easily into bed, silghtly damaged. 5 Pc. KITCHEN SET One only -- beige orbor- ee Se ar Ite top table --- chrome Poe) finish ond 4 - matching choirs. Clearance Price .. SCATTER MATS 27" x 54" 3.99 ELECTRIC KITCHEN CLOCK 5.95 METAL IRONING BOARDS -- 6.95 BOOKCASE BEDS 4/6 19.95 TABLE LAMP & SHADE 3.95 VISCOSE BLANKETS 4,49 CHILDS ROCKERS 14.95 HASSOCKS 7.95 34-PC. CUTLERY -- 6.95 COFFEE PERCOLATOR 13,95 SMOKER STANDS 9.95 CONTINENTAL BEDS Full 39" width with smooth top mattress in a high 95 grade damask ticking mat- 4 PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Smith-Corono make. touch selector -- two color rib- 50 bon integrated carrying ao cose -- Ofice size key- board, Clearance price . . ching box spring, hardwood OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TILL 9 pm.