THE OSHAWA TIMES, | 22, 1968} | 4 ee 3 Oi edi Vid f\aDaee I FAAR enEfIAI & ri | | rwww oF eer arn a ae Hl ete Ny [} AVAILABLE ONLY AT DOMINION a A Divison ofthe 5. 5. Krenge Compe it 4N THE K-MART PLAZA aE: a 4 Ae { RS SEE * orp Ci l = {my SS eESTORES= OPERATED BY N.Y. DEFENCEMAN s DRUG SPARTA G. TAMBLYN LTD. 128-6651 i Harry Howell has been a ; | defenceman with New York ) Rangers since 1952. He play- ed junior hockey in Guelph, P Ont., before going to Cinn- j cinati. 8 yn , ee i { av 'ONLY ay 2h od réa Yl ge : = Y AT O¢ MINION Club Scores GIFTS FOR THE x Colts o low sents witine The winners and high scores in the games played last week by the members of the Oshawa, Oshawa Golf, Brooklin and Gen- eral Motors Duplicate Bridge & - } q : Clubs were: 4 : _ oe Sneaky Pete OSHAWA CLUB x 3 2 seman , Wackey Wabbit ie e Turkeys BP Kaniel 139; Jack Patter| CHANEL NO. 5 be ar Soapy Sam hile JN aii i ea ae . P. Kandel, 132; Jack Patter- . : t gon, Bill Cox, 124. Mr. and Mrs. ay . Bronco Bill Bubble , : R. B. Davis; Mr. and Mrs. H. The famous name in perfumes and Tig'rrr! Bath Sachet ... OVER = g I SHULTON LITTLE 18 a pound and worth it 4 NOVELTY SOAPS LADY 7 3 ] ee) _ ONLY AT DOMINION 'Golden Deluxe oven-ready 16; ich d. Barker, 116; R and E 20-Ibs. March, 113. : Picture Set East - West -- Ed Coles, R. : Eau De Cologne : Morris, 139; Kay Hunter, H. P - 75 '10 00 : é' e : Winter, 133; Belty Pilkey, C. To ° Circus Time Bank 10 to Cooke, 122; Miss Georgie Bovay, 9 - : 14-Ibs Mrs. Wm. Heron, 115; Gwen Spray Cologne ae Containing Bubble Bath, Widden, Aileen Hart, 113 P Y g writs Section B ; : '4 25 + 6 25 North - South -- Jim and Dave e e Brady, 125; John Miller, 122; Mrs. M. R. Clarke, 122;. Mrs. 4 Perfume H. B. James, Mrs. F. J. Rundle, $ 120; Mrs. James Timmins, L. 5. 25 '13. 50 Peel, 114; Mrs. G. A. Rundle, i on : , SHULTON MAX FACTOR Mrs. E. M. Culp, 113. i ' si@ies a East - West -- Mr. and Mrs. diron S j E. Jeffries, 137; Mrs. E. H. ree Ole OLD SPICE ignalure : f hound Webster, Mrs. John MacLean, 4 CA ' ' . 130; Mrs. Smyth and Mrs. The ideal gift for men! , 4 Neal, 116; Audrey Francis, a | - Cm Nie Seovelo 4.19 Wy "orion" i Sausage There will be a game Dec. 27 ' : tion 434-02. . G Ag | a : $2.75 Meat ¢ if Maple Leaf c North - South -- Art Little, MGpESS : A. R. Garrett, 135; Mr. and ' % 9Vy-oz...... Ue COLOGNE Mrs. E. Henry, 133; Frank Bur- A j : LB. PKG. rows, P. Fletcher, 122; Mrs. H. ¥ $2.95 Bd ak A P. Hart, Mrs. F. J. Rundle, 117; f , ' rere Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson, 115. 4 : mee 4 Old Spice "Lime" Af- East and West -- Mrs. H. ; 4 mr ter Shave Lotion. GIFT SET Lapp, Mrs. James McCansh, ; ue Cologne and After 162; Mrs. P.. J. Smith, Mrs, ; 1 25 ? 50 Shove Lotion Freeborn, 128; Mr. and Mrs; E. : " i ae H. Armstrong, 125; Mr, and Ben 2 Mrs. P. Chubb, 124; Mr. and = $5.70 Mrs. G. Reed, 110. BROOKLIN se North - South -- Bill Cox, Mar- aa : 208 j c vin Clarke, 139.5; Mrs. E ; : ' re N J. J. Buchanan, 14: Mrs. R| ave FABERGE AVAILABLE ONLY AT_ DOMES Morris, John Miller, 121; Mrs. ' is s . James Timmins, Mrs. Wm. Her- W lk + oni COLOGNE ungeaten A Holiday Must East - West -- E. P. Coles, F. A. Coles, 138; Mrs. M. R. Extraordinaire -- Aphrodesia -- Flambeow Razor Blades Clarke, Mrs. K. Marden, 135; , --Woodhue -- Tigress? Ge" ig ) ' ' Mrs. E. R. Drew, Mrs. S. Sheri- § a Stainless steel with A DOMINO a 126; ho J. Heron, Jack 2 $2 25 es es super sword edge to "Go atterson, 124.5. ow ' } longer! ' There will be a game Dec. 22 J , ae emul C GINGER and Dec. 29 as usual. ; Twosome Set $2.75 ne \ BRYLCREEM and Mrs, Marvin Clarke, 66; M é E. J. Wadsworth, Mrs. R. Mor- j Threesome Set $3.75 , e HAIRDRESSING ris, 62; Mr. Bovay, Mrs. Flem- An _ ideal stocking stuffer! For that ming, 58: Jack Patterson, John TRIPLE SET -- WOOD- well groomed look all day long. Large Miller, 58; Mrs. J. Patterson, d HUE OR TIGRESS ( Tube Mrs. A. Hankinson, 56.5; Rene Niglis, Wm. Caldwell, 56. "Roy Morris, Bill Cox; 70; Mr. NEW SIGNS DON'T WORK YEOVIL, England (CP)--The Somerset accident prevention committee is asking the trans- port minister to alter several Pe ' j Pugh ' new Continental-style symbolic 7 traffic signs. They use color ' codes instead of written instruc- 4 tion, causing confusion among % color-blind people. Moccasin vamp Oxford with @ pin- ae " ; " tucked vamp stitch, There is @ . \ three month guarantee on the fli . % " soles! Available in black ond an- | m a " . ¥ 5 tique brown in sizes 8% to 3. . avorites_ soys BOOT An MEN'S ] B 0 0 T§ r : Durable 2-eyelet boot with a plain i KFORD 2 f vamp, "Mocco Crocco" quarter, pin- SHOF a. @) Nags? seal sole and cube heel. Sizes 312 to dire 6 in black, i ¢ ford, : y plang ndsomely styled, one-oyet ae 3 --AND--- i @ of 4 quorter grir facing ot eee i é ir in . 4 x or 10/8" cube bas: Come - Domino Fresh r 1 oN ' . ip i @ in sizes 672 * = ; Frozen FoR ok ~~ , ORANGE " Black Pate sides, red p, yeu with high fron re re heels! Sizes' gy MiCOt foam backer 2% and bow, eup ) UICE ~~ : 9% to 4, cked lining, and i outs on 5 G 0 ¢ K . tli Princess : --FROM-- wy 64-02. MODEL is | | : iit SHOE STORE Saute ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY-BETWEEN OSHAWA & WHITBY sriscceseaa'™