THE OSHAWA TIMES, 4|--Teesdey, December 27, 1965 | I WAS THINKING "{/| | LL 88 THE ONLY MAN Zl : | RIDE ON ANEAD, SENORITA MN @ eict \! |IN THE WORLD WITH J J! A 2 OF Ris Just eoT 3 Socks THAT KEEP 7 | CASEY! TLL TRY TO STOPT --? CARRIED HIS HIPS ae oes ee 1) = Se 1) we ee ase BRIDGE By 6. JAY BECKER {Top -record-hoider ~ in Masters® Individuol Championship Ploy) S King Fomtmrny Rpediionnn, ne (P65, Wytdl riphew com ' S76 East dealer. East-West vulnerable. BUZ SAW TER NORTH © King Features Syndicate, Ine, 1965. Would :/\bte recervind. WELL, EVERY BULLMOOSE YJ --Angus Walters -- COLLECTS SOMETHING /! areas Sint | Oye SYNDICATE OF NOVA SCOT/IANS SHE MEASURES { TELL THE LITTLE NIPPER BULOS"A GREAT NEW FISHING SCHOONER,» FEGT, 'AND every eur vere Sore SHE'S ALSO sae dged peti THE BLUENOSE. HALIFAX DESIGNER INCH A BEAUTY F FAST ENOUGH TO WIN CANADA 9952 J W.J. ROUE TELLS MANAGING OWNER ade wk f THE "8 7 Cd a6 ALTERS... ' i ee : , FROM THE YANKS fF ' 8 barre SOUTH @A95 @KIT @A10743 mhAD The bidding: East South West North Pass INT Pass 3NT Opening lead--six of hearts When you consider' that there are 635,013,559,600 different 13- card hands you can be deali in bridge, it is not at all surprising F that no one is able to bid or 4 AYGHT AT THE WINDOW NOW/ 'Bs Pp Z play all of them correctly. ONE --70 THE GIANTS x > is ' The chances of making a mis- ; és take in any hand dealt at ran- dom are always quite substan- tial, and most players are happy to get by two or three hands: in a row without having done something fairly awful. However, what makes the game really fascinating and a genuine challenge is the fact that most of the mistakes made are of a relatively simple sort which should logically be avoid- ed, but which occur never- ITTLE sti THAT'S A GREAT Z Min : : bye itheless. We LB IS TUE ALL ed HOBBY YOU HAVE : For example, take this hand YOU EVER 904/ re 1 THERE / @ril discreetly follows her onto 4 where South, the declarer, went : 3 ye nti 7 oy wrong. He took the queen of narrow Trail into the jungle hearts with the king, played the tl; ace of clubs followed by the NOW! THE LADY 4 nine, on which West discarded AND THE TIGER» c : "a \a diamond, and how found him- self in real difficulty, Eventual- ly, South wound up going down one. Yet, a _ slight' amount of thought at the start of the hand would have helped him to make the contract, He should have re- alized that the'one outstanding danger he had to protect against was the possibility that East might have four (or five) clubs to the jack. ser WHY, THERE'S NOT] | South should therefore have I WAS USING HIS | " oo . + OLD BEAT. AN ARROW INIT! j i THAT MEAN ME. JONES L EAT -UP fC N | taken steps to deal with this WON'T_GIVE ME BACK CATE FOR, Mh 27 im possibility, since it was impera- MY ARROWS! je --> | ! Ew! tive to keep East out of the Neue sieht SAND "Bs they THAT! A : (AS Py. lead in order to forestall a heart { Cry NOTH LE» _ return through the J-7. He could have arranged to do this quite simply by enering dummy with a diamond at trick two and returning a low club to the nine. The contract would have become a certainty after West followed suit, whether with the jack or a low one. PerelPE CAN DUST cose ANT gt : Oa In the actual case, the safety, |! > oe : or avoidance, play -- whichever THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY SECRET AGENT X9 | @ Ring Poccvee tymen lan MO id salem omerve Distefouted by King Features Syndicate, DONALD DUCK you want to call it -- would have been successful and South would CROSSWORD _| TELEVISION LOG f=" =" AOROSS = 2, Covers a ; Chane! 2--Buttalo | 7--The Fugitive 12:18 Pam . Dismal, for food . i Channel 3--Barrie | 4--CBC Reports 4--Bpeaker of the Moves HOBBY IS WORK . for one 3. Melody TAI i Channel 4¢--Buftale 10:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M, . Iron 4. Coin outcast | frees) Scaunee, &3The Public Eye | i1_Albert J, Steed The main hobby of Secre , Plant 5. Added .Weap- MICE RES Channel 8--Rochester | Chopin Singing Society) 9_ | Love Lucy Agent star Patrick McGoohae te: i Channel 9~Toronto 11:00 P.M. ¥2---Let's Play ; having note: abbr. pied Channel 11--Hamilton 1-9-4-1-6-4-3-2-- News (4 Searc For Tomerrowlis making a full-length amateur fragrant . Introduc- » Spreads [F SME AIG pik NRE Rite ty Weather B-Neoncday movie with his daughter, Gath roots tory grass to EI 15 PAM. | 12:45 P.M. C BR Tw@ewayY eve. | 1--News . Novelist speeches dry : 5:00 P.M. i te ; erine. Marie 7. "Bolero" . Com- B =| | 1\--Hemviy Theetre 'Viewpoint | ¢4-Gu sl Rig S de la --~ composer pass - p | 9--Five O'clock Mevie V--Theatre . Anguish 8. Arabian point Yesterday's Answer vy eablleg hl Aavintire 9--James Beard Show HAD MUSICAL FAMILY . Part of chieftain 30. Comfort z-stingray P Fleer cei Werner Klemperer, Colonel USSR 9, Hunt . Put 36, Ata y N--The Saint | @-Luncheon Date c y : . Stroke . Mounts througha distance M. a thew | g-Meet The Millers Klink of TV's Hogan's Heroes, ports | Summer Carousel is the son of Otto Klemperer, . Attendants 14. Study meena) 37. Italian 7--Rocketship 7 | }--Movie Mike Dougles Shew of a sort . Layer of 3.Mortar . coins Music Hop | 11:40 PLM, 1:30 PLM the internationally-famous con- ductor. JANE ARDEN 7. Above iris beaters 40. Dine Rawhide | %--Pierre Berton | 0--Sergeant Bilke . Reading, 18, In a miss's . Fencing 42. Incidental BOE ah ce Straticne | &4--As The World. Turns for one manner sword expense 7 TwiliOns. Thesir® 12:30_P.M. | , Concealing, 20.Vex 35. Chess cry fund:abbr, Schone apects wih Y oNewacag aie ns Kia 's "Pecos SALLY'S SALLIES ene seamen erent 7--Nurses Hi ala some 1 2 6 9 |I0 solar dh | 4--Password 6:20 P.M. Stdhement OF Moslem Tevet women em oe 2:15 PLM . i 44 6:30 PLM 4--Captain Kengeres | pp Charlotte Newt | ear. Charlotte Bp N--Famiiy Theatre 9:00 A.M. . Blunder Movie No. & 11--Topper 2:29 PM, . Loosen 's 0-42--News) 9--Playtime With Uncie| %--People in Conflict Weather, Sports | B | @#-TRe Doctors - Invite | ater Brinkley | y-Dialing For Dollers | 7-A Time For Us . Opposed to 7--Maverick | With Girl Talk 4--Zane Grey. Theatre windward " | ¢--Acress Conede | 4-Mike's Carnival | ees Party . Inlets ¢ 7:00 P.M; 9:30 A.M. | Movie Plural |11--Daniel Boone 11--Ed Allen 2:00 P.M, 2. : | %--The Littlest Hebe | 9--Meta ending / " | @Blography |g Reteniton 11--Donna Reed NOW IF 1 CAN JUST . Negligent 6--News, Weather, | 4-Gypsy Rose Lee | #--Fractured Phrases ZIP PAST HER HOUSE . Wing Begs jad 2--Doble Gillis #B-Ancther Werle REAL FAST... : . Cochise or Yeu? 10:00 A.M. | 1--@eneral Hoopital Geronimo 3---Gilligan's island Ne Topper cia +43--To Tell The Truth Huntiey- 'ink! Playtime fl ncle | . Kindle Ee eee | ee 3:30 P.M, . Pepper |8-2--Fractured Phrases 1)--Funny Company lant of 7:30 P.M. | 63--Ivanhoe | F 9--Musical Showcase | 4-1 Love Lucy | t-te Your Meve Asia 8 2--My Mother The Cer | Sere Dart ey * 7--Combat | 0:30 A.M, --Superman Show ' pga On The Scene N--Ed Allen +3--Take 30 fescinips. I was sleeping like ¢ pa | 4--The- Nutcracker Ballet a 4--Hdge of Might y until you picked him upJ 3. Shabby | %Hogan's Heroes - iu 2--Kartoon Karnivai + Plume | 08 Pm | 9--Bingo | 4:00 P.M. 11--Movie 8-2--Concentration | #-Mickey Mouse Club DOWN 9--Gomer Pyle 7--Donna Reed | ofeinag : 4-2--Piease Don't Eat The |63--Friendly Glan? | &-The Match @ome | . Soak Daisies 4--The McCoys 7--Early Show | 7 eager rare wipekiet al livdl RE aa &3--Chez Helene &3--Bonnie Prudden Show | 8: PLM. 11:00 A.M, A-Becret Storm : a % | %F-Troop poe : ad 2--Dr. Kildare NM riba re ty B-Rocky and Hie w HES GOT HALF A CAKE ; YOUR HEALTH ToMcnie's , Navy 1-2--Morning Star Priende = EMBARRASSING AS BAD AS OVEREATING. NOW Bergan Ze-Suypermarket sweep | 4:30 PM, ANYONE CAN SEE HE DIDN'T ! || foe F3 %The Wacklest Ship sae mt ue. si eases ga ~HE MADE A ¢ ! EAT THE WHOLE CAKE... 4 (to, | ape j in The Army | gold opp : : .--4+| How To Overcome FY ee nan chet [ances | New and Used MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA 7--F Troop |8-2--Paradise Bay és Coe hagrghanlisn de na Don You Con Exchange Skates That Fear Of Death x l¢a--piek Van Dyke | oT eae en Are Too Small For A New or 4 | | %--~--Toronto Today - A F 4--Petticoat Junction 1-2--Jeopardy | Used Pair. 10:00 P.M. 7--M Mov! si By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD |11-The Mery Griffin. shew | 6--Luncheon' Date WE WILL ALLOW UP TO HALF 14s 4 N ind Weather | ' Ag. Magazine coe ae Pole - 63--Razzie Dazzle Be A aaa IF IN GOOD CON- Dear Dr..Molner: How does|haps it will help Mrs. A. B.'s _ | a person overcome fear of| husband. I think it may. i ennneipanctabenitipiis- death? | More specifically for him,| doctor knew what he was tallee ie dips n hens eign ge COMPLETE LINE OF My husband's fear of it be-| however, are these suggestions.|!"& about! lea' aly ne rey nonid prove gan with palpitafions of the|Any trouble--or supposed trou 5 OFTE ieee tt HOCKEY wpe +h ' 4 i Any ' PP Vege | PILLS OFTEN HARM to be important, various factors heart which he said started) ble--concerning the heart can} Wo 1 would not suggest ask par TAY [AND WOW FoR LOCAL er SGADPEARED about 10 years ago. The doc-fcause anxiety. The- anxiety inl ino pie Teena sare pills mt a st ~ meee EQUIPMENT CURIOUS THA' NOW NEWS.., +-.WHO DIGAPPE; , Wa bd ny rae Csluenea ak : ga laa | 5 8 . and the palpitation. Thyroid ac MAN WHO DOESN'T EVEN | | POLICE IN THE DEVON AREA TAKING WITH HIM tor's checkup showed there is/turn can aggravate the heart)cioh sedatives often are helpful tivity should be checked. Blood Hockey Sticks, P. (ANT TO LIVE---CAN HAVE BEEN ALERTED To THE 's COSTLY PHOTOGRAPHIC nothing wrong, only that he has| s tuation. It becomes a vyicious| in calming the overly tense per:|. iP c ockey Sticks, ants, STILL GET HUNGRY!| | DISAPPEARANCE OF EARL. < t ae EQUIPMENT, THE PROPERTY | | a nervous_condition---The-nervetcircle---and--the--circle needs} 8 Se | pressure, too, What are his hab- Sweat Stocki A CO-FOR j json. but if the nervous spells ESS si . i ' weaters, ockings, DELMONICO; FORMALLY A i - OFTHE MAGAZINE WHICH || Hills he takes don't seem tolto be broken somewhere9 The t its as to smoking, drinking, eat- ; PHOTOGRAPHER. FOR THE : ONCE EMPLOYED HIM é : | , eg wh a | persist (and as a result, the ing? Does he get adequate rest, Shin Pads, etc. WELL-KNOWN ~<-----f stop the palpitation. He gets it) more. he worries, the more his} iniatia ae Ee tronger 7 sinas. A A aE | Snneiders ti ete : oe + palpitation) more or stronger) recreation and exercise? Is he MAGAZINE. VENUS. frequently. heart flutters; the morevit flut-| -oqatives will not necessarily be 24 a s sedatives will not ne S a 3 interested in theatre, cards, Would you advise him to see| ters, the more he worries. ithe answer clubs, hobbies? Or has he let a heart specialist, a psychiatrist Where to break the cir¢ le? Seeing a heart specialist may| himself become so engrossed in| 'or ask his doctor for stronger! For one thing the doctor has/help reassure him--but if hel|his fear of death that he feeds) SHARPENIN nerve pills?--Mrs. A. B. assured him that his heart is| wouldn't believe the first doctor,| his fear by thinking of nothing} G& rar | Every doctor encounters this| healthy, but he refuses to ac-|in spite of the evidence. of 10/else? What are conditions, as) RENTAL LTD. tie thie report: 'Vet he has hadio ee of continued life, why ex-|they may affect his nerves, at problem from time' to time.| cept this repor et he has Haq) ject him to believe another?| home or in his work? 223 King St. W. Some people need. help others| Palpitation for 19 vears. now. tr ' yy 5 EY MUGGS AND SKEETER JULIET JONES ei ba Beate a. vt death cai bepaid nothing has happened. it is|} much more sense to see a psy-}can free himself froin fear of | Mon. to Fei. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. overcome, and | will have more| about' time, for his own peace|chiatrist, and track down the| death. but expert help can make! Set. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. te say about it tomorrow. Per-| of mind, that he decide that theideep-buried tensions or anxie-| the task easier. od