i SRE STA catamaran ee IS EB | LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY JANE ARDEN MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER GRANDMA JULIET JONES Seber ae Pte 7. Dear ar aa ememceename i setilt tlie 1 4e oF, Fes vod PY spe OD TEN PoLaRs ) FoR My SHOPPING \ © King Fectere Spadionta, ine, (963, World rahe nd LAr SES SOS Vr 19a & laur Vou Wave A TEN- COLLAR JT Rit -- COMPARTMENT ! erotic os iN THE SecReT 1 Lek I WONDER WHY q 2) dime 8 | ae A ee » ASECRET % \ COMPARTMENT ) -- af oe Sire ew BUZ SAWYER NO, SIRIT HE HAS ALITTLE ESTATE OF HIS OWN DOES MY SON STILL LIVE IN HIS SON EVERY HE CAN NOW, VERY MODEST IN CLAIMING NO PART OF TH™ REWARD =~ 14 TH BUT HOW ABOUT zenot (C24 ) = Z'M SUPPOSED TO MAKE A SPEECH TODAY ANP 2'M REAL NERVOUS""* ida EVEN THE. BUSIEST OF DADS SHOULD SEE. YEARS, WHETHER RE THE LT ME OR NOT/? 35 1921, AND BEGINS TO ] SURE~ M\ NEVER WOULD HAVE ESCAPED IROUGH THE WOODS IF ZEROS ANIMAL. INSTINCT HADN'T LEP YOU TO SAFETY-- SEX UP THERE AND START TALKING! PUBLIC SPEAKING++6 UNACCUSTOMED AS ZI AM TO SECRET AGENT X9 i King Fests Srmtion ine | | Vib / . A: r i \ 'BEDI! (ei my yd i ea >>) ) "Tag raya a 15 [mit --...- {te BLUENOSE 16 LAUNCHED MARCH 26, ATLANTIC BANKS WITH FISHING NETS. NO VESSEL CAN QUALIFY FOR FISHI " LSO, AT CANAD, QUALIF PLY THE NORTH THIS [TROT So FAST, SENORITA! ) BOW HELPS HER DO BASILY ! tir iN 4 71 = PE S10" ccawine me) © King Postares Syndicate, fan, 1965. Worl i ivtifhte vier ied, BLUENOSE 2, WAN SCHOONERS TO Yp ANDO HER Suen ANGUS AANO ON OCT. 225/921, SKIPPER LTBRS AND HIS BLUENOSE ARE THE MOMENT OF TRUTH F WALT: FOR THE LONE RANGER Pond actions ©1965 Wak World Rig BUT IT WONT HURT SURI IN DONALD DUCK BARREL IN MID-AIR, THE 'THE WINDOW «+ CROSSWORD ACROSS DOWN 1. Lave 1, Roulette 6. Reduces bet 11, Protective garment 12. Dugout . Evident . Feminine noun w \ 6O HE BOUGHT SOME EQUIPMENT... vie NON oe II Qe L « CHAS. KUHN= THE FAMILY 12-22 > THEYRE CAMPING IN IM / di AH! HERB You ARE! Now OPEN UP! YOURE GOING TO 'TAKE YOUR PIL. THIS TIME, GO ON SWALLOW IT! THATS A GOOD AND A $100 REWARD (f » HIN I BROKE MY af { BEADS...DID ANY 5) { OF THEM ROLL THE STAIRS A vn MINUTE AGO oA \ Wh uh = aL \) Avr TALLOF IT), | MISTER? ending Torrid Print measure Frighten Varnish ingredient Black Birthmark Witnesses Arrived English statesman «God of war 13. Barbecue rod 14, Prattle 15. Hewing tool 16. Four, on most holes 17. Toady's word 18, Metric measure 19, French ch gg 21, Tell 23. Kettles PRSOM AH OR $2 ee he 20. 22. dweller Fuegan Indian Malayan people . nativeto Yesterdsy's Answe: Phil, Is, 36, Arabic . Branch letter . Til 38. Jewish . Daughter month of 40. Chill Laban 41, Poem 42, Sandpiper . Flowers +~Macaws 44, Exclama- tion 24. 25. 27. Pass (a law) : 5. Web 6 9 28. French legislative 12 ZA body 29. Mix (4 30, Number of printed lines on apage 31, Upright 33, Verb form 34, Luzon native 37, Tree 38, Man's nickname 39, Savor 41, Whata nose knows 43. Wonder- land girl 44, Maxim 45, Vaults 46, Battle array YOUR HEALTH MD Explains Dear Dr. Molner: What is Grave's disease Has a cure been found for it--R. F. Dear Doctor: About five years ago I had an operation for an overactive thyroid, and part of the 'gland was removed. Now I am having the same trouble. Is it possible for the thyroid to act up again--Mrs. R. B. Grave's disease is a severe form of 'hyperthyroidism (over- active thyroid). It features such symptoms as rapid heart beat, nervousness, prominence of the eyeballs Yes, indeed, there is effective treatment, The method depends on age and other factors. In some instances antithyroid drugs slow down the gland's activity to a suitable rate. In other cases radioactive iodine} does the job. In still others, sur- Grove's Disease By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD gland is preferable. It is possible in some cases for the remaining portion of the thyroid gland to become overac- tive, although this is not by any means the usual experience. When this occurs, further sur- gery or one of the other meth- ods is in order. Dear Dr. Molner: Does drink- ing about three glasses of cold milk a day harm the stomach --V. K. | No, I can't see how three glasses of cold milk could harm you unless (and this is rare) you happen to be allergic to it. And if you ¢ustomarily drink Channet Channel Channel Channel Channel 2--Buftalo 38a 4--Buftale 6--Toronte 7--Buttalo Channel &--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamiltea ee ronan entene a WROnGIeAyY HVE. 5:00 P.M, N--Pamily Theatre =. %--Five O'clock Show -- $--Passport To Adventure 3--Secret Squirrel Lleyd Thaxten 5:30 P.M, S-Leave it Te Beaver 7--Rocketship 7 SMusle Hop there s-Hudson Say 6:00 P.M. 7-<Twitight Theatre 6--City At Chuck Healy 3-Golf 6:20 P.M, News 6:30 P.M. ll--Family Theatre 043--News; Weether t--Dialing Owi 1--Cheyenne 4--Acrese N--Gilligans Island %--Camp Runemuck l\--Topner 63-1 +1 Love 2--Huntley-Brinkiey | Report 7:30 P.M, Green Acres 9--Gidget 63--Virginien 7--Ousle end Harriet 6--The Courriers Sing 4--Chimpanzees 8:00 P.M, N--Special Movie t--My Favorite Merten J--Patty Duke Shew &3--Okay Crackerberry 8: -M. 1l--Merv Griffin Show 9--Movie 7--Gidget 6-3---Festival 4--Beverly Hii!bililes | 9:00 P.M. The Big Valley 8-2--Bob Hope 4--Green Acres 9:30 PLM. 6-3--Festivel 4--Dick Van Dyke } 10:00 P.M. 11--Special +3--I Spy 7--Amos_ Burke Secret Agent | 4--Danny Kaye Show | | 12:00 4--Neen TELEVISION LOG 15 PLM, tahatre Phe +--Viewpoint 11:20 P.M, s4---Lete Show 11:30 PLM, ll--The Saint e |-3--Midweek Theatre 12:30 A.M, li--News; Weather) Sports ean %--Playtime With Uncle Bobby Tek 4--dAlkes Carnivel and Sporte @--Huntley-Brinkley 9:30 1--Ed Allen 4--Gypsy Rose L 2--Dobdle Giilis 7:00 P.M, 1:00 A.M. $-2--Fractured Phrases vanhoe | 10:30 A.M, High |11~Ed Alien %--~Bingo 4-2--Concentration 7--Donna Reed +3--Friendly Giant | 4---The McCoys 10:45 A.M, |4-3--Chez Helene 11:00 A.M, | 11--Mike Douglas | ®-- Mr. And Mrs, |6-4--Morning Star | 7--Supermarket Sweep 63--Butternut Square 4--Andy of Mayberry Hs A.M, | *Summer Fun | &Fields Of Sacrifice 11:20 A.M, |@3--Across Canade 11:30, A.M, | ®--Abracedabre -2--Paradise Bay 4--Dick Van Dyke Show %--Toronto Today O2--Call My Siew 7--Money Movie #--Luncheon Date News B--Pepeye and Pots 12:18 PLM, 4--Speaker of The Hevee 12:30 P.M, 11--Noon Time %--i Love Lucy #2--Let's Play 6-4--Search For Tomorrew btewndey Repart 12:45 P.M, 11--News +4--Guiding L igh Sergeant Bilke &4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M, %--Kids Is People Per Dellere A.M, %--People in Conflict -2--The Doctors 1--A Time For Us 4--Love That Bob 4--Linkletter's Party B-Movie 3:00 P.M. 11--Donna Reed Lucy 0--Fractured Phrases &3--Bonnie Prudden Show 08 --Anether Wertd b43---To Tell The Trvth 3:30 P.M, \l--Funny Company it's Your Move 5 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Se ee Susy, wVewemeet amy tewe By B. JAY BECKER (Top fecord-hoider -- ta Masters' Individual! Championship Pley) North dealer. Both sides vulnerable, NORTH aKI95 99838 Opening lead--king of hearts, Part of the skill in card play consists of causing your oppo- nents to make errors. The more opportunities you create for an adversary to make a mistake, the greater the chance that he will oblige. South is in four spades and West leads a heart, Let's say that declarer ducks the king and takes the queen. He now leads a low spade, West plays low, and dummy wins pith the || jack. Decilarer then plays a low j spade to the queen, East show- ing out, and West takes the ace. but is then out of business be- cause declarer later takes the marked trump finesse against the 10-8 and makes four, Nothing unusual took place, yet the chances are that South would have gone down if West had played a little more shrewd- ly. When declarer leads the low spade towards dummy at trick three, West should play the eight, not the three. East, of course, produces the two. Now place yourself in de- clarer's position and remember that he does not see the East- West cards. His only concern is to avoid losing two trump tricks. This can hardly occur if the spades are divided 3-2. South will therefore take measures to guard against a 4-1 trump break. Having seen the eight appear on the first round of spades, he is likely to think that West's eight is either a singleton or part of a 10-8 doubleton. To cover both cases, and par- ticularly the possibility that East was dealt the A-10-3-2, declarer is likely to lead the king of spades on his next play. This play limits him to one trump loser if East actually has the A-10-3-2. Once South does this, he is a gone goose, West makes two trump tricks and the contract goes down. To play the spade three at trick three presents South with no opportunity whatever to go wrong. The eight is the killer- diller. PUT TRADITION TO WORK PITT MEADOWS, B.C. (CP) The office of fence viewer is being revived in this Fraser Valley community, Three view- ers will settle any disputes over fences that may arise between property-owners. SALLY'S SALLIES &---You Don't Say 7--Superman Show +3--Take +-fdge of Night 3--Kartoon Karnivel 4:00 P.M. Mickey Mouse Club O--The Ahetch Game 7--Early Show Ni--Bonnie Prudden SKATE X-CHANGE or ond His Prone NOON 4:30 PLM, 1l--Atom Ant Sea Hunt t--Harty Show 63--Razzie Dazrie 4--Movie 2--Huckleberry bound histoplasmosis, They both had pneumonia. Our doctor called a lung spe- cialist because one of the chil- dren was slow in responding to treatment.' I don't believe in changing horses in. the middie of the stream but I can't get. my fam- ily off my back. They seem to think I should change doctors land take the children to another | Today we know it is not rare,| hospital 4 Our doctor told us this is a fungus infection and hard to get rid of, and he doesn't want to release the children from the hospital until they are out of that much milk, we can be con- fident that you aren't | Dear Dr. Molner: Two of ad gical removal of part of the)children are in the hospital with danger.--Mrs. I. N. Your doctor is obviously "on the ball."' Histoplasmosis is a/virus, fungus or other organism fungus which invades the'lungs. There is, as yet, very little di jrect treatment for it. The' im- |portant thing is to give the pa- jtient rest and be alert for any |complications, so as to stop |them before they become seri- | ous. Years ago histoplasmosis was| considered a rare but deadly! | disease, because only the severe | jcases were recognized as being |that. but is often 'mistaken (umless known tests are used) for "'flu,"' bronchitis, and tuberculosis. |More severe cases become "pneumonia, because pneu- monia isn't one disease. It is |several diseases, varying ac- |cording to the kind of bacteria, | which is the cause. So this top- lasmosis is a fungus type. You Can Exchange Skates That Are Too Small For A New or Used Pair. WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALE THEIR COST IF IN GOOD CON- DITION. COMPLETE LINE OF HOCKEY EQUIPMENT Hockey Sticks, Pants, Sweaters, Stockings, Shin Pads, etc. STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTAL LTD. 223 King St. W. 723-3224 Mon. to Fri. 8 a.m, to 9 pom. Set. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m, West cashes the jack of hearts, © PR SS A a of