2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Beeember 22, 1965 | F ! ® } Ambassador Paul Tremblay as n 1et am ar of Canada said the only method teste, . of achieving reunification of Ko- rea was through a free election f * '= bd a3 | See ee ik i "-Provinces- Quiet 4 Se emraresr eT : Mars UN Session's End... Un edical Care 4 ? RTE Roy sam ~ ithe United Samos cr As-) anes ik ola es mre ; . 7. Pe is 7 -scale federal-pro- {sembly concluded 'its 20it se § of escalating the Vietliar contributors. The U ted "diplomatic relations OTTAWA tigen rg ae Prepon jsion early today after a U.S.- Nam war, using toxic sub-|States pays 31.91 per coat 'ise: and boycott trade with. Portuc per still is waiting to|vincial c ae | |Soviet clash on Viet Nam| stances and stepping up "'sa-|sia 14 ie neni 3 and: ce gal ear officially whether the prov-jnew year, possibly etween | orion j , es toms ' Jan- senate ; inces will go ahead with medi-| Prime Minister Pearson and jmarred its closin its closing hours. jvage bombings. ada 3.17 Canada, the United States - s | " 4 -------= | Chief U.S. delegate Arthur J Fanf nalle and Britain voted against the ee a eee } if) Goldberg called the charges un- PP hecie previan a Pan resolution, France abstained. ffer t ql half ti t {fi-| The federal offer to pay ha warranted and unfounded. financial and militar . pietet y T mR " : 4 a er e costs, offf | the cost was based On provincial | les ly "in clash followed approval ig intervene effectively and, ee cidls said Tuesday. |government programs mecting| resolution calling on all' swiftly in nat and vor of the resolution. | The provinces had originally ae principles. ; | s said they would tell Ottawa by) si plans would have| ; 7 ~ "aut thé tataetal aftaire ot DEBATE KOREA eBU the end mete singh to meet costs of all physicians] is 'Spot' u e | other nations, either directly or hers ala ead fesiud Wiials REBUILD OLD FORT Bi greg rso didn yr ri ervices, except such frills " : A by subversion and terrorism. over the Korean question yh COTFAU-LAN DING, Que, : "lcosmetic surgery. They would : ; |The vote was 109 to 0. Britain the closin h (CP)--The remains of an old ee we be cies have to be ay ailable to virtually sees rank Check abstained. angie British fort, uncovered this sum- tore "Health Minister Mac-| every resident. They would i This proposal, originally ad- The UN. finally approved amer at Coteau du Lac historic Eachen as he moves this week | Have to be administered by om om ; : | By PETER BUCKLEY | vanced by the Soviet Union, was| U.S.-backed resolution, co-spon- site, are to be preserved, Re- inte his new portfolio from the | Province or by a non-profit) ve, | LONDON (CP)--Just A iGne 'aimed at U.S. policies in Viet | sored by 11 other countries in-|sources Minister Arthur Laing fice department agency designated by the prov- |i " ; Meet gig gol Sicha oS ae |Nam and the Dominican Repub- on ing Canada, that urged the said the foundations will be re- pee ince, Benefits would have to be / | ake a bit of the edge from|jic. The references to subver- UN to continue its efforts to- paired by masons. The fort was Federal planners want to rovable from one province to : the pre-Christmas cheer at the) sign were written in by Western ward reunification of North and built about 1775 to guard a river know as early as possible how ther: Me leorner pub, the British govern-| ciipporte Goldberg said South Korea to comply with UN|route and w mahy provinces will be involved any ment announced Tue sday it is | suppor ae Pace " objec tives. pe 2 Bs SAX ee : : ° a ~ortainty. if , . B . PCLIVE. ar ¢ 1812, so they can make financial and One uncertainty is the final ' lihntia to beui tandom Yoad: the Broposa) had backfired on of B12, legislative plans for the parlia- cost to the federal treasury. The pee . J side checks to cut dow y j 208 edical care insu- ae n on : mentary session' opening Jan. Oe oes tatuaaee ie July at ; : ; drunken driving. ASKS FOR PRAYERS 'WEATHER FORECAST 18 , . «. about $600,000,000 a vear of | Transport Minister Tom Fra- In closing the session, Assem sulad evatlatis tow natienel ber which Ottawa 'would pay half B vk} i Co tabled a white paper in the, bly President-Amintore Fanfani y ana al ba- ¥ ? : Oe eae é 3 " . Pie Commons that proposes legisla-| of Italy referred briefly to the I ( ] , ; Waa s fi : $14 Pp apita ig j ' 3 f 3 c : sis by July 1, 1967, as proposed Thus roughly per caf ms. % : ' if ee | tion to be introduced early next Southeast Asia conflict and ap- wo ou y ' arm ays > io ao i ¢ lecic. would come from the federal by Ottawa, a good deal of legis tea caiy | year pealed for prayers for an early lative and administrative work 3 j ae ee , ae 4 | It provides for retur : ; ' if return to peace » by . ver ; now is regarded ) 5 : I I j vin te Cietienis. as Pig iy tein One patent : ' Bly paca '. ePaper peso dg gear Page ood He hanks 0 South prov al g é eis ' i pie : lice patrols, using simple East-West harmony in the final ' 4 riiine ex ay e iv soe able " : lie tt , 7 BY geutie Monge pital top gd pepe ihe ven gh cos: 'i ' 2 Fae rae Hh Re i I to check whether meeting when the assembly ap ronnie ee : ; orable reaction last July to the will be adopted by provincial * Gr" ae eiveks Dave heen Orinking proved by acclamation & reso JRONTO (CP) --Forecast|Peterborough . 38 be ninbinta wilt be tre Ileges of physicians and"sur- . oe" . ' x --ILegal means of compelling lution calling on Communist issued by the weather office at}Kingston .... : 38 Ser an Goastite estion OnE tt tae bs oportion of these 3 re: z : rei tobe 'Drought to @- po and pe ommunist nations of id tee Trenton s Commitments fromthe prov- fees provincial programs will : 4 Re we ey asation for further more Europe to intensify their ef Synopsis: A slow warming Trenton ss... inces to do so probably _will cover i é orthodox, sobriety tests if the forts o improve reciprocal re- trend is expected during the Killaloe ... preliminary test raises lations next 48 hours as a ridge of high Muskoka ., aa RETIRING - AFTER 25 YEARS AT OGH goupe In the final hours, the Soviet pressure now centred ever east- dl taal \ standard measurement Union abstained on the vote ap-,ern Ontario drifts slowly east vie on 't @ 00 omp acent Retiring after 25 years' night's hospital board meet- ford joined the hospital staff for impairment based on. proving the world organization's and the circulation shifts to the Harlton ..... service to the Oshawa Gen- ing Mrs. Telford was pre- in 1945. For a time she was a blood-alcohol level recom-) $121,567,420 budget for 1966, and southwest. Sault Ste. Marie.. eral Hospital is Mrs. George sented with a cheque by hospital superintendent. She mended by the British Med- warned that it would not pay its Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Ni- Kapuskasing . Telford. the' hospital's Di- T. Kelso Creighton, a QC was appointed Director of ical Association 'genenements for half - a - dozen agara, Lake Ontario, Lake: Hu- White River... . = 7 . pe oF ; On Space-Peril: Scientists rector of Nursing At last board niember Mrs el Nursing in 1953 There were immediate objec- items including interest on UN ron, Haliburton, Killaloe, Geor Moosonee .. ciara tions to the proposals from bonds and UN 38 in Ko- gian Bay, Windsor, London, Timmins ..+..++++ missions in Ko TORONTO (CP T U Dr. Walt H. Johnson, dire H iy ied whose members rea. Toronto, Hamilton, North Bay, , "O )-- Two ni . Walter ohnson, 1 would be most affected - " 2 Sudbury, Timagami: Variable Ca a "A . ar 3 9 -searce "'e 'EST ie : hs ee pang of os medical sci- _ Pe pai michigan Tue ae ong-Kong Denie S | eril wi Er QUESTION MOVE cloudiness and a little milder to- entists warne against 'com- at the vers 8a psdz "he Police Federation, whose "g ay Thurs / lacency about future space that although U.S. astronauts 80.000 fees ' De / day and Thursday. Winds light i n ' : 'eap "pole ae 4 Hg : eee ; f members would have to j south to. southwest flight hazards as astro- have'not so far perienced ver- enforce the new measures, is- Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie ig? ae a and sam s ree or Wego as orbi . I eren § l S ce- c. = sued a. statement questioning ; White River, Cochrane: Cloudy ; pvell Tuesday reported on flight, they have done so 1 the effectiveness of the. pro- Es a t e y their highly successful 14-day some flight simulation experi- e : posed legislation. 'at a ime A whueaiy. "i Fopsad oy srbital flight around the earth. ments on the 'ground. Russian HONG KONG (AP) -- Hong, "As a result of these allega-jcither the Chamber of Com a8 a 5 Ha a m Ls sday. Winds south to south- r l al € eal 1 1 ' e > > . . y a p E Ireland, professor space men, it was ecently re-|Kong hit back on.two fronts to-jtions, tests have already been merce or the colonial govern hats 1¢ ep poigod Bo i ; ¥ west 10 to 15. p E r ssor.s ¢ I } rytesn fea . ' ' ter) Shieh 4 \ } rin vile ss vat e shortage of polcemen F " n and head of the department of vealed, have done so in orbit, Mmght ag zains complaints tnaticarried out on certein products men 0 ask both Parliament in Britain: is 20.000." ' Forecast Temperatures sor ig g ' sts areland these have proved that the and Britain's press council to # mpology. stressec hat ade a A ae _ some Hong Kong produc han bbe ° Low tonight, hi ; otolaryngology, stressed The problem will become|) .aith hazards particular items were harm-|invest » what many here t he British Automobile Asso- ght, high Thursday: ; he Hinde . the sensitivity of the human in- much more immediate and se- i 9 mpaion against ciation approved of the idea of| Windsor: wascisvses Fe ner ear is such that, under cer-/fious when any space ship or, The government department see a campaign against) drunken driving, but ob: St. Thomas...+0+. 25 tain conditions, a single earth-orbiting laboratory » gof commerce and industry an Other sources said a. group ofj/Hong Kong products in one or 'aphae gar iene ds . {London 25 a Sinzie earth-orbiting labore or : Ge busi > < > » for in swenane? c o the "crude methods' ¢ MY a : : é y nie ? > usinessmen is pressing for|more English newspapers | Kite thoughtless movement of the prolonged flight is made to ro nounced jt had found no evid F u i to he used in. the random| g hi Kitchener ...ceoce 25 } c CHE head could be fatal tate to provide a small degree /ence of contamination in plastic checks. And the Royal Automo-|§ Mount Forest ...... 22 | Y This is because 'any head of artificial gravity,' Dr. John drink coolers made here. It said ' 4 ° bile Club denounced the random! y 4 Wingham . 22 | movement not in a plane'of r0-lson said 'i eequid:..ask-atie., details. ol D mond Asks For Clam checks as unjustifiable interfer- § Hamilton 05 or canadian | P ou tation of the space vehicle con- t United States tests which found y ence with the rights of pee 4 i Catharines... 25 LONDON WINERY LIMITEL "A slight inclination of the stitutes the most potent laby- 5 contamination. drinking drivers i= iiss thbon ae 38 4 ; 4 head, even to the small extent rinthine stimulus known, at vooded to glance at an instru-| The chairman of Hong Kong's The level of impairment to be # least so far as the shes wecipion re" ment or to eat, might bring on|General Chamber of Commerce On The Sale Of Ice-Balls established is 80 milligrams of} 7 canals are concerned he said what could prove to be a cata- Said a calculated smear cam alcohol in 100 millilitres of Since these are the body's Or- 4 onhic feeling of vertigo." ' * against Hong Kong pro- blood, which was translated as) § gans of balance, nausea and dis- ' s appeared under way in TORONTO (CP)--Dr. M. B./|balls show a high degree of con usually meaning about 244 pints 'ot of beer or five o' the smal | JOHN SWAN'S HARDWARE rientation result. In a weight The subject of balance under gle sre there have been , orien Eni and, where there ha Dymond, Ontario health minis-|tamination with bacteria in- lesd condition, Dr. Ireland, various flight conditions is one lcomplaints that plastic toys oF h eiollat fe ce a oF: 1 : ssday recommended an testinal origin nglish tots of whisky -- al- e the astronaut might/in which Canadian _ scientists ' ia anid , Tuesday st gin. . : waned, a fom Aone one ere ,|immediate halt in the sale of The coolers tend to leak with though conditions varied with GRADUATING " police station, would automatie- a registered nursing assist- ally be considered to be im-| ant from the Ontario De- paired partment of Health regi Fits! A versity of Toronto information in its ability to duplicate : ; ' ; : r department press re lease tain situations ¢ of this sort and industry said only f0Ur|t halt such sales, are expected! man infection. -- -._--|Hong Kong plants had manu-|tg act on the recommendation 'Persons now using these . wv t is | s have done pioneer research. |, , 1 : 7 pe gen righ i spe kates Apparatus used here, including| with a dangerous lead paint and)y7015 Kong-made novelties for repeated use, he said the individual. Margaret Mary Winters, Cz tus + tree pre a 5 4 " and choke to death ; : Christmas tree lights were cooling drinks Further teats have shown the Anyone found to have more daughter of Mr. and Mrs The views of the two scien- a special centrifuge, 1s believed | serously explosive. Tat f ; apie bing tl that < t. after nyul M. J. Winters, 230 Ni tists' were presented in a Uni- still to be unique in the world ° Medical health officers in the plastic coolers contain "other, (an {ta amount. alter tom A ee) re : ists i f oni The department of commerce province, who have the powerlorganisms associated with hu- sory blood or urine tests at a st » ovill graduate Dec, 29 as factured drink coolers for ex-! 'The novelties are plastic)products should examine them N I t port and that tests of the water | oybes--sold also in the shape of|carefully. If originating in Hong Drivers could not refuse to stered nursing assistants' Fer All Ages ! Be Reporters, ot nterpre ers |supply at all four showed it to) pink elephants, golf balls and| Kong or showing signs of leak- 'ake the test during the random , centre Davenport rd., Tor- be of "drinking water standard! Pi forms--containing water.|age, discard them," the minis- check without "reasonable onto. Miss Winters is a grad- . MELMAC DINNERWARE CORNING WARE SNOW BLOWERS TV TRAYS CARVING SETS RIFLES RODS AND REELS F? COCKTAIL SETS CANISTER SETS POLISHERS . VACUUM CLEANERS --__ KITCHEN SETS POWER TOOLS @ FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT SMALL APPLIANCES @ FIGURINES -- And Many More Gifts Thet Please! with no micro-organisms pres- frozen the cubes are used'ter advised grounds," Fraser said, such as| to. Miss Winters is a grad Pearson e $ ttawa ewsmen ent, The water thus {s pe-\for cooling drinks In Peterborough, the medical |i" the instance of a doctor hur-| uate of O'Neill Collegiate fectly safe The coolers are a definite;health officer, Dr. James An-| 'Ying to an urgent case. Oshawa. OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min-|posed dy the -new and more Drink coolers are hol ow plas-| health hazard, Dr. Dymond said derson, said federal legislation | tie forms--balls or in the shape!in a statement is needed to avoid a recurrence ister Pearson told an audience complex problems of the day ; ; of reporters Tuesday that he He contended that the more|of animals or fish--which are| 'Laboratory examinations of|of items such as the contami- tL | fod eS A }- like to see a reiurn tojimportant Issues of ereevaent| 6! lled with water. They are fro-\the water content. of the ice|nated plastic coo'ers getting @ -- ~ would i ge 1 "good old fashioned straight re-'are not given the attention they|zen inrefrigerators hen | --------_--------_-- into the country porting of the facts' in Ottawa merit. The public could not be|drapped -- into drink to cool '- "a fecl the regulations of the coverage expected tq make good deci them B da Killed Food and Drug Act will have "Too many reporters are be- sions unless it had a clear pic Some 31,000,000 pieces were u y § to. be altered to include such tems as the plastic balls," Dr. coming reviewers," he said. ture of all the facts exported from Hong Kong in "Their stories are becoming an without the facts, 'ignorance 1965, and a la portion went Anderson said. Now, the act ao ; : to the ited States ly covers tests on food and lvsis. rather than an ac-|, i , ; vite the'}te tne United =« heft only cover n ang ' and emotion' would decide the phe department also said two u drugs arriving in Canada P) eevee eevee e2e2828208 count." bi ues of the -d fact ; a than My Mr. Pearson, speaking to# main public 183u ee ay: |factories which made more wan Dr. Anderson said 139 plastic luncheon at the National Press Mr. Pearson said the empha- a0 per cent -of-the-coolers_boiled HAMILTON _(¢ Ronald coolers were seized in Peterbor- | Club of Canada, said the press, Sis in news 'is on "'the pretty the water before putting it into pisin 16, of Middleport, Ont ough, inspected, and found to radio .and television must meet) se nsational stuff which often ex- the coolers and then sterilized| involved in a theft which be contaminated the challenge of responsibility icites more than it informs he coolers after they were! cigimed the life of a friend i ss é ~ |sealed ~,/has been given a suspended Department chemists took 250 ' sentence in magistrate's. court i . lrink coolers at random from.) pjajn pleaded guilty to a MEET THE an factory stocks, ran tests, and charge in connection with a | found none contained contamin-; ' | | ty LY | SPECIALS Cordless Electric Toothbrush.......... 9.95 pee , i T.V. Table and Tray Sets, Reg. 15.95 9.99 4 Cordless Automatic Shoe Brush 3.98 SURE . + 6 wgenee of ay f a bowling " + a pd don national 20d, Water, the report said pi ag irate ms ee 15-Pee, Punch Bowl Set. Reg. 6.95..... 3.87 A. E. King, of Oshawa, was red Jones, an internaliunal Meanwhile, Britain weighed ihe. robbers saxtited 4h ve elected first vice-president of representative of the Ameri- jin with its report that lead THE NEW i : death of Douglas Gilmore, 17, | the Ontario Provincial Cana- «4, Newspaper Guild paint on Hong Kong toys being who police said hid inside the POLAROID LAND CAMERA : Ss ati at its s UJ » ting . dian a oer ie moe sold in the nited Kingdom con bowling alley after closing time cy c. pu Ole Elmer Douglas Pollard a a pee anager te oe He fell 20 feet to his death from New Low Price r Dearhar Adare ge dren who could be expected to 7 - Png ; » prov é and William M. Jack, Osh- a trap door at the base of an in @ected on to the provincial chew on them, Other British re- : : . ' , re | a bt . ave be side fire escape hristm ecial board of directors wens Wu- awa businessmen, have been 'yorts said decorative lights "Police said vendine machines Christmas Sp sd fiam J. Judge, Alen E. King elected to the board of di- from Hong Kong were danger-|,44 4 til] had been rifled of Have you seen it yet? We have 1d George Paterson. rec f Rexdale ine: g a til F and Georg rectors of Rexdale Mines about $32. the SWINGER, the amazing Ad.,. in the respective capa- R. Ross, chairman of the new low-priced Polaroid cam era. It's the camera that "talks" to you -- says YES right in the elected as Chief of the Oshawa director, Danny Nykoluk, of merce, sa dina sc eebinlat es HEAT WITH OIL Gieulinder wned the @xposure General Hospital Medical the Argonaut football team The recent sequence of com- is perfect, It's full of surprises i } } ¥ sé Staff. Dr. R. S. Irwin takes and district sales representa plaints against certain Hong : re) ' And it gives you your black and president, Sec- tive of Millwork and Building Kong products on sale in the DIX N Ss white pictures in 10 seconds. the position of pre i I Supplies of Oshawa, has also United Kingdom suggests a cam IL woe eee Des GIVE HIM A GIFT CERTIFICATE LAST MINUTE SPECIALS Johnny 7 0.M.A. Gun THE IDEAL TOY SECRET 7 | Dr. R. C. Ross has been cities of vice president and (Tong Kong Chamber of Com BES e=02E202 a Lt ft fe ES a8 EE oe 2) om er se # j retary for the new year is Dr. E. M. Culp. been elected to the board paign against the colony the most camera in the world for the price! The granting of letters pal- ° a 313 ALBERT ST. ént of incorporation to Osh- 4 Fresh Christmas NUTS 24-HOUR SERVICE MITCHELL'S b-Contractors Limited, wrieey "pea nship, is an- Delivered to Your Door DRUGS nounced in the current issue AT 10 % SAVINGS 723-4663 © Simeon North Gazette. i i éf The Ontario Gaze ds Glin 6.00, SERVING OSHAWA OVER Open Evenings Till 9 P.M. eo REG. OUR - $0 YEARS e Paral midis gr vated CASHEWS 2.19 PRICE 1.89 Polaroid' @ by Polaroid Corporation | unanimously to support the " ~-- : -- ---- Oshawa Bert Se MIXED NUTS eee tie Patol to Newspaper Guild in er # been Aecutintions for a Call Today ee 725-7151 SPECIAL CHILDREN'S HARDWOOD ROCKER... . 8.49 1.83 | Before you buy any nil gga ele THE GOODIE SHOPPE Piano or Organ meeting of the local held at see ae the Albert st. Steelworkers' | Hall. The membership was addressed on the course of | Why Pay More. et wf 'Mewepaper and employees Dy . AVEti i - GOOD FOOD ON PREMIUM QUALITY i 6' gal, BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH FUEL OIL 12 Neen to 2 P.M. "A MAN'S WORLD" A Name for Fine Clothes Plus thousands of others for children of all ages. Ask anyone, we have the finest selection in Oshawa. FEEL FREE TO BROWSE AT. ager SWAN'S ott u |] HARDWARE DINING ROOM 165-SHMCOE 231% SIMCOE SOUTH : USHAWA- SHOPPING-CENTRE HOTELLANCASTER }- DX FUEL 'OIL Bie a | You N it We've Got It! Smt ware [_SevngGaeen -- Why & in in " SL HEE ly He anediaaeanemaai r Sen OPEN TILL 9 P.M, DAILY DEC, 24th till 6 P.M;