7 4 1 THE OSHAWA TIMES. Wednesday, December Me ed t a [les 1965 _ Lee Your Cre at DUNN'S PILE LINED CAR COATS Suburban' coats in wool melton make warming gifts. Classic or "British Warm" styling. Sizes 36 to 46. 4.95 MEN'S BRAND NAME WHITE OR BLUE DRESS SHIRTS A most popular Christ- mas gift. 3.49 each MEN'S BRAND NAME PYJAMAS Soft, smoothly finished good quality cotton broadcloth Carefully tailored for comfort. Sizes 36 to 46. GIFT BOXED, Spectacular Sole Price, 89 EL AL CO EL 2 BR BH UL NE EE OE OO NU OO LT NO I ROE CLUE PE LS LUNE OOS EOE NEE MO ON EE EE MEN'S DRESSING GOWN Gift boxed. Plains and checks Flannels and wools. Sizes 36 to 46, From 1-99 MEN'S QUALITY GIFTED SPORT SHIRTS Handsome leisure shirts of finely woven, hand washable cotton in stripes, checks and neat pat- terns. S-M-L-XL, GIFT BOXED 3°99 Never-Press PANTS Whaet's all this. talk about permanent press? Not just talk fact! These slacks wash ond wash . . . never need ironing! Come in and see for yourself! FROM Color, black, blue, grey, brown. All styles. 654 to 7%. Be Sure To See Our Authentic Crested SCHOOL JACKETS AND SCHOOL CARDIGANS FROM RUS ae CUFF LINKS AND TIE BAR SETS Gift Boxed, FROM 4.95 (| RPP I MEN'S LEATHER GLOVES Lined, unlined, black, brown, grey. FROM IF IN DOUBT... Give A Gift Certificate from DUNN'S CREW NECK SWEATERS Pullovers and Cardi- gans in grey, blue, beige, brown, black and olive. shades. Sizes 36 to 46. CHRISTMAS SPECIAI 9.95 Available in any: amount you wish to give him. ARROW LEATHER Black, brown and grey. An ideal Christmas Gift. FROM... 1.50 BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS OAT A NL Tapered to:a ls Vales sizes to 18 in solid colors and neat stripes and patterns, GIFT BOXEL Fe ee EL TLE I NE EIEN NN ONE NO ENE, | LEER MENLO OO EN 2 OE NE BDA Be BeBe Ds BeBe Be Be Bh Pete We carry an outstanding selection to gift him with, PRICED FROM Sle et NEW SHIPMENT ! Men's Suede Front Double Knit CARDIGANS In grey, black, brown-or sizes 36 to 46, Brand name quality. WHAT A GIFT AT 19. 95 beige, ot pile lined. Pied "MEN'S QUILTED SKI ? popular, new Net quilted ski jacket s the slopes or the roads in high style. Orlon @ Topcoat @ Gar Coat or @ Sport Coat FREE With the Purchase of a 2-Pant Suit from 99.00 Pressed for time, pressed fer action, you'll always look well dressed with « pair to spare, That's why our 2-trouser suits double your mileage, deliver « double measure of value. Choose from our wide selection of 2 or 3 button models in fine worsteds, flannels, cheviots, shetionds, tweeds and the important Venetians. Complete range of colors from medium te light shades of blue, brown, grey, block and olive. Sizes 34 te 52 (shorts and tolls included). Bee eS, SUITS Latest styles and shades. Sizes 8-18. FROM 4.88 NO DOWN PAYMENT ° DOWNTOWN STORE 36 KING ST. E. Open to ¥ P.M. Every Nite TwO LOCATIONS CREDIT Straight Iést, Blucher and Mocassin Vamp styles, also slipons, In colors of Black or Brown. 9.99 NECESSARY ! Complete Charge Conveniences OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open to 9 P.M. die +R ie aes, 2 Sree Se Toe